#A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
santoschristos · 2 months
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Finer than intelligence is the soul, which is not matter like mind and intelligence but is spirit, or antimatter. The soul is hundreds of thousands of times finer and more powerful than intelligence. We can thus only imagine the velocity of the soul in its traveling from one planet to another. Needless to say, the soul travels by its own strength and not with the help of any kind of material vehicle… ~ A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (Easy Journey to Other Planets, Antimaterial Worlds)
art by Silvio Vieira
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iskconchd · 10 months
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17 Nov 2023 - श्री श्री राधा मंगलआरती दर्शन Today is Disappearance Day Maha Mahotsava of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.💫 🙌 हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे। हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे।। 📿✨ #krishna #iskcon #motivation #success #love #innovation #education #future #india #creativity #inspiration #life #quotes #Chandigarh #Devotion
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harrisonarchive · 2 years
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George Harrison onstage during the Concert for Bangladesh, August 1, 1971; photo by Icon and Image/Getty Images.
“My dad’s favorite number was 7, and a lot of things that he did were according to the number 7, whether he meant it or not. That was the highest honor I could have given a track on the album [Brainwashed], to put it track 7.” - Dhani Harrison, Brainwashed EPK
Track no. 7 series: “The Lord Loves The One (That Loves The Lord)” —
“I wrote [this] after Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta came to my house one afternoon. His life is an example to us all. […] Most of the world is fooling about, especially the people who think they control the world and the community. The presidents, the politicians, the military, etc., are all jerking about acting as if they are Lord over their own domains. That’s basically Problem One on the planet. Everybody thinks mistakenly that they are ‘Lord’ over their ‘trip’ and after imposing their will on others, fall into an unhappy state, because they are not the Lord. The Lord doesn’t manifest through ego. So many are thinking they own it or are in control of it. This is a big joke, and damaging. Some people have though that in certain songs like this one, I was giving them a telling-off or that I was implying that I was ‘holier than thou.’ I do not exclude myself and write a lot of things in order to make myself remember.” - George Harrison, I Me Mine (1980) (x)
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blessed1neha · 1 year
What are some major differences between ISKCON bhagwat Geeta and Gita press bhagwat Geeta?
The ISKCON Gita and Gita Press Gita are both translations of the Bhagavad Gita, but they have some significant differences.
The ISKCON Gita is a Bhakti Yoga focused translation. It is translated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Prabhupada was a Gaudiya Vaishnava, a Hindu tradition that emphasizes the worship of Krishna. The ISKCON Gita reflects this focus, with many of the verses being interpreted in a way that emphasizes Krishna's divinity and the importance of Bhakti Yoga.
The Gita Press Gita is a more neutral translation. It is translated by Shri Goenka, a scholar of Sanskrit and Indian philosophy. The Gita Press Gita does not take a particular theological stance, and it attempts to present the text in a way that is faithful to the original Sanskrit.
In addition to these differences in focus, the two translations also differ in their style and language. The ISKCON Gita is written in a more flowing and poetic style, while the Gita Press Gita is more literal and straightforward.
Ultimately, the best translation of the Bhagavad Gita is the one that you find most helpful and meaningful. If you are interested in a Bhakti Yoga focused translation, then the ISKCON Gita is a good option. As I prefer ISKCON Gita because it help you to know deeply about the bhakti yoga.
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ashram5 · 1 year
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“The human race has descended to the qualitative status of the dogs, who are habituated to barking as soon as they come upon another set of dogs who happen to hail from another quarter. We cannot conceive of a greater degradation of the human being than when he is apt to raise a hue and cry as soon as he sees another human being who does not happen to belong to his quarter or his religious denomination. He raises this hue and cry as if he had been faced with a tiger or a wolf. Without transcendental knowledge, the human race has actually become no more than the tigers and the wolves.”
