roszabell · 2 years
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they’re babes aren’t they…dummies in love. traumatized gymbro x hick at heart
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taswel · 1 year
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a bit tmi but yea things have been Slightly Annoying lately for no reason wahtsoeverr
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shakehandstt · 1 month
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Unser Nacht-Turnier geht diesen Samstag in die erste Runde. Wir haben nur noch ein paar freie Plätze, meldet euch am besten fix unter dem Link
in der Kategorie "Challenger" oder "Champions" an. Außerdem gibt es eine Platte für das offene Freispiel. Auf 4 weiteren Platten spielen wir im Schweizer System und machen die Nacht zum Tag! Ihr könnt eure taktischen Nachtsichtgeräte gern daheim lassen, denn wir sorgen für coole Beleuchtung und ein tolles Ambiente. Mehr Infos zum Turnier, Anmeldegebühr usw. findet ihr unter dem Link. Let's go!
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 1 year
A:n- it is yandere chuuya x fem! Reader! From the poll winner.
Sorry it took time hope you enjoy?
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝗼𝐧, 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠.
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"Smile for me"
As everything seems to stop for a moment as you chuckle.
"Oh? Do you love my smile that much? Chuuya!" You said as he nod slightly embarrassed as the other members of Sheep were busy with something or another as Yuan quickly cling onto Chuuya disturbing the moment.
"Y/n-chan can you help us with this?" Said Akira as you nod and teleported the things where they wanted it to go.
Your ability was very useful as you can teleport anything and two people.
"Ma~ you are so reliable!" Said Akira as he sweatdropped and apologise for disturbing you which you denied while chuckling happily. You often wore a bright smile as talking to them.
You were 16 as Chuuya was 15.
You were more likely the member that helps around and doesn't fight most likely escaper eventually.
The drawback is.. You.. Cannot teleport yourself too far like you teleport to them.
Teleportating yourself can't be far.. More like 2meter to 5meter and if long range attack it.. Won't be good for you so.. You don't fight eventually.
Chuuya comes to you whenever he got hurt or something as you bring First aid with you and tend his wound.
You often wore a smile and thank him for the hardworks.. Unlike, the team.. The organization you don't.. Over exaggerate it like Chuuya been the reason for your all survival or sort.. True he is strong and protect you all but... One day you knew he may leave as strong people often doesn't stay long with the weaks.
And it's better that way.. of not been attached or sort.
You kept the equal distance to him like.. all the other.
Maybe, that's the reason why he prefer your company over all.
You treated him more like common person.. then the others who think so highly of him.
They depend on him yet, you don't.
You don't try to get to his good side or sort instead you are good to everyone else.
You often smile and help around.
You don't fight, nor you try to side with others when he was known to be a traitor when he forced joined the port Mafia.
Instead, you didn't even say a bad word to him and wish him good luck on his further journeys.
Even Dazai was shock when you spoke to him, with such warm.
(Like a big mother of the team or sort)
Anyways, he thought he will never see you again.. Well he try to stay far from you.
But when he got the news that you left the sheep and was a normal civilian he became curious.
He was curious as how you were..
He just want to repay your kindness nothing more.
Bit by bits he slowly started to come around often in your house alarming you.
And you sometime sense him stalking you so the best was teleporting away.
It annoy him because he can't find you that quickly when you teleport away.
He notices you with people he doesn't know and perhaps doesn't want then close to you.
After all, you were to bubbly and kind to all.
"Your... Here.." You said as you eventually took notice of the certain ginger hair male as he sat on the couch.
"Yeah, Was I not allowed to?" He knows you will deny as you rarely get angry which was true, you let him stay and didn't have the heart to shooed him away
"Are you planing on staying till... Dinner?"
"Can I?"
"O-of course! It-its been a while" you said smiling as his eyes narrowed a bit by your nervousness.
He wonders why you are that nervous for.
As time went by he left thankfully for your sake.
Day by day his stays were slightly less making you wonder why? As his company wasn't that bad for you.
Oh, perhaps he have work to as he is still in mafia.
Days turn to weeks as Chuuya still stalk you nowadays you can't sense him.. More likely, you don't care about your surrounding.
Your mood was off, a deep frown always present on your lips, as you work in a shop and often get scolded for the other working In availability.
Chuuya stare and frown as he hiddenly listen to those scolding.
Your smile started to flatter more and more.
The owner of the shop more likely the general store(which was very much big shop Ina way) started to aim you more.
Taking your kind nature for granted.
