slayfics · 10 months
(I am so in love with Yuta he just- stolen my heart fr 🥹💖) Hi, I’m back after like months of requesting (I think-) so how about scenario of Yuta who has a crush on the reader, however he always gets too nervous to approach them. He was scared to fall in love again due to what happened to Rika (just like you said! :D) so he just admire them from afar, until he get caught…he was pretty obvious about it- but his crush let it slide for now.
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(Get prepared with so much Yuta request in the future, I just love him so much AAAAAA)
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Yuta watches you train.
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Yuta watched from the bleachers as you continued your spar with Maki. You had been training hard and as a result, have been able to best Maki in three spars yet. Continuing to be stubborn Maki demanded you spar with her again determined to get a defeat on you.
"Wow they have really improved, hu?" Yuta said to Panda and Toge.
"They sure have!" Panda agreed.
"Salmon" Toge exclaimed.
"Hmm," Panda hummed scanning his eyes from Yuta to you. "You sure are watching them closely today," Panda teased.
"What?!" Yuta exclaimed jumping a bit in his seat. "No, I- I'm watching the same as you two!" He yelped nervously.
"Oh come on, you know you don't have to lie to us," Panda said thumping Yuta on the back.
"Bento flakes," Toge agreed.
Yuta looked down at his shoes, unsure how to respond to his friends. The truth was he had been admiring you for some time now. However, he was haunted by flashbacks of Rika whenever he considered approaching you.
The last person he fell in love with met an awful fate due to him being unable to control his cursed energy. Unknowingly, he cursed Rika, causing her to turn into a cursed spirit instead of passing on after being fatally injured.
Anytime he daydreamed about you or spoke to you for too long, worst-case scenarios flash over his eyes. What if something ever happened to you because of his inability to control his cured energy just like Rika?
Yuta let out a heavy sigh looking back up at you and Maki sparring for a fifth time.
"What's that sigh for? You know I think they kind of have the hots for you too you know," Panda said.
"Hu?" Yuta exclaimed looking at Panda.
Panda laughed, "You humans are complex creatures but sometimes you get so wrapped up in yourselves you miss obvious signs from each other."
"Like um- what kind of signs?" Yuta asked shyly unable to control his curiously.
"You really haven't noticed?" Panda asked. Even Toge looked confused and curious to hear Panada's observations of you. "Well for starters even when you're taking way too long to pack your stuff up after class they always wait for you. They suddenly mix up words anytime they are in a conversation with you, and not to mention anytime you go out on a mission they pace around restlessly until you come back safe."
Yuta felt his face get hot at Panda's observations. Did you really like him back? Yuta looked back to you and Maki just as you spun around landing a final blow on Maki, winning the fourth spar. Landing the blow and throwing Maki to the floor you looked up at the bleachers making eye contact with Yuta. His face was completely flushed and he immediately looked away.
You felt your own face flush at realizing he was blushing from watching you.
"Just say something to him already," Maki said irritated.
Maki was right, Yuta was very timid and if you took the lead it would drastically speed your relationships up. However, you wanted to be mindful of his past. It couldn't have been easy for him to live with his deceased girlfriend as a curse all through his childhood.
You let out a heavy sigh, "No, I'll wait till he's ready."
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I haven’t read the manga only caught up on the anime- so I hope this is still pretty accurate for Yuta! Thank you for my first JJK request 🤭!
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odessastone · 7 months
So I got my copy of Heroes Ascendant today and THERE WERE SO MANY GOOD LITTLE MOMENTS IN THIS STORY I MUST gush I MUST
So here are some new bits of Symmetra and Lifeweaver lore that we got! I bolded my personal favorite ones. 😚
Satya and Niran "grew up together" as friends, so they were friends in childhood too, not just at a teen or university age.
Apparently when Satya would get overstimulated and need recovery time, Niran would keep people away from their room and tell them she was sick so she didn't have to face anyone 😭
He also used to hang out and watch her practice her dancing for hours on end, without ever getting tired of it.
