#2019 lexus f sport
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newyork-hengxin-autoshop · 2 years ago
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Elevate your driving experience to the next level with the 2019 LEXUS RX 350 F-sport. Combining luxury and performance, this mid-size SUV offers unparalleled power and precision handling, all while enveloping you in the utmost comfort and refinement. With cutting-edge features and a sleek design, the RX 350 F-sport is the ultimate choice for the modern driver who demands more from their vehicle. Experience the thrill of the open road in style and indulge in the ultimate luxury SUV - the 2019 LEXUS RX 350 F-sport.
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alicehhy465 · 4 months ago
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P/N 8990H-76010 smart Proximity key 3 button 315mhz for 2019-2021 Lexus UX200 FCC HYQ14FBF (Board 0440)
P/N 8990H-76010 smart Proximity key 3 button 315mhz for 2019-2021 Lexus UX200 FCC HYQ14FBF (Board 0440) FCC ID: HYQ14FBF P/N : 8990H-76010 Board: 0440 Frequency: 315mhz Chip: 8A Battery: CR2032 Buttons: Lock, Unlock, Panic work on: Lexus UX200 (2019-2021) "BASE" Lexus UX200 (2020-2021) "F Sport" Lexus UX200 (2020-2021) "Luxury" Lexus UX200 (2019-2020) "Premium"
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photos-car · 1 year ago
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blogueericdescarries · 2 years ago
Lexus UX 250h AWD F-Sport et pneu Motomaster Winter Edge II
Le 15 février 2023
Le temps file vraiment. La semaine dernière, le groupe canadien de Toyota me proposait l’essai de son petit VUS (ou VUM) UX 250h AWD révisé pour 2023. Je me suis alors souvenu d’avoir déjà travaillé avec un Lexus UX il y a quelques années (c’était en 2019) mais, avec le temps, je ne me souvenais plus du tout de quoi il en retournait. J’ai donc pris la nouvelle version de cette «camionnette» avec un peu d’appréhension.
Curieusement, au premier contact, je ne me souvenais plus qu’un UX puisse être aussi petit. J’étais resté sous l’impression que le UX se situait entre le NX (basé sur le RAV4) et le RX. En vérité, le UX est un véritable sous-compacte que l’on pourrait comparer à un….Toyota Prius!
Au départ, je ne me reconnaissais plus au volant de cette auto. Il faut dire que je n’avais pris aucune information sur l’actuel UX et j’étais vraiment déçu. Toutefois, mon opinion allait changer au cours des jours suivants. Tout d’abord, il me fallait trouver les bons ajustements pour tirer le meilleur parti de ce VUS-VUM. À force de jouer avec des commandes au tableau de bord, j’ai trouvé le commutateur qui allait changer le comportement routier du petit véhicule et le rendre moins ferme. Après tout, un Lexus, c’est censé être un véhicule «de luxe», n’est-ce pas? Puis, le son de la radio me tombait royalement sur les nerfs. J’ai eu beau faire des recherches, je ne trouvais pas les réglages pour obtenir un son qui me plairait. Même l’internet ne m’a été d’aucune aide. Tout ce que j’y trouvais, c’était de courts films qui me conseillaient de manipuler un petit «pad» entre les deux sièges d’avant. Au bout de quelques jours, je me suis «tanné» et j’ai rejoint un directeur technique de Toyota (mon bon ami Romaric Lartilleux) qui m’a aiguillé vers d’autres commandes que je n’avais pas exploité à leur maximum. Cependant, dès le début de notre conversation, il a du s’étouffer de rire en me pointant que ces images d’Internet concernaient la version 2022 de l’UX . La version 2023 n’a plus ce ridicule «pad» que même moi j’avais critiqué ouvertement lors de mon essai du UX 200 en 2019! Finalement, j’ai retrouvé le son musical que je recherchais. Romaric m’a donné les bonnes informations concernant ce petit véhicule.
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Le petit VUM UX de Lexus est de retour en 2023. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Si vous regardez les photos, vous verrez bien qu’il s’agit d’un petit VUS ou VUM dont le design a été révisé pour 2023. Il ne s’agit plus d’un UX 200 mais plutôt d’un UX 250h AWD ce qui veut dire que sa motorisation est hybride et qu’il profite d’une «traction intégrale». Notons que le UX repose sur la plateforme «universelle» TNGA-C (Toyota New Generation Architecture) que l’on retrouve aussi sous la toute récente Corolla et sous le Toyota CH-R (qui vient, incidemment, d’être retiré par le constructeur). L’ancien UX 200 que j’avais analysé en 2019 n’était «qu’une» traction avant avec moteur atmosphérique. Le UX 250h est, au départ, toujours à traction avant mais son moteur quatre cylindres de 2,0 litres (qui fait maintenant 143 chevaux) est désormais combiné à un moteur électrique à deux étapes dont une sert d’alternateur et de démarreur. La puissance combinée (ajustée) des deux éléments de propulsion équivaut alors à 181 chevaux. Cette puissance doit passer par une boîte automatique à variation continue (CVT) et les roues avant. Mais alors, pourquoi le qualifier d’AWD (traction intégrale)? Parce les ingénieurs de Toyota-Lexus lui ont ajouté un petit moteur électrique indépendant à l’arrière pour venir en aide à la traction avant dans le cas où celui-ci perdrait de sa motricité. Ce petit moteur électrique ne fait, selon Romaric, «que» huit chevaux mais il produit aussi un couple étonnant de 40 li-pi ! Et c’est lors d’un essai hivernal comme celui que vous lisez présentement qu’il démontre toute son efficacité! J’y reviens…Mais sachez qu’il n’y a plus de version UX 200 au catalogue de Lexus.
