#3 years and Kookmin keep giving
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Hello! I am relatively new to BTS (joined just this year actually!) and I have seen a lot of content, old and new. I really appreciate Jikook/Kookmin blogs like yours that give me a boost to get throughout the day and toxicity, in general. Moving on, I do have one question that I would love to hear your and others opinions on. Why do people try to misconstrue what happened in ITS between Taehyung and JK? I cannot wrap my head around the fact that certain ARMY do not believe the words these boys (well, men really) said. And I have seen people use the excuse "that their skinship before and after didn't change so it must have been scripted, right?" It just blows my mind sometimes the stuff that certain individuals come up with and completely ignore what happened.
P.S - I really do appreciate your blog and I hope you have a great rest of your week! Thank you!
And by people you mean taekookers. That conversation basically ended up with several narratives that were in the fandom or that taekookers loved to say to keep their ship alive.
1. The main narrative that that conversation ended is that up to that point taekook wasn't real. It probably never was. And that's something they can't accept for obvious reasons.
The first few years after BTS's debut, Tae and Jungkook seemed pretty close, something they acknowledged in that conversation, and out of that closeness and those years taekook was born. But as time went on things changed, they changed and their closeness was not the same. They usually gravitated towards other members and not towards each other. That's when another narrative was born, BHM is hiding taekook.
2. To compensate for the lack of interactions between Jungkook and Tae, taekookers began to say that the company was hiding the relationship by forcing Jungkook and tae to spend more time with other members and not interacting on camera as much as they did in the early years. By having that conversation in one of their shows, by allowing the cameras to record that moment they also ended that narrative, if BHM was hiding their interactions why didn't they hide that conversation which showed that their relationship was not the same for a while now?
Personally I don't think that conversation is the first time they or Tae told us that their relationship wasn't the same, years ago, I don't remember exactly which one, Tae said that usually Jungkook ignored him behind camera, if Taekook was real why would Jungkook ignore Tae behind camera too?
3. Taekookers complain about many things, one of them is that BHM doesn't want to show us the moments between Jungkook and Tae. It seems redundant to say, but, if their relationship wasn't the same, if they didn't interact much behind the camera it means that BHM didn't hide the moments between them, it just that there were no moments between them to show in the different contents or that what we saw was the only thing they had to show.
The skinship issue is complicated, taekook does skinship a lot, but that doesn't make the ship any more real, between Jimin and Jungkook there isn't much skinship usually, but that doesn't make the ship any less likely to be real.
Jungkook and Tae never stopped interacting, they never stopped being friends, they never stopped touching each other, that's not what they said in that conversation, their relationship just stopped being... close. Jungkook and Tae stopped being close, and that's normal but obviously their shippers can't accept that.
Skinship makes up a large part of the group dynamics, especially the maknae line. Basing the veracity of a ship solely on skinship is in my opinion, wrong. In that case hopekook would be real.
When that conversation happened, taekookers had to justify it somehow because the alternative was not possible. So they decided to call Jungkook and Tae liars. They decided to say that the conversation was planned by BHM so that the fans would believe that Taekook is not real because obviously we can't know that it is. They decided once again to disrespect Jungkook and Tae instead of believing their words.
Anon welcome to the fandom! I promise you that most of the time it's fun!
I'm glad you like the blog and I hope you have a great week too anon!
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Dry Pancakes
Gather around folks. It’s time to have an open and honest conversation about – yep you guessed it – Jimin and Jungkook and the behavior that mystifies the entire fandom. And notice I say Jimin and Jungkook, not Kookmin or Jikook, because this talk is less about them as a couple and more about them as individuals. A fair warning to everyone, only grown, competent adults are invited to this conversation. If you are a twelve-year old who wants to scream about top/bottom sex positions and Omega slick and Jeonlous tongue thing – please move on. This conversation is not for you. Adults will be talking here.
In this essay, I will NOT discuss Jimin and Jungkook as an intimate- romantic couple, or as boyfriends, or as domestic partners, or as husbands. In fact, those topics are so complex, that they will definitely need to be saved for another day. Lastly, the only time Tae will be mentioned is in this sentence because I plan to write a full separate tribute to this precious man so that I can properly call out how poorly he is treated and perceived because of shipping wars. Again, I give you fair warning, if this ain’t for you, move on because I can’t help you. OK? I am going to give you my honest opinion here and I won’t be nice about it. Pancakers, you should also be warned, you may be offended as well. I leave no stone unturned. Now that we have a proper filter in place, let’s get it.
The month of May gave us nauseating amounts of Jimin and Jungkook being seen together occupying each other’s space. For those of you have been living under a rock, I will do a quick break down of some of their time together: stage moments of laughing and teasing, stage moments of them comforting each other through difficult emotions (aka: the infamous ear sucking confusion), stage moments of them holding hands, sudden VLIVE, the two of them sharing a car, the two of them presumably sharing a hotel room, each one watching the other during rehearsals, the two of them watching fireworks, the elusive selca, the hand jockeying during the unboxing video and last but not least, the full day of sight-seeing they did with their friends in London. And of course, for every moment they DO spend together there is a sea of people who only care about the moments that they DON’T spend together. I’ll address both sides. Within this flurry of activity/inactivty, comes a flurry of narratives from different factions within the fandom attempting to define what is happening, attempting to brain wash the neutral observer into taking their side over others. These folks are literally and figuratively battling across social media to reign supreme in the war of narratives that explain Jimin and Jungkook.
Let’s break down some of these narratives and discuss why they are ALL bullshit shall we?
Narrative #1 -The “Bighit is forcing them to be together for publicity” crowd – This group thinks that everything that Jimin and Jungkook do is strictly for the sake of bringing publicity/attention to Bangtan. This shit has never made sense to me. Exactly what additional publicity does Bighit and Bangtan need? They just reached 20.2 million followers on twitter. They just won TWO Billboard music awards in America despite singing in only Korean. They’ve been announced as members of the Grammy Recording Academy, they received the Order of Cultural Merit award in South Korea, they spoke at the United Nations. They are the biggest boy band in the history of the world and if I am not mistaken they are currently on a sold-out stadium tour that has sold out over 600,000 seats in just ten shows. SO, tell me, what bitch doesn’t know who Bangtan is? Let’s pretend for a moment that Bangtan needed more publicity. What additional publicity would be achieved by insinuating a homosexual relationship between two members? Especially when you consider the vitriol that explodes when these two particular members are together. Do you really think that forcing Jimin and Jungkook into a touchy-feely spree will help Bangtan sell more CDs or get more YouTube views? If we consider how many homophones exist within the fandom, do you really think that highlighting the intimacy between Jimin and Jungkook would be viewed as positive and promote deeper engagement with the group? Absolutely not. Bighit is not encouraging Jimin and Jungkook to be fake gays for publicity. So again, I ask you, what additional publicity does Bangtan need? The answer is NONE; I think they’re good bro.
Narrative #2 - The “This is just fan service to satisfy the shipping culture” crowd – No other “ship” makes the fan more unhappy than Jikook. In fact, SNS explodes with negativity almost every single time that Jimin and Jungkook even breath near each other. Fans get extremely upset OR they ignore and refuse to acknowledge the interaction. So how can it be fan service if it pisses off the majority of the fans? Isn’t fan service supposed to make fans happy? I would go even further to say that Bangtan, Jimin and Jungkook in particular know full well how polarizing their interactions are for the fandom. Seems to me like they don’t give a fuck though. Fan service is to service the fans and give them what they want. They don’t seem to want Jimin and Jungkook as unit. And for those of you who think their relationship is manufactured to feed the pancakers out there, you’re mistaken and here’s why: Jimin and JK work very hard to avoid being caught or showing us too much. It is pretty common knowledge that most of their most intimate interactions are done AWAY from the cameras – a fact that we would never know if they didn’t accidently tell us. (“I go to Jungkook’s room at night when I can’t sleep because he also stays up late.” - Jimin) Often times, pancakers are VERY unhappy with the amount of interaction we get between Jimin and Jungkook and we are quick to yell foul if we aren’t “fed”. This once again proves my point, it is not fan service if it doesn’t please the fans.
Narrative #3 – The “We just don’t understand Korean culture “ crowd - Uuum what? Talk to K-Army and even they will tell you that the intimacy and togetherness between Jimin and Jungkook goes far beyond typical “fan service” or “cultural norm” that would be expected from the Korean culture. It also extends beyond typical friendly male behavior given their closeness. Westerners often get accused of “oversexualizing” Jimin and Jungkook or claiming something as homosexual because we “don’t understand” how Koreans interact. BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT. We know what we see. We know what K-ARMY has explained to us. We have taken the time to study the culture in Korea and talk with our fellow ARMY about Jimin and Jungkook. The conclusion is always the same; there is an entire relationship being played out in front of us and it is consistent, predicable and progressive. These interactions are not just fortuitous bits of circumstance by two friends. It is not just Korean culture.
Narrative #4 - The “Bighit is forcing them to be apart because they are too loud” crowd – Sorry Pancakes, but shut up. This has become a ready-made excuse for us pancakers whenever we don’t receive the interactions that we expect (demand, crave, obsess over). Do you realize how much influence Jimin and Jungkook have over their own choices? They are not mindless dummies who are mind controlled by their management. I will concede the fact that both of them are thoughtful and considerate of the feelings of the other members and they are also respectful of the wishes of management. So if either of the two entities gives them advice with regard to watching their proximity then YES, this could affect their natural behavior’s. You have that concession from me. But that is NOT WHY THERE ARE LULLS IN THEIR INTERACTIONS. Bighit management and Bangtan members are not playing some sadistic game of RED LIGHT – GREEN LIGHT with Jimin and Jungkook’s emotions. Think about how ridiculous this sounds to say to grown men, “Ohh well you two were too intimate and too loud and you could expose yourself so you better repress your natural instincts as best friends and then pretend that the other doesn’t exist.” And then conversely, “You two have behaved and been good boys, so now you are allowed to interact and act like you’re in love again.” If Bighit was trying to hide anything, they would shut it down completely, permanently - NOT IN RANDOM SPURTS. The two of them would be threatened beyond belief and I guarantee there would be contractual implications.
It is simply ridiculous, not to mention reductive to attempt to exercise that level of control over two rich, popular and very grown individuals. Guess what? It’s also impossible. Have you ever noticed that neither Jimin nor Jungkook are very good at following directions? If they are being told to stay away from each other, how come they never seem to do it? At best, they manage to tone things down for short periods, but inevitably they always go back to just being them. My fellow pancakers have even gone so far as to develop a theory that Bighit was keeping Jimin and Jungkook from ever doing VLIVES together. But just recently, we saw them splash tension all over the screen in a VLIVE between the two of them. If they were restricted from doing VLIVES, then why did they do one all of a sudden after a 2-year hiatus? Did Bighit suddenly change their mind and allow it? Of course not. There is a much simpler explanation and I will explain later.
Narrative #5 - The “They are just brothers, nothing they do is a big deal or any different from the rest of the members” crowd – Guess what? I actually agree with you, sorta’. So much of what Jimin and Jungkook do is the result of them being very close and loving friends who have been together forever. Even some of the gentler physical contact between the two is not exclusive to just them when compared to the other members. But the situation is not quite that simple is it? Brothers (not blood brothers) is just ONE of the many layers of the Jimin and Jungkook dynamic. There’s more, a lot more. I will come back to this one.
