nabaath-areng · 6 years
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
Hi! Loving Yoonmi to death but was wondering if you'd do a buzzfeed thirst tweets and maybe jk visits her on set and has a literal meltdown seeing how the world is simping over his best friend?
glad you love her 🥺 and sure! but i’m gonna make this a what if because hybe wouldn’t let her read thirst tweets on the internet and i’m gonna do more mellowed down tweets because she still isn’t legally an adult in america
setting: hypothetically january 2022
dialogue written in italics is spoken in korean
Buzzfeed Thirst Tweets with BTS Miya
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Miya: Hi everyone! It’s BTS’s Miya, and I’m here on Buzzfeed again! It’s been so long, but I’m here to read your thirst tweets, I guess. Well, let’s dive into it…
*insert logo here*
Miya: I’m actually a little scared, but let’s go
miya can step on me with her huge ass heels and i wouldn’t even be mad
she threw her head back and covered her mouth while laughing
Miya: Do you mean these?
She lifts up her shoes, pastel purple platform heels to show them
Miya: these are a little more formal than my usual shoes, but, hey, 5 inches because I'm 5 '2, I think. And, no, I will not step on you, my shoes would hurt. You can ask my members.
the way our princess dances is always fire you can’t take your eyes off of her
Miya: Thank you! I practice a lot, so it means a lot to me that you think that!
when is the next yoonmi solo? QUEEN IM IN DROUGHT
Miya: Hmm, that’s a secret. I don’t have anything worth releasing as an idol yet, so even I don’t know
no one:
me: but have you seen the way yoonmi smirks when she raps?!?!?!?!?!
Miya: Oh, you mean like this?
she pulled the debby ryan face for a few seconds and you can hear a snort from the background
Miya: Yah! Why are you laughing? I’m cool!
cut to Jungkook poking his head in the frame and waving hi before Yoonmi pushes him off to the side
Miya: He told me he was busy today, why is he here?
one look from yoonmi when she’s in her badass stage persona and i’ll be down on my knees 😫
Miya: Nooooo, guys I’m not some god or form of actual royalty
She looks down at the phone for a few seconds before looking back up
Miya: Please don’t cry, either AAAAAH
kim yoonmi in leather 🥵
Miya: Now that is a thirsty emoji
she laughed
Miya: Should I wear more leather? Change my style? Comment down below
She pointed downwards and laughed with a shrug
Mark lee is so lucky. He can hug and kiss miya any time he wants.
Miya: I mean technically not?
She looks at the camera and raises a finger to start listing points
Miya: We’re both pretty busy, we don’t get to see each other much, and sneaking out is getting harder to do
She stage-whispered the last bit
Miya: But, yeah, he can hug and kiss me whenever he wants, and i wouldn’t say i’m opposed to that…
She looks off the screen and sticks her tongue out
Miya: Jeon Jungkookie is making faces at me from over there
yoonmi would be such a big mess on twitter, hybe, we need it 💳💥💳💥💳💥
she snorts at reading this and covers it with a cough
Miya: oh you’d be surprised. Some of those little “incorrect quotes” or “miya on twitter” threads you have might be accurate
Miya can get it
Miya: Get what?
She looked at the camera with wide, innocent eyes, then laughed and shook her head
Miya: kidding! I know what you mean. I’d rather not, thank you. I maybe an adult in Korea, but I’m still a kid, so, no thank you. Be happy that that one doesn’t understand “get it”
She discretely points to her side where, then the editors put an arrow and jungkook’s name to indicate he was sitting there off camera
istg it’s always so sexy when yoonmi curses
she immediately shushed the camera while looking off towards the side with an innocent smile
Miya: Guys, my manager is here. Don’t let him know that I curse on camera! But, in all honesty, I think it’s okay to curse as an expression so long as you don’t curse at other people
yoonmi: *breathes*
me: mommy? sorry, mommy? Sorry, mommy?
she raised her eyebrow at this and pretended to sigh
Miya: I’m a dog mom, but noooooo don’t call me mommy, please! Thank you
BTS Yoonmi probably has the best proportions I’ve ever seen on a k-idol
Miya: this is a lie! Hi, you might be new here, I’m 157cm tall. 5’2”! Okay, maybe for my height I have decent proportions, but, hey, I’m selling my music, not my looks
She gave a quick finger heart before lighting up
Miya: Thanks for noticing, though! I like to think my gymnastics and jiu jitsu keeps me in shape since I haven’t worked out in a long time
Jungkook *off camera*: Watch your eyes and words, people, she can grapple a man over 185cm tall to the ground and knock him out
then jungkook’s face appeared next to her making her jump in surprise
Jungkook: but that’s if you manage to go through me
She pushed him back to his seat off screen
Miya: moving on!
ok but hear me out: spiderman no way home except they also drag in spidergirl yoonmi. her gymnastics and jiu jitsu would let her pull of the role easily and i just know she’d look good in a bodysuit 👀
she opened her mouth to speak, but jungkook made his way into the frame and began talking
Jungkook: She cried when we watched No Way Home
Miya: Um, bye?
she pushd him off frame with a laugh
Miya: I’m totally down for that! I love marvel movies, and I think it would be a great experience, so… marvel, hit me up!
someone from the staff must have translated the comment for jungkook since his voice appeared again
Jungkook: Why do you want to see my best friend in a bodysuit?
she immediately started reading the next tweet to keep him from freaking out
she was also cut off before she could speak
Jungkook: Noooo, no more! The hyungs and I had mini heart attacks after that, especially with what we saw online
Miya: Maybe someday soon with Hannah unnie and Seri again… Oh! Ari’s an adult now, too! Someday with all four of us
she ignored jungkook’s indignant noises and moved on to the last tweet
the stars, the moon, and the sun aren’t enough to describe how much i love yoonmi and how much love she deserves 🥺
Miya: Aw, this is absolutely lovely! Thank you so much, but you deserve more love than you’re giving me, okay?
she gently put the card down inside her bag
Miya: I’m keeping this one if that’s okay with you
you can hear the staff laughing in the background before she sits up straight and looks at the camera
Miya: Well, that’s been me reading thirst tweets, though I don’t think the last one was a thirst tweet… But it’s been lovely, and I don’t think I’ll ever do this again
she laughed a little along with the staff before gesturing off the screen for someone to join her. jungkook stepped into frame
Miya: It’s been BTS’s Miya and Jungkook
Jungkook: 2, 3, Bang!
Miya: Tan
they both bowed to the camera and started waving as soon as they straightened up
Both: Bye!
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crimsonophelia · 3 years
I came across this blog by pure chance and to say I’m in love with your work would be a COMPLETE understatement <3 If you don’t mind, could I request an imagine involving Diluc and a femme maid reader? The reader has feelings for Diluc, but knowing the consequences of what would happen if she were to even try anything with him, she instead devotes all of her love and care into her work—cooking him extra hearty breakfasts, staying up late well into the night to welcome Diluc home after his duties as the Darknight Hero and to help patch up any wounds he might have acquired, etcetera—entirely unaware of Diluc subconsciously picking up her signs and slowly growing fond of her for it.
It all comes to light when the reader makes a passing comment about being excited to take care of Diluc’s children someday. (“Well, who wouldn’t be excited to take care of their own children?” “...My own children? I was talking about your children, Master Diluc.”) And Diluc promptly ends up struck with the realization that he can see no one else take care of him and his future family better than the reader herself (as his wife, perhaps? 😉)
I apologize if my request was a little specific, feel free to absolutely take any creative liberty with it—just the honor of you writing it would be MORE than enough. Thank you, and I hope you have a truly wonderful day! <3
featuring: diluc x fem!reader
warnings: none
published: april 23 2021
form: imagine
a/n: anon you’re so nice i’m gonna cry TTTT but really, you flatter me, and i also love this request. diluc deserves soft domesticity. i hope you like it, my dear! <3
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mondstadt around windblume festival was always quite busy. the knights were busy setting up the decorations around the favonius headquarters, and all the local businesses were preparing for extra-heavy business during the season.
dawn winery was no exception. the ragnvindr family, led by young master diluc, made lucrative incomes during this time of the year, what with all the young lovers courting one another left and right, feeding the city’s wine, restaurant, and flower businesses. the winery also leveraged its monopoly on mondstadt’s most diverse selection of wines and spirits, and hosted numerous winery and vineyard tours throughout the course of the windblume festival. 
needless to say, the staff and owners of the dawn winery were not short of chores and tasks that needed to be completed in order to prepare for incoming business. you were certainly no exception, as a maid of the winery, and by extension, the ragnvindr estate. 
you were tasked with decorating the interior of the winery with various floral arrangements of what they liked to call “windblumes”, but in reality were just a number of other flowers that vaguely fit the description. the rest of the maids were outdoors, preparing the vineyard for the wine tours and marking which barrels of wine would be made available to visitors on the wine tours.
though you were rather abashed, you hoped that this would be an opportunity to find some time to be alone with master diluc. you would never openly admit to yourself your painful longing you felt for the master of the estate, the beautiful man with the flaming hair. regardless, it was unbecoming of a maid to think such things about her employer. having a roof over your head and a stable income was already more than you could ever ask for.
but you couldn’t help but to feel a certain way whenever the young man occupied the same room as you, his presence so large yet so humble, always conscious of those around him. ever since he was a boy, when you had first met him, he had nothing to offer but kindness.
it was years of him returning to the estate in the ungodly hours of the night, covered in cuts and bruises, in which you patched him up, never asking more than “where does it hurt the most”, during which you fell for him as fast as his bandages turned as bloody red as his silken hair.
it was years of you two sneaking glances at eachother, summers in which you and the maids were out under the sun, counting the season’s harvests, where you would catch diluc’s eyes roaming you and only. and when you met his gaze, he would turn away, bashful as a naughty child, and cheeks dusting a rosy pink, almost as dark as the grapes he so loved to walk amongst.
leaving your memories and returning to your duties, you continued to string up the lanyards of cecilias and lilies across the darkwood of the winery foyer. the flora was indeed, quite pretty, although their lightness did clash a little with the dark and brooding mahogany bookshelves you were pinning them onto. reaching up to try and place some cecilias onto the top shelf, you realized that your fingers could only reach a few inches short of the top. dammit. you would have to go fetch the stepladder from the storage closet.
as you were about to turn around, you noticed an arm from your peripheral vision reach up and place the flower up onto the upoer shelf with ease.
