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toskarin · 27 days ago
always haunted by the memory of this youtube comment I saw where someone was talking about how he "cleared up" the track for personal listeing by eqing out everything below like 600Hz
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f355 · 9 months ago
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FT8 F/Hモードのとき、目的信号だけデコードしやすくするために、受信機側で200~1000Hzくらいの範囲だけを受信するようにフィルターをいじることがあります。
1. Elecraft K3(s) + P3
PBTはWIDTH/SHIFTのほかに、LO-CUT-HI に切り替えができるので、そちらの方でフィルター幅を変更できる。
2. ICOM IC-7300/IC-7851
FILTER は2つプリセットできる。ルーフィングフィルターとWIDTHで狭くした上にPBTで範囲を調整したものが記憶されるので、F/Hモード時に狭くする設定をあらかじめ記憶させておくことができる。
ただし、Twin PBTで設定できる幅とシフト範囲の関係から、制限がある。いろいろやってみたが、フィルターの肩が1.5kHzより下にできない。よって幅1.3kHz、シフト -650Hz にすると、200~1500Hzになるのが妥協点だった。上はもう少し狭くしたいが無理だった。ルーフィングフィルターを1.2kHzにしてもここは変わらない。
WIDTHとSHIFTでの組み合わせとなる。WIDTH 850Hz、SHIFT -900Hzくらいが良いようだ。FTDX5000のときには、NARを押してナローにしておく必要がある。
なお、FTDX5000にはIF OUTからSDR接続してNaP3を使えば、P3のように幅もしっかり表示される。が、たまにバグってここがうまくいかないことがあるので信用できない。
WIDTH 850Hz、SHIFT -900Hzで、FTDX10で200~1000Hz、FTDX5000で130~1100Hzくらいになった。5000の方がブロードだが、まあ良いだろう。
というわけで、スコープにフィルター幅が連動してLow/High CUT周波数を指定できるK3+P3が断然使いやすく性能も良かった。
Kenwood 機なら同じようにLow/Hight Cutができるので、使いやすいはずだが、スコープに幅が出ないので、やはりワイドグラフを見ながらということになりそうだ。
ICOM のようにデジタルフィルターがプリセットできると、今回のような用途には素晴らしいのだが、PBT範囲が狭くて目的のことはできず残念。
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amingethia · 2 years ago
okay so. here's the thing.
parrots and apes are the intelligent animals that I feel like we've got the most information on. apes because of our longer history, and both because we were able to teach them language to communicate with them.
that's a pretty significant barrier with other animals, though, right? specifically, octopuses can't use sign language with us like apes can and they can't, yknow, speak verbally like a parrot.
but we're humans, we're clever, inventive, creative fuckers. so my idea is to, first and foremost, study a species of octopus and its body language. let's say the larger pacific striped octopus (LPSO for short). the one that I just now found out is known to be social.
so we get a baseline for what they're trying to say, when. Cool, right?
Then, we get a linguist involved, and this is where shit starts to pick up and get wild. I would love to be the linguist, of course, because I actually do want to study linguistics, I just never found out a good place to start.
So let's say I'm the linguist, having done a custom major with focuses on neurobiology, psychology, animal behavior, animal cognition, and language development. A great combination for studying non-human intelligence. I take the basis of what we know already exists in LPSO body-language-based communication.
(and this is where I accidentally sent the ask too soon whoops lol)
Ming's response:
Absolutely all of this. Thought.
You know those sound board things some dog owners having (I would never get one)? That has words? Do you suppose an octopus can be taught to use something like that? Perhaps if the buttons/sensors were inside the tank and each had a unique shape and possibly colour (can they see colour?)
It’s a start?
Also have you ever heard of the time humans tried to teach dolphins to talk? Crazy.
(I'll get back to that at the end of this, I promise. Continuing on:)
I could use the basis of LPSO body language to develop an octopus sign language. That language would give them more room for nuance and specificity that body language doesn't always allow for, even for masters of it like octopuses.
Shit's wild, right? But it gets better.
See, we can't exactly use any kind of octopus sign language. We might be able to do some rudimentary signs with our fingers acting as 'tentacles', but making an octopus sign language that both octopus bodies and human hands can work in directly would severely limit the options of expression available.