Hm. So if none of the prevalent theories above define the incongruent public intimacy of Jimin and Jungkook, then WHAT IS THE ANSWER? Simple. It’s called FREE WILL! No one, especially Pancakes with butter and syrup, want to ever admit that Jimin and Jungkook do exactly what they want to do. The reason they interact and the reason they don’t is because it’s what they want to do at that moment. They are exercising their FREE WILL. If Jimin and Jungkook don’t speak, it’s because they don’t want to. If Jimin and Jungkook don’t post on twitter, it’s because they don’t want to. If Jimin and Jungkook don’t post a selca, it’s because they don’t want to. If Jimin and Jungkook don’t do a VLIVE for two years, it’s because THEY DON’T WANT TO! There could be months that go by where they CHOSE not to let us into their private lives and we as Jimin and Jungkook supporters have to be accepting of that choice. Allow them to exercise their free will. In most cases, their free will is to self-manage their own interactions. Think about it this way – is everyday a good day for you? Probably not. Some of us have really good days and some of us have really bad ones. Our moods can be dictated by so many things such as: hunger, bad news, fatigue, negativity, irritation, anger, jealousy, illness, depression – so many things can affect how we feel and how we project our energy. These two men are no different. They are not immune to the emotions that plague the rest of us mere mortals. Travel with me for a moment as we reflect on just how much Jimin and Jungkook are together,
Sharing a car during transport to and from the airport
Sitting next to each other on the plane
Spending time outside of business schedules to attend personal events (movies, dinner, tours)
Visiting each other’s parents
Presumably living together
Presumably sharing hotel rooms when they travel
Working together
Practicing together
Filming together
Presumably engaging in intimacy together
Together- Together -Together –Together- Baam
That’s a lot of freaking togetherness. When we see them keep their distance, why are we surprised? It is clear that they are using their free will to be together MOST of the time and that is a sign of a very solid symbiotic relationship. So why can’t it be conversely true that they are also using their free will when they are apart? We pancakes are so quick to blame external forces when Jungkook and Jimin aren’t stuck to each other as opposed to blaming Jimin and Jungkook themselves. Personal growth can only occur when you broaden your horizons and experience new things, new environments, new opinions and new people. YES NEW PEOPLE. It is an exercise in self-care for them to be apart from time to time. We can’t and shouldn’t expect them to be together 24/7. It just isn’t healthy. I would say they live a well-rounded life when they can be happy apart but still prefer to be together. It’s beautiful. It you are truly a part of the Jimin and Jungkook nation, then your attitudes and opinions toward the strength of them individually or as a couple should NOT be predicated solely on what they do together and how often. Do I need to repeat that last sentence for the 14YOs who read this post even though I tried to filter you out? Just because the two of them don’t show us blatant interactions does not meant that is an indictment or indicator that the friendship/relationship/companionship/brotherhood is dead. Please stop posting fatalistic admonishments because their interactions are not timed according to your schedule. Let them live. Yes, I am saying that when we go through a pancake drought, it is because Jimin and Jungkook themselves want it to be that way. Not because they are being forced to do so.
Now let’s talk about the nature of their interactions by using myself as an example. I love my husband with all of my heart. He is truly my soul mate and we get along very well. Our relationship is so complex and has so many layers. We are friends, lovers, parents, mates, partners, business owners, even at times like siblings. So, when he and I interact, the definition of that interaction could fall within any of the categories that I just listed. It could be a friendly touch, or a sexual touch or a business partner touch – understand what I mean? The same is true with Jimin and Jungkook. Their interactions are highly conditional and must be reviewed within the context of the moment. Which means, when they are in friend mode and they hug, they honestly are just hugging as friends. Over hyping meaningless moments without placing it within proper context, makes pancakes look petty and delusional. Another example, when one is sucking the other’s ear – aww shit – I have no idea what category to put that in – but it ain’t friends – we need to hype the shit out of that one. That was a bad example. But you get my point. Moving on…
Let me make this really clear. Do you remember when you first fell in love with Bangtan? We fell so hard right? The music, the dancing, the talent, the fashion, the creativity, the visuals – we fell hook line and sinker. But there was more wasn’t it? Think back. There was soo much more. Yes my pancakes, we fell in love with their hearts. We fell in love with them as people. Above all, we fell in love with their AUTHENTICITY. You see, Bangtan was never fake. Bangtan never presented a closed-off image to us. They provided as much transparency and honesty as they possibly could, which was a HUGE change from what we were accustomed to seeing from KPOP artists (any artist really). They allowed us to have a real-world peak into their emotions, vulnerabilities and personalities. Bangtan’s authenticity is why we love them most and why we continue to love them. So when we see the love that exists between all seven of them, we know it’s real. Accordingly, there is an extreme affinity that Jimin and Jungkook have towards each other that cannot be faked. Even if they were being forced for publicity purposes to spend time together, they could not do it successfully unless there was already an underlying desire to be together. Furthermore, forcing someone to be together when they don’t want to be is paramount to torture and that would greatly affect the overall happiness and chemistry of the entire group. Imagine being forced to spend that much time with someone you don’t like. It also explains why we don’t see other couplings “forced” upon the members because it’s not natural. None of the members have a strong ability to vacate authenticity. They all truly exercise their free will.
And for my very last point, I want to talk a little tiny bit about the VLIVE (again). I have insisted throughout this rant that Jimin and Jungkook were never prohibited by Bighit from doing a VLIVE together. So why the 2-year hiatus? I think the explanation is pretty simple. As we saw, it is very difficult for the two of them to maintain “composure” when they are together. They show us so much when they fully intend to show us nothing. They are acutely aware of how they appear on camera – which is why I argue that their two-year hiatus was self-imposed. Think about how hard it must be in that intimate setting, sitting that close, talking that freely to repress their natural instincts to touch, or call each other pet names or possibly even kiss. It’s like freaking impossible. So why risk it? It is so much easier to just keep themselves out of that situation and instead watch each other do the VLIVES from off camera. As we know, even when one of them is off camera, they still freaking flirt. Imagine if they were both in front of the camera on a consistent basis. This goes back to my theory on free will. I honestly believe that these two are being very smart to exercise their free will to stay away from Jikook VLIVES.
I have probably not changed anyone’s mind and you will likely continue to incessantly spew your narrative, whatever it is. But for those of you who are a bit more open-minded, I hope you found some insight as well as clarity in my words. Here’s to loving our seven boys and obsessing over two of them.
So in conclusion, I have concluded. Thank you. Love you Pancakes – don’t be mad, k?
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Note: As always, individual schedules are up to roleplayers within reason. Any major individual schedules, especially those related to points claims, should be cleared with the main first. These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Overall company
“Idolized” finishes filming this month with the Hallyu Triple Fantasy Concert and company efforts are focused on that.
Rehearsal for the next Hallyu Triple Fantasy Concert continues this month, particularly for artists who haven’t had many schedules lately and need to review old choreography.
May Company Schedules:
All artists will be scheduled for personal rehearsal time for the Hallyu Triple Fantasy Concert throughout the month.
May 23/24 - 27: All artists will be in Jeju for Hallyu Triple Fantasy Concert.
Silhouette comes back this month with a new single. The company had high hopes that the retro concept will make the group stand out and will remind the public that they’ve made it so far by being good in a variety of concepts.
May Schedules
May 7: Release of non-album single “Lady” & showcase, promotions continue until June 7 with variety show and music show appearances.
May 12: Performance at Iseul Live Festival.
May 21: Release of Re:flower Project #3.
(June 7: End of Lady music show promotions.)
(June 15: Member Nami releases solo single “Gucci”, promotions continue until June 22.)
As an older, well-established group, Aria gets the luxury of more relaxed schedule during promotions for this mini-album since the fanbase is expected to support the album in full force in accordance with the group’s seventh anniversary.
May Group Schedules:
May 12: Dream Concert at Seoul World Cup Stadium.
May 15: Performance at Myongjil University Festival.
May 30: End of Heal music show promotions.
(June 5: Member Jynx releases debut solo album “Witching Hour ( 3:00 AM )” + music video for title track “I Wander” + has album showcase and begins solo promotions, solo promotions continue until July 5.)
Their highly anticipated comeback comes this month, and with it come overseas schedules in the U.S. around the release date. The members will be in the U.S. from May 14 to May 23 doing English interview and talk show schedules.
*All members are required to have moved out of the dorm by July 19 if they have not already done so.
May Group Schedules:
May 12: Comeback show pre-recording.
May 19: Scheduled V Live comeback preview show.
May 19: Release of “Love Yourself 轉 ‘Tear’” & album showcase, promotions continue until June 19 with variety show and music show appearances.
May 20: Performance at Billboard Music Awards.
As their world tour begins, they do final preparations for a Japanese single album release in June.
May Group Schedules:
May 4: 2018 Impulse World Tour - Eyes on You concert in Seoul.
May 5: 2018 Impulse World Tour - Eyes on You concert in Seoul.
May 6: 2018 Impulse World Tour - Eyes on You concert in Seoul.
May 11: 2018 Impulse World Tour - Eyes on You concert at Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand.
May 12: 2018 Impulse World Tour - Eyes on You concert at Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand.
May 13: 2018 Impulse World Tour - Eyes on You concert at Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand.
May 13: Release of Japanese single “THE New Era”.
May 14: Member Tokki releases single “Ringa Linga”, promotions continue until June 4.
May 15: Impulse Connect Hall Tour at Fukuoka Sun Palace Hotel in Fukuoka, Japan.
May 17: Impulse Connect Hall Tour at Orix Theatre in Osaka, Japan.
May 18: Impulse Connect Hall Tour at Orix Theatre in Osaka, Japan.
May 29: Impulse Connect Hall Tour at HBG Hall in Hiroshima, Japan.
May 30: Impulse Connect Hall Tour at Nagoya Congress Center in Nagoya, Japan.
(June 2: 2018 Impulse World Tour - Eyes on You concert at Cotia Arena in Macau.)
(June 4: Member Tokki ends solo single promotions.)
(June 6: 2018 Impulse World Tour - Eyes on You concert at Adrenaline Stadium in Moscow, Russia.)
(June 8: 2018 Impulse World Tour - Eyes on You concert at Velodrom in Berlin, Germany.)
(June 10: 2018 Impulse World Tour - Eyes on You concert at Le Zenith in Paris, France.)
DIARY is preparing their next release already to keep in line with their busy planned release schedule for the year, but most of their schedules will be private work behind the scenes, with most public schedules be individual activities for members.
May Group Schedules:
May 12: Dream Concert at Seoul World Cup Stadium.
Recording for their upcoming comeback has finished by the beginning of the month and preparations switch focus to learning choreography and filming photo and video content.
May Group Schedules:
Preparations for next comeback throughout month.
May 8: Member Mina releases single “Flower Way”, promotions continue until June 8.
(June 8: Member Mina ends Flower Way promotions.)
(June 8: Performance at Feel Korea concert in Moscow, Russia.)
Femme Fatale
The group is flying under the radar with very limited public schedules. A late summer or early fall comeback is in talks, but a date hadn’t been confirmed yet and work on it hasn’t begun, giving the members a nice break for the first time since debut.
May Group Schedules:
May 30: Photoshoot for August issue of GQ.
(June 10: Photoshoot for August issue of Nylon.)
Soloist 1
Some studio recordings continue, but they aren’t rushed because her next album needs to live up to her highly successful 2017 albums and Gold Star instead mostly prioritizes their groups.
May Schedules:
Studio sessions for next album throughout month.
May 12: Performance at Iseul Live Festival.
Soloist 2
While slow comeback preparations continue, she returns to public schedules to regenerate hype around her. Performances at a number of concerts and university festivals are schedules throughout the month.
May Schedules:
May 10: Performance at Kookmin Bank concert in Daegu.
May 15: Performance at Namseoul University Festival in Cheonan.
May 26: Performance at Kookmin Bank concert in Daejeon.
May 17: Performance at Gangwon University Festival in Samcheok.
May 19: Performance at Rene Cell Music Festa.
May 20: Performance at Starpack Concert 5 in Goyang.
Soloist 3
Music show promotions for his mini-album wrap up this month, but Gold Star will extend the variety show and public appearances focus past that to capitalize on his positive public image.May Schedules:
May Schedules:
May 18: End of Honestly music show promotions.
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GCFT - Jungkook’s promise to Jimin
Disclaimer : I honestly love all the ships which includes JIMIN. But Kookmin is something close to my heart (I might say this in future with minimoni and jinmin dont mind me LMAO).
Come on, we all can agree that Jimin always gives Jungkook his undivided attention. And this is one thing I started to observe while watching BTS shows. Since I’m Jimin biased, this thing became more obvious. I sometimes used to think that Jungkook doesn’t reciprocate the same (but I was wrong. Slowly I started to realize that sometimes, he just don’t know or doesn’t understand how to handle Jimin’s overwhelming affection). Then I came across GCFs. Oh my gosh! That guy really adores Jimin a lot. Even though he don’t usually admit that Jimin is G.C.F’s official model but you gotta appreciate BH editors who always make sure to let us know who is G.C.F’s main model LMAO. I don’t blame Jungkook for filming Jimin though. I mean, we always love capturing beautiful things and Jimin is epitome of beauty.

Now coming to GCFT, I’m not going to analyze anything here. I know this is Jungkook’s art. He has definitely worked so hard for that. But the lyrics says it all... I personally think he had everything planned prior his trip. He knew what he was filming, why he was filming, how was he filming. Every shots and every bit of video is in sink with the music. If you ask me, I’m 100% sure, he had whole picturization of G.C.F before the trip.
And most importantly, this was his first G.C.F and he decided to film his solo vacation with JIMIN which was really sweet gesture. Because we all know every firsts are really special and unforgettable. We don’t be (can never be) careless about our firsts.
Let’s dive into lyrics of THERE FOR YOU (This song has been my all time fav since the day I watched GCFT).
My honest opinions after watching GCFT is
1. Felt like a promise made by Jungkook to Jimin
I'll be there for you
I'll be loud for you
Won't let go of you for nothing
2. He is expecting some things from Jimin
Need you on the other side
But you gotta be there for me too
I hope you're waiting at the end
3. Seems like he is showing some sort frustration (I might be wrong with this one)
Running, running just to keep my hands on you
What I got to do to show you?
