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🌍 Brace yourselves for a heart-pounding, epic adventure like no other! "2012" takes you on a wild ride as Dr. Adrian Helmsley and Jackson Curtis race against time to save humanity from an impending cataclysm. 🚀🎥
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Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

While working at the video rental store, Moonrise Kingdom was recommended to me by a regular. Whenever I saw Mike, he asked me "Have you viewed it yet?". My answer was always "No". This went on for years and I promised him I'd get to it eventually. One day, I was given a notice that the store would be closing. The owner was retiring, had sold the business to new entrepreneurs and they wouldn't be keeping my location open. My last shift was coming up so I finally got around to watching Moonrise Kingdom. I finally got to experience this funny, quirky, charming, completely unpredictable, and wholly original coming-of-age story. I was excited to share my thoughts with the meek little mustached man who seemed ever hopeful whenever he saw me… but he never showed up on that day! Maybe, somehow, this message will get to him and I'll be able to let him know how foolish I was to wait so long.
Set on New Penzance, an island of New England in 1965, the film begins when 12-year-old scout Sam Shakusky (Jared Gilman) runs away from Camp Ivanhoe, leaving behind a resignation letter to his leader, Scoutmaster Randy Ward (Edward Norton). As police captain Duffy Sharp (Bruce Willis) initiates a mad search, it's discovered the boy has run away to live in the wild with fellow runaway and pen pal Suzy Bishop (Kara Hayward).
This film is a paradox. It’s simultaneously set in this world that seems off thanks to its larger-than-life characters and zany developments… but somehow feels absolutely real. It’s almost like a manifestation of a childhood memory. Maybe that’s why it works so well. It’s far-fetched but somehow… not. We know the people in this film. At some point or another, we've crossed paths. It's just that they've never all been together like this before, which throws you off initially. Once you get over that initial shock, you fall in love with them despite - or maybe because - of their flaws and the way that they can sometimes be mean to each other. In its own way, the film contains a full spectrum of emotions. Sometimes acidic, then very sweet and romantic, then funny or fanciful before switching into a mode that’s mature and reflective.
Moonrise Kingdom has such universal appeal it's easy to be enchanted by the story and gloss over the terrific visuals, performances, and score/soundtrack. So much is done with color, the framing/cinematography, and songs. You could watch this Wes Anderson project a dozen times and always notice something new. Every shot is interesting, even something as mundane as a map showing a journey is made dynamic. For this reason, I can’t decide if the film is inspirational or discouraging. Seeing a director achieving this level of artistry is almost intimidating. Scratch that. It is inspirational. Movies aren’t made by just one person, it’s a cumulative effort by artists and storytellers, actors, and technicians. Nobody has to do everything, you just have to be able to do SOMETHING and if there are this many people that are THIS talented out there, then it’s not an unattainable goal, it’s a reality.
Moonrise Kingdom is a masterpiece of filmmaking. It’s so warm, insightful, and hopeful you're forced to pause and reflect. I can’t believe it took me this long to make time for this one. Mike. If you're out there, I'm sorry. I feel like a jerk for taking this long to see Moonrise Kingdom. Hopefully, sharing my appreciation for it at least partially makes up for my grave mistake. (On Blu-ray, January 30, 2016)

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2012 celebrates its 12nd anniversary today
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On this week’s podcast, we react to Roland Emmerich’s apocalyptic epic 2012. Tune in for our thoughts on shameless product placement, confusing geopolitics, A-list actors phoning it in and much more! Links in bio or search Beyond The Box Set on all good podcatchers… #2012 #2012movie #rolandemmerich #disastermovie #apocalypse #mayancalendar #johncusack #chiwetelejiofor #woodyharrelson #amandapeet #dannyglover #thandienewton #oliverplatt (at Leeds) https://www.instagram.com/p/CULKd3AMVm-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Right now I'm watching TV 📺 called #2012movie #DietDrPepper #drinkwater #staysafe and #stayhome (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPrhi8lzV5/?igshid=er1ola6sk1lq
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#herocomplex #appealtoemotionfallacy #coronavirus #coldhardlogic #2012movie https://www.instagram.com/p/B_TeQmog85v/?igshid=7m7gmtdgc9aq
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#2012movie 😅😅😅😅🖤 #mbc2 #movie #movies https://www.instagram.com/p/B92dDiIAiWH/?igshid=1tdp80yl3tf0e
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Silent Hill: Revelation (2012)