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De l’arrière, on reconnaît l’ornementation 250 H AWD qui signifie que l’on a affaire à un véhicule hybride électrique (mais non enfichable) à traction intégrale. (Photo Éric Descarries)
L’extérieur du Lexus UX n’a pas beaucoup changé mais dans le cas de cette version F-Sport Design dont il est question ici, on y notera des retouches à l’avant dont de nouveaux phares et autres lampes en plus d’une calandre F-Sport plus distinctive. Quelques retouches ont aussi été apportées à la finition arrière.
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Le nouveau tableau de bord du UX. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Par contre, l’intérieur a été revu avec, principalement, la disparition de ce ridicule «pad» (qui détournait l’attention de tout conducteur pour le maîtriser) et l’apparition d’un plus grand écran au centre du tableau de bord et de quelques autres révisions. Le volant retient plusieurs commandes électriques en plus des palettes qui servent à «passer les rapports» (malgré qu’il s’agisse d’une boîte CVT!). La sellerie de similicuir est agréable au toucher mais, pour une voiture de luxe, il me semble que les designers de la marque auraient pu avoir un peu plus d’imagination pour les garnitures de portières qui sont, avouons-le, un peu fades.
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Par contre, les places d’arrière demeurent très étroites pour des passagers adultes. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Toutefois, si les sièges d’avant sont relativement confortables, les places d’arrière demeurent plus à l’étroit, ce que j’avais mentionné il y a environ quatre ans…Rien n’y est mal assemblé…juste peu approprié pour accueillir des adultes. Quant à l’espace destiné au transport de bagages ou d’autres objets…il ne faut pas trop y compter. Le coffre y est plutôt petit. Mais il sera utile pour les petites courses en ville!
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Heureusement que le véhicule roule sur des pneus de type «run flat» car il n’y aurait plus de place pour la roue de secours! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Sur la route
Tout cela est bien beau mais la UX est-elle une voiture qui a un comportement routier agréable? Dès que j’ai pris «livraison» du UX, je suis parti vers les Laurentides pour une balade de premier contact. Évidemment, j’ai pris l’Autoroute 15 vers Sainte-Agathe. Au départ, sachez que cette route a grandement besoin d’une importante rénovation. Le revêtement est très rugueux (du moins jusqu’à Saint-Jérôme) ce qui produisait un son très audible dans l’habitacle de la petite Lexus. Peut-être un peu trop même. Et il ne faut surtout pas blâmer que les pneus d’hiver Continental ContiWinterCountact pour ce bruit (les pneus d’été d’usine devraient être des versions à mobilité continue mieux connus comme des «run-flat»). De ce côté, je conseillerais à Lexus (Toyota) d’améliorer l’isolation de cette cabine. Question performance, ne vous attendez pas à ce que la UX soit une sportive remarquable même s’il s’agit de la version F-Sport. Passer du point mort à 100 km/h peut demander jusqu’à neuf secondes alors que l’on sent les accélérer laborieuses. Quant aux reprises, elles ne sont guère glorieuses. Par contre, le petit UX tient bien la route (sauf si il tombe dans les ornières très prononcées de la 15 à divers niveaux dont la portion de la route à la sortie de Saint-Jérôme, une véritable honte pour les contribuables québécois!). Mais, j’insiste, même en position de conduite Sport, le UX n’est surtout pas une sportive. La deuxième partie de mon trajet passait par la route 329 qui allait de Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts vers Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard et là, ce fut tout simplement pénible. Ce n’est pas que la Lexus est mise en cause ici. C’est que les quelques 13 kilomètres de cette route reliant les deux petites villes étant dans un état déplorable! Et ce n’est pas la tornade qui a endommagé cette région l’été dernier qui a détruit le pavé, quand même. Autrement, passé Saint-Adolphe, j’ai pu profiter du confort de cette voiture dite luxueuse!  
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Le petit moteur à quatre cylindres devrait démontrer un peu plus de vivacité. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Par contre, en situation urbaine, cette sous-compacte de Lexus se distingue. Le petit coupé se déplace agilement dans la circulation et, même si j’aurais aimé des rétroviseurs un peu plus grands, il se faufile facilement dans le «trafic». Parfois, la propulsion se fait par moteur électrique seulement mais c’est de courte durée. Il y a une commande EV seulement qui devrait «neutraliser» le moteur à essence, surtout en ville, mais, même si je l’ai activée souvent, le moteur thermique entre quand même en action aussi souvent (à moins que l’on ne tienne une vitesse très limitée).
