#8 ways para maka move on
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mnovenia · 25 days ago
2025 faith declaration
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amen amen..
Every year I begin with not putting high expectations and fear that it’s not going to be a better year. However, since I move to Bali, things are just getting better for each year.. and I cookeum tteo being used greater by God, enlarged and stretched. So then today I’m going to take a bit of reflection before clinging on to the words and yearly promises that God has prepared, so I can go on without fear nor doubt..
2020: started from 0, bottom but God provides and kept me, even I found so much joy in the lacking and solitude.. it was a memorable year & many meetings that save!!
2021: slowly got the job, obeyed God to quit, bought my 1st car in Bali, meeting new groups to grow while stick w HMCC family who turned out gave me benefit until today..
2022: new clients, new work with cun & ebi, met ci maurin fam, sold the house in Bandung, bought the land in Kedungu, met WanYang, started the small community church & RUTC, went to Korea, met Eunjung onni who changed many things in me.. moved to Tintin
2023: started w Pingkan, a bit sick w noi&ivan, starting Little Kedungu’s project, sold arian, genk nya grace, suddenly Bali camp again & WRC & kontrak gedung gereja baru..
2024: ‘Enlarge the place of your tent’ truly being fulfilled! Solideo was launched & numbers/leaders were increased, moved to new church building, Little Kedungu was handed over beautifully, enlarge my car, heart & capability to not serve with emotion or shaken/lack of faith. Enlarge my ministry to other countries, bangkok, korea, USA.. so God kept His promises & I will not doubt from this testimony.. He will hold on to His promises, He is not weak Marshella not those who disappointed me.. HE IS GOD.. so in
2025: I believe God will give Bali to Marshella, as I came here holding on to GEN 12:1 “The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”
Numbers 14:8 Ia Akan memberikan negeri itu (BALI) kepada kita (Shella)
Jika Tuhan berkenan kepada Shella, maka Tuhan akan membawa Shella masuk ke Bali dan akan memberikan kpd Shella, suatu wilayah yang berlimpah2 susu & madunya (kekayaannya)..
(backsound: Family protected by God & According to His Word)
New Year’s Message from Yewon Church:
Numbers 23:19 “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” -> Allah berfirman dan Ia pasti melaksanakan firmanNya.. Musa, Yosua, Caleb, Marshella menyaksikan penggenapan firman Allah secara nyata, sehingga bisa dg iman menyatakan firman Tuhan..
Dg penuh kasih Allah memakai Shella sbg alatNya. Melalui perjanjian Allah yg Shella pegang, Tuhan melaksanakan pekerjaan-Nya. Berkat terbesar untuk Shella, bukan hanya keselamatan, tapi jg dapat ‘digunakan & dipilih’ sbg perpanjangan alat Tuhan dimanapun Shella berada: tintin, keluarga gondo, soobali, w colleagues & clients, elite people like arlene genks, keluarga ivan, ci maurin, bahkan sampai keluarga di Korea & America: Nagels, Mahan, Kersey, Ry’s family (remember Pak Dave Nagel said on the last day when he dropped me to the Pittsburgh Airport: your presence has blessed our family, so thank you for coming, eventhough I felt the other way around)..
Responi firman: Tuhan akan memberikan negeri itu kepada Shella & keturunan (keluarga shella in the future)., sbg tentara Allah yg kuat & pasukan suci untuk mengambil tanah perjanjian & memperluas kerajaan Allah. Tantang perjanjian: rumah misi, pelayanan para elite & ahli property (reach out to Ntep & Esther, Patrice, Silvi)..
Yes 42:13 TUhan keluar berperang spt pahlawan, spt prajurit Ia membangkitkan semangatNya, memekik musuhNya & tampil sbg pahlawan. Tuhan sendiri yg akan menjadi pahlawan yg mengalahkan musuh2 Shella, sy hanya perlu sepenuhnya memandang kpd Allah yg berjalan di depan Shella & mengikutinya.
Ketaatan tidak bisa menunggu! Ketaatan thd firman Allah kehilangan makna jika tdk segera dilakukan.
Negeri/Tanah yg Tuhan Janjikan (Kedungu, just like I dreamt of as God gave me vision back in NL) itu sudah ada di depan mata Shella (even Bella took surfing lessons there).. Josua & Caleb were sure they had to surely grab the land, not like the rest who doubt, fearful & cannot move on from the past.. Tuhan sudah menyatakan dg tegas berulang kali & bersumpah.. Jika Shella hidup sesuai dg Kehendak Allah, sepenuhnya berpegang pada perjanjian Allah, semua janji Allah akan digenapi. Penaklukan tanah ini bukan pekerjaan manusia (Shella) tapi Allah melalui kuasaNya.. Josua, Caleb & Shella percaya sepenuhnya akan hal ini
Mata Beriman. Numbers 14:24 Tetapi hambaKu Kaleb (Shella), karena ada roh yg lain padanya, ia akan mengikuti Aku dg sepenuh hati. Aku akan membawa Shella ke negeri yg telah dimasukinya & keturunannya akan memilikinya.. Anak2 masa depan Shella pun termasuk dalam rencana istimewa Allah.. milikilah kesadaran sbg pemenang, spt Josh & Caleb: jangan takut kpd bangsa negeri itu, KITA PASTI AKAN MENGALAHKANNYA (dg keyakinan bahwa Allah telah menyiapkannya) dia sudah menang sebelum bertarung meanwhile yg lainnya ketakutan krn fisik org local & apa yg mereka lihat dg mata dunia (mental gagal, pesimis, ketidakpercayaan, seseorang yg tidak akan maju satu langkah pun)
Penglihatan (VISI) adalah kemampuan untuk melihat esensi inti dari sesuatu, yg tdk bisa dilihat orang lain.. MATA IMAN, jika kita punya ini kita akan hidup berada di dimensi yg berbeda, sbg pelaku penggenapan perjanjianNya..
Apa yg ada di belakang & depan kita hanyalah hal kecil dibanding apa yg ada di dalam diri kita -> iman & Yesus Kristus di dalam kita yg memiliki dampak paling besar dlm perjalanan hidup kita. Ini adalah latar belakang tertinggi dalam hidup Shella. Tuhan Yesus yg memiliki segala kuasa di surga & bumi telah berjanji untuk menyertai Shella sampai selama-lamanya.. Tidak ada alasan untuk terjebak pada keadaan, merasa putus asa atau khawatir. Spt Kaleb, Shella harus mau terus melampaui segala hal & maju dg penuh keberanian dalam iman.. Semangat spt Elang: bahkan di tengah badai, Elang mampu menggunakan angin kencang itu untuk terbang lebih tinggi.. (di tengah tantangan).. Pajuk Jise: kekuatan spt membelah bambu: pertama kali memang sulit, tp ketika mulai terbelah, akan sampai ke ujung dg mudah.. KEMAJUAN YG KUAT & TIDAK TERHENTIKAN -> doa fokus Kristus, surrender & tidak mengandalkan kekuatan/akal dunia/background Shella..
Di hadapan Tuhan Allah, bentuklah komunitas yang memberikan sukacita terbesar bagi Allah. AMIN. kl dikit2 quit, ga ok nih, bosen nih, ga menguntungkan sy, ga excited, males berantem, kapan bertumbuhnya? kapan bisa jadi saksi Tuhan bekerja & penggenapan janji? justru tugas km disitu kasih tau, bantu perbaiki, kl Yesus melayani km inconsistent spt kita gmn jadinya?
Regarding relationship: your standard shows your value and you have to set it with the help of holy spirit (eg: kiss or physical boundaries before marriage) -stephen furtick
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missinghelena · 1 year ago
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27 Sep 2023
Last night, H came home and she wasn't feeling very well. On top of that, she didn't wanna be kissed, held, and even touched by me. I knew something was wrong but in my head, I justified it as her being not in the mood because she was a little under the weather. Her blood sugar was a little low and she was hungry and had a massive headache.
After we ate, she cleaned up and stayed in the washroom for a long time. She just sat there with her phone on her hand. I urged her to get up and pulled her up. She demeanor towards me shifts from being okay to not being okay. I was hoping it's really just her mood. When she was done washing up, she went to bed and I told her I'd massage her head so to ease the headache. She obliged and was bothered by the lights from the TV.
After I was done massaging her, I lied right next to her and turned off anything that could possibly trigger her migraine. She said, "Why don't you watch TV?" and I told her I was fine to lie down next to her in the dark. Hearing her steady breathing, I fell asleep too. It was 8:13PM.
We woke up because someone rang the doorbell. She said she had something delivered before she slept, so I went up and saw the delivery by the door and it was our neighbor who rang the bell just to make sure we receive it. I thanked him.
I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. Apparently, H too.
Then every now and then she would look at me, feigning anger. I was amused because she looked like a kid who was pretending to be angry. However, she was being hot and cold, I couldn't quite understand how to react to it. Then she said she was hungry so we ordered food online. While waiting, I switched on the TV because she said it didn't bother her anymore and she even offered to massage my legs because they were sore.
The food arrived and we ate in silence.
After we ate, she went back to bed and I cleaned up. Once done, I sat on the couch and continued to watch TV. I lied down on the couch and then out of the blue she asked...
"Magdugay kaya ta?"
I knew what she meant but I was dying to play dumb, so I asked,
"Mag dugay sa asa?"
She clarified, "Kitang duha."
Then I felt a lump in my throat.
"Ngano diay?" Was all I could ask...
She responded, "I still can't sleep. I'm still bothered. I'm still having nightmares. We can't deny that there was a time you forgot you were married. I think kana ang dili ko ever maka get over with. I think I'm meant to be alone... designed to be alone."
I couldn't describe what I felt then. I felt all kinds of emotions, especially shame. I told her I would never do that again and all she replied with is, "You said that last time."
Then she added, "I don't like that you seem so restricted. That you can't even open your Facebook. I feel so guilty of this because you're doing it for me, mura ka'g piniriso."
I said it was my choice and I was doing it for us, not just for her. And I'm happy to do it. I also told her that she never asked me to do it, I thought it was best for us.