Satya considered (possibly still considers) Niran her closest friend.
Niran is late to everything (CALLED this one). He's even late for their meeting LOL
"He looked good. Satya almost wished he didn't." Bits like this are going to feed my Symweaver ass for YEARS
Satya is (still) extremely hurt by Niran leaving all those years ago, and perceives it as him having left her, not just Vishkar. She still misses him dearly, even though they've been apart for eleven years.
Speaking of which, being apart for eleven years means Niran was twenty when he left the Academy. For all you fellow fic authors out there 😊
Satya's autism is stated, full-out, no dancing around it or talking about being on "the spectrum". They flat out say "her autism" in a sentence. Cool!
One of Niran's first questions upon reconnecting with Satya is if Vishkar is mistreating her, if she needs help. Of course she denies this, but...
Niran can read Satya's emotions without her saying them, and even while thinking she's hiding them 😭 Several times throughout the story she's surprised because he cuts right through her stoic bullshit and gets right to how she feels about something.
The Architech Academy was really overwhelming for Satya, and it sounds like they made no effort to accommodate her needs. Unsurprising, considering they didn't accommodate Niran's, either.
Vishkar fiercely discouraged her from stimming, instilling in her a fear of looking "immature, or distracted, or rude, or strange".
She gave a speech at graduation, then had to spend a full week in bed afterward to recover from all the stress. And there was no Niran to guard her by then ☹
Even now, she finds many things about Vishkar overstimulating and uncomfortable, such as her uniform's fabric, and her living quarters.
Satya called Niran "Bua" way back when, possibly the first person to use the nickname for him. Partway through the story the narration (from Satya's POV) actually switches to calling him that, which is cute.
The Arcology seems to have uh, basically no real protection against attacks... Null Sector just shows up on a train and starts blasting lol. This is something I address in my fic The Light You Deserve, so it was kinda funny to see that I was right in predicting that.
She feels comfortable enough around Niran by the end to stim around him without realizing it (apparently she taps her fingers together and twirls her hands in circles, I guess kind of like flapping). She immediately stops and is embarrassed when he points it out, but Niran encourages her instead. She then uncertainly stims in front of him, growing more relaxed and confident as she lets herself do so (this had to be my favorite part of the story).
Toward the end they double down on Satya's belief that she can change Vishkar from the inside (girl....) but then at the VERY end, Niran suggests she look more into the founder of Vishkar and his ideals, and then says that "The Arcology will be delighted to have you". SHE MIGHT DEFECT TO THE ARCOLOGY IN CANON AND BE WITH NIRAN HHHHH AAAA sorry this was supposed to be an unbiased list I'm cool I'm cool
THIS WAS EVERYTHING I COULD HAVE WANTED IN A STORY BETWEEN THEM okay minus the random Null Sector attack tbh that was weird
Anyway the very last line says that Satya now has "whenever she needed it, a friend to return to". So they're definitely gonna interact more going forward!!
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flcwerborne-a · 4 years
when she pulls away, she gives nnoitra a once-over, her smile still plain as day on her face and bright as the sun. he hasn’t changed much. appearance-wise, at least. tall, imposing, and still a tad scary, but no longer does her voice shake or tremble when she speaks and her stutter is almost totally gone, really only making a reappearance when she was afraid or overly excited. and she is excited! very much so, but thankfully her stutter doesn’t come back. oh, it really is so good to see him. does he believe she genuinely missed him? melody sure hopes so. after... after the ordeal with ny herlighed, it was hard to live here and feel safe and secure, even with maren around. so she moved away with her and ariel. moving away did mean leaving the few friends she had behind (as well as her beloved flower shop) but a new start had felt better than she anticipated and the little fairy promised herself she would visit her friends when she was all settled in and better. hopefully they hadn’t forgotten about her. it seems nnoitra hasn’t. she’s so happy he didn’t! did he worry? she practically up and disappeared without a word; had he wondered where she went? if she was okay? oh, he probably had better things to worry about at the time, melody won’t (nor would she ever) hold it against him if he didn’t worry. she wonders if he has questions. ah... she can’t help but dread the questions.
