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howzitsa · 3 months ago
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StarInk Samsung 504 BK Toner Purchase this Toner Cartridge Compatible with Samsung CLT-P504C for a fraction of the price. This Toner Cartridge is compatible with the following printer models: Samsung CLP 415, Samsung CLP 415N, Samsung CLP 415NW, Samsung CLP 475, Samsung CLP 475N, Samsung CLX 4170, Samsung CLX 4195FN, Samsung CLX 4195FW. We focus on providing you with the lowest prices and the highest quality of products and service. OEM Cartridge: Samsung CLT D504S Suitable for: Samsung CLP-415//470/475/CLX 4195 Color: Black Chip: With Chip Page Yield (p): 2500
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justcallme007 · 3 years ago
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About this image.Today, the guys with West 10 passed through Macon today and invited me to lunch. We sat and talked about music industry business, country rap and Hip Hop. While meeting the fellas was definitely an honor and a pleasure, this image made MY day. At @countryrapreport we hold true to our values of giving the artist more exposure. When it's people you know getting looks, that almost makes you feel accomplished and successful, "job well done". Well today, while West 10 (who both live 6 hours away) stopping at a random city in Middle Georgia at @crackerbarrel restaraunt (J. Cage had never been to one) a fan of his noticed him, walked up to him and asked him to confirm who he was and "why are you in Macon Georgia?" I started grinning from ear to ear.I've been there.As an artist, I know how it feels when someone recognizes your art and remembers you.As a manager, you get even more proud because it's someone you help to get to that point. (not saying I miss those days so don't go there)But as someone who is a fan of these guys and absolutely LOVE their production value, even though this fan remembers him from underground Memphis, it was still a proud moment for me (and the wife) because this guy got to actually meet an artist he listens to at a spot that 1. he'd never been to, but 2. it wasn't even an option for me to meet there, it was the wife's 🤣 So had the CRR not existed, West 10 would have kept driving up 475N and this fan would not have met someone he admires in person.Little things like that gives us light. (at Macon, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWRZzdRLy1C/?utm_medium=tumblr
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globalmediacampaign · 5 years ago
ProxySQL Overhead — Explained and Measured
ProxySQL brings a lot of value to your MySQL infrastructures such as Caching or Connection Multiplexing but it does not come free — your database needs to go through additional processing traffic which adds some overhead. In this blog post, we’re going to discuss where this overhead comes from and measure such overhead.  Types of Overhead and Where it Comes From  There are two main types of overhead to consider when it comes to ProxySQL — Network Overhead and Processing Overhead.  Network Overhead largely depends on where you locate ProxySQL. For example, in case you deploy ProxySQL on the separate host (or hosts) as in this diagram:  The application will have added network latency for all requests, compared to accessing MySQL Servers directly. This latency can range from a fraction of milliseconds if ProxySQL is deployed at the same local network to much more than that if you made poor choices with ProxySQL locations.   I have seen exceptionally poor deployment cases with ProxySQL deployed in the different regions from MySQL and Application causing a delay of tens of milliseconds (and more than 100% of overhead for many queries). Processing Overhead The second kind of overhead is Processing Overhead — every request which ProxySQL receives undertakes additional processing on the ProxySQL side (compared to talking to MySQL Directly). If you have enough CPU power available (CPU is not Saturated) when the main drivers to cost of such processing will be the size of the query, its result set size, as well as your ProxySQL configuration. The more query rules you have, and the more complicated they are the more processing overhead you should expect.  