Then she said, "I don't know. I feel lost. But I'm trying."
There was some silence, and I remember saying, "What can I do to help?"
"I don't know. All I know is, I don't feel the same way about you anymore."
And I literally heard my heart break in pieces. My body trembled with the breaking of my heart and all I could say was, "Ani nalang, when the time comes na lisud na gyud kaayo and gikapoy naka ug try... Let me know kung unsa ang best para nimo."
And the conversation was over. She moved to the far end of the bed, and I was left not knowing what to do. Do I hold her or is it one of those days that she doesn't wanna be held? Do I sleep right next to her? Do I sleep at all?
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itsjusta · 4 years ago
Nov. 30
sakit my eyes today doe aish cos i cried gabii and also sakit my gums idk why 🤦🏻‍♀️
also went to have samgyup and then tambay at a cafe with aljane and claire doeee heheh its my first time to laag with cdo friends!!
Dec. 1
so sakit my gums aish kahilakon nako so makawala gana to eat cos sakit au i open ako mouth huhu and i realized today na wala ko ka drink pills yesterday 😤😤😤
also cried becos of kdrama the idiot!!!!!! they killed the character i like hmpppp
me and tala lang today doe cos mom and dad uli to medina napd aishhh
Dec. 2
still so sakit my gums so sakit to eat and talk 🙄🙄🙄
today was a chill and productive day. i laba in the morning doe and then at night i finished the last question for khalid’s task
i had a realization today doeee issa although i’m not there yet, there is also progress na gyd cos the first like 2-3 months gyd btaw of the break up, dugaaay kaayo mahuman ang adlaw. i remember nga gusto gyd nako udto na mumata para atleast di ra au dugay ang adlaw but idk time was really slow before kay grabe ang adjustment nga di na btaw ta always ga storya like grabe jd to ka boring ako mga days nga bsag unsa nalang ako gina do like mag water nalang ko plants para lang mu pass ang time
but now time passes faster na doe sometimes makurat nalang ko hapon na btaw like dat hehe medjo naanad na gyd ko sa kamingaw doeee bsag sometimes ga crave jd kaykog naay kastorya but karon okay2 na for me issa dis made me happy also
Dec. 3
12 am nag tan aw2 ko sa food panda ug mga shops (dont judge 😤😤) and i saw chef’s dimsum and suki desu and it made me sad kay always pd ta ga dinner didto :(((( one of our go-to dinner spots gyd ni aside from marty’s doe and it makes me sad cos i love their food but i dont think i can go back their anymore even when balik na f2f cos me nalang alone doe its so layo pajd :((( hayst makamiss kaayo mag dinner dates lang doe idk we always spend so much time gyd before doe wa gyd ta sumhi sa each other hahahaha
aish u know what happened dis day i was very lutang after feel nako damgo rato OMG basin damgo rato huh 😭 pero amp ewan ko sau bat moko ginaganito HAHAHAHAHHA but i wont open it up doe unless youre ready to talk about it cos it might be hard for u but pag tarong ra daw eric beh???? hahahhaha AMPFTZ WAG MOKO PAASAHIN 😡
but not pd ko mag assume baka ako nanaman masaktan 😔
Dec. 4
im just crying out the frustration now idk anymore doe i just want u to know its hard for me pd baya nga mag think of all possible reasons without receiving any explanation esp kay kabalo gyd ka nga wala pa gyd ko ka move on. i dont deserve to be left in the dark doe but i will wait but aish dont do this to me doeee its really hard for me this is such a torture doe busa mas prefer nalang jd ko way mahibal-an kesa masakitan sad ug inani hahaaay explain lang haaa dawaton ra nako bahalag unsa ka sakit HAAHAHHA kung pinaasa mo lang ako edi ouch huhu charot dawaton nalang 👉👈
also pls dont mention this unless youre ready to explain kay ulaw HHAHAHAH
Dec. 5
tonight is so hard. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 its 12 am and gisulit na nako ako kasakit karon nga adlaw kay nag install kog twitter again nya nang stalk saimo HAHAHAHA K SAKTO NANI OY UNINSTALLING AGAIN
your tweets are an eye opener for me na you really have opened your heart to another and you’ve started to love another girl nya ako diri amppp 😔🤘🏼it hurts doe but yeah i need gyd to accept it
also have been waking at 6-7am for the past days bsag tag 12-1 nako maka sleep so weird
today was emotional doe we talked a lot and cried also a lot
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speakthroughsenses · 5 years ago
bebs #8
Dear bebs,
Im staring at these blank space for several hours kung pano at san mag-uumpisa. I Remember before sinabi natin sa isat isa na we will be honest and true to each other. So, here is the thing, I can’t even explain what I’m experiencing right now. Kung ano ba ung feelings na to. Let me say sorry in advance kung masasaktan kita or maooffend man kita for what I will say here. I never intended to, I just want pure honesty towards you.
I’m overwhelmed sa nangyare, na biglang naging okay tayo. Na ang bilis nang lahat. Bigla bigla.. kaya na sabi ko rin na parang nagpadalos dalos ako ng ganun.. di ko rin alam kung anong hangin ang umihip at nagtulak sa akin para tawagan ka that time..maybe ako lang talaga. Natakot din ako nung una at napa-isip kung tama ba na talagan kausapin kita or what.. pero nung nagvid call na, nawala ung sakit at ung grudges ko sayo. 
From last Feb.14 up to now, every night akong napapaisip.. D ko lang sinsabi sayo but really I am..nagfflash back lahat from those days na okay tayo hanggang sa hindi. Overwhelmed, na parang dumadating na rin sa point na natatakot na ko, nakakatakot… natatakot na bumalik sa lahat (tayo all terms) at masaktan mo ko ulit.. Dahil ang totoo, OO, nasasaktan ako uli… 
I checked myself again, kung ano ba talaga kung bakit ganun nalng ako d maka move on sa nangyre. Actually, maliit lng naman tlga ung issue kung tutuusin. It’s just me, HINDI AKO NAGIGING TOTOO. . I gave myself a day to REFLECT AND THINK. Gaya last year nung mga panahong d tayo nguusap. Chineck kong maigi ano ba talaga. And still yun at yun parin ung dahilan..
I’m really sorry to say this to you. Pero hindi ko na talaga kayang tiisin pa. Sisimplehan ko nlng sa mga salitang "MAHAL KITA". Oo Mahal kita, but not in terms na “I love you as my bestfriend” but in a different way. Sana na gets mo yun. Kung hindi, Mandhid ka na. . And kung na-gets mo, yes, tama nabasa mo. I FELL for you. . The question is When?? – (I think dec 2017) ung unang tawag ko sayo jan sa Qatar at umiyak ka kasi ang lungkot mo because of your ex. Dun ko na realized that there is something, something na di ko maexplain pa that time..pero sure ako na it is what it is . . i know magulo pero ayoko nang ilihim pa yan. Kasi ang unfair. ang unfair ko sayo, Nung time na inaccept mo ako as who I am, ang saya ko pero may gusto pa kong sabihin that time, pero inisip nlng kita na baka sosobra naman ata ako kung pati feelings… TINIIS ko un actually. Tiniis ko ung mga bagay na makaksakit sa akin. .wag lng masira kung ano man ung mgandang nabubuo sa atin even though that it hurts me every day. Tinry kong itama from 2017. I dated different person baka sakaling mali ako sa nararamdaman ko. Nagkagusto rin namn ako sa iba at nagkaroon ng serious relationship at Nakipagbalikan  sa ex ko na I thought maybe magwoworkout pero, Hindi rin. 
AT naging close tayo ng sobra hanggang sa umabot na umamin ako sayo about my identity. Trials and Struggles came, anjan pa rin tayo sa isat isa at d ko akalaing lumalalim na pala ung feelings ko.. Pero bakit hindi ka ngtataka kung bakit ganyan ako sayo?.. bakit napaka importante nang happiness at luha mo sa akin.. because that’s it. I DIDN’T FELL INLOVE WITH YOU BECAUSE OF YOUR GENDER. MAHAL kita sa kung anong IKAW, buong ikaw (lahat ng attachments). You’re the person I want to be with. Not to MARRY (i know its impossible but i want to), to grow old with. Yun bang makaksama sa lahat ng goals, yung makakasama pang habang buhay. May kasabay na maiayos yung buhay para sa family. To be better as a person. .napakasimple lang... 
Ang hirap maging ganto kung alam mo lng. Limitahan ang sarili, nireremind lagi sa sarili na " HINDI PWEDE", "KALOKOHAN LANG TO". Dun palang talo na, masakit na. Naiisp ko na rin ung mga “WHAT IF’s” na yan. What if you will feel the same way, what will I do? What will happen then? I’m not even out to my family (except Hannah) and friend. Lalo ka na. how you will deal with it, pano si EM. Kaya mo ba?. Andaming worries and fears na kelangang harapin. . And I know you CAN'T. Kaya nung nalaman kong your already in a relationship, sobra sobra akong nasaktan nun. kahit naman hanggang nayon eh masakit. Pag tinatawag mo akong “bestFriend” masakit kasi more than that tingin ko eh.. masakit MA-FRIEND ZONE. And also It kills me everytime na nababanggit mo siya. It kills me knowing na kasma mo sya, (may physical something) D ko na lang pinapakita sayo. Though minsan ngrereact ako ng pajoke and one time nakita mo kong umiyak. Pero really masakit sya at totoo lahat nang yun. Sobrang sakit na mas pipiliin mo nlng maglaho. . Pero ganun talaga. MAHAL KITA EH. Pagtitiisan ko hanggang sa MALET-GO ko to. . KASI eto ung TAMA (tama sa paningin ng tao). I want to pursue this feelings pero mali At sobrang respeto ko sa family mo , kay EM at lalo na SAYO. Tandaan mo lang na ung pagtingin ko sayo walang bahid na LUST, kundi purong pagmamahal lang at respeto. Deserve mo yan eh. Hindi kita PIPIGILAN kung I-hahate mo ako or MABABAGO ung treat mo sa akin sa lahat ng nalaman mo. That is your own CHOICE. Irerespeto ko yan.. 