—two years? her eyes widen just slightly. it didn’t feel right, it felt longer. she recounts things in her head and... yeah. about two years have passed by.    “ i suppose it has been some time. “    melody responds softly, her smile becoming sheepish, even apologetic.    “ but it isn’t too late for two friends to catch up and rekindle their friendship, right? “    she hopes not. two years wasn’t too much, she thinks, and it’s not as though he forgot her. if melody recalls correctly, he really enjoyed her cooking and hanging out with her cats whenever he would drop by.
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“ well, then, if you’re hungry we can definitely get a bite to eat! like i said, it’d be my treat. “    hopefully she can remember where her favorite diner was, if it’s still there.    “ don’t worry, don’t worry, i’ll tell you. “    melody hopes he doesn’t ask about every detail or why she moved, unsure if she has it in her to talk about it all without stuttering or breaking down. she really doesn’t want to cry in front of nnoitra and he probably doesn’t want to see that. perhaps she can just be vague? or maybe she’s worrying over nothing.    “ ready to go? that is, if you have some free time, of course! “
@despairforme​    /    cont. from here.
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Yui?! Yuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyuiyui!!!!!! Love her so much omg and I love your writing aaaaaa my oh my my aaaaa omg I am floored I am excitedly awaiting aaaaaaaa thank you for the good news I was having such a shitty!
I'm so happy to hear you're excited anon! Of the two fics involving Yui, one is still in the planning stages but I have already started to write the other, and let me tell you, I personally am very excited for it. I'll explain more about it when I'm actually ready to post the first part of it (which will likely be after the second instalment in my Siren!Shin series and my first love triangle route ask), but I thought I might share a small snippet from the first draft in the hopes of brightening your day a little more. I hope you enjoy it!
“You’re… a third year student right? You have classes with Ruki-kun and Kou-kun?”
Much to your shame, you had thus far tried and failed to remember the names of a large number of your classmates. Ruki and Kou Mukami however, were two you did know, the former because in class he’d showed himself to be extremely proficient in English—enough so that you'd considered attempting to befriend him until you’d caught one look at his cold grey eyes and thought better of it—while the latter was hard to miss with the large number of girls who seemed to flock around him before and after class.
“Yes, I am. Do you know them?”
“Oh yes, I’m er… staying with them at the moment.”
You didn’t really have a response to that, and from the expression on the blonde girl’s face, it didn’t seem like she wanted to elaborate on the matter.
“What about you? What year are you in?” You asked.
“I’m a second year student, Komori Yui,” she introduced herself. “It’s nice to meet you.”
You responded in kind, forgetting whether introducing oneself required any sort of bow and settling on an awkward nod of the head.
Kindly, Yui didn’t comment on it, instead saying, “If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from?”
Just like that, the rest of the walk was passed with idle, but pleasant conversation. Yui was a good listener, you realised quickly, she seemed interested to hear about your home country, your struggles when you’d first arrived in Japan and how you’d found your first two weeks at Ryoutei Academy. As it turned out, Yui herself had transferred there only a couple of months earlier, and she shared how she’d initially found it hard to adjust to attending a night school.
By the time the two of you came to the warehouse, you found yourself in the best mood you'd been in since starting at the school—this was the closest you’d come to making a friend and you were in the middle of wondering if the other girl would be up for exchanging numbers when you heard a voice that made your heart stop dead in your chest.
“Heh, did you finally manage to give your little vampire minders the slip?”
Shin Tsukinami was walking down the corridor towards you, his body posture seemingly relaxed, a mocking smile on his face. It took you a solid minute to register that he wasn’t directing that look at you, but at the small blonde beside you. Gone was the friendly smile Yui had been wearing a moment earlier, replaced with worry and thinly veiled fear.
