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thecreaturecodex · 4 years ago
Dragon, Yu Lung
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“C: Bichir Design” © deviantArt user Skollyson, accessed at her gallery here
[Commissioned by @mr-w-rambles​. My first true dragon! Sort of! This is the first of two dragon commissions from the same client, both of them playing around with the way that dragons work in Pathfinder, with the age categories and tables and all. This one plays with it by being a stage found only in the youngest dragons, that then transforms into a different type. Since the imperial dragons in Pathfinder already have their own wyrmling stages, I wanted this to be an additional option, instead of a replacement. I also left it open in the text of this article to cover some of the other “Asian dragons” in older editions of D&D that don’t have mechanical overlap with Pathfinder’s.
As for the design of the creature itself, the 3e version of the yu lung, which I was most familiar with, was pretty small and pathetic throughout its life. But the 1e and 2e versions got pretty hefty in size. This one hews most closely to the 2e version that appeared in the Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium in that it has actual special abilities.]
Dragon, Yu Lung This creature resembles a freshwater fish, with overlapping scales and long barbels growing around its mouth. Its head is like that of a dragon, and its fore fins have sharp claws.
Yu Lung N dragon (aquatic) Base Statistics CR 2; Size Small; Hit Dice 3d12 Speed 20 ft., swim 70 ft. Natural Armor +4; Breath Weapon cone, 2d4 healing Str 9, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 11 Ecology Environment any aquatic Organization solitary Treasure standard Special Abilities Healing Breath (Su) A yu lung can use its breath weapon no more than 3 times per day, and must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. This is treated as a positive energy effect that can heal living creatures only, like channel positive energy. A yu lung can position its breath weapon to catch itself in the area. Lesser Dragon (Ex) A yu lung does not have a fly speed. It uses the table for Imperial Dragon Attacks and Speeds as if it were one size category less than its actual size, and does not gain a gore attack. It is treated as being a wyrmling between 0 and 33 years of age, a very young dragon from 34-67 years, and a young dragon from 68-100 years. Water Dependency (Ex) A yu lung gains the water dependency universal monster trait.
Age Category          Special Abilities Wyrmling                  bless 1/day, water dependency Very Young               bane 1/day, grab (bite) Young                        bane 3/day, bless 3/day,                                    swallow whole (1d6 bludgeoning)
Yu lungs, sometimes referred to as carp dragons, are creatures of magical potential. As dragons go, they are somewhat weak and animalistic, but they can transform into a wide variety of different dragons if they survive long enough. Upon reaching the age of 101, a yu lung transforms into any type of imperial dragon (of the juvenile age category) in a clap of thunder, based on what best fits its personality. Yu lungs can be good or evil, lawful or chaotic, or may maintain a detached attitude from manners of morals and ethics. There are rumored to be other types of dragons that form solely from descent from a yu lung, but these are obscure (if they exist at all).
In combat, a yu lung behaves much as the animal it resembles, fighting with claws and teeth. They have a few minor abilities related to good and bad fortune, but are most notable for the cones of healing energy they breathe. Many yu lungs make friends and allies, or coerce creatures into serving them, using this healing breath as an incentive. Yu lungs remember their lives as fish-like creatures, and when they transform may continue the relationship with the beings they worked with before.
The origins of yu lungs seem to lie with carp, not with dragons. Carp are mundane fish that can live a long time, and if the largest and strongest of them manages to find a waterway with mythic potential, it can transform into a yu lung. Even then, its journey is not yet over, as many yu lung succumb to monsters, adventurers or the elements before transforming yet again into a greater dragon. Thus, carp and yu lung both are often seen as symbols of perseverance and enduring hardship in areas in which these dragons are known.
