jeffreyfrancoeur · 4 months
Can we just...stop comparing Colin to Anthony? Please? They aren't remotely close to the same person, and it's frankly disheartening to see time and time again now.
"Colin had no trauma related to love and self worth to deal with like Simon and Anthony had."
Unless I am very much mistaken, Colin and Anthony have the same father. They both watched said father die from a bee sting. They both watched their mother hold her dying husband in her arms and sob because she just lost the love of her life. The only difference? Anthony was 18, and Colin was 10-12, depending if we're talking show or book. Regardless, watching his father die absolutely gave Colin trauma.
Colin was sent off to Eton not months after his father died. He never was able to process it with his own family, because they stuck together and processed it together. But Colin had to go away to school. And when he was home, he would bring flowers and play games and try to keep everyone smiling. The only way he felt useful was to focus on everyone else's happiness and diminish his own needs.
He went away on travels each year to try to find himself, process his own trauma and experiences. His engagement to Marina blew up in his face, so he immediately left to go traveling, to lick his wounds away from the rest of the ton. And while he was gone, Penelope was the main one to read and reply to his letters. When he got back, his own family diminished him, said it was a waste of time, that his "prattling on about his travels" was boring. So what did that teach Colin? That his family doesn't care about him. Doesn't value him. Doesn't find his time, his experiences, worth it. Eloise says to Pen (in front of Colin) that she found his letters about Greece dull, and couldn't finish them.
So at the beginning of season 3, when he's returned from another summer away, after no one in his family replied to a single one of his letters, and in the carriage to the presentation, he's absolutely going to not want to talk about his travels with Anthony. "Who are you and what have you done to our brother?" You happened to Colin, Anthony. Colin is masking and pretending like his travels weren't a big deal, that they didn't affect him, when he straight up tells Penelope later that he used the time away to remake himself into a new man. To try out a new persona, away from the ton, where no one knew him as Colin Bridgerton, or as a Bridgerton at all. He was just some nameless man.
He felt like he had no one back home to care about him, so the problem must obviously be him. That there was something wrong with who he is as a person, and that maybe this new version of himself would finally make the people back home--and his family--care about him. Maybe this version would finally be the version of him that's good enough.
So when he comes back to London, he's a flirt. He plays at being a "rake." He sleeps with random women. He goes out drinking with his "friends" all the time, laughs with them at their conquests. But he doesn't enjoy any of it. His mother tells him that he's always been one of her most sensitive children, always putting others first, helping them, trying to lighten the mood. But she also says that he downplays himself for the sake of others. That he puts on armor, that he needs to not put others first so he can ensure that the armor will not some day rust and be unable to be removed. She is possibly the only person who sees Colin, truly sees him.
He feels like he needs to hide his sensitive side, be less needy, be stronger, be more manly. (I would eat my hat if Anthony hasn't told him to "be a man" more than once.) This flirty rake is not who he is at his core. At his core, he is kind, and sensitive, and craves connection. He craves connection so deeply. He wants to be seen, to be loved, to be cared for, to be cherished. Ultimately, he wants someone to value him, like he does for all those around him that he cares about. His family ignored him for that entire summer, and he still brought back incredibly thoughtful gifts for each of them, that shows how much he knows them and loves them. He wants to be able to love, care for, and cherish someone in return.
How is his desire for love and to be loved and this ease in which he creates a new Colin to try and please everyone else not a trauma response related to love and self worth?
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Javi and Dulzura taking the kids grocery shopping and Dulzura leaves Javi with the kids(maybe she takes the youngest with her in like a baby carrier cause that’s just cute) because she forgot something a couple isles over and someone tried flirting with Javi cause they’re thinking “oh hot single dad” but Dulzura shows up just in time and is like nope.
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AN | Oh yeah, but no. No one messes with Javi when Dulzura is around! Can be read as a stand alone or part of the ‘verse! ❤️
Pairing | Javier x Fem!Reader 
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2.7k
Masterlist | Main, Javier, A Good Man ‘Verse
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Javier!” you sighed as you looked through the fridge for a third time before turning back to the pantry and finding that it was just as empty as the fridge. This was definitely not good.
“What’s wrong, Dulzura?” he made his way into the kitchen, a smile on his face as he found you standing there with your hands on your hips, “I didn’t do it.”
“Oh? You don’t eat in this house anymore?” you snorted in amusement as you motioned for him to come closer. He raised an eyebrow as he came over and gave you a kiss, “we’re running dangerously low on groceries.”
“Uh oh,” he took a quick look through everything before groaning slightly, “we’re going to have to go to the store.”
“We have to go to the store,” you confirmed as a few shrieks of joy reached you from the living room, “and I think we’re going to have to take the gaggle with us.”
