#4Runner's are this years wingman
brewed-pangolin · 10 months
I may or may not be just looking at 4Runners just for sh*ts and giggles. 🤭 got curious to what the inside looked like. 😏
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There's a reason they make air mattresses for 4Runners...
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brewed-pangolin · 9 months
Slowly begins to contemplate doing a Soap road head fic...
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brewed-pangolin · 7 months
It started off as a joke...
"It's like chasing cars in the sky. Watching them fly by like that," you said quietly.
Eyes gazing up into the night while a pair of satellites dart across the dark silken blackness.
The whispering ghost of the Milky Way etching across the midnight expanse as you both lose yourselves in the comfort of each other's embrace.
It quickly became a weekly endeavor in the months that would allow it. When the world would grant you those precious days of his company before being thrusted back into your prolonged solitude.
You had lost count at one point or another of the nights spent out in the wilderness. Weekends of endless pleasure molding, kneading together to form a buffer that eased your pain while he was away.
Yet tonight was different.
This night being of particular importance as it was the third year anniversary of your first date.
"Why ya always gotta kiss it, hen?" Soap asked with a smile and rumbling tone that never failed to melt your heart.
"I want to give it new memories," you replied. Voice muffled as your lips gently ran along the edge of his chin. Etching fresh souvenirs into his scarred flesh as his eyes gazed into the star lit night sly.
"Hm. I cannae say no t'that, lass."
A few hours later, as you both quickly threw your clothes back on to protect from the bitter chill of the cold, you caught a glimpse of a line of satellites as it raced across the night sky.
Its formation distinctive. You knew it's name the moment your eyes focused on the elongated row of orbiting diamonds with a smile and a gasp that called back to your blissful stargazing youth.
"Johnny. It's Starlink."
Soap's reply was measured, keeping his enthusiasm at bay as he watched your eyes glisten like an overly enigmatic child.
"Grab my phone, babe. I wanna see if I can get a picture of it before it-"
Pulling your eyes away to glance over at your beloved Scot, your words immediately became lodged in the thick of your throat.
And if the sight of Starlink made you gasp, the scene of Johnny on one knee beneath a blanekt of stars all but nearly took your breath away completely.
"What'ya say, lass? Wanna chase cars forever?"
Thank you to @ohgeesoap for inspiring this. 💛
4Runner Wingman Masterlist
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brewed-pangolin · 5 months
4Runner Soap x f!reader hunting/chasing trope
cw: mention of firearms
4Runner Soap is a hunter. He's proficient in the detection of deer, hog, bear, wolf and the greater cats.
He has a habit of doing perimeter checks when you stake down a camping site deep in the wilderness. Trekking a three hundred meter circle around the epicenter and painstakingly scrutinizing the environment for any signs of big game or nearby predators.
You, on the other hand, generally stay behind to finish with the tented habitat provisions.
Water filter? Check. Propane cooker? Done. Chairs and portable table? Set up before he had time ask. 9mm Browning? Already on your hip.
Through years of monthly excusions and weekly trips to the range, you'd become quite adept at laying out a well executed and comforting encampment that is both fitting for your security and adequate to the needs of his militarized undertones.
Your curiosity peaked one brisk afternoon once stringing up the necessities in record time. Deciding to interject Soap's wilderness reconnaissance with a most perplexing inquiry.
"Can I join you?"
He eyes you over with a glance. A smile creeping into the corner of his mouth as he holsters his custom made 1911 pistol.
And a sudden flame ignites in the blue of his eyes as he contemplates your inclusion to come along.
"Aye," he answers lowly. Maintaining his composure with a steady brow.
"Be good fer ya to get acclimated with the terrain, bonnie. Learn the ways of the bush an' all."
You answer with a smile of your own. Content and relieved with his comfort for you to tag along.
Your lips then quietly part to express your gratitude. But the words disappear on your tongue as he leans in and whispers with a tantalizing bite into your ear.
"Besides. Never know when yer gonnae need ta hol' up in a tree if a wolf be huntin' ya."