“good afternoon, [y/n]. these decorations look lovely. good work.” flashing you his uncharacteristically warm, familiar grin that he seemed to save only for you, diluc finished stringing up the rest of the lanyard across the parts of the bookshelf he know you would be too short to reach.
“good day, master diluc. you flatter me.” you turned away, ashamed at your own girlish excitement. “i hope your work is going well?” the formalities exchanged between you and diluc had become almost like a secret language, one always being able to effectively distinguish the other’s true feelings, beneath the saccharine emptiness of upper-class etiquette. yet this time you hoped he wouldn’t be able to read the fluttering of your heart through your words.
“hm. quite well, indeed.” the man stepped back from where you were working, and looked at the room, as if assessing every nook and cranny with his usual, critical glare. he wasn’t wearing his usual leather suit and fur jacket. today, the young master donned a sharp, three-piece suit, always neat and pressed. perhaps he was ready to go into the city to take care of winery business.
he looked around the foyer, squinting as if looking for something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“is something the matter, master diluc?” you questioned. did you place the flowers asymmetrically? or perhaps there was too much space between the shelves and the potted cecilias.
“[y/n], do you ever feel like the winery is too empty?”
confused, you shook your head. perhaps now wasnt the time to bring up the emptiness left behind after master ragnvindr, senior, passed away. you always felt for diluc, and master kaeya as well, after their shining light of a father left the world. diluc had never been the same since then—you had caught him looking through childhood photos in the estate library when he thought nobody else was present.
“well”, you started, choosing your words carefully, “when the time comes for master diluc to have a family of his own, the estate might feel a little livelier then. and i would be very excited to nanny the future generation of ragnvindrs as well, if you’ll excuse my preposterousness.”
the man blinked, as if trying to make sense of what you just said. “nanny? dont you mean-“
oh. diluc sensed that he might have made a mistake. but yet, it made such perfect sense. in what universe could he accept [y/n] not being the mother of his children, the pillar keeping both himself and this entire estate afloat? certainly not this one.
the realization dawned upon him, as well as the regrets from years of inaction in his past. he wasn’t about to let someone else slip through his fingers. not again.
“say, [y/n], my dear. how do you feel about going into the city with me tonight? i have some business i need to run and i’d be much obliged if you accompanied me.”
a/n: aaaaah im pretty happy with how this turned out, and i hope you like it too! i wasnt able to go with your prompt word for word, which i hope is okay. the whole time i was literally imagining scenes from downton abbey lolol
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pillsarchive · 3 years
Otto Octavius / Reader - '13 squids' Chptr 1
In which you rip a piece of glass out of the Doctor's arm and he starts to feel things, feel things for a person. Ew, gross, that's never happened before. Maybe he's lost more blood than he thought he did? BAD AT SUMMARY'S _ PLEASE READ.
Authors Note: Its like 12 monkeys except the plot lines aren't similar at all and it's 13 instead of 12 squids instead of monkeys. Im going through my drafts and publishing anything good, I dont have time to think of a better title.
When you moved to new york, you assumed the place would be……well new york. Rats on the street, strange people asking you even stranger questions, the normal everyday weirdness that came along with living in a big city. New york was “quirky”, that’s what everyone kept telling you.
This definitely was not fucking quirky.
You let a string of profanities as you ducked behind the bar counter, the garbage can hurdling through the window of the restaurant barely missing your head. You crawled over to the corner of the counter as fast as you could, curling up into a fetal position and trying to steady your breathing. Hopefully the hard wood would shield you from the fight going on outside, but you doubted it. Heroes and villains brawling on the street was something you’d never get used to. You supposed it was just the way things were now, in the 90s people had portable cd players, now they had iphones. 10 Years ago people had cops, now you had people made of sand and skinny kids in spandex injected with spider DNA. You weren't the type to care about superhero politics, people were fallible and it felt weird to idolize or demonize them based on a handful of chaotic events where no one actually physically there could really fully understand what was going on, flying cars and screaming usually made it hard to pay close attention to things. You just wish they weren't allowed to destroy property. This sucked. Another piece of scrap metal flew over your head and you yelped.
Aaaaah. So that’s who it was. You’d seen spiderman when the fight first began, but you werent sure who he was scuffing with. Otto Octavius, the guy with four metal arms attached to his spine or something. Pretty intimidating. You’d seen videos of him, robbing banks, ripping tank sized holes through government buildings, he’d use his arms for support and just hang there like a ragdoll, smiling and looking at the crowd through his sunglasses. You wondered if he ever walked around anymore. You felt the earth shake and rumble, for metal tentacles gripped the ground and a pair of black boots floated along the top of the restaurant window.
“What doc, you running away? They should start calling you doc bawk bawk baaawk in the papers!”
Jesus, this kid had to work shop his quips.
“If you -” He coughed loudly.
“If you know whats best for you you’ll stay out of my way, spider.”
You cringed into yourself at the sound of his voice. That cough sounds nasty, is he sick?
With that the tentacles scampered away, as did the black boots.
As you sat on the floor and shook you realized the commotion outside was over. No more loud noises. Slowly, you got up off the floor and poked your head out.
Nothing. Just an empty, fucked up street outside.
The lithe figure in the gaudy spandex jumped after the doctor and you crumpled to the floor.
A few tears spilled down your face and you laughed. Loud noises, banging, abrupt movements, it all terrified you. You were jumpy, you didn't know where it came from - luckily most people found it endearing. That or they tried to make you dance purposefully, slamming books closed, yadda yadda. You’d gotten a lot of that in grade school.
After a few minutes you got up and brushed yourself off. Time to clean up. Yaaaaaaay.
You were pissed. If you left the restaurant like this your boss would be angry angry, you could call him but you’d rather not deal with another bout of yelling and loud angry noise tonight, you might actually have a breakdown if anyone else spoke to you or touched you for the rest of the week. After you cleaned the debris off the floor you’d figure out an excuse as to why you didnt want to talk to him unless it was over text. Old people and cell phone etiquette.
You got a rag and wiped all the glass and concrete off of the counter top onto the floor, stacking the barstools ontop of the bar to get them off the floor. Now for the fun part - sweeping. You actually quite enjoyed cleaning most of the time, you found it relaxing to put on your big clunky headphones and dance around the restaurant while you got it sparkling. That’s one of the reasons you’d taken the closing shift - less people, more interesting conversation, more alone time. The bigger broom was kept in the big back storage room, you walked towards the rear of the floor and dug the keys out of your pocket - about to open the door.
That’s when you heard it.
“Ah, ah, good god.” Someone was behind the door. They were in pain.
Immediately you rushed for the first aid kit and the bat your boss kept on the wall (Your boss gave every female employee working alone mandatory “self defense” lessons with the thing, they usually ended with the guy going on tangents about his favorite ball team.)
It was probably someone that had turned into collateral during the fight, hiding in the storage room because it was the only door in the back alley that was open.
…..The only door open.
Your stomach fell. It wasn't open, you remembered locking it right after the delivery guys left. That door was made of metal and hardwood, at least an inch thick, and you knew from experience that it was nearly impossible to break down. Once you’d gotten locked in that storage room for 15 minutes - it was in the dead of winter and you thought you were going to die. You clipped the first aid kit around your lanyard and got ready to swing the bat, whatever was back there was strong as shit and you really didnt want to see what it was. Somewhere in the back of your mind you wondered if your heart was supposed to beat this hard, maybe you were having an attack? Swallowing your fear you quietly unlocked the door and swung it open.
You began to yell out your demands when you realized who it was.
Doctor Octavius.
His blood was all over the floor and he was gripping his shoulder, trying to apply pressure you guessed. His tentacles were cooing and chirping, almost like they were concerned for him. Crying for help.
The baseball bat clattered to the floor.
“Oh Jesus, ok. -”
You kneeled down next to him and the arms hissed at you. The doctor seemed to be fading in and out of consciousness, he just looked at you and blinked, not saying anything. You stood your ground, the arms continued their hissing.
You raised the medical bag in the air.
“I thought you were an intruder, someone trying to rob the storage room. I'm sorry if I scared you, I just want to help. I'm not a professional, but I've been to a few emergency first aid classes. I wont hurt you, I promise, but if you dont let me help he’ll continue to lose blood and he might die. “
You looked the metal arms in their red eyes as you spoke, they seemed to almost understand what you were saying. Maybe they were sentient? Like little robots? One of them cocked their head to the side.