“The gaggle?” he couldn’t help but laugh as you nodded seriously.
“They’re like baby geese honking and running all over the place,” despite your best efforts you weren’t able to keep the smile off your face, “therefore they are our little gaggle of geese. And you’re Father Goose.”
“Does that make you Mother Goose?” he put a hand on your waist and pulled closer to his body, before wrapping you up in a tight hug.
“Nope,” you could feel him smiling against your lips, “I’m Queen Goose, and you’re all my loyal subjects.”
“And I would never dare to cross you,” he promised, taking a moment to kiss you properly, “do you think we’ll survive?”
“I can put Bella in her carrier and the others will be okay,” the two of you grimaced for a moment. It wasn’t that you didn’t love your children - you absolutely did, more than anything - but they were a lot. A whole lot, “they’re good kids. They’ll listen…they’ve been good before.”
“And we can incentivize with ice cream,” he suggested as you nodded.
“Like that was a question,” you grinned, “whatever it takes.”
“When should we go?”
“We’re going to have to feed them soon,” you playfully sighed, “unless you’ve got something else that you need to do first?”
“Never,” he pressed a kiss to the side of your head and that made you smile softly. He was always so tender and gentle with you, even after all these years, “you and the gaggle are always my number one priority.”
“Oh cielito,” you beamed at him, making his knees weak, “I love you so much.”
“I love you,” he promised, “now, let’s get everyone rounded up and get going. I have a feeling this is going to be quite an adventure.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Alright,” you and Javier jumped out of the car to quickly go over the game plan for grocery shopping. When you had a family of seven, planning was a must. It gave you some pause for a moment as you took in the scene in front of you. A large SUV filled with children and a hot husband  that were all yours. You’d never imagined that this would be your life, even when you’d first started your relationship with Javier this was never anything you’d imagined. But you wouldn’t change a thing either.
“You have your list?” you asked as he pulled the paper with the groceries he was going to procure out of his pocket. You mirrored him and held up your list, “okay, I’ll start with the kids, and then we’ll meet in the middle and swap.”
“And you’re okay with taking Bella?” 
“Yup - she’ll be strapped to my chest so she’s not going anymore,” you were very proud of your little plan, “but she’s also eight months old so she's not really going anywhere either way. You can get her next time.”
“Sounds like a deal, Dulzura,” he put his hand on your face and brushed his thumb over cheek, “you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you could hear the small giggles from inside the car. That alone made your heart soft, “let’s get this done so we can all get some ice cream.”
“Now that sounds perfect,” he opened the back door so the two of you could start getting the kids out. Lucia hopped out, along with Diego who was much more tactful than his older sister. They clambered over to Javi as you took Bella out of her car seat and into the carrier you had on your chest. She cooed happily as you got her settled before you each grabbed out one of the twins. 
“Oh my little loves,” you grinned at them, trying to hold back your internal squeals. As they stood by Javi, you could see just how much they all seemed to take after him with their dark hair and soft eyes and bright smiles. You liked to joke that you did all the hard work with carrying them and birthing them and they betrayed you by taking after their father. Except for Bella who definitely took more after you. But you loved them all beyond words, “we are going to go grocery shopping so we can have food at home - and if you’re all good, we can go get ice cream afterwards and go to the park. What do you guys think?”
You were met with little cheers and bright smiles; alright - you had them reeled in.
“You’re going to go with your mamá,” Javier affectionately ruffled Lucia’s curls and then later on you’ll come with me. Si?”
“Si papá,” Lucia and Diego chirped happily as the twins nodded. 
“Inside voices please and stay close, okay? And remember your manners,” you gave Javi a look and he silently responded. The two of you didn’t even have to verbalize conversations anymore, you were so in sync, “okay, let’s go then kiddos! And no running either, por favor!”
“Good luck, Dulzura,” Javi punctuated his statement with a kiss as you both grabbed shopping carts, “if you want to trade off early, just say the word.”
“You’re a good man, amor,” you whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” and he gave your bum a small pinch which made your eyes widen as you tried to quiet your giggles, “and that never gets old.”
“See you soon,” with that, he took off towards the other end of the store to start on his list. 
You shook your head with a fond smile as Bella babbled away, “your father is impossible, I swear. But luckily for all of you, you’re all so cute!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your children were definitely small agents of chaos, but you had to admit that they definitely listened and listened well when asked to. One would think that Javier, former DEA agent Javier, would have been the more strict parent, but if anything, it was definitely you. Luckily, there weren’t many times you had to pull out the strict mom card too often.
"Mamá?" Diego was at your side as his sisters and brother were up ahead, excitedly looking at all the bright packaging on the shelves.
"Yes, my love?" You reached down and touched his little cheek, "everything alright?"
"Mhmm," he grabbed your hand with his much smaller one, "can we get cookies?"
