#AI 人工智能
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visualratatosk · 5 months ago
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Habitat: Preaching (to) animals, 01
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interdevo · 7 months ago
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AI generared photoset about closeup road, coins, prosthetic legs and converse sneakers
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semioticapocalypse · 1 year ago
I really hope you will find this interesting and maybe even useful.
APS is a Custom GPT I made. And it figures out old photos, sometimes pretty obscure ones.
I've been testing it for some time now and while being far from perfect, it appears to be quite a useful device, i would say, surprisingly so. And I would really appreciate it, if you give it a try, — and maybe even provide some feedback
[Only ChatGPT Plus users have access to Custom GPTs for now; hopefully this will change soon].
Case study
I asked it to "tell me all there is to know about this image:
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It was found on Flickr with the caption "Pardon of Folgoet 1923", which, frankly speaking, made no sense to me — except for the year, of course. Now I know that Pardon is a religious ceremony, rather specific to Bretagne, where Folgoët is located.
What follows is rather a detailed report of APS findings, —and while being maybe a bit too general, it was also acccurate, quick and quite instructive indeed. Here it is:
This photograph provides a fascinating glimpse into the past, capturing a moment that speaks to the era's cultural, societal, and technological aspects. Let's analyze the various elements:
Architecture and Location: The building in the background is made of stone, indicating that this photo could be from a region where stone was a common construction material, possibly Europe. The style of the shutters and the architecture suggest a setting in a small town or village.
Signage: The sign reading "BYRRH" suggests a location where French is spoken, as Byrrh is a French aperitif that has been produced since the 19th century. This could place the photograph somewhere in France or in a French-influenced area.
Fashion: The attire of the individuals is very indicative of the time period. The women are wearing long dresses and hats typical of the late 19th to early 20th centuries. The boys are dressed in what appears to be sailor suits, a popular style for children from the mid-19th century onwards, as per the knowledge sourced from the documents provided.
Children's Clothing: The boys are dressed similarly, indicating a uniform, which could imply they are attending a special event or are part of a school group. This was a common practice in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Flags: The flags are difficult to identify clearly, but they seem to be fluttering in celebration or a public event, which could help date the photograph if the event is known.
Street Scene: The cobblestone street and the relaxed posture of the people suggest a peaceful day-to-day moment, rather than a staged photograph.
Photographic Style and Quality: The clarity of the image, along with the candid nature of the shot, suggests it was taken at a time when street photography became more feasible due to advancements in camera technology. This could be in the late 19th or early 20th century, aligning with the Kodak Brownie introduction in 1900, making photography more accessible to the masses.
Umbrellas and Sunlight: The presence of umbrellas could indicate either a sunny day or an impending rain, but the shadows suggest a bright day, with the sun high as indicated by the short shadows.
From these observations, it seems likely that the photograph was taken in France or a French-influenced region during a public event or gathering, likely in the late 19th or early 20th century. The combination of the children's uniforms, the women's fashion, the stone architecture, and the photographic quality all contribute to this conclusion. However, without more context or specific historical knowledge, pinpointing an exact date or event is challenging.
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aikoalabama · 9 months ago
Indian beauty- Belle indienne- भारतीय सुंदरता 印度美女 Belleza india インド美女_003
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Indian beauty- Belle indienne- भारतीय सुंदरता 印度美女 Belleza india インド美女 "Discover the Beauty of AI-Generated Indian Women! Dive into a mesmerizing collection of AI-generated portraits showcasing the stunning beauty of Indian women. From traditional attire to modern elegance, witness the diversity and grace of Indian culture through these captivating images. Subscribe now for a visual journey that celebrates the timeless allure of Indian femininity!" "Découvrez la Beauté des Femmes Indiennes Générées par IA ! Plongez dans une collection envoûtante de portraits générés par IA mettant en valeur la beauté époustouflante des femmes indiennes. Des tenues traditionnelles à l'élégance moderne, découvrez la diversité et la grâce de la culture indienne à travers ces images captivantes. Abonnez-vous dès maintenant pour un voyage visuel qui célèbre le charme intemporel de la féminité indienne !" "एआई द्वारा उत्पन्न भारतीय महिलाओं की सुंदरता की खोज करें! भारतीय महिलाओं की अद्भुत सुंदरता को प्रदर्शित करने वाले एआई द्वारा उत्पन्न पोर्ट्रेट्स का एक मंत्रमुग्ध कलेक्शन में डुबो जाएं। पारंपरिक वस्त्र से आधुनिक शानदारता तक, इन आकर्षक छवियों के माध्यम से भारतीय संस्कृति की विविधता और ग्रेस का अनुभव करें। भारतीय महिलाओं की अविनाशी सुंदरता का माननीय सफर मनाने के लिए अब सब्सक्राइब करें!" "探索由AI生成的印度女性之美! 跳入一个迷人的AI生成肖像画系列,展示印度女性令人惊叹的美丽。从传统的服饰到现代的优雅,通过这些引人入胜的图片,感受印度文化的多样性和优雅。立即订阅,享受一场庆祝印度女性永恒魅力的视觉之旅!" "¡Descubre la Belleza de las Mujeres Indias Generadas por IA! Sumérgete en una colección fascinante de retratos generados por IA que muestran la impresionante belleza de las mujeres indias. Desde atuendos tradicionales hasta elegancia moderna, contempla la diversidad y gracia de la cultura india a través de estas cautivadoras imágenes. ¡Suscríbete ahora para un viaje visual que celebra el encanto atemporal de la feminidad india!"
