#21 laws of leadership business
uyuforu · 9 months
Hii, how are you doing? I'm loving your astrological interpretations! could you tell us how do you interprete degrees? thank you ^^
Hello! Thank you very much!^^
About degrees. I like to take degrees as "keywords" that can be added as details. It always add details.
Aries (1°, 13°, 25°): fights, war, not giving up, taking action, struggles, abuse, labor, leadership and leader spirit, beginnings, anger, etc.
Taurus (2°, 14°, 26°): money, food, luxury, chilling, the earth, nature, simple life, stability, voice, singing, seducing, etc.
Gemini (3°, 15°, 27°): voice, communication, speaking, languages, new technologies, phones, self-expression, books, learning, being curious, gossips, siblings, neighborhood, humor, witty, smart etc.
Cancer (4°, 16°, 28°): home, mother, nurturing, babies, pregnancy, feminine energy, moon, emotions, traditions, loyalty, food, faith, water, etc.
Leo (5°, 17°, 29°): fame, celebrity, shining, being the center of attention, life of the party, having fun, children, inner child, light, creativity, imagination, laugh, royalty, entertainment, hair, strength, natural leader, easily getting noticed for... etc.
Virgo (6°, 18°): perfectionnist, hardworking, improve, health, routine, detailed oriented, work, pets, to be in service, help, hospitals, mental health, physical health, etc.
Libra (7°, 19°): beauty, fashion, harmony, fairness, law, justice, business, marriage, partnerships, love, makeup, luxury, charm, charisma, music, art, beauty of soul, etc.
Scorpio (8°, 20°): shadow, death, dark side, flaws, s3x, wealth, money, manifestation, rebirth, the spiritual world, intense connections, the unknown, jealousy, pregnancy, night, secrets, etc.
Sagittarius (9°, 21°): philosophy, wisdom, teaching and learning, college, studies, life smart, learning from life and experiences, spontaneous, curious, the spiritual world, traveling, exploring, etc.
Capricorn (10°, 22°): working, hardworking, money, abundance, luxury, cold, royalty, to take control, public attention, fame, fear, father, family, leader, depression, ambition, old etc.
Aquarius (11°, 23°): Spontaneous, humanity, being unique about..., weird, friends, new technologies, social medias, organizations, networking, internet, divorce, surprises, high places, etc.
Pisces (12°, 24°): spirituality, dreams, 5D, esotericism, astrology, psychic abilities, sleep, drugs, alcohol, addictions, the unconscious, emotions, art, poetry, water, madness, shadow work, endings, etc.
0° degree means either it's the same energy (as the house or sign), either there is nothing much to say.
For me, degrees are still needed when we analysis charts, it's very significant sometimes. For example, my mother has vertex in her 5H, and the degree is 29° (Leo). And the year she got me, her vertex was in Leo, with 29°... I'm Leo sun!
Hope it helped :)
- uyu
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dark-romantics · 8 months
this maybe diff from wht u usually read but i would love if u or any anon here could suggest me some leadership qualities book if u k one :))
Contrary to what people on Tumblr and Instagram might think, my favourite genre will forever and always be self development. So don’t worry, I’m pretty confident that I can suggest you some good leadership books (I’m aspiring to be a business student so these books have come in really handy for me and I hope they’re just as beneficial for you <3)
1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
2. The Art of War by Sun Tzu
3. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell
4. Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (the OG self development guru)
5. Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
6. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
7. Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl
8. The Power Of Now by Eckart Tolle
9. The Autobiography Of A Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
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partyinthecookiejar · 3 months
Date of Birth and Career
DATE OF BIRTH 1, 10, 19 and 28 - ABUNDANCE
These numbers are most influenced by the Sun and Leo. The most powerful combination is the bearer of this number, who was born under the sign of Leo, which makes them a powerful person. These four numbers are the most powerful workers. people who have an infinite amount of strength, will, independence, analytical ability and energy. People who have the highest probability of material success in any career to achieve.
Anyone born on these dates is more likely to be in a leadership position. It's a matter of how the bearer of this number uses their energy, whether he falls into the clutches of convenience and loses ambition, or fights to rise to the top. Anyway, luck is given to these four numbers the most and I recommend taking advantage of it. To do this, the bearer of this number must find his right profession, and when he finds it, they will be happy. The goal for these numbers is to achieve individuality.
Since number 1, 10, 19 and 28 are very kind people, they should not give too much of themselves.
DATE OF BIRTH 2, 11, 20 and 29 - HELPING PEOPLE 
These numbers are most influenced by the Cancer zodiac, regardless of which month they were born. However, the most peace-loving soul is the bearers of this number born under the Cancer zodiac. Bearers of this number need stability and the approval of others. The work is successful only if the people next to them value this contribution. The most suitable jobs are helping people, caring, healing, medicine, working with animals, etc. All professions where the main purpose is to help others.
The only way the bearer of this number can find clarity within and find the right path is if they have a loving family behind them. In general, the primary goal of these people is to create a home and only then start a career. However, if these goals have changed, then the bearer of this number may feel constant hesitation about their profession for a long time and internal tensions may arise when working.
The lesson for these numbers is that they should find enough time for themselves, either to rest or pursue their hobbies. It is important that the bearers of these numbers are positive and able to be persistent in their profession.
These numbers are most influenced by the Sagittarius zodiac sign, no matter what sign they were born under.
Those born under these numbers get with their number an opportunity for success in various fields that are meant to entertain people. Be it running a restaurant, owning a store, starting a gym or any other business. The only thing they really need to be successful is to maintain ambition. They easily fall into boredom, which saps their motivation. In order for the motivation to be constantly there, they need someone next to them to push them to action constantly. If they have such a companion, then everything is possible.
The lesson they need apart from being motivated is that they need experience. So they have to do a lot of training and get to know the professional world in order to become successful. A lack of experience can send their ventures downhill.
DATE OF BIRTH 4, 13, 22 and 31 - STABILITY
These numbers are most influenced by the Aquarius. A person who needs the safety and concrete boundaries. They always choose a job looking at whether there will be a future ten years from now and they don't like odd jobs. In an ideal world, the bearers of these numbers would work on one particular profession all their lives, and when they achieve it, success will come from it
Various jobs related to accounting, policing, law, and various professions related to the pursuit of specific facts are suitable. These numbers are most gifted with logical thinking and the ability to apply it professionally. If they do not find the right profession, they will have a new mission, which is to create a home and make family life more stable. Let that family be only his own loved ones or the lives of his friends. They have a need to create order in any aspect.
The lesson for these numbers is that they find peace within themselves and let other people be who they want to be. Their lesson is that they should not be overly critical of others' choices and should consider that everyone has their own weaknesses.
These numbers are most influenced by Gemini and Virgo. However, those who were also born as Gemini or Virgo have a lot of power to be a versatile worker. People who are extremely successful at holding several jobs simultaneously throughout their lives. For those born under these numbers, I recommend multitasking. These numbers cannot be appointed to specific careers, as they can be successful in anything, unless laziness or inconstancy derails them.
These numbers are most influenced by the zodiac signs of Libra and Taurus. They have a particularly strong talent for creating ideas from which successful ventures can be born. The only problem can be extremely stubbornness, which prevents them from turning negative aspects into positive ones, i.e. they do not listen well to the advice of others, not even the opinion of their loved ones. If they became more flexible, they would have the opportunity for happiness.
They are creators, but not leaders, so they need someone by their side who can help them realize their skill full mind without major setbacks.
Learn to notice in time that things are going downhill and invite someone to help you or share a vision. Their numerology gives the opportunity to fly high or fall high.
These numbers are most influenced by the Pisces zodiac. These numbers are given the opportunity to be successful in very specific professions that require a lot of logic and analytical skills. They can be very successful in information technology, chemistry, physics, science and various professions where something needs to be studied or improved.
For these numbers to find their profession, they need a very secure childhood or connection with their parents. If this part is fulfilled, they are not given karmic blocks to develop their talent. They are suitable for working alone and do not tolerate being under or at the disposal of anyone. Ideal workers only when no one bothers or disturbs them.
The lesson is that they must learn to communicate with others and communicate their own visions. If they want to be successful, they must find within themselves the ability to share their knowledge and not be too shy about showing off their talents. Number 7, 16 and 25-1 can have very low self-esteem and not know how to value themselves professionally.
These numbers are most influenced by the Saturn and Capricorn. The most ambitious and reliable nature, the ideal combination of which would be a person born under the sign of Capricorn. One problem with their careers is that they calculate the materiality of their work before thinking about what their soul wants. But Saturn's symbolism gives these numbers a need for love that makes them constantly question between their heart's desire and material choices.