As much as you didnt want to deal with this, you couldn't watch this man die. You didnt know why he robbed banks, stole chemicals and metal, but you assumed he had a good reason for it. He had been a doctor once, well respected, a genius, whatever he was doing had to be right (in his mind at least). No one was completely one thing.
The tentacles seemed to confer amongst themselves, then to your amazement they cleared away from Octavius. One of them nodded towards him and cooed. They were giving you permission.
You paused for a moment and then scrambled closer to the man.
“Otto? Dr. Octavius? Dont fall asleep doctor, you have to stay awake for me okay?” His slumped over form slowly turned to look at you.
“You dont have to talk, just stay awake. Im going to take your coat off to see if I can get a better look at the injury.”
One by one you lifted his limp arms through his jacket and shrugged the leather off of him. Jesus fuck. There was a piece of glass stuck into the top of his arm, it was massive. Nearly half the size of a mug and halfway stuck in. You opened the medical bag and grabbed a sizeable pair of plier grabby things. You did mention you weren't a professional. You sanitized the pliers and looked at him.
“I dont know if you can hear me, but this is going to hurt. Im really sorry.” You turned your gaze to the metal arms moving and wriggling around behind his back.
“Understand that im not doing this because I want to hurt him, when I pull it out I need you to make sure he doesnt kill me, I need you not to kill me, can you do that for me please?” The tentacles chittered and one wiggled up and down, nodding at you in agreement.
You took a deep breath, squeezed the doctors other shoulder lightly, and yanked on the glass with the pliers. It came out smoothly.
Suddenly the doctors eyes turned from half lidded and sleepy to wide and glassy. He moaned in pain and reached for his shoulder, you grabbed his dirty hand before he could touch the wound and guided it to the ground, holding onto it for a moment while you pressed a clean cloth to the cut to stop the bleeding.
“Shhhh, you’ll be okay. It hurts right now, but it will get better. Just pull through for me, I need to stop some of the bleeding, sanitize the wound, and then give you stitches. It wont take long, you’re going to be okay Octavius. Alright?” To your surprise he actually responded. He hissed a quiet “thank you” and squeezed your hand.
You gave a solemn nod.
“I'm sure anyone else in my position would try to do the same.” He flinched when you sanitized the wound, but for the most part he was still. Even while you were giving him sutures he stayed still and looked at the room, or your face. After the offending object had been pulled out of his arm it seemed like the pain was mostly downhill. When you were completely done you realized you had no clue what to do with him. He was a wanted criminal, obviously, that's half the reason you chose the home operation approach, where were you supposed to take the big dude now? To his villain lair where he couldn't reach anyone if he needed help? Did he even have a place to live?
He was mostly conscious at this point, but he still stayed silent.
“So, what now?”
He turned to you, confused.
“What now?”
“Yeah, what now? I assume if you knew how to take care of semi big injuries like that the tentacles, arms, im sorry, they’d know too. They’re smart. I cant leave you here, your tussling with the spider kid kind of totally fucked up the resteraunt and now I have to call my boss - he’d kill you if he found you here -” The doctor chuckled.
“Would he now?” You cracked a small smile.
“He’d give it a good college try. So, that being said there are a few options. I get you a hotel room for a few nights and sneak you in, I take you back to your house - lair - dungeon - whatever and check in on that arm wound once every few days, or……you stay at my place I guess.”
His smirk enduring, he tried to shrug his jacket on.
“NO- “ You put your hand on the leather.
“I dont wanna know what the last time you had that thing cleaned was. If that gets on the wound ,even while it’s dressed, there’s a serious chance you could get a very very gnarly infection.”
He rolled his eyes, but to your relief he put the soiled piece of leather down.
“I was, before my…. Social fall from grace, one of the best scientists in the world. You dont think I know enough to treat an arm wound?”
“Im not saying that, im saying
A: I’ve known a few scientists in my time, when I think of them I dont think ‘personal hygiene, self care, awareness of their needs.’ I know a guy, he’s in college majoring in quantum physics and I once saw him drink cold chocolate ensure for a month straight because he ‘didnt have time for ramen.
B: It would be easier with an extra pair of eyes, you cant see the back part of your own shoulder too well.
C: It would make me feel better. I already have an anxiety thing, if my brain knows there’s a guy somewhere that I stitched up, who may be dead, alive, or dying, ill freak the hell out.”
He sneered.
“I dont need the help of a college student.” “Im not in college. Im a free lance artist. I just go to shows a lot, there’s a really good Oingo Boingo cover band that plays around here, that's how quantum and I met.”
“Even worse. Your practically asking me to babysit you. What makes you think I wont just leave, you cant stop me.” You stared into his deep green eyes and cracked a smile.
“If you wanted to leave you’d already be gone.”
He stayed silent.
“If you dont need my help, that’s fine, ill just see you on your way and go home. I just thought it would be nice if you had someone that could help you when you couldnt help yourself. You’re a grown man, im not forcing you to do anything.”
He looked at you. He was clearly thinking about something, but there were no clues about his answer to your question on his face. He was stoic, his greyish brown hair was fluffy and his skin looked soft despite the wrinkles and marks that peppered it. His glasses were crooked on his nose and…..and he had no……shirt. How you failed to realize this earlier you were not entirely sure - but oh wow. He was a soft man, and his stomach was covered by a metal plate that looked attached to his skin, for the arms you guessed. You wondered if it hurt him, you’d have to inquire more about the arms later. As you looked at his face you realized he was sort of beautiful. Hopefully he did keep in contact, you wanted to ask if you could paint him. A voice derailed your train of thought.
“If I need you, lll find you….”
You watched as he reached out to you and ran his gloved fingers through your long hair, brushing it over your shoulder exposing your name tag.
“Thank you, y/n.”
Telling from the look in his eyes he was being completely genuine. He began to get up when you stopped him.
He looked down at you, smirking, and he pulled a cigar and a lighter out of his pocket.
The air smelled familiar. He smoked clove, the same as you. Yours were herbal cigarettes, though. Non addictive. As attractive as you thought smoking once in a while was, other people begged to differ. You’d saw your own leg off before you doomed yourself to a life of unwanted, unwarranted medical advice and shaming from strangers on the street.
You looked at his arms.
“What should I call them? I’ve been referring to them as tentacles in my head, but that’s just because the papers gave you that nickname. I dont want to offend them.”
He stopped. A look of genuine surprise crossed his face, then he put the mask back on and continued to smirk at you. He processed what you said, and then he laughed.
“Smart, smart girl. Good job, it takes most people a while to realize they’re somewhat sentient. Actuators, that’s what they prefer. Though they dont mind arms either, just not tentacles. They really should ask before they print that sort of thing in the news, i’ve never met a - for lack of a better term - supervillain that likes their nickname. Except the green goblin, but…. You know-”
“He’s just kind of weird, man.”
“Yeah, that.”
The actuators chittered, trying to get the doctors attention. He turned to them briefly, the same look that proud fathers get when they talk to their children crossed his face, then he turned back to you.
“They like you.”
You blinked, and he was gone.
He doesn't hover.
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pokeheadcannons97 · 3 years
hey there! ❤️ Could you do raihan x s/o headcanons where they're just taking care of a bunch of tiny baby dragon pokemon together heh (like maybe they just adopted a bunch of abandoned ones from the nursery LOL) (im thinking they adopted a bunch of small and cute trapinch, goomy, and dreepy heh) thank you 💕💕💕
y'all are THE dragon parents
Raihan has always adored dragon type pokemon, so now that he has a s/o that adores dragon type pokemon as much as he does? It makes his heart swell even more with adoration for you.
You had been contacted by the local nursery to see if you'd be able to foster a few dragon poke eggs from there.
Of course you and Raihan rushed at the opportunity to foster these unborn babies
Raihan went all out and bought heat lamps, and placed them all around the eggs beside your bed. He also went out and got the HEAVIEST and FLUFFIEST blankets he could find.
You checked out books at the Hammerlocke library that were heavy as heck to carry home.
The two of you studied for hours, and it had been a while since Raihan was so interested in reading since his school days. But he was a bit more engrossed than you and it made your heart melt.
You were checking the eggs after you had finished making breakfast that morning and saw one of the three eggs wiggle.
You almost fell straight on your ass and scrambled to shout from the doorway at Raihan.
"AAAAAH Rai!!!! Come here! One of the eggs is moving!"
The rapidly approaching footsteps that got louder and closer met you in the doorway. "Let me see!"
You laughed as Raihan scampered to the eggs and he let out an excited gasp when the same one wiggled again.
A few days later the both of you got woken up from the sound of movement.
Your eyes opened and then widened when you saw all three eggs move in tandem together. When they began to wiggle more furiously you shook Raihan awake.
He looked at you sleepily until he too caught sight of the eggs moving and the two of you were there in an second.
The first one to hatch was a small, orange colored Trapinch. Its eyes still closed and making small sounds as it felt around. Its head hitting your knee and then it blinked up at you before nuzzling into your knee.
You cooed at him and then the second egg started to hatch. From the next egg, a Dreepy. She gave a large yawn and floated in the air a bit. Opening her eyes she met face to face with Raihan and then nuzzled his outstretched arm affectionately.
Raihan felt the smile grow on his face and you let out an audible gush as you held the Trapinch in your arms.
