#ALSO please don't take this for me shitting on people who read/write HS perspective
morgana-ren · 3 years
hii! dont answer this if you already have, but i was wondering if you’d ever continue your strade fic or the shigaraki x student fic?(i cant remember which one it was sorry). i know you have a life outside tumblr so im not expecting an update anytime soon, was just wondering! </3
Hello friend! Don’t worry, I don’t mind responding about these stories cause they’re some of my more popular series and I get asked about them a lot! I totally understand <3
I have an answer to why Hell and You (the Strade fic) is so slow to update HERE. It’s not necessarily discontinued but it is unique in a few ways (be sure to mind the warnings.)
As for Vermilion (the Shigaraki x Reader fic), that one is discontinued indefinitely for.. well, that exact reason. It’s Shigaraki x high school student reader, which I’m uncomfortable with for a multitude of reasons. It’s a really long story but basically when I first started watching the show, I didn’t realize they were high school students. I thought they were college kids, and the concept of a big, bad villain becoming totally creepily obsessed with an amateur, weak hero unable to defend herself against him has always been really hot. 
But what’s not hot to me is a grown ass man like Shigaraki becomes sexually infatuated with an underage minor in high school. The fact that I genuinely believe that Shigaraki would not be able to stand anyone quite so young not withstanding, that turns him into a very different kind of villain; one I do not like at all. 
I’ve been graduated for 10 years. I’m 26 years old. Not only do I not have the ability to put myself in the headspace of writing for someone so young (and I write for myself and I don’t relate to high schoolers on any level so it’s very much not enjoyable for me), but I do not want minors to feel comfortable reading my work. I don’t want them to read a piece like Vermilion and go “Yeah! This! I can relate to this! This girl is in High School too!” because I VERY MUCH DO NOT WRITE FOR MINORS. I DO NOT WANT THEM FOLLOWING ME, I DON’T WANT THEM READING MY WORK AND I DO NOT WANT THEM INTERRACTING WITH ME. I feel like it would be a bit weird if I wrote from the perspective of someone being a minor while staunchly demanding that no minors interact with me in the same breath. My work is NSFW and totally inappropriate for them and I want to make sure I take every precaution to keep them the f u c k away from me and my writing.  I’ve had a lot of people give me recommendations about edits I can make to the story to make it more appropriate (Ie making the reader 18 and about to graduate or pretending UA is a college instead) but honestly that’s a lot of work and it feels kinda cheap to me. Plus, like I said, I’m 26 and I don’t want to write for someone as young as 18. There’s a big gap emotionally and mentally between someone 18 and fresh as a daisy and someone my age. When I write, I picture someone my age, and if other folks resonate with that, that’s awesome! But I don’t write for teens or early twenties intentionally. 
Instead I settled on wanting to rewrite it with a baby pro hero with a very hard to control quirk or maybe a foreign hero from another country who came to UA for extra training because it’s world renowned or something, but either way, she would very much be an adult. I am kinda stumped on how to start it though, hence why I haven’t.. eh.. gotten around to it. I’ve literally tried and I just end up staring at the screen going “well fuck, this feels clunky and awful and I hate it” and end up exiting out lmao. 
Anyway, sorry to talk (or write) your ear off, but I don’t want people to think I just got bored and abandoned it (there are actual series I’ve started that I’ve done that with tho lmao) 
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