#80s band fics
sixxgurl26 · 2 years
~ Sleazy Sugar ~ 6 - Two Blondies
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Layla Krane (OC)
Warnings: 18+, language, violence
Word Count: 2.3K+
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“You guys really need to get your door fixed or something, climbing through this goddamn window isn't it.” I groaned, my foot catching on the sill, causing me to stumble into the small, musty living room these boys called home. Well, Vince, Tommy, and Nikki. Mick lived somewhere else, but we weren't really sure where. He kinda just showed up and disappeared into the night, he wasn’t into the antics like the other three and honestly, I couldn’t blame him.
“Tell the cops to stop breaking it down and maybe we’ll fix it.” Vince groaned, taking a sip from his beer as he flipped through his new Playboy magazine. “That would require us to not do things to make the cops break it down.” Tommy stated, ripping the magazine from Vince, before being punched in the shoulder and having it ripped back by the blondie himself. Note to self, don’t mess with Vince’s access to girls of any kind, real or print. “Which is not going to happen. Fuck em.” Nikki spat, taking a swig himself before walking over and handing me a beer already de-capped. Smiling, I took a drink before sitting next to Kayla on the couch, bumping shoulder’s with her as I watched Nikki grab his journal and sit on his lawn chair at the coffee table. Ah, where Sixx did his best work at writing any new song.
It’s been three months since the incident at the Whiskey and the night I stayed at the Motley house after Nikki saved my sorry ass from that creep. Nikki and I haven’t acted with each other like we first had, and he hasn’t made a move on me since, which I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or saddened, but I was becoming more and more comfortable around them, inviting myself into their home and finding myself spending time here after work and even skipping on school sometimes to help Nikki with his thoughts on a song. I wasn’t paying much attention to my real life at the moment, I was giving it the bare minimum I could, while the world of Motley got all the attention I could give it. I was becoming addicted to the electricity of their music, and the antics at their parties. It made me feel alive in a way I never knew was possible, and having Kayla with me almost twenty four seven made it even that much better.
“What are you working on now?” I asked, peering over to his book and he looked up at me with a smirk. “A new song for the new album we are going to be working on soon. I imagine this one will be a single hopefully.” Scribbling away, I could tell he had his verses outlined, but no choruses, though I didn’t know what they said. “What’s your middle name?” Nikki asked me, his eyes looking up into my own for a second as I searched my brains database for the information I didn’t really ever use except for medical forms. “It’s Tessa, why?” He shook his head with a laugh, “no reason, just wondering.” I nodded slowly, another sip into my lips. “Sure Sixx.”
Staring at him, I couldn’t help but be mesmerized. I couldn’t identify really what my feelings were for him yet, but I liked the way his lips felt on mine and I know I wanted them on me again, but that felt like irrational thinking, so I pushed it away as soon as it entered my thoughts. This is Nikki we’re talking about, a sleazy, drug snorting, crazy ass psycho, at least to the general public. Still, I would find myself watching him work, long enough that I’m sure he could feel the stare and he would pry his green orbs off his journal to stare up into mine for a moment, throwing me a smirk before heading back down into his own world. I knew Kayla could tell too, as her slanted smiles could tell me she could see into my own mind. She never brought it up in front of them though, to my relief.
The day had come and went and a week later I found myself back here for another party, another night of putting off my work and school and deciding to just “deal with it tomorrow”, which I knew was not going to get me anywhere, but the longer I ignored it, the better it felt to be away from. The Motley house as usual, was packed with people. Most of the people I was starting to recognize as people that usually showed up for the shows and then followed the boys home like they were the pied pipers of Sunrise. Their following was getting bigger by the show, and I knew this excited them.
In the Sunrise scene, they had made it. In Nikki’s eyes, they were just getting started.
The scene was laid out as usual, Vince talking it up with his most likely third victim of the night, Tommy with Kayla coming out of the bathroom disheveled and WAY too happy, Mick in the corner on the couch with a bottle almost passed out, and Nikki taking swigs by the kitchen counter, while talking smugly to a blondie that had been on his hip the whole fucking night.
“I can sense some jealousy.” Kayla playfully sang to me, poking me in the side as she flipped the cap off her corona. My eyes darted from Nikki to the blondie as she placed on a hand on his leather covered bicep, her laugh echoing. I rolled my eyes and turned to Kayla. “I am not.” I gruffed, doing an amazing job of covering the fact that I was, indeed, jealous. “Yeah and I have a dick, we can tell lies all night but I see through you.” I didn’t dignify that with a response and took another long sip of my own bottle, licking my lips with taste of corona, wishing it was a different taste of something else, or someone else instead.
I hadn’t pursued Nikki since making my exit that night at the club, my mind was still confused on what was the “right” decision, but that didn’t stop me from finding him attractive and getting weak in the knees around him. And the more I stayed around, the more the “bad” decisions seemed to feel right.
“Okay well, maybe go talk to some guy and get over it, or under it. It’s Nikki man, he’s sleazy.” She patted me on the head before walking her way through the crowd back to Tommy and I sighed, surveying the selection before me, but as I stared through the guys that had come to this party, nothing seemed to entice me, not even to make him jealous or even just look up from blondie. And then I saw him, the perfect person to enact my plan with, why had I not thought of it before, and lucky me, he just happened to be free at this moment. “Oh Vinnie!” I sang, shifting my stance to put my weight on one leg, popping my hip out and staring at him enticingly. He stared at me with curiosity, a smile hinting at his lips as he rounded the couch, making his way to me. “What’s up doll?” I smirked, I lifted my hand to his shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze, and while I wanted to laugh, I had to keep it together. “You got some broad shoulders here.” I said, and his usual cocky smile turned off as a chuckle dared to come out. “What are you doing?” He asked and I moved in close to his ear so as no one else to hear. “I’m trying to make Nikki jealous.” His eyes widened as he looked at me in shock. “You like Nikki? Out of all the men?” Now I was shocked, I was so sure they all knew we had hooked up and he had even been seen with me all over me before I had ran out that night. “Didn’t you all know we hooked up?” I whispered back and by now, I couldn’t hear blondie anymore, well, not my blondie Vinnie, but Nikki’s blondie, so I was sure the talking between them had ceased at some point. “Well I mean yeah we knew that, but we fuck a lot of girls, I don’t expect them to really like me or like them back, that’s all.” I was going to fight that response, but he was right, that checked out.