The final egg began to crack, from the last egg a small Goomy emerged. When he opened they're eyes it cowered back a little in apprehension. Eyes darting from both you and Raihan.
"Hey now, it's okay little buddy." Raihan said softly, reaching out his large palm to the pokemon.
The Goomy looked at the hand and then leaned into it and cried softly.
Needless to say you both had a bed full of baby pokemon and lunch that afternoon was very eventful.
You also ended up keeping all three babies and they rule the nest.
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sorry for requesting...again...but I really love your writing! Could I request Kokichi, Kiibo, and Rantaro hcs for reader being pregnant with their kid?
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Typically I don’t do Rantaro, but since my happy spirit is awake, I shall add Rantaro into the list of characters I’ll do. And I have 0 Idea how to write for Kiibo so i’ll have to pass on him sadly, since he’s a robot and all. Sorry!
- Mod Kiibo)
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Kokichi Ouma
“S/O? You okay? You’ve been in there a while.” Knocks came from the door to the other side of the bathroom.  She’d been in there a while..it was honestly concerning. For both parties, man and woman.  Later on within the next 10 minutes of Kokichi waiting to a silent response, and S/O staring at the wall, she stood up, stumbling over to the door. She silently opened it, looking at Kokichi. As silly and childish as he was, that almost seemed to cease immediately as he noted the heartbroken features on her face. “S/O? What’s wrong?! Did someone hurt you? Are you food poisioned?” He rambled on and on, trying to discover why his precious lover was hurt. “..I’m pregnant, Ko.” She whispered softly, gripping onto him.  “Please don’t leave me alone..please..I can’t do this all by myself, Kokichi..” She whimpered, clutching his arms.  Kokichi didn’t seem to reply for the next minute, letting her words seep in. Slowly.  She..was, no is, Pregnant? With HIS kid? Such a though was foreign to him. Sure they did the dirty dance a few times, but he was always so sure to use protection- But he was snapped out of his trance as he heard soft weeps eminating from his sweet darling lover. He shook his head, gently shaking her.  “Shh..shh..Nono, don’t cry, okay? I’m here. I’m not leaving you. Not now, not ever.” He assured, holding her gently. “I’ll be here every step of the way..okay? I love you.” He mumbled. “I love you too, Kokichi.”
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Rantaro Amami:
Rantaro is far from stupid. He’s quite smart, actually. So when he noticed his darling throwing up, having bizarre cravings..he slowly pieced it together.  And he came to this conclusion soon after the 2nd or 3rd time S/O threw up in the wee hours of the morning.  He was very calm and patient, explaining to his s/o that condoms, while 90% effective, may fail. And he suggested that she take a pregnancy test. And that no matter what the result is, Rantaro won’t go anywhere. He loves her, there’s no doubting that. Ever. And so S/O took his advice, and Rantaro was even nice enough to stay in the bathroom and hold her hand whilst they waited.  When the plus emerged from the stick, they tried again, and a third time. Just to make sure. False Positives were a thing; afterall. And each and every time. ‘+’. ‘+’. ‘+’. Positives across the board. “Does this mean..we’re going to be parents, Rantaro?” She asked shakily. “I believe so..But that won’t be so bad, right? A little mini you running around..adorable..” he fawned, holding his lovely gently, kissing her neck and reassuring her that it was all going to be okay. “I love you so much, Rantaro..I’m happy to be able to have this child with you..”  “I love you too. Forever and Always.”
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slashersins · 4 years
Taking jesse cromeans on a date?
Taking jesse cromeans on a date?
“ jesse . you aren’t going to wear your gucci , lois vuton fancy suit on our date . ”
“ it’s versace . ” the electronic voice droned out as jesse leaned against your door frame with a cocked brow . 
“ you’re not gonna wear it . we’re gonna have poor people fun . not rich boy fun . ” you smiled at him , hands on your hip as you looked him over . yep . jesse would stand out way too much . and he already stood out being six foot seven . his figure imposing . an ego that you could taste in the air around him . he seemed just as amused as you were . 
“ we’re going thrifting . you’re gonna look like a bargain bin boyfriend . ” you laughed , only to nearly wheeze when jesse gave you an annoyed look . this was ridiculous . but try as he may he couldn't say no . pushing off the wall he shook his keys at you , telling you it was time to go . you only flashed him a smile .
“ nope . no fancy rich boy car . we’re taking my truck ! ”
“ you’re truck is broken . ” another loud sigh and electronic drawl . such a drama king . 
“ he’s just shy ! he works . and it’s poor people fun . now come on . we’re gonna pop some tags . ”
jesse rolled his eye , sighing and acting dramatic as he put his keys back in his pocket . fine . he’d play your game and do your poor person date . the pure excited smile that spread over your face made it worth his acceptance of defeat . 
he immediately regretted his choice to let you pick the kind of date you were going on today . nearly an hour and a half was spent being used as a mannequin for all the silly outfits you tossed at him . you’re laughter and bright smiles at every poorly put together , too small outfits you put jesse into was the only reason he hadn’t just tugged to outside of the store . 
but finally there was a sweet relief to the torture of being dressed down and up again like a doll . you were happy with him in camo joggers that stopped right at his mid calf . it was supposed to be baggy , but on jesse it fit a bit more snug and low on his hips . somehow you managed to even get jesse into a wife beater and a button up that couldn’t be buttoned shut . he looked ridiculous , not at all put together . jesse hated it . but god you looked so fucking happy seeing him like this . with an exasperated sigh he placed his sunglasses - no , you were not going to make him wear anything but his raybands - he allowed you to drag him out of the store and into your poor excuse for a truck . 
“ what poor person thing are we doing next ? ” his fingers moving lazily over the keys on his phone as he stretched out as much as he could in the cramped cab . you smiled at him , using your elbow to nudge him in the ribs . 
“ we’re going to a pizza and arcade place . ” 
“ pizza and arcade ? like the . . . ” he pauses and then types again , “ dave and busters ? ”
the smile on your face is absolutely wicked as you bounce in your seat . so excited because you know jesse is going to either laugh or toss a fit . “ kinda . yeah . i would say it’s more like a chucky’s cheese . ”
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twordytings · 5 years
Christmas Chronicles
Word Count: 2,148
Ah... Christmas Eve... the day before Christmas but also the most tempting day to peek at presents. Well, maybe just for you.
AN~ MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I don’t even celebrate but I just wanted to give a lil gift for everyone who’s taken the time to follow me, like any of my posts, or just shown any kind of support towards me or my blog. I came into this not expecting even half of the love that I’ve gotten, and I just wanted to say thank you so much. Hope you enjoy the fic:))
It was the morning of Christmas Eve, and all of the Avengers were gathered at the compound to finally take a bit of a break. None of them were planning on celebrating the holidays; it was something they didn’t think was important, not to mention there was never any motivation to celebrate. But being Peter’s best friend and all, you were practically family to all of them, and you were gonna make sure they celebrated Christmas if it was the last thing you did. So, as you sat on the living room couch, snuggled up with a blanket, you had a tender feeling inside of you knowing that all these Christmas decorations and the giant Christmas tree (not to mention the plethora of presents underneath) in the corner of the room were up because of you. Light shining ever so bright into the room making it feel so cozy, even though it was bitterly cold outside.
Natasha came into the room looking confused as ever, “Y/n, have you seen the wrapping paper with all those kittens on it? I’ve been looking everywhere but I can’t find it.” You were so surprised that Natasha, of everybody would be celebrating the holidays, but you weren’t complaining.
“Umm it’s probably in the storage room next to the elevator.”
“Ok thanks!” and she was off.
Just then Steve barged in. “Y/n. Where. Are. The bows. You know, the sticky ones that you can just slap on and call it a day?”
“They’re definitely in the attic.” It was Steve, so of course you had to mess with him a bit.
“Cool. Thanks.” Right about when Steve left, Tony came in. (With his Santa onesie on, of course)
“Let me guess, you either need wrapping paper, bows, or ribbon.”
“Nope. Just a cup of coffee.”
“Thank go-“ just then there was a loud crash.
“Just Steve.” you said with a chuckle.
“Oh ok. For a second there I thought it was someone important.”
You were both laughing your heads off as Steve came in walking heavy like a giant, covered head to toe in dust and debris.
“They weren’t... in... the attic” Steve said with a furious look on his face.
You threw a pillow at him as a form of defense, but obviously he didn’t find it funny since all he did was catch it and throw it beside him. You got another one ready to throw at him but before you could he said, “Throw a pillow at me again and see what happens.” You immediately put your hands up in surrender since you didn’t feel like being attacked at that very moment.
It was about eleven o’clock now and you were snuggled up in your sleeping bag but you weren’t going to sleep just yet. You were staying over at the compound for Christmas this year since your parents were out of town and wouldn’t make it back for Christmas. You were really upset at first but you were happy that you practically had two families: your real parents and the Avengers. You wondered what everyone got you. Could it be a new fluffy blanket? Slippers? A phone? Thinking about about all the possibilities made you extremely impatient, so you thought up a plan. While everyone was sleeping, you’d quietly tiptoe downstairs and give a little peek at what everyone got you. Then, you would go back upstairs as if you’d been sleeping the entire time. Perfect idea, right? Wrong But if you were gonna do it, you didn’t want to do it alone. So of course, being your best friend, you asked Peter to come along for the adventure. “Hey Peter?”