I woke up pissed off today
And lately everyone feels fake Somewhere, I lost a piece of me Smoking cigarettes on balconies
But I can't do this alone Sometimes I just need a light If I call you on the phone Need you on the other side
So when your tears roll down your pillow like a river I'll be there for you I'll be there for you When you're screaming, but they only hear you whisper I'll be loud for you But you gotta be there for me too
But you gotta be there for me too
Last year took a toll on me But I made it with you next to me Around the world and back again I hope you're waiting at the end
But I can't do this alone Sometimes I just need a light If I call you on the phone Need you on the other side
So when your tears roll down your pillow like a river I'll be there for you I'll be there for you When you're screaming, but they only hear you whisper I'll be loud for you I'll be loud for you
I got you, I promise But let me be honest Love is a road that goes both ways When your tears roll down your pillow like a river I'll be there for you But you gotta be there for me too
But you gotta be there for me too
Boy, I'm holding on to something Won't let go of you for nothing I'm running, running just to keep my hands on you There was a time that I was so blue What I got to do to show you? I'm running, running just to keep my hands on you
Running, running just to keep my hands on you Running, running just to keep my hands on you (Said, I'm running) running, running just to keep my hands on you But you gotta be there for me too
But you gotta be there for me too
Final thoughts : This whole G.C.F.T majorly felt like a secret promise( which is not a secret anymore LMAO) from Jungkook to Jimin. For me, this is not Jungkook flaunting his relationship with Jimin to the world but instead more of him telling Jimin no matter what, he’ll always be there for him and won’t let anything affect their relationship (whatsoever it may be). To go indepth, I also felt he secretly acknowledged and thanked Jimin for being there for him at hard times and we know he has told this a lot of times during their early days.
Again these are my thoughts you are free to disagree but you are not free to argue with me over this because these are my thoughts which is never gonna change and I have no intentions in making others believe this.
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Hi there! You’re about to witness a whole lot of word dump up ahead so fasten your seat belt, hold on tight, enjoy the ride!
Note: This is an extremely long post
101 reasons why Jikook/Kookmin is my ultimate OTP or 101 times Jikook made my heart flutter
1) When Jungkook tries to find reasonable excuses to hold Jimin’s hands (in which he usually succeeds). Example: A decent round of arm wrestling or a hand massage.
2) It’s nice to know Jungkook isn’t the only one who enjoys the occasion; Jimin does too, even comes up with the most absurd idea (like who arm wrestles while sitting 5ft apart? and knowing he will definitely lose?) urm 128 rounds, 128 losses...
3) The way Jimin ruffles Jungkook’s hair, as if to say “You did well, baby. I’m proud of you” or the way Jungkook leans into Jimin’s touch when he pats his hair.
4) When Jimin asked for kisses from Jungkook, but he panicked and jokingly pushed Jimin away, all the while grinning like the shy boy he used to be.
5) The moment Jimin asked for a peck on the cheek on Jungkook’s birthday but Jungkook just smiled at the camera.
6) When Jungkook softly answered “no” when asked by Jimin if he likes his hyung that much. He just couldn’t resist teasing hyung because of how adorable he would look afterward.
(Time frame: 3:45-4:10)
7) The numerous times Jungkook would wait for Jimin even though he keeps on complaining about Jimin’s sloth-like pace.
8) When they strut around the airport or basically anywhere, side by side. Even when others are way ahead they would take their own sweet time.
After fansign...
and of course, at the airport....

9) Jungkook probably feels that it’s a part of his responsibility to make Jimin happy, so more often than not he would try to joke around and comfort the older, even if it means turning himself into a dork.
10) The glistening look in Jungkook’s eyes whenever Jimin talks in interviews.
11) When Jungkook made Jimin wear a tiara at a fansign and called him princess.
12) The uniformity of Jimin’s Twitter hashtags when Jungkook is there with him. It’s always #JIMIN and #꾹, making it easier for trash like me to find what I'm looking for haha.
13) Jimin and Jungkook being domestic and sharing soggy cereal in one bowl, using one spoon. Also the many times they share drinks and food.
14) “I will sleep here with Jimin” while pointing at the top bunk of the caravan in Bon Voyage , which, for me, strengthens the possibility of them sleeping together in the dorm. Reminds me of this too: “Everyone, Jungkookie cuddles me to sleep”.
15) When Jungkook suddenly stepped in front of Jimin while he’s talking to apply lip balm on his lips. The hyungs�� reactions were gold. They were stuck to one another like glue the whole broadcast and It hit me hard.
16) The times Jimin said “I Love You” to the camera and Jungkook stared at him like he’s the one being confessed. 👣
17) Jungkook knows his limit when he makes fun of Jimin, always being there for his hyung when insecurity gets the better part of him and I think that's very, very beautiful. 👣
18) It’s OBLIGATORY for me to include We Don’t Talk Anymore cover by JM and JK here. No explanation needed because I’m sure you feel the same way as I do.
19) When Jungkook waited for Jimin to complete the formation during his part in The Rise of Bangtan in Nanjing, then turned to Jimin and serenaded him.
Serenades Jimin...
Turns to fans...
20) Jungkook knows Jimin, remembers every single thing Jimin does better than the man himself. He’s quick to answer things pertaining to Jimin.
21) When Jimin fell down at Taipei airport, Jungkook wasn’t there because he was filming Flower Crew. He joined them a little while later for their Epilogue On Stage. However, on their way back to Korea, Jungkook made sure to stick close to Jimin and walked by his side until they checked in. The fact that Jungkook was there with him made me cry a little./okay lie/

22) When Jimin took a blanket and a soft, fluffy pillow and tucked Jungkook in, and made sure he’s comfortable enough. Also the fact that Jungkook didn’t even bother waking up and sleeping in the room.
23) The amount of times Jungkook and Jimin hang around with each other, usually accompanied by another member.
A date

Big Bang Concert with Hoseok

At the waterpark with Jin
Eating Ramen at Hangang with Namjoon
24) “오~갖고 싶다” (Oh, I want you) That iconic moment in Now3 need I say more.
25) When Jimin hung around behind the camera while Jungkook was getting interviewed. 👣

26) When Jungkook squished behind Jimin when Jimin got his photo taken even though he could’ve gone away and NOT be in the camera.(Fancafe content)
27) When Jimin picked up a slice of cake and fed Jungkook in Bon voyage.
28) Jungkook’s way of carrying Jimin up bridal-style during Limbo game still has me feeling some kind of way, and I will not get tired of seeing it, not anytime soon i bet. (Every time it appears on my feed I’ll stare at it for hours)
29) How Jungkook’s ears perk up whenever Jimin says something. He’s extra attentive when it comes to Jimin. I don’t know if Jimin’s melodic voice gets him or what, cause if it is, boy I feel you. Example: Run! BTS in the US, when Jimin screamed “엄마ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ~~~~” (mommy~~) because he’s scared of the roller coaster and Jungkook was like “왜?” (why?)
30) When Jimin laughs an octave higher whenever Jungkook does something funny.
31) The way Jimin sat on Jungkook’s lap and how tight Jungkook pressed him against his chest in Summer Package Dubai.

32) Jungkook didn’t bother about the fans’ parents who sat across him because he needed to make his hyung look good and that was all that mattered.
33) After Jungkook hurt his back at Mama, Jimin took care of him at the airport, gently keeping his hand on Jungkook’s back the whole time they were walking.
34) The fact that Jungkook and Jimin monitor each others’ scenes when they’re filming, waiting around and constantly giving support.
35) When Jungkook and Jimin held hands on stage.

36) The No More Dream lift that has changed over the last couple of years.

37) That moment Jimin made siren sound when Hoseok told everyone that his sister liked Jungkook. I find it cute. (Sukira)
38) When Jimin and Jungkook being lovey-dovey at Manila Airport. 👣

39) Jungkook and Jimin still had their own photoshoot even though they’re both paired up with someone else. Also the iconic “Jeomsoon-ah, please be my baby’s mom” by Park Jimin.

40) Jungkook randomly barging in and interrupting Jimin’s vlive and just....the immense amount of flirting and eye-fucking throughout the whole video...caught me off guard. 👣
41) No matter how many times Jungkook messed around with him, Jimin didn’t have the heart to say stop. He couldn’t say no to Jungkook; that’s how soft he is for the maknae. But yea, speaking quite frankly, Jungkook didn’t even try. There are million other ways to piss someone off but what he did? nope, that’s not how you do it,boy haha. (Run BTS spy episode)
42) And it took 0.000001 sec for Jimin to say thank you to Jungkook. Although Jungkook kept telling him he’s handsome, something he rarely does, Jimin still couldn’t catch on;Still became flustered and shy afterward. It made me asdfjkl. (Undercover mission in Japan)
43) I love Jungkook’s determination. Jk’s inner monologue: I have to make Jimin hyung wear this goddamn headband *gets on his back and forces him to wear it*

44) When Jungkook pinched Jimin’s nipple the instant Jimin went in for a hug lol. (Fancafe content)
45) Jungkook and Jimin have no chills when they’re seated together at fansigning events. They pay attention to each other more than they do to their fans. (don’t get me wrong they still love their fans)
46) When Jimin pretended to be mad at Jungkook for not sitting beside him at a fansign, and how Jungkook played along,claiming his current seat was his original seat when it’s not lol.
47) When Jungkook snatched the snack from Hoseok’s hand for himself, but stopped and gave it to Jimin instead when Jimin asked to be fed.
48) The various times Jimin snakes his slightly smaller hands around Jungkook’s waist and shoulder, and sometimes when it seems that Jimin has difficulty standing after putting his hand on Jungkook’s arm, Jungkook would bend to better accommodate him.
look at him tiptoeing...
49) When Jimin back-hugged Jungkook (and kissed his shoulder from what i saw).
50) The cutest nicknames they gave for one another. 👣
Okay pause. I’m afraid I’ll have to break it down into two parts, as seeing how freaking long this has gotten ahaha. Part 2 will be posted really really soon~~~
#anon#anonymous#answered#wow....#i made it#jikook#damn jikook#kookmin#jk;compilation#part 1#101 reasons#국민#mine:jk!analysis#sorta lol#mine:jk!gifs#ROA#really old ask
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Backside Story... “How to draw LOVE” Part 1 “Following him...”
Taehyungs POV
Did i heard right, Yoongi ditched Jimin on their 3 Anniversary. How could he, this freaking f... sh.... !!! I know now i had to do something and even Jimin didn`t want me to do it, i had to. I messaged Jin and told him what happen and he agreed to follow Yoongi tonight and sees where he goes. I told him that we meet in front of Yoongis Workplace. I was early and so waited for him. God, it was so cold. What would i give for a hot coffee now...
I agreed immediatly to Taes plan, when i heard what happen. I felt sorry for Jimin and i knew like Tae that it was necessary to keep up with it even Jimin told us not to do. Tae told me where i had to meet him when he messaged me. It could be a long night so i bought some snacks and coffee for as, because really it was freaking cold. I parked my car on the other side of the street in front of the building behind a big bush, so no one could see us. Tae was already waiting for me. Oh gosh, i told him to wear something warm, but he was only wear sneaker, jeans and a hoodie with a big tiger on it. Is he crazy, i thought to myself, but actually it looked kinda cute on him..
Others POV.
Jin parked the car behind the big bush and messaged Tae to come over, what he did. He was actually running towards his car and got in very fast.
“Hey Jin, ahhhhh it is so cold. i should have listen to you and put on my coat. I`m freezing.”
“I told you, but u dont seem to listen. Anyway here i bought us some coffee.”
“Thank you, thats actually cute.” Taehyung gave him a big smile.
“Oh gosh, you are cute.” Jin was wispering to himself. Cheeks lightly red.
“Nothing! So Yoongi really ditched Jimin on their anniversary? How could he, he is such a dumb ass.” Jin couldn`t really keep his anger inside.
“Who are telling u this. I know it already. If i could i would slap the hell out of him for hurting Jimin so much.” Taehyung tension was growing. Jin could see it.
“Calm down. We are here now. So lets wait!” Jin startet to unpacking the snacks.”Do you want something?”
“Yes, i didn´t eat dinner actually. Because i thought this was more important now.” Tae was looking hungrly at the snacks. Jin was smiling slightly by his acting.
“U should eat.some. Here...” Jin took one of the minicakes and pushed it into Taehyungs mouth.
“Uhmmm... hey... stob it...I can eat it myself.” Taehyung mumbled will chewing the cake. Jin was about to laugh. “Why u laughing. Do i look funny.”
“Actually yes, with all the chocolate around your mouth.” Taehyung blushed and took a tissue to remove everything. He felt little embarrassed but started immediately laughing too. Cause what he saw was to funny to. Did Jin really brought a SuperMario-Nutcracker with him.
“Jin really, omg..hahahahahaha.”
