#A girl deserves a little treat after an endless captains' meeting
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kaicko · 1 year ago
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A tradition at the 13th division ✨🍭🍬🍫✨
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berjhawn · 8 years ago
Bucky Barnes X Reader - Enough
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Another Request from a nonny :D this one is sad. just FYI
Prompts:  #40 - I don't want to be just the next girl #49 -What am I to you?
Summary: You love Bucky but you don’t want to be just the next girl. Your hearts been broken and dragged through the mud that when he says he loves you you don’t believe him. 
Bucky sat down next to you on the couch and you tensed. You liked him. everyone knew it. Even the man himself knew it but he had made it quite clear he wasn’t going to date you. Of course, him knowing you liked him didn’t stop him from parading around his one-night stands in front of you. Hell, even now as you tried to think of a way to escape the room he was talking with Tony about the girl from last night. Your heart clenches and you stand up. “Where are you going (Name)?” Tony asks causing everyone to look at you.
“Steve promised me some training, I’m going to meet him.” You lie knowing that at the moment Steve was truthfully in the gym having his alone train time, but you needed an out.
“You want some company in the elevator?” Wanda asks and you nod.
“Sure,” You reply not even bothering to glance at Bucky. He knew he was hurting you. There was no way he didn’t. You and Wanda walk to the elevator in silence until you’re inside it.
“You okay?” She asks and I shake my head.
“I’m thinking about quitting honestly.” You answer truthfully giving her a sad smile.
“You shouldn’t quit just because of Barnes. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say.”
“It just hurts seeing him every day, knowing he knows and that he doesn’t want me,” You pause as tears fill your eyes. “I can’t help wishing that I was just one of those girls.”
“But then you’d be just like them. One and done.” Wanda adds making you nod in agreement.
“I don’t know what else to do though. I think it’ll be best if I take a break from all this. At least for now.”
“If that’s what you really want.” She adds and you nod. When the elevator signals that you have reached the floor you were aiming for you give her a forced smile and then head off to find Steve. You find him lost in thought as he beat the hell out of a punching bag. Without interrupting him you move to the locker room and quickly change into your workout clothes. When you come back out he is sitting on one of the benches his hand held out in front of him.
“You okay hun?” you ask as you near him causing his head to snap up to look at you.
“Oh, it’s you (Name), what are you doing here?” He asks finding his composure.
“I felt like beating the shit out of one of those punching bags, but it seems you beat me too it.” You say motioning to all the destroyed punching bags lying in the corner. He chuckles before he stands up and walks over to you.
“You want me to spar with you?” He asks and you ponder the thought.
“I don’t know, I feel like I could kill someone right now. I don’t want to hurt you.” You say making him smile. He wouldn’t say it out loud but he was also peeved about Bucky’s attitude.
“I could help you let off a little steam.” He adds and you look up into his blue eyes. “I feel like I deserve a few punches today.”
“As much as I would like to be the person who beat Captain America,” You pause as a smile fills his lips. “I don’t want to take my anger out on you. It’s not your fault I’m in love with a jerk.”
“He wasn’t always like this (Name), I don’t know what he’s up to anymore.”
“You don’t have to make excuses for him Steve, it’s okay.” You say gently placing your hand on his arm. “I have to talk to you honestly though. I’m thinking about taking some time off.”
“I understand.” He says his eyes finding yours.
“I wanted to quit; but I can’t just leave a job I love, plus one I’m good at; all over a guy.” You add making him nod. “I don’t suppose you know any good guys that are looking for a date, are you?” He pauses for a moment his eyes widening a little.
“You mean like a blind date type thing?” he asks and you nod.
“Yeah, I mean the best way to get over a lost love is to fall in love again right?”
“I’ll take your word for it.” He says his eyes turning sad.
“How about this,” You say walking over to the mats. “I win, you set me up on a date.”
“And if I win?” He asks and you shrug.
“What do you want?”
“How about if I win, you take me to dinner and a movie.” He says and you smile.
“Like a date?”
“Not a date date, just a friendly date where we hang out without any worries.” He says and you nod.
“Then it’s a deal. Bring it on old man.”
“Okay that wasn’t fair.” You say as Steve and you walk out of the gym and toward the elevator.
“You’re the one who got distracted.” Steve replies and you roll your eyes.
“Okay, taking your shirt off to spar with me wasn’t fair and you know it.” You chuckle making him smile.