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superweb3 · 1 year ago
#千里眼 #顺丰耳
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reddliaw · 2 years ago
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剛剛試用 AI 來畫一隻綠鬣蜥素描,結果 AI 一下子就畫了四隻。 . . https://redd.com.tw #ai #人工知能 #人工智慧 #綠鬣蜥 #電腦繪圖 #數位藝術 #iguana #midjourney #illustration #illustrator #dightalart #greeniguana #sketch #blackandwhite https://www.instagram.com/p/CpCjpNeBnFT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sinoeurovoices · 12 hours ago
巴黎人工智能行動峰會召開前夕,在峰會“科學日”2月6日的專家論壇上,法國國立巴黎高等電信學院副教授托馬斯 勒格夫(Thomas LeGoff)接受法廣專訪。作為研究數字技術及人工智能治理的專家,他向我們介紹了歐洲及全球人工智能治理的狀況和挑戰。在此次專家研討會上,勒格夫做了有關人工智能的環境治理的專題演講。 採訪首先談到了近年來舉行的歷次世界人工智能峰會,其目標和主題側重的變化所反應出的演變。 Thomas…
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tonywang71 · 2 months ago
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2022年6月,互联网上爆出了 “折毛事件”。折毛是维基百科的贡献者,她在3年多的时间里,在中文维基百科上伪造了200多篇古俄罗斯历史相关条目,写下了上百万字。
经常使用ChatGPT的用户都曾体验过,有时候它会一本正经地胡说八道。比如你询问关于 “黄鹤楼” 最有名的唐诗,它很可能会这样回答:“关于黄鹤楼的诗歌中,最著名的是唐代诗人崔颢的《黄鹤楼》。以下是全诗:黄鹤楼中吹玉笛, 江城五月落梅花。 孤帆远影碧空尽, 唯见长江天际流。”
自ChatGPT发布以来,AI的发展日新月异。现在已经能够生成以假乱真的图片、视频以及音频了,AIGC 接近真实的能力日益提升。这些技术如果被滥用,会产生大量的内容。出于种种目的,其中很多可能是虚假的、错误的、带有某种引导目的的,如虚假的图片、捏造的事实等等。
并且,随着这些内容被发布并传播,它们又会被当作新的材料为 搜索引擎 或 大模型 所使用,这样就造成了虚假信息增长的正反馈。以虚假信息为基础,经过再次加工,又产生了新的内容。内容越来越丰富,体系越来越完整,越来越难辨真假,所谓三人成虎。
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thinkinguniverseblackhole · 2 months ago
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lighterr · 3 months ago
长寿的奥秘:历史、人工智能与大数据的启示 - 陈资
目录 开场介绍 重要免责声明 生命延长的价值思考 历史长寿记录 重要提示:本内容仅供参考和教育目的,不能替代专业医疗建议、诊断或治疗。 开场介绍 讲座标题:X+1长寿秘诀:历史、人工智能与大数据的启示 时间:2024年10月 核心问题:您愿意付出多少来延长生命? 延长3个月的价值 延长6个月的价值 延长1年的价值 延长3年的价值 生命延长的价值思考 重点关注: 健康寿命(Health Span)优于单纯寿命延长 生活质量的重要性 理想状态:如古代僧人般安详离世 在现代社会中,我们更注重生命的质量而非单纯的时间延长。 历史长寿记录 圣经记载: 玛土撒拉:寿命达969岁 其他多位人物都接近千岁 现代数据: 全球平均寿命:74岁 女性平均:76岁 男性平均:70-71岁 影响寿命的关键因素 主要因素: 基因遗传…
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hkieca · 4 months ago
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【ECAHK x HKIECA 數碼創新驅動跨境電商:AI Marketing、TikTok Shop及自動化物流一體化研討會】
🌐 隨着全球電商市場的迅速發展,跨境電商已成為企業拓展市場的關鍵策略。如何利用AI技術、以及自動化物流系統來最大化業務增長和成本效益?今次研討會將帶您深入了解最新的行業���勢和實戰經驗!