“I’ve articulated a master plan to do something extremely awesome! Are you in?”
“Your gonna look at what everyone got you when they all fall asleep, aren’t you?” You were in awe. How’d he know?
“How’d you know?!”
“You’re kinda my best friend y/n. Sometimes I think I know you too well.”
“Alright well are you in?”
“Nope. You’re gonna have to do your dirty deed without me this time. If anyone finds out we’ll be done for.”
“Awww c’mon. No one’s gonna find out. Please?”
“Goodnight y/n.” Peter said as he ignored your pleas. You’d guessed you had to do it alone this time.
It had been a good hour until you were sure everyone was sleeping. Waiting for the entire compound to be quiet was agonizing, and you obviously weren’t a very patient person considering the fact that you thought up an entire plan to sneak a peek at your Christmas presents. You made sure to bring your phone for its flashlight so that you wouldn’t bump into anything, and so the plan began.
You first very carefully pulled off your sleeping bag to leave Peter’s room and made your way downstairs. As you left his room, you saw that everyone’s doors were closed except for Tony’s, but you weren’t worried since Tony was a pretty heavy sleeper. Little did you know that Tony checks the security cameras every morning, so even if no one saw you now, Tony would find everything out as soon as he woke up.
You made it all the way downstairs to the beautifully lit up tree, and took a look at all of your presents. You were so happy! You’d gotten the best presents including that fluffy blanket and pair of slippers you pondered about receiving. You were satisfied with what you saw so you made your way back upstairs and went straight to sleep, as if nothing had happened.
Christmas morning came and you immediately got up and shook Peter awake. “PETER PETER GET UP! IT’S CHRISTMAS!”
“Ugh just five more minutes!” he said groggily and went back to sleep. Drastic times called for drastic measures so you stood up on his bed and began to jump up and down as crazily as you could so that he would get up.
“Good.” You made your way to Steve’s room and instead of jumping on his bed, you screamed in his ear, which probably wasn’t the best idea. “STEEEEEVE IT’S CHRISTMAAAAAS!”
“AAAAAH- oof.” He had fallen of his bed during your effort to wake him. But he was awake so you put your hands on your hips in satisfaction. You then eventually woke everybody else up including Natasha, Bucky, Clint, Sam, and Bruce and as of now were all brushing their teeth and getting ready for present opening. You were already ready so you hopped downstairs with the biggest grin on your face, knowing that today would be a great day.
You got to the last few steps and saw Tony at the bottom. “Good morning Tony!” you said as you gave him a big hug. Again, he saw what you did last night, and he had most definitely not forgotten.
“Good morning!” he hugged you back. “Did you wanna tell me anything?”
“Uhhh no? What do you mean?” There was no way he could’ve known, or could he have?
“I mean did you wanna talk about how you snuck out of your room in the middle of the night to look at all your presents?” Busted.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” you said innocently as you could with your crossed your arms over your chest.
“Oho really?”
“Hey y/n! Hey Tony! Merry Christmas!” Peter came down to greet you both.
“Merry Christmas Peter! You wouldn’t happen to know about y/n’s little doing last night, would you?” Peter looked at you in total surprise. He was terrible at keeping secrets, and if this one slipped, you didn’t even want to think about what would happen.
“Uhm...” you gave him a serious look. “of course not! I... uh... was... sleeping! Yeah I was really tired and... sleeping.”
“Sorry kid but you’re a terrible liar. And I didn’t even need you to tell me. I looked at the security cameras from last night and they showed me everything.” He had the most evil smile on his face. You silently cursed yourself since you should’ve known he checks the cameras.
“Y/n. You should run.” Peter said seriously. You would thank him for that later since you were in the midst of escaping for your life.
“Get back here!”
“No way! You’re gonna kill me!” you said while running. Tony could’ve easily caught you by now, but he wanted to let you enjoy the upper hand for a little while.
You had now ran around the stair case about five times, through the kitchen once, and almost ran straight into the fireplace at one point. But you knew that Tony catching you was inevitable. You thought running into one of the rooms was the best idea. Maybe you could lock yourself in there and Tony would forget about everything. But just as you thought you were about to get away you ran straight into Steve. “Steve! Help! Tony’s gonna kill me!”
“Well Merry Christmas to you too y/n. What’d you do this time?” Before you could say a word Tony grabbed from behind and threw you over his shoulder.
“Would someone like to explain to me what happened?” Steve said.
“Well, someone...” Tony said as he poked your stomach. “decided to sneak downstairs and peek at her presents last night.”
“Y/N!” Steve gasped dramatically, “How could you!?”
“Steve, I believe we should handle this in a civilized manner, don’t you?” Tony gave Steve a knowing look.
“But of course. I’ll help!” Tony brought you over to the couch and straddled your waist. Steve took the pleasure of holding your arms. So frankly, you were screwed.
“Ihihim sohohorry!”
“You don’t think you’ll get away with it that easy, do you?” Tony said.
“Steeheheeve pleehease!”
“No can do y/n. If anything, you deserve this.”
“What?! How? All I di- AHHAHAHAHAHHA TOHOHONY STAHAAP!” Tony wasted no time in tickling you to pieces. It felt like a billion ravenous spiders were crawling all over you. Not to mention Steve was also tickling your underarms, and there was no way of escaping. All you could do was stay along for the ride.
“You should’ve thought about this before sneaking around y/n.” You couldn’t even hear what Tony was saying over your own laughs. Just then, Bucky came into the room.
“Hey what’s going on here?”
“Oh hey Bucky!” Steve said. “We were just tickling the crap out of y/n! Wanna help?”
“Uh, yea!”
“Aw what’s wrong y/n? Afraid of a little tickling?” Bucky said as he switched places with Tony.
“I’m gonna go make a cup of coffee, anybody want one?” Both Steve and Bucky exclaimed a, “Me!” and continued with their attack.
“Now, where should I start?”
“NOWHERE!” you screamed.
“Y/n, that’s not very nice. We’re only trying to show you that what you did was wrong.” Steve said.
“By tickling me?!”
“Exactly! Now you’re catching on.” You were so furious so you stuck your tongue out at him. He obviously didn’t like that.
“Bucky. Go for her sides. She hates it.” Steve said as he grinned mischievously at you.
“Aye aye, captain!” Bucky’s fingertips instantly made contact with your sides and you couldn’t contain yourself. You were shaking your head, thrashing you legs every which way just in case there was a chance to get out of your predicament. Unfortunately, there wasn’t.
“Don’t what?”
“I’m so glad you asked!” Bucky said in excitement.
“That’s not what you... what? Sorry I couldn’t hear you. Can you speak up a bit?” Bucky said as he paused his attack. Steve on the other hand was still tickling your underarms.
“Ihihi sahaid thahats noohot whahahat I meheheant.” Steve finally paused his fingers.
Steve wasn’t tickling you anymore but he was still holding your arms just in case you tried to get away. “Are you sorry about what you did?” He said as his face was no more than an inch away from yours.
“YEHES!” you said as residual giggles poured out of you.
“And are you going to do something sneaky like that again?”
“NO! Now can you let me go?!”
“What’s the magic word?”
“Ok. Bucky. Release.” Bucky hesitated to get off but he did eventually and offered you a hug but you denied.
“Meany.” Bucky said with a frown as he walked away. Tony then came over and handed you a cup of hot chocolate as everyone else came downstairs.
“Merry Christmas Munchkin.” He said as he sat down and put an arm around you.
“Merry Christmas Tony.” you said with a huge smile on your face.
You’d realized that day that it was never about the presents on Christmas. It was about who you spent it with, and you didn’t want to be spending it with anyone else.
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surprisebitch · 5 years
dude i just finished episode 9 and im so shook i was crying but also happy.. it was such a rollercoaster. i was like sad but also hopeful but aaaaah like im soo carried away 😭😭😭 and the kiss i was omg i didnt see that coming and it was SO GOOD but its 3am and there are 4 more episodes left so i should continue tomorrow or later
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softwonjunnie · 5 years
my thoughts of the final ep
this gets a lil long so click the button to read it all lmao
before the ep;
okay so i already know hyeongjun, yohan and eunsang will be in the top 11 but it will be fun to see where they place!!
also if dongpyo and donghyun dont make it in the top i will sue someone
and i am so not ready for this 4 hour thing lmaoooo its too long mnet why
during the ep (very out of context stuff);
daehwi is so cute :(( chaeyeon too :(((
aaah wonjin u fit the center so well, pls get the center position!!!!!
donghyun fits the to my world concept to well pls center
“three months” yohan you’re full of bullshit!! he takes feedback so well aaaah so good
hyeongjun being scared of going to the front when it’s his time to be the center lmao so cute
keumdongie is 110% perfect for the center, plsssss guys vote for the right boy
wonjun & hyuck’s hand heart, help my heart
dongpyo legit describing himself as what the center needs, thats my boy
yuvin’s “i’m still growing” iM QUAKING
dongpyo’s satoori gets me every time help
kookheon looking so happy for yuvin :((
“boy” was supposed to be the non-sexy song...... as if
i need yuvin to do the music works-move if he gets into the final lineup
eunsang tries out for center and all positions and everything all the time, pls just let him be center  
donghyun isnt even a candidate for center???? are these ppl blind or something
can i just say that i’m hella dissapointed at mnet for not making the boys sing live?? it’s super boring to look at them running around and lip-syncing
also thanks mnet for hiring your worst staff to cut the live performance of to my world lmao it looks awful
also mnet are great at slowing down the final episode to make it so long, applause for that?? no jk it’s horrible, it could've easily been cut down to like 2 hours or less... i’ve just watched both performances and it’s 2 hours and 45 min left.... they’ve been talking about the 11th place boy for like 4 minutes now.... what is this
guess if this bih didn’t just cry when they thanked seokhoon
dongpyo and yoonjung :(((((
dongwook is the best representative of all seasons, i love him
dohyun can play the piano?!!!!! i was expecting for him to joke around when they said “dohyun play” but then he did it so effortlessly
lee eunsang is a vocal legend !!!