La désignation UX signifie «Urban Explorer» et ça colle bien à la voiture. Évidemment, elle se gare facilement et sa consommation y est raisonnable (mais pas aussi économique qu’attendue, cependant). Je n’ai pas encore mentionné l’apport de la «motricité aux quatre roues» dans mes impressions de conduite de ce reportage mais, malgré la puissance limitée du petit moteur arrière, la configuration y est efficace, surtout sur route glissante. J’ai pu me sortir de quelques petits «pièges» de neige dans les stationnements urbains et c’est grâce à ce système. Mais, ne vous laissez pas berner à tester le UX en situation «hors-route», cette petite Lexus n’a rien d’un tout-terrain non plus!
Bien entendu, on est en droit de s’attendre à une consommation très modérée d’une si petite voiture et moderne, de surcroît! Je m’attendais mieux que 8,3 l./100 km (l’ordinateur de bord indiquait 7,4). Je n’ai pas conduit avec un œuf entre mon pied et l’accélérateur mais je n’ai pas poussé la machine en aucun cas! Il faut dire qu’il ne faisait pas chaud ce qui a pu exiger plus des performances du moteur…
Vu qu’il s’agit d’un véhicule de Lexus, on sait qu’il s’agit d’une voiture «de luxe». Alors, on ne se surprendra pas d’y voir un prix de base de 41 500 $ Ma voiture d’essai avait pour 2300 $ d’options dont les sièges avant ventilés, le toit ouvrant coulissant, le volant chauffant et surtout la «peinture de qualité supérieure» (quoi? il faut commander une peinture de qualité supérieure en option?...). Lexus (Toyota) ajoute les 100 $ des frais pour le climatiseur, quelques 28,70 $ «d’écofrais» pour les filtres et l’huile et 2205 $ de frais de transport et de préparation et on en arrive à un total de 46 133,70 $.
Même si l’on avance que le prix moyen d’une automobile se situe autour des 45 000 $ au Canada, disons que le UX, ce n’est pas donné. Toutefois, si vous recherchez une voiture vraiment urbaine (et j’insiste sur le fait que cette auto répond vraiment à ce besoin spécifique), voilà l’article idéal. Ajoutez à cela la belle réputation de fiabilité des produits de la marque, le Lexus UX devrait être considéré si vous avez besoin d’une voiture de ce calibre!
Le Motomaster Edge II
Pour plusieurs, l’hiver pourrait ne tirer qu’à sa fin mais il faut se rendre compte que février est un bon mois pour lancer de nouveaux pneus d’hiver pour la saison prochaine. C’est ce que le géant du détail Canadian Tire a fait cette semaine en invitant que quelques journalistes automobile à se joindre à des détaillants de la marque pour découvrir le Motomaster Winter Edge II qui sera commercialisé dès l’automne prochain.
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Le nouveau pneu d’hiver Motomaster Winter Edge II du géant Canadian Tire sera disponible l’automne prochain. (Photo Éric Descarries)
J’étais donc de la partie pour rejoindre le groupe Canadian Tire qui avait réservé le circuit ovale d’ICAR pour nous faire connaître ce nouveau produit réalisé avec l’aide du géant manufacturier sud-coréen Hankook. C’est la deuxième génération de Winter Edge, un pneu qui a connu un certain succès depuis les quelques dernières années.
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Nous avons essayé le nouveau pneu Winter Edge II sur le circuit enneigé d’ICAR. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Quoique je ne veuille pas me prononcer sur les plus grandes qualités du Winter Edge II tout de suite (j’y reviendrai plus tard, c’est sûr), sachez que les quelques tours effectués au volant de Toyota RAV4 et Corolla à traction sur le tracé enneigé conçu par les instructeurs d’ICAR (dont mon bon ami Philippe Létourneau de l’émission «Canada’s Worst Driver») m’ont impressionné. Le pneu se comporte déjà très bien et propose une adhérence remarquable pour un produit de  «Premier tiers» à un prix abordable.
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Les essais de Winter Edge II se sont déroulés au volant de Toyota Corolla et RAV4. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Évidemment, je n’ai pas encore la moindre idée de ces prix mais déjà, je crois que les acheteurs de Motomaster Winter Edge II seront surpris par ce produit. On verra un peu plus tard!