“Look, you want to make a man jealous, especially Nikki, I’ll just act like you’re mine and if you’re something he wants, even if he denies that, he won’t be able to after seeing me all over it, he hates when I try to take things of his away.” He whispered in my ear before giving my neck a gentle kiss and while Nikki was the one I was wanting, I couldn’t lie that Vince’s lips on my neck sent shivers down me. Pushing me slightly against the wall, I went along with the act, as his hands came to my waist, gripping me as his lips came up dangerously close to my own, brushing against them slightly as his his free hand dropped to my hip, pulling me closer in. I was hoping to god Nikki did care, because at this rate, I wasn’t sure where this was about to lead me.
Another graze of my collarbone before Vince was ripped off of me with the rage of leather and jet black hair coming in between us and I sighed in relief that it worked, but now fear of what was about to happen.
What was I doing using Vince to get back at Nikki? I wasn’t trying to tear the band apart, just make a statement.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” Nikki screamed, Vince taking a step back, eyeing me and then eyeing him back. “I-I was just giving her some attention man, she needed it.” He could of said it less matter of factly and that may have saved him a punch straight to the nose, but instead he chose the route of violence and down Vince went, clutching himself. “NIKKI!” I shouted, pulling his arm down and forcing him to look at me. “STOP IT!” I screamed as loud as possible, the whole place going silent, except the huffs of anger between us. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? YOU KISSING HIM? OF ALL PEOPLE?” He raged on, once Nikki got going, there was no stopping him. He was like a bull and all he saw was red.
I wasn’t the fighting type, I wasn’t even the arguing type, but something about him brought something out in me, and I wasn’t backing down in front of God or anybody tonight. Maybe a few too many drinks, maybe not enough.
He smirked slightly, taking amusement from my comment as he crossed his arms, Vince still on the ground moaning and clutching his nose. “So you’re jealous? That’s it? You don’t want me but I can’t play around with other kitties?” His tone was pissing me off and his smile, while deafeningly attractive, angered me like hell.
“I never said I didn’t want you, I was confused Nikki, I am confused, but yeah, maybe I was a little jealous, so I gave you back your own medicine.” I huffed, but my eyes were shifted from him when his blondie entered my view, taking a stance next to him with a wide, smug smile. “Oh honey, you couldn’t have him even if you wanted him. He needs a real woman.” She wrapped her arm around Nikki’s and while he didn’t push her off, he didn’t embrace it either. “Bitch, if you talk to me again, I’ll be knocking you so hard, you’re going to need a nose job before being seen again.” She look taken aback, and the once silent apartment was now filled with whistles and egging on a fight. What is it with men loving to see women fight?
Nikki looked smugger than ever, pulling away from her and crossing his arms. “Don't let me stand in the way.” He snarked. I couldn’t believe him as I stood there, but something inside me blamed myself more. Why did I expect this to go well? Why did I think I belonged here of all places? My anger started to evaporate and as I looked into the girls eyes that seemingly were filled with genuine fear as she eyes my clenched fists, I sighed, releasing my tension.
“Fucking forget it, you can have him.” I turned quickly and started to make my exit, ignoring the sounds of my name from various voices, but not one of them sounded like Nikki’s. Kayla’s was the loudest, and I could feel her hand grab my own as an attempt to stop me, but I ripped it away and stepped through the window.
The farther I got, the quieter it became. I didn't even want to go home, I just wanted to go, so I walked with no clear intention, clutching my arms to keep myself warm and safe. It had felt like it had been an hour after I had left, but I had no clear way of knowing. I didn't know where I was, I was inside my head and thoughts as my body walked on autopilot, but I was ripped back to reality when I heard honking. 
I turned to the blinding headlight as a car whipped close to the sidewalk near me and stopped dead.
Nikki’s eyes glared into mine. “Get in the car before you get abducted or murdered out here.” I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk on. “Fuck off Sixx.” I mumbled out, but the car edged forward to meet me as I continued on. “Get in the FUCKING car.”
Thus ensued what felt like a forever staring contest as we both glared at each other, before I groaned, giving up and slipping into the car before he roared off.
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ghostbustting · 2 months
hey. *sneaks in a quick Kirk fic*
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Kirk Hammett x Reader
Contains Smut and slight Somnophilia
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I could hear birds chirping outside, a melody that usually greets me in the morning. My face scrunches up as I feel a sense of heat on my face, coming from the rays of morning sunlight that sneakily peeks through my curtains, blinding my vision as my eyes slowly flutter open.
Although my eyelids were finally lifted, my vision was still blurry and my mind wasn’t completely awake.
I could barely even remember what had happened last night, all I remember was coming back from the bar, half drunk, with Kirk, then passing out on our comfortable bed with him cuddled in my arms, tiredness was all that we feel.
The awaken state I’m in slowly gets to me as I begin to rub my eyes, trying to see the morning much more clearly, a small yawn leaving my lips.
Somehow, with that yawn, came another noise right after it. A small whimper from the back of my throat that I wasn’t conscious enough to let out on purpose.
Only then did I feel something warm and wet rubbing against my panties down there under the sheets that cover up all of my body. It took me awhile to get fully conscious to feel the ticklish hair against my thighs, or more specifically, between my thighs.
Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I throw the sheets off my body and find long locks of curly black hair between my thighs, a pair of pretty dark brown eyes looking up at me, tongue out and pressed against my clothed pussy.
