#AAA Uncharted
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jflower278 · 3 months ago
We finally see what went on in the original timeline and wow a lot is different but also a lot is still the same
the tone is way different than the one great imagines in the other timeline but it was still kinda soft and slow, the sex was manipulation for revenge porn the attraction was real there
And I'm not surprised that Great wasn't bothered by the clip being posted he doesn't regret being with Tyme just how it happened
And we finally know why the first chest pain scene happens in the orange elevator, it's because that's where Tonkla shoots Great in the original timeline not when we fights with his mom like the other one :0
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askagamedev · 1 year ago
Several genres have gone extinct in the AAA space. Point and click adventure games, plastic instrument rythme games, and others are on life support like RTSes. What other genres do you think are next of being unprofitable at AAA production values?
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I think it's likely to be regularly released titles that are in danger of slipping under the radar already, especially franchises that are losing steam. For example, I think fighting games that aren't Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat have little chance of AAA success nowadays. I think annual sports titles that aren't FIFA, Madden, or NBA 2K are slipping down there (e.g. UFC/MMA, PGA golf, WWE wrestling, skateboarding, etc.). You are correct about RTS games falling off - genre-adjacent games like MOBAs and Tower Defense games have fallen off alongside them. I think that shoot-em-ups, brawlers, and platformers fell down there a long time ago. I think simulation games like flight simulators are on their way into the sunset. I think short-form narrative games (e.g. Uncharted) have also become unsustainable outside of special circumstances like being platform exclusives.
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Basically, AAA budgets can't exist if enough people aren't actively interested in the type of game and willing to keep playing it for a long time. It's quite normal for genres to mature and a handful of established industry leaders to carve out a sustainable audience and everybody else to lose ground until they basically fall out completely.
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shiryawashere · 2 months ago
i have a particular bone to pick with platforming in basically any PS3+ era AAA action game because they will all have realistic environments and physics so in order to not break the character models or scenery whenever your Rugged White Guy du jour grabs onto a ledge the game will always autocorrect the direction slightly to get him in the Right™ position whenever you're making a jump
and that's all fine and dandy except when the guy is a shit for brains and keeps insisting that what I really wanted was to jump onto that other thing next to where I'm actually jumping, which sometimes isn't even grabbable and he will simply fall and die, or when I'm relying on the autocorrect that I know exists it does not kick in and I get to watch as my boytoyman misses the ledge by the width of one (1) pinky and ragdolls unceremoniously down the face of a cliff because we may have realistic gravity but by god the dead bodies will never stop actING LIKE THEY'RE FILLED WITH HELIUM FOR SOME REASON-
...anyway i got a bit upset playing Uncharted
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everygame · 1 year ago
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Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
Developed/Published by: Naughty Dog / Sony Interactive Entertainment Released: 22/8/2017 Completed: 12/05/2023 Completion: Beat it. Trophies / Achievements: n/a
After Days Gone, I thought I’d go for something… consistent, straight-forward, and not a billion hours long.
Which is what Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is. And it’s… fine. It suffers for not having characters that you particularly care about (who knew Nathan Drake was actually carrying these?) nor a particularly captivating story or antagonist, but you do all the things you expect to do in an Uncharted (climb things, solve puzzles where you move things back and forth and get a bit annoyed, and do a henchmen genocide) and it’s polished off in, like, less than eight hours, even if you do extra stuff in the tiny open world level.
I don’t honestly have much to say about it. It’s a little bland, but what I really appreciate about it is that it sets out to be what I think triple AAA games should be? A short, tight narrative experience that you complete in roughly the length of time of a season of prestige television? Why aren’t they all like this?
(Just be a bit more exciting, though.)
Will I ever play it again? I wouldn’t, but the nice thing is that I could.
Final Thought: One thing I can’t decide whether I give it props for or not: the series finally gives you a device that alerts you when there’s a treasure nearby (which are always stupidly impossible to notice in Uncharteds) but you have to basically do an entire lengthy quest to unlock it. It’s a fun enough quest and the reward is worthwhile, but… I’d already missed a bunch of treasures, so it felt a bit moot, meaning if you’re a hundred-percenter you’re going to be looking at a guide anyway. Hmm!
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blacksaber8 · 2 years ago
Let’s play bad take roulette, where you have to guess which I agree with and which I do not
I think warzone should add black ops 2 c4s
Black ops three was the best cod game
The persona 3 story is overall mid
Dead cells is too easy, I prefer skyrim
Bethesda, activation, and Warner brothers are good companies that care about all of their employees and customers
Sonic is mid and tails is kinda annoying
The assassins creed series’ last good game was origins
Mortal kombat is the best fighting game series and the plot is airtight
Borderlands three has too many bosses.
borderlands 2 is not fun to play
Hollow knight is too big
Punch time explosion xl needs a remaster
Hades two was unwarranted
Terraria is not fun
Ark is not fun
The horizon series is not fun
Minecraft fell off when c418 was fired
The Arkham series had too much joker
The Arkham series is the truest form of Batman representation
I believe and throw away your mask are underwhelming songs
Infinite warfare is a good game
Battle passes and loot boxes both destroyed the AAA gaming industry
Chloe must die in life is strange.
