#A roman and Remus fusion wouldn't be like that
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maddragonfruit · 7 days ago
In my mind the original Creativity and a Roman/Remus fusion would be entirely different sides
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radioactive-dazey · 1 year ago
Thinking about how if Roman and Remus didn't "split" then Creativity would probably be considered a neutral side or a gray side between the "light" and "dark" sides and idk man that as a concept is super neat.
Like that version of creativity would be the link between the two instead of how Virgil is the narrative link between them. Would he basically be a fusion of how Roman and Remus currently behave? Would he unsettle Patton as much as Remus unsettles him? What's his relationship with Janus and Virgil (if one exists)?
Im imagining he would probably an absolute menace when he needed to be. Incredibly passionate, dramatic, and would weirdly be able to sway others to agree with him? Like he knows how to use the other sides behaviors to his advantage?
Maybe bro would have sided with Janus about the callback and just was like "Patton, babes, I have to. I want this so badly." And it makes Patton feel so betrayed and agh.
Because he's the link between light and dark sides he wouldn't have made fun of Virgil or Janus's names. But he may not have known what they are either. Same with the light sides. He doesn't fully fit in with either and is semi-rejected by both, hence getting to know their names is like a way to say "hey, I trust you" (but let's be real, he probably would feel more at home with the other dark sides since they are pretty ostracized by the light sides)
Idk, maybe I'll incorporate these ideas into one of my abandoned comics •<•)
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rataticaisdreaming · 1 year ago
day 2 - fusion @intrualityweek
Summary: When Remus and Patton can’t stop fighting, the mind decides to give them a chance to be in each other's shoes.
Pairing: Platonic Intruality (he/him for both)
Word Count: 1397
Warnings: Verbal fights / Hurt/Comfort / Intrusive thoughts / Remus being Remus / Cursing / Mention of sex
“Those are awful things, Remus! You should think of more cheerful… innocent stuff!"
"Oh yeah, because everyone wants to live in Care-A-Lot, daddy-o."
It has been like this for weeks now. Patton getting more and more distressed at Remus’ outbursts, which have been more common ever since the last major issue Thomas faced. Their fights seemed personal and within their own bubble, seeing as they were right next to each other. Janus and Roman had no problem ignoring them, it was so childish and unnecessary that not even Virgil was affected by this. It was getting annoying though. Once everyone left those two to bicker alone, Patton frowned and sank down to his room. The duke was so unsettling! It wasn't so difficult to keep your thoughts to yourself and keep things nice and decent.
Throwing himself to the stuffie filled couch, he reached for an old blanket and his Tender Heart teddy bear. A wave of sadness filled him, tears silently fell from his cheeks into the blanket he was holding so close. Everything felt like too much.
He hated arguments so much. The loud voices and negative feelings made him feel so small and overwhelmed. The need to just get out, get out, get out. How he closed his eyes and just prayed the tears wouldn't come out, this is not the time for big emotions. He just wanted to hide and make the feelings go away.
Well, fuck him. There he goes again with his big mouth and inability to just shut the fuck up!
No one wants to hear you anyways.
He is trying! He really is! Just spit out the mild ones so his head guts will be at ease until he comes back to his room. That’s exactly what he did… then why was today so difficult?!
You were never meant to be one of them.
And why the fuck is his brain not shutting the fuck up?! He just wanted some rest for God's sake.
You should impale yourself with the bed's wooden poles. 
Just get in a onesie, what if you get tangled up and suffocate?
Get in bed and under the blankets, you should have hate sex with the others.
Hug your emotional support octopus stuffie and feel them hug you back… oh, the ways they could crush you to death.
Just close your eyes… It will be okay in the morning.
Except it won't be. It will be this over, and over, and over again until you die. Alone and in pain and no one will care about you…
"We need Patton. It's clear to me this issue needs his emotional expertise."
A quick hand gesture is all Logan needed to make the moral side rise in his spot. Eyes shut tight and in clear distress, softly bouncing on his heels.
"Sorry kiddo, your old man just needed a little rest. Felt more tired than a hooker after an orgy."
What… in the world?
The room falls silent and everyone is suddenly looking at him. Roman and Virgil look at each other stunned, eyes so big they seem ready to pop out. Janus scoffs in disbelief, like he finally heard how much of a petty bitch he is. Logan adjusts his tie, looking down at the floor, maybe he’ll find his worth somewhere in the dust. Thomas looks like he just saw a puppy being shot in front of him. 
Wow, this little mind of his is not slowing down, is it?
