#2021 Hungarian GP Analysis
petit-papillion · 11 months
I decided I am going to rewrite that response Tumblr shredded after all. So the original post was from a Vettel fan who called out HAM and LEC fans for being so upset about the DSQs when there had been plenty of drivers in the past getting disqualified.
First of all, it has been a while since someone was disqualified. And it was actually Sebastian Vettel at the 2021 Hungarian GP for not having a sufficient fuel sample after the race. I'm pretty sure people were upset then too, as it cost him his podium.
As for plenty of drivers, there have been a total of 93 (out of 775) drivers who have been disqualified over the years. Of the current grid 7 drivers now have a DSQ:
Daniel Ricciardo (2014 Australia - fuel mass flow too high; 2019 Japan - brakes infringement)
Lewis Hamilton (2009 Australia - misleading stewards; 2023 USA - rear skid below minimum)
Sergio Perez (2011 Australia - illegal wing)
Esteban Ocon (2018 USA - fuel mass flow too high)
Kevin Magnussen (2018 USA - fuel consumption too high)
Nico Hulkenberg (2019 Japan - brakes infringement)
Charles Leclerc (2023 USA - rear skid below minimum)
Source: Stats F1
But the rear skid being below minimum has only ever led to one other DSQ: Michael Schumacher at the 1994 Belgium GP. Something by the way, I was already thinking of a few weeks ago when I was making my "predictions" for this weekend:
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In case you don't recall or heard about it: the Red Bull drivers were thought to be lifting through Eau Rouge to avoid too much plank wear, after they set up the cars for wet weather, and the race ended up being in dry weather. Brrrake did an in-depth video analysis on this at the time:
Interesting unrelated tidbit: Martin Brundle has 8 DSQs. Looks like this mostly stems from his team Tyrrell getting disqualified, because all but one are from 1984. In fact, the top 3 drivers on this list have a combined 23 DSQs, with 21 of them from 1984 when they were driving for Tyrrell.
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mirecalemoments01 · 1 year
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maranello · 3 years
As a sort of answer to a previous anon: Ferrari likes doing race sims during FP1 since its the one that matters the least. FP2 happens at the same time of day as Quali and the race so usually, those are more representative. FP3 is them fine tuning the cars for quali and race. Normally, Charles likes to fiddle with the car in FP1 so that could account for him being behind Carlos (apart, of course, from him already saying that it's one of his weaker tracks, as you pointed out, and that he kept running into traffic. )
Personally, I think they did rather well. Just because a Ferrari was fighting for the win last race doesn't mean that they will every race. So we really need to keep that in mind. Also, the Ferraris this year seem to have better race pace than single lap pace, so factor that in. The Mercs and Red Bulls will still be faster, unfortunately (depending of course on how crazy the Carlos and Charles decide to be this week!) So we have to judge Ferrari against the midfield, particularly with McLaren. And all things considered, Carlos 0.4 behind a Merc, and Charles ~0.25 ahead of a McLaren isn't too bad!
Thank you, anon!! you’re so sexy and informative ❤️
But yeah, I read from a Ferrari account that Charles was struggling a bit with the set up in fp1, so let’s see what happens next if they fixed that up!
Realistic expectations in this house ❤️🙏
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zaviews · 3 years
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on-and-off-track · 3 years
Tags (just for ease of navigation / to satisfy my archival impulse)
2021 Season: Round 10 - British GP / Round 11 - Hungarian GP
2020 Season: Round 8 - Italian GP
Drivers: Max Verstappen / Lewis Hamilton / Sebastian Vettel / Alexander Albon / Daniel Ricciardo / Pierre Gasly / Fernando Alonso / Valtteri Bottas / Sergio Perez / Mick Schumacher / Lance Stroll / Nicholas Latifi
On-track: Analysis / Racecraft / Technical
Other Series: Formula 2 / Formula E
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mundomultipolar · 3 years
Como disse Edward Snoden, pare tudo e leia isto!!!!
O projeto Pegasus
Revelado: vazamento revela abuso global de arma de vigilância cibernética
Spyware vendido a regimes autoritários usado para atingir ativistas, políticos e jornalistas, os dados sugerem
Stephanie Kirchgaessner , Paul Lewis , David Pegg , Sam Cutler , Nina Lakhani e Michael Safi
Dom, 18 de julho de 2021 12h00 EDT
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Ativistas de direitos humanos, jornalistas e advogados em todo o mundo têm sido alvos de governos autoritários, usando software de hacking vendido pela empresa de vigilância israelense NSO Group, de acordo com uma investigação sobre um vazamento massivo de dados.
A investigação do Guardian e de 16 outras organizações de mídia sugere abuso generalizado e contínuo do spyware de hackers da NSO, Pegasus, que a empresa insiste que é destinado apenas para uso contra criminosos e terroristas.
