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Cobain Nih! 6 Tips Farming Mobile Legends Biar Cepat Kaya
(function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()(d[b].q=d[b].q;e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_1oV9EjXP'); Lagi nyari kunci jawaban game Word Across karena ingin lancar berbahasa Inggris? Buat Kamu yang ingin lancar berbahasa Inggris tapi nggak punya cukup uang untuk ikut kursus atau sekedar membeli kamus Bahasa Inggris. Kamu bisa memanfaatkan game Word Across sebagai sarana belajar dan praktek berbahasa Inggris. Pasalnya, game yang menghubungkan kata dalam bahasa Inggris ini sangat baik buat Kamu yang sedang mempelajari kata-kata dari bahasa Inggris. Kalau kesulitan menjawab dibeberapa level tertentu Kamu bisa menggunakan kunci jawaban game Word Across terlengkap dari level 1 sampai dengan level 210 yang sudah Kabar Games siapakan berikut ini. Baca Juga : Nikahan Mantan: Saatnya Lampiaskan Rasa Sakit Hatimu Disini 5 Hero Mobile Legends dengan Kemampuan Mirip Cheat Map Hack Hiram, Update Berskala Besar Pertama ArcheAge! Ini Fiturnya Genshin Impact: Gameplay, Karakter, Review & Spesifikasi PC Kunci Jawaban Braindom Terbaru dari Level 1 – 225 googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-9949385-2'); ); Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 1 – 20 Level 1 How, Who Level 2 Add, Dad Level 3 Are, Ear, Era Level 4 Six, Is Level 5 Wall, All, Law Bonus Awl Level 6 Yard, Day, Dry, Ray Bonus Dray, Rad, Rya, Yar Level 7 Your, Our, You Level 8 Wars, Raw, Saw, War, Was Bonus Raws Level 9 Eyes, Eye, See, Yes Level 10 Gold, Dog, God, Log, Old Bonus Dol Level 11 Note, Tone, Net, Not, One, Ten, Toe, Ton Bonus Eon Level 12 Play, Lap, Lay, Pal, Pay Bonus Paly, Alp, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 13 Sink, Skin, Ink, Kin, Sin, Ski Bonus Inks, Kins Level 14 Sends, Ends, Send, Den, End Bonus Dens, Ness, Sned, Eds, Ens Level 15 Eight, Get, Hit, The, Tie Bonus Gite, Gie, Git, Hie, Teg Level 16 Worn, Nor, Now, Own, Row, Won Level 17 Black, Back, Lack, Cab, Lab Bonus Balk, Calk, Alb, Bal, Kab, Lac Level 18 Unity, Tiny, Unit, Nut, Tin Bonus Nit, Tui, Tun, Yin Level 19 Cakes, Cake, Case, Sack, Sake, Ask, Sea Bonus Aces, Cask, Kaes, Keas, Ace, Kas, Kea, Sac, Sec, Ska Level 20 Meets, Meet, Seem, Met, See, Set Bonus Metes, Teems, Emes, Mete, Seme, Stem, Teem, Tees, Eme, Tee Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 21 – 40 Level 21 Pact, Act, Apt, Cap, Cat, Pat, Tap Bonus Pac Level 22 Hosts, Shots, Host, Shot, Toss, Hot Bonus Hots, Sots, Tosh, Sot, Tho Level 23 Guide, Die, Dig, Due, Dug Bonus Gied, Gude, Ged, Gid, Gie Level 24 Loves, Solve, Lose, Love, Sole Bonus Voles, Levo, Oles, Sloe, Voes, Vole, Lev, Ole, Sel, Sol, Voe Level 25 Seems, Mess, Seem, Sees, See Bonus Semes, Emes, Seme, Eme Level 26 Suits, Sits, Suit, Its, Sit Bonus Situs, Tuis, Sis, Tis, Tui Level 27 Slips, Lips, Slip, Lip, Sip Bonus Lisps, Lisp, Psis, Sips, Sis Level 28 Clues, Clue, Cues, Cue, Sec, Sue, Use Bonus Luces, Ecus, Luce, Lues, Slue, Cel, Leu, Sel Level 29 Petty, Type, Pet, Yep, Yet Bonus Yett, Pye Level 30 Eased, Ease, Seed, Sad, Sea, See Bonus Aedes, Dees, Sade, Ads, Eds Level 31 Doubt, Bout, Bud, But, Dot, Tub, Out, Duo Bonus Bod, Bot, Dub, Oud, Tod Level 32 Drums, Drum, Mud, Rum, Sum Bonus Muds, Rums, Surd, Urds, Urd Level 33 Hardy, Hard, Yard, Day, Dry, Had, Hay, Ray Bonus Hydra, Dray, Dah, Rad, Rya, Yah, Yar Level 34 Deter, Deer, Reed, Tree, Red Bonus Treed, Dere, Dree, Rede, Rete, Teed, Ere, Ree, Ret, Ted, Tee Level 35 Lousy, Soul, Sly, Soy, You Bonus Yous, Sol, Sou Level 36 Allow, Wall, All, Law, Low, Owl Bonus Alow, Olla, Awl Level 37 Wagon, Gown, Ago, Now, Own, Wan, Won Bonus Gowan, Agon, Gnaw, Awn, Gan, Goa, Nag, Nog, Wag Level 38 Brash, Bars, Bash, Rash, Ash, Bar, Bra, Has Bonus Arbs, Bras, Abs, Arb, Sab Level 39 Style, Lets, Let, Set, Yes, Yet Bonus Lest, Leys, Lyes, Lyse, Stye, Tels, Tyes, Ley, Lye, Sel, Sly, Sty Level 40 Texts, Test, Text, Set, Sex Bonus Sett, Sext, Stet, Tets Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 41 – 60 Level 41 Flood, Fold, Food, Fool, Old Bonus Loof, Dol, Loo Level 42 Sears, Ears, Seas, Are, Ear, Era, Sea Bonus Rases, Eras, Rase, Sear, Sera, Sers, Ers, Res, Ser Level 43 Donor, Door, Odor, Don, Nod, Nor, Rod Bonus Rondo, Ordo, Rood, Dor Level 44 Apply, Play, Lap, Lay, Pal, Pay Bonus Palp, Paly, Alp, App, Pap, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 45 Catch, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat Bonus Tach Level 46 Kicks, Kick, Sick, Sic, Ski Level 47 Seven, Even, Seen, Eve, See Bonus Evens, Neves, Esne, Eves, Neve, Sene, Vees, Ens, Nee Level 48 Third, Dirt, Hid, Hit, Rid Bonus Thir, Dit Level 49 Knelt, Ken, Let, Net, Ten Bonus Kelt, Kent, Lent, Elk, Lek Level 50 Saved, Save, Vase, Sad, Sea Bonus Devas, Deva, Devs, Sade, Ads, Eds, Vas Level 51 Signs, Sings, Sign, Sing, Sins, Gin, Sin Bonus Gins, Sis Level 52 Snack, Sack, Sank, Scan, Ask, Can Bonus Cans, Cask, Kas, Sac, Ska Level 53 Lofty, Loft, Fly, Lot, Toy Bonus Oft Level 54 Berth, Herb, Bet, Her, The Bonus Beth, Reb, Ret Level 55 Mixed, Dime, Die, Dim, Mid, Mix Bonus Idem, Med Level 56 Bends, Beds, Bend, Ends, Send, Bed, Den, End Bonus Bens, Dens, Nebs, Sned, Ben, Bes, Deb, Eds, Ens, Neb Level 57 Rough, Hour, Hog, Hug, Our, Rug Bonus Gor Level 58 Flips, Flip, Lips, Slip, Lip, Sip Bonus Fils, Lisp, Fil Level 59 Ounce, Cone, Once, Cue, One Bonus Unco, Con, Eon Level 60 Brink, Rink, Bin, Ink, Kin, Rib Bonus Birk, Kirn, Irk, Kir, Nib Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 61 – 80 Level 61 Porch, Chop, Crop, Cop, Hop, Pro Bonus Cor, Orc, Roc Level 62 Notch, Cot, Hot, Not, Ton Bonus Chon, Con, Hon, Nth, Tho Level 63 Thumb, But, Hub, Hum, Hut, Tub Bonus Bhut, Bum, Mut Level 64 Swung, Guns, Snug, Sung, Gun, Sun Bonus Gnus, Gnu Level 65 Comer, Come, Core, More, Ore Bonus Cero, Corm, Merc, Omer, Cor, Moc, Orc, Rec, Rem, Roc, Roe Level 66 Yells, Sell, Yell, Sly, Yes Bonus Ells, Leys, Lyes, Lyse, Ley, Lye, Sel Level 67 Stall, Last, Salt, Tall, All Bonus Talls, Alls, Alts, Lats, Slat, Alt, Lat, Sal, Sat Level 68 Drama, Arm, Dam, Mad, Mar Bonus Damar, Dram, Maar, Mara, Rad, Ram Level 69 Agree, Eager, Gear, Rage, Age, Are, Ear, Era Bonus Eagre, Agee, Ager, Gree, Ere, Erg, Gar, Rag, Ree, Reg Level 70 Grill, Gill, Girl, Ill, Rig Bonus Rill Level 71 Terms, Rest, Stem, Term, Met, Set Bonus Erst, Rems, Rets, Tres, Ers, Rem, Res, Ret, Ser Level 72 Would, Loud, Duo, Low, Old, Owl Bonus Wold, Dol, Dow, Oud, Wud Level 7 Hairy, Airy, Hair, Air, Hay, Ray Bonus Ahi, Rai, Ria, Rya, Yah, Yar Level 74 Crown, Corn, Crow, Worn, Cow, Nor, Own, Row, Won, Now Bonus Con, Cor, Orc, Roc Level 75 Plank, Plan, Lap, Nap, Pal, Pan Bonus Knap, Lank, Alp Level 76 Match, Chat, Math, Act, Cat, Ham, Hat, Mat Bonus Cham, Mach, Tach, Cam, Mac Level 77 Graph, Harp, Gap, Par, Rap Bonus Gar, Hag, Hap, Rag Level 78 Feeds, Feed, Fees, Seed, Fed, Fee, See Bonus Dees, Feds, Def, Eds Level 79 Sixth, Hits, This, His, Hit, Its, Sit, Six Bonus Hist, Sith, Tis Level 80 Dirty, Dirt, Tidy, Dry, Rid, Try Bonus Yird, Dit Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 81 – 100 Level 81 Bases, Base, Bass, Seas, Sea Bonus Sabes, Sabs, Abs, Bes, Sab Level 82 Event, Even, Teen, Vent, Net, Ten, Vet, Eve Bonus Neve, Nee, Tee Level 83 Lacks, Slack, Lack, Sack, Ask Bonus Calks, Calk, Cask, Lacs, Kas, Lac, Sac, Sal, Ska Level 84 Slots, Loss, Lost, Lots, Slot, Toss, Lot Bonus Sols, Sots, Sol, Sot Level 85 Lands, Land, Sand, And, Lad, Sad Bonus Ands, Dals, Dans, Lads, Ads, Dal, Sal Level 86 Blues, Blue, Bus, Sub, Sue, Use Bonus Lubes, Bels, Lube, Lues, Slub, Slue, Bel, Bes, Leu, Sel Level 87 Needy, Deny, Eyed, Need, Den, Dye, End, Eye Bonus Dene, Dyne, Eyen, Eyne, Dey, Nee, Yen Level 88 Guard, Drag, Drug, Grad, Dug, Rug Bonus Dura, Gaud, Gaur, Guar, Ruga, Dag, Gad, Gar, Rad, Rag, Urd Level 89 Spicy, Icy, Sic, Sip, Spy Bonus Pics, Pyic, Yips, Pic, Yip Level 90 Zones, Nose, Ones, Zone, One, Son Bonus Eons, Noes, Sone, Ens, Eon Level 91 Sinks, Skins, Kiss, Sink, Sins, Skin, Skis, Ink, Kin, Ski, Sin Bonus Inks, Kins, Sis Level 92 Props, Pops, Prop, Pop, Pro Bonus Pros, Sop Level 93 Mount, Unto, Not, Nut, Out, Ton Bonus Notum, Muon, Mon, Mot, Mut, Tom, Tun Level 94 Humor, Hour, Hum, Our, Rum Bonus Mohur, Mho, Ohm Level 95 Shuts, Huts, Shut, Thus, Hut Bonus Tush Level 96 Loser, Roles, Lore, Lose, Role, Rose, Sole, Sore, Ore Bonus Lores, Orles, Sorel, Oles, Ores, Orle, Roes, Sloe, Ers, Ole, Res, Roe, Sel, Ser, Sol Level 97 Fungi, Fin, Fun, Gin, Gun Bonus Fig, Fug, Gnu Level 98 Wally, Ally, Wall, All, Law, Lay, Way Bonus Yawl, Awl, Yaw Level 99 Farms, Arms, Farm, Mars, Arm, Far, Mar Bonus Arfs, Rams, Ram Level 100 Aware, Area, Wear, Are, Awe, Ear, Era, Raw, War Bonus Ware, Awa, Wae Daftar Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 101 – 120 Level 101 Ghost, Hogs, Host, Shot, Hog, Hot, Got Bonus Goths, Gosh, Goth, Hots, Shog, Togs, Tosh, Sot, Tho, Tog Level 102 Tells, Lest, Lets, Sell, Tell, Let, Set Bonus Ells, Tels, Sel Level 103 Mound, Undo, Don, Duo, Nod, Mud Bonus Muon, Udon, Dun, Mod, Mon, Oud Level 104 Theme, Meet, Them, Hem, The, Met Bonus Heme, Mete, Meth, Teem, Thee, Eme, Tee Level 105 World, Lord, Word, Low, Old, Owl, Rod, Row Bonus Wold, Dol, Dor, Dow Level 106 Firms, Firm, Rims, Fir, Rim, Sir Bonus Firs, Mirs, Rifs, Mir, Rif, Sri Level 107 Rapid, Arid, Drip, Paid, Pair, Raid, Aid, Air, Pad, Par, Rap, Rid, Rip, Dip Bonus Pardi, Pard, Dap, Pia, Rad, Rai, Ria Level 108 Hatch, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat Bonus Hath, Tach Level 109 Plump, Lump, Plum, Pulp, Pump, Pup Bonus Pul, Ump Level 110 Knees, Keen, Knee, Seek, Seen, Ken, See Bonus Keens, Skene, Ekes, Esne, Kens, Sene, Skee, Eke, Ens, Nee Level 111 Width, With, Hid, Hit, Wit Bonus Whid, Whit, Dit Level 112 Blast, Bats, Last, Salt, Slab, Tabs, Bat, Lab, Tab, Stab Bonus Blats, Albs, Alts, Bals, Bast, Blat, Labs, Lats, Slat, Abs, Alb, Alt, Bal, Lat, Sab, Sal, Sat Level 113 Peace, Cape, PaCepe, Cep, Pac, Pea Level 114 Shake, Sake, Ash, Ask, Has, Sea, She Bonus Hakes, Haes, Hake, Kaes, Keas, Shea, Hae, Kas, Kea, Ska Level 115 Plots, Lost, Lots, Plot, Post, Pots, Slot, Spot, Stop, Tops, Lot, Opt, Pot, Top Bonus Lops, Opts, Pols, Slop, Lop, Pol, Sol, Sop, Sot Level 116 Burly, Blur, Bury, Ruby, Buy, Rub Bonus Burl, Bur Level 117 Blush, Bush, Lush, Bus, Hub, Sub Bonus Buhls, Buhl, Hubs, Shul, Slub Level 118 Spend, Ends, Pens, Send, Sped, Den, End, Pen Bonus Pends, Dens, Peds, Pend, Sned, Eds, Ens, Ped, Pes Level 119 