My eyes widened, ”Kirk..? God, it’s 6 in the morning..” I grunted, rubbing my eyes as I sit up, only for my thighs to be held back by Kirk, him pulling me back down on the bed.
”5 in the morning, actually.” He corrected me with that crooked teethed grin.
I roll my eyes and try to grab his hands, to which he swatted mine away and huff, “C’monn! You don’t even have to do anything! Just— Just sit and be pretty. Pleasee?” He lay his head on my right thigh, lips slightly puckering out to press a peck on my skin.
Those dark brown eyes of his were staring up at me in the most precious way. His intentions were dirty, but the way he looked was way too cute to reject him.
After all, he had already make me wet in my sleep, my panties soaked with a mix of his saliva and my own juices.
But even if I try to mask it, he knew I was way too weak for him.
I rolled my eyes with a long sigh, "Fine."
Not even in a second, he quickly ripped my panties away from my once covered pussy, making me yelp in surprise and annoyance. "Shh. Just a panties." He shushed me.
Then, he proceeds to attach his lips onto my folds, tongue darting out to lap on my pussy like a hungry animal, sucking on me like I was a droplet of water he found in the middle of a desert.
I gasp and reach down to grab onto his hair, my fingers clutching onto those curly locks of his, pulling them every now and then while his lips makes out with my slick pussy.
His mouth went to my clit, sucking harshly on it. The sensation made me moaned and arch my back, the tug my fingers did on his hair made him grunt against my heat, the sound vibrating up into me.
"S-shit.." I whimpered out, desperately pushing his mouth against my pussy even more, my hips slowly grinding against his face while his tongue darts out yet again.
My legs were shaking, I cannot even utter out a word through my never ending moans, the only times a word would ever leave my lips successfully were either a moan of his name or a curse.
Suddenly, I could feel his tongue sliding up and down my folds, entering my hole as slowly as ever. I gasped yet again, my breathing became heavy as my chest rise up and down non stop, his mouth taking all the breath away from me down there.
"Kirk.. fuck fuck.." I mutter out, my legs moving to be placed over his shoulders while he eats me out.
He knew what he was doing too much, cause then I feel his thumb on my clit, rubbing harsh circles on it and encouraging the knot in my stomach to form and tighten.
Both of my eyes rolled to the back of my head, a louder moan leaving my lips. I wish my neighbors and the singing birdies out my windows a lovely morning, while I have my own sinful morning.
"Fuck— Fuck, I'm close.."
Small whines of curses never stopped coming out of me while I was getting more and more closer to my release.
With one last suck of my pussy from him, I moaned loudly while the knot in my stomach snapped, my release came gushing out of me and into Kirk's mouth, him sucking all the juices up desperately.
As I took deep breaths, I look down to see Kirk looking back up at me, that same crooked grin on his face as he licks up the juices left on his lips.
"Tasty. Real tasty. I'd give you a 5 star rating." He nods and press a kiss on my thigh, making me squirm just a little, senstive from my previous release.
I roll my eyes, huffing as I stroke his hair, "You little bastard."
He laughed, causing a small flutter on my stomach. I always loved his laugh, finding it cute. "Hey, gotta get my morning treat, right?" He winked.
"Whatever. Get off me." I scoffed and try to sit up before he yet again push me back down.
He tuts at me and shook his head, "Ah-ah. I'm still thirsty. Dehydration, you know?" He say with a playful tone.
Before I know it, his lips were back on my pussy, already sucking hard and lapping up and down my folds yet again. My breath hitched and as predicted, I can't help but give in to him.
I always give in to him.
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"Uh, you can start with these," Eddie said, handing Steve a few of his CDs. "There's Dio, Ozzy, and Iron Maiden."
Steve took them gratefully. "Thanks. The kids tell me Wham! won't cut it for the car."
Eddie smiled. "Yeah, no." He turned back to his CD rack. "I also have less metal and more punk, but I feel like the kids wouldn't like that. But like, uh, Dead Kennedys and The Queers. Also Sex Pistols, but they're kinda basic. And I know Baby Byers is familiar with The Clash, so..." he laughed awkwardly, realizing he was rambling.
Steve was listening with interest. He would never admit it, but he liked hearing Eddie talk. "I think these three are good," he said finally, holding up the CDs. "Thanks again."
"Yeah no problem," Eddie walked him to the door.
Steve walked down the grass before Eddie called out to him, "A Different Corner! It's a good song!"
Steve turned around, looking confused and Eddie chuckled awkwardly, scratching his head. "Uh, Wham!-?"
Steve nodded in understanding. "I dunno, I'd say pretty basic," he said, copying Eddie's earlier words and he continued to walk back with a smile on his face, leaving Eddie standing by the door of the trailer.
"Bastard," Eddie muttered, closing the door, smiling wide.
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unknownperson246 · 2 months
Can you write a nikki sixx smut based off this picture? Maybe a size kink idk but I love you and your work🩵
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aww thank you and I love you 🩵🩵
Backstage Groupie
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words: 640
warnings: *smut* *size kink kinda* *p in v* *he treats you like a groupie*
✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:*
You were sitting in the first row of a Motley Crue concert. You were very close to the stage where you could reach the band members. Someone grabbed at Vince's leg and he got angry. Vince threw his bottle of Jack at the man who grabbed his leg. Nikki put his bass down and made a quick announcement that security was going to kick people out if they tried to grab at them. Nikki quickly saw you. He smiled because he thought you were cute. He reaches out and you can't believe he asked you to reach your fingers out. You put your fingers out and he licks them. He winks at you and tells you to meet him backstage. After the concert, the security approached you. You were scared, forgetting that Nikki invited you backstage.
“What did I do?” You ask security as they were guiding you to the backstage area.