“What, i love Super Mario. Thats why i bought it.” Jin said and continued to crack the nuts. They were waiting for at least 2-3 hours, talking about this and that. Jin was about to open another bag of nuts to crack them, when Taehyung got suddendly silent and his eyes got bigger, because he couldn´t believe what he just saw. He took Jins hand to stop him from what he was doing.
“Hey Jin, stop cracking nuts and look...” Jin was following Taehyungs word and looked at the other Side of the Street........
Jimin follows a well known artist on Facebook; not knowing it is Jungkook; a boy he met two years ago and fell for despite being in a relationship. Jungkook suddenly disappeared on him without saying why and left Jimin with a lot of “what ifs”.
me and @golden-kookmin will leave you now with some guessing and maybe u will get some answers tomorrow ;)
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Coming Apart On Top of You: Ch. 2
Author: impalafortrenchcoats
Chapter: 2/?
Seokjin is trying to piece together a life while tearing down his past one brick at a time. Namjoon is fighting to build his future while struggling to handle the present.
It wasn’t a very convenient time to fall in love.
And when the skeletons in the closet are much more literal than most, the challenges of their relationship could prove deadly.
Ships: Namjin, Jikook/Kookmin, Sope/Yoonseok
Category: Hitmen + Assassins AU, Coffee Shop AU, Non-Linear Storytelling
Chapter Wordcount: 9430
Previous: Part 1
Ao3 Link: here
Journal Entry 4 (This is numbering business is beginning to be a hassle)
April 24, 2013
I am dating a Neanderthal. And I think I like it.
Over my dead body would he hear it from me, though. I seriously did not need to know manhandling is a kink I have. My days are now haunted by the idea of him tossing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and slapping my ass as he drags me back to his cave.
It’s the muscles, I’m going to say it’s the muscles. Who would have thought photography could get you biceps like those. Maybe I’m in the wrong field. It’s probably from dragging all the camera equipments… or he’s just a gym enthusiast.
Also, general life update: In case it wasn’t clear, Kookie and I are officially going out. Fuck yeah. It's been five dates and only two disasters. A much better ratio than that tornado romance freshman year, so I’m counting that as a win.
Overall life is finally looking good, but it’s definitely time to hatch out some game plans because this isn't going to work. The situation is dire, and I just can't take it anymore.
It's been over a month. Downstairs Jimin needs some love as well.
Kookie is bae, so bae He’s got a well paying job and doesn’t judge me for my shitty financial affairs Kookie is hot, so hot, fire of my loins (if only) He is really fun, once we hacked through the shy streak He can kiss I’m going out with a gorgeous human being who is so out of my league it’s not even funny (I am not drawing hearts because I am an adult man, I am just going to mentally note this is a heart drawing situation)
Kookie is too bae, guy won't let me live I'm not a gold digger, how do I tell him to calm with the gifting Seriously too caliente… Mr. Right-Hand has been embarrassingly intimate with my dick, I'm surprised the guy ain't raw by now I low key miss shy Kookie. He's after my soul now, the little shit. He can fucking kiss, but my dick is still living the life of a monk I feel like he’s keeping a distance, but I want to show him how much I like him… WITH MY DICK!
Will update on progress.
Side note: Entry 3 has been destroyed because even I'm too ashamed to reread the blabberings of my blue-balls.
Rows upon rows of storage units lined the pier in a facsimile of a gridlock. The faulty lights which haphazardly sprinkled the layout flickered at random intervals, and the hum of their wiring was only occasionally drowned out by the lapping of the water nearby. Ayao Industries had a few warehouses with lots similar to these which generally served as housing for excess goods and were maintained by a small crew.
So much so that when three figures ran at breakneck speeds down one of the many pathways between the units toward the building of the warehouse, it was perhaps the most action seen at any of these locations. One of the slighter figures, a young woman, broke ahead, making a beeline for doors.
“Momo, get the locks! Hurry!” a feminine voice called from the second figure, who was still some distance away.
Just as Momo slammed into the door and began to work at the padlock, the clang of what sounded like an empty can being kicked across the cement broke through the night, echoing from some undefinable place in the yard. They all froze, terror apparent on all their faces.
Momo was the first to break out of the paralysis and continued to grapple with the lock in her trembling hands. The third figure finally stumbled toward the second woman, grabbing her by the shoulder. In the flickering lights of the yard, the worried face of the man was beaded with sweat as he gripped the young woman’s shoulders.
“Jihyo, listen,” he panted, “I'll try to buy you two some time, but you need to go, now. Don't look back.”
“No arguing. Go. It's been a pleasure working with you girls,” he smiled kindly, and shoved her forward.
Jihyo didn't have time to say much else, when the rattle of the padlock falling signaled Momo’s success with the door.
“Jihyo! Pinky! Let's go!” Momo called as she tugged the door open.
Hesitating for just a moment, Jihyo turned to give their mentor a questioning look, but when he only smiled and nodded, she had no choice but to purse her lips and move forward. Making her way to Momo, she shoved the other woman into the open doorway and slammed the door behind her.
She never looked back.
Momo’s ragged breaths rang loudly in the silence of the warehouse, “Jihyo, what about Pinky?”
“He's not coming.”
Bang Si Hyuk was just finishing up with the counters, wiping down the culmination of day’s messes. He just had to put away some glasses and do another run through of the cafe before closing for the day. It was Christmas Eve’s eve, and he was definitely looking forward to closing up for the next two days. He had even sent Sejin home early. It was sweet of his nephew to keep stopping by to see how his cafe was going, but given that he's been in business going on six months now, he was a little suspect of how much of it was the man checking up on him and how much was just him trying to binge on some free coffee. Still, the man was pretty helpful around the shop and usually helped him clean up for the day, so he couldn't say anything. Considering Sejin had his own full time job and family, Si Hyuk did appreciate the extra time the man gave to his bachelor uncle.
And since he was entertaining himself with plans of how he would like to spend his nice quiet Christmas Eve before heading off to his brother’s for Christmas, when the chime of the front door signaled a customer’s arrival, Si Hyuk couldn't help but groan a little. Sejin must have forgotten to flip the sign on his way out.
Closing the cupboard he was rummaging in, he glanced at the clock they had in the back kitchen and let out an exasperated sigh. It was well past ten. The person must really be jonesing for a cup of coffee, but they were just going to have to go somewhere else. He had a date with his couch and TV tonight.
He sighed again and headed to the register, ready to tell whoever it was that they were already closed for the evening.
And he quickly changed his mind the second he caught sight of the person.
The young man was definitely a new customer. While his little cafe might be new, the majority of his customers were regulars, mostly from surrounding businesses or people living close by. And Si Hyuk can say with certainty that they were definitely not the sort of people who looked like the man who was standing in the middle of his shop.
In fact, he briefly wondered if the man was an idol. The young man was very slender, but with a solid physique, and his bleach blonde hair was pulled back into a messy short man-bun, which worked surprisingly well despite his light business attire. His business could do with a popularity boost that a picture and signature from an idol would bring.
However, he quickly shot the idea down when he got a good look at the man’s face. Sure he was handsome, but the sheepish smile he sent Si Hyuk seemed oddly calculated and unnervingly detached.
No, he didn't think this man was an idol.
Bang Si Hyuk was not a trusting man, he would be the first to admit. He didn't believe all that nonsense about all men being good, that it was only with the corruption of society that brought men to do evil. Everyone is born capable of all manners of horrendous acts. This Si Hyuk firmly believed in.
What he never subscribed to, however, was the saying that no good deed goes unpunished. No matter what evils others were capable of, he would never allow those actions to affect his own in trying to be a decent human being.
So when Bang Si Hyuk got a good look at the man and every bone in his body all but screamed that this man was dangerous, he also took a good look at the man’s eyes, and all he saw was something raw.
If this man wanted a coffee at ass o’clock in the evening, then Si Hyuk was giving him that damn cup. He clearly needed it.
Throwing on his most welcoming smile, Si Hyuk used the usual catchphrase that's gotten him enough groans to know he'll never let it die, “Hello, first time with Bangtan Cafe?”
The man tilted his head as he blinked in obvious confusion, “Do you say that to all your customers?”
Si Hyuk grinned, “Yup.”
“Do you still have customers?”
He had to laugh at that, “I'll have you know at this establishment we pride ourselves on our customer service! And first impressions are everything. We strive to give our customers an experience like no other, here.”
“Well, consider yourself successful there. You haven't said anything about your coffee, though.”
“Because it's a given. We’re the best. Nothing but the freshest brews for our lovely customers.”
For the first time since he walked in, Si Hyuk could say the man had an honest smile in his face.
“Selling yourself a bit high, aren't you?”
“What do the kids say these days? Don't diss it before you taste it? You're going to love our coffee, satisfaction guaranteed.”
“I'm pretty sure that's not how that goes.”
“You get the idea. So, what will it be?”
“What do you recommend?”
Si Hyuk busied himself turning on some of the machines, when inspiration hit, “You know what? How about I surprise you? Just answer a few questions for me.”
“Ooh! Sounds fun.”
“So, hot or cold?”
“Hot, please.”
“Any allergies?”
“Nope,” the man popped his ‘p’ when he answered.
“How sweet do you like your drinks?”
“The sweeter the better.”
“Really? I didn't take you for someone with a sweet tooth. Alright, last one, caffeine, how much can you handle.”
“I'm not planning on sleeping tonight.”
“Great! I have something in mind, then. Have a seat, it'll take a few minutes.”
The man slowly approached the counter, and Si Hyuk realized his hair looked a tad damp, and he was only wearing a button up, which was rather out of place given the snow outside. He just hoped drugs weren't involved, since the last thing he wanted to deal with before the holidays was a druggie in his shop. But again, he quickly tossed that idea out, when the man gave him a knowing smile. His confusion about the man’s dress must have shown on his face.
He had to ask, “You always go out in subzero temperatures like that?”
The man gave a short laugh and answered, “No. Actually, had a run in with an… ex, I guess you could say. She and her friends weren't too happy to see me.”
“What did they do? And what did you do for that matter?”
“We used to work together. I'm using the term ex very generously here, but basically, I was good at my job, and she was a jealous bint. Long story short, I don't work there anymore, but she’s still as annoying as I remembered.”
“And what does that have to do with your coat?”
“She and her gang of harpies made a mess of it. Some things are impossible to dry clean, so I gave it up as a lost cause. Had to rinse the shit out of my hair, too. I wasn't going to walk down the street looking like that.”
“My god! You should file a police report.”
“Nah. I don't think my pride can take that kind of blow. It's just a coat, and I doubt I'll see the lot of them, again.”
“Hm. Look I don't support violence against women or anything, but next time, if you're ganged up on, consider throwing a shove and running for it. It'll save you a coat, at least. I'm going to assume it was expensive.”
The man smiled, “I'll keep that in mind.”
Si Hyuk disappeared under the counters for a bit as he dug around for something, and as he popped back up, he continued, “Sounds like you had a long day.”
“Yeah, as far as shitty days go, it's been a bloodbath.”
“Well, I have the perfect cure for that. Ta-dah!” Si Hyuk proudly presented a steaming cup of coffee. He tried with the foam art, but that was seriously something the younger staff excelled at. He was just the coffee guy… and the boss.
The man gave the cup a rather skeptical look and indicated the foam, “What is that supposed to be?”
“It's a bunny.”
“Did it get eaten? Half its face is kind of -”
“Just drink the coffee.”
The man gave Si Hyuk a smirk that he swore was the epitome of slappable. Kids these days. No respect for their elders at all.
He watched as the man took a sip and had to gloat a bit when he saw the familiar look of surprised pleasure. Yup, he still had it, world’s best coffee brewer for you. He was mentally brushing his nails against his shirt, when the man’s voice interrupted his inner musings.
“What did you put in this?”
“I can write it down for you if you want to order it again, although you might want to have one of the more experienced staff handle it. The secret ingredients are mandarin water and coconut milk.”
“It's not much of a secret anymore, is it? But if you don't mind, I would love to have the order. I know I'm holding you up enough as it is.”
Si Hyuk shook his head, “Don't worry about it, I have to close up and clean anyway. It's nice to have some company.”
The man nodded. Both of them ignoring the fact that the tables were cleared and kitchen was visibly spotless. They lapsed into a comfortable silence, as the man sipped at the coffee while Si Hyuk busied himself turning the machines off again, but not before brewing himself a simple cup of black coffee.
When he was done, he grabbed his cup and made his way to the other side of the counter and sat on one of the empty stools by the man, “So, you look like you have a lot on your mind. Sometimes it helps to talk, you know?”
The man gave him a side smile that once again brought attention to how unusually attractive he was, before asking, “Is this part of the usual customer service? I have to say you're really winning at the one of a kind experience thing you were talking about.”
“Well, you can think of it that way, but it's the holidays. And something just doesn't sit right by this old fart to leave a young man like you stewing in your thoughts.”