Sample Yu Lung Young Yu Lung        CR 6 XP 2,400 N Large dragon (aquatic) Init +1; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., dragon senses, Perception +9 Defense AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural) hp 63 (6d12+24) Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +7 Immune sleep, paralysis effects Offense Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft. Melee bite +9 (1d8+3 plus grab), 2 claws +9 (1d6+3) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Special Attacks healing breath (3/day, 30 ft., cone, 6d4 healing, 1d4 rounds), swallow whole (AC 15, 6 hp, 1d6+4 bludgeoning) Spell-like Abilities CL 6th, concentration +7 3/day—bane (DC 12), bless Statistics Str 17, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 13 Base Atk +6; CMB +10 (+14 grapple); CMD 21 Feats Alertness, Iron Will, Toughness Skills Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (nature) +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +9, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +4, Swim +16 Languages Draconic, 4 others SQ lesser dragon, water dependency
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sarvottam123 · 3 years ago
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We believe that one of the big challenges in crafting a learning experience isfiguring out how to engage the learners. An enrichment programenables students to realize their potential in a variety of settings beyond theclassroom. An enrichment activity is an experience where kids can extendtheir learning to improve or enhance skills, knowledge, and well-being.Through educational enrichment programs, students can develop a sense of self-awareness.This is one of the core features at Sarvottam International School, to engagethe children in enrichment activities which is an inclusion of academics,sports, arts, and more, and are offered with the goal of providingentertainment and enjoyment, while sharpening and fleshing-out studentskillsets and thus proving the fact of being the Best School In Greater Noida The school offers a wide range of activities, catering to the need of everyindividual for their holistic development and the goal isn’t purelyentertainment, it holds kids’ attention and deeper levels of thinking. We aimto empower students to reach their highest potential with full-time andflexible learning solutions.An insight to 3E: Learning modules1. Learning through hands-on experienceSitting quietly while reading and listening to lectures, rote learning, etc.works well in some kids but it has been observed that kids thrive whenexposed to experiential and hands-on or group learning to introduceconcepts. This combination leads to a deeper understanding.2. Personality development programWhen students explore new interests, they learn about themselves. Theydiscover hidden talents and abilities. We have a curriculum for PDP thatfocuses on the grooming of the child in all aspects. Students also meet newkinds of kids, different from their usual friends. These experiencesencourage growth in areas of sensitivity, acceptance, and empathy.3. STEAM education An area that gives the students the much-needed excitement to buildand learn all along. STEM programs require kids to solve problemstogether.4. Skill development based clubsWe believe in the potential of all children to achieve. All students aregiven access to enrichment activities as part of the curriculum. Learnersare being engaged in specific sessions targeted at their strengths andinterests. It is an innovative program that supports our aim ofempowering the students through learning sessions.5. Critical thinkingThrough maths games and problem solving, critical thinking activities aidin making sense of maths problems and develop perseverance in solvingthem.6. Cooking through literacyCulinary skills are a great way to engage students. This is one of our mostpopular enrichments. Hands-on cooking activities help children developconfidence and skill. Following recipes encourages children to be self-directed and independent, it also teaches them to follow directions anddevelop problem-solving skills.For More Info Visit-https://www.sarvottamnoida.com 
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gleivy · 8 years ago
Regarding Nakamura Rio
Warning for ending spoilers below the cut!
I’m not sure if it happens here or if the comments on manga hosting sites are in a world of their own, but Nakamura has been victim to quite a lot of misinterpretation and even demonization for wanting to kill Korosensei even when Nagisa suggested there was a chance of saving him.  There was a lot of “She’s heartless!!” and so forth, but I want to say it’s quite the opposite.
At this point in the story, 3E had just learned about Korosensei’s past as the true Shinigami.  Why is this relevant?  Within he backstory sequence, Korosensei was clear that his capture was the result of betrayal by a student he failed.  The reason he became a teacher was not from Aguri’s dying wish, but for redemption; he wanted redemption not only for his life as Shinigami and killing hundreds of people, but also for having failed his past student for not truly “looking at him.”  
Knowing who he used to be, Nakamura very likely came to the conclusion with him being a teacher, academic success would be an honor, but considering he was the Shinigami, becoming a great assassin would be the highest possible honor— not only for validating his teaching prowess, but almost absolving him of screwing up Nidaime.  (Of course, there’s a lot of other underlying factors, as Irina said, such as the possibility they won’t be able to save him or someone else kills him.  Wouldn’t it be painful if he died from some stranger or ended up inadvertently killing the people he loved?)  There would be no greater love for the legendary assassin than to be killed by someone he taught.
Other arguments exist, such as “Maybe she just wanted to kill him just to kill him, she’s a devil!”  (Despite proving it wrong.)  Such an argument really invalidates not only how much Korosensei meant to her, but undervalues what a good heart she has, too.
First and naturally, her backstory (explained to Korosensei during the career consultations) sheds a lot of light on her behavior but also helps solidify her relationship with him.
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As a prodigy, it’s natural she would have been ostracized and unable to live a happy life, but throwing it away also hurt her mother and herself as a result.  It wasn’t until Korosensei’s Assassination Classroom that she got to be both sharp and have fun, like she always wanted.
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In addition to that, her feelings for Nagisa also play a big part in her character.
On the surface, it’s possible to assume this was a last minute throw by Matsui-sensei in order to create extra drama.  The possibility also exists that it couldn’t have been that much considering the expression on her face, but that also is a grave misinterpretation of her, too.  No, her feelings for Nagisa (although done subtly) were hinted at throughout the course of the manga.  (The following argument will try to be neutral as possible, without any ship bias and remain solely analytical.)
The first obvious instance is her constant teasing; while in a real world environment, something like that’d be pretty questionable, it’s been historically used in fiction as mischievous flirting.  Of course, there’s evidence beyond that too.
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Demonstrated above, during the island arc, she asks to lean on Nagisa’s shoulder when she’s not feeling well.  The argument could be made that it’s since he was the closest thing to her, but the below graphic shows otherwise.
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She was close to the wall!  While she could have simply leaned against the wall, in her moment of vulnerability, she asked to rely on him.  Certainly not something a bully would feel towards someone she’d consider solely her victim.
Additionally, the below graphics are vital to her as a character.
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While she spent the course of the manga playfully jabbing and teasing at Nagisa to the point where she appointed herself as the president of the “Pick on Nagisa Club” (I’m not making this up), she directly apologized for her actions and dropped everything (ignore the following sequence as Yuji’s appearance was a massive curveball) out of not wanting to hurt him.
Nagisa clearly meant a lot to her as a lot of different things!  Despite that, upon finding out Kayano’s feelings for him, she let him go.  While her being her, it’s possible Nakamura could have continued her pursuit as a rival or even intervened, but she decided Kayano was too honorable and she backed out.  Despite losing someone she loved, she concedes with a smile on her face, out of respect for Kayano and Nagisa both.