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sportscarsnew-blog · 6 years ago
2019 Lexus ES 350 F-Sport (White) Walkaround
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lslbrigade · 7 years ago
Lexus ES – Performance und Stil auf neuem Niveau ab 2019
@Andreas Icha wagt den Blick ins Jahr 2019 mit dem LEXUS ES der siebenten Generation: #lexusES #hybrid #lexus2019
Die siebente Auflage der automobilen Mittelklasse von Lexus debütiert nun auch in Europa. Die bekannten Domänen wie exzellenter Komfort, hochwertige Verarbeitung und luxuriöse Ausstattung wurden hier nochmals optimiert. Ab 2019 wartet der Lexus ES zusätzlich als Hybridmodell ES 300h bei den Händlern auf seine Käufer. Die dynamische F-Sport Version rundet die Modellpalette ab.…
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briansastro10 · 4 years ago
KaminariSo, this is basically BNHA Street racer AU. But to be more precise I’m picking the cars for the characters from BNHA. Because cars have characteristic, it has personality and it describes you as a person. Not just based from the body but the engines and the car as whole. So, this is my pick of cars for the character of BNHA
Part 1 For the boys
I’m going to divide it into 2 cars. One is for daily drive/Sports car and the other is The Supercar. The Sports car will describe them as characters individuals. While the Supercar will describe their full potentials.
Midoriya Izuku
Midoriya Izuku, The protagonist of the Anime. He is too good of a boy to mess around street Racing. The Color for his car is obviously Green, in that case I Recommend Him.
Sport car/ Daily Drive:
The Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX.
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To be more specific. It is Brian’s First car In the Fast and the furious franchise (R.I.P Paul Walker). This car is one of the Tuners favorite car to modify. It is run by 4G63 Engine, it is the same Engine that run an EVO F*CKING LANCER which is one of the finest cars that has been made on earth (Minus the Turbo). So it plays well with the whole inheritance thing with All Might.
For the supercar, I would Recommend McLaren 675LT
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This car Look Great In green. The whole characteristic of this car reminds me of Midoriya. This car shown how it can blend to the society, how it was able to move fast and aggressively while at the same time maintaining Elegance. This car looked slim, but its performance is something else 3.8 L V8 Twin Turbo Rear Wheel Drive (RWD) Gives the ability for the driver to drive like a maniac. The car produces more or less 675 Horsepower (Just like its name) and can go to 0-100 Km in 2.9 Seconds and a top speed with 330 Km/h (205 Mph).
Bakugo Katsuki
For Bakugo, His car has to be loud and Fast! He needs a car that’s intimidating. For the color I’m Thinking Red, Yellow or Black. But since the car need to look Antagonizing, I’m going with black. So, the car that I propose.
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Dodge Charger SRT Hell Cat 2015
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This car is a 6.2L Hemi V8 Supercharged. The roars in this car is nothing short. This car is for sure is Intimidating. The roar of the engine is equivalent to Bakugo’s Roar of explosive anger. I was considering the newer one like the SRT Redeye Hellcat or even The Demon. But the demons is more of the inner demon screaming trying to get out. It needed a Rumbling sound of the V8, The insane roar that is deafening.
For the Supercar, it is very difficult. I can choose Hyper cars but they just felt a bit too well mannered compared to Bakugo. But I’ve given a lot of thought and the only car that fits is This
Pagani Zonda R
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This car is basically an f1 with a two-seater and a roof. This bad boy is a track only car. So, it is “Street Illegal!!” But that won’t stop Bakugo for using this beauty. This car on high rev speaks will be all the explanation needed on the reason why I chose this car. A car with 700 BHP and only weight 1,070 Kg (In comparison Ford focus weight 1,471 Kg) Which is like a feather.
Todoroki Shoto
For Todoroki His car has to be cool, matured and Luxurious but also High performance. I’m a bit mixed up with the colors Whether I should make it blue or white or red. But since I cant decide I leave it in the ‘Grey’ area. Get it? Ill just get on with it.
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Aston Martin DB11
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Aston Martin is well known on it’s Luxury and History. Which fits Todoroki’s Prince aura/Characteristics. The performance is also nothing short, Aston Martin is also well known to make a brilliant Engine for racing. A twin turbocharged V12 Produce 600 BHP with a top speed 201Km/h (125Mph).
For the Super car, I think Lamborghini Huracan Performante.
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It is a naturally aspirated 5.2L V10 Engine AWD. This car has a fierce fiery engine on its car but still has that cool matured Body. And the ALA (Aerodinamica Lamborghini Attiva) Is brilliant. It is an active Aerodynamic system that allows the car to go faster.
Tenya Iida:
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Is the Brabus 800 GT 63s
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This car is perfect fot Iida, It has a look in which my friend quote “Sophisticated Look”. And Mind you this car is probably The Fastest Car! For the sport/daily drive Car compare than anyone else in the list. This car packs a crazy 800 BHP and that’s says it all
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The fastest Car In the world! In 2010. The specific look that I would like to go is Drift From Transformer: Age Of Extinction. That Blue Lining is perfect for Iida. For some people engines might be boring, But this car have the power of 1200 Horses in it
Kirishima Eijiro
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
The car that this Manly man need to go with is the 2020 Mustang Shelby GT500.
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The Engine has a named called the “Predator” V8 Engine. 750 BHP is nothing short and the roar from within is on par with Bakugo’s SRT Hellcat.
I was having second thought of choosing this car. But whenever I think of Kirishima in a car, This car always pops into my head
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Lamborghini Adventador SV. This car Looked manly and menacing. Why I thought about this car, is that it associated it self with a bull in which Kirishima and this car can relate to. A loud V12 Engine roars loud and deep in a intimidating voice and its perfect.