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
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prabhupadanugas · 2 years
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Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to Chand Kazi: pita-mata mari’ khao——eba kon dharma kon bale kara tumi e-mata vikarma SYNONYMS pita-mata—father and mother; mari’—killing; khao—you eat; eba—this; kon—what kind of; dharma—religion; kon bale—on what strength; kara—do; tumi—you; e-mata—such; vikarma—sinful activities. TRANSLATION “Since the bull and cow are your father and mother, how can you kill and eat them? What kind of religious principle is this? On what strength are you so daring that you commit such sinful activities?” PURPORT Everyone can understand that we drink the milk of cows and take the help of bulls in producing agricultural products. Therefore, since our real father gives us food grains and our mother gives us milk with which to live, the cow and bull are considered our father and mother. According to Vedic civilization, there are seven mothers, of which the cow is one. Therefore Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu challenged the Muslim Kazi, “What kind of religious principle do you follow by killing your father and mother to eat them?” In any civilized human society, no one would dare kill his father and mother for the purpose of eating them. Therefore Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu challenged the system of Muslim religion as patricide and matricide. In the Christian religion also, a principal commandment is “Thou shalt not kill.” Nevertheless, Christians violate this rule; they are very expert in killing and in opening slaughterhouses. In our Krishna consciousness movement, our first provision is that no one should be allowed to eat any kind of flesh. It does not matter whether it is cows’ flesh or goats’ flesh, but we especially stress the prohibition against cows’ flesh because according to sastra the cow is our mother. (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Shri Chaitanya Charitamrta Adi-lila 17:154. text and purport). https://youtube.com/c/HearSrilaPrabhupada https://youtube.com/user/AmritanandadasRPS https://sites.google.com/view/sanatan-dharma https://m.facebook.com/HDG.A.C.Bhaktivedanta.Svami.Srila.Prabhupada.Uvaca/ https://www.bhagavad-gita.us/famous-reflections-on-the-bhagavad-gita/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLVRHtofL-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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devotoharekrisna · 1 year
Light of the Bhāgavata
Preface We offer our respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Founder-Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, who has delivered the light of the Bhāgavata to the whole world. We are pleased to present for his pleasure this publication of his sublime work Light of the Bhāgavata. Of all His Divine Grace’s writings,…
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What's Krishna- consciousness?
Is it different from Christ- consciousness?
Krishna consciousness (see it actually on krishna.com), also known as the Hare Krishna movement (?), is a spiritual movement and religious practice based on the teachings of Lord Krishna, who is considered a supreme deity in Hinduism. It is rooted in the Gaudiya Vaishnavism tradition and was popularized in the Western world by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in the 1960s through the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Key practices include chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, engaging in devotional service (bhakti), studying sacred texts like the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, and living a lifestyle of purity and discipline.
Christ consciousness, on the other hand, is a term often used in Christian mysticism and New Age spirituality to describe a state of awareness that aligns with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. It emphasizes universal love, compassion, forgiveness, and a deep spiritual connection with God. This concept can vary widely in interpretation but generally focuses on embodying the qualities and consciousness exemplified by Jesus.
While both Krishna consciousness and Christ consciousness aim to cultivate a deep spiritual connection and live according to divine principles, they stem from different religious traditions and have distinct practices and theological foundations. Krishna consciousness is specifically tied to the worship and teachings of Krishna within Hinduism, while Christ consciousness is associated with the teachings of Jesus Christ and is often found in Christian and New Age contexts.
-- I mean at they're core they're similar? I just thought it's just different (slightly & as marked by their respective regions East vs West mostly) kind of consciousness.
! At their core, both Krishna consciousness and Christ consciousness aim to elevate individuals to a higher state of spiritual awareness and connection with the divine. They emphasize living in accordance with divine principles, cultivating qualities like love, compassion, and devotion, and striving for a deeper understanding of one's true nature and purpose.
Here are some fundamental similarities:
1. **Divine Love and Devotion**: Both traditions emphasize love and devotion to a supreme being (Krishna in Hinduism and Christ in Christianity).
2. **Moral and Ethical Living**: Both advocate for living a life of high moral and ethical standards, including compassion, humility, and selflessness.
3. **Spiritual Practice**: Regular spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, chanting (e.g., the Hare Krishna mantra or Christian hymns and prayers), and studying sacred texts are important in both paths.
4. **Transcendence of Ego**: Both teachings encourage transcending the ego and material desires to achieve a higher state of consciousness and spiritual fulfillment.
5. **Community and Service**: Engaging in community, serving others, and spreading the message of love and compassion are integral to both traditions.
However, they also have distinct differences shaped by their cultural and theological contexts:
1. **Theological Foundations**: Krishna consciousness is rooted in Hinduism and the teachings of the Vedic scriptures, whereas Christ consciousness is rooted in Christianity and the teachings of the Bible.