Pero gusto rin malaman ung side mo. I know it will hurt me more for sure… and I already prepared myself for that. I-ririrsk ko na to. You’ll stay or not, it’ll be okay. Wag kang mag alala kung masasaktan mo ko sa mga sagot mo. Its OKAY. I do understand. Sabihin mo lang yung totoo. You can ask me questions and I'll answer it honestly. Para alam ko rin kung san b talaga ako.. kung saan ko ilulugar sarili ko. At Sana kaya kong burahin at palitan ung letcheng feelings na to. Kung puede lang eh. Naiisip ko rin na lumayo na para sa sarili ko Kasi ayoko na, para d nako mahirapan. Gusto ko na rin maging malaya sa nararamdaman kong to sayo. Again, I’M SORRY. Di ko sinasadya. Tao lang din ako. Hindi ako perpekto. You can judge me now, hate me and avoid me. Okay lang sa akin.
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malikotkalikot · 3 years ago
42nd Day and the next 32 Weeks
Hindi ko na gagawin yung format like previous posts na yung title ay last words ng post, parang cringe? Hahaha!
Anyways, it's been my 42nd day of nofap. Yung tipong "no porn & no masturbation/ejaculation". I can feel that excess sexual energy kahit na mag fasted exercise ako. Lately been exercising on an empty stomach pagkagising ko. Para dumami yung ketones at magkaroon ng better fat burning pag intermittent fasting mode. Nope, not doing ketogenic diet to force ketogenesis.
32 Weeks. May new exercise program akong ginawa at sinimulan nung Monday. Actually it's a custom exercise program na gawa ng iba't ibang programs after testing alot for months and months. Para shang chimera ng exercise programs.
Ang format nya ay:
1. Upper (chest/back/triceps) + abs
2. Lower (legs)
3. Total Body Cardio (mma) + abs
4. Yoga (static stretch)
5. Upper (biceps/shoulders/triceps) + abs
6. Lower (legs)
7. Total Body Cardio (mma) + abs
8. Yoga (static stretch)
9. repeat! (9th day balik sa #1, so hindi pare pareho ang routine per week)
Then, after 3 cycles, change ulit ng routine pero similar sa tatamaang muscles. Same with mma, iba yung routine sa #3, #7.. tapos iba na naman after 3 cycles, tapos iba ulit after 9th cycle
Walang abs pag lower schedule at yoga, kawawa yung hip flexors ko pag pinilit ko
Twice sa legs sa isang cycle para ma strengthen sha ng maayos for footwork development sa mma
Wala kwenta ang muscles pag hindi mo alam gamitin in a fight, so yung move ko right now is in preparation for mma training in the future, yung tipong member ng isang mma gym tapos frequent hard sparring para mapractice ko yung timing pag actual fight.
Fasted Exercise, 1 cup of rice per meal. Skipping Breakfast.
Body + Mind + Spirit
Kailangan may synergy silang tatlo
Easiest to fix is the Body (in my opinion)
Next naman ay Mind. I'm currently reading about Stoicism, Adlerian Psychology and Toltec.
Spirit. Hindi ko pa alam. More of doing something spiritual, perhaps giving back to the community. Ayoko sumamba sa isang dyos. I'm an atheist. I do believe in a higher order of power somewhere that exists. Minsan pag halimbawa may friend ako na nag aya sa simbahan, I'll pretend i'm religious para maka blend in (mimicry mode) pero deep inside gusto ko na matapos yung mass.
Theory ko lang would be, the different gods in a given culture ay personification ng combined spiritual energy ng mga naniniwala. Thus, the more people that believes a diety the more power it acquires. That's why forgotten gods are weak in power. But are they? May nakita kasi akong ritual about summoning and ayun.
Tapos isama mo pa yung natural inclination ng humans to detect patterns to provide proof of their claim.
Anyways, maybe future post about gods and the like.. not as an omnipotent entity but a personification of a human's mental energy. Ewan ko.
Body muna ang may higher development para makapag isip ka because of increased blood flow and removal of junk (so your Mind is in order). Oras na mag sync yung dalawa, dun na mag bloom yung Spirit.
Actually I've started exercising since last year pa, so far my progress is 3.5 inches off my waist. Goal ko this year would be to have my abs visible.. unlike previous years, this time there's a heavy reason as to why I want to build my body the way I always wanted to be.
Nofap helped me see things clearly. Big help din yung Four Agreements na book na natapos ko na (audiobook format) all about Toltec. And i will repeat in listening about it tonight. Gusto ko ma internalize yung teachings (kabisado ko na yung 4 pero gusto ko ulitin).
About Nofap theory, sexual energy sublimation (where you use your sexual energy to be productive) and transformation (hindi ko pa alam to pero more on the flow of actual energy).
In my opinion if you focus on sex, babagsak yung neutral sexual energy into a negative charge. Therefore, mag dedefault sha into a lower frequency that represents indulgence in sex. Lizard brain. More porn, dopamine overload cycle.
If ipunin mo lang sexual energy mo at mag sublimate ka (gamitin mo sha para walang wet dreams), tataaas ang frequency nya at magiging light, aangat sha at mapupunta sa utak. Therefore giving you clarity of mind and more willpower. More about yoga related tradition kasi din yun. Merong meditation about it eh.
Low frequency = evil thoughts and bad entities (lapitin ka ng malas at mga ka demonyohan, negatives)
High frequency = good thoughts and good entities (puro blessing at luck)
Parang sa case ng mga females, merong tinatawag na "wall" na pag nasa 25 and up na sila dun na mag fade ang looks (more and more estrogen less testosterone, goodbye youthful hormones). It's more of, in my theory, menstruation. Yun ang salarin. Katawan nila ay built for deprecation. Same with males pero more on wasting semen.
Therefore, if you stop wasting your semen, it gets used in a different purpose that lets you ascend.
There was one book i've read about (na nakalimutan ko na ano name, have to check my digital library, pero goodluck dahil ang dami) na merong method sa females to stop the flow of mensturation para bumalik yung nutrients involved (to extend life and preserve youth), pero yung method was lost. Or was it? More on chinese traditional medicine yung book na yun.
Anyways, ang daming tangent akong binitawan sa post na ito. Kung saan saan ako napadpad sa memory palace ko.
Basta I'll hold on to my sexual energy and sublimate it. 32 Weeks, I hope my theory is correct about muscle development. I mean I know it's correct pero I want to see results.
As for financial matters, still thinking as to what path I would take. Making a mobile game (rougelite genre) or Sass? Ewan ko. Di ko pa alam.
Just making a blog para maalis yung stuck thoughts.
Dapat talaga mag post ako ng blog about Happiness vs Meaning. Pero heto yung ginawa kong post.
Nag deactivate naren ako ng FB and Telegram, I'll be back after 32 weeks sa mga platforms na yun. And start finding new friends.
Well.. I'll be doing some stuff muna. I'll post another blog soon.
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rmolid · 5 years ago
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parulian2017-blog · 7 years ago
My story for 21 years in service and more with XL
XL sudah bersamaku sampai hari ini, 30 November 2017, sepanjang 21 tahun 4 bulan, dan 29 hari, mendahului hadir 3 bulan sebelum kelahirannya pada 8 Oktober 1996. Segala kegembiraan, kesenangan, kebahagiaan dan persahabatan.
Awal berdiri saya di rekrut oleh team Head Hunter jaman dulu, namanya Cooper's and Lybrand sekitar akhir bulan Mei 1996. Hasil interview lumayan lama menunggu dengan meninggalkan Nomor Pager ID8xxxx. Pager ketika itu adalah alat komunikasi wireless yang WAJIB dimiliki, untuk kemudahan menyampaikan dan menerima pesan text atau pesan suara, yang disampaikan melalui operator Pager ketika itu.
Akhir dari penantian, adalah menerima panggilan untuk datang ke Kantor di Excelcomindo Pratama di Gedung Setiabudi Building menandatangani Perjanjian Kerja dan Penawaran yang diterima ketika itu, lengkap dengan Gaji Pokok, Tunjangan Transport dan Jabatan. Hanya itu saja tidak ada yang lain, dan dinyatakan resmi bekerja masuk kerja tanggal 1 Juli 1996 sebagai bagian team Sales & Marketing dengan fokus kepada Pelanggan Perusahaan Besar atau dinamakan Major Account.
Saya berpikir, akan ada di Setiabudi Building, ternyata Kantor Pusat ada di Gedung GKBI dengan lantai mulai lantai 5 meletakkan BSc dan MSC , 6 tempat MSC, 10 tempat banyak server IT, 23 tempat Sales & Marketing , 33 tempat para Direksi. Kantor Network sebagai penyelenggara utama Telekomunikasi, bukan di gedung mewah seperti GKBI, atau Setiabudi Building, tetapi sebuah gudang super besar berlantai 2, dan tempat para karyawan ada di lantai 2, di jalan Panca Marga 1/ No 8. Alamat resmi yang dipakai adalah Panca Marga 1 No 8, yang berada di jalan sempit Bendungan Hilir. PT Excelcomindo Pratama saham dari Rajawali Group, Nynex dari Bell Atlantic US sebelum dibeli oleh Verizon.
Bersama team dari Nynex Bell Atlantic US, dimulai bukan dari gedung yang bangunan mewah inilah mengatur semua rencana dan strategy serta memikirkan mendapatkan budget untuk suatu project besar mulai dari BTS GSM XL 900Mhz, Langsung Kriiiing, Micro Cell SCBD, BTS GSM 1800 Mhz. Berkat bekerja di XL d/h dulu bernama PT. Excelcomindo Pratama, maka saya sudah pernah mengalami banyak hal tantangan dan jenis pekerjaan, seperti menangani bidang Sales & Marketing tahun 1996, sebagai Major Account, Joint Promo Coordinator, termasuk mengembangkan Go To Market (GTM) dari setiap kegiatan Joint Promo (nama Go To Market belum di kenal saat itu), membuat formulir permohonan sebagai Pelanggan XL, saat itu hanya ada Post Paid saja,..