Sero Hanta
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For Sero the car has to be traditional but still a good car nonetheless. So I pick A classic Porsche 911 turbo 1982.
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It is a classic sports car, It is tunable which make the car run fast.
Ferrari 458 Italia
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This car is a normal Aspirated V8 with a high rev engine. It creates something Revolutionary From something traditional.
Kaminari Denki
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
It has to be the SUPRA!!!!!!          
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This car is definitely a meme, it fits with Kaminari Personality.  Seeing them is like “WTH ARE YOU DOING?!” Because both Kaminari and the car would do something ridiculously stupid.
For the Supercar I Would say The Lexus LFA
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Lexus is one of the Artistic Legacy of the JDM Cars. It is one of the legendary Supercar that ever existed. The Normal aspirated V10 Sounded like Pure Thunder striking down on the earth. Sound menacing and amazing. It fits for Kaminari Racing Persona (Or even his villain Persona).
Mashirao Ojiro
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Ojiro is a traditional Japanese person, So his car has to be totally Japanese. My pick have to be The S30 Fairlady Z.
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To be exact the RB26 Swapped Fairlady Z from Sung Kang (Han’s Actor car from “Fast and Furious”) And that’s all I need to say about this car.
For the Supercar It has to be the last piece of The JDM Legend. It is The GTR R35 NISMO.
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This car is perfect for Ojiro, They both are the Representative Character of Japan.
Tokoyami Fumikage
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Blackbird 370 z
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For me it’s a no Brainer. This car was featured as the Replacement of Blackbird in wangan Midnight When they aren’t allowed to use the Porsche. The slick Headlight and the whole body look is the description of Tokoyami Dark Shadow
Mclaren MP4-12C
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That Describes Tokoyami as a whole. One of the best car that ever created in history that changes the whole world. With the black fierce look, This car looks like a shark that flies on land.
Sato Rikido
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
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Sato is a muscular guy. So His sports car is definitely a Muscle Car. But It seems I have a trouble in finding it, It has to be a classic but not too old. In that reason I recommend Saleen s281 2000
It has that sporty look but still have the Muscle car Essence and history
For the Supercar It has to be The Corvette C8.R
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This car is a new take to American cars. It is a Incredible move from the American automotive Industries.
Koda Koji
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For Koda He is definetly a good Boy so hew probably uses a 4-door car. For instance The Subaru WRX STI 2016.
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It doesn't seems Menacing but it still can move around well and when it drives, it definetly drives well.
For the Supercar it is definetly a NSX-R 1992 Tuned with a Rocket Bunny Body Kit.
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Koda is definitely a Honda city boi. From the name itself, I am 100% it fits with Koda. Back in the day if you want a Ferrari but you can’t afford one. You’ll buy an NSX.
Shoji Mezo
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For Shoji I think Ford’s Trophy truck.
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A friend of mine said that Shoji, is the kind of guy who would drive a van for daily basis (So I guessed it has to be an American Car). But to me, Shoji is the Kind of guy that likes to get Dirt under his wheels. And I'm pretty sure Shoji is the kind of kid that doesn’t Mind flying in the car on daily basis.
For the Supercar I propose, Ford Gt.
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It is well planted and the car is very wide. Fitting to describes Shoji’s ‘Arms’. Although it might not have similarities with his daily car, But this car is all I could think of.
Aoyama Yuga
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For the Daily Drive, it is obviously something Luxurious, Something High class Like Bentley GT 2019. The V8 Version.
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It is a confiscated yet sporty look in a car, It looked like as if he stands out compares to the other Luxury Cars
For the Supercar, It has to be describe as “Noblesse oblige” And the Car that fits the most is Noble M600.
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It is a Supercar with all the classic features. It is a RWD Manual Transmission Car, a twin turbocharged 4L V8. Packs 640 BHP 0-60 in 3.1 Second.
Mineta Minoru
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
It’s the Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GTS
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Basically, this car is the Japanese Equivalent To pimp rides. Even though This car is featured in The Fast and The Furious, It is just a now show car. Compared the old one, This version is a slower and much more difficult to Modify. But it is still a nice car and fun to drive with, and it is a popular car in the car culture.
For Mineta The Supercar might be really difficult. So in the end I just came up with the Villain version. (Inspired by ‘Nadaboodraws’ Villain Mineta on Instagram) I came up with this
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It is the Audi R8, It is one of the best Affordable Supercar you can get in the world. It is 4wd But it is still an aggressive car with a mean Look.
Okay that’s all I can give for this part. For the next one will be the girls of class 1-A. If you have different opinion let me know, I would love to hear all of your thoughts and if you use my list you can go ahead and use it (But please do tell me, because hearing it will be my vindication and that would make me really happy). Anyway, thank you for reading until this far.
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viper-motorsports · 5 years ago
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AIM Vasser Sullivan upstaged the local competition at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course by topping the 2019 Acura Sports Car Challenge with their N°14 Lexus RC F GT3.