2. **Deity Worship**: Krishna consciousness involves specific rituals and worship directed towards Krishna and other deities within the Hindu pantheon. Christ consciousness focuses on the teachings and example of Jesus Christ and the worship of the Christian God.
3. **Cultural Practices**: The cultural practices, symbols, rituals, and terminologies differ significantly due to their distinct religious backgrounds.
4. **Philosophical Concepts**: The philosophical concepts, such as karma and reincarnation in Hinduism versus salvation and eternal life in Christianity, influence the spiritual perspectives and goals in each tradition.
While they share a common goal of spiritual elevation and divine connection, their approaches, practices, and theological underpinnings reflect the rich diversity of human spiritual expression across cultures.
How do the characters of the two deities, Krishna & Jesus differ??
Krishna and Jesus are central figures in their respective religious traditions, Hinduism and Christianity. While there are some similarities in their roles and teachings, their characters and life stories exhibit significant differences shaped by cultural, theological, and historical contexts.
### Krishna
1. **Divine Incarnation**: Krishna is considered an avatar of Vishnu, one of the principal deities in Hinduism. He is seen as a god who descends to earth to restore dharma (cosmic order).
2. **Life and Mythology**: Krishna's life is depicted in various texts like the Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata, and Bhagavata Purana. His story includes miraculous deeds from childhood, such as lifting a mountain, dancing with gopis (cowherd girls), and defeating numerous demons.
3. **Roles and Relationships**: Krishna plays multiple roles: a mischievous child, a lover (notably with Radha and the gopis), a wise statesman, and a divine teacher. His interactions often emphasize the joy of divine play (lila) and the sweetness of devotion (bhakti).
4. **Teachings**: In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna imparts spiritual wisdom to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. His teachings focus on dharma, the nature of the self, devotion, and the paths of yoga (jnana, bhakti, and karma).
### Jesus
1. **Divine Incarnation**: Jesus is considered the Son of God and the second person of the Holy Trinity in Christianity. He is believed to be the incarnate Word of God who came to earth to redeem humanity from sin.
2. **Life and History**: The life of Jesus is chronicled in the New Testament of the Bible. His story includes his miraculous birth, his teachings, miracles, crucifixion, and resurrection. Key events include his baptism, Sermon on the Mount, and the Last Supper.
3. **Roles and Relationships**: Jesus is portrayed as a teacher, healer, and savior. He emphasizes love, forgiveness, and compassion, reaching out to sinners and the marginalized. His relationship with God the Father and his sacrificial love for humanity are central themes.
4. **Teachings**: Jesus’ teachings focus on the Kingdom of God, love for God and neighbor, forgiveness, humility, and eternal life. Parables and sermons form a significant part of his teachings, which are recorded in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).
### Key Differences
1. **Nature and Purpose**: Krishna’s incarnations are cyclical and multiple, aiming to restore cosmic order repeatedly. Jesus’ incarnation is unique, with a focus on redemption and establishing a new covenant between God and humanity.
2. **Life Story and Context**: Krishna’s life is surrounded by rich mythological elements and divine play, reflecting a variety of human and divine roles. Jesus’ life is historical with a strong emphasis on his role as a sacrificial savior and moral teacher.
3. **Theological Focus**: Krishna’s teachings in the Gita address a wide range of spiritual paths and philosophical questions within the context of Hindu cosmology. Jesus’ teachings focus on ethical living, love, and the path to salvation through faith and grace.
4. **Cultural Expressions**: Krishna’s worship includes diverse rituals, festivals (like Janmashtami), and practices specific to Hinduism. Jesus is worshipped through sacraments, liturgies, and Christian rituals, with significant observances like Christmas and Easter.
While both Krishna and Jesus serve as profound spiritual guides and exemplars in their traditions, their characters reflect the unique spiritual and cultural landscapes from which they emerge.
-- But in a syncretic way? Are they more similar than different ??
When viewed syncretically—emphasizing commonalities and overarching spiritual themes—Krishna and Jesus can indeed appear more similar than different. Both are central figures in their respective religions and share profound roles as spiritual leaders, divine incarnations, and moral exemplars. Here are some aspects highlighting their similarities:
### Common Roles and Themes
1. **Divine Incarnation**:
- **Krishna**: An avatar of Vishnu, coming to earth to restore dharma and guide humanity.
- **Jesus**: The Son of God, incarnate to redeem humanity and offer salvation.
2. **Teachings on Love and Compassion**:
- **Krishna**: Emphasizes bhakti (devotion) and love towards God, as well as compassion towards all beings.