The bearer of this number works best on creative work, such as interior design, architecture, cooking, etc. They are better suited as subordinates and do their jobs well if they are surrounded by good people. Good people because Saturn's need for love makes them unable to be indifferent to negative or overly critical people.
The lesson for these numbers is that they have to work hard in their profession, either learning it or establishing themselves. They must not give up and must learn to find a balance between the heart's desire and materialism.
These numbers are most influenced by the Aries zodiac. These people have a natural ability to do everything right, solve problems between people and do the dirty work for others. Good communication skills and the ability to be pleasant are not a problem for them.
Those born under these numbers should not lead a routine life, they need adventure or travel to sustain their ambitions. Care must be taken with co-workers, as these numbers have a special attraction to envy.
The career success of these numbers depends very much on their love life. If they have the right partner by their side, then everything will be fine at work and their willingness to work is boundless. However, if there is a relationship crisis in their private life, all professional success suffers. Thus, their biggest problem may be an unstable relationship, and thus their goal should be to get their personal life in order in order to achieve professional success.
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tansyuduri · 4 months
Merlin Loregasm Rewatch S1E9
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my rewatch of Merlin focusing on the lore. I am a giant nerd so pretty excited about this. We’re on EXCALIBUR
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Uther: Do you solemnly Swear to govern the peoples of this kingdom and their dominions according to the statutes, customs, and laws, Laid down by your forebearers,
Arthur: I do Sire
Uther: Do you promise to exercise mercy and justice, in your deeds and judgments?
Arthur: I do Sire
Uther: And do you swear allegiance to Camelot now and for as long as you shall live?
Arthur: I, Arthur pendragon, do pledge life and limb to your service And to the protection of the kingdom and it's peoples.
Uther: Now, being of age, And the Heir apparent, from hence forth you shall be crown prince of Camelot Okay so Arthur is now crown prince of Camalot. And of age. we know hes at Least 20 so of age is likley 21 in this world which is interesting because it implies lifespans are longer due to the more advanced medicine, Normally the medieval OF AGE was 16 years old. Also, see the golden ring placed around Arthurs head? Yeah thats called a Coronet and was traditionally worn by crown princes at formal occasions (Like we will see Arthur do)
It is a bit odd he was not considered crown prince already since he was the oldest royal child (And only royal child as far as people know) So even if Primogeniture (Inheridence by oldest son) was not a thing he would STILL be crown prince. See a crown prince IS the heir apparent of a royal kingdom. And Heir apparent is the one who is going to succeed the king. And cannot be displaces by the birth of another prince. So if he was heir apparent he pretty much was already was Crown prince. My guess is this is traditionally reaffirmed in Camalot when a prince comes of age,
I also like the use of the word peoples because it kinda hints that Camalot is big enough to have multiple peoples within its lands. Which if the theory from the Lancelot episode is true would be the case.
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WHOOO Okay I think we have an answer. Devil is VERY Christian. So I'm going with there being some very weird semi paganized version of Christianity existing in Camalot that is left over from the Romans and just got mixed with local traditions. I therorized about this in one loregasm and I'm sticking with it because they ARE VERY MUCH not full on Catholic or Eastern Orthadox. And there are still a lot of pagan elements.
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Throwing down a Gauntlet as a challenge is a custom of the late medieval era. It was considered a GRAVE insult and HAD to be picked up to accept the challenge if one wanted to keep ones honnor.
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HI Sir Owain! Lesse in the original legends you were a Child of Urrian of Gore and Morgana. You had a pet Lion! You defeated a evil knight and married his widow, Then neglected your wife because you were too busy doing knight stuff. She ditches you and you go mad with grief and live naked in the woods. Then Morgana cures you and you win back your wife. Also, you are one of the last to die before Arthur at Cammlan. Have I mentioned how much I love that Merlin sometimes just goes NAH let's kill em instead?
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Geof: Gaius thank god
Gaius: you know why I'm here
Geof: The black knight
Gaius: So it is he
Geof: you saw his crest
Gaius: have you confirmed it?
Geof: it is the crest of Tristan De Bois
Gaius: And he is the only knight ever to have carried such a crest
Geof: yes acording to the records
Okay this is a HUGE boon for us lore wise, See we don't know that much about the personality of Yygraines family. (or a ton about her's for that matter) BUT if it's his crest not a family crest it means HE picked it. So we can use heraldry to learn a bit about him!
So the symbol he uses is an Eagle this represents strength and courage and often has to do with military skill and leadership. It can also represent freedom, and independance and the ability to see things clearly. black represents constancy or grief and white peace and sincerity.
So Tristan was likely a strong man and military leader who was sincere and constant in his personality. He likley tended to perfer peace but when pushed to it would fight well. He might have been independent minded as well showing by making his own crest.
OOCLY the show could be telling us that it is likley telling us this man was RIGHT about Uther being at fault. One way or another. And his act in standing up to Uther was a courageous one. OR its also possible he took up this sigil after Ygraines's death If so his very crest and oufit is blaming and taunting Uther! But that is just my assessment!
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HI Sir Pellinor! Lesse in the original legends you were the king of Listeoise (Lake District) Or of "the Illes." You killed king Lot, And hunted the Questing Beast relentlessly. You were killed by Gwaine. You were also Percival's dad. (Among other kids.)
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Othanden can mean Out Of Hand in Danish. Otherwise I cannot find much on this. My guess is this battle would have taken place in the previously mentioned war with Mercia
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Gaius: Tristan De Bois was the brother of Ygraine -- Uther's wife
Merlin: Arthur's Mother?
Gaius: Ygraine died in childbirth. He blamed Uther and came to the gates of Camalot and Challanged him.
Merlin: to single combat?
Gaius: Uther won, but with his dying breath Traistan cursed Camalot to one day suffer his return. I thought it was the ramblings of a dying man. People Estimate the chances of death in childbirth in the middle ages to be the cause of 50 percent of young female fatalities. Giving birth was incredably dangerous. (And most woman did it many time though less so in the Merlin world) For in the actual birthing process and the chance of childbed fever afterward. So this is likley an early clue to the fact that there was somthing supernatural going on with Arthur's birth. No one in their right mind blamed a man for the death of their wife in childbirth ESPECIALLY if said wife was having their first birth and not too old or too young.
Now in the Merlin world I would guess death in childbirth of woman is at a much lower rate. For two reasons. First of all The more advanced medicine would make it a bit less common. (Though they do not have modern medicine or germ theory or modern technology so not by much) The other reason being IN merlin families seem to be small compared to the huge ones of the middle ages. (Hinting Child Mortality is not as high) So less chances for a woman to die. STILL it likely would have been fairly common.
Now to the interesting fact that Ygraine came from France! Implying contact and trade with them. See Ygraine is the french version of Arthur's mother's name And we've talked about the last name in previous posts.
"Came to the gates of Camalot castle and challenged him" is interesting because it means he was not in Camalot. SO HOW would he know about Uther's involvement in Ygraine's death? My guess is it lies in the "one day suffer his return" See here we have another "How would he know." My guess is the man was some sort of seer. Or magic user. Ygraine was said to have been pretty friendly with many magic users. It's possible magic (or being a seer) ran in her family. The other option of her somehow writing him and knowing about the whole magic to conceive thing is also possible but doesn't explain knowing he would return, Nimue could just have been using something he said randomly but I don't really think so? OR he was just crazy? And was attacking Uther for what he thought was a normal childbirth death? That would be REALLY weird. though. And the later "it was magic that killed her not I" and "never the less it was you he blamed" Seems to go against this option
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Gaius: My guess is we're dealing with a Wraith.
Merlin: A wraith?
Gaius: The spirit of a dead man conjured from the grave.
Merlin: So this is the work of a sorcerer
Gaius: Powerful Magic can harness the greif and rage of a demanted soul and make it live again
Merlin: How do we stop it?
Gaius: We can't, Because its not alive no mortal weapon can kill it
Merlin: Surly there must be somthing
Gaius: Nothing can stop it until it has achived what it came for
Merlin: And what's that
Gaius: Revenge.
Wraith is a Scottish word for ghost that has become a more general term. It can also mean the exact likeness of a person seen before death as a death omen, (A soul who was on the verge of death or recently passed on) From there the meaning has evolved to many many different things.
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Geoferry is not in on it! Its likely Arthurs birth magic is not in the court records of the purge! (Theorized about this perviously)
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Uther: Havn't you tired of revenge?
Nimueh: Haven't you? You Began this war when you threw me from the court and salughtered all of my kind
Uther: you brought it on yourself you practiced evil
Nimueh: I was your freind Uther, You welcomed me here
Uther: you betrayed that freindship
Nimueh: I did as you asked I used the magic you so despise to give your barren wife the son you craved
Uther: Don't ever speak of her in that way She was my heart, My soul, and you took her from me.