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5hit-i-l00k-at · 6 years ago
2019 Lexus RC F Horsepower Specs, Redesign, Release Date, Price
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-rc-f-horsepower-specs-redesign-release-date-price/
2019 Lexus RC F Horsepower Specs, Redesign, Release Date, Price
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2019 Lexus RC F Horsepower Specs, Redesign, Release Date, Price – 2019 Lexus RC F will be created as a sports car, a coupe, which may be quite interesting to quickly car fans. This Lexus RCF is a standard sports car with the inclusion of quite a few contemporary technological innovation for youthful decades.
2019 Lexus RC F Price
The velocity price of this 2019 Lexus RC F can be outstanding, and it also is expected that the sports car could get to 60 miles per hour in a matter of 4.4 secs while maximum velocity is estimated to get 170 miles per hour. It must also be observed that the producer plans to make changes about the lessening of gasoline usage.
Exterior And Interior
The external surfaces of 2019 Lexus RC F will be created to show each classiness and strength. Specifically, the facial lines could be quite sleek and chic. Nevertheless, there could be some information, this kind of as twin exhaust plumbing, which will show that it is a powerful sports car. Additionally, it is predicted that the sports car might have Directed front lights and taillights. All the interior of this specific automobile will be extremely secure by way of the utilization of some various hues of covers and chairs which may be produced from the best fabric and supplies. It must be extra that the company plans to involve a VGA display of 7 in . to the pleasure of young years. Moreover, this car is likely to have fantastic sound and speakers as well as USB 2. 0 and iPod touch connection.
2019 Lexus RC F Interior
2019 Lexus RC F Engine
The energy of 2019 Lexus RC F could be passed on by way of a powerful engine solution, and it will be a good 5. liter engine. A lot more specifically this is some V8 engine which will maintain problem to make about 460 horsepower specs and also to use regarding 390 lb-feet with torque. It is going to be considered that the producer would also combine this engine solution with the automated transmission, this is a Straight Sports auto transmission which may have eight rates of speed. The interesting point might be that the energy of this specific sports car can be placed on the rear rims. Because we are discussing a new sports car, the next pace is the principal target.
2019 Lexus RC F Redesign
2019 Lexus RC F Price And Release Date
There is going to be some unconfirmed information and facts which forecasts that the established display of 2019 Lexus RC F sport would probably occur throughout the last quarter with 2015. About the schedule of this, it can also be predicted that the maker would release this specific car for obtaining throughout the finish of 2015 and even in the course of the sheer commencing of 2019. All of this would have to watch for the manufacturer’s recognized verification. Considering the simple fact that we are speaking about the model that has not debuted on the community arena, we are still left confused relating to its possible price. Nevertheless, there can be some rumors which anticipate that the actual starting price for 2019 Lexus RC F can be a place about $65 000. However, this will have to wait around for the recognized affirmation as nicely.
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level4cinematography · 6 years ago
2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport Engine Performance
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-is-350-f-sport-engine-performance/
2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport Engine Performance
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2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport Engine Performance – This 2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport an excellent, dependable and splendid sports sedan that accompanies polarizing external design, quite present day interior, and beautiful shows. This Lexus IS gives high quality in fundamentally all of the features, protection ranking is over typical, and the two managing and traveling manners are outstanding. If you choose this sedan, velocity and luxury are assured.
2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport Specs
2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport, the design and style might be significant and also the forthcoming model type will get there by having an extra horsepower. Some recommended capabilities this as adaptive front lights are now regular, and the particular interior comes after the same goes with a common rearview keep an eye.
Exterior And Interior
All of the future 2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport incorporates more than the actual polarizing outside. The style and design seem so stimulating and classy, and it arrives with small changes. The front lights, taillights, bumpers, along with grille can be a little bigger. Nevertheless, the front side “spindle” grille is big, and the front lights will be versatile. The spot air vents are much more competitive and are such as dark cut inserts. The actual taillights are searching narrower than before, and exhaust retailers are done in a rectangle condition. 17-” tires are regular, and Lexus declared two new external surfaces color techniques, a Graphite Black colored Window, and Serious Light Blue Mica. The particular interior of typically the modern 2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport incorporates a great deal of great-top quality supplies and smooth-effect areas. The heart trapped is traditional Lexus’, and yes it is an ideal match to a modern-day dash panel. Each area of the particular cabin appears artistic, the chairs are cozy and are actually in a black colored natural leather, the same as the front door sections.
2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport Interior
2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport Engine
Now there are a few engine performance in typically the all-new 2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport. A real universal 2.-liter turbocharged 4-tube system generates 241 horsepower and also 258 lb-feet with torque. All of the gas economies might be at 22/32 miles per gallon. The non-obligatory drivetrain is undoubtedly an excellent 3.5-liter V6 that could burst open around 260 horsepower along with 236 lb-feet with torque. Energy economy can be a little decrease; an 8-pace automatic transmission provides the two engines. The regular engine performance only rear-tire generate when the optionally available V6 carries with it an all-wheel-drive setup.
