#100 followers writing requests
punmasterbaku · 10 months
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ALMOST AT 100 FOLLOWERS AHHH - Thank you for the support this past month T^T just say HALF WAY THERE HAHA. Taking drawing requests and have a few projects in motion for other content creators so look towards those in the future. - For now, Thank you all so so much and will be uploading more shortly. More undertale content and details on my own creation in the writing.
Current Projects: - Cross all i want for Christmas Audio Comic ft @tehrogueva audio and xmaspartyau Cross belonging to @xpau-official - Scaled Justice Lore and ref sheets - Error x Y/N oneshot [mostly for one particular individual if ya see this tehe] - GalaxyTale in the making - SeasonTale Flowey Designs [ So Zelphin doesnt get me XD] - Animation Meme [ Less likely to complete but MEH]
Sneak Peek: All I Want For Christmas FT. Cross SANS
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dragonrider9905 · 6 months
Midnight Snacks
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Summery: Dogma had a long day at work and comes home to a surprise.
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Celebration You Prompt List
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@eclec-tech Here you go!!!!!!! Thank you so so much for being my first ❤️First person to encourage me on my writing journey, first to invite me to Tumblr and first to request in my follower celebration!!! I really hope this one lives up to your hopes! Your idea was just so cute XD I hope I did it justice ;D
Dogma trudged his way through the streets back home.
It’d been a long day. 
Well, in truth, it’d been a long day for a long time. After the fall of the Republic with that fateful ‘Order 66’ (which he really didn’t know what that was all about) Dogma took the first opportunity to escape the prisons, which were in chaos. He’d struck out on high alert and extreme secrecy for who knows how long, living hand to mouth and always looking over his shoulder. Little by little, the paranoia dissipated and life turned into a day by day experience. Apparently the Empire was too busy to hunt him down (which was fine by him). They were too busy looking for other high value targets (which he had to admit, he didn’t know who or what they were. He didn’t get a whole lot of information in his cell on Coruscant). He’d rather be safe than sorry so a low profile he kept, but he also decided to live a little of a life. He’d get a job, make some money and live like a normal person doing…what normal people do. Whatever that was. 
Monotony of time went on; Dogma got steady work and a steady life. Rarely anything fell out of place, just like how he liked it. He liked as few disruptions as possible. He knew everything that was going to happen. Everything had a place and everything was in its place. Order was the order of the day...that was, until he met you. 
You were the craziest, funnest person on the planet (and he’s got to admit that’s what made him attracted to you. Like, how in the galaxy did you have such a carefree spirit? Live from moment to moment without anxiety for the future. Always ready for an adventure. Believe that everything would be ok, and it always was. Blew him away). 
Dogma always liked understanding everything, and nothing scared him more than when his heart started beating abnormally around you. The queasy feeling in his gut whenever you’d do something around him. The blush whenever you’d tease him. The irrevocable smile that’d show up on his lips whenever you laughed. Dogma didn’t understand any of it! 
Ok, he retracted his earlier statement; he realized he was never more scared than when he connected the dots: he was in love with you. 
Falling in love was easy. Staying in love was the hard part. 
His shifts at the factory were long and hard. 12 hours a day, zero breaks, four days a week. The bits in between were yours. How do you keep love alive on that? 
Turning left at the corner and sighing into the night, slightly chilled with the season and a hint of rain in the air, Dogma felt almost giddy. It’d been three months since he told you how he felt. Three months since you told him you felt the same way. Three months of bliss, and extreme exhaustion. Before his shifts or after, he’d head to your place to spend time with you. It was a solid thirty minutes (if not more) on a good day from his apartment to the factory adding so much extra time to his day he wondered every night coming home if he should quit. 
He was a reasonable man too though. Jobs were hard to come by. If he quit, he’d need a plan. And he couldn’t quit now, there were too many bills to take care of. Plus if he wanted a future with you… 
But, how long would this last on the scraps you gave each other? 
He sighed, almost defeatedly. 
The contradictory swirl of emotions had him climbing on top of the highest mountains of Aldaraan and tumbling far below into the depths of the oceans of Kamino. 
He decided to head straight home today. The lack of sleep was really playing a number on his mind. He’d commed you before with no answer on your end. He hoped that you’d understand. That you weren’t upset with him. It was always hard for him to tell. He wasn’t the best when it came to reading emotions and even then, since his…mistake on Umbara, a gaping hole of self doubt was left in its wake. 
Sighing for the up-teenth time, he finally turned onto his street.  Reached his door and pulled out his keys…to notice the light was on.