“Is it because Nikki licked my hand? I didn't do anything he reached over to me” You explain because you're panicked. 
The security doesn't talk and continues taking you backstage to his dressing room. You're finally backstage and you see Nikki and a couch. You're scared but excited because you're a huge fan of Motley Crue. You still couldn't believe he licked your fingers earlier. 
“Hi! Your Nikki Sixx!” 
“Yeah, I am” He smirks.
He points at his lap and the security throws you on his lap.
“Oh, my fucking-” You're startled by how the security put you on his lap.
“This isn't real” You keep muttering under your breath. Your eyes are closed like you're underwater. You're taking deep breaths. 
“This is so real,” Nikki laughs.
“You're so tiny closer up” He chuckles.
“Yeah, and you're big from close up,” You say in response, finally believing that you're in Nikki Sixx’s lap. 
He lays you down on the long couch taking his pants off. You start to blush.
“You don't even know me well Nikki. We just met.”  You say blushing.
“Well, I know you enough from our interaction today. You're quite readable babe” He smirks.
His cock springs out of his pants and he slides your skirt off. Your hand goes over his face. It had a mixture of sweat and makeup falling off. You take a wipe from the table next to you and you start to wipe his face gently. 
“Your makeup is amazing. Who does it for you?” You ask while he grabs his cock with his hand and puts it at your entrance.
“I do it myself” He smirks. 
You can feel his cock against your core. He slips it in and out. His hips keep colliding with yours. 
“Fuck Nikki” You moan while your nails are sinking deep into the couch.
“Nikki” You sob over and over again.
“Shh baby I’m almost there,” He says as he takes his last thrusts before he comes.
You feel your orgasm coming on when your pussy tightens around his cock. 
Your whole world is shaking right now. You are fascinated that the bassist of Motley Crue wants to fuck you. You knew he was treating you like a groupie and you guys weren't going to sleep together again. 
“Im going to come” You shriek.
“Good girl come for me,” He says as he goes faster and his hand goes through your hair.
You finally spill your juice on Nikki's cock. 
“That was good” He smirks at you.
He points his finger at the dressing room. 
“That is where we are going to go soon. Outside of this room” He smiles at you.
After you both fuck he holds your hand and gets you out of his dressing room that was backstage. 
“Hey babe come back anytime. I enjoyed your company” He winks at you and smiles.
You walk off and go home feeling starstruck. 
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hi1234hehe · 5 days
Magazine Interview: Izzy Stradlin
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urnothere12 · 2 months
Slash and Ellen Degeneres
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r0cket-qu3en · 21 days
Get him back!
slash one shot<3
warnings: nothing?
prompt: reader and Slash broke up a few weeks ago, but he can't get over her, so one day he meets her "casually" outside her house after she went on a date with a guy
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He couldn’t get over how much he missed her, even though he tried, with all his heart. He’d gone out with a couple of girls, all exactly the same, gotten drunk with his friends, written songs with Axl, but everything remained the same.
He saw her eyes everywhere, every voice sounded like hers and the girls in the crowd all had her face, but none of them actually looked like her.
When he saw her, dressed the way she dressed to go out with him, the way she looked at the boy who was now leaving, in that moment he lost all the dignity he had left.
He passed by her house casually, now he passed by at every chance he had, just in the hope of seeing her again, even suddenly, for a brief moment, and that day he was lucky enough to see her, too bad she was with someone else who was now leaving after taking her home.
He waited for the boy to completely leave before approaching the girl he had been painfully spying on for some time.
She was as beautiful as he remembered, maybe more. Ever since they broke up he kept looking at the Polaroids of the two of them together, trying not to forget what her face looked like, but now that he had her a few steps away he realized that all the photos he had seen and re-seen in the last few days were not like being able to really see her, to feel her presence, not even close. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have her in his arms again, in their bed, in their room, that wasn't theirs anymore.
Slowly, cautiously, he approached her, as if he was afraid of scaring her, and he was a little like that, he didn't want to push her away again, for now he just wanted to know how she was doing, that would be enough for him. When he was behind her, he slowly placed his hand on her arm, feeling the soft skin under his fingers, so linear.
She turned sharply and looked at him in silence for a moment, trying to process the situation that her ex was there, in front of her house, in front of her.
"Hey." She murmured, she had a nervous smile on her lips, seeing him after the breakup had a strange effect on her that was far from embarrassing, it was different, what she felt for him at that moment was a mix of conflicting feelings. On one hand she wanted to throw him in the past, never see him again and move on, but at the same time she just wanted to have him back with her, to have never left him.
"Hey." He answered her, his eyes were full of hope, even if they were hidden by his glasses and his long curls. "Who is he?" The curly-haired man asked, looking at the girl in front of him, wanting only to take her home and maybe have reconciliation sex with her.
She didn't answer him for a few seconds, articulating the sentence as best she could, at the same time trying not to hurt him. "He's just a friend." She said at the end, keeping it very vague and he nodded, not wanting to intrude too much.
"How are you?" She whispered, trying to see his eyes from behind her curls. He didn't answer her, she knew him well enough to know how he really was, and he knew she'd sensed it.
She looked down, moving a lock of hair from his face, looking at his pink lips, then his eyes. "I'm sorry." She whispered and couldn't resist the urge to push him into her arms, throwing her purse to the floor. He wrapped one arm around her waist and the other on her back, holding her firmly against him.
He was not going to fucking let her go now.
After a few seconds of hugging he lost his temper and kissed her, out of the blue, like they do in the movies.
He pushed her gently against the wall of his house and the hand that was on her waist went up to her cheek and the one that was on her back took the place of the other. After a while she gently pushed him away, enough to look into his eyes.
"Do you want to come in?" she whispered, slightly out of breath.