Oh, how He wanted to Squeeze the life of the owner to end your missery.
Week after week, you quit your job as now you are wandering around trying to find another with another bright smile trying your best not to look.. Disappointed or sort.
Chuuya knows something was wrong your.. Smile was more and more.. Down as if your just reassuring yourself.
"Wasn't that women, from the sheep.. Your ex-friend?" Said The brunette who was eating in the car as Chuuya peek out to see and nod.
"Yeah that's her"
"Is she planing on dying? Maybe, I should go after her."
"What do you mean?" Muttered Chuuya as Dazai nod and point your obvious personality.
"Sooner or later.. She is going to give up."
"She won't"
"Her smile and everything is change.. Chuuya-chan! "
"We can help her you know"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... She is strong willed and her teleporting is inconvenient.. But she can't teleport away if.. She doesn't know the place."
"So to kidnapped her I have to keep on using my ability to stop her from teleporting while you try to make her faint."
"....is that the last option?"
"Well.. Are you ready to watch her dead funeral in future?"
"....." Chuuya slowly nod in agreement despite telling Dazai not to touch you or sort making Dazai pout saying why can't he.
Yet, agreed to do so.
After all.. Its for your sake.
For your sake to save..
When the lights around you came to light you frown staring at the two male.
"I will be off, Try talking to her" said Dazai who left leaving you and Chuuya.
You were frowning.. As your eyes squint in question.
"...It was the only valid option"
"What do you mean?"
"You were so upset and.. All you barely smile and.. I just want to reassure you I'm here for you"
"Okay.. I know you are there for me but.. Why kidnap me?"
"Because I don't want to see you.. Die.."
".....what do you mean..?" You frown as he mention about your obviously been depressed.
As you try to reassure him.
"Then smile".
"Smile for me"
"I can't"
"Why not? Didn't you say you will if I want to see you smile.. Then smile for me... Y/n.."
A:n- good day/night to you all!
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a-strange-echo · 7 months
I’m your problem
Pairing: Fred Weasley x gn!reader
Summary: Fred and the reader never were real friends but Fred is also the only one who truly listened to them.
or: When one info dumping session turns into an actual meaningful relationship.
Word count: 4.686
Warnings: Shit friends
Author's note: This one has been sitting in my finished folder for a while now so I decided to post it here. My first Fred post on here, let me know what you think about it, feedback is always appreciated. As always: English is not my first langage, so I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistake, please tell me if I missed any.
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Fred and Y/N weren’t friends. Some even would say they were rivals seeing that everytime they were in a 5meters radius, they would end up yelling at each other. Once, they even were five seconds away to throw punches. Luckily, George succeeded to stop his brother just before it could go south.
Fred had no valid reason to hate them, it was just a defence mechanism, they never tried to really talk to him, never a smile at him, no nothing. If he was rude to them, it was simply because they were rude to him. At first he really tried to make them smile, joke with them and all, but they would always ignore him. He was getting tired, that’s why he stopped being nice to them, even if it was kinda out of character for him.
Y/N, them, had a valid reason to despise him. In their first year, in the train, the twins and Y/N shared a compartment. They were nice to each other, joking and laughing even if Y/N was way more quiet than them. They could even become friends if it stayed like that, but no. Fred had to pull a prank on them right after the sorting ceremony, in the hallway, where everyone could see them. Y/N thought that it was because they were sorted in Slytherin and the twins in Gryffindor, that Fred felt somewhat betrayed that his soon-to-be friend was sorted in Slytherin but no, Fred just wanted to humiliate them.
Their already low self-esteem got even lower after this. George noticed this and apologized to them, saying that Fred wanted to pull the first prank of the year as soon as possible and it didn’t matter who it fell upon. It just happened to be them. Y/N accepted his apologies but wasn’t ready to forgive him yet, but eventually they did and they became good acquaintances in their fourth year. Everytime Fred wanted to pull a prank on them, George would try to stop him. And when he couldn’t stop his brother, he would apologize after to Y/N.
The constant pranks on them started to deteriorate George and Y/N's relationship and George told Fred that. And so, with some other good words on Y/N from his twin, Fred stopped to pull prank on them, and tried to actually befriend them. And it started in their sixth year, when he saw them alone in a corner of a hallway, crying.
He approached them quietly. He felt a pang in his chest everytime he would see them cry, today was no exception. He sat down next to them not saying a word until they turned their head towards the boy. They didn’t expected him to sit down with them, they didn’t expected anyone for that matter. They wiped away their tears before turning their head back, starring at the wall in front of them before speaking.