“It’s not my fault you are easily distracted.” He adds and you roll your eyes.
When the elevator arrives it opens to reveal Bucky and his latest girl for the evening making out in the corner and my smile fades. I feel my heart clench in my chest as I look stare at them. It was obvious that they didn’t even notice the elevator had stopped let alone they were being watched by you and his best friend. That was until Steve cleared his throat causing you to jump slightly in shock.
“Oh,” She giggles a smile covering her messy red covered lips. “Sorry, didn’t notice it had stopped.”
“Well it did.” You find yourself saying angrily causing her to glare at you. You glare back anger and rage filling your body.
“Come on (Name),” You hear Bucky say and you look to him and shake your head. There were a million things you wanted to say to him but you just couldn’t.
“I think I left something back in the gym, wanna come with me (Name)?” Steve asks trying to get you away from the situation but you ignore him.
“I’m leaving.” You say to Bucky your eyes telling how hurt you truly were.
“Well yeah, you’re going with Steve to the gym.” Bucky replies and you chuckle slightly out of anger.
“No Barnes, I meant I’m quitting.” You reply and his face turns cold. “Just thought you should know.” Before he has a chance to reply the doors close and your left there to stare at the closed doors.
“Come on (Name), we’ll take the stairs.” Steve says and you chuckle making tears of anger fill your eyes. “Is exercise all you can think about Rogers?”
“Only when my friends are hurting.” He replies making you wrap your arms around his waist and hug him tight. His arms wrap around you as he leans down to gently kiss the top of your head.
“Is it so bad?” You ask into his chest as the tears fall.
“Is what so bad?”
“I don't want to be just the next girl to him. I can’t help it but I want him to love me like I love him.”
“I’m sorry (Name).” He says and you shake your head and pull away from him wiping your cheeks dry.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” You reply putting on a brave face. “Can we have that date tonight?”
“I’m only asking cause I need to get out of here.” I add and he nods.
“Okay, I’ll meet you in an hour in the front room.”
“Okay, see you then.”
“Okay maybe next time we don’t watch a horror movie.” You say a smile filling your lips as you remember how scared Steve had been.
“I just don’t like clowns.” Steve calrifies and you nod.
“Same here,”
“Then why did you want to see IT?” He asks and you shake your head.
“I wanted something to take my mind off all the, well you know.”
“Did it work?”
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna have nightmares for a while after that.” You add making him laugh.
The two of you walk into the front room to see everyone sitting on the couch watching a movie and you smile. Pepper and Tony were cuddling on the loveseat; while the couch was filled by Vision, Wanda, Sam, and Bucky. You didn’t meet his eyes when he looked at you but instead asked Steve if he wanted something to drink. After he said yes you left him there and made our way to the kitchen when you quickly found someone had followed you.
“What do you want Barnes?” You ask furrowing your brow.
“Did you and Steve have a fun date?” He asks and you roll your eyes are you reach up into the cabinet to grab some glasses.
“We did.” You reply. Let him think it was a real date. It’s not like he’d care either way.
“You can’t have me, so you’ll settle for Steve; is that how this works?” He asks making anger fill your body.
“I’m not settling for anything. You don’t want me, so I’m moving on.”
“With my best friend?!” He replies his voice raisning in anger.
“I’ll move on with whomever I want too. You don’t get a say!” You answer matching his tone.
“Why not?!”
“Are you fucking kidding me Barnes?!” You yell out anger coursing through your veins. You had had enough. “What am I to you?!”
“You’re my friend.” He says his tone growing lower.
“I am not your friend! You do not treat your friends like this.”
“Like what?”
“Bucky, you know I love you.” You say causing him to look down at the bar in front of him. “I love you so much it hurts me, but what hurts more is knowing you don’t love me back.” You pause for a moment as you try to calm your anger. “You flaunt your endless line of hussies in my face but I’m just supposed to grin and bear it. You want me to act like my feelings mean nothing, well I’m sorry but I can’t do that.”
“What do you want?” He asks his eyes finally looking up into yours.
“I don't want to be just the next girl.” You say your heart clenching. “I want to be with you; but even I know that can’t happen. You don’t love me. If you were to tell me you love me now, I wouldn’t believe you. I love you James, but I can’t be in love with you anymore.”
“(Name), you don’t really wanna be with me.” He says sadness filling his eyes. “I’m not a good person.”
“I know that, but you are a good man. Deep, deep, deep down inside you are a good man. It’s just a shame I won’t get to see it.”
