#16 rules of ifa
taki-is-an-artist · 10 months
Welcome to Hathmoore Children's Asylum, where we promise to help aid your child through their mental ailments until they fully recover into functional members of society using the latest in modern medicine...
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This is Nighttime Imagination, an AU inspired by Imaginary Friend Asylum. The children need more social interaction with the outside world to help with their treatments, please talk with them if you so choose. (More info under cut!)
Nighttime Imagination is an AU/Ask Blog for the children of Hathmoore Children's Asylum and their imaginary friends! So first here's a simple rundown of info and rules.
1. All children are 16 or younger, so please no inappropriate asks
2. The events of this ask blog take place in the late 1940's, so responses are set in a similar manner (doesn't mean you can't tell them about the modern day)
3. All children's imaginary friends can be asked questions as well, same rules apply to them as well though
4. More children and imaginary friends will be added as the blog goes on
5. Have fun, and please remember that this is not canon to the actual lore of IFA or TFWLB
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lagabriellebaya · 4 years
Wikipedia source France
Santeria / Yoruba
Santería (Lukumi, Regla Lucumi or regla of Ocha) is a religion native of Caribbean derived of the yoruba religion (forbidden the slaves) and practised in Cuba, in Colombia and in Venezuela.
Certain narratives say; the slaves deceived the Church by letting believe that they worshipped the holy Catholics, while, behind every saint, they worshipped equivalent Orisha. But Sixto Gastón Agüero ( 1959 ), quoted by Kali Argyriadis, in his book " The Religion in Havana ", it is the inverse movement which occurred: it is the Church which imposed on the slaves the saints as equivalents in Orishas. He quotes the papal synod of September 16th, 1687, when the Church ordered to the priests to fit the African religious beliefs to the catholic practices. He also quotes Bando de Buen Gobierno y Policía who, in 1792, obliges African Cabildos which dedicate themselves to the cult of their divinities " to adore from now on a holy equivalent Catholic ". Contrary to a preconceived idea the priests were very reluctant to evangelize the slaves because it was not profitable. Indeed, it supposed to build a church, to grant the Sunday's rest and to assure the possibility of eating thin, what pulled costs considered prohibitive. The Spaniards thus named this practice Santería, with a pejorative side, but his followers prefer the term Lukumi (or Regla de Ocha). The polytheistic religions do not proceed by exclusions from the other religions but appropriate the wisdom, the divine representations, the words, of another faith and mix them with theirs to enrich him and develop her. So in Cuba, when santeros frequents churches and carry out acts of worship as all the Christians, instead of asking the only holy Catholic They adore at the same time their divinity, so hoping to win the protection both.
The religion Yoruba is dominated by a supreme God Olodumare (either Olafin or Olorun or Olorian), source of the ashé - the spiritual energy of the Universe - which sent on Earth of the envoys, the human demigods, called Orishás who are the personification of the Nature. Orishás, besides, stays up so that every mortal carries out the fate which was intended for him in his birth. Those who do not carry out him follow the cycle of the successive reincarnations. This faith is similar to that of the Hinduism and the Buddhism.
"Bembe" is one of possible ceremonies for célèbrer Orishas native of people named Iyesa in Cuba.
A real follower of the Regla of Ocha is a person who was introduced in the religion. The priest ( Babalawos) determined the orisha which governs its life and Obba (another priest who presides over the initiations) "installed"("settled") this osha in the head ( ori ) of the person during a ceremony called Kariocha (Asiento, Coronacion).
At the end of this ceremony the person becomes an iyawo ( novice) and has to dress in white and obey strict rules during the time prescribed by the babalawo. At the end of this period, it carries out a ceremony of confirmation called Ebbo and becomes Omo-Orisha (son, sons,thread) of orisha). For example, it becomes Omo Obatala if its orisha is Obatala. It is then a confirmed santero.
Once introduced, the follower can progress in his religion. With the ceremony of Pinaldo (receive the knife) he can kill animals to make sacrifices. He can also become Italero and be authorized to read the future in cowries ( Ita). Possibly, he can become Babalorisha " father of orisha ", or Iyalorisha, or iyalocha, " mother of orisha ", which will have sponsored new followers and will have introduced them in the religion.
Babalawos is priests who also received Orula (or Orunmila) who is a divinity of the divination. It is soothsayers who read the future by means of coconut or of orange peels following the requested orisha. He is made use of a chain of 8 half walnut which according to the way they fall again ( convex or concave side) determine called oddus signs.
There is oddus 256; in each correspond a particular orisha, songs, prayers of prohibitions and councils. The ceremony of the " hand of Orula " (mano of Orula) or " ikofa " allows to determine the oddu which is going to govern the life of an individual and so the guardian orisha of the person to which she can later be introduced.
Obbas or Oriaté are priests who dedicate themselves more particularly to the initiation of new regular customers and are moreover the only ones authorized to make the ceremony of Kariocha. They read the future in marine shells (cowries) during the ceremony of Ita.
Osainistas is priests dedicated to Osain orisha of herbs, forest, medicine and fishes. Ilu Bata is the given to the one who keeps sacred drums, famous batas.
Omo A has is the  name to give player of drum bata inité specially for ceremonies.
Main Orishas
There is an unknown number in Africa, 24 in Cuba (the spelling can vary):
Obatalá (king in the white loincloth), sent by Olodumare to create the Earth and offer the spirit and the rves to the Man. He personifies the peace, the wisdom, the dreams, the creativity (saint: Notre-Dame of the Graces Favors, the color: white)
Yemayá (Iemanja in Brazil and Yemoja in European transcription of the yorouba) is the orisha of the oceans and the maternity(maternity hospital), the creation of the life (saint: Virgin(Virgo) of Regla, color: blue (amounts to Iemanja for the candomblé)
Elegguá (or Elegba or Eshu) is the orisha of the fate, he is the messenger between Olofi and the other orishas (saint Antoine. He is the one who opens doors transmits the prayers in the other orishas. Colors: red and black);
Oggún has for attribute the iron, because warlike god and smith, he polishes up weapons. He thus patronizes the technology engénéral. It is the big hunter which conna t the magic herbs due to his friendship with Osain. He always goes hunting with his dog, what makes of the dog the animal sacrificed for its cult in Africa, but more in Cuba (Saint Peter, Saint-Paul or saint Jean-Baptiste among others, following places, colors: purple, green and black. Voodoo equivalent: Ogoun)
Ochosi: personify the hunting and the trajectory of the individual (saint Norbert, colors: green and black)
Chango or Chang ó (or Shango, or Xango), former king of Oyo: personify the dance, the drums, the male virility, the fire, the lightning, the thunder and the war, it is also the boss of fire brigades (saint Barbe or Santa-Barbara, colors: red and white)
Ochún, Oshún: goddess of the feminine sexuality, the femininity, her is a river in Nigeria, mistress of Chang ó and of Ogun who her quarrel, she is officially the wife of Orula (Virgin(Virgo) of the Caridad del Cobre, it is the boss of Cuba, colors: yellow and the gold which the yellow represents). Of the illegitimate union of Shang ó and Oshún was born Ibeyis, couple of child twin, revered in the form of two dolls, a boy and a girl, whoever sontinvoqués tede peace of mind and of sweetness.
Obbá: the justifiable woman of Chango personifies the home, the house and the marriage. It is the guard of graves, the boss of lakes and the symbol of the women who suffer to save their home. Colors: pink and amber.
Oyá or Yansá: personify the wind, the door of the cemetery (ex-woman of Chang ó, saint Thérèse, colors: brown and white)
Omol ú or Babal ú Ayé: God sentenced to the exile and to suffer from the leprosy, it is considered for protecting from the smallpox and from all the contagious diseases, and generally all the sick call upon him (saint Lazare, colors: brown and purple)
Odduá: God of the deaths and the spiritsOrunmila
Orula or: Orishá of the divination.
See also
Haitian voodoo Brazilian candomblé The Brazilian orixás
Divination Ifa
Wikipedia source France
Santeria /  Yoruba
La Santería (Lukumi, Regla Lucumi ou regla de Ocha) est une religion originaire des Caraïbes dérivée de la religion yoruba (interdite aux esclaves) et pratiquée à Cuba, en Colombie et au Venezuela
Certains récits disent que les esclaves dupaient l'Église en laissant croire qu'ils vénéraient les saints catholiques, alors qu'en fait, derrière chaque saint, ils vénéraient un Orisha équivalent. Mais selon Sixto Gastón Agüero (1959), cité par Kali Argyriadis, dans son ouvrage « La Religion à La Havane », c'est le mouvement inverse qui s'est produit : c'est l'Église qui a imposé aux esclaves les saints comme des équivalents aux Orishas. Il cite le synode papal du 16 septembre 1687, où l'Église ordonna aux prêtres d'ajuster les croyances religieuses africaines aux pratiques catholiques. Il cite également le Bando de Buen Gobierno y Policía qui, en 1792, oblige les Cabildos africains qui se vouent au culte de leurs divinités à « adorer désormais un saint catholique équivalent ». Contrairement à une idée reçue, les prêtres étaient très réticents à évangéliser les esclaves car cela n'était pas rentable. En effet, cela supposait de construire une église, d'accorder le repos dominical et d'assurer la possibilité de manger maigre, ce qui entraînait des coûts jugés prohibitifs. Les Espagnols ont donc nommé cette pratique Santería, avec un côté péjoratif, mais ses pratiquants préfèrent le terme Lukumi (ou Regla de Ocha).
Les religions polythéistes ne procèdent pas par exclusions des autres religions mais s’approprient la sagesse, les représentations divines, les paroles, d’une autre croyance et les mêlent à la leur pour l’enrichir et la développer. Ainsi à Cuba, quand les santeros fréquentent les églises et accomplissent des actes de dévotion comme tous les chrétiens, au lieu de prier le seul saint catholique, ils adorent en même temps leur divinité, espérant ainsi se concilier la protection des deux.
La religion Yoruba est dominée par un Dieu suprême Olodumare (ou Olafin ou Olorun ou Olorian), source de l'ashé - l'énergie spirituelle de l'Univers - qui a envoyé sur Terre des émissaires, demi-dieux humains, appelés Orishás qui sont la personnification de la Nature.
Les Orishás, en outre, veillent pour que chaque mortel accomplisse le destin qui lui a été destiné à sa naissance. Ceux qui ne l'accomplissent pas suivent le cycle des réincarnations successives. Cette croyance est semblable à celle de l'hindouisme et du bouddhisme.
Le « Bembe » est une des cérémonies possibles pour célèbrer les Orishas originaire d'un peuple nommé Iyesa à Cuba.