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Now, for the grand finale.  Considering how she and Karma are typically paired together as the class demons, the difference between their expressions is jarring.
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Note Karma’s expression.  For many, many reasons, Korosensei was a very important person to him, helping him open up his heart and put trust in others again.  Now Karma, we always see with a devilish grin or his typical devil antics, but here, he can’t fake it anymore.  His true feelings are exposed.  The mask breaks, and we see him haunted, reluctant to put his money where his mouth is and take Korosensei’s life.
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Compare Nakamura, on the other hand.  She’s sitting upright, as she would in class or chatting with her friends, with a smile on her face.  Once again, she’s about to lose someone she loves, but despite that, she still smiles.  Why?  Out of love.  With these as Korosensei’s last moments, the expression she wants to send him off with aren’t pain or remorse, but love and gratitude.  It’s possible she’s wrestled with it on her own, but she’s made her peace with reality and perseveres for the person who saved her.  Despite, that…
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With the deed done, she breaks down.  Note that this is one of if not the only times we see her lose control of her emotions.  Throughout the course of the manga, she has been easily the most mentally sturdy member of the class.  Now that he’s gone, however, the tears come through.  After all, she’s still human.
Contrary to her personality and behavior, Nakamura Rio really is one of the most loving characters throughout Assassination Classroom.
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years ago
Charts reveal which public activities are riskier during COVID pandemic
People stroll in New york city City on August 06,2020
Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images.
Evaluating the riskiness of various activities throughout the coronavirus pandemic can be challenging.
There is no public activity that is safe throughout the pandemic.
However some activities, like going for a walk with a good friend, are less risky than others, like attending an indoor celebration.
Four factors raise your danger of capturing COVID-19: confined areas, crowds, close contact with others, and problem social distancing.
Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories
Even as the coronavirus runs widespread in the United States, Americans’ collective perseverance with the pandemic is growing thin.
Individuals wish to go out to dining establishments, bars, and hairdresser, and seek to beaches, parks, and hikes to fill their summer season days.
While such public activities might stimulate dismay from those concerned with illness transmission, specialists say it’s great to bear in mind that not all activities are produced equal: some are far riskier than others when it concerns contracting COVID-19, the disease triggered by the coronavirus.
” We were finding simply that people really struggled to comprehend threat dynamics,” epidemiologist Saskia Popescu previously informed Company Insider “There was this type of false dichotomy of either you stay in, or you go out and it’s actually, truly unsafe.”
These 3 color-coded charts reveal what some of the most safe activities are right now, and a few of the worst.
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A couple of aspects distinguish low-risk from scenarios from high-risk ones
A current research study discovered that your danger of coronavirus infection mainly relates to how close you get to individuals and for how long.
It’s not surprising, then, that the threat of infection is higher in confined, crowded areas where it’s challenging to maintain 6 feet of distance from other individuals, and individuals remain in close contact.
Here’s how activities stack up in terms of coronavirus risk, based upon those four aspects:
Ruobing Su/Business Expert.
Something that must stand out: your risk of infection is lower outside than inside
Indoor activities included their own spectrum of risk– based on the factors listed above, working out at a fitness center may come with less threat than hanging out at a bar, while shopping might be less risky than going to a party.
But even equipped with this info, there’s no such thing as a safe method to take part in public activities throughout the pandemic.
“‘ Safe’ suggests something outright.
According to the trio, shopping, outdoor dining, and going to the physician are all medium-to-low threat.
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel – University of Pennsylvania, Dr. James Phillips – George Washington University, Saskia Popescu – University of Arizona/George Mason University.
” You can still live your life and not feel so caught by what’s going on today,” Popescu stated.
There are actions you can require to even more lessen risks during your everyday activities
If you choose to engage in an activity that falls on the higher end of the coronavirus danger spectrum, like exercising in a fitness center, there are standards you can follow to decrease your danger.
Great handwashing practices, especially before consuming or touching your face, keeping a safe distance from others when possible, and using face masks or shields when out in public are all excellent practices.
Olivia Reaney/Business Insider.
All told, it is very important to keep in mind when you venture out in public that not everyone may be as careful as you are, Popescu said.
” I can’t assume everybody is doing the best thing and taking the needed actions in their company, or because environment,” she stated, including, “I ‘d rather you be cognizant of that.”