“If you came to humiliate me once more, go ahead, I’m used to it by now.”
“I’m not, I won’t. Listen, I-I know we’re not..friends or anything, but… I’m here if you want to talk. Promise I won’t laugh or humiliate you.”
“And why should I? Everything you ever did to me was humiliate me and make me cry.” He felt his heart squeeze at their cracking, angry voice. “You only see me as someone you can belittle and make fun of, you don’t care about how you pranks make the person on the receiving end feel. You care about nothing, and while I admire you for it sometimes, most of the time I see that is when you pull a stupid prank on me. All I ever wanted from you in the first place was to be friends with you, but you don’t care about that! At least George saw how it affected me and came everytime to apologize for you but not once! not once have I see you apologize for something. He told me he tried to stop you for pranking. Believe it or not, we talk quite often. We even go along well and I wanted to be friends with the two of you but not like that! I didn’t want one of you only talking to me because you have to apologize for the other. I- I’m sorry I talk too much again. Don’t even know why I’m telling you this.”
“No it’s okay, I like hearing you talk. Please talk to me.” he said, his voice as sweet as ever. “Is this the reason you are crying? Am I the reason you’re crying?” he continued when he saw them shake their head. “Then what is it?”
“Just-” they let out a sigh to search their words. “My friends. They aren’t my friends anymore. Well it’s been quite some time now but- I’m tired of being alone. And with my grades going down, school being stressful and everything else… I’m so tired, Fred.” Their eyes welled up with tears again as they lean their head on the wall behind them.
He felt pride in hearing his name from their mouth, but now wasn’t the time. “I’m sorry for everything I did to you. At first it was really because I didn’t like you but then you started to ignore me and it was the only way I’ve found to grab five seconds of your attention. I know I should have just talk to you and apologize sooner but I-” he almost let it slip. “I was a coward. I thought maybe you didn’t want to see my face and hear my apologies.”
“I wouldn’t accept them ‘cause it fucking hurt everything you did, but I would be glad you came to apologize and not your brother.” they finally looked at them for the end of their sentence.
He let out a small smile at that. Finally being able to see their beautiful eyes in front of him, not glaring at him.
“You know, I wanted to gain your attention so badly because I saw you getting along so well with George, I was getting jealous. At times he wouldn’t shut up about you. I think he was trying to convince me that you weren’t a bad person or something. Everything he told me about you was good things, I don’t think I’ve ever heard one bad thing about you. At least from him. And with everything he told me about you, I started to like you, I wanted you to look at me.” he looked at them with pure adoration, like they were the only person in the world. And they were. In this moment it was only the two of them.
“You? Jealous?” they teased with a smile.
“Yeah I was.” he chuckled.
“You know, even if I find you absolutely annoying and I clearly prefer George to you.” He dramatically gasped at that making them chuckle. “You’re not as bad as I first thought years ago.”
“Years ago?” he asked.
“Well, I think it started in our fourth year, I saw how you take care of your younger siblings even if you don’t really show it, especially with Ron. I saw how you helped that kid who just had detention with Umbridge. If I’m being honest, I quite like a man who takes care of others, especially his family.”
“If you say it like that, I might think you have a crush on me.” he teased lightly but he secretly hope it was true.
“Meh.” they shrugged with a smile on their face.
He smiled at that. Maybe he does have a chance with them after all.
“Now if you excuse me, I have to join my non-existent friends.” they said while getting up.
He did the same and they stood in front of each other as Fred offered with a sweet smile “You can always join George and I if you ever feel too lonely. We’ll be happy to spend time with you. I think our other friends will be happy to meet you too.”
“I’ll” they extend the sound in hesitation “think about it.”
He smile at that. “Brilliant.”
“Thank you Fred.” they said as they started to walk away.
Fred was more than happy when they turned their back and walked away. He just had a full conversation with his crush, who, how it turned out, doesn’t full on hate him. He couldn’t be any more happy. He succeeded in making them giggle and they even teased him playfully for once! He was sure at this moment, as he is still watching where they turned the corner a few moments ago, it was the best day of his life.
When he finally pulled himself out of his daydream, he practically ran to his twin brother, impatient to tell him about what just happened. Good thing he knew where he was.
The door to their shared dorm burst open making George jump and almost drop the thing he was working on. Honestly he was more toying with it, having fixed it a few moments before. Fred came to sit in front of his dear twin brother at the foot of his bed where he was half sit on.
“Why that massive grin on your face?” George asked with a smirk growing on his face.