Nimueh: She died giving birth to your son. it was not my choice. That is the law of Magic. to create a life there had to be a death, the balance of the world had to be repaired
Uther: you knew it would kill her
Nimueh: No you're wrong. If I had forseen her death and the terrible retrebution you would seek. I would never have granted your wish.
Ok first of all we know from later Nimugh has a bit of control of who dies. Hinting that something interfered here causing it to be Ygraine. (I totally don't have headcanons about this you will eventually see in my fics)
ALSO, I find it interesting he says "Evil" not "evil sorcery," I think he truly belives all magic is evil. I mean every villain is a good guy in their own mind.
BUT he was also freinds with Nimueh and welcomed her to Camalot. So he didn't always think all magic was evil. It seems it truely was Ygraines death that caused that. I always wondered if part was just an excuse in his mind because he was insecure that other people had so much power and perhaps helped him build the kingdom with it. So they could tear it down. I think Nimueh was court sorcerer. And helped him take over the kingdom, but that's just my headcannon.
Also gotta wonder what kinda person Ygraine was that Uther fell so deeply in love with her.
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Geoff: Well several fables speak of Ancient swords
=Merlin: that can kill the dead?"
Geoff: The swords the fables speak of could destroy anything alive or dead.
Merlin: can you show me one of these fables"
Geoff: welll let me think, yes
Goef: this is the chronicle of Beltane, now then, ah were we are 'Sir Marhaus looked at the great sword, begotten in the dragons breath and found it passing good"
Sir Marhaus was the son of the king of ireland and his sister was the queen of Ireland and a knight of the Round Table in folklore. Beltane as we addressed is celebrated may 1st! So this book is the chronicles of a holiday on May 1st
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Merlin: I've come to ask for a sword. The strongest sword your father's ever made
Gwen: What for?
Merlin: To save Arthur (Cut to latter but continuation of this scene so keeping it here)
Gwen: My father's been saving this. Hes always said it was the best sword he's ever made.
Merlin: its perfect
Gwen: He'll kill me if he find's I've taken it
Merlin: He'll understand, You did it for arthur. I've talked about this before but this is more evidence that Gwen's family, while commoners, are not the same level of poor as most. Making swords and armor, especially good ones was a skilled art. And those things were EXPENSIVE. Tom is not the royal swordsmith so its HIGHLY likely he rivals the royal swordsmith in skill enough to have some knights of Camalot (The people who can actually afford arms and armor) Buy or get repairs done from him instead. (This is a big deal he must be VERY good) There are not many other people he could be making swords and armor for. I suppose there might be some mercenaries and freelancers who are rich enough for swords and perhaps VERY RARLY full on armor. He makes armor that is of the quality nobles wear, And can afford to just give it to people. we know this from Lancelot. I think he must do other typical blacksmithing AND Arms and armor for knights. So I see two possibilities. Either they consistently live at a level above the poverty of most commoners
OR Every now and then he gets a commission that makes them richer for a bit. With Gwen ALSO being such a good seamstress and Also considering they seem to be able to give away armor (Cough Lancelot cough) I think the first option is more likely, or perhaps its a mix of the two. To be clear they are not rich. I'm not saying they are rich. I'm saying they seem to be above most commoners in wealth. Also, wealth did not matter as much as Class in the middle ages anyway.
Him putting his best sword away might be some form of insurance He's still a commoner and is not guaranteed work because he is not the royal smith. And what if there is some emergency or a time when he doesn't get any of the fine commissions for a while?
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Uther: You knew that one day this business would come back to haunt me.
Gaius: not quite so litteraly
Uther: I should have listened to you. You said that no good would come of using witchcraft at Arthur's birth
Gaius: you wanted an heir you thought it was the only way.
Uther: Nimueh told me there would be a pice to pay
Gaius: You weren't to know that price would be Ygraines life
OKAY first of all does this mean that GAIUS was not the one to suggest using magic? Then WTF was Uther talking about in that conversation about something being stupid to do "because Gaius said it was so" back in the poisoned chalice? Was Gaius just the messanger? It means it might explain more why Gauis lived if he was not the one to suggust it. Perhaps Uther asked Gaius if he knew a way and Gaius said he did but no good would come of it? Or Gaius was indeed just the messenger? BUT WHY DID HE NEED A MESSENGER IF NIMUEH WAS AT COURT. I swear when this is all done I'm going over all of these and doing a summary of possible answers to some questions!
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Merlin: will your Bunrish it to save Arthur
Killy: The dead do not return without reason, who has he come for.
Merlin: Uther
Killy: Then let him take his Vengance and the wraith will die without my aid.
Merlin: But it's Arthur who is going to fight him! You have to save him
Killy: That is your destany young warlock not mine
Merlin: But if Arthur fights the wraith and dies camalot will have no heir, I will have no destany
Killy: A weapon forged with my assistance will have great power
Merlin: I know
Killy: You do not know You can only guess. You have not seen what I've seen. If you had perhaps you would not ask this of me.
Merlin: what do you mean?
Killy: In the wrong hands this sword could do great evil
Burnishing typically means polishing metal until it shines. Figuratively it can mean to enhance or perfect something. I think this is an interesting word to use and possibly implies a sword like Excalibur would never need to be polished again.
Also I'm pretty convinced one thing Killy is talking about here is how most of the high priestesses died. Remember mortal swords can not kill Morgana by the time of her death. There could be many other incidents too. However seeing as Excalibur mostly functions as a normal sword until one is up against undead or borderline imortals I think this could be a main focus. Of course it does bring up the question of if there were other swords and what happened to them if this is true. Because if this was the case I SERIOUSLY doubt Uther would have let such swords just vanish. Then again as far as we know the sword that killed Arthur was just used as a grave maker. ALSO as far as we know those are the only dragon-burnished swords we see in the show. Which means there are others either just hidden places, or out there with people having no clue as to their powers because they just found them somewhere and were like cool sword! The later kinda amuses me. Just some random dude around having no idea their sword is a WOID (Weapon Of Immortal Destruction)
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Uther: Who made it?
Merlin: uh, tom the blacksmith
Uther: Its worthy of a king
Merlin: You would be better off with a sword your trusted
Uther: No, It has almost Perfect balance. Tom's not the Royal swordsmith I'm supprised Arthur went to him.
Merlin: That was me.
(This is the line I keep referring to about how Gwen's dad is not the royal swordsmith.)
The balance point on a sword is where you can lay it over a finger and not have it fall, Its center of weight. Usually its just a bit above the hilt. This is why most swords had pommels
If there is too much weight in the direction of the grip the trikes from it will not be fast and smooth, Also you will have a hard time pushing your opponents blade around. while if there is too much on the blade it will take longer to recover from a blow.
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Thing is, Babies...there are many of us olds out here who initially had, and some may still have, a hard time believing what's happening with the world right now.
After we went through the '60s, the Civil Rights Movement, LBJ signing the legislation, Viet Nam finally ending, Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House roof.
The things that are happening now would be impossible to believe, if we were to have a conversation with 21-year-old Me. There couldn't still be oppression or racism, we dealt with that ten years ago. Science is ALL. Religion is for nutsos who can't deal with reality.
And then...Ronald Reagan.
No more forward motion. Only backpedalling and treading water. Some of us can't even tread water.
So we're all to busy with our own traumas and we dealt with all that racism stuff back in the '60s, and everybody knows the fundies are nuts.
But, no. Here we are.
For some olds that's just too much to take in. "None of that could be true! We have LAWS!"
But laws mean nothing when bad actors who don't respect them take over the government and all "church leadership" roles, making their lawlessness suddenly legal, and "the law"...is meaningless in the end if nobody respects it. Period.
We have got to find a way to make the law take into account the very idea of CHANGE BEING CONSTANT in "The Real World".
The law must evolve with society, taking into account the rapid advancement of science and social growth and evolution.
Some old folks' mental frameworks just can't take the strain involved.
But, there are more of us who have been waiting for this particular brand of social change, and have awaited this strain with anticipation. Be kind to granny if she just can't take it in. Same with poor old uncle Fred and Aunty Bertha. Just let them be in their world.
It's the people who are barking hatred and disinformation at them 24/7 via Fox News we wanna focus our Death Rays on. 'K? 'K. Something something Ted Talk.
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Payton Armstrong at MMFA:
Former President Donald Trump, his family, and close advisers including Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and Alina Habba have embraced influential right-wing prophetic Christian media, participating in interviews on programs that have asserted that Trump has “the anointing” from God and with a figure who has prophesied the deaths of his critics. Notably, Clay Clark — who co-founded the ReAwaken America tour that is reportedly “a petri dish for Christian nationalism” and hosts prophets as headline speakers — has boasted that “Trump’s inner circle is embracing the prophets,” and stressed that “we are going to need to make sure he is surrounded by both prophets and pastors that aren’t afraid to work together.” Trump has told a leading prophetic media program, FlashPoint, that “we’re with you 1,000%,” while his daughter-in-law and Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump has told extreme prophets that “we love you” and “on behalf of our whole family, thank you for all of the prayers, thank you for believing in my father-in-law, and for fighting alongside of us.”