“You’re not really leaving are you?” He asks and you nod.
“I am,” You reply as you walk over to the fridge to grab the water jug. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I owe your best friend a glass of water.” You quickly pour up the water and setting the jug back in the fridge you go to grab the glasses only to be stopped by Bucky grabbing your arm. “Let me go.” You say not wanting to fight anymore.
“Don’t leave.”
“You don’t get to tell me what to do.”
“I love you.” He says making you look at him in annoyance.
“I don’t believe you.” You reply as you try to pull your arm free from his grasp.
“It’s the truth, I love you.”
“I told you, even if you told me I wouldn’t believe you; and I don’t.” You say defeat filling your eyes. You didn’t care anymore. You just wanted to leave. What you weren’t expecting was for Bucky to kiss you passionately as he pressed you up against the fridge. Your eyes widen in surprise for a moment before you shove him away and reaching your hand back slap him hard across the face. The sound resonates off the walls making everyone else rush into the room to see tears falling from your eyes as Bucky stared off in the direction you had forced his face.
“I hate you.” You say tears falling from your eyes as you run from the room.
“What did you do Buck?” Steve asks as he walks over to his friend.
“I just told her the truth, that I loved her.” He replies as he clenches his jaw his eyes turning watery.
“I think you’ve hurt her too much Buck, there’s no way she’d believe you now.”
“I kind of got that from the slap Steve,” Bucky says as he reaches up to run a hand through his hair.
“Why’d you take it this far anyway?”
“I don’t deserve her, I thought that if I acted like the biggest dick she’d ever met she’d move on. I didn’t think she’d leave. I don’t want her to leave Steve.”
“It’s a little too late for that.” Steve says causing Bucky to clench his jaw.
“I think you’re right. I fucked up; and now I’ll never see her again.” Bucky says making Steve clench his jaw. “It’s my fault, I just wish I could go back in time and tell her the truth. Before it all turned out like this.”
“The things we’d do differently if we had the choice, I have a few. It’s called regret Buck.”
“I know, and I regret it all.”
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tragicbooks · 8 years ago
Now even senators are rallying around the U.S. women's hockey team. Good.
You may not see Team USA on the ice at the women's hockey world championships, which begin on March 30, in Michigan.
Players on the U.S. women's national team are planning to boycott the tournament over what they consider pathetically low wages and a general lack of support from USA Hockey, the team's governing association.
The U.S. women's team went home with the silver medal at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Photo by Alexander Nemenov/AFP/Getty Image.
The athletes are reportedly paid just $1,000 a month during the six-month Olympic residency period and "virtually nothing" the other 3.5 years between Olympic games — even though they continue to train and compete in other events. Astoundingly, many of the players hold second and third jobs to make ends meet.
Fortunately, it appears lots of other people — including a handful of powerful U.S. senators and stars on the U.S. men's team — are in the women's corner.
In response to the charges of unfair wages and benefits, Team USA players spread the word using the hashtag #BeBoldForChange.
The USWNT has taken to social media to show their solidarity with a "The players of the USWNT are ..." movement #BeBoldForChange http://pic.twitter.com/TyuO81Bdpx
— WomensHockeyLife (@LiveTheDreamWHL) March 24, 2017
Their many supporters followed suit.
Hannah Beckman, a New Jersey Rocket, wants to play on Team USA someday, but under much fairer circumstances.
I play to one day wear "usa" on my chest. but now, i stand with #USWNT for equality so i & my teammates can have a future. #BeBoldForChange http://pic.twitter.com/kPo6cqFSEK
— Hannah Beckman (@HanHanR5_30) March 25, 2017
Olympic medalist Julie Chu of the Les Canadiennes knows that taking a stand takes guts, and she's committed to standing strong.
I stand with the USWNT. Proud of your Courage and Vision for Now and FUTURE generations. #BeBoldForChange http://pic.twitter.com/lp0uPUTD6G
— Julie Chu (@juliechu13) March 24, 2017
Johnny Laursen, who plays for the USA Warriors, a team made of wounded service members, said "silent is what [he] won't be."
Silent is what I won't be. The @USAWarriors proudly support the USA Women's National Team in their fight for equality #BeBoldForChange http://pic.twitter.com/Xz2oqetafi
— Johnny Laursen (@WarriorsLaursen) March 26, 2017
Tennis champion Billie Jean King spoke out in support of equality too.