The solution is that we don't use our hands. We get a roboticist/tech engineer and a puppeteer to work together to create an aquatic, robotic, octopus-shaped puppet, that can use soft limbs to move and digital thermoreceptors hooked up to color-changing materials visible as or near the 'skin' of the puppet to allow for communication via color change, that a skilled puppeteer could have a say in how the controls are customized, etc.
Then the puppeteer and LPSO could learn the octopus sign language. The puppeteer could be a line of communication to the LPSO, could be given prompts on what to say and also just allowed to converse in general, and we could directly communicate with an octopus without having to teach the octopus two languages. I mean, either way, if we want the octopus to talk to us with words, it'll need its own words, and it'll need to understand our words. Why not make those words the same?
(In an ideal world, I would take puppetry classes and do the puppetry myself. I desperately want to be the one who talks to the octopus, but I understand if I need to step back for science's sake.)
As for the buttons, I feel like we'd have more luck with the language, considering that the buttons meaning anything would require some kind of differentiation, and octopus' hearing stays pretty low compared to humans (400-1000hz, best at 600hz. For comparison, we work from 20hz-20khz). Meanwhile, their vision is not the greatest, and it still feels kind of... indirect, you know?
Not to say that it wouldn't be worth a shot, just to say that I think that this wild-ass idea could get us a whole hell of a lot further.
I feel like I've heard about the dolphin, but I don't know anything about it. Humans will try to communicate with anything. I mean. I'd gesture at this post if I had digital arms to do so with.
I got nothing to really add but ye.
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moneymovespress · 2 days ago
MSI Unveils 2025 Lineup of Monitors Ahead of CES 2025
Msi Has unveiled Several New Monitors with OLED and Mini-Led Screens and Up to 600Hz Refresh Rates, The Company Announced on Thursday. Four monitors have been introduced which will be launched at the consumer electronics show (CES) 2025 which kicks off on January 7 in las vegas. One of the standouts is the msi mpg 242r x60n gaming monitor which come with a 600Hz refresh rate. All of the offerings…
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dztechs · 11 days ago
شاشة 600 هرتز لن تجعلك محترفًا في Counter-Strike: تجربة شخصية
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تُعتبر بطولة Intel Extreme Masters في كاتوفيتشي، بولندا، نموذجًا مثاليًا لفعاليات الرياضات الإلكترونية: شاشات عملاقة تُعيد عرض اللقطات الحاسمة، وساحة ضخمة مع جمهور مُتحمس، ومؤثرات ضوئية باهظة الثمن. لكنني لم أكن هناك من أجل حب اللعبة: كنتُ هناك من أجل الأجهزة.
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على الرغم من متعة مشاهدة مُحترفي Counter-Strike 2 في IEM يتنافسون وجهاً لوجه - وحتى بالنسبة لشخص كان مُتحفظًا تجاه الرياضات الإلكترونية بشكل عام، إلا أنها تُعتبر تجربة مُثيرة حقًا عند مُشاهدتها مباشرةً - إلا أن تركيزي كان مُنصبًا على الأدوات التي يستخدمها هؤلاء المُتنافسون. لمنع أي ميزة غير عادلة، يجب على اللاعبين التنافس باستخدام شاشات مُوحدة، وفي حالة IEM Katowice، كانت الشاشة الرسمية للحدث هي Zowie XL2586X+.
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Zowie هي في الواقع علامة تجارية مملوكة
انسيابية فائقة
لا تقتصر شاشات الرياضات الإلكترونية على معدلات التحديث العالية فقط. فقد زود فريق Zowie شاشة XL2586X+ بميزات أخرى رائعة ومفيدة للاعبين المحترفين، مثل الحواجز الجانبية لتقليل التشتيت (وربما أيضًا منع التلصص على الشاشة)، وحامل قابل للدوران والتعديل الارتفاعي بالكامل، و"مفتاح S" مادي من Zowie - وهو عبارة عن لوحة تحكم صغيرة للشاشة تتيح لك التبديل بين أوضاع العرض المحددة مسبقًا بلمسة زر واحدة. لكن أكثر ما أثار اهتمامي هو الشاشة نفسها. في حين أن شاشات الألعاب التي تستهدف مجال الرياضات الإلكترونية غالبًا ما تتخلى عن الدقة العالية وأنواع الألواح المتطورة مثل OLED أو Mini-LED (تستخدم XL2586X+ على ما يبدو لوحة LCD بدقة 1080 بكسل) لصالح تعظيم معدل التحديث والحدة، تستخدم هذه الشاشة ما يسمى بلوحة "Fast TN". لم أسمع بهذا المصطلح من قبل، لذلك كان عليّ أن أبحث عنه.