Grand, Darn, Drag, Grad, Rand, Rang, And, Ran Bonus Dang, Gnar, Gran, Nard, Dag, Gad, Gan, Gar, Nag, Rad, Rag Level 120 Chips, Chip, Ship, His, Sic, Sip Bonus Chis, Hips, Ichs, Phis, Pics, Pish, Hip, Ich, Pic Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 121 – 140 Level 121 Cones, Cone, Nose, Once, Ones, One, Sec, Son Bonus Scone, Cons, Eons, Noes, Sone, Con, Ens, Eon Level 122 Saint, Satin, Stain, Anti, Ant, Its, Sin, Sit, Tan, Tin Bonus Antis, Tains, Ains, Aits, Anis, Ants, Nits, Sain, Sati, Snit, Tain, Tans, Tins, Ain, Ait, Ani, Nit, Sat, Tis Level 123 Hazel, Hale, Haze, Heal, Zeal, Ale Bonus Laze, Hae, Lea Level 124 Count, Unto, Cot, Cut, Not, Nut, Out, Ton Bonus Unco, Con, Tun Level 125 Coupe, Cope, Coup, Cop, Cue, Cup Bonus Puce, Cep, Ope Level 126 Budge, Bed, Beg, Bud, Bug, Due, Dug Bonus Debug, Gude, Deb, Dub, Ged Level 127 Taxed, Date, Ate, Axe, Eat, Tad, Tax, Tea Bonus Axed, Tae, Ted Level 128 Bring, Grin, Ring, Big, Bin, Gin, Rib, Rig Bonus Brig, Girn, Gib, Nib Level 129 Aptly, Play, Apt, Lay, Pal, Pat, Pay, Tap, Lap Bonus Platy, Typal, Paly, Paty, Plat, Alp, Alt, Lat, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 130 Genus, Guns, Snug, Sung, Gun, Sue, Sun, Use Bonus Negus, Engs, Gens, Genu, Gnus, Negs, Ens, Gen, Gnu, Neg Level 131 Dared, Dread, Dare, Dead, Dear, Read, Add, Are, Dad, Ear, Era, Red Bonus Adder, Readd, Redd, Rad Level 132 Crawl, Claw, Arc, Car, Law, Raw, War Bonus Carl, Craw, Awl, Caw, Lac, Lar Level 133 Tents, Nest, Nets, Sent, Tent, Test, Net, Set, Ten Bonus Netts, Stent, Nett, Sett, Stet, Tens, Tets, Ens Level 134 Found, Fond, Fund, Undo, Don, Duo, Fun, Nod Bonus Fondu, Udon, Dun, Fon, Fou, Fud, Oud Level 135 Thyme, Myth, Them, They, Hem, Met, The, Yet Bonus Hyte, Meth, Thy Level 136 Clown, Cow, Low, Now, Owl, Own, Won Bonus Cowl, Lown, Col, Con Level 137 Minor, Iron, Norm, Ion, Nor, Rim Bonus Inro, Morn, Noir, Mir, Mon, Nim Level 138 Yacht, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat, Hay Bonus Achy, Chay, Tach, Cay, Thy, Yah Level 139 Abyss, Bass, Bays, Says, Bay, Say Bonus Bassy, Abys, Sabs, Abs, Aby, Ays, Sab Level 140 Knife, Fine, Fin, Ink, Ken, Kin Bonus Fink, Kief, Kine, Fen, Kef, Kif Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 141 – 160 Level 141 Gamut, Gum, Gut, Mat, Mug, Tag, Tug Bonus Gaum, Gam, Gat, Mag, Mut, Uta Level 142 Drift, Dirt, Rift, Fir, Fit, Rid Bonus Frit, Dif, Dit, Fid, Rif Level 143 Short, Host, Shot, Sort, Hot, Rot Bonus Horst, Hots, Orts, Rhos, Rots, Thro, Tors, Tosh, Ort, Sot, Tho, Tor Level 144 Paced, Cape, Pace, Ace, Ape, Cap, Pad Bonus Caped, Aced, Aped, Cade, Dace, Cep, Dap, Pac, Pea, Ped Level 145 Asked, Desk, Sake, Ask, Sad, Sea Bonus Daks, Kaes, Keas, Sade, Ads, Dak, Eds, Kas, Kea, Ska Level 146 Sheen, Hens, Seen, Hen, See, She Bonus Esne, Sene, Ens, Nee Level 147 Awash, Wash, Ash, Has, Saw, Was Bonus Haws, Shaw, Shwa, Awa, Haw Level 148 Brush, Shrub, Bush, Rubs, Rush, Bus, Hub, Rub, Sub Bonus Buhrs, Buhr, Burs, Hubs, Urbs, Bur Level 149 Lends, Ends, Lend, Lens, Send, Sled, Den, End, Led Bonus Dels, Dens, Elds, Sned, Del, Eds, Eld, Ens, Sel Level 150 Waved, Wade, Wave, Awe, Dew, Wad, Wed Bonus Awed, Deva, Daw, Wae Level 151 Picks, Pick, Sick, Skip, Sic, Sip, Ski Bonus Kips, Pics, Spik, Kip, Pic Level 152 Opens, Nope, Nose, Ones, Open, Pens, Pose, One, Pen, Son Bonus Peons, Pones, Eons, Epos, Noes, Opes, Peon, Peso, Pone, Pons, Sone, Ens, Eon, Ope, Pes, Sop Level 153 Twins, Twin, Wins, Its, Sin, Sit, Tin, Win, Wit Bonus Nits, Snit, Tins, Wist, Wits, Nit, Tis, Wis Level 154 Glaze, Gale, Gaze, Zeal, Age, Ale, Gal, Gel, Lag, Leg Bonus Egal, Laze, Lea, Zag Level 155 Mores, More, Rose, Some, Sore, Ore Bonus Morse, Omers, Mors, Omer, Ores, Rems, Roes, Roms, Ers, Rem, Res, Roe, Ser, Som Level 156 Pouch, Chop, Coup, Ouch, Cop, Cup, Hop Level 157 Snaps, Spans, Pans, Pass, Snap, Span, Nap, Pan, Sap, Spa Bonus Asps, Naps, Sans, Saps, Spas, Asp, Pas Level 158 Tonal, Alto, Loan, Ant, Lot, Not, Tan, Ton Bonus Notal, Talon, Tolan, Lota, Nota, Tola, Alt, Lat, Oat Level 159 Begin, Being, Binge, Beg, Big, Bin, Gin Bonus Bine, Gibe, Ben, Gen, Gib, Gie, Neb, Neg, Nib Level 160 Flats, Fast, Flat, Last, Salt, Aft, Fat Bonus Alts, Fats, Lats, Slat, Alt, Lat, Sal, Sat Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 161 – 180 Level 161 Puree, Peer, Pure, Per, Rep, Rue Bonus Rupee, Pere, Pree, Ere, Ree Level 162 Amber, Bare, Beam, Bear, Mare, Are, Arm, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era, Mar Bonus Bream, Embar, Barm, Bema, Berm, Brae, Ream, Arb, Bam, Mae, Ram, Reb, Rem Level 163 Fumes, Fuse, Muse, Sue, Use, Sum Bonus Emus, Fems, Feus, Fume, Emu, Fem, Feu Level 164 Belts, Belt, Best, Bets, Lest, Lets, Let, Set, Bet Bonus Blest, Bels, Tels, Bel, Bes, Sel Level 165 Dough, Dog, Dug, Duo, God, Hog, Hug Bonus Hod, Oud Level 166 Deity, Diet, Edit, Tide, Tidy, Tied, Die, Dye, Tie, Yet Bonus Dite, Yeti, Dey, Dit, Ted Level 167 Crowd, Cord, Crow, Word, Cod, Cow, Rod, Row Bonus Cor, Doc, Dor, Dow, Orc, Roc Level 168 Muted, Duet, Mute, Due, Met, Mud Bonus Emu, Med, Mut, Ted, Ute Level 169 Batch, Bath, Chat, Act, Bat, Cab, Cat, Hat, Tab Bonus Bach, Baht, Tach Level 170 Crime, Mice, Rice, Ice, Ire, Rim Bonus Cire, Emic, Emir, Merc, Mire, Rime, Mic, Mir, Rec, Rem Level 171 Libel, Bell, Bile, Bill, Ill, Lie Bonus Bel, Lei, Lib Level 172 Admit, Amid, Maid, Aid, Aim, Dam, Dim, Mad, Mat, Mid, Tad Bonus Adit, Ait, Ami, Dit Level 173 Drink, Kind, Rind, Rink, Din, Kid, Kin, Rid, Ink Bonus Dink, Dirk, Kirn, Irk, Kir Level 174 Youth, Hot, Hut, Out, Toy, You Bonus Thou, Hoy, Tho, Thy Level 175 Ports, Sport, Port, Post, Pots, Sort, Spot, Stop, Tops, Opt, Pot, Pro, Rot, Top Bonus Prost, Strop, Opts, Orts, Pros, Rots, Tors, Trop, Ort, Sop, Sot, Tor Level 176 Snake, Sneak, Sake, Sane, Sank, Ask, Ken, Sea Bonus Kanes, Skean, Anes, Kaes, Kane, Keas, Kens, Ane, Ens, Kas, Kea, Nae, Ska Level 177 Tenth, Tent, Then, Hen, Net, Ten, The Bonus Hent, Nett, Teth, Nth Level 178 Shady, Dash, Days, Hays, Ash, Day, Had, Hay, Sad, Say, Shy, Has Bonus Dashy, Ashy, Dahs, Shad, Shay, Ads, Ays, Dah, Yah Level 179 Champ, Camp, Chap, Cap, Ham, Map Bonus Caph, Cham, Mach, Amp, Cam, Hap, Mac, Pac, Pam Level 180 Dense, Needs, Ends, Need, Seed, Seen, Send, Den, End, See Bonus Denes, Dees, Dene, Dens, Esne, Sene, Sned, Eds, Ens, Nee Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 181 – 200 Level 181 Spike, Pies, Pike, Skip, Pie, Sip, Ski Bonus Kepis, Pikes, Kepi, Keps, Kips, Sike, Sipe, Skep, Spik, Kep, Kip, Pes, Sei Level 182 Canoe, Ocean, Cane, Cone, Once, Ace, Can, One Bonus Acne, Aeon, Ane, Con, Eon, Nae, Oca Level 183 Drawn, Darn, Dawn, Draw, Rand, Wand, Ward, Warn, And, Ran, Raw, Wad, Wan, War Bonus Nard, Awn, Daw, Rad Level 184 Ninth, Hint, Thin, Hit, Inn, Tin Bonus Hin, Nit, Nth Level 185 Stirs, Sits, Stir, Its, Sir, Sit Bonus Sirs, Sris, Sis, Sri, Tis Level 186 Apple, Leap, Pale, Plea, Ale, Ape, Lap, Pal, Pep Bonus Appel, Palp, Peal, Alp, App, Lea, Pap, Pea Level 187 Scrub, Curb, Rubs, Bus, Cub, Rub, Sub Bonus Curbs, Burs, Crus, Cubs, Curs, Urbs, Bur, Cru, Cur Level 188 Pasta, Past, Pats, Taps, Apt, Pat, Sap, Spa, Tap Bonus Tapas, Spat, Tapa, Asp, Pas, Sat Level 189 Helms, Helm, Mesh, Elm, Hem, She Bonus Elms, Hems, Mels, Mel, Sel Level 190 Owing, Gown, Wing, Gin, Ion, Now, Own, Wig, Win, Won Bonus Wino, Nog Level 191 Aloft, Float, Alto, Flat, Loaf, Loft, Aft, Fat, Lot Bonus Foal, Lota, Tola, Alt, Lat, Oat, Oft Level 192 Cruel, Ulcer, Clue, Cure, Curl, Lure, Rule, Cue, Rue Bonus Lucre, Ecru, Luce, Cel, Cru, Cur, Leu, Rec Level 193 Zebra, Bare, Bear, Are, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era Bonus Braze, Brae, Raze, Arb, Reb Level 194 Mouse, Muse, Some, Sue, Use, Sum Bonus Moues, Emus, Moue, Sumo, Emu, Som, Sou Level 195 Steps, Pest, Pets, Sets, Step, Pet, Set Bonus Pests, Septs, Psst, Sept, Pes Level 196 Cover, Core, Cove, Over, Rove, Ore, Rev Bonus Cero, Cor, Orc, Rec, Roc, Roe, Voe Level 197 Rebel, Beer, Reel, Bee, Eel, Lee Bonus Leer, Bel, Ere, Reb, Ree Level 198 Cloud, Could, Cold, Loud, Cod, Duo, Old Bonus Clod, Col, Cud, Doc, Dol, Oud Level 199 Field, Filed, File, Fled, Idle, Lied, Life, Die, Elf, Fed, Led, Lid, Lie Bonus Felid, Flied, Deil, Deli, Diel, Lief, Def, Del, Dif, Eld, Fid, Fil, Lei Level 200 Boost, Boots, Boot, Soot, Sob, Too Bonus Boos, Bots, Oots, Stob, Bot, Sot Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 200 – 210 Level 201 Thank, Hank, Tank, Than, Ant, Hat, Tan Bonus Ankh, Hant, Khan, Khat, Kat, Nth Level 202 Grief, Fire, Rife, Ire, Rig, Fir Bonus Frig, Reif, Erg, Fer, Fig, Gie, Ref, Reg, Rif Level 203 Smart, Arms, Arts, Mars, Mast, Mats, Rats, Star, Tram, Arm, Art, Mar, Mat, Tar, Rat Bonus Marts, Trams, Mart, Rams, Tams, Tars, Tsar, Ram, Sat Level 204 Finds, Find, Fins, Din, Dis, Fin, Sin Bonus Difs, Dins, Fids, Dif, Fid Level 205 Mouth, Moth, Hot, Hum, Hut, Out Bonus Thou, Mho, Mot, Mut, Ohm, Tho, Tom Level 206 Story, Rosy, Sort, Toys, Rot, Soy, Toy, Try Bonus Ryots, Stroy, Troys, Tyros, Orts, Rots, Ryot, Tors, Tory, Troy, Tyro, Ort, Sot, Sty, Tor Level 207 Beams, Base, Beam, Mesa, Same, Seam, Sea Bonus Bemas, Mabes, Bams, Bema, Maes, Abs, Bam, Bes, Mae, Sab Level 208 Stalk, Talks, Last, Salt, Talk, Task, Ask Bonus Alts, Kats, Lats, Skat, Slat, Alt, Kas, Kat, Lat, Sal, Sat, Ska, Tsk Level 209 Cards, Arcs, Card, Cars, Scar, Arc, Car, Sad Bonus Cads, Rads, Sard, Scad, Ads, Rad, Sac Level 210 Doors, Door, Odor, Rods, Rod, Sod Bonus Odors, Ordos, Roods, Dors, Ordo, Rood, Dor Nah itulah tadi semua Kunci Jawaban game Word Across terlengkap dari level 1 sampai dengan level 210. Kabar Games akan mengupdatenya kembali jika telah menemukan kunci jawaban ke level lebih tinggi lainnya, jangan lupa baca juga kunci jawaban Tebak Gambar, TTS Pintar, TTS Jenius, Brain Blow, Stump Me dan Tebak Tebakan 2020! Nantikan terus berita terbaru dan terupdate seputar game dan gadget hanya di Kabar Games. (function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()(d[b].q=d[b].q;e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_KoEP9KXB');
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Discover the fascinating sights of Belgium’s so-called “capital of cool” — Antwerp. As one of Europe’s largest port cities, you’ll be captivated by its architectural gems and its vibrant fashion and art scene. For instance, you can shop designer and vintage pieces to your heart’s content, or spot beautifully preserved guild houses in the Historic City Centre.so much to do in this city! Luckily, there are also plenty of options for travelers looking to visit this lively, cultural hub.