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/charts-reveal-which-public-activities-are-riskier-during-covid-pandemic/
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kerryenu698966-blog · 7 years ago
All Crossword Responses, Ideas And Also Solutions
Hello There Believe Country, today I'm going to discuss the seven finest practices that you can have in life. If you possess any type of overall reviews or statements regarding the characteristics from a good trainee, or even have every other parts that great students frequently have, after that satisfy do discuss them in the reviews container listed below. On the other hand - a child that impersonates behaviorally, brings upon damage on himself or even others, and is mentally turned off is actually commonly absent really good parenting. I am a moms and dad with AS. I wish there was actually a manual on how to be actually a great moms and dad when you possess AS. My title is actually Pamela Wilson as well as my job is that can help families alleviate the psychological stress and anxiety from coping with an aging moms and dad. On the contrary, 'you' could believe as if you are not being actually an acceptable" parent as well as you could start to accommodate a feeling from failing deep down within. If the little ones are actually younger, the solitary parent could engage a baby sitter to enjoy an evening out with good friends alone. If a moms and dad prefers to change any kind of part of the gain access to rights, they need to petition the court. If the moms and dads would like to inevitably have shared protection, they are going to should develop to that (there needs to be some time for the various other parent to create a house). Disappointing up considering that you don't believe that the protective moms and dad will release the kids to you is actually not a worthwhile reason for disappointing up. You must confirm you are involved as well as the custodial moms and dad is actually obstructing your visiting. The technique moms and dads treat their kids for either excellent or ill will be actually reasonably recompensed in kind. I coincide you that this requires bunch of perseverance and perseverance to become a good and caring moms and dad. If they can certainly not acknowledge after a reciprocal agreement as well as the court will decide which contract to embrace, each moms and dad may submit a specific contract to the court of law. To become a really good parent, one performs require support from household, buddies, complete strangers and also the community, our team are all in this together. Coming from packing the nappy bag to creating the appropriate background, here are your initial digital photography courses as a new moms and dad.
If such pre paid plans have been gotten before the Acceptance Time, the Enduring Enterprise should (and also Moms and dad will induce the Enduring Corporation to), for a period from six (6 ) years off the Recognition Time, maintain such policies in full power as well as effect for their complete term, as well as continue to honor the responsibilities thereunder.Click Webpage https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/63/54/3e/63543e4eb2baf3d1ec594e46942159c6.jpg" width="330" /> Adult interaction - You should possess a segment inside your parenting plan that describes how you interact along with the various other moms and dad. You have actually come up with a incredibly helpful and also significant hub that need to read through every parent which is genuine as well as interested with full blast growth from their little ones. The child is going to remain in the protection of one moms and dad during the academic year and also the various other moms and dad are going to have wardship from the child in the course of the summer months and also university trips. Rub on your own on the back for boosting to the difficulty and also trying to be a fantastic parent. The present portion cost of SO is actually a great anticipate returns development financiers. At that point an excellent diet as well as active way of living will maintain you safe, if you're privileged sufficient to certainly not have any clotting problems. A really good young people course can substantially decrease those expenses for moms and dads from a skilled golf player.
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waywardfinchbrigade · 7 years ago
Albedo of Sounds Chapter One
           The ride had been a particularly long one. The day was spent staring out the window of the train, intertwining images of an unpleasantly gray, rainy sky and wet, dark green fields littered with trees and the occasional farm. Terry'd complain about the headache he was feeling from the grueling journey from his hometown to this place but right now he couldn't really muster up feeling angry about it. Or anything, really. He was just too tired for that.
             The morning had started out with the promise of a decent day. He'd wake up his younger brother so he'd get to eat one last breakfast with him before heading out for university. Dad wasn't home and at first he had the hope that he'd make it home before he'd have to take the train so he could say goodbye and what not, like normal families do. As it was, Terry was the last person to board his train because he waited even at the station for his dad to show up.
             Of course he didn't. Just like he missed out graduation, just like he missed out on Billy's birthday. And just like he missed out on mom getting fed up with him and everything. It was always work this, work that. And Terry was just tired. So, so tired of all of this.
             He left Billy with the neighbours in case his dad didn't get home at all till tonight. He kinda does that whole thing with forgetting there was more to life than work. And when he'd come home he'd usually grunt something about dinner and then that'd be the majority of their interractions. At this point Terry has given up on trying to make his dad pay attention to him. Right now the battle was to keep Billy happy, because Billy was still a small child and he still didn't understand that mom wasn't going to come back and that she wasn't on vacation with some friends.
             Mom was gone. She simply left them. And it was all dad's fault. And it wasn't like dad was cheating on her. He was just too overworked and there was nothing else but the deadline for him and it's been almost a year since then and...
             And everything was just fucked up, okay?
             When mom left Terry had to take care of everything because dad kinda forgot that someone had to take care of the house, help Billy with homework, set up dinner then clean up the dishes. There were so many things to do that Terry had felt overwhelmed at the beginning. But Billy was a good kid. He made a game out of helping out his big brother and somehow that made things easier.
             Terry was still wondering if he had made the right choice by leaving for university. Billy'd be alone now and the last time he tried talking to his dad about it they had gotten into this huge argument and...and they haven't really talked since. It's been a month of avoiding everything and it was one more thing to set aside because he just couldn't handle it with everything else on top. He worried about his little brother. Maybe he could take him with him here? No, it wasn't a good idea. His dad would yell at him again and accuse him of stuff that had nothing to do with the situation and he'd just make Billy cry and ... and everything has gone to shit and Terry had no idea how to deal with it.