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اتضح أن "Fast TN" هو نوع من التسويق الذكي من BenQ، ولكنه ليس بدون مزايا. يشير مصطلح "TN" إلى "twisted nematic" أو "البلورات النيماتية الملتوية"، ولن أخوض في التفاصيل الدقيقة لكيفية عملها هنا، سأبسطها بالقول إنها نوع مختلف من بنية الكريستال السائل الداخلية عن أنواع لوحات IPS و VA الأكثر شيوعًا. عادةً ما توفر لوحات TN تباينًا وحيوية ألوان أقل، ولكن زمن استجابة متفوق - وهي الميزة الأكثر أهمية لشاشات الرياضات الإلكترونية. حتى مع نفس معدل التحديث، يمكن أن تنتج لوحات IPS أو VA ضوضاء بصرية أكثر (تشويش، بشكل أساسي) عند محاولة عرض أجسام سريعة الحركة، بينما تحتفظ شاشات TN بحدة أكبر، وهي ميزة تأمل Zowie أن تساعد في جعل اللاعبين ذوي المستوى العالي أكثر دقة. نوع لوحة Fast TN هو لوحة TN تم تخصيصها بواسطة BenQ لإنتاج حيوية ألوان وتباين أفضل دون التضحية بمزايا زمن الاستجابة، بالإضافة إلى تقديم تقنية "DyAc 2" من Zowie، وهي اختصار لـ "Dynamic Accuracy" أو "الدقة الديناميكية". كما يوحي الاسم، تعمل هذه التقنية (التي تغير على وجه التحديد الإضاءة الخلفية للبكسلات الفردية) على تحسين دقة الصورة عن طريق تقليل اهتزاز الشاشة وضبابية الحركة بشكل أكبر. بمعنى آخر، XL2586X+ هي أكثر بكثير من مجرد شاشة LCD متواضعة.
اللعب بتردد 600 هرتز
حين أتيحت لي الفرصة لتجربة لعبة Counter-Strike 2 على شاشة Zowie XL2586X+، انتهزت الفرصة على الفور. ظننتُ أنها فرصتي الذهبية لأصبح أخيرًا بارعًا في Counter-Strike، وهي لعبة لطالما حيرتني لسنوات. فكل لاعب هو بطل رياضات إلكترونية ينتظر فرصته للبروز. ولكن، لن أشارك في بطولة IEM قريبًا. ما زلتُ ضعيفًا في CS2، وأشك في أن هذه الشاشة ستحسّن أدائي في ألعاب FPS مشابهة مثل Valorant و Rainbow Six Siege (أنا أفضل ألعاب roguelike القائمة على البطاقات). حتى في مباراة عادية ضد لاعبين آخرين، بالكاد تمكنت من تحقيق عدد قليل من عمليات القتل.
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لا يُمكنني إنكار فعالية لوحة Fast TN. حتى بدقة 1080p، كانت الصورة حادة وسلسة بشكل مذهل، والألوان نابضة بالحياة، ولم أستطع اكتشاف أي ضبابية حركة أو ظلال حتى في أشد المعارك النارية على شاشة XL2586X+. بالنسبة لمحترف Counter-Strike، فإن اللعب على هذه الشاشة مقارنةً بشاشة 60 هرتز أو حتى 120 هرتز يُعتبر نقلة نوعية. على الرغم من أنني لا أعتقد أن الشاشة الرسمية لبطولة IEM Katowice ستحولني من لاعب Counter-Strike مبتدئ إلى خبير، إلا أنني أُقدّر الآن عتاد الرياضات الإلكترونية، وأعتقد أن أي لاعب طموح جاد يجب أن يفكر في الاستثمار في شاشة مثل Zowie 600Hz. Read the full article
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speakerparts42-blog · 1 month ago
Neodymium Hf Compression Driver DE-880TN
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ATI Pro Audio is a distinguished name in the audio industry, renowned for its extensive selection of speakers and sound systems. As a premier supplier, wholesaler, and importer of Neodymium Hf Compression Driver Unit Model DE-880TN features a 220W max power capacity and a 36mm (1.4") throat diameter. With a screw-on 1-3/8" mounting type, it offers 110W nominal power, 108dB sensitivity, and a 600Hz - 20KHz frequency range. It includes a 75mm (3") voice coil and 124x80x8mm magnet.