In the worst-case scenario, I’ve seen thousands of regular expression based query rules which can add very high overhead.  Another reason for high Processing overhead can be improper ProxySQL configuration. ProxySQL as of Version 2.0.10 defaults to a maximum of 4 processing threads (see mysql-threads global variable) which limits use no more than 4 CPU cores. If you’re running ProxySQL on the server with a much larger number of CPU cores and see ProxySQL pegged with CPU usage you may increase the number up to a matching number of your CPU cores. Linux “top” tool is a good way to see if ProxySQL is starved for resources — if you have mysql-threads set at 4 and it is showing 400% of CPU usage — It is the problem. Also watch for overall CPU utilization, especially if something else is running on the system beyond ProxySQL – oversubscribed CPU will cause additional processing delays.  Reducing Overhead  In this blog post we look at the additional Overhead ProxySQL introduces through it also can reduce it — overhead of establishing network connection (especially with TLS) can be drastically lower if you run ProxySQL which is local to the application instance and that maintains a persistent connection to a MySQL Server.  Let’s Measure It! I decided not to measure Network overhead because it is way too environment specific but rather look at the Processing Overhead, in case we run MySQL, ProxySQL, and Benchmark Client on the same box. We will try using TCP/IP and Unix Domain Socket to connect to ProxySQL because it makes quite a difference and we also look at Prepared Statements and standard Non-Prepared Statements. Google Spreadsheet with all results and benchmark parameters is available here. We use Plain ProxySQL setup with no query rules and only one MySQL Server configured so overhead is minimal in this regard. To get stable results with single-thread tests we had to set up CPU affinity as described in this blog post. MySQLDump Let’s start with the most non-scientific test — running MySQLDump on the large table (some 2GB) and measuring how long it takes. This test exposes how expensive result processing is in ProxySQL as query routing work in this case is negligible. We can see 20% longer times with ProxySQL (through considering results processing by mysqldump actual query execution time difference is likely higher). Another interesting way to think about it is — we have 4.75sec added to process 10mil rows meaning the ProxySQL overhead is 475ns per about 200-byte row which is actually pretty good. 64 Concurrent Connections Workload  For this workload, I’m using the server with 28 Cores and 56 logical CPU threads and I have to raise mysql-threads to 32 to make sure ProxySQL is not keeping itself on a diet. There is a lot of interesting data here. First, we can see disabling Prepared Statements gives us a 15% slowdown with direct MySQL connection and about 13.5% when going through ProxySQL, which makes sense as Processing overhead on ProxySQL side should not increase as much when Prepared Statements are disabled. The performance between direct connection and going through ProxySQL is significant, though going directly is almost 80% faster when Prepared Statements are in use and over 75% when Prepared Statements are disabled.  If you think about these numbers — considering sysbench itself is taking some resources, for trivial primary key lookup queries the number of resources ProxySQL requires is comparable to those needed by MySQL Server itself to serve the query. Single Connection Workload Let’s now take a look at the performance of the same simple point lookup queries but using only a single thread. We also schedule MySQL, Sysbench, ProxySQL to the different CPU cores so there is no significant contention for CPU resources and we can look at efficiency. In this test, all connections are done using UNIX Socket so we’re looking at best-case scenarios and Prepared Statements are Enabled. The direct connection gives some 55% better throughput than ProxySQL.  