Un véritable adepte de la Regla de Ocha est une personne qui a été initiée dans la religion. Les prêtres (Babalawos) ont déterminé l'orisha qui gouverne sa vie et l'Obba (un autre prêtre qui préside aux initiations) a « installé » cet osha dans la tête (ori) de la personne au cours d'une cérémonie appelée Kariocha (Asiento, Coronacion). À l'issue de cette cérémonie la personne devient un iyawo (novice) et doit se vêtir de blanc et obéir à des règles strictes pendant le temps prescrit par le babalawo. À la fin de cette période, il accomplit une cérémonie (de confirmation) appelée Ebbo et devient un Omo-Orisha (fils d'orisha). Par exemple, il devient un Omo Obatala si son orisha est Obatala. Il est alors un santero confirmé.
Une fois initié, l'adepte peut progresser dans sa religion. Avec la cérémonie du Pinaldo (recevoir le couteau) il pourra tuer des animaux pour faire des sacrifices. Il peut aussi devenir un Italero et être habilité à lire l'avenir dans les cauris (Ita). Éventuellement, il pourra devenir un Babalorisha « père d'orisha », ou une Iyalorisha, ou iyalocha, « mère d'orisha », qui aura parrainé de nouveaux adeptes et les aura initiés dans la religion.
Les babalawos sont des prêtres qui ont reçu aussi Orula (ou Orunmila) qui est une divinité de la divination. Ce sont des devins qui lisent l'avenir au moyen de noix de coco ou d'écorces d'orange suivant l'orisha sollicité. Il est fait usage d'une chaîne de 8 demi noix qui selon leur manière de retomber (côté convexe ou concave) déterminent des signes appelés oddus. Il y a 256 oddus ; à chacun correspondent un orisha particulier, des chants, des prières des interdits et des conseils. La cérémonie de la « main d'Orula » (mano de Orula) ou « ikofa » permet de déterminer l'oddu qui va gouverner la vie d'un individu et ainsi l'orisha tutélaire de la personne à laquelle elle pourra plus tard se faire initier.
Les Obbas ou Oriaté sont des prêtres qui se consacrent plus particulièrement à l'initiation de nouveaux fidèles et sont d'ailleurs les seuls habilités à faire la cérémonie de Kariocha. Ils lisent l'avenir dans des coquillages marins (cauris) au cours de la cérémonie de l'Ita.
Les Osainistas sont des prêtres consacrés à Osain orisha des herbes, de la forêt, de la médecine et des poissons.
Ilu Bata est le donné à celui qui garde les tambours sacrés, les fameux batas.
Omo A a est le nom donnéau joueur de tambour bata inité spécialement pour les cérémonies.
Les principaux Orishas
Il y en a un nombre inconnu en Afrique, 24 à Cuba (l'orthographe peut varier)  :
Obatalá (roi au pagne blanc), envoyé par Olodumare pour créer la Terre et offrir l'esprit et les rves à l'Homme. Il personnifie la paix, la sagesse, les songes, la créativité (Saint  : Notre Dame des Grâces, couleur  : blanc)
Yemayá (Iemanja au Brésil et Yemoja en transcription européenne du yorouba) est l'orisha des océans et de la maternité, la création de la vie (saint : Vierge de Regla, couleur : bleu) (équivaut à Iemanja pour le candomblé)
Elegguá (ou Elegba ou Eshu) est l'orisha du destin, il est le messager entre Olofi et les autres orishas (Saint Antoine. Il est celui qui ouvre les portes et transmet les prières aux autres orishas. Couleurs : rouge et noir) ;
Oggún a comme attribut le fer, car dieu guerrier et forgeron, il fourbit les armes. Il patronne donc la technologie engénéral. C'est un grand chasseur qui conna t les herbes magiques de par son amitié avec Osain. Il chasse toujours avec son chien, ce qui fait du chien l'animal sacrifié pour son culte en Afrique, mais plus à Cuba (saint Pierre, saint Paul ou saint Jean-Baptiste entre autres, suivant les endroits, couleurs : violet, vert et noir. Équivalent vaudou : Ogoun)
Ochosi : personnifie la chasse et la trajectoire de l'individu (saint Norbert, couleurs : vert et noir)
Chango ou Changó (ou Shango, ou Xango), ancien roi d'Oyo : personnifie la danse, les tambours, la virilité masculine, le feu, la foudre, le tonnerre et la guerre, c'est aussi le patron des pompiers (sainte Barbe ou Santa Barbara, couleurs : rouge et blanc)
Ochún, Oshún : déesse de la sexualité féminine, de la féminité, elle est une rivière au Nigeria, maîtresse de Changó et de Ogun qui se la disputent, elle est officiellement l'épouse d'Orula (Vierge de la Caridad del Cobre, c'est la patronne de Cuba, couleurs : jaune et l'or que le jaune représente).
De l'union illégitime de Shangó et Oshún sont nés les Ibeyis, couple d'enfant jumeaux, révérés sous forme de deux poupées, un garçon et une fille, qui sontinvoqués en qu tede paix intérieure et de douceur.
Obbá : la femme légitime de Chango personnifie le foyer, la maison et le mariage. C'est la gardienne des tombes, la patronne des lacs et le symbole des femmes qui souffrent pour sauver leur foyer. Couleurs : rose et ambre.
Oyá ou Yansá : personnifie le vent, la porte du cimetière (ex-femme de Changó, sainte Thérèse, couleurs : marron et blanc)
Omolú ou Babalú Ayé  : Dieu condamné à l'exil et à souffrir de la lèpre, il est réputé protéger de la variole et de toutes les maladies transmissibles, et en général tous les malades l'invoquent (saint Lazare, couleurs : brun et violet)
Odduá : Dieu des morts et des esprits
Orula ou Orunmila  : Orishá de la divination.
Voir aussi
Vaudou haïtien
Candomblé brésilien
Les orixás brésiliens
divination Ifa
Wikipedia source France
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thorraborinn · 6 years
Lot-casting rune sentences
I was gonna try to wait and tweak this more before I shared it but I haven’t done anything with it for like a year, so I think it’s time to admit that’s not going to happen.
I came up with a runic lot-casting method to form short complete sentences with a draw/cast of three runes. Its primary inspirations are the Glagolitic alphabet and the magic system from the video game Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem. So, you know, there can be no illusions as to its provenance in modern times. I am not personally invested in whether or not it is useful for divination so I’ll leave that to others, otherwise it’s just a fun curiosity.
It works by assigning each rune a verb. After drawing the first rune (the subject -- use the normal rune name for this) the verb is drawn, and then the object (the normal rune meaning again). I’ve mapped each of the 16 Viking age younger futhark runes to a verb. It could by done with other sets of runes or other alphabets but this was what was easiest to complete following the rules I set for myself. I’m using Old Norse grammar below but that’s because I can, not because it’s necessary, although it might be useful to have some more feel for the way the verbs are used in a body of literature (then again, maybe not, I haven’t gotten much feedback from the people I’ve shared this with).
There is no reason why the list of verbs I came up with should be considered definitive. I didn’t want to be arbitrary so I set some rules for myself:
the verb must be transitive (have an object)
it must start with a sound that the rune represents (when possible; I used ýʀ as an /ʀ/ rune rather than a /y(:)/ rune)
try to maintain some arguably related meaning (obviously this is subjective)
use cognates when possible (reið : ríða; nauðr : neyða)
draw from Norse poetry when possible (”þreyjar þursar” in Hrafnagaldr Óðins; “sól skein sunnan” in Völuspá)
The list I came up with is as follows:
ᚠ fé: fá ‘receive'
ᚢ úr: vinna ‘work, labor; win’
ᚦ þurs: þreyja ‘yearn for’
ᚬ óss: ǿsa ‘invigorate, incite’
ᚱ reið: ríða ‘ride; fuck’
ᚴ kaun: kvelja ‘torment, inflict’
ᚼ hagall: hǫggva ‘strike’
ᚾ nauðr: neyða ‘force, impinge’
ᛁ íss: ifa ‘doubt’
ᛅ ár: afla ‘produce; gather; get done’
ᛋ sól: skína ‘shine’
ᛏ týʀ: týna ‘lose’
ᛒ bjarkan: bera ‘bear, carry; give birth; endure’
ᛘ maðr: meta ‘measure, assess’
ᛚ lǫgʀ: laga ‘fix, set right’
ᛦ ýʀ: eiʀa ‘shelter, defend; spare’
Some examples (using a random number generator):
ᛋᛅᚠ sól aflar fé ‘sun produces wealth.’ Hmm, the runes advocating for solar energy? Or just reaffirming the obvious -- life on Earth is reliant on the sun?
ᛦᛋᚱ ýr skínn reið (yew/bow shines on the journey). Doesn’t make immediate sense, but but maybe one might need to leave a situation in order to defend themselves; or a journey may be dangerous and require self-defense, depending on the question. Or maybe it means “someone’s going to key your car.” Lots of ways to read it depending on the question.
ᛘᚱᚦ maðr ríðr þurs. ‘A person fucks a thurse.’ I don’t know what to tell you. I’m not even kidding, that was the result from a random number generator. More useful for divination might be something like “(a/the) person rides (=is advanced by) something frightening/dangerous,” as in a dangerous or intimidating situation will be a useful opportunity.
A bonus feature is that if you have three initials, you can figure out your own personal rune sentence based on them.
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The 16 Rules of IFA
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fightersforpeace · 4 years
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It is hard to be away from Beirut these days…
…. a city I have come to call home, a city which I love and hate at the same time. Beirut is always demanding, in the Good and in the Bad. These days, Beirut is a city which is wounded and bleeding once more in its recurring history of destruction and resurrection. It is hard to see how people are suffering, having lost their loved ones, their homes and businesses, their future and their dreams.
It is heart breaking to see how the only remaining old quarters of Beirut, Gemmayzeh and Mar Mikhael, have been destroyed by the blast. This was the only part where the old soul of Beirut could still be felt when walking along the streets. This is the only part where you could get a feeling of the golden days of Beirut that have long gone. It’s a part that might be gone forever, if it is eaten up by real estate sharks or by insensitive, soul-less restoration works a la Solidere.
The only light at the end of the tunnel are the many youth volunteers in the streets cleaning up the rubble, helping people restore their homes or save what’s left. There’s a great sense of solidarity and unity in crisis and in suffering – but how long will this unity and solidarity last? Can we build on it a few months or years ahead from now, can we rebuild Beirut and Lebanon, can we rebuild this country on its mountains of destruction and broken glass and rubble and suffering and loss and tragedy and hopelessness from generations and generations of Lebanese, from so many wars and conflicts, can this solidarity and unity we experience now be extended to the future, is this solidarity and unity strong enough to build a new Lebanon, a different one, a brighter one, a free one, a just one, a prosperous one?