             His advanced classes didn't teach him how to deal with parenthood that was supposed to be his own parents' responsibility. It was like they simply assumed because he was generally quiet, unassuming and smart he can take care of himself. And William, his sweet little Billy – he was a shy with strangers and had trouble communicating with children his age, but his face always lit up like the sun whenever mom, dad or himself paid attention to him. He was a sweet kid. They were both good kids. Terry wasn't a kid anymore. He was going to university now. But still. Having good, responsible children did not excuse the parents. Mom was gone to who knows where and dad was only paying the bills and that's it. Just because they were nice, just because they were good was not a reason to call the job well done when it was half-done. Idly Terry wondered if this was what being an adult was like. Doing the best of everything despite everything else. He had no idea. He was confused. Maybe he should've stayed at home to take care of Billy? That seemed like the most sensible course of action. Sure, his dad would yell he was a lazy, useless, free-boarding lout again, but at least Billy'd have a chance to grow up a happy kid.
             But then what of his own life? What would happen to him once Billy was out of school as well? He simply had to persevere. He'd be home every weekend, the distance wasn't that big and dad probably wouldn't even notice him. He'd help Billy with his lessons in advance so he'd be prepared for school for the weekdays and...
             Just listen to him – already making plans for when Billy starts school. Which would be as soon as he started university, really. And he had to be there for Billy. Dad wouldn't be, but that didn't mean he had to feel bad like Terry himself about it. At least Billy would miss out on their parents arguing. If mom wasn't there to yell at dad and if all dad ever did was to crash on the couch and grunt for food, then at least things would resemble the normalness Terry craved for so much.
             Even here at this strange new train station in another city that was just as strange and new to him, Terry felt ill at ease and extremely out of place. He saw other soon to be university students like himself, young men and women straight out of school with their happy, teary moms and dads saying their tearful goodbyes and giving promises to visit each other soon, to behave and to make sure they study and...
             All Terry could feel was shame, bitterness and envy that he had to be all on his own with his big awkward luggage that he had to haul all by his lanky, tall self to the nearest cab (he hoped it wasn't one of those fake cabs that would scam him for loads of money) and he read the address to the cabby. And what the hell was a Brodi Street? Who named their streets Brodi of all things? Was this Brodi guy (or girl, he had no idea really) some local hero or something? Never you mind that, he was here now. Brody Street Number 23. It was a quiet neighbourhood with four and five story multi-apartment complexes crammed up all together, but well kept and of neat red brick work, that Terry kinda liked, he guessed.
             Terry paid the cabby and he got his smartphone out and dialed the number of the person who was, hopefully, going to be his landlady for the forseeable future. A Miss Deborah Wayne.
             "Miss Deborah Wayne? Yes, hello. I am here, in front of the apartment complex now, ma'am. Hello?"
             She had closed the call and Terry stared at his smartphone in confusion. Why'd she close the call?
             "Hey you!"
             Terry looked up and saw a woman, middle aged, with mouse brown hair and big hazel eyes stare down at him from a balcony on the third floor.
             "I'll open the door and you can get your things up here. We've got an elevator so at least you won't snap your back on the stairs. Come on."
             Terry didn't say anything (he had no idea what to say even) as he quietly got to picking up his luggage and went inside the building. The corridor with the stairs was a bit narrow but well lit and cozy looking. Well kept just like the outside. There was a rectangular pot with some kind of shrubbery in it. It looked nice, healthy and watered too even if he had no idea what kind of plant it was. In front of him, on the ground floor, to the right there was a door that lead to the basement. Next to it, on the wall, were the post boxes. One two or three had absolutely nothing in them and Terry guessed either they had their mail already picked up or those were the post boxes for the apartments that were still free.
             Straight in front of him, left of the door leading to the basement were a small set of stairs that lead to the apartments on the floor. They were a total of five and Terry did the math. Four floors, not counting the attic floor and the roof top, five apartments on each floor. A total of twenty. The ad said they were small, cozy, for one or two people. Pets were allowed, the agent had said, but only if you cleaned up after them and made sure things stayed clean. Honestly, the last thing on Terry's mind was getting a pet. He already had his hands full taking care of Billy and-
             Well. Not the case anymore, right? He could get a pet now, he guessed. Not a dog though. He doubted he'd have the time to take it out on regular basis. Maybe a cat. Not right now. Eventually. When he felt properly settled into this new environments and maybe perhaps after he got over the guilt that he left Billy to literally fend for himself to pursue his own life. ( Oh God, what was he thinking!?)
             "Hey, new kid. Thought I'd check on you and see if that luggage of yours hasn't killed you yet. On the first set of what? Three steps of stairs? I imagined you with a bit more meat on you. You're kinda thin and pale. You aren't one of those computer nerd types, are you? Not that I'd have a problem with that but you do look kind of pale. You sure you are alright kid? The train trip wasn't too bad was it? I myself get motion sick, so I know what's it like. Come on, let's get you settled. It's kinda obvious you need rest."
             Terry merely shrugged, not feeling up to the task of talking right now. He followed the land lady into the elevator and on their way to the third floor.
