#850 words in a day which is NOT a lot but IS the most i've written since my very-bad-december-induced writers block
liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Hey, sweetie!
How old you think are the sakamaki, mukami and tsukinami? i have seen lots of posts and all says different things from each othe, i'm really confused--
Hi Love,
This is a really good question. Its something I've always wondered and have been struggling to answer but I will do my best. A while ago I did some extreme math to calculate their age which I will say, I do not recommend such torture to anyone. Plus, I completely forgot the logic behind the formulas so whelp to that. And I think I am either correct or Rejet is inconsistent with their ideas. Either case, something is off and I'll do my best to explain what I think their age range is.
Requests are open
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
Okay so as I'm sure most of us know, we are aware of their physical age but when it comes to their actual age its tough to say but there are some estimates that could pinpoint a rough estimate as to how old they are.
For example. in one of the drama CDs I believe Reiji was the one who explained to Yui that the mansion that we see in the anime was given to them back in the 18th century? or was it 1800s? I can't remember overall it was a long time ago. And whichever it was they were all grown up to live there on their own as a family. This means for over 200+ years they have looked like teenagers!
The Tsukinami's age also helps us determine the Sakamaki's age. In the Young Blood manga, you can notice that Carla looks just as old as he looks now, and this is when the Sakamaki's were only children. So he and Shin are fairly old. Plus it was stated that they were trapped for thousands of years, so they are old considering that they had some business with their father.
If we also look at Beatrix's attire that Rejet gave her, it is a style that leans more toward the 15-1600s and her children where very young at the time. Of course these years are somewhat misleading because if you think of it, that dress is probably from the demon world so their way of doing things hardly changes. So there is a chance that the attire doesn't greatly respect the time.
However! In another drama CD when the boys were asked about their age Shu said he couldn't remember how old he was exactly but that he was roughly in his early 1,000s. Reiji, Laito, and I believe it was also Kanto who admitted that they were several of 100s of years old. (This was all on the CD which of course I don't remember which one.)
So having said this I've dug far deep to give a good estimate on all this so here it is:
Idk why but this exact number is what I always think of when I see him.
Although in terms of range it would be 1,030-1,080.
he's approaching 1,000 real soon.
I know they are triplets and they were born on the same day, but it's hard to picture they're all the same age. So I gave each a different range for each one because I don't know what to pick, but for them I would say the range is roughly : 715-870
I always feel like he was older but it turns out he's younger than Shu?
Now considering that Shu met "young" Yuma or "edgar" in this case, centuries later, it shows how slowly purebloods age and just how fast a turned vampires age, so while the Mukamis look to be the same age as the Sakamakis they're actually younger.
I know the Mukamis are psychically a year apart from each other but you know vampire aging works a little differently. Plus, we don't know how much they really are I'm just going by what age range I see on them.
He is old and was probably born in 1500-1700s, as much as I want to say 1800s but we know it's not accurate.
Now idk why but I feel like he was born in the year 1570. (It just sounds right lol)
So for age wise its 518-640
He's younger than Kou and it's just so hard to believe.
He's probably 460-580
I could see him being in his mid 400s
Oh my, they are very old.
And I'm just going to say it, they do not look like teens. I always felt that they looked like they were in their 20s. Honestly all of them look like their in there 20s.
But anyways, lets keep in mind that Carla looks exactly the same as he does now when the Sakamaks were kids. (This was in the young blood manga btw).
(also please let me know if I'm wrong about my facts so just let me know.)
anyways I feel like they are quite old and over a thousand. they said he was trapped for thousands of years so they are really old.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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darkfinch · 2 years
so it turns out the "write what you want to read" people are like. correct actually
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andreasedae · 3 years
That bittersweet memories.
Part one.
Reader: Female reader
Pairings: Henry Cavill as John Cooper x reader
Word Count: 850+
Tumblr media
Chapter one: Is that you?
That annoying sound of the alarm clock is awful. Whoever invented this thing should be fried in hell. I reach for my phone and when I see what time it is, I jump out of bed.
Damn, I think.
I have to be in the center in half an hour.
My mother called yesterday that she would like to have breakfast with me and most importantly she wants to told me something important.
She will definitely try to put me together with someone again.
The last time it was a guy she met at the supermarket and decided it would be a great match for me.
As if it could be someone who lives in his mother’s house in the basement with her three cats and a child from a previous relationship. Thanks mom.
I don't even know how I did it, but in fifteen minutes I'm sitting at a gas station in my old car, which carries a lot of memories and which I can't give up even after ten years.
Memories don't come that often anymore. But if they come, it still hurts.
Like now, when I'm listening to a song we danced to at our prom. He was wearing the awfully fitting suit he'd inherited from his older brother at the time, and I was wearing a dress that had a little blueberry stain on their hem. But even though we never had much, we had everything. If only there was no accident.
But knocking on the window pulls me out of my memory.
"Can I help you, ma'am?"
"Full, please."
"Okey." I can hear a rough voice of the man, whose face i can barely see through the raindrops on window.
"Isn't true that everyone who listens to Bruno Mars in the rain in their car is getting a little depressed? I call that people a killers of optimism." He laughs as he refuels and walks forward to the windshield to wipe the water off.
"Do you want me to check your oil?"
That laughter, so terribly familiar. With my gaze facing the window and full of anticipation, I watch what face appears in a moment.
"No, thanks. I topped it up just yesterday."
Is that you? I think.