So whether you’re looking for a fun, youth hostel, or an upscale suite, you are sure to find something in this handy list of Antwerp’s finest hotels for places to stay.
Activities to do around Antwerp?
Check out my this comprehensive ‘Top Things to do in Antwerp‘ travel guide!
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Best Hotels in Antwerp
» Best Budget Hotels in Antwerp «
+ The ASH
» See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda, Booking.com or HostelWorld » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Enjoy the modern design inspired by Japanese capsule hotels. Best of all, it’s only 5 minutes away from attractions like Meir and the famous Centraal Station.
What to love: The student-friendly facilities Address: Italiëlei 237 -239, Antwerp Center 2000 Closest landmark: Metro Astrid Price starts from: $20~ + YUST Antwerp » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Booking.com or HostelWorld » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Stay in a spacious room with nature-inspired design and lots of natural light. Curl up with an book at the library or climb up the terrace for the best view of the city.
What to love: The chic interiors Address: Coveliersstraat 2, Berchem, 2018 Closest landmark: deSingel Antwerp Price starts from: $21~
+ Antwerp City Hostel » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda, Booking.com or HostelWorld » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Set in a Baroque guild house dating back to the 12th century, guests can stay at a mixed dorm with a shared bathroom. Enjoy complimentary Wi-Fi, a shared kitchen, and even free breakfast.
What to love: The lovely cathedral view Address: Grote Markt 40, Antwerp Center, 2000 Closest landmark: Grote Markt Price starts from: $21~
+ Antwerp Backpackers Hostel » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda, Booking.com or HostelWorld » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Meet fellow travelers in this buzzing youth hostel. Enjoy a fully equipped kitchen, which includes an array of herbs and oils. Jam out with a guitar, play board games, or have a barbecue during happy hour at the on-site bar.
What to love: The fun, youthful vibe Address: Kattenberg 110, Borgerhout, 2140 Closest landmark: EcoHuis Antwerp Price starts from: $22~ + Kabas Hostel » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda, Booking.com or HostelWorld » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
It’s situated right in Antwerp Center so you have access to several museums, and cafes. Select from a mixed dorm or double room, complete with comfy beds.
What to love: The cozy atmosphere Address: Lange Lozanastraat 133, Antwerp Center, 2018 Closest landmark: Synagogue Shomre Hadass Price starts from: $23~ » Best Mid-Range Hotels in Antwerp «
+ Crowne Plaza Antwerpen » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda or Booking.com » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Experience cozy and stylish rooms at this boutique-style hotel surrounded by parks. Take it easy and swim in the indoor infinity pool, or relax in the sauna and steam bath. Indulge in Flemish cuisine and regional specialties at the hotel restaurant.
What to love: The sleek infinity pool Address: 10, Gerard Le Grellelaan, Antwerp Center, 2020 Closest landmark: deSingel Antwerp Price starts from: $89~
+ Van der Valk Hotel Antwerpen » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda or Booking.com » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Find this 4-star hotel tucked away in the low-key Borgerhout district, just off Antwerp Ring Road. Visit the in-house restaurant and savour a delicious meal while sitting on the terrace, or take a dip in the swimming pool.
What to love: The quiet surroundings Address: Luitenant Lippenslaan 66, Borgerhout, 2140 Closest landmark: EcoHuis Antwerp Price starts from: $95~
+ Hotel Indigo Antwerp City Centre » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda or Booking.com » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Guests will love this boutique hotel’s Scandinavian design aesthetic, with its soft hues and trendy oak decor. Lounge in style with luxury cosmetics, soundproofed rooms, free Wi-Fi, and your very own Nespresso machine.
What to love: The sophisticated decor Address: Koningin Astridplein 43, Antwerp Center, 2018 Closest landmark: Metro Astrid Price starts from: $113~
+ Hampton by Hilton Antwerp Centraal Station » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda or Booking.com » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Experience luxury living at Hotel Hampton by Hilton, located right next to the Central Station. Check out the sleek and clean design, with bright accent furniture and walls.
What to love: The convenient location Address: Pelikaanstraat 10-16 , Antwerp Center, 2018 Closest landmark: Antwerp Central Station Price starts from: $114~
+ Radisson Blu Astrid Hotel » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda or Booking.com » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Explore the Diamond Area when you’re staying at this 4-star business hotel. De-stress at the Health Club, which features a fully equipped fitness center, a cool indoor pool, and a massage and spa treatment area. The hotel is also right across Antwerp Central Station.
What to love: The numerous spa options Address: Koningin Astrid Plein 7, Antwerp Center, 2018 Closest landmark: Metro Astrid Price starts from: $127~ » Best Luxury Hotels in Antwerp «
+ Hotel Le Tissu » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda or Booking.com » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Savor mornings on the terrace, a walled garden, and views of the park at this unassuming B&B. Guests will love the lavish rooms adorned with designer fabrics and wooden accents.
What to love: The splendid decor Address: Brialmontlei 2, Antwerp Center, 2018 Closest landmark: Metro Plantin Price starts from: $138~
+ Hilton Antwerp Old Town » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda or Booking.com » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Unwind at the luxurious Hilton Antwerp Old Town, which is situated right on the Groenplaaats Square. Guests will love the modern design of the room, which includes a marble-fitted bathroom and even a private rooftop terrace for executive suites.
What to love: The central location Address: Groenplaats 32, Antwerp Center, 2000 Antwerp Closest landmark: Grand Bazar Shopping Center Price starts from: $142~
+ U Eat & Sleep Antwerp » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda or Booking.com » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Choose among 3 luxury rooms at this cheekily-named 4-star hotel. The hotel is a combined effort of an award-winning chef and TV personality. Don’t miss hanging out by the terrace, which features tranquil views of the water.
What to love: The riverside view Address: Nassaustraat 42, Antwerp Center, 2000 Closest landmark: MAS Museum Antwerp Price starts from: $176~
+ Hotel Julien » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda or Booking.com » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Stay in an upscale luxury hotel set in a 16th century property. Admire the hotel’s minimalist design and contemporary furnishing. Don’t miss the incredible view from your rooftop terrace!
What to love: The relaxing vibe Address: Korte Nieuwstraat 24, Antwerp Center, 2000 Closest landmark: Saint Charles Borromeo Church Price starts from: $185~
+ Hotel De Witte Lelie Antwerp » See the BEST price deal & read reviews at Agoda or Booking.com » You can also check HotelsCombined to compare rates
Live like royalty at this small boutique hotel right in Antwerp Center. Delight in the lush, modern furnishings and vibrant printed walls of the 17th century building.
What to love: The extravagant design Address: Keizerstraat 16-18, Antwerp Center, 2000 Closest landmark: Rockox House Price starts from: $340~ .title-bar:after, .title-bar:before, .title-bar:after, .title-bar:before, h2{ border-color: }
Make the most of your stay in charming Antwerp and take your pick among these top accommodations. I hope you find something that will suit your needs on your trip to the diamond capital of the world!
How about you?
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Or have you stayed with any of these hotels in Antwerp before? How was it?
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The post The Best Hotels in Antwerp, Belgium: Cheap to Luxury Picks appeared first on I am Aileen.
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2018年に読んでよかった本 & 2019年の目標
2018年は大企業特有の闇の1年研修を終え、ようやく研究業務を始められた年でした。 企業研究所の研究環境といえば、先日kumagi氏の例の記事がバズりましたね。 記事を読んで、企業研究所の研究環境はどこも似たり寄ったりで、弊社の研究環境も他社と同程度には恵まれているのかなという感じがしました。 いろいろ言いたいことはありますが、自分は配属がアタリで、大学のように自由に研究させてもら��る部署だったこともあり、文句を言う前に成果を出さねばと言う気��ちです。
業務内容は物理に近い分野で、自分に馴染みが薄かったため、足りない知識を補うための勉強からはじめました。 業務時間に学べる環境は大変ありがたく、色々な本を発注しては読みふける日々を送っています。 初めのうちは熱統計や流体力学の本を読んでいたのですが、気がつけば仕事に直結しない数学の本まで仕入れ始めていました。
まず田崎先生の「統計力学」です。 以前統計力学に触れたときは、何が仮定で何が結論かがわかりづらく感じたのですが、本書は納得できる仮定を列挙した上で、力学的な仕事をすべての出発点として議論を展開しているので、数学的にもWell-definedな本だと感じました。 また数理物理の本は行間を推測させるような最小限の記述に留められることが多いと思いますが、本書はそれとは真逆の読み物のような文体で書かれているので、初学者にもとっつきやすく感じられました。 とはいえ内容はしっかりしているため���分もすべて網羅できたわけではなく、今後も手に取り続ける本になりそうです。
統計力学〈1〉 (新物理学シリーズ)
posted with amazlet at 19.01.02
田崎 晴明 培風館 売り上げランキング: 32,590
統計力学〈2〉 (新物理学シリーズ)
posted with amazlet at 19.01.03
田崎 晴明 培風館 売り上げランキング: 23,957
次に山田先生の「工学のための関数解析」です。 さまざまな分野に登場する関数解析ですが、自分はとある論文の中で偏微分方程式の解の存在証明に半群の理論が出てきたため、勉強し始めました。 Twitterでおすすめされていた本書を試し読みなしにポチったのですが、これがかなり良くて、数学の厳密さを犠牲にすることなく、概念の「心」をしっかり伝えている本でした。 関数の連続性や収束性と聞くと身構えてしまいますが、「解析の対象が関数になっても、関数を距離で実数に写してあげて、そこで連続性や収束性を考えればよい」と宣言してあるのは目から鱗でした。
こちらもまだ読了したわけではなく、会社の同期と読み会を進めているところです(いつ終わるのやら)。 本書はスペクトル理論や半群の理論はカバーしていないため、読み終わったら次は黒田先生の「関数解析」を読もうと思います。
工学のための関数解析 (工学のための数学)
posted with amazlet at 19.01.02
山田 功 数理工学社 売り上げランキング: 5,731
関数解析 共立数学講座 (15)
posted with amazlet at 19.01.03
黒田 成俊 共立出版 売り上げランキング: 192,246
最後に兼清先生の「確率微分方程式とその応用」です。 確率過程は今まで何度も挑戦しようとした分野なのですが、前提知識が多すぎて挫折を繰り返してきました。 確率を数学の土台に乗せるには測度論の知識が必要ですし、確率過程のサンプルパスは関数になるので、収束性の議論などに関数解析の知識が必要になります。 そのため一から勉強を初めて確率過程の定義に辿り着くころには、土台の部分の知識を忘れてしまうという悲しい現実に直面します。
こんなときにありがたいのは、最小限の用語を定義しながら、時には証明を犠牲にして、ストーリーを重視して伝えてくれるような本であり、本書もまたそのような形式をとっています。 フィルトレーションやマルチンゲールといったつまづきやすい概念の裏にある気持ちをしっかり伝えた上で定理を述べ、その使い方まで提示してくれているのはありがたい限りです(それでも理解できないのは僕の頭がポンコツだからなのか…)。 似たテイストの本として、B.エクセンダールの黄色い本がありますが、自分には兼清本の方がまだリーダーフレンドリーに感じられました。 本書は手にとって間も無く、まだ全然読み進められていないので、引き続き気合い入れて読んでいこうと思います。
余談ですが、確率自体を公理的に定義してしまえば、測度論なしに確率論を進められるっぽいです。 また確率過程論も測度論なしに展開している本もあり、小倉先生の「物理・工学のための確率過程論」がそれに当たります。 自分は最初この本から勉強し始めたのですが、どうも本質から逃げているように感じてしまい、本棚に戻してしまいました。
posted with amazlet at 19.01.02
兼清 泰明 森北出版 売り上げランキング: 196,659
posted with amazlet at 19.01.03
小倉 久直 コロナ社 売り上げランキング: 1,162,117
2018年はインプットは順調でしたが、満足にアウトプット出来なかったことが悔やまれます。 2019年は、引き続き勉強を続けるとともに、アウトプットにも繋げられたらと思います。 目標はつぎの3つです。
論文3本投稿: 昨年は一本しか書けませんでした。 配属初年度にしては上々だと思っていたのですが、尊敬する若手の人たちのホームページを眺めると、いくつものpublicationや講演が並んでおり、悔しい気持ちになります。 彼らに少しでも追いつくためにも、今年は最低3本は書きたいです。
Webサービス公開: 毎年アウトプット欲が高まる時期に、フレームワークの勉強だけして、満足して何も作らず終わるという現象が続いています。 ���年はFlaskでRestAPIの実装をし、Herokuにアップロードするところまで体験できたので、今年は何かしらのサービスを作って実際に公開するところまで進めたいと思います。 どれだけしょぼくてもいいので、見栄をはらずにアウトプットしたいです。目指せいつでも転職できる人材。
博士課程の行先の決定: 過去に何度も進学を考えたことがあったのですが、資金面が主な理由で断念してきました。 弊社の社会人博士制度は比較的整っており、社内のロビー活動さえうまくいけば、会社に勤めながら学位を目指すことができます。 幸い上司は理解を示してくれており、あとは行き先だけという感じです。 4月から少し職場環境が変わりそうなので、それを活かしていろんな先生に会ってみようと思います。
— inody (@inody_) December 29, 2018
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「この闇と光」 服部まゆみ ★★★☆☆
この闇と光 (角川文庫)
posted with ヨメレバ
服部 まゆみ KADOKAWA/角川書店 2014-11-21
この裏表紙はないわ。ハードルを上げてどうする。 面白い話をする前に、「面白い話があるんだ。えっとね・・・」じゃねーよ。
帯に「驚異の展開をみよ!」とかならまだ許せる。帯は広告だからね。文庫にあらすじがあるのも許せる。みんな知ってるし字が小さから読まないことも読まないことも可能読まないことも可能だしね。 でもこれはダメだ。裏表紙は本の一部だぞ!冒涜だぞ! 「猿の惑星」のパッケージが「自由の女神」くらいの冒涜。
ということで裏表紙がなければ、4点くらい言ったと思いますが、裏表紙のせいで興ざめ。 おかげで一部は予想が当たりました。だよねーだよねー。
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Quyết định 3149/QĐ-UBND năm 2019 công bố Danh mục và Quy trình nội bộ thủ tục hành chính thuộc thẩm quyền quản lý của ngành Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn áp dụng tại Ủy ban nhân dân cấp xã trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Tĩnh
Các nội dung của VB này được VB khác thay đổi, hướng dẫn sẽ được làm nổi bật bằng các màu sắc:
: Sửa đổi, thay thế, hủy bỏ
: Hướng dẫn
Click vào nội dung được bôi màu để xem chi tiết.