             "You're gonna love the apartment. We had the whole building renovated last year. I think you can still smell how new everything is. Even the elevator is brand new. I own the entire building, you know. It was the least I could do for the few old fellows that still lived in here. That's Old Millie from apartment 2A. You'll see her soon enough. She's the local gossip. But don't listen to anything she says. It's like she forgets half the stuff she's heard and she makes it up or says it wrong or whatever when trying to relate said gossip. Then there's Mr. Barnaby who is here on the third floor with you. Apartment 3E. If anything gets broken poke him. He likes to feel useful and that guy knows his way around electronics. He's the, ah, young one of the old bunch. There's also Mr. Schulz in apartment 3C, who is also on your floor but I doubt you'll be seeing much of him. He hasn't got much time left in this world, I guess. One of his grandchildren now lives here, taking care of him. You'll be meeting her sooner or later, I guess. Oh, also try to avoid Mrs. Bane on the fourth floor. Not that you'd have anything to do with her, hopefully. She complains about everyone and everything. And probably hates everyone and everything to boot. Her puppy is a sweetheart though. Aaaand we are here!”
             The huge key ring that she had on her middle finger on one hand was taken out and she searched through all the keys until she found the one that was to his apartment door. It was on the third floor, as mentioned by Miss Wayne. Apartment 3A, which also had a balcony looking out the front of the building. The same one Miss Wayne had poked her head through to welcome him (more like yell) to the neighborhood. Miss Wayne seemed like one of those people who didn't want to grow up or just didn't let life crush them yet. She was a good looking woman, not quite perfectly slim, but with a curvy figure and a huge smile on her face. She seemed to be perpetually in motion, always shifting from one heeled foot to the other. It was strange how her behavior had nothing to do with the way she dressed – mouse brown hair pulled in a low bun with a few bangs of hair framing her face, white button up shirt with soft, faded light blue vertical stripes and a classic knee length dark black-blue straight skit, which was also vertically striped. She had the look about her of a businesswoman, wearing things like that, with perfect light make up, well done French nails, short-trimmed and classic black high-heels. Normally Terry did not take such things as female fashion and clothes into account but the way she dressed reminded him of mom. A mom, who, just like that, dealt with a business until she had gotten pregnant with Billy and then one of them had to call it quits because at the time Terry himself had been too small to be entrusted with Billy's care. Billy, who at the time was a newborn.
             If Terry had to place a point in time which he could blame as the beginning of the end... Well, that would be it. Billy's birth. And it wasn't so much Billy's birth  (he had been completely unplanned, as far as Terry had understood) as it was the fact that mom had to quit work. She and dad had been too alike in that respect. They were both workaholics and they had had a plan, you see. A plan the makings of which had been all the way back when mom and dad first clicked together and became a couple. But, apparently, as history has proven many times over, plans never last when they make contact with the enemy. Or something like that. So Terry had learned early on after the divorce that he shouldn't make plans. Instead, Terry made contingencies.
             “This is the living room. The couch can unfold to a double bed in case you've got guests. The bathroom is over there, the toilet is separate. You've got your own boiler as well, so, I don't know where you came from, but always be mindful of how much hot water you use unless you want to get an icy surprise. The kitchen is small but cozy. Has everything you need. If you don't know how to handle the gas stove, just tell me so I can explain the safety stuff and everything, like I told you over the phone.”
             “I know how to cook on a gas stove. We've got one at home.” Terry finally said, feeling the need to reassure the landlady.”
             “Really? With you that thin I seriously can't picture you doing the bacon and eggs staple.”
             Terry sighed at the way too perky landlady's constant chatter. It wasn't her place to know that he cooked breakfast and dinner for himself and his little brother, and also his dad on occasion. At least he wasn't going to live with her. She didn't even live in this apartment complex. And he can't help his metabolism. Eighteen or not, he'd be growing up until twenty-five years of age. He just hoped his biology will take the hint and don't go over the six feet height he was sporting right now
             “Well, anyways. This is the study. It's small but it's comfy and perfect for quiet, focused sessions of power studying. The window's got a great view of the park and I put a comforter and a few pillows on the window sill if you're into that kind of thing. The couch is comfy as well. And this will be your bedroom. It's a double bed as you can see. Kept the space a bit spartan I think, since this is supposed to be the most personal room and you can have the freedom to make it look, you know, more you. You can put up posters if you want. It's small and cozy but perfect for two people, as you can see. Well, that's the tour of the place. He are your keys. Try not to lose 'em. If there is anything you have my number. Internet and cable are your own responsibility, like the agent should've told you. Pay the rent and your bills on time and we will be topsy-turvy, boyo!”
             With that, the landlady rustled Terry's hair and before he had a chance to react, he was all alone in his newly rented apartment, still hauling his luggage around.
             “Well,” Terry said to no one in particular.”That was a thing.”
             He sighed again and looked around himself. It was all new, just like the landlady had said. Everything still smelled new too and he noted that, aside from the curtains, the comforter and the bed covers, there were barely any cloths around the house. It was something he found amiss, since he had been so used to having nearly every surface covered in something back home. His mom had been the one that obsessed over intricately made tablecloths. They still had them around even after she left. It was just part of the status quo of the house and the less he disturbed what he perceived as normal, the better.