“I just had a full on conversation with Y/N!” he squealed like a little girl.
“A conversation? Or was it just you talking in the void?” he teased a little.
“No a conversation, a dialogue, two people talking to each other. Honestly I would have been happy too just with them letting me stay talking to them.”
“It’s great. What did you talked about?” George asked genuinely interest, putting the future product of their shop to the side.
“Well it was a serious talk for the most of it, I found them crying in a hallway so I went to ask them what was wrong and they told me that their friends left them, I don’t know why though, so I invited them to stay with us if they ever felt alone and guess what?”
George only raised an eyebrow at that, indicating his brother to elaborate.
“They told me they will think about it.” he continued proudly, amusing George.
“That’s great.” he responded, trying to contain his laughter at the sight of his brother down this bad.
And so, Fred proceed to gush about them for another half hour, making George’s ears bleed (not really but he surely felt like it). Fred wouldn’t shut up about them, at one point he even screamed in his pillow. He is down bad. George would tell himself staring at his brother like he was a madman (he kinda was). When enough was enough for him, George left the room after telling Fred he had somewhere to be. In reality he was off to find Y/N. He didn’t take the map but it wasn’t important, he knew where to find them.
“’S a bit cold here, don’t ya think?” He asked as he sat down next to them.
“Maybe but I just wanted a bit of space and calm.” Y/N responded with a shrug. “For what reason do you honour me of your presence here, George?” they asked in a light tone.
“I just wanted to tell you, you broke Fred.” He said simply, looking in front of him, the reflect of the sun on the surface of the lake.
“Did I do something wrong? Did I say something that upset him?” they started to panic.
“No no no, don’t worry. You broke him in a good way. If that’s even possible. It’s just he told me you had a full conversation for the first time and now he won’t stop talking about you.” he sighed then laughed airily.
Y/N flushed red right there and then. They didn’t know what to respond to that. George glanced at them then chuckled at their expression.
“You’re cute.” he said simply making them blush even more.
“Shut up, don’t make it worse!” They pushed his face away, hiding their face behind their sleeved hands.
“Alright alright.” George chuckled. “but seriously, do you like him? Like in more than friends?” he asked.
They took a breath to recompose themselves before answering. “I don’t know yet. I mean, I like him in a ‘he could be a friend’ way but I still think he’s annoying. Maybe that could change, I’m pretty sure it will but not yet. I need to see more of him than that annoying little shit that spent his time humiliating me and pranking me.”
“What are these things that you like about him?” George asked, genuinely curious but also to make them realise something.
“I like that he takes care of younger kids, especially his family. Don’t worry I see that you have that in you too, it’s just- he has something that you don’t have.” they stopped for a short moment. “I’m sorry that sounded mean.”
“No don’t worry. At least I don’t take it badly. And I want to know what you like about Fred, not me.” he reassured.
“I also like that he tried so hard to make me smile or laugh in our first years. I was really disappointed and sad when he stopped but I know it was my fault, I didn’t know how to act around him and most of the times, his jokes didn’t fall on the right moment. I fought a lot with my old friends and somehow he always managed to tell me a joke when I just wanted to be left alone and have some peace. I’m sorry I was mean to him, I regret it now.” George smiled at that. “I also like his smile, it’s pretty. He is pretty. He’s handsome too. His hands are hot as fuck. Yours are too, you have the same.”
George stayed here listening to Y/N for a few more moments. It was more light than with Fred and it was also nice to spend some time with them as they didn’t hang out together in a while. Once Y/N was finished with listing everything they liked about Fred, they fell into an easy conversation. Until Fred came up to them and then the three of them hang out until it was time for dinner. At dinner, Fred couldn’t keep his eyes off of Y/N, everytime his twin had to elbow him and remind him ‘They are barely your friend now, try not to scare them away’.
And with time, Y/N hung out more and more with the twins until they were always together. Since Y/N couldn’t come in the Gryffindor common room, their spot was near the Black lake, next to a tree where not many students came. And with time, Fred also got more touchy with Y/N who didn’t seem to mind, in fact they were glad he did. Indeed, during those months spend attached to the hip, Y/N was sure about their feelings for the loud, red-haired Gryffindor, they were in love with him. Fred, him, knew his feelings for the Slytherin weren’t just a phase of some sort; no, he was deeply in love with them, he knew it. What he didn’t know however was that the feeling was mutual. Maybe Y/N got a hint when during the summer holidays, Fred sent them a letter almost everyday, once a week for sure, and also when George told them that his twin wouldn’t shut up about how bad he wanted to go back to school.