 Saya mendapatkan kesempatan oleh Paul J Hennessy superior GM saya dan Alfred Boschulte seorang Managing Director, mengajak saya masuk dalam Divisi Marketing Planning and Strategy tahun 1997 khusus menangani Coverage Network Planning, Marketing & Competitor Intelligence, Pricing termasuk Numbering Plan, Product Marketing, Audit Marketing. Tahun 2004, masuk ke team Corporate Strategy and Business Development khusus menangani Regional Planning termasuk Coverage Network Planning dan Sales & Marketing, termasuk dalam proses mendapatkan licensing 3G melalui proses panel di pemerintahan dan pembangunan 3G ini kembali lagi ke awal sekali tahun 1997 saat di Marketing Planning & Strategy.. sd tahun 2007. Tahun 2007 – 2010, menjadi team Region West (Sumatera) dengan tantangan lebih Kompleks lagi khusus mengurusi segala hal End to End yang ada di Region, Planning, Controlling and Monitoring yang waktu itu Sumatera dengan Kantor Region Sumatera di Medan. Tahun 2010 – 2017 saat ini bulan November 2017, sudah 7 tahun di Jakarta, menggeluti bidang Channel Management & Strategy, yaitu bidang Core Business Sales and  Distribution. Sepanjang tahun 1996 - 2010 adalah Core Business dalam bidang Teknologi, Telekomunikasi baik secara khusus yaitu pembangunan network / Roll Out Projects dan secara umum dalam bidang Marketing and Sales Strategy and Analysis.
September 2010 – November 2017, menangani bidang Channel, Distribution, Sales Clustering adalah hal yang paling sensitive, karena berhubungan dengan Dealer, Retail Outlets, Sales team Internal, Sales team External, Owner Dealer, Owner Retail Outlets dan Masyarakat pengguna baik yang puas maupun tidak puas, serta Mitra lainnya, seperti Direct Sales Force Partner baik yang berhubungan dengan pendapatan, penjualan, komisi, insensitive, harga jual, margin yang semua itu urusan hidup dan mati, lulus dan tidak lulus, sesuai standard atau tidak sesuai standard, memberi reward dan memberi hukuman atau peringatan.
 Semua yang saya sebutkan adalah Warisan ketika bekerja di XL sejak awal, termasuk project tahun 2016 yaitu pembangunan 4GLTE dan U900 (UMTS 900), yaitu BTS 900 Mhz yang ditingkatkan menjadi bisa Internetan melalui peningkatan ke UMTS 900.
Saat ini sejak 2016 bulan November, saya membidangi untuk Direct Sales Force Partner untuk MBB - Mobile Broadband, dengan produk XL Go berupa MiFI dengan bundling Paket Data MiFI XL dan XL Home berupa Router dengan bundling Paket Data Router XL.
Semoga XL ke depan makin jaya, makin kuat, makin di sukai dan di minati banyak orang, baik kalangan anak Sekolah SD, SMP, SMU maupun Pemuda/ Pemudi baik sebagai Mahasiswa/I maupun kalangan kaum pekerja dan intelektual muda, Dewasa Muda baik yang sudah menikah atau yang belum menikah, dalam bidang professional masing-masing serta orang Tua. Semuaaaaaa itu berkat kerja keras, kerja cerdas, kerja sama, kerja trampil, dan kerja iklas, tulus dan hanya ingin memberikan yang terbaik buat XL dan stakeholders XL.
Saya dengan latar belakang pendidikan Hukum yang sudah menjelajah wilayah Indonesia sebanyak 3/4 bagian Indonesia, kecuali NTT, Ambon, dan Papua, sangat mencintai Indonesia dan keberagamannya serta bangga bahwa bekerja di XL Axiata, Tbk (nama saat ini dikenal) menjadikan Indonesia maju dalam bidang Telekomunikasi, untuk meningkatkan ekonomi dan taraf hidup masyarakat banyak.
Saya bangga, karena Tuhan yang menempatkan saya khusus masuk dalam bidang Telekomunikasi untuk pembangunan bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Saya bersyukur karena itu semua dan anugerahNya yang sangat dahsyat boleh saya dan keluarga terima dan rasakan.
Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus, Terima kasih atas KasihMu, Terima kasih atas segalanya, berkat, perlindungan dan kesehatan.
God Bless XL Axiata Forever,
 Sampai jumpa kembali pada kesempatan lain....
Terima kasih kepada :
Pak David Arcelus Oses, Pak Okie  - Octavia Kurniwan, Mas Junius Khoestadi, Mbak Ratih Wulan Utoyo, Mbak Desy Sari Dewi, Mas R. Wicaksono, Librita Arifiani, Afandi Abrar, teman-teman  Commerce and Channel Management, teman-teman Commerce Region, teman-teman SME Trad Region team
Jajaran Direksi : Ibu Dian Siswarini, Pak Allan Bonke, Ibu Yessie Yossie Yoestya, Pak Mohamed Adlan bin Ahmad Tajudin.
Teman Pertama saya di XL 20 tahun yang lalu: Elvina Sidabutar
Teman-teman lainnya di luar team Commerce and Channel Management : Waqas Malik, Amit Panda,  
English Version:
I spent most of my time with all my friends, especially Commerce and Channel Management since joining 7 years ago ...... Exactly  on September 2010, I moved from West Region as Specialist Regional Planning and Monitoring West Region, and went back to HQ in the Commerce and Channel Management team. The first task in Commerce and Channel Mangement is to form ICS - Intelligent Canvasser System in collaboration with vendors that have been appointed by the Management at that time. The first time how Canvasser lives in the realm of "Living in Real Live". Anything Canvasser does is right or wrong, we are in real live knowing all, even where it often gathers to form "community".
Assignment after assignment has been passed by likes and likes, no grief, ... yes, ... yes happy to do new things, ... though continue as a Specialist, ....
 The last assignment is as a sales person SME market and also Direct Sales Management, meaning back to the initial assignment in XL over 20 years ago as a Sales person who also in charge of Major Account (Account Large Company). The initial and final assignments are the same type of assignment I get. Assignment for Coverage planning, BTS development, Capex calculation, calculate Profitability Analysis of each Project Coverage, RO depth anywhere with productivity level in priority scale, productive BTS distribution anywhere, as well as share assignment to FOC team for priority scale grant, Project Management Roll Out BTS, Project Management ReRad (Repeater Radio), Project Management Pico Cell, Micro Cell Project Management, Fiber Optics Project Management, U900 Project Management (2G BTS become internet enabled), Project Management LTE 4G, Project Management XL cluster sales from 164 clusters, to 150 clusters and the last being 56 clusters, which previously split the region into smaller micro clusters .. all of which became filler assignments from start to finish.
 Finally it is time that separates life for over 20 years With XL, pursuing dreams and hopes of becoming successful people outside XL. Hopefully friendship, cooperation and mutual greeting are not lost in time sweep, but make us all the more familiar yes, ... well I have become XL alumni and friends all who work for XL.
 XL is moving forward, leading the way and leading the cellular market in digital and telematics that to this day, this market provides enormous opportunities, especially as part of the change from "Disruptive Market and Business Capabilities" to create a new society that relies on technology to speed up the process in all areas.
   My story for 21 years in service and more 
I have been with XL until this day, November 30, 2017, 21 years and 4 months and 29 days, ahead of the 3 months before XL launching on October 8, 1996. All joy, fun, happiness and friendship.
I was recruited by the old Head Hunter team, his name was Cooper's and Lybrand around the end of May 1996. The interviewed result was quite long waiting by leaving the ID8xxxx Pager Number. Paging when it is a wireless communication tool MUST owned, for ease of delivering and receiving text messages or voice messages, delivered through the Pager operator at that time.
Finally after waiting more than 2 months, had to receive a call to come to the Office at Excelcomindo Pratama in Setiabudi Building Building to sign the Work Agreement and the Bid received at that time, complete with Basic Salary, Transport Allowance and Position. That's all there was simply no one else, and declared officially working to work on July 1, 1996 as part of the Sales & Marketing team with a focus on the Big Company's Customers or called Major Account.
I think, there will be at Setiabudi Building, it turns out that the Head Office is in GKBI Building with the 5th floor for BSCs and MSC, 6th floor for  MSCs places, 10th floor for  IT servers, 23rd floor Sales & Marketing, 33rd floor for the Board of Directors. Network Office as the main organizer of Telecommunication, not in luxury building like GKBI, or Setiabudi Building, but simple building large 2 floors like warehouse, and where the employees were on the 2nd floor, on Panca Marga street 1 / No 8. The official address used by  Panca Marga 1 No. 8, which was on the narrow road of Bendungan Hilir. PT Excelcomindo Pratama shares from Rajawali Group, Nynex of Bell Atlantic US before it was taking over by Verizon.
Together with the team from Nynex Bell Atlantic US, were started not from this luxury building that organizes all the plans and strategies and think about getting budget for a big project starting from GSM XL 900Mhz BTS, Direct Kriiiing, Micro Cell SCBD, GSM 1800 Mhz BTS. Thanks to work at XL d / h used to be named PT. Excelcomindo Pratama, I have experienced many challenges and types of work, such as handling Sales & Marketing field in 1996, as Major Account, Joint Promo Coordinator, including developing Go To Market (GTM) from every Joint Promo activities (Go To Market name not known at the time), making the application form as XL Customer, then only Post Paid, ..
 I got a chance by Paul J Hennessy my superior GM and Alfred Boschulte a Managing Director, invites me to enter the Marketing Planning and Strategy Division of 1997 specializing in Coverage Network Planning, Marketing & Competitor Intelligence, Pricing including Numbering Plan, Product Marketing, Marketing Audit. In 2004, the Corporate Strategy and Business Development team specializes in handling Regional Planning including Coverage Network Planning and Sales & Marketing, including in the process of getting licensing 3G through a government panel process and the development of this 3G back to the beginning once in 1997 when in Marketing Planning & Strategy .. sd year 2007. Year 2007 - 2010, become team Region West (Sumatra) with more challenge Complex again special take care of all things End to End in Region, Planning, Controlling and Monitoring that time Sumatra with Office Region Sumatra in Medan. The year 2010 - 2017 currently November 2017, already 7 years in Jakarta, cultivate the field of Channel Management & Strategy, namely the field of Business Sales and Distribution. Throughout the years 1996 - 2010 is Core Business in Technology, Telecommunications specifically in particular the development of network / Roll Out Projects and generally in the field of Marketing and Sales Strategy and Analysis.