Uncharted is a good series
Tomb raider is a good series
The Lego games are well thought out
Eruptor was the best skylander
Getting over it is a great game
Extinction was overrated and the ghosts campaign was underrated
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yesungsh27 · 14 days ago
Teknologi HDR di PlayStation: Cara Menikmati Visual Terbaik di TV Kamu"
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High Dynamic Range (HDR) telah menjadi salah satu teknologi yang sangat penting dalam dunia gaming modern, terutama bagi mereka yang ingin menikmati kualitas visual yang lebih hidup dan realistis. Dengan hadirnya PlayStation 4 dan PlayStation 5 yang mendukung HDR, para gamer kini bisa merasakan pengalaman visual yang kaya warna dan detail. Artikel ini akan membahas bagaimana teknologi HDR di PlayStation bisa meningkatkan kualitas visual dan memberikan panduan untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari fitur ini di TV kamu.
Apa Itu HDR dan Mengapa Penting di PlayStation?
HDR adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan TV menampilkan rentang warna dan kontras yang lebih luas. Sederhananya, HDR membuat area terang tampak lebih cerah dan area gelap tampak lebih dalam, menghasilkan gambar yang lebih dinamis dan mendetail. Di dunia gaming, HDR membawa keuntungan besar, terutama dalam menciptakan suasana dan detail yang imersif, baik di game dengan latar fantasy yang penuh warna maupun game bertema gelap dengan detail realisme tinggi.
PlayStation telah mendukung HDR sejak PS4 Pro dan melanjutkan dukungan ini di PS5, di mana game dengan grafis HDR dapat menampilkan visual yang sangat detail, lebih nyata, dan memberikan pengalaman bermain yang tak tertandingi. Banyak game eksklusif dan AAA di PlayStation yang telah dioptimalkan dengan HDR, seperti The Last of Us Part II, Horizon Forbidden West, dan Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
Bagaimana Teknologi HDR di PlayStation Bekerja?
Teknologi HDR di PlayStation bekerja dengan memanfaatkan data tambahan yang dikirimkan ke TV untuk memperluas kontras warna dan kecerahan. Ketika kamu menjalankan game yang mendukung HDR di PlayStation, konsol akan mengirimkan sinyal ke TV yang telah dioptimalkan untuk menampilkan rentang warna yang lebih luas dan tingkat kecerahan yang lebih tinggi.
PlayStation mendukung beberapa standar HDR, di antaranya HDR10, yang merupakan format paling umum dan kompatibel dengan hampir semua TV yang mendukung HDR. Selain itu, PS5 juga berpotensi mendukung format HDR yang lebih canggih, seperti Dolby Vision, melalui pembaruan di masa depan. Setiap format ini memungkinkan peningkatan kualitas visual, tetapi efek akhirnya tergantung pada kompatibilitas dan kemampuan TV kamu.
Manfaat Teknologi HDR di PlayStation
Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat yang bisa dirasakan dengan teknologi HDR di PlayStation:
Visual yang Lebih Hidup dan Detail HDR memberikan rentang warna yang lebih luas, menghasilkan visual yang lebih kaya dan nyata. Misalnya, langit biru, dedaunan hijau, dan sinar matahari yang menyinari area tertentu dalam game akan terlihat lebih realistis dengan HDR.
Pengalaman Immersif Dengan kontras warna yang tinggi dan tingkat kecerahan yang dioptimalkan, HDR mampu menciptakan pengalaman yang lebih mendalam, terutama dalam adegan-adegan gelap atau intens. Detail yang sebelumnya hilang di area gelap atau terlalu terang kini bisa terlihat lebih jelas.
Menambahkan Nilai Sinematik pada Game Bagi game PlayStation yang memiliki gaya sinematik, seperti God of War atau Uncharted, HDR menambah keindahan visualnya. Setiap adegan dalam game akan terasa seperti potongan film berkualitas tinggi, membuat gamer lebih terlibat secara emosional dengan cerita dan karakter.
Realistis untuk Dunia Terbuka Game dengan dunia terbuka seperti Ghost of Tsushima atau Horizon Zero Dawn benar-benar memanfaatkan HDR untuk memperkuat efek cuaca, siang dan malam, serta pencahayaan alami. Hal ini menciptakan dunia yang tampak hidup dan nyata, di mana pemain bisa menikmati keindahan alam atau kota dengan detail yang menakjubkan.
Cara Mengatur HDR di PlayStation Kamu
Untuk mendapatkan pengalaman HDR terbaik di PlayStation, kamu perlu memastikan bahwa konsol dan TV mendukung fitur ini. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk mengatur HDR di PlayStation:
Periksa Dukungan HDR di TV Kamu Pastikan TV yang kamu gunakan memiliki dukungan HDR. Sebagian besar TV 4K modern mendukung HDR, tetapi perlu memastikan bahwa fitur ini diaktifkan. Biasanya, TV akan memiliki opsi untuk mengaktifkan HDR pada setiap port HDMI di pengaturan.