             Terry set his luggage on the lacquered, hardwood floor and sat down on the bed. His hands felt for the material of the cloth beneath him and finally he settled them in his lap. He didn't know what to do with himself. He still didn't feel right about the whole university thing, moving away and leaving Billy to dad's perpetually grumpy mood and disinterest in his own children. Everything still felt so weird. He had signed up late, true, but at least it was still before the start of the first semester. And that conversation with his mom had been so awkward. He hadn't heard from her since she just up and left that one day. She still makes sure to phone Billy, which made him cut her some slack for that at least. But still. He needed money for rent and after the argument he had with his dad about this whole university thing, he couldn't just go to his old man and tell him that there were no more free rooms at the campus itself. He'd just be yelled at again for being lazy, indecisive and incompetent. And he wasn't! Terry was just tired of all of this! So, despite hearing his mom's voice felt like he was cutting deep to the bone, he still called her and she was even reasonable about his request. She even thought dad set him up for this, since he had always been such an obedient child and all. Except that when she left he had to take care of Billy, since dad forgot that a household needs more than just money to take care of itself. And for Terry, Billy had been the number one concern up until some of that crushed pride reared its ugly head and now...
             Now he had a chance to make something of himself so he could... not end up like mom and dad.
             He hated them sometimes.
             But mostly he hated himself for not being able to do anything about any of this.
             He missed Billy.
             Coming here was a mistake.
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poetryofchrist · 8 years ago
Proverbs 17
The music is marked attacca, from the prior chapter. (The opening C connects it to the prior chapter, and why not? Now that we have come this far, we are encouraged to persevere.)
Proverbs 17 Fn Min Max Syll ט֤וֹב פַּ֣ת חֲ֭רֵבָה וְשַׁלְוָה־בָ֑הּ מִ֝בַּ֗יִת מָלֵ֥א זִבְחֵי־רִֽיב 1 C Better, a desert fragment and ease with it, than a house full of disputed offerings. 3e 4C 9 8 עֶֽבֶד־מַשְׂכִּ֗יל יִ֭מְשֹׁל בְּבֵ֣ן מֵבִ֑ישׁ וּבְת֥וֹךְ אַ֝חִ֗ים יַחֲלֹ֥ק נַחֲלָֽה 2 An insightful servant will govern a child that causes shame, and among kin will divide an inheritance. 3e 4B 10 10 מַצְרֵ֣ף לַ֭כֶּסֶף וְכ֣וּר לַזָּהָ֑ב וּבֹחֵ֖ן לִבּ֣וֹת יְהוָֽה 3 Crucible for silver and forge for gold, so testing for hearts is Yahweh. 3e 4B 10 7 מֵ֭רַע מַקְשִׁ֣יב עַל־שְׂפַת־אָ֑וֶן שֶׁ֥קֶר מֵ֝זִין עַל־לְשׁ֥וֹן הַוֺּֽת 4 g Evil pays attention to a mischievous lip. Falsehood gives an ear to a tongue of calamity. 3e 4B 9 9 לֹעֵ֣ג לָ֭רָשׁ חֵרֵ֣ף עֹשֵׂ֑הוּ שָׂמֵ֥חַ לְ֝אֵ֗י�� לֹ֣א יִנָּקֶֽה 5 One deriding those in want reproaches its Maker. One who is glad of misfortune will not be held innocent. 3e 4B 9 9 עֲטֶ֣רֶת זְ֭קֵנִים בְּנֵ֣י בָנִ֑ים וְתִפְאֶ֖רֶת בָּנִ֣ים אֲבוֹתָֽם 6 The crown of the aged, children's children, and the adornment of children, their ancestors. 3e 4B 10 9 לֹא־נָאוָ֣ה לְנָבָ֣ל שְׂפַת־יֶ֑תֶר אַ֝֗ף כִּֽי־לְנָדִ֥יב שְׂפַת־שָֽׁקֶר 7 Unlovely to the senseless, surplus language, indeed so to a prince, is a false lip. 3e 4B 10 9 אֶֽבֶן־חֵ֣ן הַ֭שֹּׁחַד בְּעֵינֵ֣י בְעָלָ֑יו אֶֽל־כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֖ר יִפְנֶ֣ה יַשְׂכִּֽיל 8 A graced stone is the bribe in the eyes of its owner. To all that it faces, it gives insight. 