Part 1 Part 2
4Runner Wingman Masterlist
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brewed-pangolin · 7 months
so we know Soap loves to go off roading, but is his 4runner a manual or automatic 😫
Unfortunately, it's automatic. Toyota stopped making the manual transmission 4Runner's back in 2000, if I remember correctly.
I believe they'll be bringing them back this year (2024, maybe) but with the 4 cylinder engine.
Not that I'm bashing the more streamlined power capacity, but my man ain't gonna be driving that.
He needs horse power. Torque. And proficient towing capacity for a midsized SUV.
Full blown 4Runner ramble under the cut.
This is why he went the '22 TRD Off Road. 4.0 liter, V6 engine that purrs like a kitten on the road and growls like a beast while tackling the trail.
I've already made a post about his desired tire of choice here. (I love throwing the pavlovian effect on the squad. It's so much fun)
He does have lift kit. Yet only added an extra inch to remain compatible with the KDSS (Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System. 4Runners are made to go off road, not much need for after-market additions when they're already almsot perfect)
Now you're probably going to ask if he has the snorkel. And the answer is, hell yes. Water won't stop this beast of vehicular engineering. It'll plow through it with ease, like the parting of the seas.
And I see him keeping the black trim and black on red TRD rims. He also went with the Nautical blue paint job because of course he did. Pair that with the full black out tint, and this is sexiest thing you've ever seen while out backpacking through the woods (besides the man sitting in the driver seat)
I could go on for hours about this man's vehicular baby (he calls her his breagha (Scots for pretty/beautiful)). But I'll leave you all with this.
Much love, and get off the beaten path 💛 (pun very much intended)
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4Runner Wingman Masterlist
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brewed-pangolin · 8 months
Just imagine,
Soap MacTavish on leave. Departing from the world of responsibility and finding himself nestled deep within the mountains of.....
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I know, I know. It's not what you were expecting. But let me explain.
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I was talking with a mutual because I had some hesitation about putting pieces of myself within my character of Soap. I wanted to give him something I hadn't really come across yet, and as a writer, how can you not put part of yourself within them?
I went back and forth on many aspects and ultimately decided on the facet of finding yourself outside of your own home country. Because that's a cornerstone of my own life story.
I am originally from Canada. Born and raised just outside Toronto. The Great White North will always be my home, where my soul belongs. But it's not where I found myself, my true self. Where my heart resides. That, belongs to two different places.
Half of my heart belongs to the Emerald Coast, where I currently reside. And the other is nestled within the mountains of the Appalachia, where I spent nearly twenty years of my summers while I lived in Virginia.
And the latter is what I'm focusing on for 4Runner Soap. Finding himself outside the walls of his own country, which in time will eventually lead him to a chance meeting with the reader. (Which will follow a drabble inspired by the 50 Word Fic Challenge we did)
I know this will not pull to everyone's interest, and I respect that. I wanted to put Soap in Scotland, but I know nothing about the geography of that gorgeous country. And I feel I would be doing it a disservice if I even tried to convey it in my writing since I've never seen it. Never felt it.
To find yourself, you need to know what the environment feels like around you. How it influences your mental health and gives you the peace you so desperately need.
Which is all 4Runner Soap is looking for.
I'm rambling, I know. But I am so excited for this. I don't even care if this series gets no love, I'll be proud of myself no matter what for getting it out into the world.
Much love. And get ready for a weekend full of 4Runner Wingman Soap.
And as always...
Stay Thirsty Soap Sqaud™️
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brewed-pangolin · 9 months
Little bit of an update...
I will be finishing my fic for the COD Holiday Challenge this weekend (just in time for Christmas and SSS)
Then, I'll be taking a little bit of a break from writing to read a series that I have been chomping at the bit to get into since it started.
And following that up by indulging in some Captain MacTavish works that I have been drooling over for months.
I will restart my writing after the new year (got a few requests for 4Runner Wingman already, I'm so excited 😊) and a few fluffy fics and headcanons to add into the mix.
So get ready for a ton of my long ass reviews to come bursting into your feeds (I can't help myself with some of y'alls work. I have to gush my soul to show my creative appreciation)
Until then...
Stay Thirsty, Soap Squad 🧼
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