Hubungkan PlayStation ke Port HDMI yang Tepat Beberapa TV hanya mendukung HDR pada port HDMI tertentu. Pastikan kamu menghubungkan PlayStation ke port yang mendukung HDR, dan gunakan kabel HDMI berkualitas tinggi untuk memastikan transmisi sinyal yang optimal.
Aktifkan HDR di Pengaturan PlayStation Di PlayStation 5, kamu dapat mengaktifkan HDR dengan membuka Settings > Screen and Video > Video Output. Pastikan opsi HDR diatur ke “On When Supported” atau “Always On” untuk memastikan game yang mendukung HDR akan menampilkan grafis terbaik.
Kalibrasi Tampilan HDR di PlayStation PlayStation 5 menyediakan fitur kalibrasi HDR yang bisa diakses di Screen and Video > Adjust HDR. Fitur ini memungkinkan kamu menyesuaikan level kecerahan sesuai dengan kemampuan TV kamu, sehingga tampilan HDR lebih optimal dan tidak terlalu gelap atau terlalu terang.
Periksa Pengaturan TV untuk Kalibrasi Tambahan Beberapa TV memungkinkan kamu menyesuaikan tampilan HDR secara manual. Pengaturan seperti brightness, contrast, dan black level bisa disesuaikan agar hasil HDR terlihat maksimal sesuai preferensi kamu.
Tips Menikmati HDR Maksimal di Game PlayStation
Pilih Game yang Mendukung HDR secara Optimal Tidak semua game mendukung HDR secara maksimal. Game eksklusif PlayStation atau AAA biasanya sudah dioptimalkan untuk HDR. Sebaiknya pilih game seperti Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Demon's Souls, atau Gran Turismo 7 untuk mendapatkan pengalaman HDR terbaik.
Periksa Pengaturan Grafis di Game Beberapa game memiliki opsi grafis yang memungkinkan kamu memilih antara mode Performance atau Quality. Jika ingin menampilkan HDR terbaik dengan resolusi tinggi, pilih mode Quality, yang biasanya mengutamakan visual daripada frame rate.
Mainkan di Ruangan dengan Pencahayaan Terbatas HDR paling terlihat ketika dimainkan di ruangan dengan pencahayaan minimal. Pencahayaan eksternal yang terlalu terang bisa mengurangi efek kontras HDR, sehingga sebaiknya mainkan game di ruangan dengan pencahayaan yang dapat diatur.
Gunakan Fitur Dynamic Tone Mapping (jika tersedia) Beberapa TV HDR memiliki fitur Dynamic Tone Mapping yang memungkinkan penyesuaian kontras dan kecerahan secara dinamis sesuai dengan adegan di game. Aktifkan fitur ini untuk meningkatkan detail gambar tanpa kehilangan kecerahan yang pas.
Game PlayStation Terbaik untuk Menikmati HDR
Ada beberapa game di PlayStation yang bisa memberikan pengalaman HDR terbaik:
The Last of Us Part II: Visual HDR yang mendetail, terutama pada elemen pencahayaan dan bayangan yang mempengaruhi atmosfer.
Spider-Man: Miles Morales: Kota New York yang penuh warna di malam hari terlihat spektakuler dengan HDR.
Ghost of Tsushima: Lanskap dunia terbuka yang memanjakan mata dengan warna dan kontras yang hidup.
Demon’s Souls: Menggunakan HDR untuk memberikan suasana misterius dengan pencahayaan yang detail.
Gran Turismo 7: Game balapan yang menghadirkan grafik realistis dengan dukungan HDR yang maksimal.
Dengan teknologi HDR, PlayStation memberikan kualitas visual yang semakin memukau dan meningkatkan pengalaman bermain. Dari game petualangan yang penuh aksi hingga dunia terbuka yang indah, HDR memungkinkan gamer untuk melihat detail yang sebelumnya tak terlihat, serta merasakan suasana yang lebih hidup dan emosional. Pastikan TV dan pengaturan PlayStation kamu sudah mendukung HDR untuk mendapatkan pengalaman gaming terbaik yang penuh warna, kontras, dan kecerahan yang memukau. Jadi, siap untuk merasakan grafis memukau dan bermain dengan pengalaman visual yang lebih maksimal di PlayStation?
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maximuswolf · 26 days ago
AAA Chase Massive Growth While Players Just Want Fun.