3e 4B 12 8 מְֽכַסֶּה־פֶּ֭שַׁע מְבַקֵּ֣שׁ אַהֲבָ֑ה וְשֹׁנֶ֥ה בְ֝דָבָ֗ר מַפְרִ֥יד אַלּֽוּף 9 One covering transgression is seeking love, but one seconding a matter separates a thousand. 3e 4B 11 10 תֵּ֣חַת גְּעָרָ֣ה בְמֵבִ֑ין מֵהַכּ֖וֹת כְּסִ֣יל מֵאָֽה 10 B Rebuke penetrates into the discerning, more than a hundred strikes for a dullard. 3e 4B 8 7 אַךְ־מְרִ֥י יְבַקֶּשׁ־רָ֑ע וּמַלְאָ֥ךְ אַ֝כְזָרִ֗י יְשֻׁלַּח־בּֽוֹ 11 Surely evil seeks provocation, and a vicious messenger will be sent against it. 3e 4A 7 10 פָּג֬וֹשׁ דֹּ֣ב שַׁכּ֣וּל בְּאִ֑ישׁ וְאַל־כְּ֝סִ֗יל בְּאִוַּלְתּֽוֹ 12 Let a bear bereaved meet together with anyone, but not a dullard in its foolishness. 3e 4B 7 8 מֵשִׁ֣יב רָ֭עָה תַּ֣חַת טוֹבָ֑ה לֹא־תָמ֥וּשׁ רָ֝עָ֗ה מִבֵּיתֽוֹ 13 For one who returns evil under the guise of good, evil will not deviate from its house. 3e 4B 8 7 פּ֣וֹטֵֽר מַ֭יִם רֵאשִׁ֣ית מָד֑וֹן וְלִפְנֵ֥י הִ֝תְגַּלַּ֗ע הָרִ֥יב נְטֽוֹשׁ 14 B The pursing of water is the beginning of dissension, so in the presence of the quarrel, abandon the strife. 3e 4B 7 10 מַצְדִּ֣יק רָ֭שָׁע וּמַרְשִׁ֣יעַ צַדִּ֑יק תּוֹעֲבַ֥ת יְ֝הוָ֗ה גַּם־שְׁנֵיהֶֽם 15 Justifying wickedness and condemning justice, an abomination to Yahweh, even both of them. 3e 4B 10 9 לָמָּה־זֶּ֣ה מְחִ֣יר בְּיַד־כְּסִ֑יל לִקְנ֖וֹת חָכְמָ֣ה וְלֶב־אָֽיִן 16 Why this price in the hand of a dullard, to buy wisdom when there is no heart? 3e 4B 9 8 בְּכָל־עֵ֭ת אֹהֵ֣ב הָרֵ֑עַ וְאָ֥ח לְ֝צָרָ֗ה ��ִוָּלֵֽד 17 For all time, the love of the friend, and a sibling, for trouble is born. 3e 4B 8 8 אָדָ֣ם חֲסַר־לֵ֭ב תּוֹקֵ֣עַ כָּ֑ף עֹרֵ֥ב עֲ֝רֻבָּ֗ה לִפְנֵ֥י רֵעֵֽהוּ 18 An earthling lacking in heart sounds the slap of a palm. Surety is ensured in the presence of its friend. 3e 4B 9 10 אֹ֣הֵֽב פֶּ֭שַׁע אֹהֵ֣ב מַצָּ֑ה מַגְבִּ֥יהַּ פִּ֝תְח֗וֹ מְבַקֶּשׁ־שָֽׁבֶר 19 B The lover of transgression loves a struggle. Haughtiness at its door, seeks a shattering. 3e 4B 8 10 עִקֶּשׁ־לֵ֭ב לֹ֣א יִמְצָא־ט֑וֹב וְנֶהְפָּ֥ךְ בִּ֝לְשׁוֹנ֗וֹ יִפּ֥וֹל בְּרָעָֽה 20 The devious heart does not find out good, and the wayward in tongue will fall into evil. 3e 4B 7 11 יֹלֵ֣ד כְּ֭סִיל לְת֣וּגָה ל֑וֹ וְלֹֽא־יִ֝שְׂמַ֗ח אֲבִ֣י נָבָֽל 21 The begetting of a dullard, to its sadness it is. Nor is the parent of the senseless glad. 3e 4B 8 8 לֵ֣ב שָׂ֭מֵחַ יֵיטִ֣ב גֵּהָ֑ה וְר֥וּחַ נְ֝כֵאָ֗ה תְּיַבֶּשׁ־גָּֽרֶם 22 B A glad heart is a good cure, but a segregated spirit will shrivel cartilage. 3e 4B 8 11 שֹׁ֣חַד מֵ֭חֵיק רָשָׁ֣ע יִקָּ֑ח לְ֝הַטּ֗וֹת אָרְח֥וֹת מִשְׁפָּֽט 23 B A bribe from a bosom, wickedness takes, to bend the paths of judgment. 3e 4B 8 7 אֶת־פְּנֵ֣י מֵבִ֣ין חָכְמָ֑ה וְעֵינֵ֥י כְ֝סִ֗יל בִּקְצֵה־אָֽרֶץ 24 In the presence of the discerning, wisdom, but the eyes of a dullard, at the outskirts of earth. 3e 4B 7 9 כַּ֣עַס לְ֭אָבִיו בֵּ֣ן כְּסִ֑יל וּ֝מֶ֗מֶר לְיוֹלַדְתּֽוֹ 25 B Grief to his father the child of a dullard, but bitterness to her who gave it birth. 3e 4B 8 7 גַּ֤ם עֲנ֣וֹשׁ לַצַּדִּ֣יק לֹא־ט֑וֹב לְהַכּ֖וֹת נְדִיבִ֣ים עַל־יֹֽשֶׁר 26 C Even a fine to one who is righteous, not good, to strike princes for equity. 3e 4C 8 9 חוֹשֵׂ֣ךְ אֲ֭מָרָיו יוֹדֵ֣עַ דָּ֑עַת יְקַר־ר֝֗וּחַ אִ֣ישׁ תְּבוּנָֽה 27 One who knows knowledge keeps back its talk. A rare wind, someone of discernment. 3e 4B 10 8 גַּ֤ם אֱוִ֣יל מַ֭חֲרִישׁ חָכָ֣ם יֵחָשֵׁ֑ב אֹטֵ֖ם שְׂפָתָ֣יו נָבֽוֹן 28 C Even the silent foolish is reckoned wise, who plugs its lips, discerning. 3e 4C 11 7
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