Fred wasn’t really happy today though, so when Y/N finally had the chance to go talk to him, they didn’t wait a second. He was sitting on a window sill in one of the less frequented hallway of Hogwarts, looking out the window to the lake and the mountains surrounding the castle. Y/N walked slowly towards him to not scare him.
“Freddie, what’s wrong, you’ve been sulking all day.” Y/N asked, placing a reassuring hand on his hanging knee.
Fred didn’t miss the beat his heart skipped when the nickname fell from their lips. They usually call him Freddie when they want to comfort him or when they were really exited about something. He turned to them after a short sigh left his lungs.
“I don’t know how to say it so imma just say it straight okay?” As Echo nodded, he took a breath. “We are leaving with George. Hogwarts isn’t just right for us anymore.”
Y/N was shocked at hearing the confession but tried to not show it too much, they sort of guessed that already.
“Okay.” they said softly, not really trusting their voice as tears threatened to well up in their eyes.
“I’m sorry darling, I was planning on telling you, I promise.” he rubbed his thumb over the back of their hand that was still placed on his knee, albeit a little more tightly when he announced the news.
“It’s okay, at least you told me. When are you leaving?” they asked, not really ready for the answer.
“Tomorrow.” he answered shortly.
This time they didn’t fight back the tears, letting them fill their eyes until they couldn’t see anything except a blur of different colours.
“You both said you wouldn’t leave me.” their voice cracked as anger surfaced.
“We’re not leaving you, Y/N, just the school. We are going to open our shop in Diagon Alley, like we told you about, remember?”
“Of course I remember, and I’m so proud you two can finally have your dreams coming true but you promised me to not leave. I know the story by now, everytime something changes, I’m being forgotten and left behind! You’re just like the others.” Tears fell from their eyes at this moment as they pull their hand away of Fred’s grasp.
“Love, I promise you I’m not leaving you, just school.” he tried to reassure as best as he can.
“I- I just need to be alone some time.” Y/N said as they back away.
They turned their back and left in the direction of the dungeons to their dorm, leaving a broken hearted Fred behind. George who was listening behind a pillar came to comfort his brother, he knew it hurt but he also knew that everything wasn’t lost yet. He told his brother to just leave them some time alone like they asked and then ask them something they would probably say yes to. And so, after a very long hour for Fred, he sneaked into the Slytherin common room and to Y/N’s dorm. (Good part of being non-binary is having your own dorm, all to yourself.) He knocked lightly on the door, ignoring the stares and ushered comments aimed at him. When he heard a soft (and kinda confused) ‘come in’, he entered the small room. He was faced with Y/N who was sat on their bed, music coming from a record player placed on the other side of the room. He closed the door behind him and sat next to them on the bed as he started in the softest tone he could manage.
“I know you may not want to see me right now but I have to ask you something.”
“Can I talk first please? It will be short.” they asked, voice as soft as his.
“I’m sorry for my reaction, I shouldn’t have said you were like the others because it’s not true, you’re way better than them, I was just shocked at the news. I should have show you how proud I am of you, how happy I am for you.” they took his hand gently and played with his fingers, the action making him smile.
“No it’s okay, I understand your reaction. I still accept the apologies though.” Y/N smiled, seeing the soft look on his face. “Actually I came here to ask you if you wanted to come with us.”
Y/N’s head perked up like a dog at which you told the word ‘walk’. “What?”
“We want you to come with us. You would live with us above the shop and work with us. If you don’t want to do that, you can always find another job you like more. I know you would have liked a job with magical creatures, if you find a job in this field, feel free to accept it. But if I can be selfish more than I already am, I would prefer you stay to work with us, with me.”
“Let me think real quick.” they let go of his hand to count on their fingers. “I’m like, super done with Umbridge; my parents don’t give a fuck about what I do, especially if I stay in the Wizarding world; and third, I’m tired of school.” they smiled at him. “I’m coming with you.” Once they saw the beaming smile Fred shoot them, they threw themselves in his arms.
Arms wrapped around his torso as they almost straddle his lap, their head hidden in the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped themselves tightly around their waist, keeping them as close as possible.
“I’m your problem now, you’re never getting rid of me, Freddie.” they spoke softly against his skin.
“Best problem of my life.” he responded instantly, the answer making them giggle.