Pegasus é um malware que infecta iPhones e dispositivos Android para permitir que os operadores da ferramenta extraiam mensagens, fotos e e-mails, gravem chamadas e ativem microfones secretamente.
O vazamento contém uma lista de mais de 50.000 números de telefone que, acredita-se, foram identificados como de pessoas de interesse por clientes da NSO desde 2016.
Forbidden Stories, uma organização de mídia sem fins lucrativos com sede em Paris, e a Anistia Internacional inicialmente tiveram acesso à lista vazada e compartilharam o acesso com parceiros de mídia como parte do projeto Pegasus, um consórcio de reportagem.
A presença de um número de telefone nos dados não revela se um dispositivo foi infectado com Pegasus ou sujeito a uma tentativa de hack. No entanto, o consórcio acredita que os dados são indicativos dos alvos potenciais dos clientes do governo da NSO identificados antes de possíveis tentativas de vigilância.
Guia rápido
O que há nos dados do projeto Pegasus?
A análise forense de um pequeno número de telefones cujos números apareceram na lista que vazou também mostrou que mais da metade tinha rastros do spyware Pegasus.
O Guardian e seus parceiros de mídia irão revelar a identidade das pessoas cujo número apareceu na lista nos próximos dias. Eles incluem centenas de executivos de negócios, figuras religiosas, acadêmicos, funcionários de ONGs, dirigentes sindicais e funcionários do governo, incluindo ministros de gabinete, presidentes e primeiros-ministros.
A lista também contém o número de parentes próximos do governante de um país, sugerindo que o governante pode ter instruído suas agências de inteligência a explorar a possibilidade de monitorar seus próprios parentes.
As divulgações começam no domingo, com a revelação de que os números de mais de 180 jornalistas constam dos dados, entre repórteres, editores e executivos do Financial Times, CNN, New York Times, France 24, The Economist, Associated Press e Reuters.
O número de telefone de um repórter freelance mexicano, Cecilio Pineda Birto , foi encontrado na lista, aparentemente do interesse de um cliente mexicano nas semanas que antecederam seu assassinato, quando seus assassinos conseguiram localizá-lo em um lava-jato. Seu telefone nunca foi encontrado, então nenhuma análise forense foi possível estabelecer se ele estava infectado.
A NSO disse que mesmo que o telefone de Pineda tenha sido alvejado, isso não significa que os dados coletados de seu telefone contribuíram de alguma forma para sua morte, enfatizando que os governos poderiam ter descoberto sua localização por outros meios. Ele estava entre pelo menos 25 jornalistas mexicanos aparentemente selecionados como candidatos para vigilância durante um período de dois anos.
Sem o exame forense dos dispositivos móveis, é impossível dizer se os telefones foram submetidos a uma tentativa ou sucesso de hack usando Pegasus.
A NSO sempre sustentou que “não opera os sistemas que vende para clientes governamentais verificados e não tem acesso aos dados dos alvos de seus clientes”.
Em declarações emitidas por seus advogados , a NSO negou “falsas alegações” feitas sobre as atividades de seus clientes, mas disse que iria “continuar a investigar todas as alegações de uso indevido e tomar as medidas cabíveis”. Ele disse que a lista não poderia ser uma lista de números “visados ​​por governos que usam Pegasus” e descreveu o número de 50.000 como “exagerado”.
A empresa vende apenas para militares, policiais e agências de inteligência em 40 países não identificados, e diz que examina rigorosamente os registros de direitos humanos de seus clientes antes de permitir que usem suas ferramentas de espionagem.
O ministro da defesa israelense regula de perto a NSO, concedendo licenças individuais de exportação antes que sua tecnologia de vigilância possa ser vendida a um novo país.
No mês passado, a NSO divulgou um relatório de transparência no qual afirmava ter uma abordagem líder do setor em relação aos direitos humanos e publicou trechos de contratos com clientes estipulando que eles deveriam usar seus produtos apenas para investigações criminais e de segurança nacional.
Não há nada que sugira que os clientes da NSO também não tenham usado o Pegasus em investigações de terrorismo e crimes, e o consórcio também encontrou números nos dados pertencentes a suspeitos de crimes.
No entanto, a ampla gama de números na lista pertencente a pessoas que aparentemente não têm conexão com a criminalidade sugere que alguns clientes da NSO estão violando seus contratos com a empresa, espionando ativistas pró-democracia e jornalistas que investigam corrupção, bem como oponentes políticos e do governo críticos.
Essa tese é apoiada por análises forenses nos telefones de uma pequena amostra de jornalistas, ativistas de direitos humanos e advogados cujos números constavam da lista vazada. A pesquisa, conduzida pelo Laboratório de Segurança da Anistia, um parceiro técnico do projeto Pegasus, encontrou traços da atividade do Pegasus em 37 dos 67 telefones examinados.