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bee-s0up · 4 years
I would just like to point out this was a one-sided conversation with my friend so there might be parts where I just blabber and there is most defiantly swearing. I can make another version with no swearing if wanted, I don't mind. Also I apoligise for any bad/incorrect grammer/spelling.
-°•Actual post•°-
So I was watching something and I noticed a detail I missed when I actually watched Aphs video-
Apparently from what I've seen, in highschool Ein had brown eyes.
In that clip thing, one of his eyes are brown, and the other is green, the exact green people under the effect of a forever potion have.
Plus look at his expression, he looks sad, he was evil cackling then he stopped for a bit and he just looked really sad, and that's when his eye goes brown.
His eyes are completely green when he's an asshole.
I think he's being controlled by Aphs dad.
or someone else, but someone is.
Ein and Aphmau might be siblings right? Well she was shown in a memory thingy in Emerald Secrets, the one where it shows everyone that was effected in some way, If Aph was there, he might have been there, cause I'm pretty sure her dad was there and all the theories of Ein being her brother pretty much say that he would have been with her father.
So like Ein could have been there too, plus wasn't there talk of an experiment? Like a dangerous one? They all seem pretty fine besides Katelyn and Garroth practically having goddamn super strength, yet I'm pretty sure they said somethin wrong happened. Becoming a fucking yandere or just being trapped under someone's fucking control would defiantly be put under that category.
Ak, I guess there is Travis too but none of the other parents seemed to know about that.
Wouldn't Aaron's dad or parents have been warry of him at Starlight?
And all the parents seemed to be aware of the problem.
Considering practically none of the parents were really involved when Ein was around would explain why none of the parents told any of their kids, plus that would be an awkward conversation to bring up "Hey (Insert child nickname)." "Hi mum/dad" "Y'know that guy that's been trying to kill you and your friends for awhile?" "yeah?" "Yea, that's Aphmau's brother" "wait w o t?"
Also the ones that were actually good and not lil shits might have not even fucking known about that.
Hell, he could be a half brother so even Aphmau's mum might not have known, plus Aph's dad could have used a Forever Potion to make her forget about her son so he could carry out his plans, didn't she meet him at some point in when they(Aph and Ein) were in highschool?
And he wasn't crazy, crazy until his eyes were green?
Like what if the effects of the Forever Potion that was used on him just took a few years?
Plus that would explain the whole him apparently coming back for season seven
Aph (or any healer) finds out about this and heals him, the forever potion lasts until you die, so sense he technically died, he would no longer be under the effects of the potion.
Meaning he'd be chill again like highschool (I didn't watch the highschool but Aph seemed fond of em in that series so I'm assuming he was chill at one point.)
And yes, I am extremely committed to this ùwú
Fuck I forgot to mention, Ein never really had much love in his life so his Forever Potion couldn't be broken, hell that could have been partly why he liked Aph, I dunno for sure sense I haven't watched the highschool part but I think he liked her before he got the crazy eyes, so maybe that's why he loved her? He just needed her sisterly (or any love) love to break the effect of the potions but the potion effected that, twisting it into a weird obsession.
-°•This is added so it might be written differently•°-
Plus adding on that, Ein might have not been allowed to tell Aphmau that he's her half brother but might've thought she'd be the only one that could break the spell getting the need for her to like him, not necessarily in a romantic way, just like him as a friend, but was worried her being with someone else would just take her away from him. You could kinda look at him (if you'd like) as a rival from a game, you need to get pass him to get the girl, that case being Aphmau.
•°-And this part was added too, but it's different from the last lot of writing-°•
I also just remembered this other thing too, isn't there a video where Aphmau has a flashback of her mum and (I think her dad) having a fight and her mum mentions another kid. Like Aph's father seemed to had gotten another woman pregnant with a kid? That kid could likely be Ein.
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Also the image shows the eye thing I mentioned at the very start. Sorry for the bad quality, I got it off a different video so yea-. Have a good day/night and thanks for reading this ^-^
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