He snorted, “Okay, one, you're not that old, and two, it's just personal things, nothing you can help with.”
“Who said anything about helping? My customer service only goes so far. But like I said, sometimes it just helps to talk, and I'm an old stranger. Drop your trash here and boom, you're good to go!”
The man just stared at his coffee for a while in lieu of a response.
Si Hyuk took a sip of his own before continuing, “If you don't want to have a go, you're just going to have to listen to this old man ramble. So, for Christmas, I'm going to be popping by to see the extended family, you know, my brothers, the wife, girlfriend, kids. Great bunch. But damn, if I have to hear another round of whining about misbehaving kids, I will just grab a bat and put the fear of God in them myself! This is why I never married--if you don't want to deal with baby shit, don't have the babies, is what I say!”
“They sound great, actually. It must be nice to have a large family.”
“No siblings for you?”
The man paused a moment. His voice sounded softer when he answered, “Just a little brother.”
“Speaking as a middle child, my little brother was a shit head.”
“Mine has his moments, but usually he's great. Always tries to help with the home and stuff. It’s only the two of us, you know. I basically raised him.”
“Well, I have to say I'm a bit jealous. You two sound close. Between the three of us, my brothers and I had nothing in common. I still love them, don't get me wrong, but I have mixed feelings about this Christmas gathering, let me tell you.”
“Yeah. But honestly, I wouldn't really say we had the same interests. We worked in the same company for a while. Then, he got a boyfriend.”
Si Hyuk gave the man a stern look, “I hope you didn't let something like that get in the way of your relationship with your brother. It’s 2014!”
He was pleased to see the man break out into wild chuckles, “No, no! Nothing like that! I love the kid, the both of them. Those two dumbasses deserve each other!”
“Then what happened? Sounds like you're not seeing them this Christmas,” Si Hyuk asked and immediately regretted it when the man’s face fell.
“Let's just say the company didn't approve of his choices. They ended up leaving, my brother and his boyfriend.”
“You can't sue the company for discrimination?”
“Well, good for them, your brother and his guy. Sounds like a shit company, anyway. Wait, is this the same place that your ex works at?”
“Fuck them. I still don't see what's your problem, though.”
The man took a big sip before answering, “They just left. One day, I get home and all I have is this note. Something about not wanting to cause me trouble. What the fuck, you know? Like, didn't I always say that they meant the world to me? That there's not enough trouble in the world that would stop me from helping them?”
The man paused and added very quietly, almost to himself, “I just wonder if I didn't make it clear enough that they’re the most important things to me, more than any job, any half-assed relationships. I would drop all of it for them.”
Si Hyuk stared, surprised at what the man was sharing, “You probably made yourself plenty clear. That's probably why they left; younger siblings are stupid like that.”
The befuddled look the man gave him would have been hilarious under different circumstances.
“Look, I don't know how it was for you two growing up, but as the older sibling, I'm sure you had to give up a lot for your brother. Considering how close it sounded like you two are, it's probably just some unnecessary guilt manifesting itself. Like for me, I love my job, but let me tell you, I needed help getting started. But did you see me going to my big brother for help? No, because I didn't want to bother the man. It wasn't until he all but shoved an envelope with a check down my pants that I realized he had already saved a fair bit of money to help me.”
“Down your pants?”
“I love the guy, but he's an ass.”
“You ever tried calling him? Your brother, I mean?”
“I missed him. It's a little late now.”
“He left the country?”
“Something like that.”
“Your brother doesn't do things half-way, does he?”
“No, that he doesn't.”
“You know what, though. He knows how to get in contact with you. You'll probably hear from him in no time.”
“Somehow I doubt that, but thanks,” he leaned back to finish off his coffee and said, “Your coffee really is the best, but I really should head out now and let you close up.”
“It's no problem. And I hope the talk helped,” Si Hyuk said, then jumped up, “Oh, one second, wait here.”
He ran off to the back room, leaving the man wide eyed to his quick disappearance. When he reemerged, he had in hand a thick winter coat.
“Here, for the road,” he said, shoving the coat at the young man.
“What? It's alright, I can't take your coat.”
“It's not mine. Lost and Found. It's their own fault for not picking up their coat. And I insist. If you want, you can just bring it back later.”
“Is this your way of trying to get a returning customer.”
“You've seen through my schemes.”
“Well, with that greeting, I can't blame you for trying to keep a customer or two.”
“Take the damn coat, brat!”
The man laughed and finally gave in. He threw on the coat and headed to the door, pausing before opening it, “Oh, and sir, thanks for everything. The coffee, the talk, the coat.”
“Yeah, yeah. You give me less lip service next time and I'll consider us even. Merry Christmas!”
“To you, too.” And then, he disappeared out into the night.
Si Hyuk sure hoped he would see the man, again. But if not, he felt at least he did something holiday appropriate.
Maybe he should call his brothers tonight.
Jihyo allowed Momo a moment to fully grasp the situation and Jeongbong’s sacrifice. She saw a haze of grief pass over the woman's eyes, but as quickly as it appeared, it was gone just as fast, and Momo nodded.
“The truck should be in the back,” she said instead.
“Let's hurry, I don't think Jeongbong can keep him off us for long.”
And with that they both took off. The warehouse itself was dimly lit, and both women had to depend heavily on the moonlight filtering through the rows of windows and catwalks above them. They were both used to working in less than desirable circumstances, but given the haphazard set up of the complex, it was much slower going than either of them wanted.
Momo was the first to see the vehicle, “I found it!”
Jihyo let out a breath, “The keys should be on the dash.”
Momo made her way to the driver’s side of the truck, while Jihyo slammed down on the button to open the gate to the driveway as she ran past.
“I got the keys; get in here, Jihyo,” Momo called, while reaching over and throwing the passenger door open.
She didn't need to be told twice, as she was already running towards it. Jihyo had just climbed into the seat, when in the distance, the unmistakable sounds of gunshots rang out. Six bursts and suddenly, things were silent again.
“Start the car, Momo.”
Jihyo whirled around to stare out at the darkness behind them. She could make out the muffled sound of gunshots on the warehouse door, and she knew the lock wouldn't hold.
“I said, start the car, Momo! What are you doing?”
“I'm trying, I'm trying! It's not starting.”
Both women jumped when the bang of the door opening sounded from behind them.
Momo desperately tried turning the key over and over, but the vehicle remained silent and dead. In frustration, she tossed up her hands and slammed them on the wheel over and over, as she gritted her teeth, “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!”
Rather than give into her rising panic, Jihyo searched frantically around the truck, when her eyes fell on two tool boxes in the back.
“Momo, stop! Come on, follow me,” she said as she grabbed one of Momo’s flailing hands to get her attention. She nodded her head in the direction of the tools, and while Momo sent her a puzzled look, she still opened her door and followed Jihyo to the back of the truck.
“We don't have a choice,” Jihyo said while pulling the boxes toward them, “look in here and see if there's anything we can use.”
Despite her mounting horror, Momo was quick to comply. It seemed hopeless, but Jihyo was right, they really didn't have any other options right now. Besides, she was never one to argue with her leader before, and she sure as hell wasn’t about to start now. They didn't have much time, so rummaging through the boxes was a chaotic task, but eventually, they both came away with the best of what they could make of the contents: two solid steel hammers.
It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible.
Jihyo lamented the fact that she couldn't turn up any knives. She had always been much more comfortable with them. It was just too bad hers were broken in the earlier scuffle. The only other knife user in their group was Tzuyu and -
No, it best not to think of her, or any of the others. Jihyo gave herself exactly one second to acknowledge her grief for their loss, but this was not the time for mourning. The right to grieve was owed to the victor, and between Momo and her, she could only hope for that chance.
As they were both were having a feel for the weight and balance of their impromptu weapons, they immediately stopped and turned toward the source when soft echoing footsteps became audible. The shared a glance, and Jihyo nodded, signaling to Momo to hide and wait for her call.
Momo disappeared, melting into the shadows with practiced ease that Jihyo had to stifle a rising sense of pride for; their team was trained for stealth. Hit quickly and leave no trace behind. While they weren't the heavy hitters, they were very good at what they did, and that was the thought that settled her nerves as she, too, took position.
They didn't have to wait for long. The lean figure made his way leisurely down the central path of the warehouse. Jihyo couldn't help but feel the burn of the insult that the man was approaching them so openly. He wasn't even trying.
This burn gave way to unadulterated rage as he approached, and she was able to make out the weapons in his hands. In his left hand was a familiar M3C combat knife; the combination triple A-Titanium and Inconel blade was easily capable of cutting through skin, bones, and armor. This was the main reason why she had bought it for Tzuyu last year. It had become a favorite of the younger girl, and the two hadn’t been parted since she was given it, until now.
Even worse, in his right hand was a .45 AMT Hardballer, Jeongbong’s gun of choice.
In that moment, Jihyo truly knew what it was to hate someone with her entire being.
She was going to make him pay for this. Tightening her grip on the hammer, she waited for her chance to spring on him. Even in the darkness, it was easy to make him out with his bleached blonde hair. It was always a dead give away, and despite how many times headquarters had requested he change it to something less conspicuous, he'd stubbornly maintained the color out of spite.
There was a time when Jihyo had found the rebellion attractive, charming in a childish way. Now in retrospect, that should have been the first sign.
She waited for him to come, when suddenly, he stopped.
“So, are we really going to do this?” He twirled knife in his hand, his voice remaining light. “I mean, have I ever said how much I appreciated Pinky? Always liked a man who knows the value of my time. Saved me the trouble of coming for him, unlike you ladies.”
All Jihyo could hear was the grinding of her own teeth.
“Look,” he continued, “we all know how this is going to end, so let's skip this whole song and dance, okay? I can make it quick, for all of us, you know? Places to go, people to see, well, that's more for me. I guess it depends on your spiritual outlook, you might have places to go and people to see, too, actually.”
He always fucking rambled. Why the fuck did he always have to fucking ramble? Even now? Holy fuck, how did she forget, he basically talked non-stop that time she convinced him to fuck.
And he had the gall to tell her it was only a one time deal when she asked him why he didn't stay the night. He actually looked her in the eye and told her it was boring. To add insult to injury, he told her he was ‘cool with her telling the office he was a bad lay,’ and proceeded to wink conspiratorially at her.
Why hadn't she killed him earlier?
She was pulled out of her musings when he continued.
“So, what I'm trying to say is that we all have things we really ought to be getting to. How about we get a move on it, ladies?” He waited a moment, looking around in an obviously exaggerated manner. “Or did you want me to come to you? Because knowing Jihyo, she does seem to have a thing for letting other people do all the work. Right, babe?”
Oh, that motherfucker really had to bring it up, didn't he? That was the last fucking straw, and she was tired of waiting, anyway.
Taking advantage that he was facing away from her, she ran at him from her hiding spot, taking aim at him with the hammer. It didn't come too much as a surprise when he simply dodged her attack, but she couldn't help the mounting frustration when each of her subsequent swipes and stabs were constantly and seemingly so easily avoided. She was putting her all into each hit, but with simple, effortless body movements, he managed to negate all her actions.
They continued this pattern for a few more moves; the whole time, he wasn't exerting anything more or less than what he had been doing. And during the whole exchange, that irritating ass grin didn't move an inch, stretched wide on his face, and for the first time, his eyes were peering, unblinkingly, at her struggle. And with every missed strike, the frustration was giving to desperation and fear.
She knew she was getting sloppy, but there was a rising sense of panic with every failed hit. She flipped the hammer around to use the sharp end and tried to hook it into his calf, but he easily sidestepped her swing. This time, however, she was ready and used her momentum to follow her movement, completing her spin but standing up to dig the claw in his face.
It was shocking when this time her move was stopped prematurely, and she jerked both because of the interruption and the surprised.
Looking at the face that was now inches from her own, she realized he had at some point tucked away the gun and his free hand was grasped tightly around her forearm, while the curve of the knife was hooked around the neck of the hammer, both solidly stopping it from doing any damage.
Before she could react, he shoved her back into the shelving behind her and quickly slammed her head several consecutive times against the metal. She collapsed to the floor, momentarily stunned, and distantly registered the clang of the hammer hitting the floor.
She struggled to see through the pain when she felt a heavy foot step on her chest, so close to her neck, effectively holding her in place while stopping just short of suffocating her. She blindly clawed at the man’s foot and leg.
“Look, sweetheart,” she heard him say, “I’d love to say I hate to see things end this way, but that would be a lie.”
The clicking of the safety on the gun being pulled back was so loud despite the pounding in her ear. She struggled harder.
Her vision had just barely cleared. Above her, right over her face was the barrel of a gun, and behind it was him, smiling gently. She wished he would just gloat, just give her the villain they all deserved. But he was just smiling, an ironic and somewhat pitying smile, like it was she who was in the wrong. Coming from the man who was still drenched in the blood of her friends, her family in all but blood, she could just couldn’t accept it.