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I didn't know why I said that… must be reaaally out of it! Maybe I just need some coffee and breakfast to get myself back on track." he said, awkwardly tiptoeing his way to the kitchen.
No one knew how to react to what just happened, so Roman spoke first.
“Maybe all that time with my brother is messing with him, speaking of him.” he said as he summoned Remus with an annoyed frown “Where is my copy of Princess and the Frog?”
Remus rose in his spot and stared at his twin like a deer in headlights, after a few seconds, he answered.
“I'm pretty sure I placed it back on the shelf.” he said, timidly hugging himself.
“Well, it's not there!”
The escalating tone made Remus flinch and look away, that seemed to be the wrong thing, because Roman spoke again.
“I swear in the holy name of Julie Andrews, Remus, if you did something to it…"
"I promise I didn't! I- I'm sure I placed it on the shelf, maybe I can help you find it! Just… Please lower your tone." 
Roman was taken back by his response, his brother looked on the verge of tears. He has never seen the duke express himself like that. Weirded out was an understatement,
Before he could say anything, Patton came back and…
"Well, I can safely say the dishwasher liquid does not, in fact, taste like lemon and oranges."
Something was wrong.
"You will not leave this couch until you figure out what happened, do I make myself clear?"
It had been ten minutes since Logan left them there. Ten full minutes of distressed bouncing on his seat, eyes shut as he tried his hardest not to voice his thoughts. After what felt like an hour, Patton couldn’t take it anymore.
"Remus, all these thoughts… are they yours?" he said in a small voice Remus barely heard. "They are horrible…"
“I know they are!” he yelled, causing Patton to flinch. Upon seeing the reaction, the creative side broke down.
"I hate all of this! It all feels like too much!”
Patton’s knowing smile made him feel warm and troubled. A question popped into his head. He scooched over a little bit and started to fidget with his sparkly sleeves.
“Do you feel like this all the time?"
Patton looked up and sighed.
"Do you get these thoughts all the time?"
Remus looked up with slightly red eyes.
"I never realized how much pain you were actually in… I thought you said those things to annoy us…" he started, receiving a soft laugh from the duke "But they are like a swarm! I need- I need them out!"
“Shh, it's okay. They will calm down, here, tug this string."
The moral side did with a tired hand, when he let go, a soft “quack” came out of nowhere. A tiny duck dropped from the air into his lap.
"Heh… And where did this little guy come from?"
“Little gift.”
A small giggle escaped from Patton’s lips and he changed his posture, visibly calmer and less tense. After working some courage, Remus decided to speak as well.
"I never knew you were feeling this much… It's suffocating. Every emotion feels fucking intense and it hurts! How do you live like this?"
"I just do… Comes with being the heart, I guess. My room helps me, it calms me down when it gets too much."
"Huh. Do you think I could… hang out there sometime?"
"Sure! Janus and Logan have been very insisting on the whole "finding a distraction" thing. We could do a puzzle together or watch a show."
"Yeah… I'd like that."
It has been like this for weeks now. Remus learning to use his inner voice, mindful of how loud noises impact the other’s emotions. Patton started to listen to Remus' ideas and ignored the ones that were plainly intrusive thoughts.
By the end of an afternoon discussion, they were already looking at each other in anticipation.
They sank down and arrived at Patton's living room. There was an unfinished puzzle on the coffee table as well as board game boxes laying on the side of it. Remus picked the neon green notebook and glitter pen and sat down next to the moral side.
They summoned popcorn, sodas and m&ms. Even some lemon slices for Remus. Whenever he got unwanted thoughts, he would write them down. Patton would hug his teddy bear, as a silent sign that they needed to slow down for a bit, when the emotions got too intense.
It was working for them. They also made a mental note to never anger the mind again. It would be fantastic to see Roman get all of Virgil's anxiety, but Remus was a good brother and decided to write that thought down for now.
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calethelettuce · 1 year ago
SaSi Intruality Week 2/7: Stop and Smell the Roses
Prompt: Flowers (Switched out with OG prompt, Fusion; doing that one at a later day-)
Tags: @intrualityweek
Synopsis: Thanks to Remus and Roman, the Mind Palace has a lovely forest full of wonderful (and scary-) things! Patton is very excited about it. Patton learns that certain flowers are edible... and they find a snake friend! Also the title is a lie, there are no roses in the story. Get fooled :)
Characters: Patton, Remus, Roman
Relationships: Romantic Intruality, Brotherly Creativity Twins (No RemRom. Get out.)