The other way we can do the math is to see how long does it takes to server the query directly and with ProxySQL in the middle — it is 46 microseconds with MySQL Directly and 71 microseconds when going through ProxySQL, meaning ProxySQL adds around 25 microseconds.  While 25 microseconds is a large portion of total query execution in this single-host environment and trivial queries it may be a lot less significant for more complicated queries and network-based deployments. Unix Socket vs TCP/IP As I recently wrote — there is quite a performance difference between using TCP/IP or Unix Socket for local MySQL Connection.  It is reasonable to assume that the same would apply to ProxySQL deployment, only with ProxySQL we have two connections to take care of — the connection between ProxySQL and MySQL Server and between ProxySQL and Application. In our single host test, we can use Unix Socket in both cases. If you deploy ProxySQL as your application sidecar or on MySQL Server you will be able to use Unix socket at least for one of such connections. Letters “U” and “T” correspond to connection type — the “UU” means Unix Socket was used for both connections and “TT” means TCP/IP was used in both places. Results are quite expected — for best performance you should use Unix Socket, but even using Socket for one of the connection types improves performance. Using TCP/IP for both connection types instead of Unix Socket reduces performance by more than 20%. If we do the same math to compute how much latency going through TCP/IP adds — it is 20 microseconds, meaning ProxySQL through TCP/IP adds almost double processing latency compared to ProxySQL via Unix Socket. Summary ProxySQL is quite efficient — 25-45 microseconds of added latency per request and hundreds of nanoseconds per row of the result set is going to be acceptable for most workloads and can more than pay for itself with features ProxySQL brings to the table. Poor ProxySQL configuration though can yield much higher overhead. Want to be confident? Perform similar tests for your real ProxySQL deployment with its full rules configuration within its real deployment topology.  https://www.percona.com/blog/2020/08/28/proxysql-overhead-explained-and-measured/
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meitukong · 7 years ago
Q 所謂英雄當然得問清來历,那麼這款車的基本信息是?A
Q 風格百變的你對顏值要求一定非常苛刻,選擇一款符合自己氣質的車是很重要的,先來看看這款車的外貌,看看是不是你想要的那款如意車型? A Q 如果說買房是人生的頭等大事,那麼買車肯定是第二件大事,看車前還是要摸摸自己的錢包,不要沖動消費。而這款車的車型售價分別是? A 車型 官方指導價 市場價 2017款金牛座2.7T自動LTD限量版EcoBoost 325 V6 36.98萬 33.99萬 2017款金牛座2.7T自動旗艦型EcoBoost 325 V6 34.98萬 31.95萬 2017款金牛座2.0T自動旗艦型EcoBoost 245 29.98萬 27.09萬 2017款金牛座2.0T自動豪華型EcoBoost 245 26.98萬 24.05萬 2017款金牛座1.5T自動至尊型EcoBoost 180 25.48萬 22.6萬 2017款金牛座2.0T自動時尚型EcoBoost 245 24.98萬 22.06萬 2017款金牛座1.5T自動豪華型EcoBoost 180 23.48萬 20.53萬 Q 千萬別小看顏色,不同顏色可以滿足不同性格的你,這款車又有哪幾種車身顏色呢? A 琉璃棕 瑪瑙黑 鉑鑽白 琥珀橙 坦桑石藍 雅典白 煙晶灰 鈦晶銀 Q 有人說群眾的眼睛是雪亮的,又有人說真理���是掌握在小部分人手里,了解這款車的銷量,是準車主的基本素養,那麼這款車的銷量如何? A金牛座 銷量圖(輛) 圖表加載中.. Q 汽車一樣也有“競爭者”,考慮過這款車的用戶還會考慮其他車型嗎? A
考慮這款車的用戶還會與 皇冠 XTS 紅旗H7 等車型做對比。
Q 老祖宗早就告訴過我們“知己知彼,百戰不殆”,在真正選擇一款車的時候,你很有必要了解其競品的銷量。 A 10月銷量(單位:輛) 圖表加載中.. Q 你知道嗎?發動機是汽車的心髒,也是整個汽車中最貴的裝置,了解汽車的動力總成是準車主的當務之急。那麼這款車的動力是? A
Q 空間也許不是決定你買車的最重要因素,但是空間是對汽車乘坐舒適性影嚮最大因素之一,這款車在空間方面表現是? A
Q 鞋子合不合腳只有自己知道,車開起來舒不舒服也是一樣。為了營造舒適愜意的駕駛環境,這款車也下了不少血本。 A
其他內部配置主要還有:真皮方向盤 多功能方向盤,可讓駕駛員更方便操作,空調也是決定汽車舒適度很關鍵的配置之一,這款車配備自動空調,���排獨立空調,空氣淨化;在多媒體方面還配備中控台彩色大屏,GPS導航,藍牙等舒適配置。
Q 並不是每個人都是天生的駕駛天才,借助於科技,汽車持續實現駕駛的自動化,這款車雖然不能實現完全的自動化,但也融入了不少前衛科技,來輔助你更順心流暢的駕駛。 A
Q 不管是哪個領域,一旦提到安全/危險的話題,都能嚇人一激靈,也許求生是人類與生俱來的本能。而這款車針對安全方面沒少下功夫。 A
Q 對於勤儉持家的買車用戶來說,油耗重要性是至關重要的,那麼這款車燃油經濟性表現如何呢? A
根據官方給出的數據2.7T 329Ps車型百公里油耗為9.2L,1.5T 181Ps車型百公里油耗為7.1L。
Q 關於這款車的最新視頻: A Q “以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失”,對於這款車,大家給出了這樣的口碑描述。 A 90分 來自498個用戶
圖表加載中… 註:以上參數配置信息僅供參考,實際參數配置信息以店內銷售車輛為準,解釋權歸生產廠家所有。
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