Right-wing Christian prophets who frame Trump as an instrument of God have a growing influence in Republican politics
Christian prophets are “religious leaders with followings among Pentecostal and charismatic Christians who claim the ability to predict the future based on dreams, visions and other supernatural phenomena.” In recent years, these figures have hailed from a once-fringe movement called the New Apostolic Reformation, which is “a set of leadership networks whose leaders call themselves modern-day apostles and prophets and believe they are commissioned by God to take over the world.” NPR further described that the movement “seeks to take dominion over politics, business and culture in preparation for the end times and the return of Jesus.” Experts and scholars have also documented how pro-Trump prophets “were central to the mobilization of Christians for the Jan. 6 insurrection, and many apostles, prophets and NAR symbols were present around the U.S. Capitol that day.” [Politico, 2/18/21; Religion News Service, 5/6/24; NPR, 8/9/11; The Conversation, 1/12/21]
Ahead of the 2024 election, prophetic Christian media figures are continuing their support for Trump by portraying him as an instrument of God’s will who is protected by “the anointing.” Reuters recently reported that “with Trump now facing dozens of criminal charges as he pursues a second term, some Christian media are bolstering his support by portraying him as an instrument of God’s will who faces persecution by his foes. While the people making these claims are largely outside the mainstream in Christian media, they have amassed significant online followings and their messages reverberate across radio shows, cable TV and streaming platforms that reach millions of Americans every day.” [Reuters, 3/22/24]
According to religious scholar Matthew Taylor, prophetic outlets are “some of the most radicalizing media spaces” and they “are not being paid close attention to by the mainstream media.” In an interview with On the Media, Taylor — who has written extensively on the role of prophets in the January 6 attack on the Capitol — noted that “some of these Christian media ecosystems and niche cultures are not being paid close attention to by the mainstream media,” even though they are “some of the most radicalizing media spaces, especially charismatic Christian media spaces where Trump support is assumed.” Taylor added that “there are millions of people following them” and “we have not paid close attention to the Christian leaders who were as instrumental in what occurred on January 6th as some of the politicians and activists that we know by name.” [WNYC, On the Media, 4/19/24]
Leading prophetic media include the Victory Channel’s FlashPoint, streaming outlet Elijah Streams, and the ReAwaken America tour, which regularly features prophets like Julie Green and Amanda Grace as headline speakers. FlashPoint is a panel-style program that is helmed by self-described prophets and platformed conspiracy theories about voter fraud in the lead up to January 6. Prophets on the program have claimed that Trump has “the anointing” on him and that God will inflict natural disasters on the U.S. in response to Trump’s multiple criminal indictments. Elijah Streams is a far-right streaming outlet that hosts pro-Trump prophets who falsely prophesied that Trump would win reelection in 2020. The ReAwaken America tour is a “a petri dish for Christian nationalism and pushes the idea that there’s a battle underway between good and evil forces,” according to PBS, which also added that it’s a “recruiting tool for an ascendant Christian nationalist movement that’s wrapped itself in God, patriotism and politics.” Julie Green is a self-described prophet who streams on Rumble and has prophesied the coming deaths of elected officials, including: Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), and Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY). Amanda Grace is a self-described prophet who also streams on Rumble and claims to receive messages from God. She has spread bizarre conspiracy theories, including the claim that the 2024 eclipse was a “prophetic warning of repent, or God is going to destroy the entire city,” because the path of totality went over “Eagle Pass, Texas, where this immigration clash is happening, where a major battle of the Civil War was fought.” [Media Matters, 7/18/23, 10/12/23, 8/17/22; NPR, 11/3/22; Politico, 2/18/21; Charisma, 3/14/24; Twitter/X, 6/6/23, 2/23/23; PBS, 10/7/22]
Donald Trump, his family, and MAGA allies in recent years have increasingly embraced far-right Christian Nationalist media outlets such as The Victory Channel and Elijah Streams.
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IRS to go after executives who use business jets for personal travel in new round of audits
Private jets sit parked at Scottsdale Airport Jan. 27, 2015, in Scottsdale, Ariz. IRS leadership said
WASHINGTON (AP) — First, there were trackers on Taylor Swift and other celebrities’ private jet usage. Now, there will be more scrutiny on executives’ personal use of business aircraft who write it off as a tax expense.
IRS leadership said Wednesday that the agency will start conducting dozens of audits on businesses’ private jets and how they are used personally by executives and written off as a tax deduction — as part of the agency’s ongoing mission of going after high-wealth tax cheats who game the tax system at the expense of American taxpayers.
The audits will focus on aircraft used by large corporations and high-income taxpayers and whether the tax purpose of the jet use is being properly allocated, the IRS says.
“At this time of year, when millions of hardworking taxpayers are working on their taxes, we want them to feel confident that everyone is playing by the same rules,” IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel said on a call with reporters to preview the announcement. Tax season began Jan. 29.
“These aircraft audits will help ensure high-income groups aren’t flying under the radar with their tax responsibilities,” he said.
There are more than 10,000 corporate jets in the US., according to the IRS, valued at tens of millions of dollars and many can be fully deducted.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, passed during the Trump administration, allowed for 100% bonus depreciation and expensing of private jets — which allowed taxpayers to write off the cost of aircraft purchased and put into service between September 2017 and January 2023.
Werfel said the federal tax collector will use resources from Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act to more closely examine private jet usage — which has not been closely scrutinized during the past decade as funding fell sharply in the last decade.
“Our audit rates have been anemic,” he said on the call. An April 2023 IRS report on tax audit data states that “continued resource constraints have limited the agency’s ability to address high-end noncompliance” stating that in tax year 2018, audit rates for people making more than $10 million were 9.2%, down from 13.6% in 2012. And in the same time period, overall corporate audit rates fell from 1.3% to .6%.
Mike Kaercher, senior attorney advisor at the Tax Law Center at NYU said in a statement that the IRS should also revisit how it values personal use of corporate aircraft, beyond just how flights are reported.
“The current rules allow these flights to be significantly undervalued, enabling wealthy filers to pay much less in taxes than fair market value would dictate, and it’s within the IRS’ authority to revise these rules,” Kaercher said.
Werfel said audits related to aircraft usage could increase in the future depending on the results of the initial audits and as the IRS continues hiring more examiners.
“To be clear, that doesn’t mean everyone in a high-income category partnership or corporation is evading or avoiding their tax responsibility,” Werfel said. “But it does mean that there’s more work to do for the IRS to make sure people are paying what they owe.”"
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Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Thursday reintroduced universal gun background checks legislation that is overwhelmingly popular with the American public — but not with a majority of U.S. Senators.
Federal law requires criminal background checks for firearm sales only at licensed dealers. Private sales between individuals, including at gun shows or online, aren’t subject to background checks.
Polls over the years have consistently shown that around 90% of Americans support requiring a criminal background check for all firearm sales. But it’s extremely likely that no Republican Senators will support Murphy’s bill.
“This is one of those wild issues in which 90% of the American public have made up their mind and we still can’t move the proposal through the Senate,” Murphy told HuffPost. “This is the holy grail of gun policy: It’s wildly popular, and it makes a big difference.”
Federal law prohibits certain people from buying guns, including those who have been convicted of violent crimes or who are subject to restraining orders. But without a background check, there’s nothing to stop them from buying a gun. According to one estimate from 2017, nearly a quarter of new gun owners bought their weapons without a background check.
Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), a member of the Senate Republican leadership team, told HuffPost that he would “obviously” oppose a universal background checks bill and so would any Senators who favor protecting Second Amendment rights. Not all Democrats will support Murphy’s bill, either; Sens. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.) and Jon Tester (Mont.) refused to co-sponsor last year’s version, and Manchin told HuffPost this week that his position hasn’t changed.
With Republicans in control of the House for at least the next two years, universal background checks will remain a non-starter.
But Congress has not been totally paralyzed on gun violence, which in recent years eclipsed car wrecks as the leading cause of death of children in the U.S. Last year, Murphy partnered with Republicans on a law that, among other things, expanded background checks for gun buyers between 18 and 21 years old. The FBI told HuffPost this week that the expanded checks had denied dozens of gun sales so far.
The 2022 law also modified the legal definition of who counts as “engaged in the business” of selling guns and therefore must register with the federal government as a firearms dealer. The new text stresses that someone’s a dealer if “the intent underlying the sale or disposition of firearms is predominantly one of obtaining pecuniary gain,” meaning profit.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), one of Murphy’s main Republican partners on last year’s bill, said that language change “basically did” what Murphy’s now trying to do with his universal background checks bill.