Qual é o projeto Pegasus?
The analysis also uncovered some sequential correlations between the time and date a number was entered into the list and the onset of Pegasus activity on the device, which in some cases occurred just a few seconds later.
Amnesty shared its forensic work on four iPhones with Citizen Lab, a research group at the University of Toronto that specialises in studying Pegasus, which confirmed they showed signs of Pegasus infection. Citizen Lab also conducted a peer-review of Amnesty’s forensic methods, and found them to be sound.
The consortium’s analysis of the leaked data identified at least 10 governments believed to be NSO customers who were entering numbers into a system: Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Morocco, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Analysis of the data suggests the NSO client country that selected the most numbers – more than 15,000 – was Mexico, where multiple different government agencies are known to have bought Pegasus. Both Morocco and the UAE selected more than 10,000 numbers, the analysis suggested.
The phone numbers that were selected, possibly ahead of a surveillance attack, spanned more than 45 countries across four continents. There were more than 1,000 numbers in European countries that, the analysis indicated, were selected by NSO clients.
The presence of a number in the data does not mean there was an attempt to infect the phone. NSO says there were other possible purposes for numbers being recorded on the list.
Rwanda, Morocco, India and Hungary denied having used Pegasus to hack the phones of the individuals named in the list. The governments of Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, the UAE and Dubai did not respond to invitations to comment.
The Pegasus project is likely to spur debates over government surveillance in several countries suspected of using the technology. The investigation suggests the Hungarian government of Viktor Orbán appears to have deployed NSO’s technology as part of his so-called war on the media, targeting investigative journalists in the country as well as the close circle of one of Hungary’s few independent media executives.
The leaked data and forensic analyses also suggest NSO’s spy tool was used by Saudi Arabia and its close ally, the UAE, to target the phones of close associates of the murdered Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the months after his death. The Turkish prosecutor investigating his death was also a candidate for targeting, the data leak suggests.
Claudio Guarnieri, who runs Amnesty International’s Security Lab, said once a phone was infected with Pegasus, a client of NSO could in effect take control of a phone, enabling them to extract a person’s messages, calls, photos and emails, secretly activate cameras or microphones, and read the contents of encrypted messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal.
By accessing GPS and hardware sensors in the phone, he added, NSO’s clients could also secure a log of a person’s past movements and track their location in real time with pinpoint accuracy, for example by establishing the direction and speed a car was travelling in.
Viktor Orbán accused of using Pegasus to spy on journalists and critics
The latest advances in NSO’s technology enable it to penetrate phones with “zero-click” attacks, meaning a user does not even need to click on a malicious link for their phone to be infected.
Guarnieri has identified evidence NSO has been exploiting vulnerabilities associated with iMessage, which comes installed on all iPhones, and has been able to penetrate even the most up-to-date iPhone running the latest version of iOS. His team’s forensic analysis discovered successful and attempted Pegasus infections of phones as recently as this month.
Apple said: “Security researchers agree iPhone is the safest, most secure consumer mobile device on the market.”
NSO declined to give specific details about its customers and the people they target.
However, a source familiar with the matter said the average number of annual targets per customer was 112. The source said the company had 45 customers for its Pegasus spyware.
Reportagem adicional: Dan Sabbagh em Londres, Shaun Walker em Budapeste, Angelique Chris afis em Paris e Martin Hodgson em Nova York.
Mostre seu apoio ao destemido jornalismo investigativo do Guardian hoje para que possamos continuar perseguindo a verdade
O projeto Pegasus
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maranello · 3 years
If it eases the nerves a bit: Andreas Seidl was asked about strategy for qualifying for McLaren since it seems like the medium tires can gain a driver up to a second vs the softs. He, of course, said that they will try to get into Q3 on mediums. But they will probably think twice about risking getting into Q3 on softs and will have to see about the free tire choice they can get if they qualify 11th or lower. This is also what Ferrari did for the Austrian GP (then George qualified 9th on mediums... But I digress). Seems like those two teams are maybe looking at this strategy and gauging its feasibility.
I heard that too! I was also thinking perhaps they are wanting to start on the mediums over the softs as well. they’re not very happy with the setup and the way the tyres were behaving with the higher fuel runs in the free practices. (Carlos, I read, in particular had a graining problem with the T3? Which makes me kind of nervous because Ricard war flashbacks.) Charles’ last run was apparently good, but we will see tomorrow. The Ferrari technicians definitely have work to do and I wish them all the luck ❤️🙏
Thank god we have three whole free practices to fix this
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maranello · 3 years
tbf! i think if both mclaren and ferrari are within the same range they probably have more fuel load then those in front (like alpine and am). I usually use that as a basis of how we are but i could be wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
!!! that sounds plausible! I say I am disappointed already but I am just setting my expectations very low beforehand this weekend shhh
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