It was him, not them, not her, who was wrong.
“Do you even remember them?” she had to ask.
“Everyone. You’re killing every last goddamn person who mattered, and for what,” she screamed. “Your own fucking pride, that’s what. Everyone to make up for your one fuck-up. Well, you know what? Nayeon, Mina, Tzuyu, every last one of them was worth ten of him! And they never betrayed us. Do you even remember them?”
Her pants echoed through the warehouse when she was done. She didn’t even know if he was going to respond. He just kept staring at her, the hand on the gun steady. The smile was still there when his eyebrows furrowed in slight befuddlement.
“Why should I?” He shrugged.
Jihyo had nothing. There was no point. The worst was realizing there was nothing she could do or say in this situation. Tears she had been holding finally spilled over, and she looked away. She didn't need his face to be the last thing she saw.
But as she peered into the darkness, she caught the vague hint of movement in the shadows.
Oh, thank god.
“Well, if you've got nothing else to say,” he continued, “bye, Jihyo.”
She turned back to him and smiled, “Bye, Jinnie.”
She didn't blink when the shot went wild as Momo managed to hook the claw of hammer around his wrist and tug his hand out of the line of aim. The younger woman ducked under his arm and attempted a few hits, but he evaded it all.
However, he was forced to back away and Momo paused long enough between them to kick the dropped hammer over to Jihyo before zigzagging away, just as Jin began shooting at her.
Jihyo grabbed the handle and dove behind a shelving unit, scrambling away as fast as she could despite the pounding in her head and her still blurry vision when he turned the gun back on her.
He stopped shooting rather quickly, and she assumed it was either because he was out or, more likely, he was trying to save the rounds. She was just extremely grateful that the .45 AMT only had a 7-round magazine, but it didn't help that she didn't know how much he had started out with.
She found a dark nook to gather herself, when a thin hand reached out from the darkness beside her to cover her mouth. Jihyo started, but thankfully, Momo’s hand was recognizable even to her frayed mind. They didn't have time to do much else besides sharing a gaze, when the echoes of his footsteps approached.
Jihyo and Momo remained still, barely daring to breathe when Jin finally came close enough for them to strike. They shared one more look and nodded their mutual understanding. It was their last shot.
When he was in position, Jihyo and Momo moved as one. It was strange to attack like this, both women feeling the absence of the other seven weighing heavily on their conscious.
They both turned the hammer to the claw end for the strike. Momo moved quickly and attacked Jin’s legs, while Jihyo took the top. Swipe, punch, kick, block, the three engaged in a strange dance with stakes too high. Jin managed to dodge almost all of the women’s attacks, with Momo coming closest to landing a hit when the tip of her claw caught his coat sleeve and tore into it.
This caught him by surprise, and Jihyo took the opportunity to land a solid punch to his rib. Unfortunately, rather than slowing down, Jin seemed to thrive off the hits, and the fight picked up pace.
He twisted away from her, grabbing hold of Momo’s arm and tugging her forward as he did so; Jihyo made to slash at his face, but with Momo’s arm caught and his momentum tipping her forward, it was only Jihyo’s quick reflexes that stopped her, barely centimeters, from burying the hammer into her own friend’s face.
Their shock was their undoing. With their close proximity, he used it to his own advantage, taking Momo’s arm, still holding the hammer, to knock away Jihyo’s own, and sent her crashing down with a kick to the side of her head.
Her world broke into white lights and ringing, over which she could just make out the sound of Momo’s continued struggle against him. She tried to stand - she had to help, but her equilibrium was shot, and her vision was wavering between doubles and triples. She shook her head and blinked several times when she fell for the second time.
She was on her hands and knees when her vision cleared enough for her to see what was happening.
Jihyo looked up just in time to see Momo get caught in a mockery of a back hug, and he, with one hand holding Momo’s own on the handle of the hammer, forced her to bury the claw into her own throat.
The scream ripped itself from Jihyo’s throat much like the way Jin ripped the hammer from Momo’s.
He dropped the hammer and Momo’s body to step slowly toward her.
It was a hopeless sort of madness that drove her to attack. It was pointless, but she had to hit him, she had to kill him, for them. Even if she knew it was pointless and there was no chance of her succeeding, she had to go down fighting, for everyone.
She distantly noted that he had taken the knife from wherever he'd had it and was now on the offensive. Ignoring the protests of her own body, and the blood dripping steadily from her nose ever since she took the kick to the head. She grabbed Momo’s hammer as well, all the while ignoring the grisly scene of her former ally.
With a hammer in each hand, Jihyo glared at him, spitting, “You're going to pay for this.”
“Somehow, I highly doubt that.”
She was exhausted and hurting, and each of her attacks were getting sloppier the longer they went. With a hammer in each hand she kept trying to hit her target, but to no avail. It wasn't too long before Jin caught her left arm long enough to dig the knife into the flesh just above her elbow and sliced, severing the tendon. She ignored the clang of the hammer falling from her now useless hand, instead, spinning to swipe at him with her right. He ducked under her swing and expertly swung the knife twice, first cutting through the back of her right knee and second through the Achilles' tendon.
Her body crumpled, but Jihyo struggled to remain upright. Instead, she collapsed to one knee and turned to Jin. It was demeaning to look into his eyes and realize she didn't even register as anything of value.
Fuck him.
She glared at him as he walked toward her. Her temper was still boiling, so she made one last swipe at him. He quickly ducked away, slashing her wrist as he went. The hammer fell, and he was finally standing in front of her kneeling form. With a light kick to her shoulder, he sent her crumpling back. She could do nothing from where she lay. Every fiber of her being burned with hatred when he stood over her and tilted his head to examine his work.
Jihyo couldn't even register her pain for the rage consuming her.
“Well, good on you,” she spat, “but before you put that bullet in my head, let me ask you one thing.”
“Yes, the sex really was that bad. I was going to spare you that tidbit, but since you're so adamant, the answer is no. It really wouldn't have worked out between us. You know the spiel, it's not you, it’s me, blah blah blah.”
“Really funny, Jin. But no, I just wanted to know, how does it feel to know that he didn't trust you? I said he betrayed us, but I've got to know, how does it feel to realize, after all you've done for him, all the time you've dedicated to him, he went and chose an outsider over you?”
Jihyo was pleased to see him freeze. She continued, “Poor Jinnie. He owes you his life and what do you get in return? And good job on you for training him so well. I heard it took five teams to get them. You know you could have helped them? Oh, wait. You didn't. That stupid little boy wanted to fly on his own, didn't he? Got sick of you, probably. I really applaud him for putting up with you as long as he did. But just so you know, you may kill every last one of us, but who’s the loser here? We always had each other’s backs, but look at you. Baby boy didn't even bother to tell you he was leaving, huh? Didn't even trust you enough for that small courtesy. So I'm curious, what does being discarded feel like?”
Even in the darkness of the warehouse, she could makes out the trembling of the man. She may have not been able to get him physically, but she could take some pleasure from dealing this kind of damage. However, her satisfaction gave way to confusion when her ears picked up his familiar squeaking laughter.
“Oh, my god, Jihyo, really?”
“What was that? Were you trying to play mind games or something, or were you just trying to hit some cliched speech quota? Like, are you being serious right now?”
“What are you talking about, you fuck?”
“Okay, one, you don’t get to talk about him. Unlike you, I know when I fucked up, okay? Yes, I could have helped. But I could have done more to convince him he could have depended on me, so holy shit do I realize I'm a loser. I worked with you lot, didn't I? Look, I'm not killing everyone to make up for him, it's not gonna fix shit. But it does fucking make me happy. Simple.”
He smiled at her once the laughing fit ended.
“And just so you know, just for that though, I'm going to let you in on a little secret.”
He knelt down beside her and leaned in close to whisper, “I was quick with everyone else. But just for old times sake, I'm going to take my time with you.”
He tossed the gun aside and twirled the knife, smiling brightly.
“Shall we begin?”
Kim Namjoon stared at the pages upon pages of statistical diagrams, shipment logs, charts, and analytics which all essentially boiled down to the same thing: their startup was doing well enough to not crash and burn like they all feared, but not well enough to be considered stable by any stretch of the imagination. He sighed. If he were the type, he would have blamed karma. But he wasn't the superstitious sort, and that kind of mumbo-jumbo always rang too much like excuses.
Besides, it wasn't as if he had been responsible for the Ayao Industries’ failure.
Namjoon had started CYPH Inc. at the end of 2014 in the aftermath of the series of disasters that almost sent Ayao to its knees. They were fortunate to have branched out to their overseas offices, since numerous accidents and oddly unlucky investment fall throughs almost bankrupted them in their home country. They had all but disappeared with the exceptions of a few minor holdings and offices, but the vacuum that was left became fertile grounds for many businesses and other start-ups to scramble and fill.
Namjoon was nothing if not an opportunist. He had actually been in a lower, generally insignificant position at Ayao in the finance department where he dealt mostly in book-keeping. He had enough smarts to realize they were dealing in some shady practices, and possibly some questionable business ventures. At the same time, he trusted his instincts enough not to go digging.
It came as no surprise to him that the company went the way it did. He just hoped he never has the misfortune of crossing paths with whoever Ayao Industries managed to piss off. He could appreciate the efficiency and thoroughness, but with the reported body counts, and who knew how many others went under the radar, he was just thankful he was so successful in remaining unremarkable.
Namjoon had been plotting, though. He had known there was the possibility of this exact thing happening, so he had taken certain steps to ensure he could make the most of it.
One good thing that had come from the number of deaths, was that it eased whatever moral qualms he might have had about implicating a co-worker in a security breach so that he could make off with several moderate to high profile accounts. They definitely eased the transition into starting his own company, and while some had been wary of trusting someone so seemingly untested, the combination of having a clear record and just enough connections to Ayao meant that a decent amount of clients had been willing to take the risk, giving him a head start on other businesses.
As for the unlucky co-worker, he was never very bright to begin with, and if Namjoon hadn't, someone else would have taken advantage of him and probably for something much worse. The man may have lost his job, but he kept his life, which was more than what a significant portion of Ayao’s employees could say.
Namjoon had jumped ship as soon as shit started hitting the fan. The day after the death of one Lee Byunghun, he put in his two weeks notice and just prayed he would last the rest of his time there when the fire broke out a few days later.
With the young heir’s death, the media coverage was largely sympathetic to the Lee family, as was expected, but Namjoon thought the whole thing felt too convenient, too personal to be anything but intentional. This was pretty much confirmed when the fire happened, followed by publicity response efforts which effectively rewrote the events. He was well aware there were no remodeling plans, much less any reason why those men were in the building to begin with. Not like he was going to tell anyone this.
So, here he was, almost three years down the line, still struggling to make a name for himself. He didn't regret his decision, and he was well aware he was better off than most, but god, he just wished some things came to him a bit easier.
Which was why he was still working at this hour. The shipment plans in front of him were blurring together to the point of being almost cryptic when he heard his phone vibrate.
It was Taehyung.
Thank god.
He needed a distraction.
“Hello. This is Kim.”
“Yo, Namjoon, I know you have me saved on your phone, so drop the business bullshit. I got to ask you something.”
“I'm in the office.”
“Way too late in my opinion. No one’s there, don't even try lying to me. I always know when you're lying.”
“What do you want?” Namjoon sighed and gave up. It was hopeless trying to argue with Taehyung. For whatever reason, from the moment the two met in college, Tae had attached himself to Namjoon like a barnacle and hadn't let go since. Namjoon had learned through exposure that sometimes it was best just to ride out the crazy that was Tae’s schemes. Half the time they turned out pretty genius, but considering the other half were spectacular disasters, it was best to approach it all with caution.
Still, he wouldn't have started his business with him if the guy was completely mad.
“I just had a stroke of genius.” Taehyung’s whisper was so loud that it grated painfully against Namjoon’s ear from the speaker.
“Yeah, well now I'm worried.”
“No, it's true. It's real genius this time. But you have to answer me one thing first.”
Namjoon sighed and pinched his forehead in preparation, “Alright. What is it?”
“Are you asexual?”
“What the actual fuck, Tae?”
“I mean, it's cool. Some people just aren't into some things, and you're my buddy, so I won't judge, dude. Bros before… a nonexistent libido?”
“Tae. I've had sex before.”
“Well, it never seemed like you were all that into it.”
“Of course I - wait, how the actual fuck do you know that? I swear to god, if you were spying -”
“No! It's not that, man. You just seem disinterested in people. Even friends with benefits would be better than what you do.”
“Is there a point to this?”
“Well, as your friend, I have to say I am worried about you and your choices.”
“Have you been talking to my mom?”
“Maybe. But that's not the point. The point is you suck at relationships, and it's time for an intervention.”
“If this is the point where you volunteer as tribute, the answer is no.”