 September 2010 - November 2017, handling Channel, Distribution, Sales Clustering is the most sensitive thing, since it deals with Dealers, Retail Outlets, Internal Sales Team, External Sales Team, Owner Dealer, Owner Retail Outlets and Community users who are satisfied or not satisfied, as well as other Partners, such as Direct Sales Force Partners whether related to revenue, sales, commissions, insensitive, selling price, margin that all affair and death, pass and not pass, as per standard or not standard, give reward and give punishment or warning.
 All I mentioned are inheritance while working at XL from the beginning, including the 2016 project of 4GLTE and U900 (UMTS 900) development, the upgraded BTS 900 Mhz being able to connect via UMTS 900.
Currently since 2016 November, I am in charge of Direct Sales Force Partner for MBB - Mobile Broadband, with XL Go product of MiFI with bundling of Data Package of MiFI XL and XL Home in the form of Router with bundling of XL Data Router Package.
Hopefully XL in the future will be more glorious, stronger, more interested and in the interest of many people, both among elementary school students, junior high, high school and youth as well as among young workers and intellectuals, young adults both already married or unmarried, in the professional field of each and the parents. Allaaaaa is thanks to hard work, smart work, cooperation, skilled work, and sleek work, sincere and just want to give the best for XL and XL stakeholders.
I am with a legal education background that has traveled the Indonesian territory as much as 3/4 parts of Indonesia, except NTT, Ambon, and Papua, loves Indonesia and its diversity and is proud that working at XL Axiata, Tbk (the current name is known) field of Telecommunications, to improve the economy and living standard of many people.
I am proud, because God put me specifically in the field of Telecommunications for the development of the nation and state of Indonesia. I am grateful for it all and His great grace may be my family and I receive and feel.
Thank you Lord Jesus, Thank You for Your Love, Thank you for everything, blessing, protection and health.
God Bless XL Axiata Forever,
 See you again in another opportunity
 see you till meet again
Thanks to :
Mr. David Arcelus Oses, Mr. Okie - Octavia Kurniwan, Mas Junius Khoestadi, Mbak Ratih Wulan Utoyo, Mbak Desy Sari Dewi, Mas R. Wicaksono, Librita Arifiani, Afandi Abrar, Friends of Commerce and Channel Management, Friends of Commerce Region, friends SME Trad Region team
Board of Directors: Mrs. Dian Siswarini, Mr. Allan Bonke, Mrs. Yessie Yossie Yoestya, Pak Mohamed Adlan bin Ahmad Tajudin.
My First Friend at XL 20 years ago: Elvina Sidabutar
Other friends outside the Commerce and Channel Management team: Waqas Malik, Amit Panda,
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alicenowonderland · 7 years ago
22 Life Learnings From My 22 Years of Existence 💞
1. Family is Forever. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💕 Maniwala man kayo o sa hindi, may forever. Ilang beses na akong nagkamali, at na-disappoint ang parents ko to the layasan level. Pero, tinanggap at sinuportahan pa rin nila ako hanggang sa makamit ko kung ano ba 'yung talagang gusto ko. 😊 Pinatawad nila ako at binigyan ng maraming pagkakataon para baguhin ang sarili ko and yes, they succeed. Wala kang ibang matatakbuhan kundi ang pamilya mo, kaya huwag mo silang awayin. 😂
2. Trust in GOD's plan. 🙏😇 Hindi porke't mahirap at masakit ay hindi na God's plan. Minsan, ganun talaga ang dinadaanan natin para maipakita sa atin ni God kung gaano tayo ka-strong. 💪 May plano ang D'yos kung bakit six years ako sa college, may plano ang D'yos kung bakit ako nag-stop ng isang sem, may plano ang D'yos kung bakit naandito pa rin ako. May plano ang D'yos kung bakit single pa rin ako. 🙌
3. Believe in the Power of Kairos. ⌛️ Huwag mag-madali, may tamang oras sa lahat ng bagay. Hindi mo kailangang mag-madali dahil makakamit mo ang lahat ng pangarap mo. Just believe. 🙌 Palagi akong nag-mamadali at nangangarag sa mga bagay-bagay. #TeamCrammer. Sa kamamadali ko dahil feeling ko napag-iiwanan na ako, hindi ko napapansin na hindi na ako nagiging masaya dahil ang mga panahon na dapat ay tinatawag kong 'seize momentum' ay wala na kakamadali ko. Don't rush! May tamang oras sa lahat ng pangarap mo! 😉 #StudyNowLandiLaterProgram
4. Not everyone you call a 'friend' is your 'friend'. 😣 Masakit, pero ganun talaga. Hindi lahat ng kaibigan mo ay totoo. Minsan kaya ka nilang traidurin makuha lang nila ang gusto nila. Makikita mo 'yan kapag nasa DARKEST part ka na ng buhay mo. 🖤 Kaya hindi baleng sasampu ang kaibigan ko, at least, tunay sila at totoo. Ikaw din. Be a 'friend' to your friends. Maging ano ka kung ano'ng klaseng kaibigan ang gusto mo. ��
5. Forgive and Forget. They are two different things. Si Tatay Simpol ang nag-sabi nito sa akin. 😁 Forgive kasi iyon ang nararapat. That is for your inner peace but never forget na may nangyari sa'yo na ganun. Just forgive and be strong enough para hindi na mangyari ulit ang mga masasamang nangyari noon. 🙂 Total hindi mo rin naman makakalimutan talaga 'yun. Unless magka-amnesia ka. 😂
6. You cannot please everybody. 👌 Hindi lang sila ang dapat mag-adjust, dapat ikaw din. Super applicable ito nung nag-OJT ako. Doon ko naramdaman ang ibang mundo. Hindi mo talaga maple-please ang lahat. Lalo na ang boss mo! 😂
7. Hayaan Mo Sila. 💁‍♀️ Hayaan mo silang mam-bash sa'yo. Basta alam mo na wala kang ginagawang masama at natatapakang dignidad. Just do what you love and love what you do. 💖 Tanungin mo na lang sila kung saan sila humuhugot ng pake at pati buhay mo ay pinapaki-alman nila. Wala ba silang sariling buhay? #HatersBackOff! 🙅‍♀️
8. A Reason for Everything. Or. Everyone. 💞 Malaki man o maliit ang impact nila sa day to day lives mo since you were born, direct man o indirect and contact mo sa kanila, may dahilan kung bakit nakikilala natin ang mga tao-tao sa mundo. Either to give a lesson or a message. 😊 Pahalagahan ang lahat ng taong nakikilala natin. Malay mo d'yan ka yumaman! 😂
9. It's Okay Not To Be Okay. SOMETIMES. 👍 Kung ang pakiramdam mo ay sobra na ang mundo, okay lang umiyak. Okay lang magmukmok. Basta huwag mong tatagalan. Laban lang, kapit lang. Malalagpasan mo rin iyan. 💪 #LAVARN I was diagnosed (?) (diagnosed ba tawag dun kahit Guidance lang ng school?) to have a mild depression. Hindi pa siya grabe pero depression pa rin 'yun way back college. I also had suicidal tendencis (according sa study nila) pero hanggang ngayon buhay pa rin ako at nagpapalaganap ng kagandahan. 😂🌸 Unfair ang mundo, pero ano'ng magagawa ko? Na-realize ko na hindi pwedeng ganun lang ako kasi may pangarap ako. Sarili mo ang kalaban mo, wala ng iva!
10. Kiss a man, not a guy. 👔 DO NOT kiss him if your guts told you so. Kiss a man, because a real man will never kiss you unless alam niyang kaya niyang panagutan ang kiss na 'yun, forever. ❤️ #NEVERAgain
11. Revenge is just an illusion of evil. 👿 Hidni porke't nasaktan ka ay mananakit ka na rin. Huwag mong hayaan na gamitin ka ng kasamaan para maging isang masamang tao. You are born naturally good. Hindi tamang manakit ng iba dahil nasaktan ka. 👍👌👊 Sa kagustuhan kong maka-ganti sa mga nanakit sa akin, hindi ko napapansin na sarili ko rin ang unti-unti kong sinisira. 'Wag ganun. Revenge in a good way. Magpaka-saya ka, magpa-ganda/pogi. Para masabi mo na 'IKAW RIN ANG NAWALAN!' #IRAN! 😎👌
12. Be Tanga Responsibly. 😏 Lahat tayo ay nagkakamali. Lahat tayo ay may kaniya-kaniyang downfall. Nagkamali ka ng desisyon, harapin mo ang consequences. Huwag mong takbuhan, 'cause running will also lead into another problem. Harapin mo at solusyunan. Sa pag-aaral ko ng Social Work, ito ang palaging ipinapaalala sa amin at sa tinagal-tagal ko sa simbahan, ito ang palaging sinasabi sa akin. Harapin mo ang consequences ng mga mali mong desiyon at huwag ng ulitin pa ng mga 15 times. Super tanga na 'yun! Alam kong libre maging tanga, 'wag na lang sobrahan! 🤗✌️
13. NEVER. EVER. Assume. 😊 Huwag mahihiyang mag-tanong. Sa lahat ng aspeto ng buhay, huwag mahihiyang mag-tanong. Lalong lalo na ang mag-assume. Pahamak ka d'yan! I SWEAR! ✋ Palagi itong sinasabi ni Ate Ninay sa akin (mantra ng mga accounting students). Never assume unless someone stated (tama ba?). Walang namamatay sa pag-tatanong, walang bayad ang mag-tanong maliban sa mang-huhula. 🤣
14. Be Honest All The Time. ✋ Walang ibang makakapagpa-laya sa'yo kundi honesty. Lalong lalo na sa sarili mo. Maging honest ka sa sarili mo kung gusto mong maging masaya. 🙂 Accept your flaws and be free! Hindi ka perfect, may mga pagkakamali ka. Patawarin ang sarili, tanggapin na parte ng nakaraan mo ang mga maling desisyon. Na-realize ko na hindi ako tunay na magiging masaya kung pati sarili ko niloloko ko. Shunga noh?! 🙂
15. Thoughts are Powerful, Make them Positive ❣️ WERPA!!!!! Kung ano ang iniisip mo ay 'yun ang mangyayari. Palaging sinasabi ng Daddy sa akin iyan at totoo naman. Kaya maging positibo lang every day. Huwag over thinker at huwag ding negats. Ikaw din, buhay mo rin iyan. 😂 Kahit pa sabihing biruan minsan kasi nagkakatotoo lalo na kung paulit-ulit na sinasabi. Palagi kaming nag-bibiruan noon ng Daddy na kapag daw ako grumaduate mag-boyfriend na raw ako. Sabi ko naman, bumababa pa lang ako ng stage nagkaka-jowa na ako. Ay bumababa pa nga lang ako ng stage, may dumating. Ayon! 🤣✌️😍
16. I'm POSSIBLE. 🌻🌹 Believe in yourself. Walang ibang maniniwala sa'yo kundi ang sarili mo lang. Hindi mo maasahan na maniwala sa iyo ang iba kung ikaw walang tiwala sa sarili mo. Turn IMPOSSIBLE into I'M POSSIBLE. 💗 Kaya mong gawin ang lahat ng pangarap mo. Like Mommy told me, kaya kong makamit lahat ng pangarap ko kasi ayun ako. Kasi may pangarap ako. Sa panahon ngayon, possible na lahat!