“If they’re in the business of selling firearms, they’re gonna be charged with a crime,” if they don’t do background checks, Cornyn said.
Federal law already required anyone in the business of selling guns for profit to apply for a license. It’s not clear what practical effect the new wording will have. The Congressional Research Service said the change “could make some, but not all, intrastate, private firearm transfers” subject to background checks.
The gun control group Giffords, which celebrated the new law, called the revision to the gun dealer language just a minor change: “The loophole that allows unlicensed sellers to sell guns without conducting background checks would remain open,” Giffords said on its website.
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rosykims · 1 year
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hiiiiiiiiiii sorry it took me literally 3 months to do this but here she is !!! my tav, vierynrae drisune — viera to her closest friends and vierie to her doomed-by-the-narrative boyfriends. disclaimer please immediately disregard her hair bc i still havent found a hairstyle OR fit i like for her, but since she would realistically change her look every 6 to 10 hours im happy just waving some selections of note @ u all <3
truly unfathomable lore dump under the cut (tw for physical assault and miscarriage)
209 years young <3
astarion romance with a generous sprinkle of dream visitor sexual tension for reasons i'll get into (tldr the emperor takes the form of her dead fiance bc they both know its the only form that could ever hope to get through to her 😍)
"seldarine" drow! formerly a lolth sworn menzoberranzan girly, now a well established and famed diabolist of neverwinter (we'll get into it lol).
nowadays shes lolth's no. 1 hater but — having regrettably served her pretty contentedly for 100+ years — she feels too alienated from the seldarine pantheon to truly consider herself a follower. she does toss a prayer eilistraees' way for good karma's sake every now and then, though !
fiend pact (of the chain) warlock ! outside of the power her patron offers her, she's relatively useless in a fight (ie no multiclassing for her lol). the majority of her skills are in leadership, social maneuvering and underhanded political subterfuge. forging her pact was a very deliberate and very necessary move from her perspective to like. add some bite to her bark going forward.
im saying that her level one feat (if the mod ever drops lol <3) is magic initiate: bard and while she isn't canonically a multiclass, she could very easily become one if her pact fell through.
she's canonically a noble background, though she could easily be mistaken for a sage. truthfully all of her interest in the arcane stem from political ambition, noble is the correct answer (and a background she tries to keep under wraps)
lawful evil alignment, bordering very close - and eventually transitioning - to lawful neutral. evil is a sort of unfortunate necessity from her pov right up until the start of bg3, but her character is more aligned to the Lawful part as opposed to the Evil part. she follows a strict code of professionalism, unscrupulous loyalty, and also sometimes "just business, sorry kid" :/ but outside of those circumstances she's as charming/kind/reasonable as they come lol
ok. whew. heres the full unabridged off the walls loredump. prioritizing her menzoberranzan history over her diabolist career bc otherwise i'd need a whole third month for this lol.
viera drisune (later taking the elven adult name vierynrae) was the 13th of 21 total children borne to mistress viciiva drisune, matriarch of the 17th house of menzoberranzan
only vierynrae herself and 2 other sisters actually survived to see viera's elven 'adulthood'. one sister was xaeszara drisune- the firstborn and heiress. xaeszara saw herself as an aspiring proxy of lolth, forsaking politics as she became utterly consumed with fanaticism and religious fervor. she perceived acts of heresy against her goddess in the everyday routines and familiar faces of her kin, and often took to culling her siblings and cousins in sporadic ritual offerings to the spider queen :)
arac'nene drisune, the 16th child and vierynrae's younger sister, also survived - specifically because she was just as deranged as the eldest. she didn't possess xaeszara's zealotry, but still relished in lolth's simpler tenets of chaos and slaughter. the two essentially allied together to pick off the other siblings and minor family members, arac'nene acting as xaeszara's attack dog against any she deemed undevoted to lolth. which was all of them, naturally.
vierynrae only survived because she clued in to the alliance early, and knew the only way to survive was to win the favor of their matriarch and mother, viciiva, by making herself an invaluable asset in all matters of house affairs. and she did! what she lacked in combat prowess she made up for in charisma and intelligence, and quickly earned the trust (and protection) of viciiva after overseeing several successful raids/assassinations of rival houses and improving their overall position in drow hierarchy. the other two siblings couldn't touch her without dooming their house's winning streak or worse, earning the mother matriarch's wrath.
for almost 70 years viera enjoyed the relative safety of her mother's protection, while being groomed by her into a natural leader. vierynrae's actions helped house drisune ascend the ranks of nobility until they were eventually named 10th of the great houses.
in all those years she dutifully followed the tenets of lolth, the only faith she'd ever known, until one day while skulking about in the caverns just outside of the city, she met kiryn'kel nathril , a handsome, bewilderingly sweet man whom she would soon come to learn was not only a seldarine surface drow, but also ironically a cleric of eilistraee, who would regularly venture deep into the underdark to save its denizens from the tyranny of lolth.
against all odds (and in spite of several dozen death threats and attempts viera would make against his life) they fell in love, and began an affair in secret that would last for over 15 years. during this time kiryn taught her about the surface; about sunlight and freckles and kindness and what an honest, earnest hug felt like. he was patient, and successfully de-radicalized her, soon even convincing her to begin aiding him in his efforts to undermine lolth and free any who might stand a better chance on the surface
try as he might, though, he was never quite able to convince her to leave menzoberranzan and marry him up in his home in neverwinter. she had too many ambitions in her own city and still held on to the drow superiority she'd been indoctrinated in to. what's more, she still held a stubborn, optimistic hope that she could miraculously change her home from the inside (while conveniently consolidating all her power and authority over the other houses, too, of course)
this didn't happen, obviously. vierynrae's family's suspicions were growing due to the subtle change in her attitude over the years, all culminating with her abruptly learning that she was pregnant with kiryn's child. she knew her child was a son, and that her house already held the two total male heirs allowed (ie: the two surviving men xaeszara hadn't murdered), and so she finally accepted kiryn's proposal and began to make bittersweet plans to flee the only home she'd ever known.
the plans were short lived, and the pair were inevitably caught by house drisune mere hours before they had agreed to leave. to avoid the shame - and consequences - of the truth getting out amongst the other houses, the matriarch viciiva allowed vierynrae to live, but only after cutting off her ring finger, confiscating its band, and forcing her to watch as kiryn'kel was publically and sadistically executed.
but this wasn't enough for xaeszara, who noticed during the execution that viera's hand hovered a little too long - a little too protectively - over her stomach. in her grief, vierynrae barely noticed her two siblings' whispers, nor when her mother was invited into its fray. the gravity of her situation only dawned on her when her mother bid her halt during the long walk back home, and asked her one grim question: "is it a male?"
her silence was the answer, and viciiva nodded, permitting xaeszara to push vierynrae down a flight of stairs carved into the stone. arac'nene was waiting at the bottom, laughing, to kick her nearly to death - more than enough to guarantee the child would never be born.
minutes blurred into hours, and vierynrae -grieving, raging, but mostly numb - knew her days in house drisune were numbered. she never went home, instead limping her way out of the city gates and on towards the secluded place she had first met kiryn all those years ago.
from there, she began bargaining, first to the gods - who would not answer a lolth-sworn - and then to the anyone in the nine hells who would listen. she screamed at the cavern walls that she was willing to bargain, and after three days, the fiend who would soon become her patron emerged from the dark. she offered up his soul to him right there in exchange for the power to raze the city of menzoberranzan and everyone in it, but the devil only laughed. "do you truly think your little soul is of equal value to that of the city of spiders?" he asked. "how many souls call menzoberranzan home, i wonder? thirty thousand - fifty? not to mention the wrath of lolth this tantrum of yours will inevitably bring about . . . why, that price alone is worth as many souls as you have hair on your head."
and with that, the terms of a pact began to form. a drop of infernal power for every act of service - and for every soul sent to the styx - tallied by the silver hair on her scalp. each deed's value would be measured in strands, turning black as the underdark itself to mark the progress of such an insurmountable price. once every hair had turned, she would know at last that the pact was complete, and she would be powerful enough to return to the underdark and attempt a final stand. until then, she would serve her patron in any and all things.
her first kill was her mother, matriarch viciiva. her patron was true to his word; as 17 strands of silver hair turn blacked, she felt an equivalent surge of power - just enough to make the weeks long trek out of the underdark and up into the sunlit lands, alone.
i hit the block text character limit oh god 🤪
and so her new life began. she navigated a hostile surface world with only her patron's whispers to guide her, eventually settling in neverwinter, in spite of a population vastly hostile to her kind. over the years, her uncanny ability to sniff out a desperate soul - and then cordially offer then aid - made her a recogniseable and accepted figure in the city, eventually putting her in the position to make a legitimate business out of it.
business flourished, and as her renown grew, so did her power, forever measured by her rapidly darkening hair. by the start of baldur's gate 3 she is formiddable — a diabolist and the right hand of her patron, feared and respected, secretly amassing every resource, ally and advantage she has at her disposal through low whispers and coded letters. all of it to pay the price of marching — one day, perhaps centuries from now — on menzoberranzan, and having the power to take it.