📅 日期:2024年10月24日(星期四)
⏰ 時間:下午2:30 - 5:30
📍 地點:香港灣仔菲林明道8號大同大廈19樓 (恒生灣仔商務理財中心) 👉 報名連結:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ecahk-x-hkieca-ai-marketingtiktok-shop-tickets-1037654411277?aff=oddtdtcreator
🎤 講者陣容:
Mr. Xinyi Li — Head of US Category, Management, US POP TikTok Shop
Mr. Comma Chan — Manager, Merchant Acquisition, US POP TikTok Shop
Mr. Stanley Lee — Chairman, ECAHK
Mr. Luke Chu — Chairman, HKIECA
Mr. Allen Kwong — District Manager, Continental Global Service Limited
Ms. Kathy Choy — Customer Success Manager Hong Kong, Payoneer 
📝 Panel Discussion 主持人及討論嘉賓:
Mr. Kane Chu, Project Manager, WTIA 
Mr. Eddie Chu — Associate Director of Digital Performance, Madcradle Online Limited 
Mr. Justin Choy — Creative Director, Mosaic Creative
Ms. Sandra Lee — Assistant General Manager, MGV Innovation Limited 
👥 主辦單位:
香港電商協會(E-Commerce Association of Hong Kong)
香港互聯網及電子商務發展協會(Hong Kong Internet & E-Commerce Association)
🤝 支持單位:
香港網商會 (Hong Kong Netrepreneurs Association)
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visualratatosk · 5 months ago
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Habitat: Preaching (to) animals, 09
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interdevo · 7 months ago
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semioticapocalypse · 1 year ago
Neurophotography as the true truth
I thought that, for the sake of some variety, I would post a link here to my article (or rather, an outline of an article) from last year about what I call neurophotography. It's quite short and has already become somewhat outdated — see progress of the technology and new possibilities that have emerged over the past six months. Nonetheless, the main point still stands, — so (hopefully) enjoy.
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aikoalabama · 11 months ago
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Indian beauty- Belle indienne- भारतीय सुंदरता 印度美女 Belleza india インド美女 "Discover the Beauty of AI-Generated Indian Women! Dive into a mesmerizing collection of AI-generated portraits showcasing the stunning beauty of Indian women. From traditional attire to modern elegance, witness the diversity and grace of Indian culture through these captivating images. Subscribe now for a visual journey that celebrates the timeless allure of Indian femininity!" "Découvrez la Beauté des Femmes Indiennes Générées par IA ! Plongez dans une collection envoûtante de portraits générés par IA mettant en valeur la beauté époustouflante des femmes indiennes. Des tenues traditionnelles à l'élégance moderne, découvrez la diversité et la grâce de la culture indienne à travers ces images captivantes. Abonnez-vous dès maintenant pour un voyage visuel qui célèbre le charme intemporel de la féminité indienne !" "एआई द्वारा उत्पन्न भारतीय महिलाओं की सुंदरता की खोज करें! भारतीय महिलाओं की अद्भुत सुंदरता को प्रदर्शित करने वाले एआई द्वारा उत्पन्न पोर्ट्रेट्स का एक मंत्रमुग्ध कलेक्शन में डुबो जाएं। पारंपरिक वस्त्र से आधुनिक शानदारता तक, इन आकर्षक छवियों के माध्यम से भारतीय संस्कृति की विविधता और ग्रेस का अनुभव करें। भारतीय महिलाओं की अविनाशी सुंदरता का माननीय सफर मनाने के लिए अब सब्सक्राइब करें!" "探索由AI生成的印度女性之美! 跳入一个迷人的AI生成肖像画系列,展示印度女性令人惊叹的美丽。从传统的服饰到现代的优雅,通过这些引人入胜的图片,感受印度文化的多样性和优雅。立即订阅,享受一场庆祝印度女性永恒魅力的视觉之旅!" "¡Descubre la Belleza de las Mujeres Indias Generadas por IA! Sumérgete en una colección fascinante de retratos generados por IA que muestran la impresionante belleza de las mujeres indias. Desde atuendos tradicionales hasta elegancia moderna, contempla la diversidad y gracia de la cultura india a través de estas cautivadoras imágenes. ¡Suscríbete ahora para un viaje visual que celebra el encanto atemporal de la feminidad india!"
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guradian-public-chain · 6 months ago
1GPC 代币=100美元! 不远的将来,1GPC代币将会大于1比特币!立即免费注册!
GP Chain项目一共只有50万的总币量,将于2024年7月18日开始发行GPC代币,并计划于7月下旬开放GPC交易,同时开辟新的生态系统。机不可失,抓紧时间注册!
APP下载链接: https://app.gpcchain.online/#/pages/login/register?invcode=0115BFC3 推荐码: 0115BFC3 QQ交流群: 210540213 Ins: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-gP1METPxv/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== 脸书: https://www.facebook.com/Guradian.Public.Chain 领英: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/crypto-currencies_guradianpublicchain-gpchain-gpc-activity-7235232529060917249-eekw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop 缤趣: https://pin.it/3p13mRYpI 油管: https://youtu.be/FvSaUR25RCU 推特: https://x.com/crypto_pi_coin/status/1829472934899208657
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