17. It's in Losing Yourself that You Find Yourself. 😊 Minsan na akong nawala na halos hindi ko na makilala ang sarili ko pero doon ko nakilala kung sino ba talaga ako at kung ano ang mga kaya ko pang gawin. 💪 #StrongAndIndependentWoman Graduate na ako ng college at graduate na ako sa lahat! MALIBAN LANG SA ALAK! 😂🍻 Ang mahalaga ay nakilala ko kung sino ba ako at ano ba talaga ang gusto ko.
18. PAUSE. But never surrender. Nakalagay yan sa message ni Fenfen sa akin bago kami mag-part ways nung high school. Kasi talo ka kapag sumuko ka. Tinalo mo ang sarili mo kapag nag-give up ka sa mga gusto mong makamit. #LavarnLang! 💪💪💪 Ang daming beses na gusto kong sumuko. Pero ayun, naalala kong hindi nga pala pwede, pahinga lang ang pwede kasi MAY. PANGARAP. AKO! ✈️
19. Let Go. Get Up. Move on. 🤗😘 Again, huwag tanga. Kapag hindi para sa'yo. Accept mo and chin up. Hanap ng iba. Remember, may nakalaan para sa'yo! ☺️ Kapag toxic ka na sa trabaho o sa relasyon, umalis ka na. Matutoka ring sumuko kapag na-aapi ka na. Ako, nalaman kong dapat na akong mag-give up nung pati self-worth ko nawala na. 😣 #AlphaFemale 🐺
20. Fear is an illusion. 🐍🏙️ Do the scary things first and get scared after. I am fearless, parang si Taylor Swift. Pero dumating din ako sa point ng buhay ko na nagkaroon ako ng maraming takot. Takot na mag-isa, takot na mawalan ng minamahal, takot na maiwanan, takot na magkamali at takot na makihalibilo sa mga tao (nakakatawa kasi Social Work pa ang natapos ko). Pero dahil takot ako sa maraming bagay, lalo lang nangyari ang mga kinatatakutan ko. Nilabanan ko lang 'yung takot ko, kasi naalala ko ang sinasabi palagi ni Mam Doreen sa akin: Wala kang mararating kung pulos takot ka. ✊💪#VavaengPalavarnNaKayaKangIpaglavarn!
21. Stay Single Until. . . 💗 ❤️ Maayos mo 'yung relasyon mo sa pamilya mo 🧡 Maayos mo ang relasyon mo sa sarili mo 💛 Hindi mo pa nahahanap ang perfect para sa'yo. 💚 Ready ka na 💙 Siya na ang napag-desisyunan mo na maging forever mo. Hindi lang pulos feelings ang love. Decision din iyan mga besh! 💜 Makita mo kung ano ang mga dapat mong isurrender at isacrifice kapag nagka-jowa ka na. Pang-forever na iyan! 🖤 Malaman mo kung ano ang deserve mong pagmamahal. #SingleAndProud
22. Always choose to be happy. 😂 Pampa-haba ng buhay 'yan at saka pampa-bata. Walang ibang magiging responsable sa kasiyahan mo kundi ikaw. 😘☺️ Always choose yourself over other. Hindi ito ka-selfish-an, bagkus, isang act ng self-love. Kung hindi mo kayang baguhin ang magulo, malungkot at mapait na sitwasyon mo... piliin mong sumaya at ngumiti sa kabila nito. Always look on the brighter side. Lahat ng pangyayari mayroong brighter side. ✨
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toomuchtwisted · 7 years ago
Alams nah everytime naa ko sa Tumblr. Kay naay something nahitabo nako nga dli nako ma contain. Ug kaning ilang gi sulti nga what you sow you will reap. Pagka nalang jud.
Lately I've been living alone here in dubai for about 8 months already. E note ni nako diri para dli ko maka limot sa mga little details in my life how God gave me this journey.
I arrived in dubai April 30 2015.Living with mama I miss her.
Papa visited Dubai Dec 22 2015 to March 2016.
Kuya Andrew visited Dubai September 2016. I Forgot the day.
Mama left Dubai for good on first week of November 2016.
Kuya Andrew left Dubai first week of December 2016 i think.
Ruel arrived in Dubai March 2017 and left May of 2017.
And now I am left alone. It's been 8 months since people come and go. Tagam nako haha. Maypay mo uli. Pero bitaw. I just wanted to tell to myself nga everything has a reason. Kung buot hunahuna.on pagkang daghana nako na learn aning Dubai.ya neh. Ambut nalang. Daghang luha natagaktak. Daghang sakit sa kasing2. Haha. Katawa lang ta. Chill raman unta kaayo ko sa Cebu. I mean ofcourse naa poy mga struggle but lahi rasad jud. Thought lisud jud kung malayo ka sa imong comfort zone. Specially spiritually. Daghang babag. Daghang mo pugong emotionally. Daghang pride. But in the end ang plano rajud gihapon ni Lord ang mahitabo. Bisag pugson nako, si Lord jud permi ang maka da.og. Pilde jud ko permi. Ngano man lagi makig compete ni Lord klaro naman nga pilde ko. Samoka.
But now I am growing to learn on aligning my self to His plan in my life. It is like going back to the start. Where me and God started. Go back to the First Love. Kay na sobrahan nako kalayo sa unsa juy pinaka tumong. Balik inday. Go back to the basics. Do not pressure. Bangon! Ayaw kabalaka. Trust the process. Trust also in Jesus. He knows what He is doing.
John 12:24 I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives.
This is my very verse lately. I must die but I must not worry even if I will feel alone because it is part of the plan. Part of the process. The seed must die first and remains alone. Actually it won't take long. Its death will harvest a meaningful and fresh new life! Worthy of praise! Worth the wait! Hallelujah!
But to be specific on what is going on in my life right now. I have this workmate with me. She is a senior in our office. Her name is ate Judith. I am confuse of what she really is in my life lately. Because at first she is an encouragement and a gift from God to me. But then she is also my greatest head ache every single day. But not the kind of head ache nga I hate her because I love her so much. But she is more like my struggle. A kind of person nga maka pa ba.id nako like super ba.id gyud as in. 😅. Maka sulti ko nga pasensyoso naman kaayo ko nga pagka tao pero kani siya mas gi ba.id pajud ako patience. Lahi rasad gyud. Haha.
Like what I've said at first kini si ate judith is an encouragement to me because when the time nga everyone left me alone here in Dubai. Nanguli nah sila mama, kuya, papa and specially si ruel. Mao to ang time month of May pinaka down nako sa akung life. But then tentededeng! God gave ate judith to me. Those time nga I am so down. She is the one who always reminded me about the goodness of God in my life.
By the way si ate Judith became born again in the sipirit when Ruel left Dubai because she is the fruit of our ministry together ni ruel here in dubai. It was like ruel left in dubai May 15. Then si ate judith accepted Jesus May 6. So imagine! When ruel left I was so down! Crying every single night in my bed! But everytime I go to work I always see this person very happy! Newly enlightened by the word of God. Very hungry of Jesus. Used to be very hopeless person, always complaining about work and life. Puro negative words ang mo gawas sa iyang mouth ug apil nah tanan pamalikas, but now very jolly and full of joy nah kaayo siya. Singing and clapping and praising Jesus in our office magpa music ug Christian song and all. In short filled kaayo siya sa Holy Spirit bah because naa siya sa iyang honeymoon stage ni Jesus!
Imagine unsa akung ma feel. Ma encourage bako or what? because I am in pain, I need to feel the pain and there she is super thankful of her life. Very happy like over acting jud tan.awn ang iyang pagka happy bah. Unya daghan pajud kaayo siya ug revelations. She appreciated small things. Kanang typical nga bag.o pata sa Ginoo. Tanan butang naay meaning. Every morning she always have stories of what Jesus is doing into her life. Like how Jesus give her the love to her enemies. How Jesus soften her heart. Teaching her acceptance. How Jesus give her patience sa work. Realizing how bless she is...And even the little things like How Jesus showed her the beauty of the sky, the tress, the air. And even how a cellphone gives her a spiritual message like keeping connected to God like a wifi daw. Keeping yourself recharge daw. 