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johnslittlespoon · 2 months
i know it came out a few years too late for tough and sweet, but i'm currently thinking about john and gale fucking in gale's truck with sex on fire playing on the radio 👍🏻 some quiet country road, windows rolled down because it's too hot to deal with them fogging up, muggy summer air, clothes half–off, hands sliding on sweat–slick skin, etc
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sixx6sexx2love · 1 month
Hiiiii I was wondering if you could make a fan fiction about Vince becoming a dad or tommy or Nikki thank you!!
word count:1,736
warnings: drugs, alcohol, mention of miscarriage, cursing, insecurity, smoking (reader, only once. it was common for pregnant women to smoke in the 80s) not proof read
so I usually write for 84-86 motley (cuz thats my favorite🤭) I was tempted to do both 84 and 90s but maybe in like 5 months LMAOO
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now in the days where Motley was on top of the world and you were his girlfriend (long term or not) and he really liked you, probably really loved you even.
there was really no good time to tell him you were pregnant, you're with him all the time, but you're also with his band all the time.
and with the guys he's drinking, doing drugs, there's chicks everywhere, you know how it is.
nikki doesn't smoke but he drinks, and when he noticed you stopped smoking suddenly (though you admit to smoking once or twice in the few weeks after finding out)
you tried to smoke, you saw pregnant women smoke all the time but when you tried it made your stomach hurt and made you wanna throw up
 but when you also denied his offer to share a bottle with him, he got curious.
“you quit smoking or something?” “I guess.” “..why?” “just don't feel like smoking.”
now when you eventually told him you were a couple weeks in, still in your first trimester and you knew miscarriage was possible but wasn't too educated on it.
you told him at a party. whatever or whoever's party, it didn't matter, Nikki was wild, you didn't feel good and you just wanted him.
you would try and pull him aside but bed probably get a little annoyed, and when you finally got him hed probably do that asshole thing people do and go like “what? you have all my attention now, what do you need? hm?”
your hormones are crazy, you'll get upset and tell him your pregnant and apologize, and he's looking at you like he lagged, he didn't move lol
now he feels bad for doing this, but hed probably walk away, not because you're pregnant but he needed another drink and to think.
you probably went home and he got home earlier than he would’ve and went to find you and talk to you.
he was a little upset you didn't tell him sooner and did eventually apologize for walking off.
and he really didn't know what to do and didn't think too far ahead until he knew if you guys were gonna keep it.
you wanted to keep it? he didn't say no but was tempted to try and talk you out of it but didn't, but there was a lot of “are you sure?”
best believe he told his grandparents nona and tom right away
during the pregnancy he kept you everywhere, shows, parties, everywhere
He was nervous and excited but really emotional.
hes always wanted to be a dad deep down, and now he was getting the chance to be in a child's life, even if he knew he wouldn't be perfect he wanted to at least be there and try unlike his own.
you guys probably lived in van nuys at the time, he tried to baby proof everything like a week before you're due but he was in the zone lmao
probably even tried to cover the windows with cardboard or something but that's just because of drugs. He took the cardboard down.
while in labor, you're freaking out, hes freaking out, you're angry because you should be the one freaking out, hes freaking out because hes not supposed to be freaking out but he is and you're mad and hes gonna be a dad.
and right when the baby's almost out and you're crushing his hand, Tommy and Vince just started pounding on the door since the nurse's wouldn't let them in and you couldn't make out what they were saying but you didn't care, you hated everybody right now.
boom, baby was born and he stopped freaking out, the nurses took him for an examination and he stayed right next to you but was always looking at the baby.
he cried a little and wasn't ashamed.
hed wipe you off and tell you you did a good job.
when he finally got to hold the baby the nurses had to show him how to hold it a couple times before actually letting him.
he was so stiff and the baby was so small and he didn't know what to do besides slightly bouncing the baby in his arms even though it wasn't crying that much, it felt like it was just him and the baby in the room, looking down at his green eyes and could already tell it had your lips.
he's smiling and slowly walks over to you so you both could be with the baby.
nikkis a happy man and not a perfect dad but he tries harder than ever.
(obviously he made tommy, Vince and mick the baby's Godfathers and you had some of your friends the Godmothers.)
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tommys fallen in love with a lot of girls, but you've been his longest girlfriend and swears you're the one.
Of course he wants you to have his babies.
hes talked about it with you and also about marriage and your guys future together with like 5 kids in a big ol house.
hes great with kids. loves them.
even when he was just a kid he loved kids
I wouldn't say he poked holes in the condoms or anything, but he definitely wouldn't mind if one broke, all in his head of course, he wouldn't do it on purpose.
but when he woke up to you straddling him and held up a thin white stick with a blue tip and a big smile on your face, he was confused and didn't get it yet.
but when he squinted at it and remembered seeing one of those at a convenience store for condoms, he looked up at you more awake and sat up and took it from you to look at it.
“are you fucking kidding me?”
you shook your head no and he wrapped his arms around you and kissed all over your face and neck and chest.
hes a happy boy.
“no way baby, these are gonna get so huge! thats gonna be crazy!”
hed say and grab your boobs and then your stomach.
“and this too! but in a good way- the best way!”
and he'd scramble out of bed to find a bag to put the stick in and ramble about how he's gonna make a scrapbook.
hes calling his mom 100%
she's just as excited and you can hear her yelling in Greek and Tommy would have to pull the phone away from his ear.
huge baby showers, alcohol in baby bottles is a must (he was tempted to do something with coke as baby powder but went against it. he wasn't gonna get high at his baby shower, he was high on love and happiness)
you weren't gonna lift a finger the whole pregnancy even if you aren't even showing yet.
 you want a peanut butter and pickle sandwich? he's bringing everything to the couch for you and making it, he'll even try it with you.
perfectly capable of showering by yourself? not on his watch.