Số hiệu: 3149/QĐ-UBND Loại văn bản: Quyết định Nơi ban hành: Tỉnh Hà Tĩnh Người ký: Đặng Ngọc Sơn Ngày ban hành: 23/09/2019 Ngày hiệu lực: Đã biết Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật Số công báo: Đang cập nhật Tình trạng: Đã biết
CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc —————
Số: 3149/QĐ-UBND
Hà Tĩnh, ngày 23 tháng 9 năm 2019
Căn cứ Luật Tổ chức Chính quyền địa phương ngày 19/6/2015;
Căn cứ Nghị định số 63/2010/NĐ-CP ngày 08/6/2010 của Chính phủ về kiểm soát thủ tục hành chính; Nghị định số 92/2017/NĐ-CP ngày 07/8/2017 của Chính phủ về sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của các Nghị định liên quan đến kiểm soát thủ tục hành chính;
Căn cứ Nghị định số 61/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 23/4/2018 của Chính phủ về thực hiện cơ chế một cửa, một cửa liên thông trong giải quyết thủ tục hành chính;
Căn cứ Thông tư số 02/2017/TT-VPCP ngày 31/10/2017 của Bộ trưởng, Chủ nhiệm Văn phòng Chính phủ hướng dẫn về nghiệp vụ kiểm soát thủ tục hành chính;
Căn cứ Thông tư số 01/2018/TT-VPCP ngày 23/11/2018 của Bộ trưởng, Chủ nhiệm Văn phòng Chính phủ hướng dẫn thi hành một số quy định của Nghị định số 61/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 23/4/2018 của Chính phủ về thực hiện cơ chế một cửa, một cửa liên thông trong giải quyết thủ tục hành chính;
Xét đề nghị của Giám đốc Sở Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn tại Văn bản số 1634/SNN-TCCB ngày 26/8/2019; Sở Khoa học và Công nghệ tại Văn bản số 1299/SKHCN-TĐC ngày 05/9/2019,
Điều 1. Công bố kèm theo Quyết định này Danh mục và Quy trình nội bộ 08 (tám) thủ tục hành chính thuộc thẩm quyền quản lý của ngành Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn áp dụng tại UBND cấp xã trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Tĩnh.
Điều 2. Giao Sở Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn chủ trì, phối hợp với Văn phòng Đoàn ĐBQH, HĐND và UBND tỉnh và các cơ quan, đơn vị liên quan căn cứ Quyết định này xây dựng quy trình điện tử giải quyết thủ tục hành chính trên Hệ thống thông tin Dịch vụ công trực tuyến của tỉnh để áp dụng thống nhất tại UBND cấp xã trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Tĩnh.
Điều 3. Quyết định có hiệu lực kể từ ngày ban hành và thay thế các thủ tục hành chính thuộc thẩm quyền giải quyết của UBND cấp xã tại các Quyết định số: 2645/QĐ-UBND ngày 07/9/2018; 174/QĐ-UBND ngày 14/01/2019 của UBND tỉnh.
Điều 4. Chánh Văn phòng Đoàn ĐBQH, HĐND và UBND tỉnh; Giám đốc các sở; Thủ trưởng các ban, ngành cấp tỉnh; Giám đốc: Trung tâm Phục vụ hành chính công tỉnh, Trung tâm Thông tin – Công báo – Tin học tỉnh; Chủ tịch UBND các huyện, thành phố, thị xã; Chủ tịch UBND các xã, phường, thị trấn và các tổ chức, cá nhân có liên quan chịu trách nhiệm thi hành Quyết định này./.
Nơi nhận: – Như Điều 4; – Cục Kiểm soát TTHC, VPCP; – Chủ tịch, các PCT UBND tỉnh; – Chánh VP, các Phó CVP; – Trung tâm PVHCC tỉnh; – Trung tâm TT-CB-TH tỉnh; – Lưu: VT, PC1.
Đặng Ngọc Sơn
Tên thủ tục hành chính
Thời hạn giải quyết
Địa điểm thực hiện
Phí, lệ phí (nếu có)
Căn cứ pháp lý
Lĩnh vực Thủy lợi
Thẩm định, phê duyệt phương án ứng phó thiên tai cho công trình, vùng hạ du đập trong quá trình thi công thuộc thẩm quyền của UBND cấp xã
20 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Bộ phận Tiếp nhận và Trả kết quả của UBND cấp xã
– Luật Thủy lợi năm 2017.
– Nghị định số 114/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 04/9/2018 của Chính phủ về quản lý an toàn đập, hồ chứa nước;
– Quyết định số 4638/QĐ-BNN-TCTL ngày 22/11/2018 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn về việc công bố thủ tục hành chính được sửa đổi, bổ sung lĩnh vực Thủy lợi thuộc phạm vi chức năng quản lý của Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn.
Thẩm định, phê duyệt phương án ứng phó với tình huống khẩn cấp thuộc thẩm quyền của UBND cấp xã
20 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Như trên
– Luật Thủy lợi số 08/2017/QH14 ngày 19/6/2017;
– Nghị định số 114/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 04/9/2018 của Chính phủ về quản lý an toàn đập, hồ chứa nước;
– Quyết định số 4638/QĐ-BNN-TCTL ngày 22/11/2018 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn về việc công bố thủ tục hành chính được sửa đổi, bổ sung lĩnh vực Thủy lợi thuộc phạm vi chức năng quản lý của Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn.
Hỗ trợ đầu tư xây dựng phát triển thủy lợi nhỏ, thủy lợi nội đồng và tưới tiên tiến, tiết kiệm nước (Đối với nguồn vốn hỗ trợ trực tiếp, ngân sách địa phương và nguồn vốn hợp pháp khác của địa phương phân bổ dự toán cho UBND cấp xã thực hiện)
07 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Như trên
– Luật Thủy lợi số 08/2007/QH14 ngày 19/6/2017
– Nghị định số 77/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 16/5/2018 của Chính phủ quy định hỗ trợ phát triển thủy lợi nhỏ, thủy lợi nội đồng và tưới tiên tiến, tiết kiệm nước.
Lĩnh vực Phòng chống thiên tai
Hỗ trợ khôi phục sản xuất vùng bị thiệt hại do dịch bệnh
15 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Như trên
– Nghị định số 02/2017/NĐ-CP ngày 09/01/2017 của Chính phủ quy định về cơ chế, chính sách hỗ trợ sản xuất nông nghiệp để khôi phục sản xuất vùng bị thiệt hại do thiên tai dịch bệnh.
– Quyết định số 3499/QĐ-BNN-PCTT ngày 11/9/2019 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn về việc công bố thủ tục hành chính mới ban hành lĩnh vực phòng chống thiên tai thuộc phạm vi chức năng quản lý của Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn.
Hỗ trợ khôi phục sản xuất vùng bị thiệt hại do thiên tai
15 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
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Như trên
Đăng ký kê khai số lượng chăn nuôi tập trung và nuôi trồng thủy sản ban đầu
07 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
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Như trên
Lĩnh vực Trồng trọt
Đăng ký chuyển đổi cơ cấu cây trồng từ trồng lúa sang trồng cây hàng năm, cây lâu năm hoặc trồng lúa kết hợp nuôi trồng thủy sản trên đất trồng lúa
05 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Như trên
– Nghị định số 35/2015/NĐ-CP ngày 13/4/2015 của Chính phủ về quy định về quản lý, sử dụng đất trồng lúa.
– Thông tư số 19/2017/TT-BNNPTNT ngày 9/11/2017 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn về sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Thông tư số 19/2016/TT-BNNPTNT ngày 27/6/2016 về việc hướng dẫn chi tiết Điều 4 Nghị định số 35/2015/NĐ-CP ngày 13/4/2015 về quản lý sử dụng đất trồng lúa và hướng dẫn chuyển đổi cơ cấu cây trồng trên đất trồng lúa sang trồng cây lâu năm theo quy định tại Nghị định số 01/2017/NĐ-CP ngày 06/01/2017 của Chính phủ về sửa đổi, bổ sung một số nghị định quy định chi tiết thi hành Luật Đất đai.
Lĩnh vực Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn
Phê duyệt kế hoạch khuyến nông địa phương (cấp xã)
60 ngày làm việc kể từ khi nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ (thời gian nộp hồ sơ trước ngày 30/9 hàng năm).
Như trên
– Nghị định số 83/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 24/5/2018 của Chính phủ về khuyến nông.
– Quyết định số 2519/QĐ-BNN-KHCN ngày 29/6/2018 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn về việc công bố thủ tục hành chính thay thế lĩnh vực Nông nghiệp thuộc phạm vi chức năng quản lý của Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn.
Văn bản này chưa cập nhật nội dung Tiếng Anh
Quyết định 3149/QĐ-UBND năm 2019 công bố Danh mục và Quy trình nội bộ thủ tục hành chính thuộc thẩm quyền quản lý của ngành Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn áp dụng tại Ủy ban nhân dân cấp xã trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Tĩnh
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The post Quyết định 3149/QĐ-UBND năm 2019 công bố Danh mục và Quy trình nội bộ thủ tục hành chính thuộc thẩm quyền quản lý của ngành Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn áp dụng tại Ủy ban nhân dân cấp xã trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Tĩnh appeared first on Hồ Sơ Đăng Ký Nhãn Hiệu.
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Atletico Madrid new boy Joao Felix leaves Wayne Rooney amazed at MLS All-Star Skills Challenge
Atletico Madrid's new boy Joao Felix showed his class during the MLS All-Star Skills Challenge and at one point left Wayne Rooney bewildered by his sorcery
All eyes were on the Portuguese star when he played with teammates Koke and Hector Herrera at the Tuesday night event on the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex.
Athletic is in the United States for their preseason tour and sent Felix, Koke and Herrera along to battle against the MLS All-Stars and Orlando City in the skill competition.
Scroll down to view videos & the rules of the competition
Atletico Madrid's new boy played for his side in the MLS All-Star Skills Challenge
Felix surprised spectators after having hit the ball twice in a row (ball circled) during an exercise "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
Felix surprised spectators after having hit the ball twice in succession (ball circled) "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
Felix astonished spectators after hitting the bar (ball circled) twice in succession during an exercise
Wayne Rooney smiled in amazement after watching Felix successively hit the bar
Rooney, who still plays in the US for DC United, joined Carlos Vela and Jonathan dos Santos to form the MLS All-Star side, while former Manchester Untied ahead represented Nani, Chris Mueller and Sebastian Mendez Orlando.
The competition was divided into three sections – shooting, touching and volley and passing – and the team that kneaded the most points was crowned the champions.
In a tight and tense competition, it was Orlando who emerged as the narrow winners and created the $ 25,000 (£ 20,500) prize to donate to a charity of choice, but it was Felix who stole the show .
The 19-year-old who joined Atletico in a money-bearing £ 114 million move by Benfica this summer, stunned onlookers, including Rooney, after succeeding in hitting the crossbar of the center line successively during a of the exercises.
The former English international provider that he still has during the touch and volley challenge
Rooney left fans amazed by thundering volley in the net during h he event of Tuesday
The goalkeeper tried to stop the fierce attack of the DC United star, but was unable to keep it out
Rooney was surprised from the sidelines and then discussed Felix & # 39; s exploits with his teammate Sailing.
The former English international provider himself still had a touch of class during the match by a thunderous first volley high in the net from the box.
The competition was organized by the well-known F2 Freestylers – Jeremy Lynch and Billy Wingrove.
There were also numerous famous faces on the jury, including former Orlando, Real Madrid and AC Milan star Kaka and USA Women & # 39; s World Cup winner Alex Morgan.
Koke (left), Felix (center) and Hector Herrera (right) represented Atletico in the challenge
Rooney (L) was accompanied by Jonathan Dos Santos (M) and Carlos Vela (R) in the MLS All-Star- silk
Orlando City stars Sebastian Mendez (L) Chris Mueller (M) and Nani (R) represented their club
VS Ladies World Cup winner Alex Morgan (L) and Kaka were on the jury
Atletico Madrid posted a photo on Instagram of their players with Santos and Vela
Despite the best efforts of Rooney, the MLS All ended -Star side an end to the pace, with a score of 168 – 34 behind the winners.
Atletico pushed Orlando to the final kick, but Nani remained calm in the passing challenge to break the ball on the crossbar and seal the victory for the MLS side.
The night began with the stars trying to hit targets from the penalty area – especially Rooney stood out for his marksmanship during this exercise and scored the majority of his measly 28 points.
Athletic won the opening challenge by scoring an impressive 47 points.
Atletico & Felix tries an acrobatic volley during the touch and volley challenge
Rooney pictured participating in the opening penalty on Tuesday evening
Mueller produced the moment of the second round by scoring a stunning scissors kick
Former Man United-man Nani hit the bar with the final kick of the event to win it for Orlando
The moment of the next round (touching and volley) came from an unlikely b ron with the 22-year-old Mueller who delivered a spectacular pair of scoops – packing up style points in the process – while Orlando clearly won
Despite the ability to collect points around the field in the passing challenge, each team raised the bar with those with the highest single score.
Atletico & # 39; s club record that Felix signed the ability to hit the bar by hitting him twice during the challenge, but Nani showed that he could match his countryman.
The former United winger, who had missed his previous attempts, provided he was the man for the pressure situation by beating the bar with his last kick to induce wild scenes of parties, the Orlando became the winners crowned after scoring 202 points in total – only seven more than the La Liga side.
The Orlando players celebrated wildly with one of the hosts (F2 Freestylers in white shirt)
This photo shows the scores of each of the three challenges and the final totals
By winning the competition, Orlando raised $ 25,000 to donate to a charity of choice
Nani pictured presented to the public before the MLS All-Star Skills Challenge
The event took place at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex on Tuesday evening
Each team took participate in three different competitions, points collected through different systems. Below you can see how each exercise works and how the points are scored.