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dailyreportonline · 2 months ago
MSI Unveils 2025 Lineup of Monitors With Up to 600Hz Refresh Rate Ahead of CES 2025 | Daily Reports Online
MSI has unveiled several new monitors with OLED and mini-LED screens and up to 600Hz refresh rates, the company announced on Thursday. Four monitors have been introduced which will be launched at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2025 which kicks off on January 7 in Las Vegas. One of the standouts is the MSI MPG 242R X60N Gaming Monitor which comes with a 600Hz refresh rate. All of the…
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teenagepeanutengineer · 8 months ago
Cảm biến từ E2E-X5C1L18 2M OMS Omron
Cảm biến từ E2E-X5C1L18 2M OMS Omron có kiểu đấu nối dây liền, tần số đáp ứng 600Hz, chiều dài cáp 2m, ngõ ra NPN. An toàn với cấp bảo vệ IP67, IP67G, IP69K, đáp ứng các tiêu chuẩn kỹ thuật.
Thông tin chi tiết xem thêm tại: https://hoplongtech.com/products/e2e-x5c1l18-2m-oms
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dokpetra · 10 months ago
Lot of my mixes have come out boxy despite my best efforts to mitigate. I have a new EQ technique called "The Butt Crack." I recently learned from You Tube that it can be helpful to begin EQing subtractively before boosting any frequencies. So at the beginning of the EQ process I place "the butt crack" onto the master EQ: A deep and narrow cut that divides the sub, low and low mid frequencies from the high mid and high frequencies. I place the Butt Crack wherever in the 200-600hz range where the least juice is lost. Then I mix down one track at a time and tweak the master EQ last thing.
The butt crack.
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elcitigre2021 · 1 year ago
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Muitos cientistas têm estudado as ondas sonoras e as influências sobre a nossa vida.
O Dr. Masaru Emoto ficou famoso quando demonstrou que os sentimentos poderiam interferir no aspecto das moléculas da água.
A Numerologia já sabia disso há milênios.
Um nome é um som e influencia a sua vida.
Mas numa escala de frequências vibratórias, o ser humano pode captar entre 20Hz e 20.000Hz e as emoções e reações humanas vibram entre 20 e 700 Hz pra mais. Nessa escala, podemos verificar que o ser humano emite vibrações que variam com o seu estado de espírito.
E elas são:
20Hz o estado da vergonha,
30Hz o da culpa,
50Hz a da apatia,
75Hz o do luto,
100Hz o do medo,
125Hz o do desejo,
150Hz a da raiva,
175Hz o do orgulho,
200Hz a da coragem,
250Hz a da neutralidade,
310Hz a da vontade,
350Hz a da aceitação,
400Hz a da razão,
500Hz o do amor,
600Hz a da paz,
700Hz pra mais, a da iluminação.
Todas essas frequências foram obtidas em laboratório com voluntários.
O que se sabe é que uma pessoa na vibração de 500Hz, pode afetar positivamente 7.500 pessoas que estejam na faixa de vibração 200Hz.
Uma de 600Hz pode afetar 10 milhões e a de 700Hz pra mais, o estado de iluminação, 70 milhões de pessoas na frequência de 200Hz.
Foi feita uma experiência chamada efeito Maharishi com 7mil monges yogues, espalhados pelo mundo meditando em grandes centros urbanos. Houve mudança de realidade local, ao fim de um mês. Algumas cidades baixaram o percentual de criminalidade, outras obtiveram condições climáticas favoráveis etc..
Com a frequência 528Hz inserida na Limpeza dos 21 dias do Arcanjo Miguel, numa versão recente, o efeito da própria oração se intensifica, pois a pessoa está aumentando a sua vibração para um estado de amor. Está afinando todo o seu campo de energia, seu corpo, seu DNA, na melhor vibração, que possibilita a sincronicidade com a FONTE. Além disso, há também a oportunidade de influenciar o meio em que se vive, seja familiar, ou seja, profissional.