"Cookies?" You playfully scoffed at him as he grinned at you shyly, "you want cookies?"
"Yes please," there came your favorite little gap toothed grin, "I like the oreos! Abuelo likes them too."
"Well I can't say no to you and abuelo," you put a hand on your heart, "we can get some cookies, but you have to share with everyone."
"Even with Bella?"
"Maybe not Bella," the baby in question was already asleep again, "but your other sisters and brother and papá."
"Okay," he nodded eagerly as he padded up ahead to where he could see the telltale blue packaging. 
At the end of the aisle you saw Javier pop up and you felt yourself relaxing. He leaned against the cart and offered you a cheeky little wink accompanied by a wave. You stuck your tongue out in response as he shook his head fondly.
"Doing alright?" He asked when you made your way down the aisle. 
"Not a single hair on their heads harmed, no missing kids, and no meltdowns," you grinned as the kids all studied the different types of oreos that were available, "I promised your son some oreos. Made a sucker right out of me."
"My son?"
"Yes," you confirmed fervently, "when he makes a sucker out of me, he's your son. Other times I will take half credit for him."
"What about the others?" 
"They can be ours. But they're on thin ice!"
"You, Dulzura, are something else," he whispered before stealing a kiss. Lucia had gotten to the age where she called you both out for any sort of PDA. Diego was out at any age where he naturally agreed with his older sister. The twins were still young enough to be unbothered, "my turn?"
"Yes Daddy," you teased as his eyebrows shot up in amusement. It was your turn to wink at him as you herded the kids over to him, "all yours!"
"Two can play that game baby," you shrugged innocently, "I'll see you at the registers."
"See you soon!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were walking the rest of your half of the grocery store in peace, enjoying a few quiet moments to yourself. They were far and few in between - no complaints on your part - but nice when you got them. Bella remained sleepy, drifting in and out of a little nap, but that didn't stop you from speaking quietly to her. She was such a happy baby and so calm and sweet; she was more like Diego than her sisters and other brother. They were all unique in their own special ways.
"Alright mija," you grabbed the last of your fresh produce and set it in the cart, crossing the items off your list. You were finished now and even earlier than anticipated, "let's go see if papá needs help."
You made your way to the other end of the store, grabbing a few things that looked good on the way - going shopping when hungry was never a good idea.
You spotted Thea from around the corner and attempted to follow her to Javier when you heard him speaking to someone. It definitely wasn't one of the kids, so you wondered if it was someone you knew.
"Look at those curls," the voice was high pitched and screeching, causing you to cringe. This was definitely not someone you knew, "what beautiful children!"
"Thanks, I-"
"They're all so precious," well then, this was interesting if nothing else. You could just imagine Javier's face, "they look like you. What are their names?"
"I, ugh, ma'am-"
"I'm Lucia," you were giggling now, listening to your daughter speak up, "that's my sister Thea, that's Diego, and that's Santiago but we all call him Santi. We have a baby sister too, her name's Bella."
"You are just sweet as pie," you edged towards the end of the aisle to peek around, "and your daddy is just as sweet…and handsome!"
"And to think, you're raising them on your own!" okay, now you were getting annoyed. She looked exactly like you imagined, box blonde with over the top makeup, too much plastic surgery and an outrageous outfit. And she had the audacity to flirt with your husband in front of your children! You looked at his hand and he was definitely wearing his wedding band, "you know there's something so attractive about a single father."
"I'm not-"
"I can't even imagine everything you have to go through," she put her manicured hand over her heart, "you know if you ever need anything-"
"Hello, my love!" You slapped on the biggest grin you could manage as you sauntered over to him. Relief flooded his features as soon as he saw, along with the heart eyes he always seemed to watch you, “I was looking for you! We got separated.”
“H-hey baby,” he sounded so thankful that it caused you to shoot him a quick wink, “glad you found us.”
“Me too,” you walked over and gave him a big kiss, careful not to squish the baby, “I hate being separated from you, even if its just for a few minutes. Oh, hello. And you are?”
“Millie,” her entire face fell as she looked you over. You could tell she wasn’t expecting a wife, let alone you, “y-you’re-”
“I’m his wife,” you confirmed with a sticky sweet smile, “and the mother of all of his children.”
“O-oh, I didn’t mean to…imply anything,” but yeah, you weren’t buying that for a moment.
“Oh? Well, he’s wearing a wedding ring and clearly not interested,” you were enjoying this a little too much, “but thank you for your comments on my children. They are very adorable and sweet. But we can handle them on our own, sweetie. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
“No,” and with that, she turned the corner and you could hear her high heels shuffling away. You let out a heavy sigh before turning back to face Javier. You weren’t quite sure what reaction you were supposed to be expecting, but it wasn’t the smug, proud expression he wore. 