One team goes simultaneously
15 total shots, with players alternating
76 is the maximum possible score
There are three goals in the goal:
10 points, 5 points and 2 points.
Each goal can only be hit once per team.
If they score a goal but do not hit a goal, this is one point
Missed goal does not get points
If two goals are hit on the same shot, the higher target counts and the lowest goal of the score is still in the game for a teammate to turn.
Three rounds; team with lowest points goes first
One player per team shoots in each round
Each player gets six shots
Bicycle kick: 20 points
Full volley: 10 points
Touch and then a volley: 5 points
Half volley: 3 points
Bonus points are awarded for style, both judged by fans and judges
Each team gets two minutes to complete Try different goals on hitting the track
Players of each team will alternately pass different goals
Ball must remain in goal to earn points
Moving goals start when the clock hits 1:00 minute and only counts for points if they get hit while still within the boundaries of the track
Five goals: 3 points, 5 points, 10 points, 15 points, 25 points
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Greenlands back in Winter League top flight has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/03/11/greenlands-back-winter-league-top-flight/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2018/03/11/greenlands-back-winter-league-top-flight/
Greenlands back in Winter League top flight
Greenlands Bowls Club In the Discovery Division the Sycamores were away to San Miguel Comets, Final scores for the Final match this season was - shots 84-116, pts 6-8. Winning teams were Win Kirton, Ronnie Stansfield, Tony Hodges 18-14. Jean Giddings, John Dowell, David Giddings 18-8. Janet Bliss, John Newell, Graham Watt 20-12. In the Discovery Division the Maples were at home to Emerald Isle Moonrakers. A fantastic effort from all the team ensured a clean sweep of the pts, so well done everyone. Final scores - shots 185- 55. pts 14-0. Winning rinks were David Fryatt, Rudy Wattley, Mike Kelly 30-1. Brian Tomlin, Val Duchart, Chris Dewar 28-7. Margaret Stephens, Phil Lockley, John Obrien. 36-10. Sheila Stead, Jim Wilcock, Barry Collins. 26-13. Jean Thompson, Margaret Dewar, Dave Thompson. 28- 9. Zoe Wilcock, Mary Lockley, Mel Brown. 37-15. In the Winter League we were at home to Vistabella, Final scores were - total shots 89-74. Pts 8- 4. Winning rinks were Jean Giddings, John Wray, David Giddings, Mike Kelly. 22-11. Margaret Stephens, Doreen Watt, Graham Watt, Chris Dewar. 18-14. Sheila Stead, Mary Lockley, Dave Thompson, Mel Brown. 20-15. In our final game in the B div of the Southern league we needed to keep the past momentum going to achieve our goal of returning to the A Division. This we did in style so congratulations to the whole team. Our opponents were a very strong team from Quesada who gave us a good game on every rink. Total shots 114-93. Pts 10-4. Winning rinks were Sheila Stead, Margaret Stephens, Chris Dewar. 21-12. Rudy Wattley, Mary Lockley, John Obrien. 21-14. Brian Tomlin, Val Duchart, Mike Kelly. 24-10. Dave Fryatt, Zoe Wilcock, Mel Brown. 24-10. We are the champions of B Division 2018. In The C Division the cedars were away to Quesada Swans final score - total shots 103-109. Pts 2-12. Winning rink was - Pat Wray, John Oleary, John Wray. 29-11. For all enquiries relating to Greenlands please contact Haley on 966 84 4399 or go to our website.
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UNSER UNTERNEHMEN FutureNet wurde im Sommer 2012 gegründet. Am 01.11.2014 erfolgte der Online Start. Wir sind jetzt über 4 Jahre sehr er
New Post has been published on http://ihre-unabhangikeit.info/wordpress/courroux/unser-unternehmen-futurenet-wurde-im-sommer-2012-gegrundet-am-01-11-2014-erfolgte-der-online-start-wir-sind-jetzt-uber-4-jahre-sehr-er/
UNSER UNTERNEHMEN FutureNet wurde im Sommer 2012 gegründet. Am 01.11.2014 erfolgte der Online Start. Wir sind jetzt über 4 Jahre sehr er
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Posted by: Richie Bernardo
Buying a home for the first time is an exciting and important milestone for many Americans. As such, first-time home buyers must carefully consider a number of factors — what they want and need relative to what they can afford, for instance — before diving to the deep end of real estate.
Often, potential buyers begin searching for their dream homes and drafting their wish lists without a realistic idea of market prices, interest rates or even their eligibility to obtain a mortgage.
To simplify the process, WalletHub’s analysts compared 300 cities of varying sizes across 23 key indicators of market attractiveness, affordability and quality of life. Our data set ranges from cost of living to real-estate taxes to property-crime rate. Read on for our findings, valuable insight from a panel of experts and a full description of our methodology.
Main Findings
Rankings by City Size
Ask the Experts
Main Findings
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Best Places for First-Time Home Buyers
Rankings by City Size
Rank (1= Best)
Large Cities (Score)
Rank (1= Best)
Midsize Cities (Score)
Rank (1= Best)
Small Cities (Score)
1 Raleigh, NC (64.19) 1 McKinney, TX (68.32) 1 Frisco, TX (68.20) 2 Lexington, KY (63.99) 2 Cary, NC (67.98) 2 Allen, TX (68.15) 3 Colorado Springs, CO (63.54) 3 Lincoln, NE (66.61) 3 Norman, OK (67.64) 4 Tampa, FL (63.24) 4 Boise, ID (66.26) 4 Richardson, TX (66.32) 5 Fort Worth, TX (63.15) 5 Gilbert, AZ (65.37) 5 Thornton, CO (66.04) 6 Omaha, NE (62.93) 6 Grand Rapids, MI (65.17) 6 Murfreesboro, TN (65.97) 7 El Paso, TX (62.77) 7 Overland Park, KS (64.80) 7 Denton, TX (65.83) 8 Nashville, TN (62.30) 8 Fort Wayne, IN (64.56) 8 Greeley, CO (65.63) 9 Oklahoma City, OK (61.98) 9 Peoria, AZ (64.47) 9 Charleston, SC (65.33) 10 Denver, CO (61.66) 10 Grand Prairie, TX (64.38) 10 Arvada, CO (64.63) 11 Louisville, KY (61.55) 11 Chandler, AZ (64.24) 11 Carrollton, TX (64.59) 12 Pittsburgh, PA (61.30) 12 Fort Collins, CO (63.96) 12 Spokane Valley, WA (64.01) 13 Minneapolis, MN (60.69) 13 Plano, TX (63.36) 13 Cedar Rapids, IA (63.78) 14 Atlanta, GA (60.64) 14 Henderson, NV (63.19) 14 Green Bay, WI (63.36) 15 Charlotte, NC (60.40) 15 Madison, WI (62.77) 15 Centennial, CO (62.77) 16 Aurora, CO (60.23) 16 Salt Lake City, UT (61.87) 16 Surprise, AZ (62.72) 17 Mesa, AZ (60.08) 17 Garland, TX (61.79) 17 Roanoke, VA (62.32) 18 Columbus, OH (60.03) 18 Amarillo, TX (61.53) 18 Davenport, IA (62.27) 19 Austin, TX (59.50) 19 Richmond, VA (61.41) 19 Yakima, WA (62.04) 20 Phoenix, AZ (59.06) 20 Scottsdale, AZ (61.34) 20 Westminster, CO (61.78) 21 Arlington, TX (59.02) 21 Orlando, FL (60.61) 21 Broken Arrow, OK (61.71) 22 Las Vegas, NV (58.63) 22 Durham, NC (60.59) 22 Kenosha, WI (61.59) 23 Jacksonville, FL (58.11) 23 Port St. Lucie, FL (60.50) 23 Livonia, MI (61.11) 24 Tulsa, OK (58.07) 24 Augusta, GA (60.36) 24 Roseville, CA (61.08) 25 Virginia Beach, VA (58.05) 25 St. Paul, MN (60.19) T-25 Pueblo, CO (61.04) 26 Dallas, TX (57.58) 26 St. Petersburg, FL (60.19) T-25 Sterling Heights, MI (61.04) 27 San Antonio, TX (56.59) 27 Huntsville, AL (59.77) 27 Joliet, IL (60.98) 28 Tucson, AZ (56.43) 28 Columbus, GA (59.69) 28 Longmont, CO (60.78) 29 Sacramento, CA (55.90) 29 Chesapeake, VA (59.58) 29 Roswell, GA (60.70) 30 Bakersfield, CA (55.71) 30 Cape Coral, FL (59.54) 30 Hampton, VA (60.60) 31 Kansas City, MO (55.68) 31 Glendale, AZ (59.32) 31 Wilmington, NC (60.58) 32 Milwaukee, WI (54.95) 32 Tempe, AZ (59.20) 32 Boca Raton, FL (60.50) 33 Corpus Christi, TX (54.58) 33 Winston-Salem, NC (59.19) 33 Mesquite, TX (60.24) 34 Philadelphia, PA (54.35) 34 Des Moines, IA (59.10) 34 Peoria, IL (60.10) 35 St. Louis, MO (54.32) 35 Laredo, TX (59.07) 35 Warren, MI (60.06) 36 Indianapolis, IN (54.25) 36 Irving, TX (58.93) 36 Manchester, NH (59.82) 37 Seattle, WA (53.91) 37 Newport News, VA (58.55) 37 Naperville, IL (59.77) 38 Cleveland, OH (53.63) 38 Vancouver, WA (58.42) 38 Dearborn, MI (59.47) 39 Memphis, TN (53.52) 39 Knoxville, TN (58.28) 39 Palm Bay, FL (59.45) 40 Houston, TX (53.36) 40 Spokane, WA (58.17) 40 Fort Smith, AR (59.21) 41 Wichita, KS (53.03) 41 Akron, OH (58.08) 41 Springfield, IL (58.96) 42 Riverside, CA (52.50) 42 Cincinnati, OH (57.91) 42 Erie, PA (58.95) 43 Portland, OR (52.35) 43 Norfolk, VA (57.73) 43 Portsmouth, VA (58.84) 44 Fresno, CA (52.22) 44 Elk Grove, CA (57.32) 44 Bellevue, WA (58.82) 45 Chicago, IL (51.94) 45 Pembroke Pines, FL (57.27) 45 Lakewood, CO (58.66) 46 San Diego, CA (51.14) 46 North Las Vegas, NV (57.08) 46 Clearwater, FL (58.65) 47 Detroit, MI (50.51) 47 Greensboro, NC (56.44) 47 North Charleston, SC (58.64) 48 Albuquerque, NM (50.42) 48 Reno, NV (56.32) 48 Savannah, GA (58.26) 49 Baltimore, MD (49.98) 49 Buffalo, NY (56.31) 49 Clovis, CA (58.00) 50 New Orleans, LA (47.71) 50 Aurora, IL (56.12) 50 Vacaville, CA (57.93) 51 Anaheim, CA (47.16) 51 Little Rock, AR (55.09) 51 Renton, WA (57.76) 52 San Jose, CA (46.87) 52 Springfield, MA (54.95) 52 Elgin, IL (57.53) 53 Honolulu, HI (46.34) 53 Tacoma, WA (54.90) 53 Sunrise, FL (57.48) 54 Santa Ana, CA (45.57) 54 Rancho Cucamonga, CA (54.51) 54 Visalia, CA (57.35) 55 Boston, MA (44.81) 55 Toledo, OH (54.38) 55 Tuscaloosa, AL (57.29) 56 Washington, DC (43.55) 56 Montgomery, AL (54.10) 56 High Point, NC (57.25) 57 Long Beach, CA (43.05) 57 Lancaster, CA (53.97) 57 Yuma, AZ (57.03) 58 Miami, FL (42.47) 58 Salem, OR (53.77) 58 Alexandria, VA (57.00) 59 Los Angeles, CA (42.15) 59 Mobile, AL (53.61) 59 Hillsboro, OR (56.77) 60 New York, NY (40.27) 60 Moreno Valley, CA (53.37) 60 Victorville, CA (56.73) 61 San Francisco, CA (39.01) 61 Fayetteville, NC (53.37) 61 Sandy Springs, GA (56.72) 62 Oakland, CA (37.48) 62 Fontana, CA (53.05) 62 Lakeland, FL (56.70) 63 Jersey City, NJ (52.97) 63 Athens-Clarke, GA (56.62) 64 Irvine, CA (52.89) 64 Murrieta, CA (56.52) 65 Worcester, MA (52.34) 65 Dayton, OH (56.42) 66 Ontario, CA (52.22) 66 Allentown, PA (56.22) 67 Jackson, MS (52.15) 67 Davie, FL (55.79) 68 Eugene, OR (52.00) 68 Waukegan, IL (55.61) 69 Rockford, IL (51.80) 69 Fairfield, CA (55.47) 70 Springfield, MO (51.78) 70 Temecula, CA (55.44) 71 Birmingham, AL (51.48) 71 Plantation, FL (55.31) 72 Palmdale, CA (51.46) 72 Kent, WA (55.28) 73 Stockton, CA (51.43) 73 Everett, WA (54.89) 74 Modesto, CA (51.25) 74 Miramar, FL (54.61) 75 Providence, RI (50.94) 75 Ann Arbor, MI (54.60) 76 Corona, CA (50.92) 76 Chico, CA (54.41) 77 Rochester, NY (50.32) 77 Gainesville, FL (54.32) 78 Santa Rosa, CA (49.49) 78 Rialto, CA (54.05) 79 Baton Rouge, LA (49.44) 79 Lowell, MA (53.91) 80 Tallahassee, FL (49.43) 80 Waterbury, CT (53.84) 81 Fort Lauderdale, FL (49.24) 81 Stamford, CT (53.69) 82 Santa Clarita, CA (49.04) 82 Lansing, MI (53.65) 83 Shreveport, LA (48.97) 83 West Palm Beach, FL (53.57) 84 San Bernardino, CA (48.91) 84 New Haven, CT (53.55) 85 Hayward, CA (48.82) 85 Hollywood, FL (53.47) 86 Hialeah, FL (48.75) 86 Federal Way, WA (53.10) 87 Oxnard, CA (48.56) 87 Coral Springs, FL (53.10) 88 Chula Vista, CA (48.53) 88 New Bedford, MA (52.87) 89 Oceanside, CA (47.45) 89 Pompano Beach, FL (52.65) 90 Pomona, CA (46.92) 90 Hartford, CT (52.42) 91 Garden Grove, CA (46.59) 91 Santa Maria, CA (51.95) 92 Salinas, CA (46.46) 92 Albany, NY (51.49) 93 Huntington Beach, CA (46.33) 93 Flint, MI (51.43) 94 Fremont, CA (46.13) 94 Bridgeport, CT (51.29) 95 Yonkers, NY (45.43) 95 Miami Gardens, FL (51.18) 96 Anchorage, AK (45.11) 96 Beaverton, OR (51.14) 97 Glendale, CA (41.21) 97 Antioch, CA (50.95) 98 Newark, NJ (39.30) 98 Vallejo, CA (50.93) 99 Fall River, MA (50.66) 100 Thousand Oaks, CA (50.64) 101 Mission Viejo, CA (50.56) 102 Simi Valley, CA (50.53) 103 Quincy, MA (50.37) 104 Gresham, OR (49.57) 105 Boulder, CO (49.45) 106 Carlsbad, CA (49.39) 107 Escondido, CA (48.88) 108 Concord, CA (48.60) 109 Lynn, MA (48.38) 110 Richmond, CA (47.96) 111 Orange, CA (47.95) 112 Norwalk, CA (47.71) 113 Ventura, CA (47.56) 114 Vista, CA (47.39) 115 Carson, CA (47.09) 116 West Covina, CA (47.01) 117 Fullerton, CA (47.00) 118 Cambridge, MA (46.94) 119 El Cajon, CA (46.82) 120 Elizabeth, NJ (46.71) 121 Compton, CA (46.54) 122 Burbank, CA (46.39) 123 Santa Clara, CA (46.37) 124 Downey, CA (46.20) 125 Brockton, MA (45.42) 126 Pasadena, CA (45.41) 127 Paterson, NJ (45.12) 128 Costa Mesa, CA (45.06) 129 South Gate, CA (44.97) 130 Sunnyvale, CA (44.73) 131 Torrance, CA (43.73) 132 Inglewood, CA (42.61) 133 Westminster, CA (41.47) 134 Daly City, CA (41.29) 135 El Monte, CA (41.06) 136 San Mateo, CA (39.91) 137 Miami Beach, FL (37.95) 138 Santa Monica, CA (37.52) 139 Berkeley, CA (36.29) 140 Santa Barbara, CA (36.22)
Ask the Experts
Purchasing real estate for the first time can be a daunting experience for many consumers. But it doesn’t have to be. For advice and insight, we asked a panel of experts to share their thoughts on the following key questions:
What should first-time home buyers consider when choosing a neighborhood
How do you know that you are financially ready to buy your first home?