He was pretty sure he’d turned off all his lights when he left? Perhaps his habit just slipped. Doing things for so long he’d forget even doing them. 
Stepping his apartment, he dropped his stuff to the floor, and sighed again. Home at last.
“There you are!” 
Dogma screeched and nearly jumped out of his skin.
The sound of your bright, bubbly voice was the last thing he expected to hear. Looking at you with wide, surprised eyes, you laughed and ran into his arms, embracing him with a hum. 
“Now you shut that trap of yours and move it! I’ve got everything ready for you!” Forcibly lifting his jaw back into place, you pushed him further into his apartment. 
Had he gone to your place by accident? No…those were his books, his carefully stored few belongings…
“When I got your comm, I could almost hear how tired you were. I figured since you’d been coming by me every day, I’d surprise you and throw you a welcome home party! Whatda think?!”
“The place is empty.”
“Exactly! You’re kind of party.”
Dogma chuckled. You weren’t wrong. 
“It’s great, thank you.”
“Oh I’m just getting started. First, it’s snacks in the kitchen, then it’s holovids, then a good night's rest for your off day tomorrow!” 
You waved your hand to the couch where you haphazardly threw pillows and blankets onto the floor. Pillows and blankets he knew were not his. 
“You brought your stuff over here?” Dogma knew you were particular about your comfort items. You liked them clean and in place in your own apartment. They never left their spots. 
“Yeah! I figured we could make a blanket fort! I know you don’t have many of your own yet.”
“I, uh, I—” 
“Oh stop babbling and let’s eat! I know you’re starving!”
Bopping behind him and placing your palms on his back, you practically pushed him all the way into the kitchen. 
Sitting on the table was a vast variety of his favorite snacks all assembled in a neat array. 
“Oh wow…” Dogma was at a loss for words. You did all of this for him?
He turned to see your sparkling face and smiled. 
“Thank you for everything. I don’t deserve…”
“No talking like that! You deserve the galaxy, my dear.”
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he drew you in for a hug. Against his chest, he felt your smile. Pressing a kiss to the top of your head, he broke away. 
“Should we move the snacks into the living room and get started on those holovids? Since you’re the absolute best, you get to pick.” Dogma picked up a platter of meats and cheese on it, moving to the small coffee table he had.
“But this is supposed to be your relaxation night…”
“Nah, whenever I’m with you I’m relaxed.” He paused with a look of realization crossing his face, along with a smile. “Well, mostly.”
You laughed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, nothing.”
Raising an eyebrow you shook your head. 
“Ok, then.”
“Isn’t that show you like on tonight?” he asked. “I can turn that on…”
“If you like it, I like it.”
You giggled. “Ok, sounds like a plan.”
“Also, I get to make fun of it if I want to.”
You laughed and threw a pillow at him, which he expertly deflected with a laugh. 
Settling down and wrapping blankets over your heads, Dogma started the show. 
“Aw shoot, I forgot the dip in the fridge.” You scrunched up your face, eyes glued to the screen. The action was only beginning. A slight look of disappointment crossed your face before you stated “I’ll be right back.”
“No you stay, I’ll grab it.” 
With a wink, Dogma jumped to his feet and ran to the fridge.
Opening the door, Dogma was struck in the face.
“What the kriff?!”
Running a hand down his face and refocusing, he didn’t see the dip he was looking for, instead he noticed a little, red dragon sitting on the shelf…laughing? Was it laughing at him?
“Why….is there a dragon in my fridge?”
“It was hot!”
“What kind of an explanation is that?” Dogma said more to himself than you.
 “Well I mean if he was hot.” He rolled his eyes. “What the kriff is he doing in my fridge though? Where’d he come from?”
You came running into the kitchen. “Isn’t he the cutest thing!!! I found him today roaming the streets. He’s a fire dragon! I’m going to bring him home and raise him and we’ll be best buddies.”
Dogma shook his head. You were crazy. 
But he loved that about you. 
Yeah, this love would stay alive for a long time. Who knew, even maybe the rest of his life.
Celebrating You Masterlist
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swiftsdelucaa · 2 years
 Hi, can you do a meredith grey x reader where meredith can’t decide who to pick between reader and Derek. Then she makes her decision once she sees her come into the hospital after she gets injured? Please?
❛ 𝑰 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Meredith Grey x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: Sorry for the wait 🙏This was a good idea anyway anon, I hope you'll enjoy this!!
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Even though your relationship didn't last long, this girl could make you feel so damn good. Meredith Gray is one of those people you never wanted to lose.