Kaila kag kasabut ko tanan sa iyang gi pamati but my mind refuse to accept all she says because I am hurting. Mora kog gi torture. Kay apilan pag mag pretend lang pud ka nga happy kaayo ka kay lain sad kaayo baby Christian unya dili ka mo abiba. Grabeh jud kaayo to nga mga time bah like super!!! Dli ko ka imagine gi unsa ko ni Lord. Like in so many ways Jesus is there for me. Fighting for me. Never giving up on me. Imagine gi save ni Lord akung workmate just to give me a companion everyday in the office to remind me of His goodness! How is that possible? Mind blowing! But honestly it's like I became a parent in the time of my brokenness. It is like God gave me a baby in my season of brokeness. In the very moment were I am incapable of doing it. I realize God gave this to me to make me happy and at the same time to give me a responsibility to keep me moving. Kanang iksena nga wala nalay time mag postpartum depression kay naa kay dapat buhaton.
Actually daghan pah kaayo ang na happen. Like as in! Naay comedy naay drama naay action. Tanan genra sagulsagol. Hahaha. Maka tawa nalang ko. But diri lang sa kutob jud just to note all this bitter sweet moments that the Heavenly Father planned into my life. Next time nasad. His will always be done!
Holy Spirit thank You so much for all your help and guidance. Sometimes I just want to stop trying. But You always have your small voice around me. I'm so sorry for being so stubborn. Mag sige ko ug bungol2 sa Imong mga rebuke nako. I'm so sorry Holy Spirit nga even until now daghan gihapon ko ug wala pa mabuhat nga mga butang nga Imong ganahan ipa buhat nako. And even for the things that You wanted me to stop doing. Please be more patient on me if I always fail. I know the time is running out for me but in Jesus I have hope hopefully by His grace and mercy. Thank You Holy Spirit for all the convictions that keeps me working out my salvation with fear. I praise You! I worship You! Heavenly Father you have in you hands my last judgment. I humble myself down to You. I am nothing without You. I have no enough word to convince You for my life. All I have is my worship and praises and my tryings. All for You alone. Amen.
~Cecille Kaye Suizo Gumadan
December 20,2017 | Wednesday | Dubai | at the office pondering
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shesbeingocean · 8 years ago
So you wanna know how i survived from a heartache? Well this is NOT legit but by this, I learned how to move on. I learned how to function again. I learned how to bring back the old me and I guess, there’s a new me. So if you want to move on, try to read this and I hope it can help you from ANY HEARTACHE.
P.S: I won’t let you know kung saan ako nagmu-move on.
1. Talk to somebody and tell what you really feel. - and so I went to RMCHS to my favorite teacher she’s an A.P. Teacher and supposedly my High School adviser but sadly, there’s an arrangement na complicated so they ne re-fixed everything. So nung na-fix na hindi na siya ang adviser namin BUT she’s our A.P. Teacher kaya thankful na din. Actually, naging Nanay-Nanayan ko siya sobrang pinagtatanggol niya ako sa mga nang-aaaway sa akin kahit kanino wala siyang paki basta pinagtatanggol niya ako. Tinuri niya ako na parang tunay niyang anak so in return, minahal ko din siya ng sobra sobra so until now, ang turing ko pa din sa kanya eh nanay kahit nagkaroon kami ng complications noon. She’ll always be my Mom. So ayun! when I went there, I told her everything what i really feel and she let me burst out, cry. Actually, that was our first time na mag-buhos ako ng sama ng loob sa kanya. So when I went home gumaan ng sobra ang pakiramdam ko.
2. Hang out with your friends. - And so I messaged my main chick. (Rozell & Krisha) kasi kapag nagkakasama kami parang nawawala lahat ng sakit na nararamdaman ko. I enjoyed being with them ewan ko ba kung ano’ng meron sa kanila parang sila lang sapat na. I can’t live without them, basta sobrang thankful ako to have them kasi nung nagmu-move on ako, I didn’t contact them but when I came back to the reality, sobra akong thankful kasi may kaibigan pa pala akong babalikan and so I treasure them more than ANYTHING else.
3. Have yourself a “Me-time” day - I went to Muntinlupa and fin the spot where in i can burst out what I really feel kasi sabi ko iiwan ko na doon lahat lahat ng sakit ng nararamdaman ko and nangakong hindi na ulit magbre-break down, magde-deactivate, and everything. Positive lang kung baga magbabago na ako for the better not for worst. And so I found a spot sa may food court ng isang Mall there.
4. Write in the paper what you really feel - so parang I’m having a diary pero hindi ko siya kineep so there, while I’m having a “me-time” and listening to the song that it can fit, I burst out what I really feel, my anger, pain, sorrow, EVERYTHING! Binuhos ko talaga doon and I’m like talking to God into that paper.
5. Delete Messages - Well, this is my sign of moving on. (I don’t know if this is applicable to all of you) but before having a “me-time” I cleaned my messenger sa LAHAT ng account ko. I don’t know kung ako lang but kasi kapag ganun it’s my sign of moving on so ayun I did it, I deleted everything on Facebook but I didn’t deactivate.
6. Reset you phone - After having a “me-time” I don’t know I did this because of a sign of “start of something new” ewan ko kasi kapag nagde-delete, reset parang for me it’s a sign of moving on, you’re startig all over again. I got pressured when I did that into my phone.
7. Change everything that you’ve been using - well, I changed my nick name, bag, wallet, EVERYTHING for me kasi kahit hindi ako umaalis parang may memories kami doon sa bag kasi nung nagkakausap kami ayun ang nakikita kong ginagamit ko ewan ko am I too materialistic? Or sadyang may connection talaga? Basta ayun I did it and there as long as I’m progressing na nakaka-move on.
8. Fix yourself - go for a manicure, pedicure, make yourself pretty huwag mong ipakita na sobrang down na down ka. Ipakita mo na kahit may pinagdadaanan ka, kahit ang sakit sakit na, kahit ang hirap hirap na kaya mo pa ding ngumiti at pagandahin ang sarili mo, it’s a sign of respect for yourself. You don’t have to be loud na nasaktan ka. Ipakita mo na flexible ka na kahit masakit na, KAYA PA! Nasaktan ka lang niya. :)
9. Kapag may nag-yayang gumala, gora lang!!! - Walang masama if you’re going to hang out with everybody actually, mas nakakatulong ‘yun sa pagmu-move on kasi nagiging masaya ka kahit alam mong pag-uwi mo magiging malungkot ka nanaman. Pero ako, I’m just enjoying the moment. Kasi someday, it’ll be a memory hindi naman excuse ang nasaktan ka kaya wala ka ng karapatang maging masaya. Actually mas healthy ‘yun. Kasi at least, nagagawa mo pa ding ngumiti kahit masakit na.
10. Fix your things - Mag-ayos ka ng bahay ibahin mo ang positions and everything kung ayun ang mas makakatulong para maka-move on ka kasi ako ginawa ko ‘yun ewan ko everytime I’m broken ganito ginagawa ko maybe this is my way of moving on talaga kasi parang nagsisimula ka ng panibago ‘diba?
11. Laughter is the best medicine - Tumawa ka lang ng tumawa na parang wala nang bukas. Hindi pagiging baliw ‘yun. Pagiging sign ‘yun na being strong. Hindi ka sa nagpapanggap pero hindi naman dapat habang buhay malungkot ‘diba? Everyday is a precious it’s a gift from God to be able to start all over again.
12. Enjoy the moment - When you’re having fun, huwag kang mag-alala sa fact na mamaya malungkot ka nanaman, oo malungkot ka mamaya pero MAMAYA pa iyon kaya as of now, i-enjoy mo lang with your friends or even alone. Just enjoy if you’re having a vacation, “me-time” enjoy ka lang hindi naman masama ‘yun. It’s a sign of being stronger. :)
13. Do what makes you happy - Simpleng simple. Ano ba ang makakapag-pasaya sa’yo? gusto mong kumaen? Go. gusto mong mag-laro ng parang bata? Go. Gusto mong mag-badminton? Go. Gusto mong gumala? Go. Gusto mong maligo sa ulan? Go. Ibalik mo ang dating ikaw na nawala dahil lang sa nagmahal ka. Search yourself out. Kasi sa ngayon, WALA NANG KAYO. Wala nang SIYA. IKAW nalang. Kaya learn how to live your life ALONE. Be flexible. Matuto kang mamuhay nang walang kinakasama o ano hindi mo kailangan ng tao, bagay para maging masaya ka. Dahil ang kasiyahan, PINIPILI. :)
14. Watch funny videos, movies - Huwag ka munang manood ng movies na nakakaiyak kasi tiyak maaalala mo siya. Manood ka na muna ng movies na parang sobrang nakakatuwa katulad na lamang ng videos ni Vice Ganda, Movies niya. Huwag kang magpakalugmok sa lungkot. Life is unfair we have to accept that fact. :)
15. Back to the arms of the Lord - Sobra akong winelcome ni Lord! ofcourse when you’re ready kailangan mo ‘tong gawin kasi wala namang ibang makakatulong sa’yo kung hindi ang Diyos lang and this is what I learned.
- Joshua 9:3-27 Learn how to seek everything to the Lord. Do not decieve. Don't let your emotions control you, don't let ANYTHING control you but LET GOD CONTROL YOUR WHOLE LIFE. Learn how to seek in his answer. It doesn't matter how you solve your problems, challenges but the most important thing is YOU DIDN'T LET GO TO, GIVE UP. In times of defeat, SEEK for the STRENGTH to the Lord. Don't give in, don't let WORLD control you. Everything here is TEMPORARY but God is eternal. WAKE UP! Be wise enough. It doesn't matter on how many times you fail but the MOST IMPORTANT THING IS YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE UP. By the power of prayer, by the power of God's word, you'll have a DEEP relationship with Him. Just SEEK in Him. Let God enter your heart.
16. SHARE THIS EXPERIENCE - of course!!! It’s been a long journey for you bago maka-move on. You deserve a reward! :)
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threatenedsanity · 8 years ago
How to move on from someone you NEVER had.