And like that, the next day while every student were taking their OWL’s in the great hall, the twins flew in with their brooms. Making every paper fly in the air, setting fireworks on and throwing them everywhere. The best part was Y/N hidden behind the wall outside the great hall casting a spell to tie Umbridge’s shoe laces together making her fall in her attempt to chase the twins. No one was expecting this but everyone ended up laughing, then Y/N got out of their hiding spot to throw aguamenti on the professor’s head. At this moment, Fred thought he couldn’t be more in love with them. Then the twins flew out the Great Hall, Fred taking Y/N’s hand and pulling them on his broom, behind him as they flew past them. As they flew above the courtyard, Y/N grabbed a few fireworks from Fred’s satchel and threw them behind them while looking at all the people outside. Once they were far away in the sky Y/N put their chin on Fred’s back, looking up at him.
“Hi Freddie.” they said in a sweet voice, and playful smile.
“Hi there darling.” he greeted back with the same playful smirk. “I believe our plan was you wait in the courtyard and we come pick you up when we’re done with her, wasn’t it George?” he asked his brother, already knowing the answer.
“I believe it was, Fred.” George played along.
“I just wanted a little fun too, ‘s all.” Y/N shrugged nonchalantly.
The three laughed before focusing back on their escape that was a success. As they arrived in Diagon Alley, Y/N admired the shop and followed the twins to visit the building since they never seen it.
Now, 3 months later, Y/N was behind the counter, daydreaming as the few clients present today were still strolling through the alleys and flight of stairs. Alas, they were snapped out of it as a hand came slapping on the counter in front of them. A laugh coming from besides them took them out of their stupor.
“Relax darling, was just messing with you.” Fred placed his hand on their back. “But seriously, stop daydreaming. Especially if you’re thinking about me, I mean I’m right here, no need to imagine me.” he teased causing Y/N to roll their eyes.
“Freddie, you’re 24/7 on my mind.” Y/N said on a teasing tone as they wrapped their arms around Fred’s neck but it was 100% serious. A light red colour came tinting Fred’s cheeks at that, making Y/N smile. “Aww, did I make the great Fred Weasley blush?” they cooed.
“Darling you always do.” Fred responded softly, staring straight into their eyes.
“But you’re adorable when you blush. Even when you don’t blush, you’re always adorable.” Y/N placed a soft kiss on his jaw.
“Merlin, I love you.” It slipped past Fred’s lips before he could even comprehend it.
“I know.” They answered just as softly as the whisper that just escaped Fred’s mouth.
“What do you mean ‘you know’?” Fred asked confused.
“You’re not that subtle, Freddie. And I’m not that oblivious, at least not as much as you. I’ve loved you too for a long time now.”
“What do you mean you love me too?!” he asked a little too loudly. “Ho my, this is the best day of my life! Wait I need to sit down, my knees are gonna give in.” he went to lean against the counter.
“Did you tell him yet?” George asked from the floor above.
“I think I broke him.” Y/N smiled at George sheepishly, then glanced back at Fred who was staring into space completely out of it. “Again.” they laughed a little.
“He really has a serious problem. I swear he was the same when you first talked to him. I bet he’s gonna go scream in his room in five seconds.” George said.
“No I don’t think. He’s a big boy, he can handle his emotions-” Y/N was cut off when Fred suddenly moved and ran up the stairs telling his new lover “I need to scream.”
George look back down at them with a ‘I told you so’ face, before he was going back to some lost customers. Y/N just continued to stare at where George once stood with an incredulous, yet amused expression on their face. Then they fell in a fit of giggles. They tried to calm down before going upstairs following the path Fred took only moments before.
They entered the flat and knocked on Fred’s bedroom’s door before entering. He quickly got up from the bed and took Y/N in his arms tightly. He picked them up and spun them around visibly way too exited.
“I love you so much!” he exclaimed as he put them down again.
“I love you too Freddie but please calm down a little.” they chuckled.
“I can’t. I want to take you on a date, and hold your hand all day, and hug you, and kiss you and- and-”
“Fred.” Y/N placed their hands on each side of his face, stopping him in his ramble. “Maybe tonight, we will go out to eat at a restaurant or whatever you fancy, but for now we have to go back to work okay?” they offered with a sweet smile that made Fred’s heart skip a beat.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
“Of course you can, don’t need to ask-”
Just as they finished their sentence, Fred’s lips were on theirs, moulding perfectly against each other, moving in sweet motions as if they were made for each other. As they part away to catch their breath, Fred leaned his forehead to rest against Y/N’s, both their eyes still closed.
“So does that means I can share a bed with you and not sleep in the same room as George anymore?” he asked as he pulled away just a little.