What do you recommend as the minimum down payment for a first-time home buyer?
What effect did Trump’s Executive Order increasing the cost of FHA-backed loans have on first-time home buyers?
How can federal, state and local policymakers responsibly and effectively increase home affordability, particularly for first-time home buyers?
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Lou Tisler Director of the Housing Counseling Network at The National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Katrin B. Anacker Associate Professor in the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University
Michelle M. Thompson Associate Professor in the Department of Planning & Urban Studies, Louisiana Manufactured Housing Association Professor in CUPA, and Faculty Advisor for Bachelor of Science in Urban Studies and Planning Internships & Honors Program at the University of New Orleans
W. Dennis Keating Professor Emeritus of Urban Studies and Law at Cleveland State University
Deden Rukmana Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Urban Studies and Planning Program & Co-Chair of the Global Planning Educators Interest Group at Savannah State University
Christopher B. Leinberger Charles Bendit Distinguished Scholar and Research Professor & Chair of the Center for Real Estate and Urban Analysis at the George Washington University School of Business
Alessandro Rebucci Assistant Professor of Economics, Finance and Real Estate at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Lou Tisler Director of the Housing Counseling Network at The National Community Reinvestment Coalition What should first-time home buyers consider when choosing a neighborhood? Transportation costs -- many first-time homebuyers are looking at utility costs, taxes, insurance, but few take into account transportation costs, either to and from work, or within the neighborhood. Though gas prices are low, these still add up on a weekly, monthly, yearly basis. How do you know that you are financially ready to buy your first home? The best way to avoid the pitfalls of homeownership is to be an educated buyer. Free or low costs, home buyer education is available throughout the United States. Reading a website is a good start, but fully immersing yourself in what it means to be a homeowner, what is negotiable on the mortgage statement, what will break down first and how much will it cost, what to do if you fall behind, all these are answered through housing counseling. You can find an agency near you here. What do you recommend as the minimum down payment for a first-time home buyer? 3.5% down when closing the loan; 3.5% in the bank for emergency purposes. What effect did Trump’s Executive Order increasing the cost of FHA-backed loans have on first-time homebuyers? Since more low to moderate income homeowners are purchasing using FHA, an increase of $250 per $100,000 home purchased is passed onto low to moderate income homebuyers. How can federal, state and local policymakers responsibly and effectively increase home affordability, particularly for first time homebuyers? Many local governments and schools are funded on property taxes; if the federal and state governments continue to trim their budgets on the backs of local municipalities’ budgets, property taxes will continue to be on the ballot, and will continue to increase. The most cost-effective way to make homeownership affordable is to make property taxes affordable; whether for a first-time home buying millennial or a soon to be, fixed income retiree. Katrin B. Anacker Associate Professor in the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University What should first-time home buyers consider when choosing a neighborhood? There are differences among first-time home buyers. A household with two earners and at least one school-aged child will have different preferences, compared to a household with one earner, without any children. How do you know that you are financially ready to buy your first home? A potential borrower may want to consult a HUD-approved housing counselor or a lender, to discuss whether he/she is financially read to buy his/her first home. What do you recommend as the minimum down payment for a first-time home buyer? The threshold for a conventional mortgage is 20 percent, and for a mortgage insured by the FHA is 3.5 percent. Michelle M. Thompson Associate Professor in the Department of Planning & Urban Studies, Louisiana Manufactured Housing Association Professor in CUPA, and Faculty Advisor for Bachelor of Science in Urban Studies and Planning Internships & Honors Program at the University of New Orleans What should first-time home buyers consider when choosing a neighborhood? First-time homebuyers face many challenges when selecting a home which may, or may not be, in their neighborhood of choice. For example, if a first-time homebuyer wants to have a neighborhood that is "family friendly" (with parks, shopping and schools within a reasonable distance), there may be a higher "cost-for-convenience" reflected in the housing prices. For first-time homebuyers seeking affordable housing, or with limited funds for down-payment in a higher end market, housing choices may be limited, thus indirectly pre-selecting neighborhoods to consider. In any scenario, first-time homebuyers should use all publicly-available information to establish a neighborhood profile, and not just rely on secondary listing or promotional advertisements. It is imperative that the first-time homebuyers gather information beyond the immediate block, including information on the sales prices of similar houses, demographics, community assets (e.g., shopping, health centers, parks/playgrounds), crime, public safety response times and flood zone (which affects the cost of flood insurance). This data can be obtained through municipal websites or they could request this "free" information from the appropriate government office in person, via phone or email. Beyond statistics, visiting the community at different times of the day will give a more well-rounded perspective along with the neighborhood profile. Overall, going with your “gut” may not be the best way to select a house or neighborhood, when making one of the most important and expensive investment decisions the first time around. How do you know that you are financially ready to buy your first home? In most cases the level of “financial fitness” of a first-time homebuyer is pre-determined by the lender. There are a number of factors that affect the ability to obtain a first mortgage, such as minimum down payment, tri-merge credit score, work history, salary and debt service. There are many free, low-cost in-person or online courses that anyone can participate in, to learn more about the home-buying process and related financial education. Through these courses a first-time homebuyer will have a better idea of what may need to be improved to become mortgage eligible. Since the criteria for “readiness” varies, a first-time homebuyer may want to interview a number of mortgage lenders and have their financial profile reviewed. Information on what might be considered “an issue” during the lending review process could be raised during these conversations. Alternatively, a lender pre-qualification letter may evaluate readiness by conducting a pre-mortgage screening. Most of these evaluations will require an application fee and may only be viable for a limited period of time. Even if the outcome of the financial evaluation in a fitness class or pre-qualification isn't positive, you now have the information needed to improve your ability to buy a house at a later time. What do you recommend as the minimum down payment for a first-time home buyer? There is an industry standard of providing at least 20% as a down payment for a mortgage. However, the down payment amount, rate of interest and mortgage terms vary by institution. The first-time homebuyer may want to evaluate the impact that a lower (5-10%) up-front investment may have on the interest rate, the closing costs and debt service over time. In order to have flexibility in choosing, more favorable lending terms may improve with the minimum "standard" down payment. Beyond the down payment, first-time homebuyers may want to save at least 3 months of the mortgage, closing costs plus the first year of taxes. It is imperative for first-time homebuyers to not expend all available funds at the start of a home purchase, in case there are interruptions (job change, tax increase, home repairs) that were not anticipated at the time of purchase. What effect did Trump’s Executive Order increasing the cost of FHA-backed loans have on first-time homebuyers? Aaron Crowe from Mortgageloan.com stated that the "Obama administration announced on Jan. 9 a reduction in annual premiums for mortgage insurance for FHA loans from 0.85 percent to 0.60 percent of the loan balance, effective Jan. 27." Essentially, this change would have decreased the monthly debt service for each mortgage loan. For example, industry experts have suggested savings of up to $500 a year on a $200,000 mortgage. However, "less than an hour after being sworn in as president, Donald Trump signed his first executive order, eliminating a drop in FHA mortgage insurance premiums that was to take effect a week later." First-time homebuyers would be most affected due to the debt service ceiling requirements. This change has a potentially adverse impact on lower-income borrowers who want to obtain a higher priced home using FDIC-backed mortgages. For first-time homebuyers ready to purchase a home, Trump's Executive Order may limit options to find lower priced homes to meet desired affordability. How can federal, state and local policymakers responsibly and effectively increase home affordability, particularly for first time homebuyers? No matter what level of government, policymakers should take less time “studying” a known problem -- housing affordability --, and turn this need into a national housing action plan. If the first executive order from the current administration is any indication of the direction the U.S. Housing & Urban Development Department may be heading in, then issues of “responsible,” “fair” and “effective” housing policy may be difficult to implement at the state and local levels. Similar to the Affordable Care Act ("Obama-care"), one size does not fit all, since the housing styles, sizes, construction type, access and distance to community resources vary significantly. In a utopian world, homelessness would not be a problem if vacant, abandoned, yet functional buildings were turned into affordable housing. The city of New Orleans, Louisiana administration (NOLA), post Hurricane Katrina, has moved from recovery to renewal by developing and implementing place-based community plans to expand housing options. Mayor Landrieu's Office of Performance and Accountability’s “BlightSTAT" open government forum monitors an integrated project that turned approximately 70 formerly historic houses, from the Veteran's Affairs/Louisiana State University (VA/LSU) hospital campus, to affordable housing. The adaptive reuse of the historic houses on formerly vacant, blighted or abandoned lots is not a new idea. However, NOLA was able to combine U.S. Housing & Urban Development soft-second mortgages, Louisiana Land Trust option 2/3 vacant lots, eminent domain to claim/move/rehab historic houses that will have a significant financial impact beyond the price of a first-time homebuyer loan. For federal, state and local policies &funded plans to be successful, there must be an honest effort to improve citizen participation. The VA/LSU Historic Affordable Housing project is still in process, but it will soon prove to be not only responsible and effective, but also affordable. W. Dennis Keating Professor Emeritus of Urban Studies and Law at Cleveland State University What should first-time home buyers consider when choosing a neighborhood? When choosing a neighborhood, key factors are:
Location related to work, transportation, shopping, amenities (e.g., parks);
Housing values and conditions (including possible data through sources like Trulia and Zillow);
Nearby schools (if children and future children are a relevant consideration);
Reputation of the neighborhood (if known, including through a neighborhood-based organization, homeowners association, social network);
Safety (if crime data is available);
Property taxes and any other state, regional and local fees affecting homeowners in the jurisdiction.
How do you know that you are financially ready to buy your first home? You are financially ready when you have enough of your own savings for the mortgage down payment, and you have enough regular income for projected monthly housing expenses (mortgage, utilities, and maintenance/repairs), within 30-40% of your net income. What do you recommend as the minimum down payment for a first-time home buyer? The minimum down payment I would recommend is 10-15%. What effect did Trump’s Executive Order increasing the cost of FHA-backed loans have on first-time homebuyers? The Trump FHA Order made affordability more difficult for some users of the FHA program. How can federal, state and local policymakers responsibly and effectively increase home affordability, particularly for first time homebuyers? Some of the policies that state and local governments can implement to increase affordability include:
Housing trust funds (that subsidize low- and moderate-income housing);
Inclusionary housing/zoning (to increase the supply of affordable units);
Property tax abatements: subsidized loans (e.g., the first time low-and moderate-income homebuyer program of the Ohio Housing Finance Agency);
Self-help: support of low-income programs, like that of Habitat for Humanity;
Lease/purchase (e.g., the program of the Cleveland Housing Network for low-income tenants);
Housing savings accounts: promoting these with lenders;
Housing counseling: support for agencies that offer homebuyer educational courses (working with lenders);
Support for co-housing programs;
Support for community land trusts.
Deden Rukmana Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Urban Studies and Planning Program & Co-Chair of the Global Planning Educators Interest Group at Savannah State University What should first-time homebuyers consider when choosing a neighborhood? From a perspective of an urban planner, first-time homebuyers should choose a neighborhood with good access to public transportation, amenities and facilities for family members, particularly young children. Neighborhoods in suburban areas are now less attractive due to the increasing commute time. The 2010 Census Data indicate that more people moved to the inner city from the suburban areas, particularly young couples. Such a trend will continue in the next few decades. How do you know that you are financially ready to buy your first home? You are ready to buy your first home when you're secured with your employment for the next five years, and spend less than 40% of your income to housing expenses. What do you recommend as the minimum down payment for a first-time home buyer? I would recommend 5-8% of the price of the house as the down payment. How can federal, state and local policymakers responsibly and effectively increase home affordability, particularly for first time homebuyers? The government needs to expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. The supply of affordable housing needs to be expanded in all parts of the urban areas. The government should discourage the phenomenon of NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) when it comes to the development of affordable housing. Christopher B. Leinberger Charles Bendit Distinguished Scholar and Research Professor & Chair of the Center for Real Estate and Urban Analysis at the George Washington University School of Business What should first-time home buyers consider when choosing a neighborhood? The most important thing is whether the neighborhood is “walkable urban” or “drivable sub-urban.” A walkable urban place means there are many transportation options (bus, rail, biking, auto, etc.), but most everyday things are accessible by walking (about 1500 to 3000 feet is considered walking distance). Drivable sub-urban locations mean you have to drive for almost everything outside the home. The best way to determine if the house is walkable urban is Walk Score, which has a 0-100 ranking system of all houses and most communities in the country. A Walk Score above 60 is considered walkable urban. Walkable urban neighborhoods are generally the most expensive on a price per square foot basis, sometimes two-times, and even three-times more expensive than drivable sub-urban, and will probably see the most price appreciation over the next decade or more. Drivable sub-urban houses tend to be over-built, resulting in lower prices per square foot than walkable urban houses due to excess supply, though that means you can get substantial bargains. You will have to factor in owning more cars into your household budget though, and the increased driving for commutes and other household errands. How do you know that you are financially ready to buy your first home? The obvious financial considerations are having the required down payment and the monthly all-in mortgage and insurance costs. One consideration few households make is the cost of transportation, the second household budget category, which is a direct result of where the house is located. Generally speaking, a walkable urban home will require fewer cars in the household. In general, drivable sub-urban households spend 25% of the income on transportation, almost all of that amount for car loan repayment, insurance, gas, maintenance and parking. By dropping one car out of the typical household saves, according to the AAA, $9,400 per year. This translates into increased mortgage capacity of $150,000. Cars always depreciate, while houses tend to appreciate. Having more, and generally cheaper transportation options (walking just involves a good pair of shoes), walkable urban households on average spend 9% of their household budget on transportation, a substantial savings that could be applied to the increased housing costs for walkable urban communities. What do you recommend as the minimum down payment for a first-time home buyer? The lowest possible, but if you have more, invest whatever you can, without draining your “rainy day” fund. The lowest you need to get into the house, since getting on the ownership ladder is the first step in building household net worth and having the security and pleasure of homeownership. The maximum you can will get you on the way to paying off your mortgage someday. This is counter to conventional wisdom, and exceedingly old-fashioned. However, my household investment strategy is to get out of all personal debt (student, mortgage, car, credit card -- which is the stupidest debt, etc.) as soon as possible. This will give you the most valuable asset -- peace of mind. Plus, it means you only have to earn enough for variable cost household items (food, insurance, transportation, vacation, savings, etc.). Not having any debt means you can say “no” to being a wage slave at some point, allowing you to only take employment you want to take. How can federal, state and local policymakers responsibly and effectively increase home affordability, particularly for first time homebuyers?