“Okay, for one thing, my dick is too precious to be allowed anywhere near you, and two, I have a genius, genius plan. And you will go along with it.”
“And why would I do that?”
“I would mope if you don't.”
“Yeah, you're going to have to try harder than that.”
“And I am the one who has been keeping shipment on track. If you think I won't start some shit just to fix your bachelor ways, you have another thing coming. Don't try me, Namjoon.”
“Are you serious right now?”
“Dead serious.”
“You're not playing with the company!”
“I wouldn't have to if you weren't wasting your life!”
“What the fuck, Tae…”
“I'm going to assume that's a ‘yes, Tae, thank you for helping me fix my life,’ so that means, put your jacket on. I'm picking you up in five.”
“I'm driving over. You're coming with me. End of story.”
“Where the hell are we going exactly.”
“Coffee shop. It's cute, it's small, it's delicious, you'll love it.”
“I thought you weren't volunteering.”
“I'm not, you dick.”
“Fine. See you in five.”
“Four.” Taehyung clicked the phone off with emphasis somehow.
Namjoon was left speechless, staring at the paperwork that still needed to be completed. He heaved another sigh and got up, grabbing his jacket as he left.
“Well, this is a god damned mess.” Cha Hakyeon stared at the gory remains of his coworker and the other member of her team. Some days he absolutely loved his work. Today was not one of those days. An entire nine member team and their mentors were eliminated in one night, and they had no way of getting to the perpetrator.
Hakyeon was not looking forward to making the call to Headquarters.
“Should we call the police?” The trembling voice of the morning crew’s manager echoed in the grisly chasm of the warehouse.
“You haven't already?” Hakyeon turned to look at the five white faced men behind him.
“We thought it was better to call the office. These were our people, right? Gunho here recognized the man outside.”
“That was a good call on your part. Was there anyone else here, this morning?”
“Oh, no. It's a slow season, so we keep the staff minimal.”
“I see. Well, thank you, gentlemen. On behalf of Ayao Industries, I’d like to commend you for your discretion.” Hakyeon barely completed the sentence when he quickly shot four of the five men with the gun he always kept hidden but on hand.
He didn't like to use all his bullets unnecessarily, so for the last man, the frozen manager, he quickly finished him off with his team’s signature weapon, a redesigned Japanese war fan.
As the body crumpled, only seconds after the man's severed head touched the ground, Hakyeon spun the fan in a well practiced move to rid it of blood and snapped it closed. Flicking absentmindedly at some blood which unfortunately splattered on his brand new shirt, Hakyeon spared himself a moment to mentally organized what he was going to say and dialed.
The ringtone barely had time to finish, when a familiar husky voice asked, “How bad?”
“Pretty bad. The entire team is gone, all nine and their mentors.”
“On the bright side, no need to get the police involved this round. I already took care of the witnesses. There were only five workers, so we could always make up an accident, again. If they have family, we’ll just have to make sure they are well compensated. It shouldn't be too much of a hassle.”
“Let's avoid starting another fire this time. The publicity was a mess.”
“Oh, I know, sir. I am the spokesperson. However, it was unavoidable with the mess that he left. There was too much evidence to even try to clean, so a fire was our best option.”
“I agree, but this time, do try to keep things a little less dramatic.”
“Of course, sir. I also need to put in a request for our specialists for the clean-up at the warehouse. The others won't be too difficult to clean, but we’re going to need to be thorough here.”
“Do I want to know?”
“It's a mess. The upside to this was that Jihyo lived long enough to confirm his identity.”
“She survived the attack?”
“I would say it was intentional on his part. Formal cause of death would probably be exsanguination, but given the extent of her injuries, things probably got personal.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Among other things, her tongue had been removed and placed in her line of sight. He had turned her on her side to prevent her from choking on her own blood.”
“I see.”
“One last thing, sir. He had tampered with the facility's vehicle. Given that this is not his branch, I'm anxious to know how he found out about our protocols.”
“It just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? Anything else you would like to add? I'm going to need to get properly drunk before I report this shit myself. Corporate has been on my ass since the start of this whole mess.”
“I'm sorry to hear that, sir.”
“You can keep your sorry. I need this guy taken out ASAP. How does no one have any leads?”
“We’ve put out the order, but he wasn't a part of any teams, only the kid, and we know how that turned out.”
“Don't ever mention that bastard to me again.”
“Sorry, sir. That was foolish of me.”
There was a heavy sigh from the other side of the line, then, “You let your team know? You were on the hit that night.”
“I will inform them after this call, sir.”
“Good, good. You lot have done well by me. Take care. I don't want to be burying anymore of my people.”
“We’ll be prepared.”
“You say that. Don't let hubris be your undoing.”
“I'll keep that in mind. If that is all, sir, I have a few more calls to make.”
“I'm sure you do.”
“Goodbye, sir.”
Journal Entry 5
May 2, 2013
It’s happening tonight. We’re going to make this happen.
By we, I mean I and the dubious involvement of one obnoxiously pushy She-Hulk, Seulji. Mind your own love life, woman! Or lack there of.
So, I'm inviting him over for dinner. We moved the goddamn TV into the bedroom. I've made a bit of the mess in the living room and kitchen, so I have an excuse to drag him to the bedroom. Seulji is staying over at a friend’s, thank you.
Condoms, check.
Lube, check.
Lucky boxers, check.
It's going down.
juvi-lockster, dharyism, and allourheroes for cleaning up my hot mess!
Next: Part 3
#bangtan#bts#bts fanfic#namjin#jikook#yoonseok#kookmin#sope#my fanfic#fic: coming apart on top of you#myfanfic
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Master list of my favorite Bangtan fanfics
OT7 fics:
Bangtan Unleashed (Pt.2 is here)- Nobody knows the real Bangtan. What happens when the stage personas drop and the filter comes down? Pure insanity that's what.
Make Me Begin- When Jungkook is attacked, in the middle of their comeback, the rest of BTS struggle to come to terms with it and their own feelings for each other.
Blue Balls- Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung have a bet on who will the last the longest without getting off.The others then get involved.
Expensive Tastes- The fact that submitting to his own tastes empowers Yoongi so much makes Jimin think that he and Min Yoongi are practically made for each other.Jimin is a spoilt little thing who loves expensive gifts and attention, and Yoongi cannot help but indulge him.
Yoonmin Tumblr Requests- a place for me to dump my tumblr requests for those who want to read them! probably will be mostly yoonmin smut unless people request other things
Lock and key- Jimin had been rubbing up all over him ever since he got home, telling him he smelt good. Yoongi blanched as the realization hit him.Ah shit.
give me your full attention- “I didn’t want a roommate in the first place but you’re really fucking hot and I'm having a hard time studying since you just walked into our dorm with sweaty limbs after your stupid dance practice and now I can’t concentrate on anything else but you, fuck you.”
stuck on you- jimin doesn't do the whole fwb thing, it was too complicated and people didn't interest him enough to stick around, but he guesses that he could make an exception for yoongi's sakeーat least until the grouchy, mint-haired guy starts making him feel weird things, that is.
Head Cold- “Then why did you sneeze? You only sneeze when you’re feeling sick.”“I’m not sick!” Jimin yelled, flicking his tail at Yoongi and kicking his feet furiously. Yoongi glared at him, and Jimin returned it, quirking an eyebrow in competition.“Do you wanna get spanked?” Yoongi growled, his glare growing darker.“I dare you, Daddy.”Or: Yoongi suspects Jimin is sick, and Jimin is less than happy about his oncoming cold.
Perfect Is the Sound of You Breaking- Jimin likes being good, he likes being perfect.
Take Me To Church- Jimin, much to his chagrin, has a demon called Yoongi living in his bedroom. Things would be easier if Yoongi were a soul sucking monster instead of charming and unfairly hot.
Trouble- "I think you'd look good in black stockings."
tell me how you want your gift- (Feat. Yoongi)- tfw yoongi and namjoon don't remember seokjin's birthday is in, like... a week.sequel to twos company, threes a party
Can’t Keep My Hands To Myself- Every time Jin bends over, Namjoon slaps his ass. It was supposed to be a joke the first few times, but now Jin seems to be bending over a lot more.
Thinking out loud- It's funny how that brain to mouth filter works huh? Well maybe not funny, But it certainly makes for a Lovely icebreaker. Even when you didn't ask.....
The beauty and the monster- (warning:lots of smut/possible triggers) Jin is the heir to his parents' large company, but he doesn't act like the typical spoiled rich boy. Namjoon is a ruthless criminal that will stop at nothing to get what he wants. With the help of his closest gang members he is bound to succeed in everything. What happens when the beauty collides with the Monster? Not your average fairy tale.
get on your knees (say pretty please)- Seokjin hates Namjoon, and then of course, the two of them get stranded on a cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Pink- Namjoon would do anything to please his pretty princess.
up and coming; we’re fucking in an elevator- When Seokjin finally arrives home from a very long trip, Namjoon finds that he can barely control himself.
Pack Mentality (Kinda OT7)- Namjoon is possessive.
You are Only Hiding from Yourself (Feat. Yoongi)- Omegas were not allowed in K-pop. It was too risky but Jin wanted in. So like any closet omega he took suppression meds to change his smell to a beta. He got them sent from home so that everyone would not see and religiously he took them every day. But when he runs out of meds on a trip to America he soon realizes that he is putting the group at risk when his heat triggers two more.
Everything Gone Wrong- The first thing that went wrong in Yoongi's life was when his parents signed him up as a volunteer for the new governmental genetic experiment.Then he woke up as a sort of human-wolf hybrid.And got stuck with six idiots under the same roof.All of them are eager to find out their ranks, and Yoongi specially wants to Alpha them all.He should have known that nothing would go as he desired.
Game over (Fantasy fulfilled)- Back at their apartment, Yoongi and Hoseok finish what they started at the club
The games we play (My Fantasy)- Min Yoongi knows for a fact that fantasies can become reality
Sun and Moon - You are my other side- Everyone at their university said that they both wouldn't make a very good pair because of the clash and contrast in their personalities. Boy were these other students quick to judge. Min Yoongi - A hybrid musician with the genetics of both a vampire and a nix - and Jung Hoseok - A dancer with the genetics of a nix - have been best friends since the last year of their middle school days.They now have ten pure years of friendship - a few disagreements here and there. Though, Yoongi and Hoseok kept their - well fucking hidden - 3 year raging crushes they've had towards each other - that developed on their first year of college - a secret.It wasn't until their first year at University, not even two weeks into the first semester. Yoongi got annoyed at a female student who tried to grab - read: steal - Hoseok's attention. So Yoongi decided that it was now or never, and to be fair Hoseok had never been so relieved - but lowkey pissed off that it took this long - for Yoongi's confession, that day. The only ones who know about Yoongi and Hoseok's relationship; is the small friendship group that was assembled through their roommates / classmates. Everyone else is utterly clueless.
we write sins (not tragedies)- Rival Erotica writers Yoongi and Hoseok. 50% crack, 50% porn.
come on and bare your teeth- Jimin heard a twig snap somewhere in the distance, and he looked up……and found himself staring right into the eyes of a wolf. When Jimin runs away, he certainly doesn't expect to find a new home in the form of a bunch of furry beasts living inside a rock.
I’m the Hyung- Request/Prompt: No matter how many times he asserts his "hyung" status over Jungkook, Jimin still has a secret 'thing' for being dominated by him
i am a good boy (Feat. Taehyung)- The ideal couple. Jimin was short and soft in all the ways Jeongguk was tall and hard. The stuff of highly rated KBS dramas, Taehyung supposed.Until recently.aka taehyung stumbles upon (more like into) the true dynamics of his best friend's relationship ft. power bottom jimin, eager to please jeongguk and thirsty taehyung
Headed to Hell for the Company- A series of one-shots depicting Taehyung's time with his mildly sex-crazed half-demon boyfriend Jungkook.
Nice dream- … And he awakens, drenched in sweat, to see Jeongguk leaning over him. He feels an unmistakeable tightness in his pants. How embarrassing.“Are you okay?” the other asks, face pink. Taehyung blinks a couple of times.“Yeah, just a dream, no worries,” he reassures, voice scratchy. He hopes Jeongguk can’t tell.
Worth The Wait- Jeongguk's about to go crazy waiting for the next time the four of them can have some fun together. Luckily, one afternoon they all find themselves alone in the house once again.Lots of smut, though with a teeny bit of plot. This is a follow up to Sunday Morning, though could potentially be read as a standalone.
Assassin’s Order- CEO Taehyung gets tangled up in some illegal business without even knowing and when Assasin Jeongguk gets assigned to extract information from him after being caught, he realizes in what mess he's gotten himself into and agrees to cooperate with the assassins, after learning their true reasons, to bring down his uncle's company. What Jeongguk and Taehyung didn't expect was falling for each other in the progress.
