homestuckreplay · 3 months
Cinderblocks are easily stealable so it's not unheard of for them to be used in poor households, but Dave's rocking the rgb computer and what appears to be a now-discontinued midi sampler. The fact that all the support structures in the room (and the bed with no base) are cheap but the tech is expensive leads me towards "everything this guy has is second hand", because the only time you'd replace a desk is when it breaks but if you're rich you might replace your midi sampler the second a new better one comes out. Also I've just realized cinderblocks have a D in it I've been pronouncing that with a T my whole life
huh okay that makes sense! personally I interpret Dave's class status very differently, he seems like someone who's putting on the aesthetics of being poor with the cinderblocks and bed base, like he's trying to win r/malelivingspace. but he actually has all this expensive tech which is disposable enough to him that he leaves it strewn around. he could be the hipster type who swears that this specific old model of midi sampler is the only one that captures the essence of the sounds. his big record collection is also pretty hipster since this is right at the start of the vinyl revival
but maybe i'm being unfair to him! your read is definitely very plausible too, and we have so much still to learn about him!
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Krampus is a lap dog
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ratatatastic · 2 months
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i just think its a funny genre of tincan pics ya know?
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19871997 · 3 months
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three inch height difference Can infact seem like so mych more. thats toad and luigi. btw
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kylos-starlight · 2 months
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I mean you know I'm downloading it—
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minotaurfemme · 2 months
back up to 50 bicep curls with each arm today 💪 halfway to my pre-covid record of 100
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louisdelac · 20 days
see i would like to dye my hair at some point, but i NEED to have a mullet before i do. so we have some work to do.
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muffinrag · 6 months
I'm going a little insane rn, I went and donated plasma today and apparently I weighed in at 221??
I've noticed my jeans have been a bit tight recently, but that means I've put on about 35 pounds in the past six months. I know weight gain is a side effect of T but that's crazy. like. come on. where am I even holding it? my tummy and my thighs????
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cerbreus · 6 months
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Look at these massive fucking petrified wood bookends I got at the thrift store today for $22 whole dollars.
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inun4ki · 11 months
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My babies
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definitelynotahunter · 11 months
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canisonicscrewyou · 1 year
Roommate is coming to retrieve me, the mattress, and the studio goods (50lb printer, metal shelves, card table, bin full of various art supplies and tools) but I did just realize this involves me needing to carry heavy things again. Sigh. This should all just be teleported into my bedroom already.
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woozymitts · 2 years
I hate the way shelters word things so ambiguously and cutesy in their pet descriptions
“He prefers to eat alone but don’t we all lol :)”
What does that even mean? Does he have food aggression? Is it towards other pets, humans or both? Is it just growling or will he bite? Or is it something else and he just... Won’t eat unless he’s alone?
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ollie-jpg · 2 years
me climbing into bed under two full sized comforters, a king sized fur blanket, a smaller fur blanket, and a 25lb weighted blanket: i need someone to lay on me
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Bf and I might do some housesitting in August and I'm wondering whether any archery clubs near there take any guests but I can't find any and they're all extremely strict... makes sense kind of but then my club is not strict but absolutely safe... let me innnnnnnnnnnnn
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parapsychoiogy · 2 months
not being able to drive fucking sucks someone kill me
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