It's ok if you enjoy 2006's Silent Hill, but don’t tell me it’s a good movie. The plot makes no sense, the acting is lousy, and it’s obvious the main objective was to crowbar as many monsters and references to the game into a 2-hour running time... but it's a masterpiece compared to Silent Hill: Revelation.
Set 9 years (ish) after the first film, Sharon Da Silva (Adelaide Clemens) and her adoptive father Christopher (Sean Bean) are on the run from a cult obsessed with the town of Silent Hill. When her father is kidnapped by the Order of Valtiel (led by Carrie-Anne Moss as Claudia Wolf), Sharon and her new best friend, Vincent (Kit Harington), head for the creepy town to save him.
This film’s got nothing going on. That brief synopsis tells you everything you need to know about this story, save the ending. It’s as razor-thin as the knives held by those creepy, faceless nurses. Revelation has all of the problems of the first picture on top of its own bucket of issues. The twists in this story are so easy to predict, so obvious you’ll feel like a genius, proudly exclaiming out loud “that’s a bad guy!”, “that guy’s not as creepy as he looks!” and so on the instant someone walks on-screen. You'll only be surprised by how unconvincing the line deliveries are, and how nutty the plot gets.

The picture begins on the wrong foot by attempting to be an actual sequel. While Silent Hill foreshadowed a part 2 with a would-be spooky ending, this picture has to jump through so many hoops to make it work it’s ridiculous. Apparently, the same town that housed Christabella and all of her followers also hosts another new cult whose objectives and beliefs are completely different from the other one - and they all escaped Alessa's wrath to go into the real world. Why didn’t anyone mention that Christabella and Deborah had another sister and a father stuck in an insane asylum? How did we miss the creepy carnival and mannequin factory? Why is Pyramid Head suddenly protecting people instead of killing them?

In a good movie, characters’ actions follow a logical sequence. The consequences of those actions generate new situations for them to react to. There are hardly any characters in Silent Hill: Revelation; only excuses to have a body count. This film is not clever enough to have real scares or atmosphere. Out of desperation, writer/director Michael J. Bassett throws a bunch of gory deaths at the screen… too bad none are impressive. Not helping are the monsters in this follow-up, which are lame.
Silent Hill: Revelation is everything a bad horror movie can be and everything a bad video game-based movie can be at once. A deluge of references crammed throughout might distract the fans from the unholy performances and wretched story but only if all they want is to play "Silent Hill Bingo". As a horror movie, it fails to generate even a single scare or moment of tension. The characters are so stupid you feel like you’re watching someone move through a world where the biggest consequence is a “Game Over” screen. The only improvement over the 2006 film is the running time: about a half-hour shorter. When the end credits begin rolling, you’ll be screaming out loud “Was that it?!” Technically, it isn’t. Stick around for the very end of the credits.
Silent Hill: Revelation is the kind of film you want to look away from. Not because of the horrific sights - actually, the visuals are quite good - not because it reminds you of anything chilling, but because it generates such second-hand embarrassment for actors Carrie-Anne Moss, Sean Bean, and Malcolm McDowell that watching them becomes unbearable. (2D version on Blu-ray, October 21, 2016)

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Happy 66th birthday to Roland Emmerich
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. Lovely Molly 2012 Dir: Eduardo Sánchez A movie with some good suspense and believable character relations. This isn't the usual jump scare laden modern horror, it takes a more phycological slow burn approach and deals with some complex themes of abuse and addiction. There are some moments of gore in this film but it's more about being caught up in tension while questioning reality and sanity. The lead Gretchen Lodge is the main reason to see this movie, she keeps the audience emotionally invested and is fully believable in a role full of emotional pitches and falls. The roles of her Husband and Sister Played by Johnny Lewis and Alexandra Holden respectively also do a great job of representing their helpless fear and worry in the face of Molly's downward spiral. It should be said the ending is the weaker part of the film as a whole and may leave you a little let down but this film is definitely worth a watch. . . . . #film #horror #horrormovies #movie #review #moviereview #movieposter #poster #lovelymolly #2012movie #review
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فيلم تركي درامي رومانسي..
عن قصه حب تجمع بين إسكندر وليلى بعد ماضيهما المؤلم ليعوض كلا منهما الاخر ولكن للقدر أمور أخرى...
الفيلم خفيف ومؤثر جدا..
#توصيات_سينمائية_توصيه #أفلام_مسلسلات
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This movie speculates that Abraham Lincoln as a child saw his mother killed by a man she stood up to. Years later Abe would find the man and try to kill him but for some reason he doesn't die. He tries to kill Abe but a man saves him and nurses Abe. When Abe awakens, the man, Henry Sturges, tells him that the man he was trying to kill is a vampire and he is a vampire hunter.
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#spacex #2012movie #thedaytheearthstoodstill #princeofegypt prince of Egypt is restricted for some races on netflix lol but these movie will tell you the story of what is going away yea #knowing https://www.instagram.com/p/B-DvIs3B6EA/?igshid=1tgmq79dlwe40
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