#9/11 trutherism
starry-bi-sky · 2 months
okay a few more danyal al ghul au memes because i think they're funny to make. with bonus yaelokre danyal memes!
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yaelokre! danyal 🤝 threes! danyal: being five years older than damian
yaelokre danyal comes from my oneshot right here. however, i would frankly recommend reading the version i put on ao3 because it's been edited and includes more content! shout out to my boy, he's got amnesia </3
Do i think that the LOA has technology in it? Absolutely I do. LED lights but in 3000k warm white instead of the jarring bright sterile white, if they've got glass windows they're those solar panel glass panes my college natural science building uses that detects sunlight position, which in term controls the lights, which in turn saves energy. Amber lights for outside, solar panels. Just. anything environmentally sound and friendly, they've got it, they use it.
Do i think they've got computers and tvs lying around for casual recreational use? ....that i'm not so sure about. For this au? I'm gonna say nooooottt really. That stuff is typically reserved for like, mission planning, debriefing, research, etc. Frankly danny probably does know how to use a computer, however i thought it was funny if he didn't. so the meme is staying in lmao.
If they're not training, they've probably like, got a greenhouse or two somewhere on base they can help with. The LoA's whole thing is balance, harmony, restoring the natural world with extreme environmentalism. All that jazz. Probably plenty of ponds, recreational areas outside, gardens, just, stuff to do that's not technology based. My most basic understanding is that these people are the world's deadliest hippies. They can't be training all the time, that's neither good for morale nor for their bodies, so when they're not training... they're off doing shit. If Ras has kept this thing running for thousands of years then it’s gotta be pretty lit enough that nobody’s revolted lmao.
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punk-pins · 4 months
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ok the plane is objectively funny (from mark beemer’s shopify)
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fujobritta · 27 days
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looking closer at the bracket they made in s1e3 and ??? HELLO ???
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
my westero-sona would be aelyx jons the insane anti-targ conspiracy theorist ranting and raving drunk off his tits at the IATC. i would talk about summerhall like it’s bohemian grove. battle above the god’s eye was a false flag. maegor was based. doom of valyria was an inside job. getting really insane about the master of coin petyr baelish like he’s the us federal reserve. id figure out r+l=j but in the wrong way where i think actually its r+l=d
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slyandthefamilybook · 10 months
I don't think Taylor Swift is actually gay but i think a lot of gay girls want to fuck her, which is valid
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safije · 8 months
"Terrorism, as a media weapon, first appeared on 22 July 1946 with the murder of almost one hundred people in Jerusalem. Zionist Jews (dressed as Muslim Arabs) planted a massive bomb in the King David Hotel. The resultant explosion destroyed an entire wing of the building killing British officials, hotel staff and guests alike. Britain withdrew from Palestine in 1948 after a relentless campaign of Irgun terrorist attacks. Zionist militia then attacked the Arab population - burning villages, carrying out expulsions and perpetrating a number of massacres - forcing over 700,000 people to flee their homes in terror. These people's possessions and lands were then seized by Ashkenazi settlers "miraculously" giving birth to the new Zionist state of "Israel"."
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edgelordtozier · 8 months
sorry that eddie munson book is my worst enemy
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that-starlight-prince · 3 months
Japanese dive bombers can't melt steel battleships
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batw1nggg · 1 year
wait… kill all your friends played during the secretary leg of the tour…. “youll never take me alive” sang specifically by the undead secretary
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oldguardleatherdog · 2 years
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reptilia2003 · 5 months
started studying for the gre
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liquorswitch · 10 months
I don’t think I realized just how differently I was raised until I learned what 9/11 was around the time of the 10 year anniversary. I was born in 2000 so I have no conscious memory of it. It wasn’t a thing that was brought up in my family. Probably because it happened before immigrating to the US. Maybe it’s more relevant for its effects on neighboring countries than as a source of collective trauma in India. I vaguely remembered seeing the news about Bin Laden’s death, and my mom saying that Indians “knew he was hiding in Pakistan but the US didn’t listen.” Not much context for what he did or why she thought the Pakistani government knew where he was.
So one day in social studies the teacher starts talking about nine eleven and starts trying to gauge what we already know about it. Everyone has something to add and I’m just sitting there confused and wondering if it has something to do with the police.
The teacher than asks something like do we know why it happened and some kid blurts out “because the Muslims didn’t like Americans and that girls were allowed to wear bathing suits and have jobs here.” I’m still very confused at this point. This is a primarily white area so I’m also wondering if this is racist. The areas we lived in before didn’t have large Indian or Middle Eastern populations either so the only time I ever saw a Muslim woman wearing a burqua was on a trip to India. I thought she looked cool because she looked like a ninja in all black.