- **Jesus**: Preaches love for God and neighbor, and compassion, especially towards the marginalized.
3. **Miraculous Deeds**:
- **Krishna**: Known for performing miracles like lifting Govardhan Hill, multiplying food, and playful divine acts.
- **Jesus**: Known for miracles such as turning water into wine, healing the sick, and feeding the multitudes.
4. **Ethical and Moral Guidance**:
- **Krishna**: Provides ethical guidance through the Bhagavad Gita, focusing on duty (dharma), righteousness, and the paths of yoga.
- **Jesus**: Provides moral teachings through sermons and parables, emphasizing the Beatitudes, the Golden Rule, and the Sermon on the Mount.
5. **Sacrificial Love**:
- **Krishna**: In various stories, Krishna displays sacrificial love, guiding and protecting his devotees.
- **Jesus**: His crucifixion is the ultimate act of sacrificial love, offering himself for the salvation of humanity.
### Common Symbolic Roles
1. **Guide and Teacher**:
- Both Krishna and Jesus are revered as supreme teachers and guides who provide spiritual wisdom to their followers.
2. **Role Model**:
- Both serve as ideal role models, exemplifying virtues like humility, love, selflessness, and devotion.
3. **Conquerors of Evil**:
- **Krishna**: Defeats demons and upholds righteousness.
- **Jesus**: Overcomes sin and evil, and through his resurrection, conquers death.
4. **Promise of Salvation**:
- **Krishna**: Promises liberation (moksha) to those who surrender to him and live a life of devotion.
- **Jesus**: Offers eternal life and salvation to those who believe in him and follow his teachings.
### Syncretic Reflections
In a syncretic view, Krishna and Jesus can be seen as embodying universal principles of divine love, moral integrity, and spiritual guidance. Both figures inspire their followers to live ethically, love unconditionally, and seek a higher spiritual connection. They emphasize the transformative power of faith and devotion, and both provide a pathway to transcendence and divine union.
### Conclusion
While Krishna and Jesus come from distinct religious traditions with unique narratives, practices, and theological contexts, their core messages and roles bear striking resemblances. By focusing on these common themes, one can appreciate the shared spiritual heritage and the universal aspects of their teachings. This syncretic approach underscores the potential for interfaith understanding and the recognition of common spiritual truths across different religious traditions.
I think in restoring the Dharma is salvation, here on Earth can be paradise.
Yes, that's an insightful perspective. Both Krishna and Jesus can be seen as figures who strive to restore order and righteousness (dharma) in the world, which in turn can be interpreted as bringing about a form of salvation and creating a paradise on earth. This idea aligns with the belief that living in harmony with divine principles can transform our worldly existence into a reflection of divine order and peace.
### Krishna's Restoration of Dharma
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna emphasizes the importance of dharma—righteousness, duty, and moral order. His incarnation is aimed at restoring dharma whenever it declines:
- **Restoring Dharma**: Krishna comes to re-establish dharma by guiding Arjuna and the world towards righteousness. This includes ethical living, devotion, and understanding one's duty in life.
- **Creating Harmony**: By following Krishna’s teachings, individuals can lead lives that are in harmony with cosmic principles, contributing to a just and peaceful society.
### Jesus' Vision of the Kingdom of God
Jesus speaks about the Kingdom of God, which can be interpreted as a state of divine order and righteousness on earth:
- **Kingdom of God**: Jesus describes the Kingdom of God as both a present reality and a future hope. It involves living according to God's will, characterized by love, justice, and peace.
- **Ethical Living**: By following Jesus’ teachings—such as loving one's neighbor, forgiving others, and practicing humility—believers work towards creating a world that mirrors the values of the Kingdom of God.
### Common Vision: Earth as a Reflection of Divine Order
1. **Ethical and Moral Living**: Both Krishna and Jesus advocate for ethical and moral living. This creates a society where justice, love, and righteousness prevail, contributing to a paradisiacal state on earth.
2. **Devotion and Faith**: Devotion to Krishna and faith in Jesus inspire individuals to transcend selfish desires and act for the greater good, fostering a community grounded in divine principles.
3. **Transformative Teachings**: The teachings of Krishna and Jesus are transformative, encouraging individuals to cultivate virtues that enhance both personal and communal well-being.