you wanna watch Sophies choice again? he'll tell you to be careful because you'll make the baby depressed (he also doesn't wanna watch it again)
if you're feeling insecure, hes your hype man even before you were pregnant. He'll probably buy lingerie for you and have you give him a fashion show, and he's shouting and clapping even though its midnight and its only you two. (three)
payed people to make a nursery so you wouldn't have to wory about it and he could be with you, but you both would spend all this time picking the wall paper, what color wood, what crib, etc.
throughout the pregnancy hes kissing your stomach, gets caught trying to play your boobs like bongos, picking everything up for you, gets you a pool floaty so you can lay on your stomach.
also cooks all this Greek food to see if you would like it.
also 100% takes turns with the guys playing songs on a Walkman and putting the headphones on your stomach, mick thinks its so silly and plays dirty songs.
tommy would have zero nervousness until your in the hospital. 
you're having contractions and he's trying to time them “1, 2, 3- wait wait wait” and doesn't know what he's doing.
lowkey the nurses ask him to just sit and wait lmao
he had everybody there, his parents, his sister, the band if they could make it and even called your family for you.
he feels bad because you're scared then two seconds later you're a demon and he looks like a kicked puppy when you yell at him because he's just as scared.
while you're giving birth his hands are on you and he fights the urge to pull his hand away because you're squeezing so hard, probably going “come on, come on! almost, baby!” all while trying to look at the action going on down there.
when the baby was born and they put it on your chest hes in awe, his hands on his head and leaning over you to see the baby, then he's going and thanking the doctors and the nurses trying to hug them.
he was so happy and nervous when he got to cut the cord, looking down at the baby and going “this is crazy, dude.” talking to both him and the baby
when the baby is a little older and its been home for a while, Tommy would not put that baby down.
the baby's on his lap and hes moving its its little arms with its balled up fists and making hes making little drum sounds like it was playing drums
hes definitely the one to get up when the baby cries at night but then it turns to rock paper scissors and making chore exchanges.
I see tommy being a girl dad, but would probably freak out and think about all those groupies hes been with and go “holy shit, I did that to someone's daughter”
if you had a son and its a little older like a toddler hed make a little fort with the couch cushions and a blanket, and when you try and join tommy goes “no mommies allowed!” followed with little giggles, Tommy and the son have a little meeting and eventually settled on a password for you to guess and then you can come in.
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h-i-raeth · 10 months
Feels like there needs to be more fics where Corroded Coffin is successful but not fucking. Rockstar levels successful. Successful as in they're well known within their niche and not at all outside of it. Successful as in their early albums are coveted but you're not going to stumble onto them on any mainstream radio station. Successful as in they're doing enough shows on a fairly active circuit that they can quit their day jobs but they can't buy a house off of the profits.
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rottindecay · 5 months
im going to go INSANE.
can all these Motley Crue fics NOT have some sort of daddy kink for ONCE?? GOD!!!!
lifes hard out here.
at this point i might just have to make some Motley fics myself.. maybe..
if Motley if your thing first of all, we NEED to be moosts!!!! and second of all, please send ideas in. i wanna write for my husbands but i have no idea what to do.
I can write for Tommy and Nikki but idk about Vince and Mick.... we'll see...
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oktobersilver · 1 year
♡Making Love to The Ultimate Mind.♡
summary: John ends up getting a bit handsy underneath the dinner table.
contains: smut, teasing, rough sex, ect this is also the arena era!!!
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You and John had been dating for several months now, and by this point you knew all of his bandmates pretty well, they had all just got done with their most recent concert, 'as the lights go down' which would be put out as their upcoming live album 'Arena'. You and everyone were all beyond proud of how the show turned out, especially proud of your boyfriend, John.
You met with the band backstage before the tour bus arrived, John walked up beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist before pulling you into a sweet, loving kiss.
"What d'you think of the show? I think it went rather well, probably one of our best ones." John said, looking at you with a sweet smile.
Y/N smiled brightly at the tall man, "I loved it! As always though, I'm proud of you, I'm proud of everyone, I know how hard you all worked on everything and it most definitely paid off." Y/N expressed, tiptoeing to kiss his cheek as the rest of the band flooded backstage.
Simon appeared next to John and gave him a pat on the back, "Hey John, hey Y/N! Concert was pretty fun wasn't it?" He spoke energetically, smiling at the pair.
The two nodded as the rest of the band sat around backstage, including Roger sitting outside for a bit.
Roger walked back in, smiling at everyone as he cleared his throat. "I ordered takeaway for all of us, I got some extra too." He said as he ran his hand down the back of his jet-black hair.
Everyone nodded in agreement, to be fair it was around usual dinnertime, so it was best if everyone got something, especially considering the long show that they had just got done with.
Fast forward, they all head back to the studio with the dinner for the night, you noticed a few glances from your boyfriend, John, but you didn't take it too seriously.
You all sat down at the dinner table, everyone got their food and began eating, talking, ect.
You felt a hand slowly go up your thigh, you glared over at your boyfriend, John, who was sitting right beside you, seeing the faint smile that crawled across his lips.
He knew exactly what he was doing, and you knew he did, his hand slowly started to make its way to your inner thigh, teasing you ever so slightly.
You tensed, shuddering as you glanced at him, you knew he was enjoying every second of this. To be fair, you were getting off on it too.
Simon turned his head to you, "You okay over there, Y/N? Got the chills?" He asked with a near mouthful of his dish.
You cleared your throat and nodded, "I'm fine! I just get cold chills sometimes." Y/N quickly answered with, Simon shrugged it off and continued talking to Roger, while Nick and Andy talked about their next album.
John's hand made its way under Y/N's waistband, creeping to your sensitive spot, his slim fingers stroked your clit at an agonizingly slow pace, making you almost buck your hips into his touch.
You bit your tongue, feeling your stomach curl as the tension between you and John practically boiled at this point. You could see him starting to get hard, so you decided to slip your hand under the table, palming his developing boner.
Y/N saw the look in his eyes, fully lust blown by this point, his cock hardened under your hand, Y/N began also teasing him at a painfully slow pace.