AAA Chase Massive Growth, While Players Just Want Fun. Lately, looking at the gaming market, it feels like gamers are just tired of all the trends. Maybe I’m not saying anything new here, but it seems like we’re over the constant push for free-to-play models, monetization schemes, and grandiose features. People just want solid games - good, classic games that provide a real experience. A strong story, real challenges, and yeah, we’re even willing to pay $100 if it’s actually worth it.Look at how games like Wukong are blowing up; it’s because they get it. AAA studios often seem out of touch with what players actually want, which opens up an awesome opportunity for a new generation of developers to step in and deliver the next great titles.Don’t get me wrong - there’s nothing wrong with devs wanting to make money through DLCs or extra modes. But when the big studios do it, it just feels... dirty. It’s like they see us as wallets they can milk for an extra $10, while new indie devs just want to create a genuine experience and get rewarded for it.Honestly, the only studio that has spent millions and consistently made it worth it is Rockstar with the GTA/Red Dead series. Other studios spending $300M on a single game? They’d be better off using that money as a funding pool, partnering with great indie developers, and releasing 15 quality titles instead of one buggy, recycled, delayed game no one asked for.My partner and I are developing a third-person action-adventure with a linear story, and honestly, I believe this classic format will always be the backbone of the gaming industry. Sure, co-op and multiplayer bring that dopamine hit, but we all love having those solo games in our library that let us chill and really get immersed.Not everyone agrees, but Uncharted 4, for example, will always be one of the best for me. It wasn’t overly complicated or super deep, but it was just pure fun - exactly what gaming should be.What do you guys think? Submitted November 02, 2024 at 05:34AM by Mindless-Cress8150 https://ift.tt/4gFCXAV via /r/gaming
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gourmetpunk · 2 months ago
Someone Help Me Solve This Mystery: What Happened To The AAA Video Game Industry Between 2010 and 2016?
So if you're a nerd about the history of many big AAA video game franchises like I am, you might have noticed that the production of mainline games in their series moved at a pretty steady clip from about 1990-2010. Then something happened, and I'm not sure exactly what, but you can see it from the follow dates:
Super Mario Galaxy (2007) -> Super Mario Galaxy 2 (2010) -> Super Mario Odyssey (2017)
Skyward Sword (2011) -> Breath Of The Wild (2017)
Uncharted 3 (2011) -> Uncharted 4 (2016)
Final Fantasy XIII (2009) -> Final Fantasy XV (2016)*
Metroid Prime 3 (2007) -> Metroid: Other M (2010) -> Metroid Dread (2021)
Halo 4 (2012) -> Halo 5 (2015) -> Halo Infinite (2021)
Persona 4 (2008) -> Persona 5 (2016)
Borderlands 2 (2012) -> Borderlands 3 (2019)
God Of War III (2010) -> God Of War: Ascension (2013) -> God Of War [Reboot] (2018)
Devil May Cry 4 (2008) -> Devil May Cry 5 (2019)**
*I know this may look like I'm fudging the numbers since FFXIV came out between these two, making for a 2009->2013->2016 timeline, but consider that the last time SquareEnix had released a mainline/MMO/mainline trio like this, it was X (2001)->XI (2002)->XII (2006), which is notably shorter by 2 years.
**This also might look like I'm fudging the numbers because I'm not counting DmC (2013), but consider the fact that that game was actually contracted out to an entirely different studio - I think this is significant in itself.
A few major series I was looking up don't quite follow this pattern, though some of these have noticeable quirks in themselves. The Souls series (including its offshoots like Bloodborne, Sekiro, etc.) started during this otherwise "barren" period and flourished, interestingly. The Call Of Duty series apparently kept releasing games this whole time, though it feels worth mentioning that I didn't really hear much about any of them between, say, Black Ops II (2012) and the Modern Warfare reboot (2019). Gears Of War moved from 3 in 2011 to prequel Judgement in 2013 before releasing 4 in 2016, but a brief glance at the Wikipedia entry for the prequel indicates it was something of a flop. Assassin's Creed kept moving at a steady pace throughout the decade, for better or for worse. I was going to list Pikmin 3->4 as having perhaps the longest gap (10 years!), but then I realized that 2->3 was almost as long (9!).
Another notable thing is the fact that several franchises simply seemed to fizzle out in the middle of the period, never getting a proper sequel. Dead Space and Bioshock are some examples, both effectively ending in 2013 (not counting remasters/re-releases, etc.)
Also worth mentioning is that if my memory is correct, indie games absolutely flourished during this period (don't ask me for examples, there are too many).
So my question is: what happened in this industry that resulted in so many long gaps between major franchise entries between approximately 2010 and 2016 (and more often 2017)? Was it as simple as the impacts of the 2009 recession hitting a few years late/delayed effects? Or is there something more complicated going on here? Something social, political, technological, all of the above? I'm serious, this is an open call, please tell me if you have any insights.