2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport Release
2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport Price And Release Date
This kind of car sports four door expenses $40,000. A sizeable all-wheel-drive process price one more $1500 and also typically the IS 350 model design begins at $45,000. This 2019 Lexus IS 350 F Sport might be a little previously mentioned its competition with regards to price, but it includes far more natural products. A Lexus’ most recent sedan will come to the beginning of 2019.
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levadosladob · 6 years ago
2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport Design Changes & Price
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-rx-450h-f-sport-design-changes-price/
2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport Design Changes & Price
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2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport Design Changes & Price – With elegant and advanced design, great interior and products, and an extensive range of cut amounts, typically the 2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport has become one particular of the most widely used Sports utility vehicles in the course.
2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport Release
Next to the standard model type, typically the 2019 Lexus RX is definitely made available with a real crossbreed powerplant and like usually the RX L, the expanded variation of this design. All of the RX recently accessed the following age group, so the impending 2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport and also RX 450h L should not get any vast enhancements this time around.
Exterior And Interior
The actual design of 2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport and also RX 450h L is sure to get no modifications now considering that the present age group was launched very last year. The crossbreed design changes will not are different from the standard design which functions an appealing style with razor-sharp outlines throughout this body. The front-end can be covered with its sizeable, spindle grille along with razor-sharp, spear-like headlights which will make it seem competitive. 2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport is different from all of the RX 450h L in dimensions. As to mention, the actual RX L might be a little over the base model type, for about 4.3 ins. Moving into the particular cabin of these 2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport, we shall observe from the quick high quality and nicely-outfitted booth. Its internal is undoubtedly efficient, spacious, and produced of higher-top quality resources. In the middle of all the dash design, there can be an excellent regular 8.-inch Touchscreen technology for infotainment. Virtually all the actual chairs are incredibly secure and supply outstanding mind and lower body area. The regular model incorporates two-row chairs setup while the real RX L offers a few series of chairs. All the RX 450h L includes the next-row captain’s seating as standard. The freight room is outstanding, and then there are more than 18 cubic toes right behind the particular rear chairs.
2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport Interior
2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport Engine
Less than typically the cover of the forthcoming 2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport along with RX 450h L will likely be put the same crossbreed engine which capabilities the recent model. This crossbreed engine mixes a new 3.5-liter V-6 motor with electronic drivers of 123 kWh along with an excellent electric battery load. The fuel engine sends capacity to the entrance rims when the electric powered engines will strength the rear versions. The particular V-6 motor should be able to create 259 hp and 247 lb-ft . with torque. Nonetheless, the full result of the crossbreed engine will probably be 308 horses. All the power plant will likely be associated with a continually adjustable transmitting.
2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport Price
2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport Price And Release Date
Typically the 2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport ought to go for sale it past due 2018. The actual price of this 2019 Lexus RX 450h F Sport begins at $54,000 while this RX 450h L will likely be all around 51,600.
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 5 years ago
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What a difference 30 years makes juxtaposition of Lexus ES 250, 1989 and Lexus ES 300h, 2019. The ES has been revised with the addition of a new F-Sport model
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111motors · 4 years ago
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Model: Lexus RX 350 F Sport / Canadian Specifications Year: 2019 Km: 9,000 UAE / Dirham Price = 155,000 AED 🇦🇪 For more details and Price about our cars please do not hesitate to contact us: – Dubai / UAE ·        Showroom 00971 50 971 6111   ☆☆ Worldwide Shipping 🚢✈☆☆ https://www.111usedcars.ae/ https://www.instagram.com/111usedcars/ https://www.facebook.com/111usedcars https://twitter.com/111Used https://111usedcars.tumblr.com/ SnapChat: cars_TR111 Email: [email protected] -------------------------------------------------- COME VISIT US! - Block 2 - Showroom 16 New Auto Market. Ras Al Khor, Dubai - UAE  - Timing 09:30AM TO 1:30PM – 4:30PM TO 09:00PM  Saturday to Thursday Location: https://goo.gl/maps/oQ5QzH5Lztw
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untouchvbles · 5 years ago
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Lexus IS300 F-Sport (XE30) at Custom Offsets X Fitment Industries - The Showcase (2019) in Appleton, WI.
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rundcvil · 5 years ago
below you’ll find my new muses and more information about them.
new muses:
lyang chaerin.
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30 years old, living in the united states.
oldest; half-sister to hyunah & hyoyeon.
director of the cia.
speaks: english, korean, japanese, mandarin, thai, spanish, german, french and russian fluently.
the ‘mastermind’ of the crime trio: LKC.
excels in: corruption, evading the law, manipulation, bribery.
cha hyunah.
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27 years old, living in seoul.
youngest; hyoyeon’s non-identical/fraternal twin.
ceo and model of a fashion brand.
speaks: english, korean, japanese and some mandarin.
the ‘unpredictability’ of the trio: LKC.
excels in: persuasion, fraud, money laundering, business matters. 
kuan hyoyeon.
