oumiyuki · 3 years
A little bit wet and a little bit too cute
Summary: You-chan gets wet from the rain and Chika is worried and concerned and cannot look away.(Happy Birthday, Chika-chan!! Forgot to share it here XD)
Pairing: ChikaYou
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Words: 1793
Read me at fanfiction.net or AO3 too!
[You POV]
Kaboom. Psshhhhhhh…
Thunder rumbles on after a loud cackle of the lightning ripped through the dark clouds for a second and rain began to pour down.
Uwa..!! Not good, not good, not good!
You was not given much time to think as big fat raindrops were quick to become a sheet of white rain and You was drenched within a minute of running for shelter.
You-chan forecast or the weather news did not mention sudden thunderstorms at all this morning!
The swimmer had good legs and running stamina but the bus stop was still quite the distance from the snack store You was stopping by to grab something before visiting Chika for some assistance in lyric writing after her swim practice.
You lets out a breath as she wiped rainwater off her arms futilely.
“All wet… At least the snacks are safe in their packaging.” You lifts the dripping wet plastic bag full of sweets and snacks with a wry smile, and then another sadder smile at her school bag.
I wonder what time the bus will arrive…
You was planning to stroll back if she was done shopping early in the first place, but now that it started storming out of the blue, she decides to check the bus timing.
And as expected, the estimated time for the next bus was one and a half-hour away.
We’re in the countryside after all, huh!
You laughed to herself and looked back outside the small shelter of the bus shelter – a beautiful white sheet of rain falling from thick dark clouds that have fully blown in, the trees rustling strongly. That’s when You felt the wind too, blowing against her soaking wet uniform and damp arms made the ash-brunette shiver and hug herself.
“It’s cold! Ah…” You looks left and right slowly, a small hope to see someone around but alas, none.
I might freeze out here. Guess there’s only one course of action…
You tightens her school blazer she wrapped around her waist, adjusted her schoolbag on her shoulder, and gripped the plastic bag of yummies before nodding to herself. “Time to run!!!!!”
You dashed out into the rain to get to Chika’s place as fast as her legs could bring her when fighting against the torrential rain. Halfway through though, You could not help but chuckle. Running through the rain is refreshing.
If I didn’t have to worry about the others catching a cold, I’d definitely ask the rest of Aqours to play in the rain with me~
[Chika POV]
“Ahhhh, why isn’t You-chan picking up my calls or answering my texts??” Chika complained aloud, her face was a picture of worry as she looked out her window, seeing and hearing the thunderstorm rage on outside.
“What do I do..?” Chika mumbles as she gripped her phone tighter and she sat tensely on her bed.
You-chan said she will come over today but… It’s raining so heavily right now…
Chika stood up and start pacing the floor, stopping by her balcony to gaze worriedly into the white sheet of rain.
Club practice is definitely over for You-chan… I’m sure she does not have an umbrella too since the weather report said sunny this morning… Ah… What can I do??
Chika paced her room again, staring at her phone for hopefully some replies but there was none. The orangehead threw her arms in the air with a loud helpless cry.
I’m gonna wait at the entrance!!
It did not matter how long Chika had to stand by the inn’s entrance as long as it means one second sooner to make sure her girlfriend made it safely to her side.
It was an additional fifteen minutes of waiting before Chika finally caught sight of You running through the rain towards her.
You-chan!! Ahh she’s okay but--
“YOU-CHAN! MOU! Why didn’t you call me? Why are you running in the rain? You’re all wet. What if you caught a cold? I was worried sick! I kept calling when I noticed the rain but you never picked up. I- I thought… What if…what if something happened… You-chan! H-Hurry inside already. Mou!!”
“Ahh… Chika-chan… I’m sorry, I didn’t want to keep you waiting and I was already wet? So… I’m sorry.” You lowered her head in apology, holding her arm awkwardly and for some warmth at the same time.
Chika’s concern for You was still at the maximum meter but she also realized she raised her voice and made You feel bad so she quickly shook her head and took a quick breath.
Aaahhh, I didn’t mean to make You-chan sad. But… But I was worried.
“You-chan…” Chika murmurs.
You raises her head a little and looked up at Chika with upturned eyes.
Ah… You-chan is kind of pouting too, that’s cute—mm?!
Chika’s breathing hitched when her eyes lowered from You’s sad ocean blue eyes, pouty lips and down to You’s chest which Chika finally realizes again how wet You is and that the rain has caused You’s white uniform to be sticking to her body and…and…!!
Gwaaahhh baby blue- bra- You-chan!!! What are you showing me?? No, no, what are you wearing??? It- It’s a cute one… Gyaaah! No, wait! What am I doing staring at You-chan’s b-b-bra and thinking about wanting to…touch…!!
Chika shakes her head and subconsciously raises her hand to touch You’s arm, sliding it down those cold, wet and toned arms down to You’s hands, intertwining their fingers.
You-chan…I, I want to make sure she’s warm and safe and definitely not let anyone see her like this!
“You-chan!” Chika shouts which shocks the ash-brunette again but before You could say anything, Chika grips her hand tight and pulls You inside. “F-Faster!”
“Ahh, mm. Hold on Chika-chan!” You had to run a little after shrugging off her wet shoes at the entrance.
Now in Chika’s room, the orangehead wastes no time in saying the important things. “Strip.”