Nothing more must happen in order to achieve a system change, a change in direction, a new beginning. This blast was the ultimate event, the apocalypse that needs to lead to a rebirth of the city, the country and its people. But before that, we all need to mourn the dead, the destroyed homes and the lost city; we need to mourn the decades of war, violence, death and oppression.
The blast is the last consequence of the Lebanese civil war and all the conflicts and wars that came before and after. The blast, and with it the criminal negligence of all the political leaders that were in power in the last six years, six years where the deadly, devastating, highly explosive mix of 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate were lying nearby the city in a simple hangar without protection or care, this blast is the last and most horrific signal that the Lebanese war must finally come to an end and with it its ruling war lords turned politicians.
The blast is, in my opinion, directly related to the legacy of the Lebanese civil war. The blast occurred because the country is ruled by a greedy, selfish, ruthless leadership which cares only about themselves rather than about the common good of all the Lebanese or the country. These political leaders, who directly came out of the war and occupied seats in the parliament, in the prime minister’s palace and the presidential palace, are not political leaders. They remained warlords dressed in fancy suits, looking after their own well-being only, maybe the well-being of their breed and group so that they could get reelected, but they never had in mind an independent, well-governed Lebanon. The blast is directly connected to the sense of lawlessness that reigned in the country in the post-war years, the sense that leaders will never be held accountable for their actions – as militia leaders, they were never held accountable and profited big time from the amnesty law – so why should the same persons having become political leaders be held accountable for their actions in the post-war period?
The selfish greed, the sense of impunity and lack of accountability are the remainders of the legacy of the civil war and it’s the greed, the impunity, the lack of accountability that ultimately led to the blast to happen. Greed because ammonium nitrate was being stolen and sold elsewhere from this hangar where it was easily accessible. Impunity because those in power knew and didn’t give a damn about it and they thought that they could get away with it once more. Lack of accountability because those in power immediately started blaming each other like little children after the ultimate catastrophe happened instead of taking on responsibility and action.
This blast is the ultimate consequence of the legacy of the civil war which has remained widely undealt with. It is the ultimate consequence of the civil war because this undealt legacy allowed a political mafia-like leadership deal with the Lebanese population as soldiers who have to obey and swallow dust, it allowed greed and impunity to reign, it allowed the leaders to keep on dividing its people and creating mistrust and renewed conflicts.
But now, as thousands of Lebanese are burying their dead and cleaning their homes from broken glass and rubble, a new time has begun: The time after the blast. We need to mourn the dead, we need to mourn the city, we need to mourn history. But this must foremost be the turning point for a new beginning, however long this beginning might take. It’s the turning point for a true reconstruction for a better Lebanon, a true unity and reconciliation process, a true solidarity and social justice for all. It’s a turning point where all Lebanese cherish their heritage, preserve the old houses and mansions because they possess the soul of the city. It is a turning point in how we deal with the legacy of the civil war – this legacy needs to be processed, finally, in an active and thorough and nation-wide and inclusive way. It’s a turning point that needs to make way to a true, national reconciliation process which includes accountability and restorative justice on a large collective level. It’s a turning point for a new political process and a system which is based on true reform, accountability, transparency, good governance and justice. It will be a long process, maybe at times a painful one. Mistakes will be made and corrected. But this blast does not allow anyone to return to the old status quo, which includes the dirty power plays of foreign forces, otherwise it would be another crime in the series of crimes that happened to Lebanon and the country and its people would never heal.
Christina Foerch Saab
16 August 2020
Article supported by IFA-ZIVIK
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magzoso-tech · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/realme-x2-realme-buds-air-launched-in-india-internet-shutdowns-whatsapp-security-bug-more-news-this-week-2/
Realme X2, Realme Buds Air Launched in India, Internet Shutdowns, WhatsApp Security Bug & More News This Week
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Realme X2 and Realme Buds Air launches were undoubtedly the biggest headlines of the week past, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t numerous other major pieces of news. LG brought its dual-screen LG G8X ThinQ smartphone in India, while the Nokia 2.3 was also launched in the country. while Vivo launched two 5G smartphones – the Vivo X30 and Vivo X30 Pro – while Delhi Police ordered an Internet shutdown in parts of Delhi thanks to CAA protests. Read on for all the top news stories in the space of personal technology this week.
Realme X2 launched in India
Realme X2 was launched in India on Tuesday. To recall, the smartphone was first announced for the Indian market alongside the Realme XT, and at that time, the upcoming phone was named the Realme XT 730G (thanks to it bearing the then recently announced Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G SoC). In the meanwhile, Realme launched the Realme XT 730G in China as the Realme X2 – now, it has arrived in India in the same avatar. Its flagship grade sibling, the Realme X2 Pro was launched in India earlier this month, but that features the Snapdragon 855+ SoC.
The Realme X2 starts from Rs. 16,999 (4GB+64GB) in India, with the 6GB+128GB variant priced at Rs. 18,999, and the 8GB+128GB variant priced at Rs. 19,999. The smartphone went on sale in India for the first time earlier this week, and the company has also detailed launch offers for the Realme X2.
Specifications of the Realme X2 include a 6.4-inch full-HD+ display, an in-display fingerprint sensor, the Snapdragon 730 SoC, up to 8GB of RAM, a quad rear camera setup (64-megapixel + 8-megapixel + 2-megapixel + 2-megapixel), a 32-megapixel front camera, up to 128GB of UFS2.1 storage that’s expandable via microSD card (up to 256GB), the standard bunch of connectivity options, a 4,000mAh battery with support for 30W VOOC 4.0 Flash Charge tech, dimensions of 158.7×75.2×8.6mm, and a weight of 182 grams.
Realme Buds Air launched in India
A launch that eclipsed the Realme X2 in terms of interest was a new product in the company’s own lineup – the Realme Buds Air. The Apple AirPods-inspired truly wireless earphones feature a design very similar to the Cupertino giant’s counterparts, and even come with a nearly identical looking charging case. One of the highlights of the wireless earphones are a claimed battery life of 17 hours on a single charge – including the extra charge provided by the charging case. Realme Buds Air wireless earphones are priced at Rs. 3,999, and are available in Black, White, and Yellow colour variant.
They went on sale for the first time on the day of their launch itself, and will next be made available tomorrow. Features include a 12mm bass boost driver, multi-layer composite diaphragm, noise cancellation support for calling, a dedicated gaming mode with low-latency, USB Type-C port, 3 hours of music playback with the charging case, support for the Qi wireless charging on the charging case, Google Assistant integration, touch controls, and Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity.
Vivo X30, Vivo X30 Pro launched
The Vivo X30 and X30 Pro were launched in China this week, and both are 5G smartphones, running on Samsung’s Exynos 980 SoC. The company is also touting a ‘Multi-Turbo 2.5′ feature, which selects 4G or 5G depending on its speed. Both smartphones come will go on sale from December 28 and December 24 respectively, with the Vivo X30 priced starting CNY 3,298 (roughly Rs. 33,400) for its 8GB + 128GB variant, while Vivo X30 Pro is priced starting CNY 3,998 (roughly Rs. 40,500) for its 8GB + 128GB variant.
Common specifications of the Vivo X30 and Vivo X30 Pro include a 6.44-inch full-HD+ display with an in-display fingerprint sensor, a Samsung Exynos 980 octa-core SoC, up to 8GB RAM, up to 256GB of inbuilt storage, options, a 32-megapixel front camera, a 4,350mAh battery with support for 33W Flash Charge tech, the standard set of connectivity options, dimensions of 158.45×74.10×8.80mm, and a weight of 196.5 grams.
The only real difference between the Vivo X30 and Vivo X30 5G feature different rear camera setups, with the former sporting a triple rear camera setup (64-megapixel + 8-megapixel + 32-megapixel), while the latter bears a quad rear camera setup with a 13-megapixel periscope camera in addition providing 5x optical zoom.
LG G8X ThinQ launched in India
LG India reared its head in the country this week, launching its LG G8X ThinQ dual-screen smartphone. First unveiled at IFA 2019, the LG G8X ThinkQ comes with a 6.4-inch detachable secondary display attached via the USB Type-C port and with a 360-degree hinge, as well as another 2.1-inch cover display to check notifications, etc. It has been priced at Rs. 49,999, and is already on sale in the country.
Specifications of the LG G8X ThinQ include a 6.4-inch full-HD+ display with an in-display fingerprint sensor, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 SoC, 6GB of RAM, 128GB of inbuilt storage expandable via microSD card (up to 2TB), a dual rear camera setup (12-megapixel + 13-megapixel), a 32-megapixel front-facing camera, a 4,000mAh battery with Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 support, a 32-bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC, IP68 water and dust resistance, MIL-STD 810G compliant.
Nokia 2.3 launched in India
The Nokia 2.3 was launched in Cairo earlier this month, and made its way to India earlier this week. A budget smartphone from Nokia mobile brand licensee HMD Global, the Nokia 2.3 is priced at Rs. 8,199 for the lone 2GB + 32GB variant launched in the country. It goes on sale from December 27, and the company has detailed launch offers.
Specifications include a 6.2-inch HD+ (720×1520 pixels) in-cell display, a MediaTek Helio A22 SoC, 2GB of RAM, a dual rear camera setup (13-megapixel + 2-megapixel), a 5-megapixel front camera, 32GB of inbuilt storage expandable via microSD card (up to 400GB), the regular bunch of connectivity options, and a 4,000mAh battery.
Vivo V17 goes on sale for in India
The Vivo V17 was launched in India last week, and went on sale in the country this week. The new mid-range smartphone from Vivo is available via both online (Amazon, Flipkart, and Vivo India e-store online) and offline retailers in India, and as you’d probably recall, the India variant’s specifications are significantly different from the Russian variant with the same name. It is priced at Rs. 22,990 for the lone 8GB + 128GB variant.
Specifications of the Vivo V17 include a 6.44-inch full-HD+ display with an in-display fingerprint sensor, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 675 SoC, 8GB of RAM, 128GB of onboard storage, a quad rear camera setup (48-megapixel + 8-megapixel + 2-megapixel + 2-megapixel), a 32-megapixel front camera, and a 4,500mAh battery.
Huawei P Smart Pro launched
The Huawei P Smart Pro was launched this week, making its debut in Poland and other European regions. The smartphone is rebranded variant of the Huawei Y9s, and its biggest highlight is its pop-up selfie camera module. Priced at PLN 1,399 (roughly Rs. 25,900) for its lone 6GB + 128GB variant, its availability in other regions remains unknown.
Specifications of the Huawei P Smart Pro a 6.59-inch full-HD+ display, a HiSilicon Kirin 710F SoC, 6GB of RAM, a triple rear camera setup (48-megapixel + 8-megapixel + 2-megapixel), a 16-megapixel pop-up selfie camera, 128GB of inbuilt storage expandable via microSD card (up to 512GB), the standard bunch of connectivity options, a 4,000mAh battery, dimensions of 163.1×77.2×8.8mm, and a weight of 206 grams.