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27 years old, splits her time between the states and seoul.
older than hyunah by 30 minutes, also has a different father to hyunah.
professional choreographer.
speaks: english, korean, japanese and some mandarin.
the ‘safety shield’ of the trio: LKC. 
excels in: hand combat, theft, reckless driving, distractions.
Sisters’ Empire
Chaerin’s weapons:
pistols, handguns, riffles, shotguns and kunai (throwing knife).
Hyunah’s weapons:
knives, butterfly swords, sabers, hook swords.
bō (wooden stick used in martial arts), dangpa chang (spear), shuriken, nunchunks.
Hyoyeon’s weapons:
brass knuckles, katana (japanese sword), pistols, nunchucks.
yumi (bow) and kunai (throwing knife).
Shared Garage
Dodge Charger (2019; dark grey).
Toyota Camry (2018; metallic black).
Toyota Prius (2018; dark red).
Audi A8 (2019; white).
Porsche Panamera Turbo Executive (2017; chrome grey).
Jaguar F-type Convertible (2013; green).
Mercedes Benz AMG GT (2018; matte black).
Bugatti Veyron Super Sport (2015; black and orange).
Aston Martin Vantage (2019; metallic silver).
BMW 8 Series Coupe (2018; red).
Audi TT RS (2018; blue).
Porsche 918 Spyder (2015; yellow).
Rolls Royce Phantom Convertible (2017; white).
Bentley Continental GT Convertible (2017; red).
Individual Cars
Cadillac Ciel (2017; metallic black).
Maserati GranTurismo MC (2018; red).
Lexus LFA (2012; orange).
(tw: prostitution mentioned, tw: suicide mentioned, tw: crime, tw: weapons)
Cha Hyunah and Kuan Hyoyeon are fraternal twins that don’t share the same father. Their mother, a high-level prostitute (as she’d call herself), had sexual intercourse with two men in the same night - which resulted in her getting pregnant with twins. At the time, she already had a child aged three, Lyang Chaerin. The custody of the twins and Chaerin were given to Lyang Hoseok, a wealthy business man that lead a stable life in Seoul, South Korea. Despite not being the father of either twin, neither of the twins’ fathers stepped forward when it came to claiming their paternity, claiming it had been a one night thing with their mother. With barely any contact with their maternal figure, the custodial fight for the twins lasted for a few years, well into the twins’ early teenage years.
Growing up with their half-sister Chaerin and seeing her as someone they could rely on in a maternal way, the trio became very close from the very start, relying on each others when times got rough, when the twins’ mother would try to come take them away despite having no conditions to raise them, nor intention to leave behind the life of prostitution for a stable nine to five job. The custody fight ended with their mother eventually taking her own life. When Chaerin became of age, her father introduced her to a world she’d never seen, to a world no one thought he carried on his shoulders: the world of organised crime. Teaching Chaerin from a young age was just the beginning of a legacy. Upon the tragic incident that led to Hoseok’s passing, Chaerin took the twins on board - teaching them everything they needed to know about the life they were meant to carry on. She trained both twins differently: choosing to enhance Hyunah’s skills in edged weaponry and Hyoyeon’s in hand-to-hand combat. 
It wasn’t long before crime took over the cities of Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Incheon, and so on. Little things from the start: shop lifting, street racing, theft but things quickly took off for the newly formed trio, now self-dubbed, LKC. Low crimes no longer phased them, South Korea didn’t hold an awful lot for them so they went on to pursue different careers among themselves: Chaerin as the mastermind of the trio opted to go straight down the criminal justice route focused on tainting it more than it already was to give her family the life they all deserved; Hyoyeon followed a personal interest and went into dancing, initially she specialized in contemporary but soon switched and remained in hip-hop which she still teaches around the world; Hyunah was always the trickiest of the three as she held no particular interest other than money and reputation, so she worked her way up to the top becoming the CEO and model of a fashion brand.
Nowadays the sisters work in a well-organised trio. Chaerin is the director of the CIA in the United States where she resides, Hyoyeon is a professional choreographer constantly travelling the world from edge to edge, and Hyunah is a wealthy CEO and model of a fashion brand. They are so widely known that one would think that is how they manage to build the empire they have, oh if only the world knew what lies within.
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man-reading · 5 years ago
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Gay Pages Autumn 2019
Issue description: Queer art legend Mel Odom | Gay & black in SA | Fashion icon Rich Mnisi | Sexy gay music by Simon Curtis | Whispering Waters in Dullstroom with Lexus RC 350 F Sport | Current fitness trends | Disappearing into drag | Aversion therapy | Getting into gay heaven | Travel with music | Sexy models and a denim fashion feature | Photos of MCQP 2018 | fashion | pets | grooming | drinks | travel | gay news | environment | health | décor| tech & trends | car reviews | films | music | and books
Magazine description: Gay Pages was founded in 1994 and has ever since then been the most recognisable name in the gay community of South Africa. Our magazine is a trendy, beautifully designed publication, and speaks to the entire community of gay men in terms of riveting feature content as well as anything a gay man might need to live in style.
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