dongpyo is crying, yuvin is crying, seungyoun is crying, (jo) yuri is crying, everyone is crying
seungwoo’s message to dongpyo, kill me
aND DONGPYO MADE ONE TO SEUNGWOO TOO im crying too much already
hyungjun nations crybaby
jinhyuk didnt make a message to jinwoo...... :(
suhwan saying he’ll become a better main vocal than yuvin :)))
they’ve lined up now for the results.... i’m not ready...
omg i always say their names along with dongwook in my head, and when he counted up the boys’ names and he said “brand new music lee” my mind said daehwi?? omg
dongpyooooo :( getting major daehwi-feels here
seungyoun rising from such a low rank!!! gj!!!!!
wait a sec.... 4 places left and we have eunsang, hyeongjun, seungwoo, jinhyuck, wooseok AND mingyu left?....... AND YOHAN WHAT
nations crybaby yES
the only three month trainee who deserves 1st place
my baby boy in x position... darling.... guess if i cried even tho i knew about him debuting already?
after the ep;
well well well
its so sad how it’s ending already
it feels like yesterday when i first saw the videos of the ppl nominated for the x1-ma centers
time flies by so fast
i’ve gotten waaaaay more emotionally attached to these boys compared to any of the other seasons
idk if im happy or sad bc it makes me so sad to see the eliminated boys
donghyun :(((( you made it this far and im proud of you to make it into the top 20. you fought hard all this time!! good job!!!!! we love you
i remember picking out dongpyo, donghyun and hyeongjun as my faves from those first pictures that came out...
and i remember how i found the ep1 live stream on youtube and just wanted to watch a super small part - and i turned it on right at starship’s performance. and i was so heartbroken at hyeongjun performing so poorly because he looked so cute, but he fought back!! and he did so well and came in 4th (!!!!!) place! i love him
and i remember how i first saw donghyun and thought “ah! he looks a lot like donghyun from season 2!” and then i was gonna write down his name and..... wait a second
now that i look back at my list i wrote in the beginning with trainees to look out for...... im shook
i wrote down song hyeongjun, ham wonjin, don dongpyo, lee eunsang, lee wonjun (ah bby :/ ), keum donghyun, nam dohyun, kim yohan, cho seungyoun, kim sihoon and yoon junghwan
8/11 were in the top 20, 6/11 got into the final lineup and the others are hella talented and were eliminated too early
but i guess overall i’m satisfied with the outcome?? like i would’ve wanted wonjin and donghyun in it but i’m not too bothered tbh. it’s alright
i would’ve wanted jinhyuk and wooseok to change places bc i think jinhyuk would bring more to the group, him placing 14th is bullshit
the most saddening thing tho is that the starship boys are all split up now for 5 years so we probs won’t see a starship boygroup now for another 2.5 years so bye guys
conclusion i love pdx101
i love the trainees
and i love you guys who follow me and send me love and support, let’s all support our wonderful boys together!!! pdx101 fighting!!!!!!
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xanura08-blog · 5 years
Chapter 2: “War Of The Tails”
  I woke up, Tired and quite wet for some reason...I looked around. The place I was in was just a campsite. No tents, but there was a campfire. The Shorts Wolf was there, sharpening a long stick, almost like a spear. He looks up, seeing me awake. "Morning. You were out like a light," he says. "Don't worry, you're just in the forest across town. Nothing big. Not safe to keep you in the park. Some people with sirens and guns that shot paralysis were there." I was shocked.       Those were police! "Luckily, this place is illusioned, so humans don't go here." I realized we were in the Main Facility of the Nature Rescue Co. They kept animals here to breed, and other crap. The animals already knew how to hunt and all that crap, so they left them here. Without supervision. This wolf must have known because he made quite the life here. "Are...Are we alone?" I asked politely. "Ya, Baan is out getting foo-" He said, then he stopped. He stopped making his spear, then got up and crept up to me. "If you wanted to do that, you should have said so." He smiled and got closer. "No, that's not what I meant," I whispered.        "Oh ok. Sorry." He laughed. He backed up a bit. Out of nowhere, he kissed me. I was so surprised, so...Shocked. I didn't stop, and I wasn't scared. "That's the first time I've ever kissed a guy.....and a wolf." I squeaked. He leaned back a little. "Really? I didn't take you for the 'Lonely' type." he scoffed. I scowled. Suddenly, the bush rustled. The wolf grabbed the spear and readied it.    Baan jumped out. It scared me and I shrieked a bit. Baan and the wolf were chuckling to themselves. "Well, thank you for taking care of me while I was unconscious, but I'll take my leave." I began to leave when the wolf grabbed my arm. "You can't leave, They'll find us. We can't endanger our kind, because of you." The wolf pleaded. Baan continued the conversation. "Besides, This guy here, looooves you" Baan was obviously tormenting the poor wolf.        "Excuse me, I don't even know your name," I asked the wolf. "Don't have one." He said. I was dumbfounded. "Why don't you call me whatever you like?" He smiled. I decided to call him what I could think of. "Bane."    Bane smiled. He nodded, got up and came close. He nuzzled me, and to be honest, I liked it. I could feel that he was about to kiss me when Baan interfered. "You know, the elder won't be happy about this," Baan added in. "I don't care. I love him." Bane added. "Love is a strong word. Are you sure that that's the feeling you feel about him?" Baan questioned. Bane nodded. I had already sneaked off into the forest. I looked for the door out of here. Unfortunately, there was none. I was stuck here.          Then I saw a hole, where they had dug in. I tried to fit in, but it was hard. Then, I felt a hard smack on my ass. I yelped and a deep voice chuckled outside. "Now, I've never seen a wolf that's trying to get out, or getting stuck." He pushed me out and I landed on the grass. The wolf's head popped up, which had a nice goatee. "Hey, what the hell!? How did a human get in!?" He yelled. I was running and trying to get away from that new hell. But, he was quick, and tackled me, hard. I struggled for my life. "Quit struggling! Stop...Struggling..." He said as he looked at my shirt, which I hadn't noticed, but was shredded. I was red and embarrassed. "Holy Shit. Your fucking fit as hell." He said with an evil grin.        He pinned my arms down and opened his jaws. Saliva dripped from his mouth, onto my stomach. "Get...Off!" I cried. He chuckled and shook his head. Then, something tackled him. Bane was there, looking at the new wolf with pure rage. I got up and was unsure what to do. The new wolf got his claws out and attacked Bane. The Wolf pinned down Bane and kept attacking him. I kneed the new creature in the face, sending him a little ways away. Bane was hurt but smiling. "T-Thanks. How did you get out here?" He asked.      I looked away. "Well, looks like the elder had the hots for you. Good thing I came in!" Bane laughed, which I kind of hate. "Let's get you back in. It's not safe out here." He called. I stayed out. "Hey, I'm burning up out here. The least you can do is listen and follow." It was true, he was smoking, and he was flinching. I followed. The new wolf pushed me out of the way and we went through a door, which I had never noticed. The Elder looked furious, and so did Bane. "Bane, why did you bring a human here." The elder asked. Bane shrugged. "I hate most of the wolves here. He's nice. I like him." Bane smiled at me. The Elder walked up to me and looked at me. "I'll be the judge of that." He pinned me against the wall and grabbed my neck. "Hold still, human, this won't hurt that bad." He licked my neck, and by god did it feel good. "Ngh...Yah....mmm" The Elder called.        Bane was hating this, and to be honest, so did I. Then, the elder bit my neck. "AAAAH! STOP! AAAAAH!!!" I yelled. I could feel the blood being drained from me. "Elder stop! You cant do this to humans! They don't have that good of a pain tolerance!" Bane yelled. He stopped, and I passed out.                                     FIVE HOURS LATER... I woke up, my neck stained red, with a white cloth tied over it. Bane was looming over me. The Elder, Baan, and Bane were screaming at each other. My hearing came back and I could hear them talking about me. "DON'T YOU EVER LAY A HAND ON HIM AGAIN!!!!" Bane and Baan screamed at the Elder.  "Oh, PLEASE! IM SOOO SORRY. I NEVER KNEW WOLVES COULD BE SUCH PUSS-" The Elder was about to yell, but I grabbed the spear and held it at the Elder's neck. "Don't you ever talk to them like that again, you Fucking asswhole," I yelled.      The Elder was shocked. He walked away, and I knew he wasn't coming back. Bane grabbed me and kissed me. I agreed and kissed back. Baan split us apart. Bane's lips were rough and so dangerous. "I'm going to the village, both of you stay here." Bane and I nodded.       While Baan was at the village, I caught some fish and cooked them for Bane, who was starving. He ate them quickly. He burped and said, "Now that is a compliment." I laughed and nodded. I couldn't stand fish, so I went into the forest and got a few apples. Then, I heard the Elder talking to another. I saw them too. "All right, You want me to catch the human that Bane has?" The Elder nodded. "Yes, bring him back alive and in chains. He might be dangerous. Bane has fooled his mind that WE are the enemy." The Spy was a fox ad he knew how to sneak. Soon, he disappeared. Uh oh, that means that they would be trying to attack Bane!          I ran back to the campsite to find Bane being chained and struggling. "Tell me where the Human is." Bane spat in Fox's face. "Fuck you. Go to Hell." The Fox pulled the chains, suffocating Bane. "HEY!" I yelled, grabbing the dropped spear and rammed into the Fox, with the blunt end. It threw him a little ways away. I unchained Bane and tried to get him to breathe. I used CPR, or what I knew of it. Soon, He responded, gasping and breathing. "T-Thank you, uh..." I laughed. "It's Neo, Neo Fernandez," I said. Bane smiled, then frowned as he looked into the distance. The Fox was in a storm of chains, completely furious. "Bane, Run." Bane didn't move. In fact, he went in front of me. "No, you run, I'll keep him distracted."         Then, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I looked at my neck, to see a syringe being placed in it. The syringe was injected, and I fell asleep.