When I asked my mom about this she explained how she thought the Iraq war was bullshit, and how not all Muslims are like that,and there are Muslims who support women’s rights, and that the US ruined Afghanistan. But she also told me not to say any of this around the white kids at school because their parents would get mad.
Truly a surreal experience.
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voidcat-senket · 1 year
Star Trek breaks my heart in a bad way #5124
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you might be void of feelings i fear i haven’t felt for anyone
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synopsis// by no means did you hate soulmates, you just hated that he was your soulmate. not like megumi was ecstatic that he was your soulmate either. but that’s fine, both of you found someone else to keep you company.
status// finished!
updates// everyday unless said otherwise
warning// dating app!au, soulmate!au, college!au, no curses!au, enemies(?) to lovers, profanity, megumi and y/n are edgy pieces of shit <3, kys jokes, crack humor? i’m going back to my cringe 2020 smau roots with reaction images id say i’m sorry but i’m not, if any characters or dynamics r ooc take that up with the universe not me !!
☆ this smau wasn’t inspired by a song but the title was!! ‘twas inspired by spell strike by provoker, so besides the title and lyrics on here the song holds little to no relevance :) ☆
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you might be the only one
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might be the only one for me
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feeling 1. young and stupid
feeling 2. child of divorce
feeling 3. no schedule just vibes
feeling 4. six feet under
feeling 5. this is my fight song
feeling 6. success rate
feeling 7. lone wolf
feeling 8. dumpster fire
feeling 9. retail therapy
feeling 10. be normal
feeling 11. the enemy has been defeated
feeling 12. enemies to lovers irl
feeling 13. exorcism
feeling 14. shut ur up
feeling 15. winner
feeling 16. hip hip hooray
feeling 17. swiped right!
feeling 18. silly little mystery
feeling 19. for no reason
feeling 20. i guess so
feeling 21. sigh of relief
feeling 22. relationship territory
feeling 23. don’t hmu
feeling 24. major in loser
feeling 25. fight club
feeling 26. jigsaw
feeling 27. ghosting
feeling 28. cold shoulder
feeling 29. before marriage
feeling 30. meant to be
feeling 31. a hunch
feeling 32. survival of the fittest
feeling 33. he knows
feeling 34. so close yet so far
feeling 35. (disrespectfully)
feeling 36. regressing
feeling 37. take pity
feeling 38. telepathy
feeling 39. betrayed
feeling 40. two birds with one stone
feeling 41. dead end
feeling 42. mass hysteria
feeling 43. an apology
feeling 44. baby’s first reciprocated love
feeling 45. psychological warfare
feeling 46. jealous
feeling 47. a facade
feeling 48. learning to coexist
feeling 49. with you
feeling 50. useless E information
feeling 51. good idea
feeling 52. break the peace
feeling 53. enjoy the peace
feeling 54. revenge
feeling 55. tolerable
feeling 56. catastrophic
feeling 57. fumbled
feeling 58. easier than you think
feeling 59. no downtime
feeling 60. caught red handed
feeling 61. for good
feeling 62. replace megumi with megumi
feeling 63. delicate
feeling 64. best bet
feeling 65. valid question
feeling 66. devils incarnate
feeling 67. patience is a virtue
feeling 68. grow and change as a person
feeling 69. megumi truthers
feeling 70. knock on wood
feeling 71. come find me
feeling 72. cryptic
feeling 73. more than aware
feeling 74. see the future
feeling 75. trying to be nice
feeling 76. why do you hate me
feeling 77. knight in shining armor
feeling 78. perfect paradox
feeling 79. idgaf war
feeling 80. stay like this forever
feeling 81. baby bird
feeling 82. found your way back
feeling 83. heart racing
feeling 84. loverboy activities feeling 85. megumi this megumi that feeling 86. protect you feeling 87. flirt back feeling 88. wingmen feeling 89. in love with megumi allegations feeling 90. more broken feeling 91. gets shirtless again feeling 92. 1 new message!
feeling 93. protecting your peace
feeling 94. tired of waiting
last feeling. a kiss and a fight
epilogue/bonus feeling. spy
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M*se are so fucking funny to me, I just read a Guardian article that unironically described The Resistance as 'think 1984 but directed by James Cameron' and meant it as a compliment. That sounds like the worst thing in the world, and the album DOES suck funnily enough
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euandmedaemon · 2 years
The Real Tragedy of 9/11
The Real Tragedy of 9/11
For me, the worst tragedy, the enduring tragedy, of that carnival of tragedies, the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001, is how quickly and effortlessly the 9/11 conspiracy theorists – the so-called “9/11 Truthers” – were able to deputize millions of Americans in riving an anguished nation with malignant nonsense about the “real” causes of the collapse of…
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