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market-news-24 · 7 months ago
Gaming giant Activision is setting its sights on creating a new narrative-based AAA franchise with the opening of a brand new studio. The company is looking to dive deeper into storytelling in video games with this latest endeavor. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting development in the world of gaming. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Activision has just announced the launch of Elsewhere Entertainment, a new studio dedicated to creating a groundbreaking AAA franchise with a strong focus on storytelling. This new studio, based in Warsaw, Poland, is the second Polish studio under Activision, joining forces with the existing Infinity Ward Poland in Krakow. The team at Elsewhere Entertainment consists of seasoned "storytelling experts" who have previously worked on popular franchises such as The Last of Us, Uncharted, The Witcher, Cyberpunk, Destiny, The Division, and Far Cry. They are currently in the process of recruiting talented developers to work on what they describe as a "state-of-the-art and next-generation gaming experience," which is rumored to not be related to the Call of Duty series. While specific details about Elsewhere Entertainment's first franchise remain scarce, the studio aims to develop a franchise that will have a lasting impact and resonate beyond the realm of gaming. This suggests a potential transmedia project that could rival the success of The Last of Us and Fallout, or possibly even extend into the realm of theme parks. Historically, Activision has been best known for its work on the Call of Duty series, as well as titles like Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Destiny. The launch of Elsewhere Entertainment marks a significant addition to Activision's portfolio, especially in an industry where studio closures and layoffs have been prevalent. As for the release date of Elsewhere Entertainment's debut game, it remains uncertain but is likely a few years away. In the meantime, Activision is gearing up to unveil the next installment in the Call of Duty series at the upcoming Xbox Showcase in June. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting new venture from Activision. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is Activision's new studio tasked with creating? The new studio is tasked with creating a narrative-based AAA franchise. 2. What kind of games will the new studio be developing? The new studio will be developing story-driven games with high production values. 3. Why is Activision focusing on narrative-based games? Activision sees a Market demand for engaging stories in games and wants to create a new franchise that can compete in this space. 4. Will the new franchise be similar to existing Activision titles? The new franchise is expected to be a departure from existing Activision titles, with a stronger emphasis on storytelling and character development. 5. Are there any details on the first game from the new studio? Details on the first game from the new studio have not been released yet, but fans can expect a focus on immersive storytelling and unique gameplay experiences.
Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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jcmarchi · 7 months ago
Xbox's Activision Opens New Studio To Develop Narrative-Based Triple-A Franchise
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/xboxs-activision-opens-new-studio-to-develop-narrative-based-triple-a-franchise/
Xbox's Activision Opens New Studio To Develop Narrative-Based Triple-A Franchise
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Activision, the developer-publisher Microsoft and Xbox purchased for $69 billion last year, has formed a new studio called Elsewhere Entertainment, and it is developing a new “narrative-based and genre-defining AAA franchise.” The studio is based in Warsaw, Poland, and, according to a report from IGN, it is not working on a Call of Duty-related project. 
This studio, which has been formed behind-the-scenes before today’s public unveiling, arrives roughly one week after Xbox closed four Bethesda studios, including Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks and Redfall team Arkane Austin. While the company has yet to publicly address the closures directly, Xbox president Sarah Bond said in an interview that the closures were about keeping the business healthy in the long-term. It’s why news of this new studio might be surprising, given one week ago, the parent company of Activision was closing studios to cut costs. 
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“Built from the ground up, Elsewhere Entertainment is a premier and standalone studio dedicated to establishing an environment that inspires bold and diverse ideas,” a blog post reads. “The team’s underlying mission encourages everyone to explore and collaborate creatively to craft a franchise with an enduring legacy that resonates far beyond games. [The] new studio has full access to Activision’s resources and tools as it continues to increase production and development. 
“Elsewhere is opening its search for best-in-class talent from across the industry and around the world to help create a state-of-the-art and next generation gaming experience.” 
Elsewhere is currently made up of developers with experience working on franchises like The Last of Us, Uncharted, The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077, Destiny, Tom Clancy’s The Division, and Far Cry. 
What kind of game do you hope Elsewhere makes? Let us know in the comments below!
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neep-neep-neep · 11 months ago
Forspoken is the only AAA game i've given a shit about since Uncharted The Lost Legacy (which was almost a U4 DLC anyway). I wish the people who put their hearts into making it could hear how much I love it after streamers had fun trashing their art over dialogue they didn't like. Forspoken's dialogue was fine. You couldn't make Ico today
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newsraag · 11 months ago
God of War Ragnarok PC Release Date Announced!
God of War Ragnarok Pc Possible Release Date
August 20, 2018, saw the release of God of War for the PlayStation 4. Fans of Kratos couldn’t start his epic God-slaying escapades on PC until January 14, 2022. When it comes to the expected time it takes for PlayStation titles to be officially released on PC, that translates to approximately four years.
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Although GoW: God of War Ragnarok PC Release Date has not been officially confirmed by Sony, there is a very good probability that it will. There is a strong likelihood that Ragnarok will join this group given Sony’s strong commitment to providing AAA titles for PC releases like Days Gone, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Uncharted, and the two Marvel’s Spider-Man: Morales games. Hermen Hulst, the president of PlayStation Studios, also stated that popular PlayStation games may be ported to PC at least a year after their first release.