Internet shutdown in Delhi, new MNP rules go into effect, and other telecom news of the week
Amid Citizen (Amendment) Act or CAA protests this week, Delhi Police ordered telecom operators to shut down voice, mobile data, and SMS services in certain parts of the city – making headlines across the globe for such a move in the capital city of the country.
This was hardly the first Internet shutdown in the country in recent months, and a recent report pegs that India accounted for 67 percent of the world’s Internet shutdowns in 2018.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) this week implemented its revised mobile number portability (MNP) rules. Within the new framework, subscribers can port to a new telecom operator in just two days, with the new process designed to be twice as fast. Also this week, TRAI postponed the abolition of telecom interconnection fees by a year.
Next, this week it was also discovered that if Reliance Jio subscribers do not have an active plan, they can still avail of older Jio plans from before the recent price hike. This can be done through the tariff protection option, from the Jio.com website. Jio this week also introduced data vouchers for Jio Fiber customers, giving them increased data allocation. Priced at starting at Rs. 101, they provide up to 2TB of additional data.
Airtel this week extended Wi-Fi Calling support to six more smartphones – Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, Galaxy S10e, Galaxy M20, OnePlus 6, and OnePlus 6T. This week, the telco also announced a partnership with entertainment firm Lionsgate to offer Lionsgate Play content to its customers in India via the Airtel Xstream app and Web platforms.
BSNL had a couple of headlines this week, first introducing the Rs. 109 ‘Mithram Plus’ prepaid plan with 5GB of data and 250 minutes of voice calling, for a validity of 90 days. The state-owned telecom operator also announced revised the validity of its Rs. 118, Rs. 187, Rs. 399 prepaid plans, reducing them.
Vodafone also had its share of headlines this week, with four new prepaid recharge plans starting at Rs. 24. The Rs. 24 recharge offers 100 minutes of on-net calls from 11pm to 6am. Separately, it introduced three unlimited calling and data plans, priced at Rs. 129, Rs. 199, and Rs. 269.
WhatsApp security bug, top 10 downloaded apps of the decade
WhatsApp was in the news this week when a security research firm revealed it had discovered a bug that could have allowed hackers to crash a victim’s app, and delete their messages. The attack vector would be a malicious group message sent after gaining access to a group, causing crashes of the app for all group members. This would force them to reinstall the app, but then, access to the group and all associated messages would be lost. Users on updated versions of the Android app will not be affected, as WhatsApp fixed the bug before the vulnerability’s announcement.
This week, a report by analytic firm App Annie claimed that Facebook owns top four of the most downloaded apps of the decade – Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Other apps were Snapchat (fifth), Skype (sixth), TikTok (seventh), UC Browser (eighth), YouTube (ninth), and Twitter (10th) on the list.
Is Realme X2 better than Redmi Note 8 Pro, Redmi K20? We discussed this on Orbital, our weekly technology podcast, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.
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sundayera7-blog · 6 years
BCB Top 20 Cubs Minor League Prospects: System overview and honorable mentions
This week is time for my annual look at the top 20 prospects in the Cubs system and today we start off with a look at the system and some players who didn’t make the list for one reason or another. Then we’ll count down five prospects each day until revealing the top five prospects, including a new number one, on Friday.
To be perfectly honest, the Cubs have a poor farm system at the moment. It’s certainly one of the bottom five systems in the game. I’ve been doing these ranking for about 10 years and this is the worst that I can remember. Perhaps 2008 or 2009 were worse — I can’t really remember back that far. The system has been culled of talent by promotions, trades for major league players (a good thing, no doubt) and many of the top prospects who remained had poor years in the minors in 2018. Honestly, as I was doing the second-half of the top ten, I struggled sometimes to list anyone whom I thought was worth such a ranking. If you think that someone that I haven’t ranked should be in the 11 to 20 range, I’m going to admit that you may very well be right. After the first dozen prospects, there’s a whole lot of differing shades of “meh” here. I don’t think there is a single player in the system that you can’t add a “but” to any positive evaluation you’d give him. Part of that comes with success at the major league level—the Red Sox farm system isn’t very good at the moment either.
But that’s not to say there isn’t some talent here. The five guys at the top all have a chance to be pretty darn good major leaguers. The Cubs also appear to have had a pretty terrific 2018 draft — fully four of my top ten prospects were taken last June. All of them have the potential to step up and become prized prospect in 2019. If all four of them live up to their potential, then this system becomes a top 20 system pretty quickly. If also a few of those disappointing 2018 prospects return to form, then this system could be ranked in the top half or maybe even higher in 2020. It’s unlikely that it will improve that much, but it also seems highly unlikely that the system will remain this down for more than a season. And don’t forget, someone like David Bote went from “meh” to “hmmm” to “nice” pretty darn quickly.
This list is my own, based upon my watching hundreds of minor league games this past year and reading as many “expert” analysts as I can. I do have one rule that is unique to my ranking in that I don’t rank any player who hasn’t at least played in Arizona. That rules out some good prospects in the Dominican Summer League including one who hasn’t even started yet that I’ll write about today. The reason for that is that while I can read what scouts and expert analysts say about the player, I have no way of independently verifying what those people have written. For me to say “This guy is one of my top 20 prospects because a bunch of other people think he’s a top 20 prospect” just seems dishonest to me.
So here are some prospects who didn’t make the Top 20 list to talk about for today. They’re not in any particular order. These are not the players whom I would rank as the 21st through 25th ranked prospects, but they’d probably be in the top 30.
Also, players still need to have rookie eligibility to be listed.
Clicking on the player’s name takes you to his milb.com page.
Richard Gallardo. RHP. 6’1”, 187. DOB: 09/06/01. IFA Venezuela. Signed for $1 million 2018.
Gallardo was the prize international free agent signing of the Cubs this past July and you’re going to see his name on a lot of Cubs top ten or top twenty prospects lists. In fact, MLB Pipeline ranked him as the top international free agent pitcher available last year. I don’t have him ranked because he has yet to throw a pitch in an official game for the Cubs.
From the scouting reports, at 16 he was already throwing a fastball at 89-93 mph and had an advanced curve not just for someone that age. I’ve read reports that say he could move quickly through the Cubs system, but since he’s barely turned 17, “quickly” likely means he could be in the majors in 2022. Even that is pretty optimistic.
Gallardo is someone to watch and someone to dream on. He obviously has room to add some bulk and the velocity that would follow. There’s a potential top-of-the-rotation pitcher in there, but clearly at 17 he’s miles away and there is so much that can still go wrong. He’s advanced enough that the Cubs may have him make his professional debut in Arizona rather than the DSL, but there are a lot of factors that go into that decision outside of just baseball talent.
Here’s Gallardo pitching at a showcase before he signed with the Cubs. You can see why some people are so excited. I was pretty impressed and I had to keep reminding myself “That kid is only 16 in that video.”
Christopher Morel. SS/3B. B:R T:R. 6’0”, 160. DOB: 06/24/99. IFA: Dominican Republic. Signed 2015 $800,000.
Morel started last season out in Eugene mostly because the new draftees weren’t ready when the Ems season started in June. He struggled there, but was much better after being demoted to AZL 1 in July. He was considered a team leader on the club that lost the Arizona League Championship Game.
Morel’s glove is ahead of his bat at this point and scouts praise his sure hands and strong arm. The Cubs would like him to add a some bulk which means he could end up as a third baseman rather than a shortstop. The Cubs think his swing is conducive to adding power. Morel also has above-average speed, but he only managed to steal one base in 2018 after swiping 23 in the DSL in 2017.
After his poor .165/.172/.220 in 25 games in Eugene, Morel hit a promising .257/.331/.363 with two home runs in 29 games for AZL 1. He strikes out a little too much at this point and he’d probably benefit from not trying to pull everything. But I expect that Morel will be much better in Eugene this summer than he was last year.
By the way, I feel I need to mention that he was seriously injured when he walked through a glass door after signing in 2015, costing him the 2016 season. That delayed his development as his wrist was pretty badly cut up. But he’s fully recovered now and is ready to take a step forward in 2019. Just not through a door again.
The Cubs signed his younger brother Rafael this past summer as well.
Here is Morel hitting an RBI single for the Ems.
Duane Underwood. RHP. 6’2”, 210. DOB: 7/20/94. Drafted 2nd round, 2012. Pope HS (GA).
I thought I’d be done writing about Underwood by now. He’s been a top 30 prospect since the Cubs drafted him. Since that time, he’s simultaneously disappointed and shown enough that you just don’t want to give up on him.
Underwood made his MLB debut on June 25 at Dodger Stadium and that start turned out to be a bit of a Rorschach test. If you were inclined to think favorably of Underwood, he kept a good Dodgers lineup to one run and two hits over four innings with three strikeouts. If you are down on Underwood, you can point out his three walks and the home run he gave up to Kiké Hernandez. He also labored in the first two innings and didn’t look all that great.
Underwood spent the rest of the season in Triple-A Iowa, making 20 starts before moving to the bullpen in August for seven relief appearances. He was 4-10 with a 4.53 ERA and 105 strikeouts in 119⅓ innings. He walked 37 and gave up six home runs, which isn’t bad for the homer-happy Pacific Coast League.
Here’s every pitch he threw against the Dodgers. Jim Deshaies and Len Kasper give a pretty good scouting report on Underwood in the broadcast as well.
Tyson Miller. RHP. 6’5”, 200. DOB: 07/29/95. Drafted 4th round, 2016. California Baptist.
If you just look at the stat line on Miller in 2018, it looks like he took a step forward in High-A Myrtle Beach. Miller made 23 starts for the Pelicans and went 9-9 with a 3.54 ERA. He struck out 126 batters over 127 innings. He walked 35.
But Miller’s stuff is the same as it’s always been—average. He’s got a fastball around 90-91 that sometimes hits 93, but he has good movement on it and when he’s on, he can locate it pretty well. His slider is mostly average and he needs to work on his change. So exactly like hundreds of other pitchers in the minor leagues.
What stands out about Miller is his mound presence and overall baseball intelligence. He gets the most out of his modest skills. He’s going to be tested in Double-A this year. If he succeeds, then maybe he’s the type of pitcher who can get by with craftiness to carve out a career as a back-of-the-rotation pitcher.
Here are highlights from Miller’s best start of the season when he struck out seven Mudcats over seven scoreless innings on May 2. As you can see, sometimes Miller looks pretty good out there.
Reivaj Garcia. 2B. B:S, T:R. 5’11, 175. DOB: 08/12/01. IFA: Mexico. Signed for $500,000, August 2017.