John's fingers slipped inside of you, curling inside of your pussy, you choked back every bit of noise that was to come from your mouth, spreading your legs as you couldn't help but ever so slightly lean into his touch.
Y/N cleared her throat as John pulled his hand away. "I'll be right back, I have to wash my face for the night." Y/N announced, glancing at John, signaling him to follow along.
The two walked down the hallway, Y/N walked into the bathroom that was there, feeling a tug on her arm.
You looked at John, suddenly you were slammed against a wall, his leg was pressed against your pussy as his tongue invaded your mouth. You moaned into his mouth, biting at his lip as you quickly hustled to get your clothes off.
John helped you as he stripped of his clothes, holding you up as his hands enveloped your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Baby, please, god I need you in me so bad" Y/N cried out, John's cock slid against your entrance, teasing you in the most cruel way.
"Do you really? God, I'll fuck you properly, I'll fuck you until the only thing that you remember is my name." John uttered before leaving marks all scattered across your neck.
You pleaded for him, until his cock slammed into you, causing you both to moan as his dick struck inside of your pussy, throwing his head back as his bleached fringe fell infront of his lust-blown eyes.
You both panted into eachothers mouths, feeling his cock hit every single one of your sweet spots, sending you closer and closer to the edge.
His lips took over yours, your legs clenched around his body as you dug your nails into your boyfriend's shoulders. His throat rung out a low groan as his cock filled every inch of your pussy.
You bit your lip, slinging your head back in pure pleasure as you cried out, "Oh, fuck! Harder, baby, please!" Tears welled up in the corners of your eyes, feeling the boiling pit of arousal curl inside of you.
John's pace began to get harder, cursing profanities under his labored breath as he hung his head down by your neck, his thrusts getting sloppier as he neared the edge.
You could feel the heat rush all throughout both of your bodies, both of you were slicked in a thin layer of sweat, feeling every inch of him fuck you raw. His hard cock hitting your G-spot, effortlessly with every move.
You could barely hold your eyes open, you were practically crying for him, god, you've needed him all day, and he most definitely needed you.
"Y/N, I'm close, fuck I'm close." John pleaded, you could feel his precum start to release inside of you.
Profanities spilled out from under a mix of your breathy moans, becoming an absolute mess, all because of John.
"I'm close baby, I know, I know, please!" Y/N begged, groaning his name between your teeth, that was all it took to push John over the edge.
His cum shot inside of you, spilling all throughout of your pussy as his lips clung to yours as you both felt the aftershocks of your shared orgasm, he slowly set you down, kissing you passionately in the same exact spot you had just gotten fucked in.
You kissed his cheek, nudging your nose against his. "Should we clean up sweetheart?" Y/N said with a slight giggle.
"Probably, the others are probably wondering why it takes so long to wash your face too." John replied, followed by a shared chuckle.
⊰ END ⊰
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ghostbustting · 2 months
Can I ask for dave mustaine who has sweet sex with the reader and forces her to look at him? with pet names and etc.
ended up kinda shortt ☹️
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Dave Mustaine x Reader
Contains Smut
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Time at the moment seems to stop, thoughts that usually come and go into my brain turned meaningless, the hectic world outside became none of our business whenever Dave and I lay here in our bed, or as we like to call it, our own little bubble.
Like a shelter where everything else doesn’t matter, where what matter is only us.
“C’mon, baby.”
His voice whispers into my ears like a sweet melody that I’d love to hear as a lullaby every night. His thumb gently swept over my pink tinted cheek as he continuously told me to open my eyes.
My eyes slowly open again and I force myself to look straight into his eyes, a shaky breath leaving my swollen lips. “Dave..” I mumbled his name.
All I could focus on was the way his hips moved back and forth against mine, his member slipping in and out of my aching pussy.
Unlike other nights, tonight his thrusts were slow and sweet, accompanied by the way his lips continues to press kisses around my heated face every now and then, leaving no skin unkissed by those lips of his that I love.
Now, my focus was also fixated on his hazel eyes, trying to obey his wish for me to keep our eye contact going. Usually it wasn’t a hard thing, often finding myself drowning into those beautiful eyes that I can never get bored of.
But this time, I was finding it hard to do so from how much pleasure I was receiving from the thrusts of his cock into me, slow yet hard, hitting every spots that he knew too damn well will make my walls close up around him tighter.
His hand continues to stroke my cheek with such softness, “You’re so… heavenly.. my angel.. sweet sweet girl..” He continued to praise me like I was a special piece of art, pressing soft kisses onto my neck now.
My legs slowly come to wrap around his waist, pulling him in even closer into me while my arms wrap around his neck, only wanting to be close to him, he’s all I can think of and need at this moment, wanting to be skin to skin, heart to heart.
“Dave..” I softly say in a sigh as my eyes almost flutter close again.
“Eyes, angel. Show me those beautiful eyes.”
I force myself to open my eyes again, struggling for a moment to find his eyes before finally locking our eye contact once again. He smile and kiss my forehead, “Good girl… doing so good for me..”
Our eyes never broke the eye contact once I learned to take control of my own eyes. His beautiful eyes finally managed to distract me from how pleasuring this feeling is, how much I want to just throw my head back and let out screams of dirty noises with my eyes rolled to the back of my head.
But doing this, just staring up into his hazel eyes and drowning in them like usual, feels so much better.
He always knew how to make me feel good, how to make me feel loved, how to make me feel seen and cared for, most of the time prioritizing me and only me.
“Dave.. I… mm..”
He stroke my hair, his hips still never breaking the rhythm he created with his thrusts. “Shh.. faster or slower…?” He ask softly, as if he already knew I was going to ask him one of those.
A moan escapes my throat while I try to grind back against his hips, “Faster.. faster..!”