US Women's Hockey team is taking a stand for equality. Being a world class athlete should not be treated as a part time job.
— Billie Jean King (@BillieJeanKing) March 16, 2017
And Amanda Kessel, who plays on the women's team, said she's sitting this one out for all the younger players watching at home...
She said she wanted to be just like me, I told her, "be better." Taking a stand today for their tomorrow. #BeBoldForChange http://pic.twitter.com/98X5wDIDxL
— Amanda Kessel (@AmandaKessel8) March 25, 2017
Players like Daria, a future hockey star.
Daria will #StandWithTheUSNWT because it's her future as a player at stake #BeBoldForChange Join us in showing your support for them. http://pic.twitter.com/ySwWD0WBSI
— Casi Zier (@madamemonday) March 24, 2017
And Annie, who knows she can hang with boys on the ice too.
USA Hockey, I deserve to be treated as good as the boys! They are not better than me. Thank you, #USWNT ! #BeBoldForChange @dlaing14 http://pic.twitter.com/pyvPcJXoW8
— Annie Dinges (@Annie_Hockey27) March 25, 2017
And every other girl who deserves better than the status quo.
We stand with the US National Team. #BeBoldForChange cc @usahockey http://pic.twitter.com/9ZtiTkWEx8
— Terri Gustafson (@TGustafson) March 27, 2017
On March 27, the women's team gained a handful of other high profile supporters: 14 U.S. senators.
In a fiery letter to USA Hockey executive director Dave Ogrean, more than a dozen senators — including Elizabeth Warren, Dianne Feinstein, and Cory Booker — asked the organization hear out the players' demands and respond appropriately.
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
"We are disturbed by reports from the U.S. Women's National Hockey Team suggesting that USA Hockey is not providing 'equitable support' to female athletes," the senators wrote, noting the inequality goes far beyond a paycheck. "While USA Hockey provides its male athletes with a 'seemingly endless' supply of hockey equipment, for example, female players are often expected to 'buy their own.'"
Here is an excerpt from the full letter:
The U.S. Women's National Hockey Team has medaled in every Olympics since 1998, when Women's Hockey was first added as an Olympic Sport. The team has won gold medals at the IIHF World Championships for the past three years in a row. As Megan Duggan, team captain, announced last week, the women's team has "represented our country with dignity and deserves to be treated with fairness and respect." We urge you to resolve this dispute quickly to ensure that the USA Women's National Hockey Team receives equitable resources.
It appears as though USA Hockey hasn't taken the team's demands all that seriously thus far.
Last week, after players began announcing plans to sit out, the organization started reaching out to second- and third-tier players to fill the roster. In an act of solidarity, many of those athletes — including goalie Brittany Ott, whose tweet is below — have refused to step in and play.
Today I will do what others won't so tomorrow I can do what others can’t. I said no to USAH & will not play in the 2017WC. #BeBoldForChange http://pic.twitter.com/MKDw9xsXst
— Brittany Ott (@b_ott29) March 24, 2017
News of the boycott has been rumbling online in recent weeks, as more and more groups — including athlete unions representing the NHL, NBA, NFL, and MLB — have spoken out in support of the women's team.
On March 26, athlete agent Allan Walsh reported the U.S. men's team might even boycott their world championship games in solidarity with the women's team.
They're scheduled to play in France and Germany in May.
Word circulating among NHL players that American players will refuse to play in men's World Championships in solidarity with the women.
— Allan Walsh (@walsha) March 26, 2017
It's important to note that while athletes on the men's and women's teams are paid equally by USA Hockey, all of the men are NHL players — their paychecks from being on the national team is a drop in the bucket. It's a different story for the women.
As writer Jessica Luther pointed out online, if the men's team follows through with their own boycott, it's a great example of turning allyship into real action.
If they do this, this is what people mean when they use the word "ally" >> the doing, not the saying https://t.co/nP1ObfetiT
— Jessica Luther (@scATX) March 27, 2017
The women's boycott, however, may be avoidable if all goes well at a USA Hockey emergency board meeting being held on March 27.
Board members are expected to vote on a deal that reportedly includes significant wage increases and improved benefits for players.
"[Reaching a deal with better wages and benefits] is our chance to make history for every woman on the ice today and every little girl who's just lacing up her skates for the first time," women's team forward Hilary Knight explained to USA Today. "We're hopeful for them and for us that we'll get the change that is long overdue."
This article may be updated with information on the board meeting vote.
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