#198 xenia 'bonecrusher'
I have more propaganda for Xenia
Hopefully that worked, but there’s her playlistAlso another fun fact: She was cursed by a hag! She got better but for a time she couldn’t hold her own baby! Because the hag would have taken it! Fun!
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Bracket D Round 1
Poll 3
Luther Arian Knox (@octoshott) vs. Xenia "Bonecrusher" (@mossboss030)
197. Luther Arian Knox (@octoshott)
Luther is... my little guy. He is so polite and formal unless he's comfortable around you. He will fish with his bare hands. Black has to be included in his outfit or he'll die. He was locked down in a dormroom for ancient society and used as a battery for like. weeks.
He loves cooking and being chased like a prey animal.sheds scales from his back and gives them to his friends as gifts and is just my little idiot sorcerer. I think he deserves this.
A middleaged man with silver hair, a black sunhat and scales that line his shoulders and back.
198. Xenia "Bonecrusher" (@mossboss030)
She's my D&D character, the first one to reach level 20. She had amnesia when I created her and worked in a fighting pit because she was very big and strong. She killed her boss when he made a pass at her and then began her life as a mercenary when she had to leave town. Over the course of the campaign she found out that she was half troll, that her father (the troll) was killed by an adventurer, that her mother had traded her to a devil for a new kid that was fully human, that she was turned into a demon that killed a lot of people (including her mother and replacement). She took that all in stride I think, killing several dragons, dying once and coming back as a demon again that the party had to fight, looking like her actual half-troll self when she came back and meeting the two loves of her life. She later became a full devil after befriending a devil in the campaign and plans on usurping Asmodeus  as King of the Hells one day but for right now is enjoying retirement with her two wives. She fought with a big maul and was a multi-class of barbarian and fighter and she was the second smartest person in the party behind the wizard and the ranger's animal companion (a ferret). She adopted (bought) two babies in the city of brass because she felt bad that they'd been abandoned but realized she didn't know anything about raising kids so one of them (a goblin) became an assassin who wants her dead. She's doing better with the other one now. She also briefly dated two minor villains in the campaign and tried to date another one but it didn't work out. In conclusion, she's a trans butch lesbian, vote for her!
6'9", beefy, short brown hair that's now been shaved on one side and a tattoo on her head where the hair used to be, fightin' clothes, big staff/maul, green skin, tusks, big ol' horns
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I forgot one more crucial piece of information for my blorbo… she has a pet boar named Boris
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Bracket D First Half!!
Polls w these blorbos will be going up on Saturday 1st at 5pm GMT!!
193. Dexter Monroe (@cabooseisneat)
194. Usagi (@kkdragonson)                                             
195. Bunie (@ehiiehn)
196. Esteban (@spiderin-space)
197. Luther Arian Knox (@octoshott)
198. Xenia "Bonecrusher" (@mossboss030)
199. Dr. Diana Diamond (@numberposting)
200. SANGRIA (@kumied)
201. Apple (@cyndalyssa)
202. Anik Pillai (@prozac)
203. Weld (@wallspikes)
204. Weaver (@electrozilla)
205. Jakob 'Jake' Durren (@iateyourburrito)
206. Basil Devaux (@rottenthing)
207. Laurel (@sp00ky-doodles)
208. Cherry Thaxton (@sanfielle)
209. Tara "Flux" Nobel (@browncoatparadox)
210. Claire Foster (@radiohead2)
211. Pier Lombardi (@raybotonline)
212. Gil - Gilberta Maravilla Reyes Carillo (@lektricfergus)
213. Tarozu Khaqar  (@farmernotafarmer)
214. William Marwood (@curdled-blood)
215. Xaoc Vasiliev (@emh-wiki)
216. Jersey (@rainerhammond)
217. Ville (@uktoer)
218. Egg Benedict (@fungus-marks)
219. Elias Love (@purgatoryhips)
220. Green Guy (@silver-tounges-and-golden-lies)
221. Leonora Ostrowska - "Lee"  (@arrowandathame)
222. Estelle Reyes (@bashirs)
223. Myrvin McGrove (@inspiredrawaw)
224. Adrian (@roman-writes-sometimes)
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