TW: Remus being Remus, swearing, body horror/Remus snaps his neck but he fixes it, oh also he found a snek
The day is warm. The sun is shining high in the sky, its rays hitting the dewy leaves and patches of grass in an array of pretty colors. Patton and Roman made their way down the winding forest paths. Patton held a small, empty wicker basket with a red-plaid cloth lining the bottom.
"Padre, I have to wonder; What do you see in my brother?" Roman shielded his eyes from the sun, looking up at the high treetops beginning to turn red and yellow. "No offense intended, of course, but I am awfully curious to know."
"Well," said Patton, "I believe that there's good in everyone! That includes Remus!"
"Hm." Roman nodded in agreement as he spoke. "I personally dislike him, but you do you I guess."
Patton shifted the wicker basket tucked under his arm a little. "Everyone is different in their own ways."
"But you're suddenly okay with the dirty jokes and all of that?"
The blue-clad side kicked a pebble as he walked by it. "I learned a lot about myself, kiddo. Sometimes people do things that aren't necessarily their fault. Like how Remus doesn't have a filter. That's just what came with his role for Thomas."
"I never thought about it that way.." Roman parted a bush and held it back as Patton walked through. "After you!" he proclaimed smoothly, bowing just a little.
Roman smiled at him. "Of course! I believe we're almost to our destination!"
Patton added an extra pep to his step, the anticipation nearly making him squeal out of pure excitement. It seemed like Roman could tell just by looking at his face.
"Calm down, Popstar!" he teased, "Careful you don't explode!"
"But wouldn't that be fun?" Another voice chimed in. "Especially if it's extra bloody!"
Roman shrieked, instinctively pulling out his sword. "Stop popping up out of nowhere, you fiend!" he shouted to the top of one particular tree, "You're going to kill me one day!"
Remus cackled. He sat- no, dangled by his legs from a tree branch, his morningstar in one hand and some kind of bottle in the other. He waved at Patton, who waved back. "It would be funny to see you die!" he screamed back, hopping down from his perch. He landed straight on his neck with a thud and a snap. The bottle hit the floor, the shattered glass scattering around as the liquid inside spilled out.
Remus didn't react much. He continued laughing as he realigned his spine and neck with a pop.
Roman nearly gagged. "Ew. Can you do that somewhere else, please?" With a wave of his hand, he magicked away the broken bottle and glass.
“Awh, is Princey afraid of a little body horror~?” Remus mocked, cracking his knuckles and hopping to his feet, “That’s cute!”
Roman scoffed, sheathing his katana. “Just go do your weird stuff. If you need me, don’t.” He pulled out his magic mirror, tapping a button as he disappeared. “Have fun, Padre!” He called.
Patton stared blankly at the spot Roman once stood. “He has a magic mirror?” He questioned.
Remus nodded curtly. “Yeah, he’s got some weirdly fancy shit.” He paused. “Hey, wanna find out what flowers are edible?”
Patton turned to face him, an interested look in his eyes. “Boy, do I!?” He took the sashed side’s hand in his own, pulling him forward. “Roman said to go this way!” He explained quickly, leading Remus farther down the path.
Remus grinned. “Okay, Daddy!”
They continue down the dirt path. Patton was moving along fairly quick, tugging Remus along with him. Remus couldn't say that he wasn't enjoying the physical contact.. And so, he nearly cried when Patton let go of his hand to move a branch out of the way (Why Patton needed both hands was beyond him, but it didn't really matter that much.).
"So, Pattycake, what's our plan for the day?" Remus asked, "Are we gonna set something on fire? Maybe play with a bomb?"
Patton laughed. "No, silly! We're picking flowers!" he winked. "And eating them too.. but only the edible ones!"
Remus had completely forgotten he had mentioned that earlier. He gave Patton a goofy smile as they kept walking. "Sounds great! The eating the flowers part, I mean. Duh!"
"Well, we can't do that if we aren't there yet! Come on, slowpoke!"
Patton wound the stems of the flowers together. A bouquet of carnations, marigolds and sunflowers sat in his basket. He made sure to pick one of every color there was. He hummed a tune as he watched Remus roll down a hill, the side laughing maniacally.
Patton smiled to himself, adjusting his position on the grassy surface. He picked a perfect spot, right under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. He couldn't help but wonder how exactly the flowers and buds of the tree were still that rosey pink despite it being fall. The two sides were in The Imagination, after all, so he didn't think much more about it.
He continued threading the stems together, slowly making a messy yet colorful flower crown. He was proud of himself either way, and he admired it while Remus came running over.
"Patton! Patton!" He yelled, "I found a snake!!"
Patton blinked owlishly at him. "Did you now?" he said fondly, "I sure hope you didn't disturb it too much."