“Not ‘eh’, You-chan. Strip! Before you catch a cold. C’mon, I’ll help you.” Chika takes a step closer and had her hands on You’s front, getting to the buttons.
“W-Wait, Chika-chan!”
“I’m not waiting.” Chika had a determined expression as she unbuttoned You’s drenched shirt.
I’ve already waited enough!
“Aahh, Chika-chan!” You whines as she quickly drops her bag and snacks to the floor and tried to hold onto her girlfriend’s hands to stop her. “Wait, wait, wait. You…left the windows open!”
“Win…dows?” Chika looks to the side, seeing the rain pour and the light of Riko’s room behind the curtains. “Oh.”
Chika looks down to see she had two buttons undone from You and she could see the swimmer’s chest raise up and down with each breath, that baby blue bra which looks soft to the touch like what it is holding stares back at Chika. Looking at You’s cute troubled face, Chika swallows. “Oh.”
W-Wouldn’t want Riko-chan seeing this.
The leader of Aqours releases her hold on You’s third button she was about to undo and pitter-pattered over to the window to shut it, pulling her curtains over while she was at it.
“Is this okay?” Chika asks softly as she places her hand back on You’s chest.
Windows closed. You-chan mine.
After five breaths (Chika counted the rise and fall of You’s chest), the mikan-lover whispers, “May I..?”
I want to see more…
You nods small, timid blue hues staring into passionate crimson eyes.
And with the swimmer’s permission, Chika’s hand slowly moves downwards, her fingers brushing past You’s chest and back to the third button… Unbuttoning it and so forth.
You’s cheeks were rosy red by the time Chika was done with all the buttons and Chika helped shrug it off You’s shoulder and arms – successfully stripping You’s top off.
Chika takes a slow and long breath through her nose. Crimson eyes hyper-focused on You’s breasts to the valley which a stray raindrop from the ash-brunette’s hair dripped in between.
Chika stares till You clears her throat. “C-Chika-chan, I thought this is so I won’t catch a cold?”
It was! Is! Aahhh..!
Chika was turning scarlet red like her eyes as her eyes flitted about the room, finding it hard to look her girlfriend in the eye. “I-It is… I just, um, realize that it’ll be better if you took a bath right away…”
I wanted to help you get warm but your bra and breasts distracted me!
You chuckles softly; the movement once again had Chika distracted by You’s ample bosom, leading to Chika’s heart thumping louder in her ears and her cheeks mimicking You’s redness.
“Mm…” You hums thoughtfully, wearing a silly, shy smile. “That’s what I thought too when deciding to run through the rain.”
Chika puffs her cheeks out at You before averting her gaze again. “You should have said so earlier.”
“I tried to but Chika-chan wouldn’t wait…” You looked at Chika with large, watery ocean blues – cute.
What is this. Why is You-chan so cute. Mou!
“Ahhh! Then! C’mon!”
“Whaa- Chika-chan??”
Chika tugs You over to her wardrobe and picks a t-shirt. “Put this on.”
Not gonna let anyone but me see you half-naked!
“O-Oh…” You takes the shirt but does not wear it.
“You-chan?” Chika tilts her head to the side questioningly.
You looks down. “Um…I’ll need that hand.”
Chika looks to their intertwined hands from when Chika pulled You along with her.
Uu… It can’t be helped that I love holding your hand, You-chan!
Chika reluctantly let’s go so the still-wet ash-brunette could put on the nice and dry shirt.
“Here I go.” You verbalizes the action of getting dressed and lifts Chika’s hand after.
You brought Chika’s hand into hers and grins blushingly at her.
Gaaah! You-chan is being romantic cute again!!
Chika puffs her cheeks out once again but holds You’s hand tight, loving the warmth she could share with her dorky girlfriend who would run through the rain to be with her.
“Chika-chan, take me to your bathroom~” You flashes a big smile at Chika who squeezes You’s hand tightly.
Baka You-chan.
Very tightly.
Baka You-chan!
Extra tightly.
“Ah, um, ahh, Chika-chan? My hand… can’t breathe..??” You gave Chika a troubled look as her fingers turn red and redder.
Why are you so charming AND cute??? Mou!! You’re making it hard for me to not just hug and kiss you nonstop!!!
Chika pouted hard at You who did not understand why Chika was gripping her hands so tightly.
Thankfully, when You sneezed, Chika remembers to put her desire to jump her girlfriend to the side first as she prioritized getting her adorable girlfriend fresh and warm again (maybe with a side of cuddling in bed after the bath).
Author Notes
Aaaand, we wish we get bathroom scenes and cuddly scenes and maybe a kissing scene XD But for now…
I love you and your girlfriend ;D hahaha, please keep being the adorable mikan-loving girl you are!
Dear Readers, did you enjoy it~? :D
I hope you did! It was much fun to write it :P hehe~
Leave me a comment if you like! (Grab a mikan from the table while you’re at it ;) I look forward to seeing your love for Chika, ChikaYou and this little story (≧◡≦))
See you next ChikaYou! ^w^7
(Also, there is a picture that inspired this story: https://twitter.com/airmisuzu0920/status/1415081677425049602/photo/1)    
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oishirecipe · 3 years
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Ahhhhhhhh ahhhh ahhh ahh ah aahhh ahhhhh
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