“What was that?” he asked, as he watched the kids look at everything on shelves. He took a step closer to you and put a hand on your hip and gave it a gentle squeeze, “Dulzura.”
“It wasn’t anything,” you replied simply with a shrug, “I was just making sure she knows who you belong to. And to stay away from my children.”
“You’re always sexy, you know that,” he whispered close to your ear, “you’re even sexier when you’re jealous.”
“I wasn’t jealous,” you put your hand on his cheek and patted it playfully, ���there’s nothing to be jealous of. You’re mine and everyone knows that. You know that.”
“I do,” he promised, “I am yours. I’ve always been yours, from the day we met.”
“Hmmm,” you mused as you pressed a kiss to his lips, “good man, Javier. I’m yours too, you know.”
“I know,” he growled as you smiled.
“Glad we’re on the same page,” you grinned, “if I ever see another woman try to make a move on you, I won’t be as nice. She caught me on a good day.”
“I doubt that’ll happen again-”
“I doubt that,” you insisted, “you’re fine as hell, Javier. Just because you refuse to see it, doesn’t mean it’s not true. You really don’t notice how all these women look at you, do you?”
“Nope,” he looked so proud of him, “because I’ve only got eyes for one woman.”
“You always know exactly what to say,” you sighed wistfully as you looked him over, “I am going to take care of you tonight, amor. Let me show you how much I love you.”
“Baby,” he groaned slightly at your insinuation, “I want to-”
“Papá!” Lucia waved at him from down the aisle, “come here!”
You laughed softly as he closed his eyes and let out a small groan. You gave him a quick kiss before nudging him towards his daughter. 
“This isn’t finished,” he whispered to you as raised an eyebrow, “I mean it, Dulzura.”
“I’m counting on that, cielito.”
“Papá! Hurry!”
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renegadesstuff · 7 months
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celestie0 · 5 months
We know that Kickoff!Gojo is a malewhore, but what about the other frat boys? Like, are they very active?
ohh i haven’t thought about this 🤔
i think gojo is the most malewhore of them all lol. imma say choso is kind of at the same level of sluttiness as gojo but he’s the type to be in a million situationships at once cuz he’s got such an idgaf attitude n doesn’t realize when he’s leading so many ppl on 😭…also i think kickoff choso doesn’t chase he attracts lmfao. NANAMI IS IN A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP W HIS HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEART AND ITS MEEEEEEEEE IM THE HS SWEETHEARTT. and hmm geto. hmm
i wanna say kickoff geto is just as popular w the ladies as gojo is but he’s got decorum n doesnt sleep around as much LOL. i think he went through a phase first two years of college where he did hook up w ppl often and then realized it wasn’t really for him. although he’s got a sorority complex n exclusively dates sorority girls lmfao
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soulinkpoetry · 6 months
If you have found a good person to be with that’s paradise on earth.
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theborzoiarebackintown · 11 months
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Kram then assisted in getting the tree out of the car and setting it up!
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suokura · 2 months
pov : ur the wedding planner of me and sylus
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Jay being Jay
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joshsindigostreak · 4 months
When he tells you that he’s giving you some alone time so you can write your fics 🥰
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renegadesstuff · 7 months
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28mindgames · 8 months
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thegirloffans · 2 years
Attuma @ Okoye in "C'mere Lover Boy!" By @xblackreader 💀
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vargenaks · 7 months
So, some information about it👇🏻
Name: The Good Man / Nice Guy
Hangul: 착한 사나이
Genre: romance, thriller
Episodes: —
Director: Song Hae Sung
Writer: Kim Woon Kyung
Release Date: 2024
Runtime: Monday & Tuesday
Production Company: —
OST: —
Official site: —
“Nice Guy” is follows the story of Seok Cheol, the eldest grandson in a family of three generations of gangsters, as he brings laughter and tears while facing the tumultuous ups and downs of life in order to protect his family, career, and love.
Lee Dong Wook as Park Seok Cheol
Lee Sung Kyung as —
Ryu Hye Young as Park Seok-hee (Seok Cheol`s younger sister)
Information was taken from this site
Are you waiting for this new masterpiece with Lee Dong Wook?🤭
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karihighman · 2 years
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Aaaaaand cue my tears 😭😥☹️🥺💙 JLS’ IG post about 10x03 of Chicago PD
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catofoldstones · 1 year
Oh Jon II, you sexy, sexy chapter
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lightthewaybackhome · 2 years
If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want you to know you're going to die. So they'll talk. They'll gloat.
They'll watch you squirm. They'll put off the moment of murder like another man will put off a good cigar.
So hope like hell your captor is an evil man. A good man will kill you with hardly a word.
-Terry Pratchett
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