Having said that, it’s possible that GoW: Ragnarok may grace PCs at the earliest on November 9, 2023. However, it’s possible that Sony will make GoW: Ragnarok available on PS Plus in November 2023. This suggests that the release date for the PC version might be pushed back to the first quarter of 2024. One of the PlayStation executives made a hint about it, but let’s not get our hopes up just yet.
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emotionalmultimediaride · 1 year ago
GOG release: "UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves Collection"
GOG’s Black Friday Sale got even hotter with a very big AAA release thanks to Naughty Dog and PlayStation PC‘s two action-adventures in the UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves Collection. After the GOG release of Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition and later the GOG release of Days Gone I somehow thought about other AAA titles that were formerly Sony exclusives, but made their way to the PC platform,…
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arkus-rhapsode · 3 months ago
Hey so I wanted to make a quick addition to this post given some recent news. So as most people are pretty aware-Astro Bot came out and its been getting a lot of reviews, but like it also feels like it kinda proved one of my theories about Sony's approach to the playstation brand.
So Astro Bot and Astro's Playroom really lean on the history of playstation and you'll find mountains of fan service and references to all types of characters and properties from playstation. But if you notice, its not all exclusive Sony stuff.
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Like look here on the promo art you can see God of War, Horizon, and Uncharted. All Playstation IP. But then you get into the game and there's references to like Street Fighter and Crash Bandicoot. And in Astro's Playroom you'd have stuff like Final Fantasy 7 and Devil May Cry references.
Now in my previous post I made it known that it seems like Sony had always made the playstation brand less about their actual homegrown games and more playstation as a platform. As the playstation was for many third parties the place to escape to. And like I said, it really ended up muddying the water of playstation's identity. Crash was the mascot platform of playstation like Mario and Sonic, but he was never made and owned by the companies that created the hardware like Mario and Sonic.
This is partially why when we got Playstation All-Stars, so many people were left confused about the roster and the sad truth was, a lot of those characters were first party characters Sony could use while stuff like Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Spyro, and Crash were out of reach as third parties (Of course there was still tons of other Sony characters they could've used and not just the PS3 era, but I digress).
Now let me be clear, Astro Bot is a fan service platform all about celebrating the history of Playstation. And Crash, Final Fantasy, Tekken, Street Fighter etc. all have a place in the history of Playstation. Im not saying the toy chest needs to be "pure." But it really just makes me think of how much Sony really hasn't got that much of a defined brand.
Like you compare them to Nintendo: Nintendo are masters of branding so much so that when there was a hard horror game like Eternal Darkness, people don't really think of it as "Nintendo." And of course, Nintendo has made its characters basically the life blood of their advertisements and why you should play their console. Nintendo is the home of these IP you can't get anywhere else.
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That's not to say Nintendo has a history connected to third party properties, but lets say hypothetically Nintendo made their own version of Astro Bot where there's a crap ton of fan service and celebrate the history of the company. Nintendo is more than likely gonna highlight their series, even their obscure ones like NES Golf, before they're like having cameos from Dragon Quest or Mega Man or Professor Layton.
Wait. They did that, it was called Captain Rainbow.
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Now once again, I'm not saying this is a bad game or that this choice is bad, this isn't about gamekeeping what is and isn't a playstation game and what should be here. But going back to Hiroki Totoki's original statement "We don't have much IP that we've fostered" I'd say the best advice I can give him then is that maybe they should like actually work on their branding then. Like as of now, the most people think of when the think playstation are usually big AAA cinematic games like The Last of Us, Uncharted, God of War Ragnarok-your Naughty Dog style games.
Like if you're gonna make these new IP then you gotta make the Sony and Playstation brand more identifiable. People shouldn't be wonder why they can get Crash on every system when back in the day it was THE Playstation game. You know Kratos can stand next to Astro Bot and everyone would be like "Oh yeah this is Sony." because if you're gonna devote so much time and marketing to other games, I don't blame people seeing Playstation as a platform first and a place for original IP second.
Anyway, Im sorry this like spur addendum to this post, but I really felt like adding after playing through Astro Bot.
So wasn't expecting to make this Gaming Hot Take of the day but after reading this from Sony CFO Hiroki Totoki I gotta be honest I had to write something
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So look, I can kinda understand this stance in a very retrospective sense as he says "Fostered from the beginning." Playstation 1 in particular didn't really make a big distinction between its original IP and its Third Party IP. It's why you had Crash Bandicoot or Cloud Strife as basically the mascot of Playstation when both come from third parties. Compared to the likes of Mario and Sonic who were not only their console mascot, but company mascots respectively.
But by now, Playstation has an undeniable back catalogue of first and second IP that it can either revive or rerelease if need be. Like if we're looking at like multi entry series and not just one offs, by the PS2, Sony had:
Jak & Daxter
Twisted Metal
Ape Escape
Sly Cooper
Wild Arms
Dark Cloud
Everybody's Golf
God of War
Rachet and Clank
And by the PS3 we have
Little Big Planet
Like Sony has their own catalogue that can stand on its own. Its not like they should be struggling now to play catch up.