Y/N giggled. “I told you when we moved in that you didn’t have to do this.”
“But I had to! I wasn’t going to let you sleep on the couch or anywhere else while I had the comfort of my own room.”
“Yeah, yeah, we’re not going to argue on this anymore.”
“So does that mean I can get my room back?”
“Of course, but you’ll have to share with me.” Y/N smirked.
“I couldn’t be more happy.” he said as he leaned again to kiss them. “You’re mine.” he held them tightly against his chest, still not believing the whole thing.
“I told, I’m your problem ‘till the end.” they whispered against his chest.
“Still the best problem of my life.” he whispered back, hinting a small kiss on their forehead.
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Thank you for reading it, hope you liked it. Honestly, I had to re read it before posting it and I don't understand how this could have been one of my favourite fanfictions I wrote (´。_。`)
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etirabys · 2 years
Visited a part of South Georgia a few days ago where the beaches were just covered with seals and penguins. It was not possible to keep the 5meter distance guideline we were given on the last island because they were all over the paths. There was something about the layout of this one that made it feel Jurassic Park-y, so it was my favorite shore visit so far.
One reason for the Jurassic Park vibe is that there were animal cries everywhere nonstop. Another is that adolescent fur seals – who are as big as medium sized dogs – are pretty aggressive! There's a 25% chance one will charge you if you walk past them, and charge harder if you run. You have to spread out your coat to look big (this deters them a little) and clap (this deters them a lot, but clapping hurts in the cold for reasons related to why you shouldn't rub a hypothermic person's skin to warm them up).
I don't think anyone got bitten, but it's not from lack of seal interest. What was delightful to me was the sense of being in one of those videogames where random low-level NPCs throw down with you constantly, and you're obligated to dispatch them. I had the funny feeling with each seal deterred (about 10 total across 2 hours of walking around) that I was supposed to get a small number of virtual gold coins.
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zanzan3023694 · 7 months
Huggy is 5m 48cm and Catnap's legs are fucking more than 5meters wtf
Why is this cat man huge as hell
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your-littlesecret · 1 year
me being pissed off in real life: not saying a single word for hours and hours on end
me being pissed off in the internet: did you guys know that i bought 5meters tall sunflowers to grow in my apartment??
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funsize-mermaid · 1 year
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Scrolling on tiktok tapos naencounter ko tong post na to. Everytime na nag line/depth training kami, madalas ganto yung struggle sa freediving, ang Equalization.
I remembered nung last training ko, akala ko talaga need ko na magpa MRI, kasi once nag rreach ako ng 5Meters (16ft) biglang di na gumagana equalization ko, tapos sobrang sakit ng bunbunan ko. Na alarma din yung trainor ko that time that I need to stop for my training sessions and pinahinga ako for a month. Pag once kasi di gumagana ang equalization mo, it’s either sasakit yung tenga mo or worse pwede mag lead sa brain damage.
Glad thing it’s just a sinus problem. After ko ng training, I got really bad cold. Ang lala ng sipon ko talaga. Yun pala issue why sumasakit ulo ko. Kinabahan din ako that time kasi syempre ayoko nag stop sa freediving. 🥹
Sooooo sa mga nag ffreedive or gusto mag try ng freedive, lagi nyo yan tatandaan, wag pilitin lumalim pag di maka EQ 😊 yun lang bye! 🌊🧜‍♀️
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shadychopshopland · 2 months
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5/10Meter Gold Wall Sticker Strip Stainless Steel Flat Self Adhesive Living Room Decoration Mirrors for Home Wall Edge Strip Features: 1. Mirror wall sticker will cause an amplifying illusion of greater space size and the slightly distorted reflection can enable funny looks for self entertainment. 2. Stainless steel mirror surface is nicely enhanced in 1mm thickness and well protected by transparent film. 3. Strong adhesives at the back of the sticker, you can easily paste it on completely clean, flat and smooth surface with long lasting performance with less dropping off risks. 4. Flexible to make different complete combination effect according to your demands, effortlessly to decorate your home with fashion and stunning looks. 