Adjust the mortgage tax deduction (MTD) to only under $500,000 mortgages (may be higher for higher cost metro areas), aiming at supporting the first time mortgage market, rather than well-to-do households who get the vast majority of the mortgage tax deduction. The MTD costs the federal government $100 billion per year in lost taxes, mainly to subsidize the upper-middle and upper income households, who do not need it.
Invest more infrastructure dollars in existing and new transit, biking and walking infrastructure, which will allow for more walkable urban housing to be built. Currently, only 20% of federal infrastructure goes to walkable urban infrastructure, 80% for highways. There have been hundreds of local bond measures for transit over the past decade, and over 70% have passed raising local taxes, primarily sales taxes, to build more transit. In 2016, over $200 billion of new taxes were raised locally for transit in just that year; in comparison, the federal government spends $60 billion on all transportation per year. So the encouragement of more local spending on transit, biking and walking infrastructure will help make more walkable urban housing happen, and lower household transportation costs.
Fight NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) opposition to higher density housing, particularly in walkable urban places. NIMBYs cause housing prices to spike unnecessarily by putting supply constraints on the market. Plus, it is estimated that 1-2% of additional annual GDP growth would occur if NIMBYs would be overridden and the market can give us what we want. Also, walkable urban housing is by far the most environmentally sustainable; moving a household from a drivable sub-urban location to a walkable urban place drops green house gas emissions by 50-80%, the number one way we can address climate change.
Alessandro Rebucci Assistant Professor of Economics, Finance and Real Estate at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School What should first-time home buyers consider when choosing a neighborhood? The old adage says “location,” “location,” “location.” What that means nowadays is proximity to urban areas where health, education, and other services are easily accessible, with short commutes, and plenty of labor demand. Properties (and especially apartments) with these characteristics are likely to be more liquid investments (easily resalable), and appreciate or preserve more values over the next several years. The millions of millennials who are shaping the market have developed a taste for these types of housing solutions, and will provide strong support to these markets for years to come. How do you know that you are financially ready to buy your first home? Job security is important to be able to service a mortgage smoothly. That means the confidence that rain or shine, a well-paid job can be easily found. If you are struggling to find employment, homeownership is not yet for you, and might be the rope around your neck if somehow acquired through lax underwriting or easy loans at the top of the credit cycle. In general, comparing cost of renting with cost of owning is a good disciplining exercise. If owning is cheaper than renting and the differential can be locked in for a few years, don’t miss out on the opportunity to start building some equity and wealth. What do you recommend as the minimum down payment for a first-time home buyer? It depends. I bought my first apartment in D.C. 20 years ago, with $7,000. It was an FHA-approved property and I was supposed to put 5% percent down, but they made a mistake and I ended up putting only 3% down, and got some cash back at closing. I used the capital gain from that first apartment to buy a small house when my children were born. Were it not for the FHA loan with 5% down, I would not have become a homeowner until much later. But I entered the market at the very bottom of the cycle and I knew it. To be safe, 20% is a good margin. We are not going to see prices dropping by more than that in a few years, like during the last crisis, anytime soon again. What effect did Trump’s Executive Order increasing the cost of FHA-backed loans have on first-time homebuyers? As my story above illustrates, it did not help. The GSEs face a number of problems, and the U.S. system of housing finance is in need of reform, including cutting back on a number of generous subsidies. But I am not sure that can be achieved or even started with a piecemeal approach, targeting this or that specific spot in the system. How can federal, state and local policymakers responsibly and effectively increase home affordability, particularly for first time homebuyers? If you are in the formal job market, homeownership is accessible and affordable in the U.S. What in my opinion was lost over the past couple of decades is equal opportunity of employability across segment of the income, and wealth distribution. Or, to put it differently, we have an issue of access to education, not access to the housing market. Good education leads to good access to the labor market, and that brings with it access to the housing and health insurance market. It is education, from child care to higher education, where the U.S. is in need of a serious rethinking of its public policies.
To determine the most favorable housing markets for first-time home buyers, WalletHub’s analysts compared a sample of 300 U.S. cities (varying in size) across three key dimensions: 1) Affordability, 2) Real-Estate Market and 3) Quality of Life.
We evaluated those dimensions using 23 relevant metrics, which are listed below with their corresponding weights. Each metric was graded on a 100-point scale, with a score of 100 representing the most favorable conditions for first-time home buyers. Data for metrics marked with an asterisk (*) were available at the state level only.
Finally, we determined each city’s weighted average across all metrics to calculate its total score then used the resulting scores to rank-order our sample. Our sample considers only the city proper in each case and excludes cities in the surrounding metro area. Each city was categorized according to the following population-size guidelines:
Large cities: More than 300,000 people
Midsize cities: 150,000 to 300,000 people
Small cities: Fewer than 150,000 people
Affordability – Total Points: 33.33
Housing Affordability: Triple Weight (~14.29 Points)Note: This metric was calculated as follows: Median House Price / Median Annual Household Income.
Average Cost of Homeowner’s Insurance: Full* Weight (~4.76 Points)
Cost of Living: Full Weight (~4.76 Points)
Cost per Square Foot: Full Weight (~4.76 Points)Note: This metric measures specifically the median list price per average home square footage.
Real-Estate Tax Rate: Full Weight (~4.76 Points)
Real-Estate Market – Total Points: 33.33
Rent-to-Price-Ratio: Double Weight (~6.06 Points)
Housing-Market Health Index: Full Weight (~3.03 Points)
Share of Homes Sold in One Year: Full Weight (~3.03 Points)
Median Home-Price Appreciation: Double Weight (~6.06 Points)
Foreclosure Rate: Full Weight (~3.03 Points)
Buy vs. Rent Breakeven Horizon: Full Weight (~3.03 Points)Note: The “breakeven horizon” is defined by Zillow as the point, in years, at which buying a home becomes less expensive than renting the same home.
Share of Listings with Price Cuts: Full Weight (~3.03 Points)
Share of Housing Units Built between 2010 and 2015: Full Weight (~3.03 Points)
Building-Permit Activity: Full Weight (~3.03 Points)Note: This metric measures the number of unit permits pulled per 1,000 residents.
Quality of Life – Total Points: 33.33
Recreation-Friendliness: Full Weight (~3.33 Points)Note: This metric is based on WalletHub’s “Best & Worst Cities for Recreation” ranking.
Recession Recovery: Full Weight (~3.33 Points)Note: This metric is based on WalletHub’s “Most & Least Recession-Recovered Cities” ranking.
Weather: Full Weight (~3.33 Points)Note: This metric is based on WalletHub’s “Cities with the Best & Worst Weather” ranking.
Quality of School System: Double Weight (~6.67 Points)Note: This metric is based on WalletHub’s “States with the Best & Worst School Systems” ranking.
Driver-Friendliness: Full Weight (~3.33 Points)Note: This metric is based on WalletHub’s “Best & Worst Cities to Drive in” ranking.
Job Market: Full Weight (~3.33 Points)Note: This metric is based on WalletHub’s “Best & Worst Cities for Jobs” ranking.
Total Home-Energy Cost: Full Weight (~3.33 Points)
Violent-Crime Rate: Full Weight (~3.33 Points)
Property-Crime Rate: Full Weight (~3.33 Points)
Sources: Data used to create this ranking were collected from the U.S. Census Bureau, Council for Community and Economic Research, Zillow, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Insurance Information Institute, AreaVibes, Renwood RealtyTrac and WalletHub research.
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Brexit strategy to be revealed by government – BBC News
Media captionMPs voted to back the Article 50 bill on Wednesday evening
The government’s strategy for Brexit will face scrutiny from politicians and the public for the first time when a white paper is published later.
The paper, which comes after MPs voted to allow the PM to begin the Brexit process, will outline Downing Street’s negotiating aims for leaving the EU.
MPs backed the European Union Bill by 498 votes to 114 on Wednesday night, with 47 Labour rebels voting against.
The bill will now face more debate before it can become law.
MPs will discuss the bill in more detail next week when it reaches the committee stage in the Commons, and Labour has vowed to force through amendments.
Hundreds of amendments have already been tabled for debate between Monday and Wednesday, with objectives set out in the government’s strategy expected to attract more.
Brexit live: Reaction to vote and White Paper
Kuenssberg: Past the point of no-return
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Brexit talks will be on ‘humongous scale’
The bill was published last week, after the Supreme Court decided MPs and peers must have a say before Article 50 could be triggered.
It rejected the government’s argument that Mrs May had sufficient powers to trigger Brexit without consulting Parliament.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said “the battle of the week ahead” was to shape negotiations “to put jobs, living standards and accountability centre stage”.
“Labour’s amendments are the real agenda,” he said.
“The challenge is for MPs of all parties to ensure the best deal for Britain, and that doesn’t mean giving Theresa May a free hand to turn Britain into a bargain-basement tax haven.”
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Mr Corbyn had imposed a three-line whip – the strongest sanction at his disposal – on his MPs to vote in favour of the government’s Brexit bill.
However, 47 Labour MPs defied the whip, while shadow cabinet members Rachael Maskell and Dawn Butler quit the party’s front bench shortly before the vote. Jo Stevens had resigned last week.
In total, 13 Labour frontbenchers voted against their own party position.
Iain Watson, BBC political correspondent, said a “sizeable” Labour rebellion could grow further if amendments were not passed.
A Conservative Party spokesman said the rebellion showed “Labour can’t speak for themselves, let alone speak for the country”.
By Iain Watson, BBC political correspondent
In truth, the substance of the government’s white paper will be similar to the speech the prime minister gave last month, setting out her priorities for the forthcoming negotiations with the EU.
Only one Conservative MP – the former Chancellor Ken Clarke – voted against the principle of leaving the EU last night but some of his colleagues are more likely to defy their government on the detail.
Labour, however, appears more divided.
Three shadow cabinet members refused to support triggering Article 50 and stepped down before the vote.
Jeremy Corbyn is yet to decide whether to discipline the 10 junior shadow ministers who rebelled, or indeed the three whips who were supposed to impose party discipline rather than flaunt it.
With the possibility of two more shadow cabinet members going next week, Mr Corbyn will have to decide whether to relax his instruction not to block Brexit if Labour’s amendments are defeated.
The SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Liberal Democrats all opposed the government’s bill, alongside Tory Ken Clarke.
The SNP’s foreign affairs spokesman at Westminster, Alex Salmond, said there would be “detailed questions” about the bill during the committee stage.
All you need to know about Brexit
What are the UK’s options?
Mark D’Arcy: Five key points from the debate
He said “the calibre of the government will be judged by how they respond to the amendments”.
Mr Clarke, the only Conservative MP to defy his party by voting against the bill, said the result was “historic”, but the “mood could change” when the “real action” of negotiations with the EU starts.
Mrs May has set a deadline of 31 March for invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.
Talks with the EU are expected to last up to two years, with the UK predicted to leave the 28-member organisation in 2019.
Read more: http://bbc.in/2jA4wIa
from Brexit strategy to be revealed by government – BBC News
0 notes
Quyết định 3149/QĐ-UBND năm 2019 công bố Danh mục và Quy trình nội bộ thủ tục hành chính thuộc thẩm quyền quản lý của ngành Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn áp dụng tại Ủy ban nhân dân cấp xã trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Tĩnh
Các nội dung của VB này được VB khác thay đổi, hướng dẫn sẽ được làm nổi bật bằng các màu sắc:
: Sửa đổi, thay thế, hủy bỏ
: Hướng dẫn
Click vào nội dung được bôi màu để xem chi tiết.
Số hiệu: 3149/QĐ-UBND Loại văn bản: Quyết định Nơi ban hành: Tỉnh Hà Tĩnh Người ký: Đặng Ngọc Sơn Ngày ban hành: 23/09/2019 Ngày hiệu lực: Đã biết Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật Số công báo: Đang cập nhật Tình trạng: Đã biết
CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc —————
Số: 3149/QĐ-UBND
Hà Tĩnh, ngày 23 tháng 9 năm 2019
Căn cứ Luật Tổ chức Chính quyền địa phương ngày 19/6/2015;
Căn cứ Nghị định số 63/2010/NĐ-CP ngày 08/6/2010 của Chính phủ về kiểm soát thủ tục hành chính; Nghị định số 92/2017/NĐ-CP ngày 07/8/2017 của Chính phủ về sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của các Nghị định liên quan đến kiểm soát thủ tục hành chính;
Căn cứ Nghị định số 61/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 23/4/2018 của Chính phủ về thực hiện cơ chế một cửa, một cửa liên thông trong giải quyết thủ tục hành chính;
Căn cứ Thông tư số 02/2017/TT-VPCP ngày 31/10/2017 của Bộ trưởng, Chủ nhiệm Văn phòng Chính phủ hướng dẫn về nghiệp vụ kiểm soát thủ tục hành chính;
Căn cứ Thông tư số 01/2018/TT-VPCP ngày 23/11/2018 của Bộ trưởng, Chủ nhiệm Văn phòng Chính phủ hướng dẫn thi hành một số quy định của Nghị định số 61/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 23/4/2018 của Chính phủ về thực hiện cơ chế một cửa, một cửa liên thông trong giải quyết thủ tục hành chính;
Xét đề nghị của Giám đốc Sở Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn tại Văn bản số 1634/SNN-TCCB ngày 26/8/2019; Sở Khoa học và Công nghệ tại Văn bản số 1299/SKHCN-TĐC ngày 05/9/2019,
Điều 1. Công bố kèm theo Quyết định này Danh mục và Quy trình nội bộ 08 (tám) thủ tục hành chính thuộc thẩm quyền quản lý của ngành Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn áp dụng tại UBND cấp xã trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Tĩnh.