“Did you refill the oil? If you still know how to cook, you are every man's dream. One day I— ” He stops when he sees my face and walks back again.
"I once worked in a car service in Tennessee, where I was born, and I swear every other woman didn't even know the oil should be checked."
"Are you from Tennessee?"
"Yes, ma'am, I'm Southern boy."
"What is your name?"
“Christopher William. I have a name after two idiots that my mother thought might be my father. ” He laughs nervously, and when he's done refueling, he walks over to my window and rests his hand on the roof.
"Will you pay in cash or by card?"
His palm keeps me out of sight, but my mind still doesn't deceive me. That laughter, sense of humor. That face.
“John? Who is John? Madam, I have to go back to work. ”
I pull the card out of my wallet and hand it to him through the window, and when he strides to the cash register, i get out of the car and quickly follow him.
"You know, you remind me of someone a lot. A boy. A man. Named John Cooper. He died in a car accident when he went to Mexico for a few days. Nine years ago.”
"Seriously? I'm sorry, ma'am. I've never been at Mexico. "
"He laughed like you."
"I didn’t mean to."
"You look like him." Now he has a beard and looks like someone who can tow a car with his bare hands, but otherwise he looks like John's copy.
"I don’t know what to say."
And that long gaze we exchanged was full of those strange emotions. I wish It was him so bad. But my mind is probably playing with me. But what if not?
"Here. Your bill and card. Have a nice day." He hands it to me and I can hardly take my eyes off him. And when I did, he walked away again.
"Chris, don't you have a scar on your arm?"
"Pardon?” He turned back to me with his eyes wide open.
"The man had a scar on his arm after he fought for me. During the fight, he broke the window of this car and the shard cut his arm.” I nod my head toward the car, but the look is still on his eyes. You are so familiar.
"I don't think I need to show you anything."
“I’m not leaving until you show me.” And even though he may think I'm crazy, I can't give up the last remnant of hope that came my way.
"Okay." He signs and take a look around. He rolls up his sleeve and shows me his arm. I just smile to myself. I pull my eyebrows more to my forehead and shake my head. "On the right one." I warn him that he showed me his left arm, and with another sigh, he rolls up his sweatshirt sleeve on his other arm.
He has a tattoo on it. "Satisfied?" He asks me with his annoyed voice.
"Not at all." I said with disappointment in my voice and with tears in my eyes I turn around and walk back to my car.
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alicemoonwonderland · 7 years
So, I've heard you using the terms "Debra Insurance", "Cooter Insurance" and "Sea Combo"? I don't know what those are, but how do I get a quote for these insurance plans? *fans self after seeing Ignis*
Me unable to type and making hilarious typos
Hello sweet Nonnie, 
Please take a seat, and we will see if we can get you some insurance, shall we? *puts on glasses and sits behind a desk, opening a thick folder and booting up the laptop*
Debra Insurance
Debra Insurance is to cover the costs of the damages done by super cute fluffy fanfiction. The one that make your teeth ache and worry that they will rot out of your mouth while you’re reading it. Or giving you a heart attack. It will protect you from loud squealing, help you get help for excessive blushing or if you half suffocated yourself by shoving your face in a pillow. 
Basic Debra insurance costs around 250 gil a month. It will cover you from slight overheating, a few rotting teeth, and slight heart issue. 
Premium Debra Insurance costs around 750 gil a month. It will covers one fluff induced heart attack a month, one full replacement of your teeth caused by cuteness once year, and all other damages done by fluffy fics. 
Platinum Debra Insurance, the highest in the Debra selection, goes for 1250 gil a month, but with this you’re covered for literally everything. Even a fluff induced coma which is a serious risk now a days with some of the content used on different internet platform. Last thing we need is you missing out on wonderful content because you weren’t protected against this serious overdoses of fluff!
Cooter Insurance (cheers to @hypaalicious for getting this word in my vocabulary)
This insurance is the nsfw version of the Debra Insurance. It will protect you from fanfiction content that makes mouths become more dry than the Sahara, shortness of breathe, odd tingles in the stomach and groin region, hot flashes, wet spots in panties, and most serious condition of all; ovary explosions. 
Basic Cooter Insurance, which costs 750 gil a month, will keep you safe from all mentioned dangers from reading nsfw content, and it will protect you from mild ovary explosions every two weeks.
Premium Cooter Insurance, which costs 1250 gil a month, will cover the same as Basic Cooter Insurance, but it will also protect you from major ovary explosion every two weeks. 
Platinum Cooter Insurance, which is the highest of the three and costs 2500 gil a month, will cover the same as Basic and Premium, but it will also keep you safe from all kinds of ovary explosion or even worse being slain by smut and going into a smut induced delirium or coma. 
Sea Combo
This is the combo of Debra and Cooter Insurance to combat the sea that your cooter or mouth produce due to high concentrations of fluff and smut. There are three different packages that will help you protect yourself against the dangers of fanfiction consumptions. 
Sea Combo Pond. This is Basic Debra/Cooter Insurance for the small price of 850 gil a month. 
Sea Combo River. This is Premium Debra/Cooter Insurance which will protect you for just 1750 gil a month. 
Sea Combo Ocean is the best combo pack, and you will be protected from all kinds of damages for just 3250 gil a month.
Please contact your local insurance company to see if they over Debra, Cooter, and Sea Combos. And be aware that avoiding coming into contact with fanfiction will save you a lot of money and protects your health. But if impossible, then we gladly get you the best insurance for your needs. 
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