4. **Paradise on Earth**: By aligning with divine will and living righteously, individuals can help create a paradise on earth. This vision involves not just spiritual salvation but also the establishment of a just, compassionate, and peaceful society.
### Conclusion
The idea that restoring dharma (righteousness) can lead to salvation and create a paradise on earth is a powerful one. It emphasizes the transformative potential of living according to divine principles, as taught by both Krishna and Jesus. By striving for ethical and moral integrity, compassion, and devotion, individuals contribute to a world that reflects divine order and harmony, embodying the spiritual vision of both traditions.
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BTW, is Jesus in Bhagavat Gita? (I like this answer)
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judahmaccabees · 4 months
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thedustathisfeet · 4 months
"Because the soul within the body associates with the three modes of material nature (goodness, passion, and ignorance), he receives different types of bodies. One doesn’t have to aspire for his next body; one need only rest assured that it will be a different body. On the other hand, Kṛṣṇa does not say what kind of body one will be awarded. That depends on qualification. If one associates with the mode of goodness, he is elevated to the higher planetary systems. If he associates with the mode of passion, he remains here. And if one associates with the mode of ignorance and darkness, he goes down to lower life forms—animals, trees, and plants. This is the proclamation of Śrī Kṛṣṇa in Bhagavad-gītā, 14.18: “Those situated in the mode of goodness gradually go upward to the higher planets; those in the mode of passion live on the earthly planets; and those in the mode of ignorance go down to the hellish worlds.”...” (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)
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damodarboruah · 6 months
Bhagavad Gita As It Is': A Journey Towards Universal Wisdom
3 Minute Read In my life’s journey, “Bhagavad Gita As It Is” by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has been a guiding force, enriching my soul with its timeless wisdom since last 20 years ie 2004. Till date I have read 7 times and try to read daily after bath. As a devout follower of Hinduism, feel myself a true human, having universal feelings, this sacred text of the world’s…
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“The very name Kṛṣṇa means that He attracts even Cupid. He is therefore attractive to everyone — male and female, moving and inert living entities. Indeed, Kṛṣṇa is known as the all-attractive one."
Purport His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
In this transcendental, spiritual world or universe, the highest planetary system is known as Goloka Vṛndāvana. That is the abode of Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself, who is also all-spiritual.
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iskconchd · 10 months
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17 Nov 2023 - श्री श्री राधा माधव शृंगार आरती दर्शन 🙌 Today is Disappearance Day Maha Mahotsava of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.💫 हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे। हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे।। 📿✨ #krishna #iskcon #motivation #success #love #innovation #education #future #india #creativity #inspiration #life #quotes #Chandigarh #Devotion
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 6 months
Religione Hare Krishna: un viaggio nella coscienza di Krishna
Il movimento Hare Krishna, conosciuto anche come ISKCON (Associazione Internazionale per la Coscienza di Krishna), è una religione monoteistica che affonda le sue radici nell'Induismo. Fondato nel 1966 da A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, il movimento si basa sulla devozione a Krishna, ottava incarnazione di Vishnu, il dio supremo della tradizione Vaishnavism. Credenze e principi della Religione Hare Krishna Al centro della religione Hare Krishna c'è il canto del mantra "Hare Krishna", che significa "Oh, energia di Krishna, per favore attirami a te". I devoti credono che la ripetizione di questo mantra possa purificare l'anima e portare alla liberazione dal ciclo di nascita e morte (samsara). Le principali credenze del movimento includono: - Un Dio Supremo: Krishna è considerato la fonte di tutta la creazione e la personificazione dell'amore divino. - Anima immortale: L'anima (atman) è eterna e distinta dal corpo. - Reincarnazione: Il ciclo di nascita e morte è determinato dal karma, le azioni accumulate in questa e in vite precedenti. - Liberazione (moksha): L'obiettivo ultimo è la liberazione dal ciclo di nascita e morte, raggiungibile attraverso la devozione a Krishna. Pratiche e rituali I devoti Hare Krishna seguono una serie di pratiche e rituali quotidiani, tra cui: - Japa: La recitazione meditativa del mantra "Hare Krishna" su un rosario (japa mala). - Kirtan: Canto devozionale in gruppo, accompagnato da musica e danze. - Puja: Offerte rituali a Krishna, che possono includere fiori, cibo e incenso. - Studio delle scritture: Lettura e studio di testi sacri