"Nah, this is one of Roman's creatures! The bites don't hurt at all!" Remus looked a bit disappointed at that, but held out his small, slithery friend for Patton to see. "I named it Dee! She's just a baby, I think!"
Their new friend was barely small enough to fit entirely in Remus' palm. The end of its tail was curled around his wrist, the orange and black striped pattern catching Patton's eye.
"Oh! Is our friend a milk snake?"
Remus looked at him with a look of surprise. "You know your snake breeds, dontcha Patty?"
"Mhm! Logan and Janus taught me some things a while ago, I was interested in snake anatomy." Patton shrugged. "Nature is cool!"
"Did you know that snakes eat frogs?!" Remus gave Dee a gentle stroke of her scales, grinning at Patton, "Careful, she might eat you!"
"That would be awful! I'd let the cutie, to be honest." Patton stood up, coming over to look at the small snake.
Dee didn't react much at all, but instead continued to explore Remus' arm.
"I think she likes me!!" Remus whispered, holding out his other hand to let her slither over, "This is fucking awesome!"
Patton laughed, going back over to his shady spot and picking up the flower crown he had made. He placed it on Remus' head with a smile.
"OOH! Are these the edible ones?!"
"They sure are! I found them just for you!"
Remus looked at him fondly- well, as fondly as the side could look at someone. "Are you okay with me destroying your masterpiece?"
Patton hadn't really thought that far. "Oh! Uh..." he let his eyes wander to his basket with extra flowers in it. "Here, eat these ones!" The cardigan wearing side handed Remus a bouquet of smaller flowers. "They're carnations!"
Remus' grin grew wider. "My favorite!" he went to take the bouquet, but remembered Dee slithering around along his arms. He paused for a moment, surveying the situation. "Do you want to hold Dee-Dee for a bit?" he asked, carefully and gently offering his snake friend to Patton. "She doesn't bite!"
Patton thought for a moment, before extending his arm out as he let Remus place the calm serpent into his palm, while Patton handed Remus the bouquet.
"Good trade!" Remus bit the entire top of a flower off, chewing it up and swallowing. "Mmm, the allergies are about to hit so well!"
Patton laughed at him, handling Dee with both arms now. The curious snake slithered farther up his arms. It sent shivers down his spine. His friend was cold! "Is this how Janus feels?" he questioned, gently stroking Dee's scales. "The poor little gal is freezing!"
Remus bit off more petals as he nodded. "Yep! Jan-Jan is always cold, that's why is house is always so warm! Not that he ever lets anyone in, anyway."
At this point, Dee was almost on Patton's shoulder as she investigated the hood of his cardigan- well, is it really a cardigan if it has a hood?
"They're also attracted to warm spaces!" Remus supplied, motioning to the snake, "So don't be surprised if she ends up in your hood!"
Patton let out a little gasp. "That's so cute!" he looked over at Remus with a pleading look. "Can we keep her?! Pleeease?"
Remus shrugged. "Why the hell not?"
"Don't make Janny jealous, though. The Bananaconda might feel threatened." Remus snickered at that notion.
"Janus doesn't have to worry! Dee is a small snake, Jan is still the original snake boi!" Patton sat down next to the cherry blossom tree again, petting Dee with his free hand. Remus sat down next to him, pressing into his side.
"Whatever you say, Pat." he said, "But first, why don't we give Roman a heart attack before we show Janny our new friend?"
"What? No!!"
This took me ages what the heck
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badatthingsbuttrying289 · 2 years ago
Mociet fusion
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This is my very poorly drawn mociet fusion whom I have named Salus which is latin for safety or welfare, which I think fits well.
He's got three eyes two of which come from Patton and the third from Janus. He also technically has eight arms, but he hides four of them, and if he could he'd hide the extra two. But he can't.
His appearance leans more towards Janus than Patton, though it is easy to tell that Patton has some influence on Salus' appearance even if it is subtle, like the flower on his sun hat being the same flower used to represent Patton in some of the merch.
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Salus has patches of snake and frog skin all over his body, though due to the fact that Patton has not accepted that part of himself yet, Salus is rather self-conscious about it and has a habit of covering his frog-like features up.
When it came to his outfit I wanted to keep a balance between Janus' style and Pattons, although, I'm not sure I did it right and I may have to redraw him sometime. When searching for a 'balance' outfit I took inspiration from the Mad Hatter, Mary Poppins and Eclipsa from svtfoe, so instead of Janus' shepherds crook thing that he has, I gave him an umbrella cause I feel like it fits better with Patton's personality. The umbrella works kinda like Mary Poppins umbrella and is sometimes used as a shield to protect the others. Also, he does have glasses I just forgot to draw them.