Garcia is the latest in the Cubs quest for talent in Mexico and he had a pretty impressive US debut in 2018. At only 16 years old, Reivaj (that’s “Javier” spelled backwards) hit an impressive .300/.362/.355 with seven steals in 40 games for AZL 2 against players who were at least two or three years older than he was.
Garcia is a little switch-hitter who makes hard contact to all fields. He hasn’t shown much or any power yet, but since he just turned 17 it makes it a little difficult to project at this point. If I had to guess, his power would project out to be 40-45 or slightly below average, but there is a whole lot of room for that to go in either direction. His speed is about average for a middle infielder—he’s not a burner but he’s pretty smart for someone so young so he can get the most out of the speed he does have.
Defensively, scouts think he’s probably a second baseman although his range and arm are good enough that he could play shortstop if necessary.
Someone who can hit .300 at any professional level at 16 has to be taken seriously, even if it’s hard to figure out exactly what kind of player he’s going to be. I love the sound of the ball leaving his bat in the video below.
Tomorrow: Prospects 20 through 16.
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Source: https://www.bleedcubbieblue.com/2019/1/14/18180245/top-20-cubs-minor-league-prospects-system-richard-gallardo-christopher-morel-reivaj-garcia
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appinsta · 6 years
Huawei announces Pie-based EMUI 9.0 at IFA 2018: find out what’s new here
Huawei has announced EMUI 9.0 at IFA 2018 in Berlin. The new software, which will launch on the Huawei Mate 20 in October, is based on the recently launched Android 9.0 Pie.
Huawei’s Wang Chenglu, president of software engineering, introduced the new software at a press briefing, outlining three core focus areas. With EMUI version 9.0, Huawei wants to deliver software that is “Simple,” “Enjoyable,” and “Consistent,” aiming to achieve this with a few key improvements.
Editor's Pick
Mate 20 launch date revealed: Here’s when we’ll officially see Huawei’s flagship
The Huawei Mate 20 Lite has been announced at IFA 2018, but everyone is waiting for the Mate 20 reveal. Now, the Chinese brand has revealed an October 16 launch date in London for the …
Beginning with the settings menu – which, as anybody who has ever used EMUI will attest to, is a nightmare – Huawei wants to reduce the items found here from 940 in EMUI 8.0 to 843 in EMUI 9.0 (Samsung’s UX actually has more than 1,000 items in the settings menu, according to Chenglu).
Check out some of the screens from the new software below.
This seems like a smart move, so long as Huawei doesn’t lose some of the nuance when combining certain sub-menus: hopefully, this isn’t going to bury any important privacy or security settings.
Other features designed to improve usability include small additions like positioning menu tabs at the bottom of the display rather than the top. This should help make them easier to reach when using tall phones with one hand — something that’s going to be increasingly important as more 18:9 and 19:9 devices become available.
Huawei is targetting an immersive and intuitive experience thanks to new gesture navigations also. These will be peppered throughout the UI to allow users to “quickly navigate, multitask and [activate] AI assistant.”
Editor's Pick
Huawei Mate 20 Lite announced: Four cameras, Kirin 710, AI everywhere
The Huawei Mate 20 isn't officially launching at IFA 2018, but the Chinese company has revealed the cheaper Mate 20 Lite in Berlin instead. True to the TENAA filing, we've got a phone with a vertically …
Smoother operation and quicker app start times should also arrive with EMUI 9.0. Chenglu noted a 12.9% improvement in system operation times and the likes of 11 percent and 12 percent decreases in Spotify and Instagram loading times respectively.
Huawei also touched on GPU Turbo 2.0 at the conference, the next iteration of its only recently launched game optimization software. This looks like it will roll out with EMUI 9.0 with lower latency, an all-new app assistant, and support for four new titles: Vainglory, Arena of Valor, Rules of Survival, and NBA 2K18.
Huawei revealed a new password manager too, which can encrypt passwords and allow users to auto-fill them in certain fields with a face or fingerprint scan.
Huawei is rolling out the beta program for EMUI 9.0 today for the Mate 10, Mate 10 Pro, P20, and P20 Pro, as well as the Honor 10, Honor View 10, and Honor Play. You can get the details at consumer.huawei.com but, for what it’s worth, we haven’t been able to install the software on compatible handsets yet. The Chinese OEM should deploy the final version in the coming months.
Meanwhile, native Android Pie features likely to appear in the new EMUI include AI-based battery optimizations via “Adaptive Battery,” digital wellbeing stats (coming this fall), and gesture navigation. You can read more about all the new features in our Android Pie review at the link.
There’s plenty more we still don’t know about EMUI 9.0 but we’ll have more news for you in the coming weeks, including some hands-on coverage. What are your thoughts on the recent announcements? Let me know in the comments.
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hufapetre-blog · 5 years
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browanger55-blog · 5 years
BCB Top 20 Cubs Minor League Prospects: System overview and honorable mentions
This week is time for my annual look at the top 20 prospects in the Cubs system and today we start off with a look at the system and some players who didn’t make the list for one reason or another. Then we’ll count down five prospects each day until revealing the top five prospects, including a new number one, on Friday.
To be perfectly honest, the Cubs have a poor farm system at the moment. It’s certainly one of the bottom five systems in the game. I’ve been doing these ranking for about 10 years and this is the worst that I can remember. Perhaps 2008 or 2009 were worse — I can’t really remember back that far. The system has been culled of talent by promotions, trades for major league players (a good thing, no doubt) and many of the top prospects who remained had poor years in the minors in 2018. Honestly, as I was doing the second-half of the top ten, I struggled sometimes to list anyone whom I thought was worth such a ranking. If you think that someone that I haven’t ranked should be in the 11 to 20 range, I’m going to admit that you may very well be right. After the first dozen prospects, there’s a whole lot of differing shades of “meh” here. I don’t think there is a single player in the system that you can’t add a “but” to any positive evaluation you’d give him. Part of that comes with success at the major league level—the Red Sox farm system isn’t very good at the moment either.
But that’s not to say there isn’t some talent here. The five guys at the top all have a chance to be pretty darn good major leaguers. The Cubs also appear to have had a pretty terrific 2018 draft — fully four of my top ten prospects were taken last June. All of them have the potential to step up and become prized prospect in 2019. If all four of them live up to their potential, then this system becomes a top 20 system pretty quickly. If also a few of those disappointing 2018 prospects return to form, then this system could be ranked in the top half or maybe even higher in 2020. It’s unlikely that it will improve that much, but it also seems highly unlikely that the system will remain this down for more than a season. And don’t forget, someone like David Bote went from “meh” to “hmmm” to “nice” pretty darn quickly.
This list is my own, based upon my watching hundreds of minor league games this past year and reading as many “expert” analysts as I can. I do have one rule that is unique to my ranking in that I don’t rank any player who hasn’t at least played in Arizona. That rules out some good prospects in the Dominican Summer League including one who hasn’t even started yet that I’ll write about today. The reason for that is that while I can read what scouts and expert analysts say about the player, I have no way of independently verifying what those people have written. For me to say “This guy is one of my top 20 prospects because a bunch of other people think he’s a top 20 prospect” just seems dishonest to me.
So here are some prospects who didn’t make the Top 20 list to talk about for today. They’re not in any particular order. These are not the players whom I would rank as the 21st through 25th ranked prospects, but they’d probably be in the top 30.
Also, players still need to have rookie eligibility to be listed.
Clicking on the player’s name takes you to his milb.com page.
Richard Gallardo. RHP. 6’1”, 187. DOB: 09/06/01. IFA Venezuela. Signed for $1 million 2018.
Gallardo was the prize international free agent signing of the Cubs this past July and you’re going to see his name on a lot of Cubs top ten or top twenty prospects lists. In fact, MLB Pipeline ranked him as the top international free agent pitcher available last year. I don’t have him ranked because he has yet to throw a pitch in an official game for the Cubs.
From the scouting reports, at 16 he was already throwing a fastball at 89-93 mph and had an advanced curve not just for someone that age. I’ve read reports that say he could move quickly through the Cubs system, but since he’s barely turned 17, “quickly” likely means he could be in the majors in 2022. Even that is pretty optimistic.
Gallardo is someone to watch and someone to dream on. He obviously has room to add some bulk and the velocity that would follow. There’s a potential top-of-the-rotation pitcher in there, but clearly at 17 he’s miles away and there is so much that can still go wrong. He’s advanced enough that the Cubs may have him make his professional debut in Arizona rather than the DSL, but there are a lot of factors that go into that decision outside of just baseball talent.
Here’s Gallardo pitching at a showcase before he signed with the Cubs. You can see why some people are so excited. I was pretty impressed and I had to keep reminding myself “That kid is only 16 in that video.”
Christopher Morel. SS/3B. B:R T:R. 6’0”, 160. DOB: 06/24/99. IFA: Dominican Republic. Signed 2015 $800,000.
Morel started last season out in Eugene mostly because the new draftees weren’t ready when the Ems season started in June. He struggled there, but was much better after being demoted to AZL 1 in July. He was considered a team leader on the club that lost the Arizona League Championship Game.
Morel’s glove is ahead of his bat at this point and scouts praise his sure hands and strong arm. The Cubs would like him to add a some bulk which means he could end up as a third baseman rather than a shortstop. The Cubs think his swing is conducive to adding power. Morel also has above-average speed, but he only managed to steal one base in 2018 after swiping 23 in the DSL in 2017.
After his poor .165/.172/.220 in 25 games in Eugene, Morel hit a promising .257/.331/.363 with two home runs in 29 games for AZL 1. He strikes out a little too much at this point and he’d probably benefit from not trying to pull everything. But I expect that Morel will be much better in Eugene this summer than he was last year.
By the way, I feel I need to mention that he was seriously injured when he walked through a glass door after signing in 2015, costing him the 2016 season. That delayed his development as his wrist was pretty badly cut up. But he’s fully recovered now and is ready to take a step forward in 2019. Just not through a door again.
The Cubs signed his younger brother Rafael this past summer as well.
Here is Morel hitting an RBI single for the Ems.
Duane Underwood. RHP. 6’2”, 210. DOB: 7/20/94. Drafted 2nd round, 2012. Pope HS (GA).
I thought I’d be done writing about Underwood by now. He’s been a top 30 prospect since the Cubs drafted him. Since that time, he’s simultaneously disappointed and shown enough that you just don’t want to give up on him.
Underwood made his MLB debut on June 25 at Dodger Stadium and that start turned out to be a bit of a Rorschach test. If you were inclined to think favorably of Underwood, he kept a good Dodgers lineup to one run and two hits over four innings with three strikeouts. If you are down on Underwood, you can point out his three walks and the home run he gave up to Kiké Hernandez. He also labored in the first two innings and didn’t look all that great.