Something in his eyes switched, his gaze became more sharp and just then, his hips pulled back, the tip of his cock almost leaving my cunt.. before he slammed right back in and start thrusting way faster, yet still being gentle with it at the same time.
My eyes widens and I clung onto him like a koala on a tree, “So good, so good..” I mumbled out. The ‘bubble’ was soon filled with even more moans from both of us.
Dave’s hips meets mine continuously in a loop, each thrusts were followed by soft kisses all around my face, until his lips meets mine and lock in a sweet, gentle kiss. The way his lips was rubbing against mine gives a sense of warmth to me, his chest pressed right up against mine.
He pulled back from the kiss and looked into my eyes again, only to find mine yet again becoming hazy and difficult to focus on his. “Hey, hey.. eyes..” He whispers, his hand coming to my cheek and cup it while he wait for me to open my eyes.
I let out small gasps as he continue to thrusts, “I- I can’t..” I whimpered out, a louder gasp leaving my lips when I feel the tip of his cock hitting that sweet spot in me.
“You wanna cum?” He ask softly, his thumb yet again tracing circles on my cheeks like he did earlier.
I nod, my legs wrapped even tighter around his waist, “Please..?”
He hummed and kiss my forehead, “Show me your eyes first.. then you can..” He grunted out, his cock never stopped moving inside of me.
Slowly, my eyes opens again for what felt like hundred times tonight and met his again, taking a sharp inhale. “That’s it..” Dave smiles, “My beautiful girl and her beautiful eyes..” Suddenly, he accelerates his hips yet again, now snapping back and forth against mine.
Moans leave my lips, even louder ones now. I hold onto his back tightly, my nails dug deep into his skin while with one last thrust of his cock, I came undone, my cum gushing out of my aching swollen pussy.
“Fuck.. shit.. hahn.. god..” Dave groaned at the feeling before his release came close as well, quickly pulling out and pumping his cock with his hand, his cum shooting out of his red tip and to my chest.
My breaths became heavy as he lay down next to me and instantly wrapping his arms around my stomach from behind, spooning me into his chest while he kisses my head non stop. I can feel his heart beating right against my back, the warmth of his body transfering to my own body, filling me with that comforting sense of his heartwarming love.
After some silence, Dave spoke again, “I love you so much.. do you love me, beautiful..?” His voice whispers sweetly into my ear, a genuine hint of curiosity and hope in the way he whisper it, as if the answer wasn’t clear enough..
“More than I love myself.."
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pleasetakethis · 9 months
What If S2 spoilers ahead!
The second episode hit me in the chest with all the feels. A few random thoughts:
-MIDDLE AGED PEGGY???? YESSSSSSSS. MY GAL. I love all forms of Peggy, including BAMF, non-super Peggy. Peggy doesn't need powers to kick ass. <3
-Kurt Russell does a great job with Ego. I love it when the actor's work plays into why I hate a particular character. Ego is the WORST and Kurt Russell as Ego is super hate-able. A++, love me a villain that I can dislike without any need or want for redemption.
-LITTLE PETER AND HOPE! OMG! Bonding over music! Bonding over shared life experiences! Hope understanding Peter because Hope is also a kid who has dealt with terrible shit thanks to powerful parents! I love them as BFFs. Yes, please.
-BUCKY! Peggy and Howard's reactions to Bucky! Bucky's reaction to Howard pulling the Steve card! DLASKJFLAF
-Peggy/Wendy now exists in my mind as a ship, thanks!
-Wendy <3 Bill Foster <3 T'Chaka <3 80's Avengers <3
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unknownperson246 · 22 days
first of all, thank you!. I think the motivation is seeing people enjoying creativity not just in my fics but in other people's fics and that helps motivate me. Sometimes I may need a break but that’s rarely. I also really appreciate when people send me inbox requests which is also a factor of motivation for me.
also, I’m so sorry it’s late but I hope you enjoy it ❤️❤️
So Tall
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Words: 431
warnings: *smut* *size kink* *fluff* *p in v* *praise kink* *pet names*
*:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧
You were on the bed with Duff.  Duff was on top of you as he kept thrusting himself inside of you. Duff had both of your arms in his hands. His whispers of sweet nothings made you want to come. Hearing his deep and long breaths in your ear made you hook your teeth on his earlobe gently. His blonde wavy strands of hair were scattered all over his face. He was red and holding onto your small body. He knew you were delicate and fragile so he was always cautious of what moves he made. You had a thing called crepitus. You always heard all of your bones crack but it wasn't painful. Duff loved hearing those sounds. Sometimes he would hear your hips crack during sex.
“Such a good beautiful short girl.” He breathed into your neck.
“You're so small and so petite. I wish I could take you anywhere I went. I would love to put you in my pocket.” Duff moaned so loud. “Fuck! Duff your dick is so big. I wonder how you even manage to fit inside of me” You moan holding on to his shoulders. 
Your hands move to his chest while he is on top of you in a missionary position. His hips kept making contact with yours. You always loved when he would hold you because he was so much bigger than you. He was tall and slender and you were short but slender. You loved kissing him everywhere. Your lips would always kiss his hands whenever you had sex.
“You’re so tall Duff.” You moan as he keeps shoving his full length inside of you.
You loved feeling Duff's full length inside of you. You wanted him to fuck you so hard that it would be very difficult for you to walk. You wanted him to kiss your whole body while caressing you gently while you both made love. He was doing exactly what you wanted. He was so sweet and caring to you because he knew how much you deserved it. He loves you and you love him. You felt his orgasm traveling through you. He felt you come on his dick. He pulled out of you. “You’re so perfect darling,” You say kissing his shoulder. 
Duff grunted and moaned while his jets of come coated your insides. He kisses your lips. You both have to go to a red carpet event later with Guns n Roses and having sex with you made him less nervous and more focused on his work. You loved watching him interact with his fans.
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hi1234hehe · 2 months
Izzy and a fan
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