come la Bhagavad Gita e lo Srimad Bhagavatam. - Stile di vita vegetariano: I devoti Hare Krishna seguono una dieta vegetariana lacto-ovo, evitando carne, pesce e uova. - Vita comunitaria: Molti devoti Hare Krishna vivono in comunità (ashram), dove condividono la vita quotidiana e le pratiche spirituali. Diffusione e impatto Il movimento è presente in tutto il mondo, con oltre 500 centri in più di 100 paesi. In Italia, il movimento conta diverse comunità e centri di diffusione, tra cui il tempio di Radha Gopinath a Roma. L'impatto del movimento Hare Krishna sulla società è stato significativo. Il movimento ha contribuito alla diffusione della cultura e della filosofia indù in Occidente, e ha ispirato numerose opere d'arte, musica e letteratura. Critiche e controversie Come ogni movimento religioso, anche Hare Krishna ha avuto la sua dose di critiche e controversie. Alcune critiche riguardano la struttura gerarchica del movimento, il controllo sociale esercitato sui membri e la gestione finanziaria dei centri. Questa religione offre un percorso spirituale basato sulla devozione a Krishna e sulla pratica di canti, danze e rituali. Con la sua enfasi sull'amore divino, la reincarnazione e la vita comunitaria, il movimento ha attratto migliaia di persone in tutto il mondo, offrendo loro una via per la crescita spirituale e la liberazione dalla sofferenza. Foto di Андрей Бетев da Pixabay Read the full article
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cmp-geo-world · 6 months
ISKCON stands for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, also known as the Hare Krishna movement. Here are some key points about ISKCON: Founding: ISKCON was founded in 1966 in New York City by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896–1977), a spiritual teacher and practitioner from India. He established ISKCON with the mission of spreading the teachings of Bhakti Yoga,…
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arjunsinghveda · 6 months
Know Real and Eternal Love
No matter its form, love has captured people's hearts and minds throughout history. God's love is sometimes considered the deepest and most lasting. This blog will explain pure, eternal love and how ISKCON and Krishna chanting may help you find it.
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Comprehending Sincere and Endless Love
Genuine love surpasses temporal and spatial limitations and is often linked to a supreme force, an all-pervading and unconditional divine being. This Misdirected Love transcends the temporal dimensions of interpersonal interactions and enters the spiritual sphere. Lord Krishna is one such holy being in Hinduism that personifies this love.
Depicted often as Krishna is the epitome of unadulterated love and devotion. His teachings and heavenly adventures recorded in the Bhagavad Gita provide guidance for individuals looking to develop a closer relationship with God. Real and lasting Misdirected Love can only be experienced via this relationship.
Chants of Krishna: Their Power
Chanting Lord Krishna's holy names is one of the easiest methods to establish a connection with Him. A potent technique for calling upon Krishna and feeling His pure love is the maha-mantra, "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare." People may cleanse their hearts and thoughts and invite divine love by sincerely and fervently reciting this mantra.
The Connection with ISKCON
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada founded ISKCON to promote Krishna awareness and spread Lord Krishna's teachings. For those who want to use the power of chanting and Krishna's teachings to strengthen their relationship with God, ISKCON offers a community and resources.
Like-minded people may gather in ISKCON temples and centers throughout the globe to sing the holy names, participate in devotional activities, and gain knowledge of the deep concept of Krishna consciousness. Finding true and lasting love may be greatly aided by this feeling of belonging and spiritual direction.
Ways to Accept True, Everlasting Love
Chant the Maha-Mantra: Begin by making time daily to recite the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. Chanting for only a short while may alter your awareness significantly.
Learn Krishna's lessons from the Bhagavad Gita. This ancient book reveals love, life, and enlightenment.
Get in touch with ISKCON by locating a local ISKCON temple or center and becoming involved in the community. Participate in volunteer work, attend satsangs (spiritual meetings), and ask seasoned devotees for advice.
Develop Devotion: Devotion is the foundation of true, everlasting love. Pray, meditate, and do good deeds to cultivate a true and profound love for the divine.
True, everlasting love is a priceless gem that lives on beyond this earth. You may make great progress in realizing this intense love by accepting the practice of Krishna chants and establishing a connection with ISKCON. The teachings of Lord Krishna and the encouraging ISKCON community are excellent tools to help you experience the limitless love of the divine in your life. Thus, to reach everlasting happiness, sing the holy names, let the love of Lord Krishna lead the way, and keep your heart open.
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