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eaglesnick · 1 year
“Trust, once lost, could not be easily found. Not in a year, perhaps not even in a lifetime.” – J.E.B. Spredemann
Oh what a surprise!
We learn today that yet another senior Tory failed to declare their financial connection with big business. Therese Villiers was the Environment Secretary in Boris Johnson's government between July 2019 and February 2020 and held shares in Shell worth over £70,000. Under the rules all MP’s have to register their financial interests
“…or any benefits which he or she receives, which others might reasonably consider to influence his or her actions or words as a Member of Parliament.”
The fact that it was the Secretary of State for the Environment, who failed to reveal her financial connection to Shell, makes the breaking of this rule particularly damning.
Putting aside Ms Villiers own financial interest in Shell, the Conservative Party accepted more than £1 million from the energy sector when Boris was in power.
“Under Johnson’s leadership, the Conservative Party has received a series of huge donations from the energy sector, totalling more than a million pounds since the 2019 general election."  (opendemocracy: 01/11/21)
Rishi Sunak, in turn, accepted money from the energy sector to help fund his bid to become leader of the Conservative Party.
“Rishi Sunak accepted cash from fossil fuel investors in campaign to become PM. Donations from supporters with links to oil and gas helped fund new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Ready4Rishi leadership campaign."
It is probably coincidence, but
“Shell paid zero windfall tax in UK despite record global profits.” (Guardian:27/11/22)
And it is probably coincidence that Sunak is issuing hundreds of North Sea oil and gas licences for drilling despite the worsening climate crisis due to excessive CO2 emissions and  dire warnings from climate scientists.  
Returning to Ms Villiers, she has apologised for beaching the rules, claiming she had not realised her shareholdings were worth so much:
“Ms Villiers deeply regrets her failure to monitor the value of shareholdings and has offered her sincere apologies,” (Irish News: 11/08/23)
It must be very nice to be so well off that you don’t know you have a shareholding of over £70,000 in an oil company. Putting that aside, we have Ms Villiers assurance that nothing she did when Environment Secretary was influenced by her substantial shareholding in Shell, so that’s alright.  Except of course it isn’t all right. Ms Villiers has previous.
In 2021 she was one of three Tory MP’s who were called upon to resign after trying to influence judicial proceedings.
“Three Tory MPs should be suspended over an "egregious" bid to influence judicial proceedings, the Commons Standards Committee has said. Sir Roger Gale, Theresa Villiers, Natalie Elphicke, Adam Holloway and Bob Stewart were found to have broken the rules by seeking to interfere in a legal decision regarding their former colleague Charlie Elphicke who was jailed for sexual assault last year.”  (itvx:21/07/21)
What’s more, Ms Villiers is on record as stating:
“International law is a ‘political construct’ and breaking it is ‘routine’ (Independent: 14/09/20)
All laws are political constructs and it seems to me to be a very short step from “routinely” breaking international law to treating UK law with the same air of contempt. The fact that Ms Villiers has tried to influence judicial proceedings in favour of a friend, failed to declare her financial interest in Shell when she was Environment Secretary, and considers breaking international law to be the norm raises very serious questions concerning her probity.
Sunak had this to say to the British public:
“Trust is earned and I will earn yours”.
I’m afraid you haven’t earned mine Ms Villiers.
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David Thien Anh Luong Business Top 5 Books on Leadership For Entrepreneurs
If you want to run a successful enterprise, you have to always be a wonderful leader. Your team is one of your biggest assets, and to be able to maintain a healthy team spirit and have the team work towards a common goal, you should be able to lead them in an inspiring manner. You should understand David Luong Perth Why It Is Important to Have a Strong Team of the Senior Executives in A Business. So, if you are new to business and wish to enhance your knowledge of leadership skills, then these 5 books on leadership will act as the perfect guide for you.
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The Top 5 Leadership Books To Read
1.  How To Win Friends & Influence People
Author: Dale Carnegie
Year Of Publishing: 1936
Goodreads Rating: 4.2/5
When it comes to the self-help genre, there is no author who can match the Carnegie brilliance. An extraordinary book that should be on the reading list of every single person, whether an entrepreneur or not, this one is a charm on its own.
2.  The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them, And People Will Follow You
Author: John C. Maxwell
Year Of Publishing: 1998
Goodreads Rating: 4.2/5
As the title suggests, the author expertly walks you through the 21 exemplary laws that act as guiding stones toward becoming an inspiring leader. It helps you to realize the areas where you need to make improvements and the habits that can create an impact on your team.
3.  Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
Author: Simon Sinek
Year Of Publishing: 2009
Goodreads Rating: 4.1/5
If you want to know how the greatest leaders in the world think, act and communicate, this book can guide you through all that. It is the perfect leadership book to start with if you are new to the business world.
4.  Leading Change: An Action Plan from the World's Foremost Expert on Business Leadership
Author: John Kotter
Year Of Publishing: 1996
Goodreads Rating: 4/5
If you are looking for a guide on leadership and management from the best, then this book is what you need to read. The secret strategy on how you can become a master in your industry has inspired numerous organizations over time.
5. The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations
Author: Barry Posner and James M. Kouzes
Year Of Publishing: 2012
Goodreads Rating: 4/5
Another interesting book that provides deep insight into how an organization can work extraordinarily under the right leadership; this book is a true gem in all sense. It will be a fantastic addition to your bookshelf if you plan on becoming iconic.
In conclusion, these are among the most interesting books to read on leadership. By reading these books, you can improve your ideas on leading your organization toward progress. These also help you form the right team through David Thien Anh Luong Business 7 Qualities to Look For While Hiring Employees.
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Tarot is a form of divination that uses a deck of 78 cards to gain insight into the past, present, or future by formulating a question, then drawing and interpreting cards. The deck is divided into two main parts: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.
### Major Arcana
The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each with its own unique meaning:
1. **The Fool**: New beginnings, innocence, adventure.
2. **The Magician**: Manifestation, resourcefulness, power.
3. **The High Priestess**: Intuition, mystery, subconscious.
4. **The Empress**: Fertility, abundance, nurturing.
5. **The Emperor**: Authority, structure, control.
6. **The Hierophant**: Tradition, spirituality, conformity.
7. **The Lovers**: Love, harmony, relationships.
8. **The Chariot**: Determination, willpower, victory.
9. **Strength**: Courage, bravery, inner strength.
10. **The Hermit**: Introspection, solitude, guidance.
11. **Wheel of Fortune**: Change, cycles, fate.
12. **Justice**: Fairness, truth, law.
13. **The Hanged Man**: Surrender, new perspectives, letting go.
14. **Death**: Transformation, endings, new beginnings.
15. **Temperance**: Balance, patience, moderation.
16. **The Devil**: Bondage, materialism, temptation.
17. **The Tower**: Sudden change, upheaval, revelation.
18. **The Star**: Hope, inspiration, serenity.
19. **The Moon**: Illusion, fear, subconscious.
20. **The Sun**: Joy, success, vitality.
21. **Judgement**: Reflection, reckoning, awakening.
22. **The World**: Completion, accomplishment, travel.
### Minor Arcana
The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits, each with 14 cards: Ace through 10, and four Court Cards (Page, Knight, Queen, King). Each suit represents different aspects of life.
#### Cups (Emotions, Relationships, Intuition)
- **Ace of Cups**: New emotions, beginnings in love.
- **Two of Cups**: Partnership, harmony, attraction.
- **Three of Cups**: Celebration, friendship, community.
- **Four of Cups**: Apathy, contemplation, disconnectedness.
- **Five of Cups**: Loss, grief, disappointment.
- **Six of Cups**: Nostalgia, memories, childhood.
- **Seven of Cups**: Choices, imagination, dreams.
- **Eight of Cups**: Departure, moving on, withdrawal.
- **Nine of Cups**: Contentment, satisfaction, wish fulfillment.
- **Ten of Cups**: Happiness, family, fulfillment.
- **Page of Cups**: Youthfulness, sensitivity, intuition.
- **Knight of Cups**: Romance, charm, idealism.
- **Queen of Cups**: Compassion, calm, emotional security.
- **King of Cups**: Emotional balance, control, generosity.
#### Pentacles (Material aspects, Career, Wealth)
- **Ace of Pentacles**: New opportunities, prosperity, abundance.