Elevando a vibração para 528Hz ou além, existe uma gravação da 1122Hz que é para entrar num estado de cocriação, é possível fazer, silenciosamente, uma grande mudança coletiva de realidade.
Estamos iniciando um novo ciclo que é a Era de Ouro no planeta, então, vamos ficar, imediatamente, nessa sintonia que será acima de 500Hz.
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mobilesdekhoo · 1 year ago
OnePlus 9RT 5G Review : Best flagship like features
Meet the OnePlus 9RT 5G, a powerful and sleek addition to the renowned OnePlus smartphone lineup. In this detailed OnePlus 9RT 5G review, we’ll explore the standout specifications, performance prowess, camera innovations, and the overall exceptional features that make the OnePlus 9RT 5G a compelling choice for tech enthusiasts and mobile connoisseurs alike. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of this flagship device and discover how it sets the standard for seamless connectivity and unmatched performance in the world of mobile technology.
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Design & Build
OnePlus has not veered away from its standard design language. The OnePlus 9RT 5G builds on the foundations of the OnePlus 9R which was largely based on the one plus 8 series.
Sure, the camera module has changed, and in my humble opinion feels a little more cutting edge with the triple camera setup. It also looks extremely slick in the stealthy Hacker Black version which I received.
The matte finish makes things look really attractive but in a subtle way, but overall, this is a very standard-issue design language. It is ergonomic for a phone of its size, given the large screen, but it doesn’t bring anything new to the table.
 Screen & Speakers
One thing that you can reliably expect on a OnePlus 9RT 5G phone is a nicely calibrated and vibrant display. The 9RT is yet another example of this with it boasting an AMOLED panel with a Full HD+ resolution inside a 6.62in diagonal. 
The screen is bright and vivid, to say the least. It gets Corning Gorilla Glass 5 on the front which is nice to have indeed, though also not the latest Victus cover glass as per the Galaxy S21 FE.
This phone retains the fast and smooth mantra that OnePlus has been boasting about for almost now a decade — thanks to its 120Hz refresh rate which can be manually ramped down to 60Hz.
It also gets an extremely rapid 380Hz touch sampling rate, something we first experienced in the One plus 9 pro last year, but additionally, for gamers, there is a 600Hz touch sampling rate that gets activated in certain games.
Specs & Performance
Fundamentally, the OnePlus 9RT 5G has the same package as the OnePlus 9 Pro. It has Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 888 chipset, coupled with 12GB RAM and 256GB UFS 3.1 storage.
This alone is a lethal package in terms of performance, but OnePlus upgraded it with a new vapour chamber to better manage heat dissipation and sustained performance.
And boy, do the benchmarks point towards this. In all the synthetic benchmarks the OnePlus did better than some of the other Snapdragon 888 like even the newly launched Xiaomi 11T Pro.
It scored higher on Geekbench, PC Mark work performance and GFX bench – both after a fresh boot up and after sustained loads.
The OnePlus 9RT 5G comes with a triple camera array which includes the 50Mp Sony IMX 766 from the Pro model as its main shooter.
However, on paper this is an inferior setup — as on the Pro, the 766 was used for the ultrawide lens which gets a much more mundane 16Mp sensor this time around. It also doesn’t get the Hasselblad tuning and there is no telephoto capability as the third sensor is a 2Mp macro lens.
On paper, this may seem like a pedestrian setup, but is still a very versatile camera system that will perform well in most situations and at times can even be sublime. The camera UI has been more or less borrowed from Oppo which is natural thanks to the merger with Oppo. It lacks the Hasselblad camera app which wasn’t great shakes anyway.
Battery Life & Charging
The OnePlus 9RT 5G comes with a 4500mAh battery which can be charged with the warp charge 65T charger which can fully top up this phone in just over 30 minutes. This always has been a hallmark of OnePlus devices — but come 2022, this is just about above average.
OnePlus 9RT 5G Review : Best flagship like features - (mobilesdekhoo.com)
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thatoneluckybee · 1 year ago
when you're literally just vibing and your ear decides to shriek. what is upsetting you dear child? why do you fret at 600hz?