I had a lot of different ideas for his emblem thing, including a frog and a snake forming a heart, or a snake wrapped around a heart shaped lily pad but I wasn't really sure how to draw that, plus it wouldn't really fit until Patton learns to accept and embrace his frog traits. So for now Salus' emblem is a two headed snake shaped like a heart.
Once the other side's learn of his existence I believe his relationship with each of them would be strained at best seeing as the others are still angry at his two halves for a lot of reasons. Except for Remus who thinks he's cool, Salus is both deeply disturbed by and incredibly fond of him. I think Roman would feel betrayed by the fact that Patton trusts Janus enough to fuse with him, Logan would try not to let his emotions get in the way and attempt to study him (though he would be quite bitter towards him) and Virgil, despite his anger and frustrations towards Patton, would see their fusion as Janus manipulating Patton or as an abusive relationship of sorts and would try to defuse the two of them in the hopes of helping Patton.
For his personality I want him to be a mix between his two halves but still be his own person. I know he'd be good at puns and that he'd be the type of person to drink apple juice from a wine glass to make himself feel fancy, he's also the type of person who just knows when people are sad so he leaves cookies outside their door but denies his involvement when questioned. He has an unfortunate habit of not being able to ask for help because he feels he can fix whatever it is himself and he doesn't want to bother the others. He wants to be acknowledged as his own person rather then an extension of Patton or Janus. I feel like his morals are somewhere along the line of 'Do no harm, take no shit' he does truly care about Thomas's friend but if he feels they're hurting him or are toxic in any way he will advise them to change their behaviour but if they don't he'll attempt to cut them off. He care more about Thomas's wellbeing them the wellbeing of those around him(Thomas) and will advise Thomas to take a break to take care of himself and to set healthy boundaries rather then helping everyone who asks him. He does feel bad about having such 'selfish' motives but at the end of the day he feels that this is what's best for Thomas.
He's also an empath.
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atramenti-gladio · 5 years ago
As someone who plays the drums and auxiliary percussion, I think Virgil would be great at auxiliary percussion, which is what I am assuming he is playing by the triangle. It activates your fight or flight reflex somehow, takes a lot of improvisation and is stupidly dependant on reflex.
Also, again, just my experience of 4 years of 5 different ensembles, Patton would like the trumpet but wouldn't really like his fellow trumpet players because the trumpet players (in my experience, no offence to the trumpet players out there, this is a generalisation) are often kind of like a Remus/Roman fusion? With Roman's ego and Remus's mischief? They can come fo as kind of obnoxious and will absolutely rant about themselves for the next hour, if you ask them to. Kidding, you don't need to ask them. Also, this whole trumpet thing is probably fueled by the fact that I'm a drums player and we don't really get along well.
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So I finally finish it  
I will make a post later about why I chose the instrument for each sides
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elliottsonthevirge · 6 years ago
ooh theories! im gonna jump off this and word vomit my thoughts about it if that's alright
i'd probably say the first out of those options. if thomas originally just thought of his creativity as his creativity, not particularly good or bad and used all of it, then there wouldn't have been a reason for there to be two heads for his creativity if i didn't see it as two sided (literally, lol) to begin with
the adam and eve idea is really interesting and i hadn't thought of that before! i do like it but i don't think that's quite what happened. if that one were the case then i'd guess it was roman to start with, creativity and imagination in general is seen as a good thing and roman is essentially the good one, and then when thomas started seeing parts of it as negative, remus split off. but i'd think that would change roman, making him less gross basically than he must have been initially. but then he wouldn't have started out as the roman we know. so maybe this is what thomas and joan and co were thinking, but it doesn't have that direct rib-from-adam kinda parallel, i think that is actually closer to the totally different first side and split like a fusion into roman and remus. i think that while roman is Creativity(plus a bit of romance and lofty dreams) and remus is basically just Intrusive Thoughts full stop, with maybe some more darker ideas coming from him too, the original side was probably just Imagination: everything that isn't real that runs through thomas's mind, good or bad. maybe Imagination had either roman or remus's name, maybe he had a different name, maybe he didn't even use a name besides his title. anyway. sorry for taking over, i just hadn't really thought through all the options and this prompted me to and i had fun exploring them all
i wonder if the “split” in creativity meant that there was an old, very general, creativity that was then split into to new sides nothing like the old one, or if it meant that either roman or remus existed first and the other was split from the first to make a whole new side adam-and-eve style
or were they like those conjoined twins that were separated
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