- **Two of Pentacles**: Balance, adaptability, time management.
- **Three of Pentacles**: Collaboration, skill, teamwork.
- **Four of Pentacles**: Security, control, conservatism.
- **Five of Pentacles**: Hardship, poverty, struggle.
- **Six of Pentacles**: Generosity, charity, sharing.
- **Seven of Pentacles**: Patience, investment, long-term planning.
- **Eight of Pentacles**: Diligence, craftsmanship, skill development.
- **Nine of Pentacles**: Self-sufficiency, luxury, success.
- **Ten of Pentacles**: Legacy, inheritance, culmination.
- **Page of Pentacles**: Ambition, diligence, potential.
- **Knight of Pentacles**: Efficiency, hard work, responsibility.
- **Queen of Pentacles**: Practicality, nurturing, financial security.
- **King of Pentacles**: Wealth, business acumen, leadership.
#### Swords (Thoughts, Intellect, Conflict)
- **Ace of Swords**: Clarity, new ideas, breakthroughs.
- **Two of Swords**: Indecision, stalemate, choices.
- **Three of Swords**: Heartbreak, sorrow, betrayal.
- **Four of Swords**: Rest, recovery, contemplation.
- **Five of Swords**: Conflict, defeat, tension.
- **Six of Swords**: Transition, moving on, change.
- **Seven of Swords**: Deception, strategy, betrayal.
- **Eight of Swords**: Restriction, imprisonment, fear.
- **Nine of Swords**: Anxiety, nightmares, despair.
- **Ten of Swords**: Ruin, betrayal, endings.
- **Page of Swords**: Curiosity, intelligence, vigilance.
- **Knight of Swords**: Action, ambition, quick decisions.
- **Queen of Swords**: Independence, perception, clear-mindedness.
- **King of Swords**: Authority, discipline, intellectual power.
#### Wands (Passion, Creativity, Ambition)
- **Ace of Wands**: Inspiration, new beginnings, potential.
- **Two of Wands**: Planning, decision making, progress.
- **Three of Wands**: Expansion, foresight, leadership.
- **Four of Wands**: Celebration, harmony, homecoming.
- **Five of Wands**: Conflict, competition, challenges.
- **Six of Wands**: Victory, success, public recognition.
- **Seven of Wands**: Perseverance, defense, maintaining control.
- **Eight of Wands**: Speed, action, movement.
- **Nine of Wands**: Resilience, persistence, boundaries.
- **Ten of Wands**: Burden, responsibility, hard work.
- **Page of Wands**: Enthusiasm, exploration, potential.
- **Knight of Wands**: Passion, energy, adventure.
- **Queen of Wands**: Confidence, determination, independence.
- **King of Wands**: Leadership, vision, entrepreneurship.
Each card's meaning can vary depending on its position in a spread and the context of the question being asked.
I'm not sure how on point was AI w this since it uses to do subtle mistakes from time to time ...
But I did learn few things from tarotmerchant.com/tarot-card-meaning/ as well as buildingbeautifulsouls.com on the Minor Arcana & their elements & such...
& I know, from Angie Green Tarot as well as others, that Tarot isn't used just for divination (& it's not really the reason I'm interested in it so much, anws..) so -1 point, AI...
For one at me is just for the symbols & the way they are used to understand better the meanings of each card (separately first...)
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learnstransformation · 4 months
Learn Transformation's top 11 Leadership Books encompass a range of themes and perspectives. "The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown emphasizes self-compassion and authenticity. Ron Williams' "Learning to Lead" offers practical insights from his journey to CEO, while "Conscious Leadership" by John Mackey promotes ethical business practices. "Primal Leadership" by Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee focuses on emotional intelligence, and "The Untethered Soul" by Michael Singer explores self-awareness. "Humble Leadership" by Edgar and Peter Schein challenges hierarchical paradigms. Simone Bhan Ahuja's "Disrupt-It-Yourself" advocates for internal innovation, and Simon Sinek's "Leaders Eat Last" prioritizes employee well-being. Patrick Lencioni's "Five Dysfunctions of a Team" addresses common team challenges. "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" by John C. Maxwell provides timeless leadership principles, while Warren Bennis' "On Becoming a Leader" emphasizes the development of leadership skills.
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blondebeardtheparent · 4 months
Captain’s Log
Stardate 20240520
No school today
It’s been a weekend. We got the results of the spinal tap—no trace of leukemia in the marrow—so that’s good. We ended up skipping the MRI and getting a CT instead. This morning Simon had the tumor extracted. If it’s benign, no harm done. If it’s not, it needs to come out anyway. They will be testing it for the next five days or so. Once that is done, we will have a better idea what we are dealing with.
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My health has failed. I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. I’ve got a sore throat and I’ve been sleeping pretty much since I walked in the door at 10:30—it’s 3:30. I’m feverish and have a headache. I probably shouldn’t go to the hospital tonight. Not sure if I will anyway, but my status is pretty bad.
Not sure what Simon’s status is.
I figure I should end on a high note, so I’m going to update my reading list from our Philippines trip. The best vacation is one where you can snorkel, surf, AND read.
Updated Reading list
Finished reading
Photo Portfolio Success
Teach Yourself Tumblr
Studio Anywhere
Combatting Cult Mind Control
Forgiveness Made Easy
How Do I Do that in Photoshop?
Start With No
The Blog Artist’s Handbook
Needless Casualties of War
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
The Elijah Task
The Photographer’s Eye
The Speedlight Studio
22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
The 1921 Annual of Advertising Art
Vintage Advertising and Art Designs
Vintage Movie Posters
Vintage Advertising Posters
The Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting and Running a Business
The Golden Age of Advertising—the 70’s
Renewal For the Wounded Warrior
Toxic Positivity
Highly Sensitive
Almost finished reading
Best Business Practices for Photographers
Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC for Photographers
One Million Followers
Deliverance and Inner Healing
21 Laws of Leadership
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naturecoaster · 6 months
Trailblazing Women of East Pasco County Program to be held March 27
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In celebration of Women’s History Month, please join a program at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at the Extension/Stallings Building (One Stop Shop) at 15029 14th St. Dade City, FL 33525 coordinated by Aimee G. Schlitt, Program Manager at UF IFAS Cooperative Extension/Pasco County with moderator, Madonna Jervis Wise, retired school administrator of three Florida school districts and author of Trailblazing Women of Tampa Bay and 12 additional books, various curriculums, and newspaper columns. The program will include a review of historical women of East Pasco County from the historical files: - Willa Rice & Mabel Healis Bexley - Greta Adams & Margarita Romo - Christine Mickens & Alpha Sorosis Women’s Group - Alice Hall & Rosemary Trottman - Pat Muleri, Joan Pryor & Sylvia Young, and Jeanette Thompson Followed by a panel of contemporary women leaders who will share their story and their inspiration, with a question and answer time. MARY KATHERINE MASON ALSTONA force in the Dade City Merchant’s Association and an innovative entrepreneur, Mary Katherine is a product of East Pasco where she graduated from ZHS. A veteran, she drove military trucks into Iraq, and on March 25, 2003. The 507th Maintenance Company was ambushed there as Mason’s unit headed toward Nasiriyah to resupply troops during a sandstorm. A proud American Veteran, Mason became an entrepreneur in Dade City, with her incredible business, Lanky Lassie’s Shortbread. (The Marine Corps Women’s Reserve was established in February of 1943 and as Congress passed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act in 1948, women became a permanent part of the Marine Corps.) MARGARET ANGELLThe president of the Dade City Merchant’s Association for over ten years, Margaret, a 1966 PHS grad, previously had an extensive career in law enforcement. She was the first female Private Investigator (PI) in Pasco County, after serving as an officer with the Dade City Police Department and Pasco Sheriff’s Department. She credits Andrew “A.P. Gibbs for assisting her as she worked as his legal assistant after graduating from college. Her PI firm employed five agents and her pursuits both as a police officer and P.I. were courageous and trailblazing. The proprietor of the Angel Tea Room, Margaret is passionate about preserving the character and culture of Dade City. LEANNE MCKENDREE JOHNSelected 2024 Teacher of the Year for Pasco County Schools, one of the larger school districts in the nation with nearly 86,000 students. Leanne is a home-grown girl from Dade City. With a passion for 4-H as a child, she honed public speaking and leadership skills that she transformed into her role as an elementary teacher and later a high school teacher of agriculture at Zephyrhills High School. “LeAnne’s passion for helping students grow into leaders in the agriculture communities is evident in the activities, events, and challenges she incorporates into her lessons and student experiences. She has created a leadership standard that her students carry forward. The culture and climate she creates in herclassroom, lab, and barn encourages students daily.” MELONIE BAHR MONSON, Mayor of ZephyrhillsMelonie Bahr Monson is the second female mayor in the history of Zephyrhills history (and there were 21 mayors over time). Monson arrived in Zephyrhills in 1969 when her family established Bahr’s Mobile Home Park. She remembers growing up in a retirement park and interacting regularly with the neighbors. In the graduating class of 1979 from Zephyrhills High, she was named American Legion Student of the Year when she was in eighth grade and played softball and golf in high school.