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healingwithmeditations · 2 years ago
Experience X Emancipation Meditation - 600Hz Heart Chakra Miracle Frequency by Faithful Emotions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C6d42PpJW4 Dive into the transformative power of X Emancipation Meditation from Faithful Emotions, and find balance, inner peace, and emotional freedom with our 600 Hz heart chakra Miracle Chakra Frequency. Our scientifically crafted meditation guide offers a path to healing and self-connection, whether you're new to meditation or an experienced practitioner. Subscribe to our channel and begin your journey to well-being today! [Your YouTube Channel Link] #XEmancipationMeditation #FaithfulEmotions #600Hz #HeartChakra #MiracleChakraFrequency #Healing #InnerPeace #StressRelief #EmotionalFreedom #Balance #WellBeing #SelfConnection #Mindfulness #Serenity #SpiritualConnection
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do-cong-nghe · 2 years ago
Biến tần VDF007EL23A Delta - [0.1 ~ 600Hz] - 0.75kW Biến tần VDF007EL23A Delta công suất hoạt động hiệu quả 0.75kW, tần số ngõ ra 0.1 ~ 600Hz, điện áp ngõ vào 3 Pha 220V và điện áp ngõ ra 3 Pha 220V, thuộc dòng Series Delta VFD-EL. Đọc thêm bài viết sau đây để biết thêm thông tin chi tiết về sản phẩm này nhé!
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minhkhang94 · 2 years ago
VFD004EL11A - Biến tần Delta có điện áp đầu vào 1 pha 100-120V, công suất 0.4kW, tần số ngõ ra 0-600Hz, 4 đầu vào số, 2 đầu vào tương tự, 1 đầu ra rơ le, bảo vệ cao áp, thấp áp, quá dòng, ngắn mạch, chạm đất. Xem ngay: https://hoplongtech.com/products/vfd004el11a
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anitosoul · 2 years ago
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Deep dive bio-cellulose diaphragm
by aiaiai Audio
Discover the award-winning sound of our bio-cellulose speaker diaphragms. We explore their unique features and how they deliver exceptional audio performance.
The Bio-Cellulose Diaphragm: Material and Properties
The bio-cellulose speaker diaphragm in S05 is made of a bacterial cellulose, an organic compound grown using certain types of bacteria. Bio-cellulose is an interesting material for many reasons; it’s renewable, biodegradable, and great acoustic properties. If you look closely at the diaphragm you'll see a structure of fine fibres. These fibres construct a very stiff but lightweight material making it ideal for a speaker diaphragm. 
How Bio-Cellulose Affects Sound Quality
The diaphragm of a theoretically perfect speaker will move like a piston. Moving back and forth without tilting or wobbling or changing shape. This can be achieved by making the diaphragm material as stiff as possible. If the diaphragm material is too flexible, it will sympathetically resonate at frequencies harmonic to the frequency of the sound we are trying to reproduce. This resonating motion must be avoided because it causes harmonic distortion. There are plenty of very stiff materials, but we also need consider the weight of the material. A heavier diaphragm requires more power to move, so to play music at the same sound pressure level we would need a more powerful amplifier that consumes more battery power. Fortunately the bio-cellulose diaphragm is able to provide the stiffness we need without weighing more than the alternatives. 
Understanding Harmonic Distortion
In short, harmonic distortion is unwanted energy at the harmonics of the sound we are trying to reproduce. The harmonics of a sound is the whole number multiples of the frequencies contained in the sound wave. So if we are trying to play a pure sine tone with a frequency of 200Hz we may also hear energy at 400Hz, 600Hz, 800Hz, and so on. When comparing speaker units, we measure the total harmonic distortion (THD), which is the root mean square of all the unwanted harmonic components in the measured sound. 
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The Importance of Low Distortion in Music Playback
If music is played through a poorly designed headphone that produce a high level of harmonic distortion, it will sound wrong and unnatural. This is because the harmonic distortion changes how we perceive the timbre and tonality of the sound, which is obviously problematic when producing music or mixing a track. The bio-cellulose diaphragm on the other hand is able to reproduce the music faithfully with great clarity, even at high volume levels. 
Introducing the S05: Premium Sound with Bio-Cellulose Diaphragms
For the S05 speaker units, we paired the bio-cellulose diaphragm with a high grade neodymium magnet, resulting in a speaker unit with a clear mid-range, better dynamics, and a more natural overall tonality. When tuning the speaker unit, we paid special attention to the clarity in the mid-range, without compromising the extension in the bass range. This results in a wide sound stage with great instrumental separation. The listener is able to extract and enjoy every detail in the music. 
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