Now if you read my recent Emio and Mages post, I am very well aware that in the age of modern gaming, a game doesn't get made without a team devoted to it. And with the rising production and time costs of making games, no company can release a hundred games and be profitable. So sadly some IP just do fall by the wayside in favor of others. Guerrilla Games isn't making Killzone anymore, because their efforts are spent on Horizon and Sucker Punch went from being the Sly Cooper guys to the Infamous guys, to now the Ghosts of Tsushima guys.
However, I feel like Sony has had some circumstances that compound this problem. Sony and Playstation are technically powerful machines-they want to fully utilize the hardware they're selling you for hundreds of dollars. It is their brand. However, the downside to this is because of this the rise in production costs, it's now taking much longer to make games that make use of the powerful hardware. We went from being able to release a full trilogy in a single generation to basically one. Its also made worse by the fact that Sony has been very active in shuttering studios and cutting costs. The biggest would be the loss of Sony Japan Studio, who were beloved for their more varied Japanese-y style games. It added flavor to the more Naughty Dog inspired games of the sixth and seventh generation. But now, Sony went all in on being that one big budget release that leaned more towards broader genres that could maximize the amount of sales like Uncharted, The Last of Us, Spider-Man, etc.
With this, a lot of mismanagement, its really made the PS5 era feel very sparse compared to the PS4. Now, I wanna stress this, I actually do not subscribe to the mentality "Playstation has no games." Playstation has tons of games beyond just their first party titles, some are exclusive like Final Fantasy 16, some are just way too powerful to be something that could be played on a switch like GTAV. Heck, I played Bomb Rush Cyberfunk on my PS5 and it's probably the game I've dumped the most time into this year. So yes, even if Playstation's first party offerings are few and far between, you're still capable of playing a lot of good games on this really expensive plastic box.
And maybe that's indicative of the fact that Playstation has always been about selling you the hardware on the basis of the hardware. Going back to the PS1, the main selling points was this was the haven for third parties after Nintendo really burned a lot of developers with the N64, and that this was a much more system than the N64. When you look at someone like Nintendo now, they're hardware is underpowered they live and die by the power of their software that only they can provide and no one else. But the playstation even if its not shooting out a new Jax & Daxter every year, they're still the place you can play something like Final Fantasy or Elden Ring at a really great clip. Perhaps Totoki was alluding to that reliance on hardware instead of software because in retrospect, they never really had that big homegrown system seller on playstation till the PS2 with things like God of War. And now fostering that, has made it hard to have that sort of Zelda or Halo that are so undeniably their companies IP and will move launch units.
But a reliance on just being the place where you can play games at a high fidelity, means that its still got competition from Xbox and PC. So Sony would have to offer a service the others don't and that can be software you find nowhere else. True story, I was genuinely conflicted about getting a PS5 or and Xbox X/S for my birthday because I knew I needed to at least have a strong machine to play with my switch. And ultimately I took PS5 because that was the console that would have God of War Ragnarok and Spider-Man 2. So yes, IP absolutely factors into purchases in my experience. And the fact that this generation Sony has really struggled to put out first party games, really makes that purchase factor feel so much thinner and thinner. When you know-you know Sony has loads of IP (Some that haven't left their respective console) that even a simple remaster on the PS5 could at least hold people over in-between their AAA releases. So to hear their CFO say that they don't have enough IP, gets very disingenuous.
To close this out, I wanna stress something. I don't think wanting to make new IP is a bad thing. Im glad Sony is willing to invest 8 years and millions of dollars into something new. But eventually, we reach a point where this has to be better managed. We have to have some smaller titles that can be released between the bigger ones. We gotta have some variation in the types of games we're getting from the platform holder. And sometimes leaning in on those fan faves for smaller titles would help. Are they gonna sell 10 million units? More than likely not. But if you balance the budget, having something move between 1-2 million units would be acceptable. Perhaps maybe allow more second party developers a crack at using that IP so your internal teams can work on the bigger blockbuster titles?
The PS5 generation has been a pretty all over the map one for Sony, and the more we learn about the thoughts and management behind the scenes, the more aggravating it can become when this platform does something really cool, but then seems to take two steps back. I genuinely can't tell you if I'll get a PS6. But if I do, it will probably not be out of optimism for classic Playstation franchises to return.
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ravenkinnie · 1 year ago
I know it’s unlikely but given the game would be published under Sony who have a few (mostly white) female Leads or at least notable female main characters in their AAA and AA game line up (Horizon, last of us part 2, uncharted lost legacy) I don’t think if insomniac wanted to do a spider-woman game (and choosing Gwen for this after the success of the movies just makes sense) that they wouldn’t let them do it. Game and Comic Bros will cry either way
Abby still gets blamed every day for the woke Agenda in games for being buff and killing Joel
honestly I don't have a ps so my selfish hope is they don't do it so I don't have to see clips online of what I'm missing out on </3 I'm not a video game person much but I'm playing convergence for jinx like for gwen I would fucking play it if it was on PC. I would be in the trenches too because I'm an abby defender for life already 😔
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domenico-ss · 2 years ago
Can you play PS4 games on PS5?