Underwood spent the rest of the season in Triple-A Iowa, making 20 starts before moving to the bullpen in August for seven relief appearances. He was 4-10 with a 4.53 ERA and 105 strikeouts in 119⅓ innings. He walked 37 and gave up six home runs, which isn’t bad for the homer-happy Pacific Coast League.
Here’s every pitch he threw against the Dodgers. Jim Deshaies and Len Kasper give a pretty good scouting report on Underwood in the broadcast as well.
Tyson Miller. RHP. 6’5”, 200. DOB: 07/29/95. Drafted 4th round, 2016. California Baptist.
If you just look at the stat line on Miller in 2018, it looks like he took a step forward in High-A Myrtle Beach. Miller made 23 starts for the Pelicans and went 9-9 with a 3.54 ERA. He struck out 126 batters over 127 innings. He walked 35.
But Miller’s stuff is the same as it’s always been—average. He’s got a fastball around 90-91 that sometimes hits 93, but he has good movement on it and when he’s on, he can locate it pretty well. His slider is mostly average and he needs to work on his change. So exactly like hundreds of other pitchers in the minor leagues.
What stands out about Miller is his mound presence and overall baseball intelligence. He gets the most out of his modest skills. He’s going to be tested in Double-A this year. If he succeeds, then maybe he’s the type of pitcher who can get by with craftiness to carve out a career as a back-of-the-rotation pitcher.
Here are highlights from Miller’s best start of the season when he struck out seven Mudcats over seven scoreless innings on May 2. As you can see, sometimes Miller looks pretty good out there.
Reivaj Garcia. 2B. B:S, T:R. 5’11, 175. DOB: 08/12/01. IFA: Mexico. Signed for $500,000, August 2017.
Garcia is the latest in the Cubs quest for talent in Mexico and he had a pretty impressive US debut in 2018. At only 16 years old, Reivaj (that’s “Javier” spelled backwards) hit an impressive .300/.362/.355 with seven steals in 40 games for AZL 2 against players who were at least two or three years older than he was.
Garcia is a little switch-hitter who makes hard contact to all fields. He hasn’t shown much or any power yet, but since he just turned 17 it makes it a little difficult to project at this point. If I had to guess, his power would project out to be 40-45 or slightly below average, but there is a whole lot of room for that to go in either direction. His speed is about average for a middle infielder—he’s not a burner but he’s pretty smart for someone so young so he can get the most out of the speed he does have.
Defensively, scouts think he’s probably a second baseman although his range and arm are good enough that he could play shortstop if necessary.
Someone who can hit .300 at any professional level at 16 has to be taken seriously, even if it’s hard to figure out exactly what kind of player he’s going to be. I love the sound of the ball leaving his bat in the video below.
Tomorrow: Prospects 20 through 16.
Source: https://www.bleedcubbieblue.com/2019/1/14/18180245/top-20-cubs-minor-league-prospects-system-richard-gallardo-christopher-morel-reivaj-garcia
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torentialtribute · 6 years
Republic of Ireland hit with UEFA charge after fans threw tennis balls on pitch in protest
Republic of Ireland hit with UEFA attack after fans pitched tennis balls in height against protesting departing chief executive John Delaney
Supporters of the Republic of Ireland have expressed anger at the departing IFA chief John Delaney Will Griffee for Mailonline | Republic of Ireland
The incident occurred 33 minutes in Tuesday night's game in the Aviva Stadium in Dublin.
Fans expressed their dissatisfaction with the departing Football Association of Ireland chief executive John Delaney
<img id = "i-9304abd90b9879c0" src = "https: / /i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/03/28/11/11564236-0-image-a-2_1553772190789.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Players from the Republic of Ireland had to help get rid of tennis balls thrown on the field "
Players from Republic of Ireland had to help get rid of tennis balls thrown on the field"
Irish players had to help get rid of tennis balls thrown on the field
<img id = "i-814f60022571e3cc" src = "https: //i.dailymail .co.uk / 1s / 2019/03/28/11 / 11564234-0-image-a-4_1553772219973.jpg "height =" 418 "width =" 634 "alt =" Supporters protested and directed their anger at the departing chief executive John Delaney Protesting and pointing their anger at the departing chief executive John Delaney "
Supporters protested and directed their anger at the departing chief executive John Delaney
The UEFA statement stated: "Disciplinary proceedings were opened following the European Qualifiers Group D match between Ireland and Georgia (1-0), played on 26 March.
Charges against Republic of Ireland: throwing objects – Article 16, paragraph 2 of the UEFA disciplinary rules
& # 39; The case will be dealt with with UEFA audit, ethics and disciplinary authority on May 16. & # 39;
in the stands for the Georgia game "
<img id =" i-acbe71d950d1e5a3 "src =" https://ift.tt/2FHsquR 11 / 11564242-0-image-a-5_1553772257975.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Delaney and his partner Emma English were in the stands for the game against Georgia "class =" blkBorder img-
Reports about a planned protest appeared before the game, three days after it was announced that the controversial Delaney would move from his existing position to the newly created role of director
While playing games resumed about three minutes later, Conor Hourihane scored the only goal of the game from the resulting free kick.
<img id = "i-e74b26b4c2028331" src = "https://ift.tt/2UZyNyQ -0-image-a-6_1553772301056.jpg "height =" 391 "width =" 634 "alt =" Supporters threw dozens of tennis balls on the playing surface during a game break
Supporters threw dozens of tennis balls on the playing surface during a break in the game
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naturecoaster · 6 years
UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension Service April 2019 Seminars
Subject:           Understanding Florida Cottage Food Law – Learning How to Start a Cottage Food Operation Date:               April 5, 2019 (Friday) Time:               8:45 AM-4:30 PM Location:         UF Pasco Extension Stallings Building 15029 14th Street Dade City, FL 33525   Details:            This workshop is intended to provide the audience with general information on food safety and quality, product development, and regulatory requirements for Florida cottage food operation.  The target audience is anyone who is interested in running his/her own cottage food business in Florida.  The registration fee for the course is $55 (if registered by March 24, the fee will be $45).  Registration includes course materials, lunch, coffee breaks and certificate of completion.  Please register by April 1.  The class size will be limited to the first 30 registrants.  A small number of seats will be reserved for extension agents, along with a discount.  To receive the instruction for County agents registration, contact the workshop organizer, Dr. Soo Ahn ([email protected] or (352) 294-3909.   Subject:           Learn & Grow Volunteer Days (Monthly Event) Date:               April 6, 2019 (Saturday) Time:               9:00-12:00 PM Location:         Pasco County Farmden & Community Garden 15029 14th Street Dade City, FL 33523   Details:            Join us the first Saturday of every month through May 4, 2019, for our Learn & Grow volunteer days.  We will be weeding, harvesting, washing produce and planting.  Learn about gardening as you help us grow food for our community. This fall, all the produce from our farm will be donated to the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry, which is open every Thursday in Dade City.  Bring a hat, water, gardening gloves, and close-toed shoes.  This is a family-friendly event, but please leave your four-legged members at home.  Community garden plots are still available to lease for free at the community garden.  For more information contact Eden Santiago Gomez at [email protected] or (352) 518-0156.   Subject:           Spring into Gardening Series! Date:               April 8, 2019 Time:               2:00-3:30 PM Location:         UF/IFAS Pasco Extension One Stop Shop 15029 14th Street Dade City, FL 33523   Details:            Join us for this free UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension teaching series, where you will learn about various vegetable garden and composting theme topics.  Classes will take place the second Monday of each month, January through May 2019.   Class Schedule:   April 8 – Vegetable Gardening Basics May 13 – Composting Horse Manure 101   Community garden plots are available to lease for free (first come, first serve) at the Pasco County Farmden & Community Garden.   There is an optional tour of the Pasco County Farmden & Community Garden on site after each class.  For more information, contact Eden Santiago Gomez at [email protected] or (352) 518-0156. Please register for this series at Eventbrite.  http://bit.ly/spring gardening   Subject:           Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course Date:               April 9, 2019 (Tuesday) Time:               8:00 AM-5:00 PM Location:         UF/Pasco Extension Stallings Building 15029 14th Street Dade City, FL 33525   Details:            Fruit and vegetable growers and others interested in learning about produce safety, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and co-management of natural resources and food safety are encouraged to attend.  The PSA Grower Training Course is one way to satisfy the FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirement.  The fee for the training is $25 to produce industry members and government/university employees ($125 for all others).  Registration is limited.  For general registration questions, contact Jessica Lepper at [email protected].     Subject:           Mid Spring Vegetables Date:               April 11, 2019 (Thursday) Time:               6:00-7:00 PM Location:         New Port Richey Library 5939 Main Street New Port Richey, FL 34652   Details:            Learn what to plant during mid-spring, before the summer heat returns.  Successful veggie gardening means knowing what to plant when.  Come learn how at this free UF/IFAS Pasco Extension seminar!   Registration recommended.   Subject:           All About Ferns Date:               April 11, 2019 (Thursday) Time:               2:00-3:00 PM Location:         Centennial Park Branch Library 5740 Moog Road Holiday, FL 34690   Details:            This seminar will explore fern culture.  Learn the history of ferns, the many varieties that will grow in your garden, and how to cultivate and propagate your own.  Come learn about this and more at this free UF/IFAS Pasco Extension seminar!  Registration recommended.   Subject:           Container Gardening Date:               April 13, 2019 (Saturday) Time:               10:00-11:00 AM Location:         Zephyrhills Library 5347 8th Street Zephyrhills, FL 33542   Details:            Come to this free UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension seminar to learn the “how-to’s” of planting flowers, foliage, and herbs in containers, and then watch them flourish!  Registration recommended.   Subject:           Lawn Care Date:               April 16, 2019 (Tuesday) Time:               2:00-3:00 PM Location:         New River Library 34043 SR 54 Wesley Chapel, FL 33543   Details:            Florida Friendly Landscape Program Manager will present a program on what choices you have in planting a new lawn, the best choice, time and care.  Take the guesswork out of turf and learn what your options are from an expert.  Come learn how at this free UF/IFAS Pasco Extension seminar!  Registration recommended.     For more information on any of these seminars, please call the UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension Office at 352-518-0156.              ---------- Extension programs are free, can provide reasonable accommodation with advance notice, and are open to all persons regardless of age, race, color, sex, disability, religion or national origin.  Pre-registration is not required for most of our programs, but contact Extension to be certain and to assist us with planning – http://pasco.ifas.ufl.edu/events_calendar.shtml.  For more information, call the Pasco County Extension Office – (352) 518-0156; (727)847-2411; (813)996-2411.   Read the full article
