#3. i don't like finn 🥴
butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
As much as I don’t like #MBFW Finn, what redeeming features did Clarke see in him that pulled her into accepting the first date and eventually saying yes to marriage? What was Clarke’s head space like, being confronted with someone who clearly wants her enough to make a lifetime commitment vs. Lexa who muddies the water between the two of them long enough that Clarke lost all hope?
Oof ok I gotta answer this carefully 😅
Finn has redeeming qualities in that he really can be a sweet guy. It doesn't seem like it now, but he is and you will see it. The problem mainly is just that... they've only known each other for like 3 months 🥴 i.e. they don't know each other that well at all. So they're still in that attraction fueled rose-colored glasses stage of their relationship where even annoying stuff can be written off or seem cute because they haven't had time to really evaluate how well they work together, much less if they want the same things in life. It's absolutely a whirlwind engagement, I need everybody to keep that in mind! This is not, and never has been, a situation that screams "oh yeah Clarke thought this out really hard and it's a totally rational decision she's made" cuz it Is Not
As for Clarke, she's going to explain her own mindset eventually. But vaguely speaking, she's going off of 9 years of continuously thinking that they were going to get back together, only to finally come to a decision about them, to being determined to prove to herself and everyone else that she is fine. So headspace wise? She is just a bit of a mess lol
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back to back nonsense on the glee sub today
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im-his-druidess · 2 years
Regarding a/b/o dynamics!!! I read the Finn/Poe/Rey ask and I feel like I got the cutest idea 😭😭 What if a/b/o polys are like puppy piles?? As long as the alphas get along well enough to be in a relationship with each other (don't necessarily mean they have to be tho) maybe they can share an omega 🥺🥺 And specially if there's many providers for only one omega, there's no need for you to work or do any of that <3 You've got like three different partners getting home from work at different hours and demanding cuddles, food, sex, attention etc, why don't you worry about just that ok?? Don't worry your silly head over anything else. Who do you think would be good for a puppy pile? Lmao
I LOVE this!! 🥺😤💙
I fully believe that if an Omega has more than one Alpha, then they would absolutely have no need to work because they will be taken care of, and they would usually be a stay at home Omega.
 I mean...I love talking about threesomes and all that and @johnny-simpfinger and I kinda have some of these characters grouped up. We made our own multiverse of smut 😆
Like couple wise you have Marc/Steven/Jake and Layla and then you have Mira Jonathan from Scenes from a Marriage. These would make amazing puppy piles 🥺
But if I’m throwing characters together then (for example) I totally have Jack (Mojave) and Cecil (Revenge for Jolly) together for a puppy pile with their Omega because they’re both criminals and are also opposites and I just love my grimy husbands 🤤🥴
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
Do you think when clarke said to lexa "not yet" that lexa, in her mind, translated it to them not happening? Because lexa knows clarke means she needs more time, but lexa does not have time. Her life is not even her own, it's her people's. All her life she knows she's either gonna die young as a kid during the conclave or die young as a commander. Her time basically is not in her hands.
Hmmm. Tbh? No, not really. Not because that's not absolutely a dramatic ass Lexa "Ah! Leave me!" Kom Trikru type thing to think, but I think her actions spoke more of how she felt about it. I mean barely 5 seconds later when they're outside MW she basically asked Clarke "lol so wyd after this?" 🥴. Like the girl didn't stop her pursuit, she said after we kill these mfs you should come see my pimp ass house you're gonna love it. And I think that's just who Lexa's always been. I feel like I maybe diverge from a lot of the fandom in my thinking that Lexa was a lot of things, but hesitant to go after what she wanted wasn't one of them. Yes, initially she was all love is weakness, but the second she made the decision that she wanted to do something different, that she wanted to pursue her feelings for Clarke, she jumped in with both feet. She kissed the shit outta Clarke and every moment after that was her showing Clarke how much she cared for her one way or another. Lexa was never ambiguous as to what she wanted from Clarke, even down to the nightgown scene bbygirl was hoping to get railed that night and you'll never convince me otherwise, but she was respectful of Clarke's wishes and need for space even while still continuing to pursue her affections in small ways.
Truly I think Lexa's initial reaction when Clarke said not yet had so much more to do with her own nerves and whatnot. Because logically speaking, Clarke was probably the first girl Lexa had allowed herself to be open with since Costia. That had to have been emotionally taxing, even without the hesitancy on Clarke's part. I think it was a kind of calming of herself and her disappointment at thinking that Clarke wasn't feeling the attraction and connection quite as strongly as Lexa was at that point (not that I think Clarke wasn't, but I can see how Lexa would interpret it that way), so it was a "fuck, I just opened my heart up for the first time and that... didn't go great. It hurts... But it's ok, Lexa. You know Clarke. She needs time. Be patient. Don't shut down" type situation.
Alsoooo, I mean Lexa was an empathetic character, I can imagine on some level she probably was like "good job dumbass it's been 3 days since Finn died, it's taken you years to move on from Costia maybe you shouldn't have tried to stick your tongue in her mouth while she's still in her funeral clothes you fuckin lesbian".
But that may just me idk 🤷‍♀️
But do I think she thought they'd never happen? No. I mean yes she knew they may die in war but I don't think that stood out to her any more than any other danger ever did. I don't think she thought that they'd never be together until after she left Clarke at MW
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
Are there any characters that you actively dislike? And why? Personally I never liked Jasper or Finn. Not at all related to shipping reasons, even before s2/3
Well straight ot the gate, Bellamy, but that really doesn't need explanation.
I don't like Octavia but I've talked about that on here before 🥴 her personality, hubris, brattiness, and entitlement just gets under my skin and I find her entire canon character arc illogical and exhausting, that's why you basically never see her in any of my fics and if she is it's a tiny role.
Jasper was annoying and a lil asshat, realistically he shoulda been dead season 1 but ya know, cis straight white guys are impervious.
Finn... whew idk. Finn was so irrelevant to me for whatever reason. I mean they tried to make him this charming puppy boy who made some bad choices and was impulsive, but mostly I just found him smarmy and boring (altho the actor gave that same energy in that film he did with Alycia so I think that may be less the character and more the fact the actor is just one note). I actually thought it was hilarious that the writers continued to try to pretend Finn was ever a truly relevant love interest for Clarke as the seasons went on cuz they dated for like three days. I get first loves and all but uh, was he really? Or was he just her first big infatuation who hurt her? I feel like older mature Clarke would've looked back on the whole Finn fiasco and shook her head at his loss, but also her own naivete.
Anyway tangent over, Octavia and Bellamy are probably the ones who annoyed me most.
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