5. Extremely lightweight and shatter-proof for enhanced quality and operation safety, no hurt your delicate skin, easy to install on your own. Specification: Material: Stainless steel Color: Gold / Black / Rose gold / Sliver Surface treatment: Mirror Length: 5Meters/roll Width: 1cm/1.5cm/2cm/2.5cm/3cm/4cm/5cm/6cm Type: Metal Wall Sticker Pattern: Minimalist lines Features: Waterproof, DIY decoration, washable, easy to install Products include: 1 Roll 5M stainless steel decorative strip   https://iced-drip.top/product/5-10meter-gold-wall-sticker-strip-stainless-steel-flat-self-adhesive-living-room-decoration-mirrors-for-home-wall-edge-strip/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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ronnyskochshow · 3 months
5m Rolle ph Test Papier
1 Rolle 5Meter ph Test Papier für dein Giesswasser, Urin, Aquarium, Trinkwasser,…
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tallinsales · 6 months
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🌸🌸✅🛒🌟✨✨ Anti-Skid Traction Tape for Stairs Black and Glow Tap 2'inch x 5meter ✨✨🌟🛒✅🌸🌸
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shakehandstt · 1 year
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Diesen Samstag ab 11 Uhr gibt's wieder ein shakehands Doppelturnier in Dresden. Diesmal wird auf 3 Platten in 3 verschiedenen Niveaus gespielt:
CHILLERS: es gibt eine Spaßplatte für Rundlauf und jegliche Fun-Matches ohne Punkte; CHALLENGERS: eine Platte ist für die ambitionierten Streetfighter unter uns reserviert und Platte 3 ist für die CHAMPIONS: sehr guten Streetfighter und (ehemaligen) Vereinsspieler gedacht. Unser Spielsystem erlaubt für die Challengers und Champions jeweils 12 Menschen, meldet euch also zeitnah auf [email protected] mit eurem Name und gern auch schon dem Niveau dazu, in dem ihr euch spielen seht. Um 11 Uhr geht es mit den Champions los, ab 14 Uhr spielen die Challengers. Am Abend ist freies Spiel mit open end wegen unserem PingPongDelight möglich. Die Location ist wieder ein secret spot und erfahrt ihr entweder per Mail oder falls ihr den Signal-Messenger benutzt, in unserer Gruppe. Wir freuen uns auf eure Anmeldung und den ganzen Sonnabend mit euch zu zocken 🤝🏾🏓
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ekoprod · 9 months
Oh fuck that was a strong earthquake
7.6 Magnitude - 5meter Tsunami Warning - Fires and many aftershocks
Please pray for those in Ishikawa Japan
Stay safe everyone
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dragonmax23 · 10 months
Dragon ball super movie: The King Of Hell
~Please Note, I do NOT own this story. It's from Anime codes - D'Angelo, you can find them on Facebook. Do go and check them out.~
Episode 1: Goku and Vegeta return to Earth
(At Lord Beerus World)
(Goku and Vegeta were seen sparring)
Goku:(Turns Super Saiyan Blue)Alright let's do this Vegeta😠
Vegeta:(Turns Super Saiyan Blue as well)
Time to show you who's boss kakarot😈
(They charge their energy and they collide with their fists that makes shockwaves around the planet and they move 5meters away from each other as they throw ki blasts at each other and they collide with their fists again as they throw multiple punches at each other and dodging at the same time)
Vegeta:Enough playing around let's get serious kakarot😠(Increases his energy)
Goku:Fine by me😁😠(Increases his energy as well)
(As they charge their energy Whis stops them)
Whis:That's enough training for now😁Goku:Awww,Whis we were just getting started😞Whis:I'm sure you'll resume your battle when we arrive at Earth
Goku:Fine(Turns back to his base form)
Vegeta:(Turns back to his base form as well)Tch!!
Lord Beerus:Let's go already,I'm starving now!!
Whis:Alright my lord(Taps his staff into the ground and they blast off into space)(Meanwhile at Earth)
(Gohan,Goten and Trunks were seen training)(Gohan fires multiple ki blasts at Goten and Trunks and they dodge them easily as they fly after Gohan and they punch him together and he hits the ground hard and Trunks kicks Goten in the face and hammer punches him into the ground and Gohan goes after Trunks and punches him in the abdomen and kicks him in the face that send him flying into the mountain and Goten kicks Gohan from behind and charges a Kamehameha and Trunks also charges a Galick Gun and Gohan charges a Kamehameha of his own and they fire their respective blasts as they collided it makes a big explosion)
Gohan:Alright guys that's enough training for now😁
Goten:Ok,that was fun😁
Trunks:Yeah and I can't wait to battle with dad😁
Gohan:Let's go to Bulma's place Goten and Trunks:Yeah
Episode 1 is still continuing🐲
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isuzu-trucks · 1 year
Isuzu NHR NKR double cabin 18 5meters Aerial platform work truck
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