Điều 2. Giao Sở Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn chủ trì, phối hợp với Văn phòng Đoàn ĐBQH, HĐND và UBND tỉnh và các cơ quan, đơn vị liên quan căn cứ Quyết định này xây dựng quy trình điện tử giải quyết thủ tục hành chính trên Hệ thống thông tin Dịch vụ công trực tuyến của tỉnh để áp dụng thống nhất tại UBND cấp xã trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Tĩnh.
Điều 3. Quyết định có hiệu lực kể từ ngày ban hành và thay thế các thủ tục hành chính thuộc thẩm quyền giải quyết của UBND cấp xã tại các Quyết định số: 2645/QĐ-UBND ngày 07/9/2018; 174/QĐ-UBND ngày 14/01/2019 của UBND tỉnh.
Điều 4. Chánh Văn phòng Đoàn ĐBQH, HĐND và UBND tỉnh; Giám đốc các sở; Thủ trưởng các ban, ngành cấp tỉnh; Giám đốc: Trung tâm Phục vụ hành chính công tỉnh, Trung tâm Thông tin – Công báo – Tin học tỉnh; Chủ tịch UBND các huyện, thành phố, thị xã; Chủ tịch UBND các xã, phường, thị trấn và các tổ chức, cá nhân có liên quan chịu trách nhiệm thi hành Quyết định này./.
Nơi nhận: – Như Điều 4; – Cục Kiểm soát TTHC, VPCP; – Chủ tịch, các PCT UBND tỉnh; – Chánh VP, các Phó CVP; – Trung tâm PVHCC tỉnh; – Trung tâm TT-CB-TH tỉnh; – Lưu: VT, PC1.
Đặng Ngọc Sơn
Tên thủ tục hành chính
Thời hạn giải quyết
Địa điểm thực hiện
Phí, lệ phí (nếu có)
Căn cứ pháp lý
Lĩnh vực Thủy lợi
Thẩm định, phê duyệt phương án ứng phó thiên tai cho công trình, vùng hạ du đập trong quá trình thi công thuộc thẩm quyền của UBND cấp xã
20 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Bộ phận Tiếp nhận và Trả kết quả của UBND cấp xã
– Luật Thủy lợi năm 2017.
– Nghị định số 114/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 04/9/2018 của Chính phủ về quản lý an toàn đập, hồ chứa nước;
– Quyết định số 4638/QĐ-BNN-TCTL ngày 22/11/2018 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn về việc công bố thủ tục hành chính được sửa đổi, bổ sung lĩnh vực Thủy lợi thuộc phạm vi chức năng quản lý của Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn.
Thẩm định, phê duyệt phương án ứng phó với tình huống khẩn cấp thuộc thẩm quyền của UBND cấp xã
20 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Như trên
– Luật Thủy lợi số 08/2017/QH14 ngày 19/6/2017;
– Nghị định số 114/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 04/9/2018 của Chính phủ về quản lý an toàn đập, hồ chứa nước;
– Quyết định số 4638/QĐ-BNN-TCTL ngày 22/11/2018 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn về việc công bố thủ tục hành chính được sửa đổi, bổ sung lĩnh vực Thủy lợi thuộc phạm vi chức năng quản lý của Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn.
Hỗ trợ đầu tư xây dựng phát triển thủy lợi nhỏ, thủy lợi nội đồng và tưới tiên tiến, tiết kiệm nước (Đối với nguồn vốn hỗ trợ trực tiếp, ngân sách địa phương và nguồn vốn hợp pháp khác của địa phương phân bổ dự toán cho UBND cấp xã thực hiện)
07 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Như trên
– Luật Thủy lợi số 08/2007/QH14 ngày 19/6/2017
– Nghị định số 77/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 16/5/2018 của Chính phủ quy định hỗ trợ phát triển thủy lợi nhỏ, thủy lợi nội đồng và tưới tiên tiến, tiết kiệm nước.
Lĩnh vực Phòng chống thiên tai
Hỗ trợ khôi phục sản xuất vùng bị thiệt hại do dịch bệnh
15 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Như trên
– Nghị định số 02/2017/NĐ-CP ngày 09/01/2017 của Chính phủ quy định về cơ chế, chính sách hỗ trợ sản xuất nông nghiệp để khôi phục sản xuất vùng bị thiệt hại do thiên tai dịch bệnh.
– Quyết định số 3499/QĐ-BNN-PCTT ngày 11/9/2019 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn về việc công bố thủ tục hành chính mới ban hành lĩnh vực phòng chống thiên tai thuộc phạm vi chức năng quản lý của Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn.
Hỗ trợ khôi phục sản xuất vùng bị thiệt hại do thiên tai
15 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Như trên
Như trên
Đăng ký kê khai số lượng chăn nuôi tập trung và nuôi trồng thủy sản ban đầu
07 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Như trên
Như trên
Lĩnh vực Trồng trọt
Đăng ký chuyển đổi cơ cấu cây trồng từ trồng lúa sang trồng cây hàng năm, cây lâu năm hoặc trồng lúa kết hợp nuôi trồng thủy sản trên đất trồng lúa
05 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ
Như trên
– Nghị định số 35/2015/NĐ-CP ngày 13/4/2015 của Chính phủ về quy định về quản lý, sử dụng đất trồng lúa.
– Thông tư số 19/2017/TT-BNNPTNT ngày 9/11/2017 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn về sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Thông tư số 19/2016/TT-BNNPTNT ngày 27/6/2016 về việc hướng dẫn chi tiết Điều 4 Nghị định số 35/2015/NĐ-CP ngày 13/4/2015 về quản lý sử dụng đất trồng lúa và hướng dẫn chuyển đổi cơ cấu cây trồng trên đất trồng lúa sang trồng cây lâu năm theo quy định tại Nghị định số 01/2017/NĐ-CP ngày 06/01/2017 của Chính phủ về sửa đổi, bổ sung một số nghị định quy định chi tiết thi hành Luật Đất đai.
Lĩnh vực Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn
Phê duyệt kế hoạch khuyến nông địa phương (cấp xã)
60 ngày làm việc kể từ khi nhận đủ hồ sơ hợp lệ (thời gian nộp hồ sơ trước ngày 30/9 hàng năm).
Như trên
– Nghị định số 83/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 24/5/2018 của Chính phủ về khuyến nông.
– Quyết định số 2519/QĐ-BNN-KHCN ngày 29/6/2018 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn về việc công bố thủ tục hành chính thay thế lĩnh vực Nông nghiệp thuộc phạm vi chức năng quản lý của Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn.
Văn bản này chưa cập nhật nội dung Tiếng Anh
Quyết định 3149/QĐ-UBND năm 2019 công bố Danh mục và Quy trình nội bộ thủ tục hành chính thuộc thẩm quyền quản lý của ngành Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn áp dụng tại Ủy ban nhân dân cấp xã trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Tĩnh
Quyết định 3149/QĐ-UBND 2019 công bố thủ tục hành chính ngành Nông …
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Khi áp dụng văn bản, bạn sẽ được biết: • Ngày áp dụng của từng văn bản. • Tình trạng hiệu lực của từng văn bản.
Đặc biệt hỗ trợ tư vấn pháp lý sơ bộ miễn phí qua 3 hình thức: điện thoại, chat và email bởi bộ phận chuyên viên pháp lý.
Xin chân thành cảm ơn Thành viên đã sử dụng www.ThuVienPhapLuat.vn
The post Quyết định 3149/QĐ-UBND năm 2019 công bố Danh mục và Quy trình nội bộ thủ tục hành chính thuộc thẩm quyền quản lý của ngành Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn áp dụng tại Ủy ban nhân dân cấp xã trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Tĩnh appeared first on Hồ Sơ Đăng Ký Nhãn Hiệu.
0 notes
Nghị quyết 114/2019/NQ-HĐND bãi bỏ, sửa đổi quy định Nghị quyết 114/2014/NQ-HĐND phê chuẩn giá đất của các huyện, thị xã, thành phố trên địa bàn tỉnh Gia Lai năm 2015 (áp dụng trong giai đoạn 2015-2019)
Các nội dung của VB này được VB khác thay đổi, hướng dẫn sẽ được làm nổi bật bằng các màu sắc:
: Sửa đổi, thay thế, hủy bỏ
: Hướng dẫn
Click vào nội dung được bôi màu để xem chi tiết.
Số hiệu: 114/2019/NQ-HĐND Loại văn bản: Nghị quyết Nơi ban hành: Tỉnh Gia Lai Người ký: Dương Văn Trang Ngày ban hành: 10/09/2019 Ngày hiệu lực: Đã biết Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật Số công báo: Đang cập nhật Tình trạng: Đã biết
CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc —————
Số: 114/2019/NQ-HĐND
Gia Lai, ngày 10 tháng 9 năm 2019
Căn cứ Luật Tổ chức chính quyền địa phương năm 2015;
Căn cứ Luật Ban hành văn bản quy phạm pháp luật năm 2015;
Căn cứ Luật Đất đai năm 2013;
Căn cứ Nghị định số 44/2014/NĐ-CP ngày 15/5/2014 của Chính phủ quy định về giá đất; Nghị định số 01/2017/NĐ-CP ngày 06/01/2017 của Chính phủ sửa đổi, bổ sung một số nghị định quy định chi tiết thi hành Luật đất đai;
Căn cứ Nghị định số 104/2014/NĐ-CP ngày 14/11/2014 của Chính phủ quy định về khung giá đất;
Thực hiện Quyết định số 210/QĐ-BXD ngày 12/02/2015 của Bộ Xây dựng về việc công nhận thị trấn Chư Sê, huyện Chư Sê, tỉnh Gia Lai là đô thị loại IV;
Xét Tờ trình số 1825/TTr-UBND ngày 22/8/2019 của UBND tỉnh Gia Lai về việc đề nghị sửa đổi một số quy định của Nghị quyết số 114/2014/NQ-HĐND ngày 11/12/2014 của HĐND tỉnh về việc phê chuẩn giá đất của các huyện, thị xã, thành phố trên địa bàn tỉnh Gia Lai năm 2015 (áp dụng trong giai đoạn 2015 – 2019); Báo cáo thẩm tra của Ban Kinh tế – Ngân sách HĐND tỉnh; ý kiến thảo luận của đại biểu HĐND tỉnh tại Kỳ họp,
Điều 1. Sửa đổi, bãi bỏ một số quy định của Nghị quyết số 114/2014/NQ-HĐND ngày 11/12/2014 của HĐND tỉnh Gia Lai về việc phê chuẩn giá đất của các huyện, thị xã, thành phố trên địa bàn tỉnh Gia Lai năm 2015 (áp dụng trong giai đoạn 2015 – 2019) như sau:
– Sửa đổi một số quy định giá đất ở đô thị đối với đô thị loại IV tại Điều 1 Nghị quyết số 114/2014/NQ-HĐND như sau: Đối với đô thị loại IV: Giá đất ở tại đô thị thấp nhất 100.000 đồng/m2, cao nhất 8.000.000 đồng/m2.
– Bãi bỏ đoạn “Toàn tỉnh có 17 huyện, thị xã, thành phố trong đó có 1 đô thị loại II, 2 đô thị loại IV và 14 đô thị loại V với 222 xã, phường, thị trấn” tại Điều 1 Nghị quyết số 114/2014/NQ-HĐND ngày 11/12/2014 của HĐND tỉnh Gia Lai.
Điều 2. Giao UBND tỉnh Gia Lai tổ chức triển khai thực hiện Nghị quyết này.
Nghị quyết này đã được HĐND tỉnh Gia Lai Khóa XI, Kỳ họp thứ Mười thông qua ngày 10 tháng 9 năm 2019 và có hiệu lực thi hành kể từ ngày 20 tháng 9 năm 2019./.
Nơi nhận: – Ủy ban TVQH; – VPQH; VPCP; – Cục kiểm tra văn bản – Bộ Tư pháp; – Bộ Tài chính; Bộ Tài nguyên – Môi trường; – TT Tỉnh ủy, HĐND, UBND, UBMTTQ tỉnh; – Đoàn Đại biểu Quốc hội tỉnh; – Các đại biểu HĐND tỉnh; – Các sở, ban, ngành, đoàn thể cấp tỉnh; – Các VP: TU, Đoàn ĐBQH, HĐND, UBND tỉnh; – HĐND, UBND các huyện, thị xã, thành phố; – Website: https://ift.tt/30ivZmf; – Báo Gia Lai; Đài PTTH tỉnh; – Lưu: VT, TH.
Dương Văn Trang
Văn bản này chưa cập nhật nội dung Tiếng Anh
Nghị quyết 114/2019/NQ-HĐND bãi bỏ, sửa đổi quy định Nghị quyết 114/2014/NQ-HĐND phê chuẩn giá đất của các huyện, thị xã, thành phố trên địa bàn tỉnh Gia Lai năm 2015 (áp dụng trong giai đoạn 2015-2019)
Nghị quyết 114/2019/NQ-HĐND phê chuẩn giá đất của các huyện thị xã …
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Xin chân thành cảm ơn Thành viên đã sử dụng www.ThuVienPhapLuat.vn
Hiện tại THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT phiên bản hoàn toàn mới cung cấp nhiều tiện ích vượt trội:
Tra cứu dễ dàng bởi thanh công cụ tra cúu hoàn toàn mới
Tra cứu toàn bộ Văn bản Gốc;
Tra cứu hơn 280.000 văn bản Pháp Luật;
Ban Thư Ký Luật sẽ Thông báo tóm lược những Văn bản Quý khách cần, qua Email hoặc SMS, ngay khi nó vừa ban hành, hoặc vừa có hiệu lực;
Hỗ Trợ tư vấn Pháp lý sơ bộ miễn phí qua các hình thức: Điện Thoại, email.
Khi áp dụng văn bản, bạn sẽ được biết: • Ngày áp dụng của từng văn bản. • Tình trạng hiệu lực của từng văn bản.
Đặc biệt hỗ trợ tư vấn pháp lý sơ bộ miễn phí qua 3 hình thức: điện thoại, chat và email bởi bộ phận chuyên viên pháp lý.
Xin chân thành cảm ơn Thành viên đã sử dụng www.ThuVienPhapLuat.vn
The post Nghị quyết 114/2019/NQ-HĐND bãi bỏ, sửa đổi quy định Nghị quyết 114/2014/NQ-HĐND phê chuẩn giá đất của các huyện, thị xã, thành phố trên địa bàn tỉnh Gia Lai năm 2015 (áp dụng trong giai đoạn 2015-2019) appeared first on Hồ Sơ Đăng Ký Nhãn Hiệu.
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UNSERE WERTE » Leidenschaft mit der wir an die Arbeit gehen. » Professionalität, Weiterentwicklung und Perfektionismus. » Ständige Suc
New Post has been published on http://ihre-unabhangikeit.info/wordpress/courroux/unsere-werte-leidenschaft-mit-der-wir-an-die-arbeit-gehen-professionalitat-weiterentwicklung-und-perfektionismus-standige-suc/
UNSERE WERTE » Leidenschaft mit der wir an die Arbeit gehen. » Professionalität, Weiterentwicklung und Perfektionismus. » Ständige Suc
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