The PlayStation 5 is Sony's latest console, and with it comes a host of new features, improved graphics, and a plethora of exciting new games. But the big question remains: Can you play PS4 games on PS5? The short answer is yes, but there are a few caveats. While the majority of PS4 games are playable on the PS5, some may require an update or patch for optimal performance, and some may not be available at all. Additionally, there are certain features or functions that may not be available when playing PS4 games on the PS5. Still, the amount of PS4 games that are playable on the PS5 is impressive. Sony has gone through and tested thousands of titles, and most of them are compatible with the new console. That includes all of the big AAA titles like Grand Theft Auto V, The Last of Us, and Uncharted 4. Also, Sony has released a special version of the PS5, the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition, that is compatible with all PS4 games. This version of the console does not have a disc drive, but it still allows you to play your existing library of games. The PlayStation 5 also includes a new feature called "Backward Compatibility" which allows you to play select PS4 games directly on the PS5, without any need for updates or patches. This feature is still in its early stages, but Sony has already announced that some of the biggest titles, such as Red Dead Redemption 2, will be compatible with this feature. So, if you're a fan of the PS4 and are looking to upgrade to the PS5, you don't have to worry about leaving your beloved games behind. Most of your existing library will be playable on the PS5, and you can even look forward to some new features and upgrades when playing them.
What PS4 games are not compatible with PS5?
When Sony's PlayStation 5 console was announced, gamers everywhere were excited to finally get their hands on the next-gen gaming experience. But with the launch of the new console, some gamers have been wondering if all of their beloved PS4 games will be compatible with the PS5. The answer is no - some PS4 games are not compatible with the PS5. The first thing to note is that all PS4 games that are disc-based will be playable on the PS5. That means that if you have a physical copy of a PS4 game, you can still play it on the PS5. However, there are some limitations. For example, if a game requires a PlayStation Camera or PlayStation Move controllers, you won't be able to use them on the PS5. Furthermore, some games may require a patch to be playable on the PS5. The second thing to consider is that all digital PS4 games, including those purchased through the PlayStation Store, will be playable on the PS5. However, some may require a patch to be playable or have their features enhanced. In addition, if a game was published by a third party and not by Sony, the game may not be playable on the PS5. Finally, there are some games that are neither disc-based nor digital that will not be compatible with the PS5. These games are mostly older titles that are no longer available for purchase. Some of these titles include Vib-Ribbon, The Last of Us: Left Behind, and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Ultimately, if you are interested in playing PS4 games on the PS5, make sure to double-check their compatibility before purchasing. That way, you can make sure that you're getting the most out of your gaming experience.
can you play ps4 games on ps5 for free?
Are you wondering if you can play PS4 games on the new PS5 console? The answer is yes, you can! In fact, many people are already enjoying their favorite PS4 games on their new PS5. Sony has made sure to make the transition from PS4 to PS5 as smooth as possible. Here’s what you need to know about playing PS4 games on PS5. First, you need to make sure that your PS4 game is compatible with the new console. Not all PS4 games are compatible with the PS5, so you should check the list of compatible titles before you purchase any new games. Second, you can play your PS4 games on PS5 for free. Sony has made it possible for you to download and install your PS4 games onto your PS5. All you need to do is make sure that your PS4 game is compatible with the PS5, and then you can download and install your game on your PS5. Lastly, you can also play your PS4 games on PS5 using a feature called “Backward Compatibility”. This allows you to play your PS4 games on your PS5 as if you were playing it on a PS4. However, some features, such as some online features, may not be available. So, in summary, yes you can play your PS4 games on the PS5 for free. You just need to make sure that the game is compatible and then you can download and install it onto your PS5 for free. You can also use the Backward Compatibility feature to play your PS4 games on PS5 as if you were playing them on a PS4.
can you play ps4 disc games on ps5 digital?
The PlayStation 5 is an exciting new console, offering gamers a host of new features and experiences. One of the most talked-about aspects of the console is its ability to play PS4 games on a digital platform. But can you play PS4 disc games on the PS5 digital? If you’re a fan of physical copies of your favourite games, then the answer is: yes, you can play PS4 disc games on the PS5 digital. Sony has made it possible for users to transfer their physical copies of PS4 games over to the digital version of the PS5. This makes it convenient for gamers to play their favourite games on the latest technology. Here’s how to make the transition from physical to digital copies on the PS5: - Insert your PS4 disc into the console. - Go to the PlayStation Store and select the “Redeem Code” option. - Enter the code from the disc. - The game will then be added to your library. - You can now play the game on your PS5 digital. It’s important to note that you won’t get a digital-only version of a PS4 game when transferring it over to the PS5. Instead, you’ll get the same version that was released for the PS4. This means that if the game had a digital-only version, then the physical copy you own won’t include it. Read the full article
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