Disaster- ALL that Jungkook needed was a click and his inner Slut was discovered and of course having a strictly religious family didn't stop him from opening his legs willingly for anyone as long as he was going too get fucked well !EXCEPT FOR ONE PERSON: V the college asshole playboy And Taehyung's only mistake was being born as V's twin brother & being in love with Jungkook.
You Are My Fifth Season- Jungkook loved Taehyung when the latter couldn't love himself. Will that love resist the hardships ahead?Or: The tales of a flawed/innocent Taehyung and a player/playboy Jungkook.-"Trust me?" -"Thrust me."
Up Above the Parachutes- Taehyung is a flight attendant, Jeongguk catches his eye (and his pants).
Notice Me Hyung- Taehyung is too stupid to understand and Jungkook must change that.
I was.- Jungkook is a sexually frustrated teen with raging hormones and shit while Taehyung is tired as fuck and he just want to take his beauty sleep.
Other ships:
Stuck in a rut (KookJoon feat. Hobi and Yoongi)-Jungkook goes into rut for the first time. Yoongi and Hoseok were just trying to help a bro out.
Burnin’ Up (Namseok)-PROMPT FILL: from anon; “I was wondering if you could write an omegaverse namseok fic, with omega namjoon? Totally fine if you cant, I was just curious ♡.”
빨간색 [And Black] (HopeMin)- Red and black. That's all that mattered at the moment.
To Know Reverence (HopeMin)- Fills for the nsfw 30 days otp challenge prompts.
Crows, Flowers, and Apples (Taegi)- Yoongi is a boxer who goes by the name Agust D, Taehyung is his boyfriend/ring boy. Or: Yoongi just got finished with a match and unwinds with Tae in the shower. aka puppies, piercings, tatttos and fluff not to mention smut
Tell Daddy what you wanna do (YoonKook)- Yoongi accidentally calls Jungkook daddy.
there are two kinds of cake (YoonJoon)- both of them you eat.(lmao alternatively it's namjoon's birthday and yoongi gets cake)
Twisted (YoonKook)- In which Yoongi is a pyromaniac in every sense of the word, Jeongguk is a psycho who is also perpetually horny and Taehyung is just an innocent bystander … (except, not really).
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11 facts
I was tagged by the awesome @classyrobotss thank you
1. I love koalas. They just too cute!! 2. I usually stay up late at night, but I can handle it the next day even if I hadn’t slept an hour. 3. I love coffee! It keeps me going everyday. 4. I love taking photos of people. 5. My favorite colors are black, gray, orange and red. 6. I love horror films that give me chills. 7. I have a younger brother. 8. I live in the suburbs. 9. I have been studying french for nearly three years now. 10. I love basketball, in my team I usually play as a center. 11. I spend almost all of my free time listening to music.
Questions from classyrobotss:
1.Recommend ME a song - JAY PARK-Drive
2.What’s your favorite breed of dog? - I am not sure I have one… but maybe I guess husky? They look amazing!
3.Do you read any webcomics? if you do, which ones? - I do read webcomics, for example Cheese in the Trap, Winter Woods and lots of horror ones…
4.How did you get into BTS? - I got into BTS in the Dope era and because I saw an american youtube channel, I think it was REACT where people reacted to kpop mvs and one of them was Dope. I instantly fell in love and looked them up and stuff.
5, pokemon world or digimon world? - Pokemon world! I don’t know much about digimon anyways…
6. If you could have ANY talent, which one would it be? - I want a lot of them… I really want to have talents!! Dunno… I think it would be either singing or dancing because I am not good at those. My drawing skills are pretty decent so. I think dancing.
7.What do you do when you’re feeling sad? - Cry, listen to music, sit and think etc… lets just not talk about this
8. If you could ask for a kookmin moment, what would you ask for? - OMG I would want Kookie to do something sweet to Jimin like choose him as best in looks or have a photoshoot just the two of them. It could also be something like them sleeping together in one bed and cuddling!! I would scream if that happened… Lets make it happen.
9. What do you like the most about namjoon? (this cutie needs appreciation) - I LOVE NAMJOON!!! He is really under appreciated, he needs lots of love and support! I love his cute dimples, his adorable smile, his perfectly portioned body! His English skills! His music, I just love his music!!
10. A frequent thought you’ve been having lately? - I wanna be someone else.
11.what would you do it your parents gave you 200 dollars right now? - umm I think I would put it away? I don’t actually need that much money but in the future I could use it for traveling or buying CDs or photography equipments… and presents for my loved ones and of course FOOD!!
My 11 questions:
1. How did you get into BTS (this is a pretty good question)? 2. What food do you want to eat at the moment? 3. How much do you sleep usually? 4. Do you prefer coffee, tea or cocoa? 5. Which season do you prefer? 6. Which ship(s) are your favorite(s) from BTS? 7. Which three countries would you want to visit the most? 8. How many languages do you speak and which ones are these? 9. What is the last book you read about? 10. Do you watch korean dramas? if yes which ones at the moment? 11. How do you deal with your problems?
I tag @ask-bts-stuff and @p-mustacho because I really admire your work and I’m interested in getting to know your answers but of course only if you want to do this… I love youuu
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Backside Story: „How to draw LOVE“
“Different Choice” Jimins Part
Jimin POV
The next morning after the night were i broke up with Yoongi, I packed my stuff in Boxes. I still couldn´t believe what he did to me. How could he lie to me all these month? Cheating on me with Hoseok. I was so angry and sad at the same time. Yoongi didn´t came home not even in the morning. So I had time to pack everything. After that I called my boss to get some days off. He didn´t ask why, but the sound of my voice must have said a lot to him. I also told him that I want to change my worktimes, cause I don’t wanted to work with Hoseok at the same time anymore. I didn´t wanted to see him, cause I cannot forget what he did too. After lunch, Tae came and helped me to put my boxes in his car. I was glad that I could stay for a while in his apartment. He is truly a great friend. I made a last look back at the building were all my dreams crumbled into pieces overnight. I just want to forget now and try to move on.
Tae´s POV
After I got the message from Jimin last night I was going back to his flat and we talked the half of the night. Around 3 am, I left him so he could sleep a little. I told him, that I would come back after lunch to pick him up. It was very quiet when we packed all his stuff in car, which was a lot more than I thought. He needs definitely to sort out some things. He can’t take everything with him. I told him that and he agreed. Soon we arrived my apartement.
Others POV
“Jimin, you have so many boxes. We need to put some of these into the basement of my apartment.” Tae said to him with a shocked face.
“I know Tae, I will sort out some of this. I don’t need all of it. I just don’t wanted to left anything there. So I don’t have to go back.” Jimin said, while holding two boxes in his hands. They needed at least 2 hours to get the car empty. After that they were falling on the couch.
“Wahhh Jimin, i`m so done. I can´t anymore, btw… how do you feel?” Tae asked him, while getting up and walk to the kitchen. “Do you want some Water to?”
“I´m not really ok Tae, but I think after some time I will feel better and yes I want some water to. No need to ask, u see how much i`m sweating.” Jimins voice had a sad sound, Tae could tell. He heard it. He took a bottle of water out of the fridge and two glasses from the sink. Sitting back on the sofa, he opened the bottle and poured some water in both.
“Tae are you ok too?” Jimin asked him after drink some.
“I´m slightly ok. At least I was not together with Hoseok, just crush on him. I never thought he would doing things like that.” Tae was still angry, that he could fall for a guy like him. He thought Hoseok would be different than the others he met before, but he failed.
“I understand you, but I think there is someone else you find quite interesting am I right?” Jimin said while making some pictures and post them on his FB-Account. “Moving in with my best friend was a good choice.”
“Jimin, please but yeah Jin is actually quite interesting.” Tae said with a smile on his face.
Soon Tae had to leave Jimin alone to go to work but he would be back late in the evening. After Tae was gone, Jimin started to unpack and sort out some of the things. It was a rollercoaster ride of emotion. All albums with the pictures, he made during their time together. He decided to throw them away with all the little gifts he got from Yoongi, as far as he didn´t had forgot their anniversaries or his birthday. Then he found a little yellow box with a blue butterfly on it. He didn´t saw that box for about 2 years now and he was knowing already what could be in there. He opened the box and found the little brown/white plushy bunny, which he got from Jungkook. He knew it was him who left it even he didn´t saw him. The piece of paper was still there to. He opened it and instandly his thoughts were drifting away to the last day he saw him
“Be happy Jimin. Kookie”
Since Jimin was meeting Jungkook for the first time on his Birthday, he came almost every day, to drink his coffee and to draw. Jimin liked him from the beginning and he thought that Jungkook might liking him to. He saw it in the way he always looked at him. But Jimin had already a Boyfriend, so even he gathered feelings for him somehow, he couldn´t make that decision to tell it Jungkook. So the days are going always the same. Until….
Jimin had late work and Jungkook was there like always to talk with him and of cause he used his free time to sit down and watched him drawing. He liked his pictures. After some minutes sitting down, he received a call from his Boyfriend. He excused himself from Jungkook to talk to him. Not noticing that Jungkook startled by what he was hearing and immediately got back to his drawing when Jimin looked at him.
“Hey Babe, yes i´m home in 3 hours and I will cook something for you ok.”
“No, its ok. You can bring actually some Wine if u want.”
“Love u too, see you later then.”
Jimin didn´t know that Jungkook heard everything and was sitting himself beside him again. Jungkook didn’t looked at him during their talking, just concentrate on the drawing. Jimin was little surprised that he was so silent after he came back to him.
“So Kookie, how are u doing?” Jimin asked him
“I´m ok. Just as usual.” Jungkook tried to shorten their talk.
“Is everything ok? You are so quiet today. Not like the other time.” Jimin could tell something was off.
“No, everything is fine. Actually I have to go now. If u don´t mind.” Jungkook said while packing his pencil and Sketchbook in his bag.
“Oh ok, no problem. I need to work anyway now. See u tomorrow then.” Jimin said with a smile.
“Yeah see you Jimin.” Jungkooks voice cracked a little, Jimin could hear it but didn´t ask Jungkook about it.
On the next day, Jimin was waiting for Jungkook to come but he didn´t. He needed to talk to him. Actually he wasn´t feeling well, because Yoongi had stood him up the night before. Jimin thought that Jungkook was the best to lighten his mood. Tomorrow was his Birthday, he told that Jungkook a while ago, so he hoped he would come to meet him then.
Jimin had to work on his birthday, but he could go home earlier. His boss allowed it. He hoped to see Jungkook today, so he entered the Café with excitement. But…
"Jimin, the guy who had visit you every day here had left something for you.” His Boss Namjoon told him. “He was here earlier and told me to give you that.”Namjoon gave Jimin a little yellow Box with a blue Butterfly on it. Jimin gulped and got suddenly silent. So he wouldn´t even see him today, he thought.
“Did he said something else?” Jimin was asking while shaking a little.
“No nothing else, just that.” Namjoon told him and went back into the Kitchen.
Jimin had let himself falling back on the bank behind him and looked at the box in his hand. After he took a deep breath he opened the box and found a little brown/white plushy bunny. Beside that there was a message. “Be happy Jimin. Kookie” He felt sad while reading it. He got overwhelmed and tears were flashing into his eyes. He was started to think, what if he had gathered the courage to confess to Jungkook that he liked him. Would he be there with him today? He looked at the bunny and said to himself: “What if I had did.”, not knowing, while lost in his thoughts, that Jungkook came back to watch him from outside the window. After that the days were going slowly over and Jimin never saw Jungkook again. He thought about him sometimes, but things were going to be better with Yoongi now. So he stopped thinking about him and putted that plushy bunny with the box somewhere in the basement of their apartement. Not know yet that it would come back to him in the right time.
“Jimin, i´m back home.” Tae said after he went into the room. Jimin was freezing after he heard him, which brought him back into reality. Not to face him yet, Jimin put the bunny hasty back in the small box with a sad smile and then putting it in the big box in front of him.
“Sorry I was just… “ Jimin stuttered and putted the big box beside the bed.
“It ok, btw what are u hiding there?” Tae asked him out of curiosity.
“Nothing, just a memory that I want to keep” Jimin just said.
“Oh, ok. Want to eat Dinner. I bought chicken and beer.” Tae was asking with a big smile.
“Yeah ok. I´m actually hungry.” Jimin answered him while still looking at the box. He was thinking about Jungkook more often since he talked with JJK1013 and he still thought if he had made a different Choice in that time. He started to like JJK1013 lately cause he reminded him a little bit of Jungkook. The way he wrote when they are chatting. He needed to talk to Jin about it.
HOW TO DRAW LOVE AU ( 6-7-8/? )
Jimin follows a well known artist on Facebook; not knowing it is Jungkook; a boy he met two years ago and fell for despite being in a relationship. Jungkook suddenly disappeared on him without saying why and left Jimin with a lot of “what ifs”.
so here my next Part of the flashback, Jimins part this time. hope u guys like it. @golden-kookmin
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