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tk-writer · 6 years
hey man i see ur taking prompts ;vc i love your writing!! could you possibly write smth where kokichi discovers that shuichi likes being tickled,, im a huge sap lol
Shuichi had never been in such a vulnerable predicament.
Somehow, Kokichi had convinced him to play along with a new game of his called “Make the pig squeal”. He claimed it was something he used to play with the members of his secret organization as part of their training, but as usual Shuichi couldn’t tell if that was a lie or the truth. Without knowing the details, he agreed to lay on his back on the ground per Kokichi’s instructions, unaware of what the trickster had planned for him.
Kokichi sat on his arms, pinning them down with his knees. For his small stature, he was actually pretty solid. He watched his victim struggle feebly to no avail. He was trapped.
“Nee-hee-hee, what’s the matter Shuichi? Getting nervous?” The purple haired boy leaned over and relished the sight of Shuichi struggling beneath him.
“W-What are you planning to do to me?” he spurted out, noticeably anxious.
“Oh, reeeeelax… I’m not gonna hurt you! I just wanna have a little fun!”
Kokichi grinned from ear to ear as he held his hands directly above the detective’s fidgeting body. Shuichi squeezed his eyes shut, unprepared for the sensations that were about to hit him. He expected something painful, but what he felt instead was… pleasure.
Out of nowhere, Shuichi felt ten fingers spidering inside his underarms. The reaction was instantaneous. Shuichi’s eyes shot wide open as he burst out in deep, guttural laughs.
The black-haired boy squirmed this way and that, trying his hardest to break free from Kokichi’s grasp, but the smaller boy held firm. He moved his hands along his sides, taking note of the different pitches Shuichi’s laughter reached.
“You’re not very good at this game, Shuichi… you’re the pig, you’re not supposed to squeal right away… nee-hee-hee!”
It went one like this for a few more minutes, Kokichi taunting the detective with verbal teases and merciless strokes and prods, Shuichi giggling and laughing, until suddenly-
Shuichi jolted when Kokichi’s fingers touched the spot. He had simply brushed his fingers against his stomach, but that gave him the biggest reaction so far. Kokichi’s smile changed from playful to menacing.
“Oooooh, have I struck gold? How loud will the pig squeal when I touch here?”
He started poking Shuichi’s stomach at random, eliciting high pitched squeaks and tiny jumps that made him look like he was being shocked by electricity. Shuichi was beside himself.
Shuichi’s words made less and less sense as he began to babble. Kokichi ended the prodding and shifted to light stroking up and down his sides and belly, which had Shuichi giggling cutely.
Unexpectedly, he stopped for a moment, keeping his hands on Shuichi’s chest. The detective took this moment to catch his breath.
“Awwww, Shuichiiiii… you’re not even begging for mercy or anything,” he whined. His face held a look of disappointment. “It’s no fun when the victim doesn’t beg…”
Shuichi looked a bit surprised, as if he hadn’t expected Kokichi to notice. His face was as red as a rose, and he shifted his gaze to avoid looking at the shorter boy.
Kokichi frowned. “Did you not like the game? Is it boring you?”
“N-no… that’s not it… I actually… really… liked it…”
Shuichi’s words grew quieter and quieter as he forced them out of his mouth. He looked quite sheepish and refused to make eye contact. Sensing his embarrassment, Kokichi’s eyes widened when he realized what he meant.
“Wait, do you like being tickled??”
Shuichi cringed upon hearing the “t-word”. With an uncomfortable grimace, he shook his head yes.
“I-it’s kinda fun… at least when you do it…”
There was a brief moment of silence. Against his better judgment, he raised his eyes to look at his attacker, and witnessed Kokichi beaming like a ray of light. He had the happiest smile plastered on his face.
“Awwwwww! How adorable!! You should’ve told me sooner, we could’ve had a lot more fun!!”
Shuichi gave him a weak grin. “It’s just… a little embarrassing…”
“Nee-hee-hee… don’t worry, your dirty little secret is safe with me.” Kokichi winked. “But that means you have to let me tickle you whenever I want~”
Shuichi sighed, probably feeling more relaxed knowing that this would stay between the two of them. He seemed happy that Kokichi was more enthusiastic about his little “quirk” rather than grossed out or offended.
“Alright, just go easy on me-EEEEEEE!”
Kokichi barely heard his last words before launching another attack.
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ssehuns · 7 years
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Youth With You” with Me!
Episode 14 Part 2
hiiiiiii hehehe
i didn’t realize!!  i was talking in the group chat about SM’s treatment of their Sino-Idols and other non-Korean idols and like i deadass did a whole dissertation on it ldkf;kladsjfkla
im sorry again haha
xukun cover “why am i so good looking” but in the cutesy concept of ywy you coward
oh sharon and zoe this is going to be interesting
not getting chosen part 2 the electric boogaloo
omg yvonne!!!
she’s part of team a
good bye subtitles
i miss you when you’re gone
xukun said lets start with team b this time
awww class kitten sharon wang that’s so cute
aww this is so cute
sharon omg i lvoe it for her
sharon is so good for this song i  love her experessions
ranee yasss pop tf off sweetie
same for handong
this part of the choreo is so cute omg
sharon really was made for this song
i lvoe tihs for her
xukun is v proud of them
me too lisa i also couldn’t take my eyes off of her she really did own this performance
omg team a has the egirl hearts i love it
yvonne is so cute
askldjfasldjf this is so cute
jenny’s voice im
i like this song it’s so fun
alkfjlasdk xukun just commenting on yvonne everytime she’s center is such a mood
i don’t know waht he said but it’s valid
i still like sharon’s better
ella chooses team a
lisa chooses team b
jony j chooses team a
xukun is match point and chooses team a
best trainee is yvonne
i think yvonne is xukun’s yixing’s xukun if that makes sense
oik a little sweet time !
jue chen chose a little sweet i am quaked
gogo is with her!!
omg this is the most emotion ive seen from her incredible
xinwen xu chosing this is quaking me
jue chen channeled yanjun in that moment
xiaowei chose it too omg
team a to start!
asjdfl;aksdjf vicky wei hitting bunny in the face is so funny im screaming
i’m so excited to see xinwen’s perforamance
she’s doing cutesy well i support it
i don’t recall if i said i liked this song last time but i don’t 
this rap portion was not my favorite
xinwen is tearing it up we love to see it
oooohhh this was the song that has ko ko bop’s “listen”!!!
xukun rolling his eyes after the perfomrance is over sent me
i love the antics from them tho at the end of their choreo
“let’s talk about their performance!” *immediately the subtitles cut out*
b team’s turn
i’m excited to see jue in this akdjfsdk
omg so sweet!!!
gogo is owning it so far
anne’s hair is red now??? i am shook
jue is so cute i lve it
xinran was adorable
omg wait is jue the center?
i am excited to see the raap
jue is doing so good tho she’s so cute
they did a little insert and she’s so embarrased!!!
that again was not the best rap i’ve heard this episode…
anne’s was good
omg jue’s dance solo she’s lost all of her sweetness ladkfjasdkj
ooooh the vocalizing was gooood
that was so cute
akdsjfld kun decided to choose first
team a
lisa chooses team a
ella chooses team a
jony j chooses team a
holy shit xukun said all 5 of them were the best in their goruop
why are xukun’s fucking shoes so big what the fuck
they’re bigger than his head
only one team b group won out of the all the performances
like i keep getting distracted by the shoes he chose
i feel like everyone needs to know that the title of episode 14 is “KUN’s appearance is super cute”
i wish i was lying
but im not
his outfit makes him look so tall
xukun is really out here being the most caring man and wanting to make sure that they are doing the most important thing through it all: staying true to who they are
god i love him
i really want to give all of these girls a hug
they deserve to have it
aslkjfaksldjf xukun responding to frhanm’s speech “you act as if the show is ending right now” i thought the same thinggggg
ok that looks like it’s the end of the episode
oh my god he’s going to be wearing plaid next episode
ooooh they’re going to be singing songs specially made for them!!!!  that’s so cool!!!
oh shit
only the top 35 singers of the new rankings can be the og singers for the five songs
everyone greeting the new mentor x like “please stop bending so low” akdfjsalskd badfldkfj a bitch needs to obscure his face but like he can just turn slightly more towards the door i hatkaljdf;aklsfdja;ksd boys are so dumb lmaooo
idk if it’s a 9% or Unine boy tho
either way he’s wearing a god awful sweater and i want it
god i want to know so much
it’d be so dope if it was one of the boys tho
xukun is such a :3c person
i hate him
anwyay we’ve reached the end of another episode
i am really sorry that like 87% of this is me talking about how good he looks
in my defense tho we saw a lot more of him than normal so like me being shook should be expected akdfj;akldsjf
anyway i will see y’all this thursday to see kunkun in plaid and find out who the owner of the hideous sweater that i desire so much is!