“My mother (Edna Bahr, 86) was very adamant that girls are going to be able to do anything boys can do,” Monson said. She worked as the town’s assistant city clerk, then joined The Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce, where she eventually became CEO, a role she held for eight years. MAMIE WISELicensed for 15 years, Mamie Venita Jervis Wise is a Criminal Defense and white collar crime lawyer in Tampa Florida who attended Columbia Law School and Duke University. She is currently an Assistant U.S. Attorney. She practiced in New York City and later in Tampa in private law firms in New York and Floridabefore joining the government as a prosecutor. A graduate of ZHS, Mamie was the Florida State 4-H President while in high school and enjoyed the State 4-H Legislature program where she cultivated a passionate mission for “the law.” The mother of three children, Mamie is very active in her community. NORMITA "ANGEL" WOODARD, Dade City Commissioner and Mayor Pro Tempore of Dade CityNormita Lytreal Woodard is a lifelong resident of Dade City, Florida, and a proud Pasco High graduate class of 1988.  Normita is employed by Pasco County Schools as the Principal's Secretary at Lacoochee Elementary School. Normita has one daughter and one granddaughter.  She is also a graduate of PascoHernando State College with a Bachelor of Science in Supervision and Management Organizational Administration.  As a decorated Military Veteran, Normita has earned numerous awards including the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal with two campaign stars, AfghanistanCampaign Medal with two campaign stars, and the National Defense Service Medal.   JASMINE WRIGHT has always had a knack for sewing.She would watch and learn from her Abuela when she was younger. It's in her blood. So is entrepreneurship. "Growing up in Mexico I had an aunt who had a store in her home. The downstairs of her home was her little tienda and then upstairs she would be in the kitchen cooking and then if a customer would come in she would run down and ring them up," Wright said. Wright is first-generation Mexican. Two years ago, she and her husband took a chance and made Dade City their home and opened Treehouse Mercantile. They quit their jobs out west and moved closer to family in Dade City after having their firstborn child. They began with prototypes of pottery and soon moved into a brick-and-mortar store along the downtown main strip. Now, the quaint store is filled with items that were born from new beginnings but hold an old reminder of home. Read the full article
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education30and40blog · 9 months
Taking the time to think for a change
Happy Holidays and hello, winter. It’s Christmas for some, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Winter Solstice for others. No matter what you celebrate, it’s customary to gather together with our families as we wind down the year. This time of year is not only a time of celebration, but for me personally, it’s usually a time of reflection and planning. For some reason, we’re either around a lot of people during the holidays attending parties, dinners, and gatherings, or it’s just my wife, Mary Catherine, and me in a quiet house. I love being with family, but I also enjoy periods of solitude.
During periods of quiet, I normally try to work on some things around the house and get caught up on my personal “to do” list. What I look forward to the most, however, is some quiet time to just sit and think. Years ago, I learned how to be more deliberate about thinking after reading a book entitled “Thinking for a Change” by John C. Maxwell.
Maxwell, perhaps best known for his books “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” and “Developing the Leader Within You,” is one of my favorite leadership authors. Twenty years ago (the same year I started my business), he actually came to Fayette County and did a national broadcast originating from the newly established New Hope Church South Campus. Perhaps some of you reading this were there that day, it was a huge crowd.
Autographed copy of Thinking for a Change by John C. Maxwell dated 3-28-2003. Photo/Joe Domaleski
While I was there at the Maxwell event, I picked up one of his lesser-known titles, “Thinking for a Change.” The message was simple, but it quickly became one of my favorites of his many books. His emphasis on the power and potential of “just thinking” really inspired me to be more deliberate about how I approached thought.
In the book, Maxwell makes the case that all actions and endeavors begin and end with thought. He maintains that there are different types of thinking skills and outlines each one of them in the book. Here’s a quick summary of those key skills and what they mean to me personally:
Big-Picture Thinking: Seeing beyond the day-to-day to understand the broader scope and future direction of my business and my life. I probably struggle with this more than any other type of thinking. It’s hard to think about the big picture when you’re drowning in the details of “here and now.”
Focused Thinking: Applying concentration and focus on key goals and challenges in order to make decisions and solve problems. I actually enjoy this type of thinking the most, but I have to be deliberate about tuning out distractions from emails, messages, and other non-urgent things that sometimes feel urgent.
Creative Thinking: Coming up with new ideas to drive innovation. Creativity allows individuals and organizations to develop new ideas, products, and services, which can lead to breakthroughs, excitement, and forward progress. This is what my company is best known for, and it’s actually part of our company name – Country Fried Creative. For me personally, the challenge isn’t the creativity part (because I have a great creative team) but it’s the application of that creativity to specific situations.
Realistic Thinking: Assessing situations objectively with facts, data, and experience. Oftentimes creativity is tempered with reality. Brainstorming shouldn’t be constrained by reality, but reality definitely comes into play before implementing ideas. As a business owner, I have to assess the feasibility and market potential of our creative ideas. Realistic thinking gives us the proper context for doing that.
Strategic Thinking: Planning effectively to achieve goals and objectives. This is different from big-picture thinking, which often isn’t constrained by goals and objectives. Strategic thinking considers various scenarios and paths. I often consider the best case, worst case, and probable case when it comes to strategic thinking. Risk vs. reward comes into play when considering strategic thinking.
Possibility Thinking: Empowers people to look beyond apparent constraints, envisioning what could be achieved. For me, this is the classic “Can Do” thinking where anything is possible. It’s all about being a leader of hope.
Reflective Thinking: Taking time to ponder and learn from past experiences. I do this a lot, perhaps too much. While it’s important to consider the past, it’s even more important not to dwell on the past in such a way that it becomes baggage. Experience gleaned from reflective thinking helps in realistic thinking to avoid past mistakes. However, focusing too much on the past can limit possibility thinking and future potential.
Going beyond popular thinking: Challenging the “crowd mentality” in order to see and do things differently. Unfortunately, this has become increasingly hard to do as computer algorithms dictate what we see. This means not just following the path well-trodden but daring to think independently. It’s about questioning the status quo and considering alternative perspectives or solutions that might not be immediately obvious or widely accepted.
Shared Thinking: Collaborating with others can help expand perspectives and generate better ideas. There are so many tools available to facilitate collaboration that it would seem this would be a “no-brainer.” Yet, each one of us works differently in a group setting. Optimizing frictionless collaboration without stifling group creativity is probably one of the top business challenges of our time. Work-at-home vs. work-at-the-office is a hot topic with businesses. I personally think a combination of in-person and remote collaboration has worked best with our team.
Unselfish Thinking: Focuses on how things affect others, including employees, customers, family, and members of the community. In business school, I was taught that the purpose of a company is to maximize profit. While profitability is important for financial viability, I’ve come to learn that a business has a moral obligation that goes beyond profits. For me, simply considering the question “How can this idea help people?” can lead to thinking that can help people and the community at large. Purpose first, and then profits often follow.
Bottom-Line Thinking: Concentrates on thoughts and activities that can generate measurable results. Being results-oriented is an important part of being a leader. Out of necessity, sometimes those results need to be immediate and short-term, like achieving year-end financial goals. At other times, the results are more long-term and sustainable in nature. Focusing on results ensures that big-picture, possibility thinking can lead to positive outcomes that are beneficial to all concerned.
The author reading John C. Maxwell’s Thinking for a Change. Photo/Joe Domaleski
If you’re like me, then perhaps you’ve never really thought about thinking. “Thinking for a Change” was a real eye-opener for me. Embracing Maxwell’s thinking styles, from big-picture to bottom-line thinking, isn’t just about business success; it’s also about enriching every aspect of our lives. May your holidays be merry, reflective, and filled with thoughtful moments. Enjoy your holiday family time, but create some space for thoughtful, deliberate, and creative thinking. Happy New Year, everyone – let’s make it a thoughtful one!
[Joe Domaleski, a Fayette County resident for 25 years, is the owner of Country Fried Creative – an award-winning digital marketing agency located in Peachtree City. His company was the Fayette Chamber’s 2021 Small Business of the Year.  Joe is a husband, father of three grown children, and proud Army veteran.  He has an MBA from Georgia State University and enjoys sharing his perspectives drawing from thirty years of business leadership experience. Sign up for the Country Fried Creative newsletter to get marketing and business articles directly in your inbox. ]
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