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the512bounce · 6 years
Billy Weir: It's time IFA kicked ridiculous rule into touch - Belfast Telegraph https://t.co/rwoqHCx8Nt
Billy Weir: It's time IFA kicked ridiculous rule into touch - Belfast Telegraph https://t.co/rwoqHCx8Nt
— 512 Bounce (@the512bounce) February 17, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/the512bounce February 16, 2019 at 11:18PM http://twitter.com/the512bounce/status/1097062657373270017
0 notes
Ashburton Investments rmb
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7. RMB boutique products 7
8. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Cash Enhancer RMB Dynamic Yield Series RMB Cash Enhancer Performance linked investment account 8
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11. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Cash Enhancer (cont.) Monthly performance versus benchmark1 Source: RMB Note 1. Returns are net of fees 11 11 4.50% 5.00% 5.50% 6.00% 6.50% May-11 Nov-11 May-12 Nov-12 May-13 Nov-13 May-14 Cash Enhancer Benchmark 11
12. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Structured Plus 100 RMB Multiple Asset Series RMB Structured Plus 100 Performance linked investment account 1212
13. Strictly Private and Confidential Indicator Details Target market Private investors seeking low volatility real returns Product structure • Broadly diversified local asset mix • Absolute return fund with explicit guarantee • Only absolute return fund managed by a bank Guarantee 100% explicit 12-month rolling FSR capital guarantee Liquidity • Annual liquidity • 1 calendar month notice • No monthly distribution Investment horizon > One year Benchmark CPI + 2% Minimum investment R250 000 Fees (excl. VAT) • Advice fee: 0.50% • Management fee: 0.50% • Performance fee: 25% of outperformance above benchmark Reporting Monthly performance and holdings available RMB Structured Plus 100 13 13
14. Strictly Private and Confidential 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 Dec-04 Nov-05 Oct-06 Aug-07 Jul-08 May-09 Apr-10 Feb-11 Jan-12 Nov-12 Oct-13 SP 100 CPI plus 2% RMB Structured Plus 100 (cont.) Strategic asset allocation • 35% defensive hedge • 20% growth hedge • 30% secure growth 100 • 15% cash or equivalent Source: RMB, Stats SA Note 1. Simulated returns, net of management fees, gross of performance fee Performance vs CPI + 2%1 14 14
15. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Structured Plus 90 RMB Multiple Asset Series RMB Structured Plus 90 Performance linked investment account 15
16. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Structured Plus 90 (cont.) Indicator Details Target market Private investors seeking low volatility real returns Product structure • Broadly diversified local asset mix • Absolute return fund with explicit guarantee • Only absolute return fund managed by a bank Guarantee 90% explicit 12-month rolling FSR capital guarantee Liquidity • Annual liquidity • 1 calendar month notice • No monthly distribution Investment horizon > One year Benchmark CPI + 3.5% Minimum investment R250 000 Fees (excluding VAT) • Advice fee: 0.50% • Management fee: 0.50% • Performance fee: 25% of outperformance above the benchmark Reporting Monthly performance and holdings available 16 16
17. Strictly Private and Confidential 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 Dec-04 Nov-05 Oct-06 Aug-07 Jul-08 May-09 Apr-10 Feb-11 Jan-12 Nov-12 Oct-13 SP 90 CPI plus 3.5% RMB Structured Plus 90 (cont.) Performance vs CPI + 3.5% Source: RMB, Stats SA Note 1. Simulated returns, net of management fees, gross of performance fee Strategic asset allocation • 30% defensive hedge • 30% growth hedge • 35% secure growth 95 • 5% cash or equivalent 17
18. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Protected Flexible 80 RMB Multiple Asset Series RMB Protected Flexible 80 Performance linked investment account 18
19. Strictly Private and Confidential Indicator Details Target market Private investors seeking high exposure to equities and alternative assets with a level of guarantee Product structure • Formulaic allocation between asset classes according to market conditions • Asset allocation managed daily to maximise returns (and for guarantee purposes) Guarantee Explicit FSR guarantee of 80% of the highest month-end value achieved Liquidity and interest • 1 calendar month notice • No monthly distribution • Total return paid out on redemption Investment horizon > One year Benchmark CPI + 5% Minimum investment R250 000 Fees (excluding VAT) • Advice fee: 0.50% • Management fee: 1.25% Reporting Monthly performance and holdings available RMB Protected Flexible 80 (cont.) 19 19
20. Strictly Private and Confidential Strategic asset allocation • 60% top40 Index • 40% growth hedge • 0% Cash RMB Protected Flexible 80 (cont.) Historical performance vs Top40 tracker Source: RMB, Bloomberg Note 1. Simulated returns, net of management fees 20 80 130 180 230 280 330 380 Dec-05 Aug-06 Apr-07 Dec-07 Aug-08 Apr-09 Dec-09 Aug-10 Apr-11 Nov-11 Jul-12 Mar-13 Nov-13 RMB Protected Flexible 80 TOP40 Tracker 80% Guarantee 20
21. Strictly Private and Confidential Product performance summary Source: RMB, Bloomberg Note 1. Simulated returns, net of management fees 21 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 Dec-05 Aug-06 Apr-07 Dec-07 Aug-08 Apr-09 Dec-09 Aug-10 Apr-11 Nov-11 Jul-12 Mar-13 Nov-13 RMB Structured Plus 100 TOP40 Tracker RMB Structured Plus 90 Cash (Month NCD) RMB Protected Flexible 80 21
22. Strictly Private and Confidential Product performance summary Source: RMB, Bloomberg Note 1. Simulated returns, net of management fees 22 22 -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Dec-06 Jun-07 Dec-07 Jun-08 Dec-08 Jun-09 Dec-09 Jun-10 Dec-10 Jun-11 Dec-11 Jun-12 Dec-12 Jun-13 Dec-13 RMB Structured Plus 100 TOP40 Tracker RMB Structured Plus 90 Cash (3 month NCD) RMB Protected Flexible 80
23. GLOBAL MARKETS February 2014 GLOBAL MARKETS Fund Solutions GLOBAL MARKETS Fund Solutions GLOBAL MARKETS Fund Solutions RMB customised solutions 23
24. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Bespoke Series Performance linked investment account 24 RMB Bespoke 24 24
25. Strictly Private and Confidential 25 RMB Bespoke (continued) All in one multi-purpose, multi-asset class portfolio • ZAR financial assets only Listed equity (Top 100) Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Hedge funds and fund of funds Collective Investment Schemes (House View portfolios) RMB Structured Products • Cost 0.65% p.a. 27 25
26. Strictly Private and Confidential 26 The South African mystery 3 Question: Would you consider gearing into a growth investment? Answer: Average South African will say that is too high risk. The mystery: Growth assets have the highest probability of outperforming the cost of funding over time. Low Volatility Growth Assets 26
27. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Bespoke (continued) 27 Gearing offering Limited to approved Growth assets with low volatility strategies • Assets only available through the Balance Sheet Responsible gearing • Ranges from 0.1x to 1x • Non recourse • Risk management via Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) • Currently prime interest rate linked
28. Strictly Private and Confidential 28 RMB Bespoke (continued.) Guarantees Various reference assets can be guaranteed • Independent Solutions • Dependent on risk (liquidity, volatility, correlation etc.) Cost effective • 0.60% p.a. ‘pay-as-you-go’ Flexibility • Lock-in returns by resetting guarantee • Remove guarantee (no penalties) Features • 5 year term • Typically 100% allocation to risky reference asset at inception 27 28
29. Strictly Private and Confidential Liquidity Enhancer on guaranteed products Issue Details Term Same term as the guaranteed product (minimum of 1-year) Loan value 85% of Present Value of guarantee Loan size Minimum of R500 000 Interest rate Prime - 1% Cash flows • One cash flow per month (not a transactional account) • Full application amount paid out Turnaround time Approximately 5 working days Benefit Best of both worlds i.e. explicit guarantee plus liquidity No redemption i.e. maintain exposure to growth assets 29 29
30. Strictly Private and Confidential 30 RMB Bespoke summary FSR credit Innovative Flexible Bespoke Cost efficient Tax Transparent Any SA tradable financial asset can be linked to the RMB Structured Note! Evolution of the financial advice industry 33 30
31. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Global Markets Fund SolutionsRMB Protected Equity RMB Single Asset Series RMB Protected Equity Performance linked investment account 31
32. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Protected Equity: terminology Term Description Term The time to the contractual maturity of the product Cap A ceiling of the potential return Participation A percentage of participation to the performance of the underlying asset Guarantee A percentage (generally around 100%) of the initial investment that is guaranteed at maturity Strike The price from which the investor participates in the upside of the underlying asset Average out At maturity the average value over a predefined period is used to protect against sudden downturn 32 32
33. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Protected Equity: building blocks Building blocks Term, cap, participation and guarantee can be customised on certain products Explicit FirstRand Bank Limited capital guarantee All product payoffs are defined at maturity 1-, 3- or 5-year investment term 48-hour liquidity at market rates All products are accessed directly via FirstRand Bank acting through it Rand Merchant Bank Division 33 33
34. Strictly Private and Confidential Underlying asset choices An Equity Linked Note (ELN) is an investment where the return is linked to the performance of an underlying asset Indices Unit trusts Single stocks ETFs Top40 Top40 stocks (liquidity dependent) Top40 Index Unit trusts subject to RMB approval MidCap Equity Linked Note 34 34
35. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Protected Equity ― uncapped participation, 5 year example Investor’s view that the market is going to increase • 100% capital guarantee after 5 years • 105% equity participation to Top40 index • Monthly average out over last 12 months Profit Loss Market return Participation to Top40 Top40 35 35
36. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Protected Equity ― guarantee vs. participation Investor’s view that the market is going to increase • Increase in guarantee = decrease in participation Profit Loss Market return 36 36 Participation to Top40 Top40
37. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Protected Equity ― capped version, 3 year example Investor’s view that the market is going to increase • 100% capital guarantee after 3 years • 175% capped return for Top40 index • Monthly average out over last 6 months Profit Loss Market return 37 37 Capped Return Top40
38. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Protected Equity ― guarantee vs. cap Investor’s view that the market is going to increase • Increase in guarantee = decrease in cap Profit Loss Market return Capped return Top 40 38 38
39. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Protected Equity: summary Capital protection plus potential equity upside 100% capital guarantee after 1, 3 or 5 years depending on the term 1. Equity upside capped: 100% participation up to a max % (the Cap) 2. Equity upside participation: quoted as % participation, but uncapped Term, participation and cap can be customised subject to RMB’s approval Average-out applicable, minimum deal size R250 000 39 39
40. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Protected Equity: 100/110 Geared Equity Capital protection plus potential geared equity return 100% capital guarantee after 5 years Positive equity return capped at 110% Payout at maturity: {Investment amount × positive equity return × participation % (subject to the cap)} + 100% capital guarantee at maturity Average-out applicable, minimum deal size R250 000 40 40
41. Strictly Private and Confidential • Cap of 110% is sensible —Top40 returned lower than10% less than 10 times in 14 years • Very high probability that the investor will make a good return on this product RMB Protected Equity: 100/110 Geared Equity 41 Note 1. Historic returns are not a guarantee of future performance Top40 historic 5-year rolling returns Number of observations at each return Top40 historic rolling 5 year returns Less than 10 historic observations based on 5-year rolling historic returns from 2000 to 2014 were less than 10% 41
42. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Protected Equity: 100/110 Geared Equity example Example Investment term 5 years Investment amount R1million (for illustrative purposes) Capital guarantee 100% of Investment amount applicable at maturity Underlying JSE Top40 Index (Bloomberg Code: Top40 Index) Cap 110% of underlying equity price Participation 550% of underlying equity price Scenario 3 Market returns 20% after 5 years Return R1,550,000 {R1m + R1m × 550% × 10%} Per annum return 9.16% Scenario 4 Market returns -10% after 5 years Return R1,000,000 {R1m + R1m × 550% × 0%} Per annum return 0% Scenario 1 Market returns 10% after 5 years Return R1,550,000 {R1m + R1m × 550% × 10%} Per annum return 9.16% Scenario 2 Market returns 5% after 5 years Return R1,275,000 {R1m + R1m × 550% × 5%} Per annum return 4.98% 42 42
43. RMB Fusion funds 43
44. Strictly Private and Confidential Passive trends globally Global ETP assets and number of ETPs by year• Accurate proxy for passive investing globally • Global AUM US$2.2 trillion = US$2.200 000 000 000! 5 000 4 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 0 # of ETPs 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Sep-13 $2,200 $2,000 $1,800 $1,600 $1,200 $1,400 $1,000 $800 $600 $400 $200 $0 Assets($bn) 2.2261.944 1.5251.4831.156 772851 598 428 31921814610979 106 219 297 300 357 524 883 1541 2220 2694 2543 4311 4759 4937 Source: Blackrock report, September 2013 Number of funds Assets under management 44
45. Strictly Private and Confidential Passive vs active strategies Percentage of actively managed general equity unit trusts that outperformed the FTSE/JSE All Share Index1 Source: Fundsdata.co.za Note 1. Data based on Total Return after fees, fund performances versus the total return performance of FTSE/JSE All Share Index for period ending 31 Dec 2013 • Majority of SA active managers do not outperform the market • Becomes harder to outperform the longer the term 1-year 2-years 3-years 5-years 7-years 10-years 20-years 39.5% 26.4% 30.1% 15.3% 22.9% 24.1% 20.0% 0.0% 25.0% 35.0% 45.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 45
46. Strictly Private and Confidential Passive — what the experts are saying • New legislation in the South African savings industry is coming into effect • Local National Treasury is prompting structural changes by prescribing that “Low cost passive based product will form the basis of compulsory savings going forward” 46
47. Strictly Private and Confidential Delivery mechanisms e.g. Top40 index ETFs Unit trusts • Caters for real-time dealing • For DIY clients trading via the JSE • Caters for daily dealing • Aimed at the traditional savings market • Ideal for being sold via LISPs and advice channels Passive vs active investing — ETFs vs unit trusts • ETFs were traditionally the only entry to passive products in SA • ETFs can only be purchased via a stockbroker who charges fees • ETFs typically offer single asset class investing But… Segregated portfolios • Caters for institutional clients • Can be created for bespoke needs • Large minimum investment 47
48. Strictly Private and Confidential Index tracking analysis — TER and tracking error comparison vs competitors• Well established reputation • Proven track record in many asset classes • RMB Inflation-X voted best Bond Fund in SA in 2013 by Morningstar — across all funds • RMB offers the only Midcap ETF in SA (tracking error of 0.12%) Why RMB passive? 23.00% 22.50% 22.00% 21.50% 21.00% 20.50% 20.00% RMB Top 40 Portfolio Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Competitor 4 Competitor 5 Competitor 6 Competitor 7 Tracking Efficiency 0.15% 0.23% 0.10% 0.25% 0.43% 0.38% 0.45% 0.40% TER 0.20% 0.45% 0.60% 0.48% 0.59% 0.72% 0.70% 1.14% Performance 22.42% 22.09% 22.07% 22.04% 21.75% 21.67% 21.62% 21.23% Source: Fundsdata.co.za 48
49. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Fusion Series Portfolios Return expectation (p.a.) Term RMB Cautious Fusion Fund Low equity CPI + 2% Rolling 3-years RMB Moderate Fusion Fund Medium equity CPI + 3.5% Rolling 5-years RMB Growth Fusion Fund High equity CPI + 5% Rolling 7-years RMB Fusion Series — portfolios, return expectations and terms 4949
50. Strictly Private and Confidential Asset class Description RMB Cautious Fusion Fund RMB Moderate Fusion Fund RMB Growth Fusion Fund SA equity RMB Top 60 Capped Index 25% (within 5%) 40% (within 5%) 55% (within 5%) SA bonds Government Nominal Bond issuance weighted 33% (within 5%) 22% (within 5%) 11% (within 3%) SA property The FTSE/JSE SA Property Listed Index 10% (within 2.5%) 10% (within 2.5%) 10% (within 2.5%) SA cash Overnight cash 10% (within 2.5%) 7.5% (within 2%) 5% (within 1.5%) SA ILB Government Inflation- linked Bonds issuance weighted 12% (within 3%) 8% (within 2%) 4% (within 1%) Global equity MSCI World Index 0% (within 3%) 5% (within 1.5%) 10% (within 2.5%) Global bonds The Citigroup World Government Bond Index 10% (within 2.5%) 7.5% (within 2%) 5% (within 1.5%) Total 100% 100% 100% RMB Fusion Series — range of unit trusts 5050
51. Strictly Private and Confidential RMB Fusion Series — summary Inflation-linked performance benchmarks Three risk profiled funds with different investment horizons These funds in the true definition of fusion, combine the best of passive, with an active overlay 51
52. RMB Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) 52
53. Strictly Private and Confidential InflationX vs CPI 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 Feb-04 Aug-04 Feb-05 Aug-05 Feb-06 Aug-06 Feb-07 Aug-07 Feb-08 Aug-08 Feb-09 Aug-09 Feb-10 Aug-10 Feb-11 Aug-11 Feb-12 Aug-12 Feb-13 Aug-13 CPI InflationX 53 • Tracks index of SA’s nine largest Government Issued inflation-linked bonds • Fund was voted Best Bond Fund in SA 2013 by Morningstar • Funds pay distribution four times per year. The CPI portion of the fund is rolled up into the asset price • 0.36% management fee (equates to a fund TER of 43bps) Performance1 RMB Inflation-X ETF 3-month -2.72% 6-month -2.17% 12-month -3.21% 3-year 8.91% 1. RMB Inflation-X ETF RMB Inflation-X ETF vs CPI1 Financial ratios1 Real yield going forward (over CPI) 2.2%pa 12-month historical distribution yield 2.4%pa Note 1. Data for end January 2014 CPI Inflation-X 53
54. Strictly Private and Confidential 54 2. RMB Top40 ETF • Tracks index of SA’s 40 largest and most liquid shares • 0.1% management fee (equates to a fund TER of 21bps) Performance1 RMB Top40 ETF 3-month -0.06% 6-month 11.73% 12-month 15.46% 3-year (annualised) 16.06% RMB top 10 sectors1 Note 1. Data for end January 2014 Financial ratios1 PE ratio 19.79 12-month historical distribution yield 2.46%pa Mining 24.93% Personal goods 10.38% Beverages 9.8% Media 8.88% Mobile Telecomms 7.84% Banks 6.81% Oil & Gas Producers 5.84% Life Insurance 5.2% Tobacco 3.25% General Industrials 1.79% 54
55. Strictly Private and Confidential 55 3. RMB MidCap ETF • Tracks index of 60 of SA’s midcap stocks which are the next biggest outside of the Top 40 • 0.5% management fee (equates to a fund TER of 86bps) RMB top 10 holdings1 Note 1. Data for end January 2014 Financial ratios PE ratio 16.39 12-month historical distribution yield 2.39%pa Performance RMB MidCap ETF 3-month 5.67% 6-month 10.77% 12-month 12.99% 3-year (annualised) 15.27% 5-year (annualised) 22.04% Netcare Limited 4.29% Mr Price Group Ltd. 4.12% Gold Fields Ltd. 3.96% Reinet Inv Soc Anon 3.33% Redefine Properties Ltd 3.33% Lonmin plc 3.18% MMI Holdings Ltd. 3.15% Barloworld Ltd 2.86% Coronation Fund Mgrs 2.77% The Spar Group 2.7% 55
56. Strictly Private and Confidential FNB Share Saver • Share Saver gives you access to the Top 100 shares listed on the JSE by investing in the RMB Top40 and RMB MidCap Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) • Most cost effective exposure to the equity market in SA • Invest from R300 per month via FNB Online Banking www.fnb.co.za/share-investing 756 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Apr13 May13 Jun13 Jul13 Aug13 Sep13 Oct13 Nov13 Dec13 Jan14 Feb14 A return of 25.9% since inception Source: RMB Global Markets 56
57. Strictly Private and Confidential 57 57
58. Strictly Private and Confidential Strictly Private & Confidential This presentation has been prepared by FirstRand Bank Limited, acting through Rand Merchant Bank (“RMB”). The information contained in this presentation is confidential and intended solely for the use of the intended recipient. This presentation may contain information proprietary to RMB and accordingly may not be reproduced, acted upon or disseminated in whole or in part without RMB’s prior written consent. By attending this presentation, the intended recipient undertakes to keep the information contained in the presentation confidential and not to do any act or allow same to be done on his behalf which is in breach of the above mentioned prohibition. This presentation contains information which has not been independently verified by RMB. RMB and its directors, officers, employees and agents make no representation and give no warranty with respect to, and assume no responsibility for: the correctness, accuracy and completeness or otherwise of the information contained in this presentation; or the correctness or otherwise of the Advisers’ conclusions based on such information. Any liability of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising on the part of RMB, their directors, officers, employees and agents relating to the contents of this presentation is hereby expressly disclaimed. This presentation is intended for discussion purposes only and does not represent a commitment, proposal, recommendation, offer open for acceptance or agreement to enter into a transaction. Any transaction is subject to the agreement of final terms to be set out in a separate written agreement. The decision to enter into any transaction and to assume the risks associated with the transaction rests solely with the intended recipient. July 2012 Disclaimer 5858
59. A part of the FirstRand Group 2014/07/07 Client Name (change in footer) 59 THANK YOU For more information please visit www.ashburtoninvestments.com
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