First of all these ways were intentionally created for those people who until now is severely (Char lang) suffering from moving on over someone who they never even had. So basically, this is also for me. I know it’s kinda weird when you actually doing some advice for yourself. (Is that even healthy? But whatever) Para sa mga makakabasa nito, ang swerte niyo! Pero joke lang HAHA. Just enjoy, I’m not forcing you to do exactly what it says here. I’m just sending a help (I hope it will help) Enough with the talking.. So here it is..
1. Delete your pictures together. - I know nagpakahirap kang makuha yang mga pictures na yan. Kinontrata mo pa mga kaibigan mo magkaroon lang kayo nang magandang pictures ng taong pinapangarap mo, but you have to say goodbye to those pictures. Bakit? Syempre para kapag umulan at nag-emo ka wala kang makikita. HAHA! At hindi mo makikita nang paulit-ulit ang kagandahan/kagwapuhan niya. Believe me, kapag tiningnan mo iyan? Ma-ddrag ka ulit dun sa pagkakataong mahuhulog kana naman sa kanya. You don’t want that diba? So please DELETE IT. 
2. Stop stalking his/her profile. - Dito, dito tayo laging nagkakamali eh. Yung every minute nakatambay ka sa profile niya. Bes, di yan tambayan para pagtambayan mo lagi ah? Tapos ano? Kapag nakita mong may kalandian na siya matutuwa kaba? Malamang mag-eemote kana naman! So stop torturing yourself, kung pwede i-unfollow mo na yan. Wag mo lang i-uunfriend! Bakit? Baka mag-feeling siya na bitter ka sa kanya! HAHAHA. So kalma ka lang dapat HAHAHA.
3. Don’t reply to his/her messages. - Medyo tricky kasi kapag nireplayan mo siya. It is either namimiss ka niya or naghahanap lang siya nang past time. Gusto ka lang niyang utuin ulit kaya chinat/tinext ka niya. Maybe nag-fail yung landi niya dun sa isa kaya binabalikan ka niya. Bet mo yon? OPTION ka lang? HAHAHA Huwag tanga bes ah? Open up your senses and see the patibongs around you HAHAHA! Char.
4. Think about the negative attitudes and flaws that this person has. - In Psychology it is called “Rationalization” (Sa mga Psych Majors dyan correct me if I’m wrong HAHA) isa itong defense mechanism sa kung saan iisipin mo lahat nang bagay na nakka-turn off sa taong bet na bet mo pero hindi ka bet. For me effective to (Para saken lang ah? Ewan ko lang sa inyo HAHA) Bigyan ko kayong example,”Maputi lang siya hindi siya maganda”, “Wala siyang sense of humor”, “Ang immature niya”, “Lagi siyang nagpapalibre, walang pera pulubi” Mga ganyan! HAHAHAHAHA Mas hard, mas maganda! Ganern!
5. Keep yourself busy as much as possible. - Magpaka-busy ka bes, gawin mo yung mga bagay na hindi mo nagawa noong mga panahong nagpapakatanga ka pa sa taong hindi ka naman kayang mahalin! Go out with your friends, spend your time with them. Be productive, gumawa ka nang chores mo sa bahay niyo hindi yung nganga kana nga buong bakasyon eh palamunin ka pa. HAHAHA Joke lang! Pwede kang mag-advance study para naman maka-relate ka sa topic niyo this coming sem. Mga simpleng bagay lang pero effective yan para di mo na maisip yung taong nagawa kang i-take for granted. Nakalimot kana, naging productive ka pa!
6. Give yourself time to heal, don’t rush. - Bigyan mo nang time yung sarili mo para makalimot. Huwag kang magmadali dahil hindi naman karera ang pagmomove on bes. Take time bes, kasi magkakamali at magkakamali ka lang kapag lagi kang nagmamadali. Work on yourself muna, gawin mo munang kamahal-mahal yang sarili mo. Hindi para sa ibang tao okay? Ayusin mo sarili mo para sa sarili mo.
7. Quit flirting as much as possible, Don’t do rebounds. - Pinagsama ko na to kasi may connection sila. Marupok kasi tayong mga nilalang kaya kapag nasasaktan tayo maghahanap at maghahanap talaga tayo nang atensyon sa ibang tao. Which is maling-mali bes, paano kung marupok din yung nilandi mo? Tapos ginamit mo lang siya para maka-move on? Edi double kill ka dyan bes! Huwag lumandi kung di ka pa ready at kung di ka marunong sumalo okay? No to kakatihan! HAHA
8. No what ifs and start thinking about what is. - Most of us dito nagkakamali eh, sa mga linyang “What if?” kaya maraming tanga na hanggang ngayon tanga pa rin kasi na-stuck na sa What ifs! Mga “what if ganito ginawa ko?”, “What if mas nag-efort pa ako?”, “What if naghintay pa ako?” Bes stop! Hindi yan makakatulong sayo sa hinaharap, hindi ka nga mahal bakit ka ikaw pa mag-eeffort? Bakit ikaw pa maghihintay? Ikaw na bes! Ikaw na tanga! HAHA Instead of dwelling on what ifs why not start focusing in what is? Fix yourself bes, take time to improve yourself instead of dragging yourself into the same unwanted situations again. Wake up!
I guess hanggang dito na lang. Drained na utak ko kakasip HAHAHA. Well anyways, walang shortcut sa pag-momove on. Kung bet mo umiyak, iiyak mo lang yan! Kung bet mo mag-walwal, iwalwal mo yan! HAHAHA Pero make sure naman na mag-walwal ka moderately. May kanya-kanya tayong taktika sa pag-momove on. Shinare ko lang yung ways ko baka makatulong ako, kung hindi naman okay lang HAHAHA! Till next time! Ciao!
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nerdisko · 8 years ago
Flashback 2016
Well, today is February 5, a month past 2017. You may think this is already too late to post about a flashback of 2016. Pero siguro ganun talaga pag di ka maka move on. Palagi mong binabalikan ang mga panahong lumipas. Haha. Anyway, here is a compilation of key stories of 2016 and my take on them.
First, friendship issues last January. (Ba't ko naman inumpisahan tong post sa ganitong issue, anyways...) Well, lots of misunderstandings and bitchy-faces when 2016 opened. Marami akong nakaaway dun, lalo na yung mga taong inakala kong hindi ako babaligtarin ever. Sabi nga ng Murphy's Law, if things will go wrong, it will. I guess, it's one way to filter those who will stay with you until the end of the year. What a great start!
Next, International Eucharistic Congress in Cebu. Yan yung pinakaunang religious convention na inattenfsn ko na international ang level. I did not expect nga na magiging bahagi ako nun. Pero andami kong natutunan. The feeling after the IEC experience: reinvigorated faith.
Next, school shit. Yeah. Shit. Last sem ko na sa UP. Harujusko. Ang hirap. Napakahirap. Sabi nila mahirap makapasok sa UP dahil sa UPCAT. Pero sabi rin nila mas mahirap makalabas dun. And I am a living testament to that. Imagine? Lecture here, report there; presentation here, defense there. Luckily, I survived.
Next, review shit. Yeah. CPA Review shit. Napakahirap mag-aral lalo na kapag malayo ang tinitirhan mo sa review center mo. I live in Muntinlupa but my review center is in España. Layo diba? More than that is my emotional longingness to the people I left in Iloilo. Naalala ko nun, humagulgol ako sa kakaiyak nung iniwan ko ang pamilya ko sa parokya namin. Well, that was part of my sad past. I have to move on because a greater career is way ahead of me.
Graduation. June 24, 2016. Sablay feels. Syempre nakabarong ako nun. Parang pulitiko. Haha. Anyway, oo kasi yun yung official graduation regalia ng UP. All hard work paid off. But. BUT. The greatest challenge has yet to come. Thanks to the authors of RA 9298.
Review. Review. Review. Kakapagod bumiyahe araw-araw. Kakapagod mag-aral. Pero isa lang ang kahahantungan niyan. Magiging CPA ako pagdating ng October.
October 1, 2, 8, 9. Hell days. Yan yung mga araw na naghahalo-halo na ang kaba, lungkot, at pagkasabik na makamit ang titulong CPA. Yan din yung mga araw na halos di mo na makuhang mag-isip ng maayos dahil napakarami ng inaral mo para sa titulong yun. Dumating ang October 20 at dun na namin nalamang pumasa ako. Edi syempre di hamak na saya ang naramdaman namin noon. Pinaghirapan ko ng limang taon sa unibersidad, at ngayon nakamit ko na ang pagiging CPA. Maraming ganap nun. Pero parang one/two-day celebration lang. Days after ng release ng results, back to normal. Ganyan talaga.
November 13, flight ko pabalik ng Manila para sa oath taking at tuluyang pagsisimula ng trabaho sa susunod na linggo. Dahil kinakabahan sa papasukang trabaho ay syempre pabebe mode on naman ako. Hirap mag adjust lalo na at lahat ng tao dun ay nagta-Tagalog. Eh kung pakikinggan naman ako ay parang male version ni Miriam. May tonong Ilonggo. Pero sige bahala na. Wala naman silang magagawa dun eh. Haha
First Christmas away from home. Did not expect na ito'y mas malungkot pa sa mga panahong bitter ako. HAHAHA. Anyway, oo yun nga. Mahirap kasi hindi mo kasama ang mga taong palagi mong kasama noon twing Pasko at Bagong Taon. But I think, in life you just have to let go in order for you to be empty and start filling it again. But this doesn't mean I have to let go of my family. Sila naman kasi ang puno't dulo ng lahat ng pagsasakripisyo ko ngayon. Chos maka drama wagas. Hahaha. Pero yun nga. Kahit mahirap ay tiniis. Para nang sa gayon ay kung muli ko silang makakasama ay maaalala kong minsan sa buhay ko ay nagpakahirap ako para sa kanila. Diba ang saya ng pakiramdam nun.
Well, I think that would be it. 2016 was a year of hopes, dreams, trials, heartaches (yeah a lot of it), and joy. That was one hell of a roller coaster ride. Looking forward for more years to come!
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