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v-writings · 7 years
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FP Jones x Reader- Figure it out
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Thank you anon for the request! As I stated before everyone in this fic is legal age, and the reader will be older than Jug. I also made it so FP was young when he had Jug, but there was still a large gap.
Anyway I am so so sorry this was late. Aaaaah I hate that this was so late. I hope I wrote it to your standards and you like it ^^ If not please let me know and I will try to fix it. Also thank you so, so much for the well wishes you sweetheart <3 Hope you are doing well anon!
I don’t know yet if I will continue to allow age differences like this in my writing as I wasn’t too keen on writing it. I wasn’t a big fan but I did want to get this one written, as I said I would
Warnings: Age difference, swearing, implied smut
Words: 2160
When you graduated university you never expected to have to move to a small town in the middle of nowhere. You didn’t expect to be stuck into a waitressing job at Pop’s, losing your way a little bit. Things had been good for a few years after you graduated, a few years of being on the up and up in a company you loved, came crashing down around you and you were forced to find somewhere close by, somewhere small and cheap that you could live and hold over. Riverdale worked and you never expected to stay long, never expected to live paycheck to paycheck, never expected to be stuck in a life like this.
You also never expected to become quick friends with the guy at the back of the restaurant, nor expected how he would change your life completely. Or not him, but sort of him.
Jughead was younger than you, by a few years. He had graduated highschool, a few years after you had graduated university. Some thought it was odd for the two of you to become friends, but there was no denying it. You two simply clicked and got along. Neither of you cared about the age gap, until you met his dad.
There was a different kind of connection the instant the two of you made eye contact. You were meeting Jughead for movie night, and he was still living with his dad. FP Jones wasn’t supposed to be there, but you had to admit, you weren’t complaining. The man was gorgeous, and the way he looked at you made you blush. There was something there that neither of you could explain, but that both of you tried to shove away.
But as you spent more and more time at the Jones’s residence, the more you saw him. You found yourself falling into easy conversation with the older man, speaking to him about your dreams and hobbies, and him about his life. The tension never left, simply grew stronger and stronger, but neither of you could back away from the other, both of you were hooked.
But you both refused to be. It seemed wrong, the way you were falling for your best friend’s father. The way he seemed to be falling as well. It didn’t matter how easy the conversations were, how much you both felt it was right, no matter how easy it was to talk to the other. No matter what, you both needed to stay away.
But then it happened. You were the one to make the first move. Jughead was in another town, working hard to get the book published. He was trying so hard, and you knew he would be gone for a few days. You went to his place, knocking on the door timidly and he opened it, deep confusion on his face.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” He asked you through a yawn and you let your gaze wander over his sleepy, scruffy face before you walked in, kissing him deeply. A kiss that made him freeze in place, a kiss that held him locked to you. A kiss that he reciprocated after minimal hesitation.
It was the best weekend you had spent anywhere.
When Jug came back you and FP continued to keep the relationship a secret. You were terrified of telling Jug about it, terrified of losing the one friend you had made in the small town, and terrified of losing FP, the man you had come to love.
The two of you felt guilt within you at keeping it a secret from Jug, but you always knew FP felt more so about it. The way he would instantly shut anything down when his son was in the room, the way he shut you down the second you tried talking to him about telling him. You wanted to tell your friend, you knew the relationship between you and FP was putting a strain on you and Jug, and you hated it. You wanted to tell him, rip off the bandaid so to speak.
What you didn’t expect was what happened instead. The date had started normal, you and FP had been watching movies for the night while Jughead was at Archie’s. The moment you had stepped into the place you knew something was different. You knew that there was a frostiness in the air, and a tension you had never felt before.
When he paused the movie you looked at him expectantly, awaiting an explanation. The one he gave you made your breath hitch and made you feel like you were suffocating as your vision blurred with tears.
“We need to stop this,” he had said simply and you shook your head defiantly.
“Why?” You asked simply.
“Im too old for you,” he said and you glared, standing up and crossing your arms in front of him, a snort sounding as you stared him down.
“What? Youre too old for me now that you’ve used me? You got a good fuck a few times and now youre done? What? I was just a whore for you?” You asked and could see the wince on his face as his eyes turned to steel. You could feel your heart shattering the more either of you spoke, the idea of just being a toy setting into your brain. You had fallen for the man before you, you knew that, and
“I was always too old for you. You’re friends with my son for christs sake, I should have never let it get this far,” he argued. You rolled your eyes, trying to allow your anger to overtake the way you wanted to break down.
“So what? I’m older than he is. 7 years older to be exact but that doesn’t seem to make you want me to stop being friends with him?”
“That’s different (Y/N) and you know it.”
“No. Youre just scared of telling him!”
“You need to go. This needs to stop. And don’t you dare tell him anything,” he said before leading you to the door and watching as you left, going straight home.
The only contact you had with either Jones men was to text Jughead back, saying you needed time and space. You were sick and needed to be alone. He claimed to understand, and you didn’t even bother to think he was worried about you. You needed to be away from both of the men in that family, needed to time to get over the second, so you could face the third. You hated yourself for it, hated to admit that FP Jones the Second had broken your heart the way he had, but it was true.
It took almost a month for you to agree to meet Jughead. You hated that it took so long, that FP had broken your heart and cracked your spirit, but you were working on fixing it. You needed your friend back, you had ached to see him again, no matter how much your brain tried to tell you it was a bad idea. With a shower, application of whatever makeup you needed to hide the bags beneath your eyes, clean clothes and something to do in case Jug got stuck in his laptop again, you were off. You had high hopes for the night, high hopes that would not be dashed. You refused to let yourself be broken any longer. You needed to fix yourself, and fix the important things.  
Jughead of course, was awkward when you saw him again. But the awkwardness between the two of you didn’t last long as the friendship clicked back into place with ease. The night went well with you asking about the book, the two of you stealing each other’s food, and just generally having a good time. Things were good, for about 2 weeks. Until the second came back into your life.
You were with Jug again, same booth as usual, and had had a normal night between the two of you. It was when you were walking home that things got weird.
You had told Jug to go on to his place without you, that you would be fine to walk alone to your own place that was only a block from Pop’s. But as soon as Jug was out of sight your arm was grabbed and you were pinned to the wall of Pop’s, fists clenched as you went to fight back. Until the familiar scent of the one who had hurt you filled your nose, and everything him overwhelmed your senses. He pulled you to him, pressing his lips hard and possessively against yours. It was passionate and lit every fibre of your being on fire. You had craved this kiss since you had lost it, and you never wanted it to end. But you had more self control than that.
You were tempted to lean into his touch but you refused, throwing his hands off of you and pulling away from his lips.
“What were you doing with him? You and him a couple now?” FP asked, seething with anger.
“Why would you give a shit? Youre too old for me, and apparently I aint too old for him, you said so yourself,” you spat back, able to see the fire in FP’s eyes as you did.
“Because treating my boy like a rebound isnt exactly what I had in mind (Y/N),” he growled and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m not with him, you may think I’m a whore, but no, I’m really not,” you said, attempting to step around him. He simply grabbed you, and pinned you again, this time gentler.
“I want to apologize,” he said. You let out a bitter laugh, again throwing his hands off of you, even though you ached to bring your lips to his again and forgive him. You were stronger than that.
“So what? Cant get laid anywhere else?” You asked. He sighed and looked at you.
“I broke it off with you because I was scared ok? Because you’re young and youthful, you’re 13 years younger than me, you shouldn’t be saddled with me. And I knew you were friends with my son and I didn’t want to risk him, and you at the same time,” he said. Your shoulder slumped as you dropped the offensive pose, continuing to glare as you moved your arms to hug yourself.
“That isnt your place to decide FP. You don’t get to decide if I’m saddled with you or not. I meant what I said. I love you. I want to be with you. You broke my heart and I am not just going to let you back in so you can run when youre scared. I’m not going to let you back in so we can continue to keep this a secret from my best friend, and your son,” you said, eyes hard as you spoke.
“I will do whatever you want, I just, I missed you so much (Y/N), and not because of what you think. I let you think that crap so that you would stay gone, but I have missed you, so much,” he whispered, a vulnerability in his eyes.
“I don’t care FP, you gotta prove it to me,” you said, shaking your head, “I am not going to just let you take me again. I’ve missed you too, so bad, you broke my heart,” you repeated and he nodded.
“I’ll make it up to you, please, just give me another chance, we will figure everything out if you will,” he said and you sighed, defeated as you kissed him, putting your hands to his face. The kiss was more passionate than the last and it filled you with need, a need you knew you would ignore until he truly did prove what he said. As he pulled away, the two of you panting and looking into each other’s eyes, only four words broke the silence.
“I love you too.”
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