Everything seemed to be fine, but then... he came along. Derek Shepherd, one of the world's most famous neurosurgeons who would come to work in the same hospital as you. Well that's great. But beyond that he was also Meredith's ex-boyfriend, and since he'd arrived she'd gotten weird.
She had begun to behave differently with you, and when you found out why you immediately felt like a useless object. Did she still love him?
Herself had declared that she didn't know. She said that it had been one of her most important relationships to her, and that ending it had been so hard. And she was probably retrying everything right now. You didn't even know if still believe her when she told you to care about you.
Sometimes meetings between you, Meredith and Derek happened so embarrassing that you would want to disappear from the whole world. More you got to know him, more he just seemed like an asshole, you had no idea how could Meredith fell for someone like that.
Since she didn't intend to do anything to change the situation you decided to walk away from her. She seemed to have noticed it, so when she saw you she often tended to follow you to try to talk to you, and you couldn't take it anymore.
"Y/n, please, wait!" you heard her voice coming from behind you as you went down the stairs.
"What do you still want to me?" you addressed her in a rather annoyed tone.
"Y/n, I really care about you, you must believe me, but-"
"But what?" you interrupted her. "Meredith, I'm the last person in the world who's going to tell you what to do and stop you from being happy. If being with Derek is what you want, go. I'm not going to stay here and wait forever for a person who doesn't even know what wants and playing with other people's feelings. I knew what I wanted, and it was just to be with you, but sadly it doesn't always go as hoped..." you could see the tears in her eyes before you could walk away. As difficult as it's been, it was the only solution, but it hurt you badly.
From that moment the only thing you waited for was the end of the day to go home. You would have sat on the sofa and started drinking to forget all this crap.
You left the hospital, went to your car and you've gone. You were just calmly continuing on your way, the sun was bothering your eyesight, so you reached over to get to your bag and get your sunglasses, but you just dropped everything. You huffed and turned for a moment to gather everything up, sorted yourself out, and immediately you saw the car in front of you stopped. You pressed your foot quickly on the brake, but since you would never be able to stop in time you swerved sharply. You couldn't even see where you had crashed as you hit your head for the impact, and after that you didn't remember anything.
When you woke up you were so confused, everyone was around your stretcher. You wanted to try to say something, but you felt like you didn't quite have the strength.
You were hearing them talk about a possible concussion, when all of a sudden you started getting severe pain in your abdomen, and everyone leaned over having heard you moan.
"Possible internal bleeding, let's take her to the operating room, right now!" they began to take you away, while you still looked around and the pain took over. Then you saw her, Meredith. She seemed to freeze completely at the sight of you like this. But it was certainly not the right time to think about this.
The surgery had gone well fortunately, now you were alone in a depressing room to say the least. You felt your head pounding, but at least the rest of the pain was under control.
"Y/n" you turned to see Meredith near the edge of the door. "Can I enter please?" there was nothing you could do to stop her being stuck in a hospital bed, so you just nodded.
"How are you?" she sat next to you.
"I've been better..."
"I'm so sorry" her gaze was sad.
"Well it's my fault, I got distracted for a second..."
A strange atmosphere had formed in the room, accompanied by an awkward silence.
"Y/n, I- I've never been really good with new experiences..."
"Meredith, we don't have to talk about it now-"
"No, please listen to me. I've never been good with it, and for me with Derek it's been very important. But there's nothing between us anymore, and knowing you it's been one of the best thing until now. I want you with me, I chose you, and I'll always choose you" these words lit up your face and your mind, almost making you feel better. You flashed her a big smile and she shook your hand.
"If I knew it would take an accident to make you say it, then I would have done it long ago" you both laughed.
"Shut up!" she looked at you smiling and gave you a little kiss on your forehead.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
Congrants on the 100 followers 4402!!! You deserve much more for your amazing writing<3
For the event, can i request 28. princess carry with ikey? If im not wrong, he already said he likes being carried like a princess!!
So maybe after a day out w him he starts complaining about how his feet hurt from wearing heels for such a long time and reader just starts carrying him like the princess he is
thank you for the compliment, i appreciate it!
kyaaaa… does anyone else’s heart lurch and jump and do a sick dance move when they think about being swept off their feet and carried like a princess or is it just me… i’m doing research, like, totally…!
tags: established relationship, fluff, gender neutral reader
#100 followers for 4402 - 28. princess carry
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Isn’t it beautiful?” You hold Ike’s hand within your own as the ocean waves lap along the shore. It’s a peaceful beach, with sloping sands and sprouted grass right where you stand, dividing the sand and the stable dirt under your feet. “I discovered it a while ago. It’s hard to find, so people don’t usually visit here, even though it’s so calm. It’s for just the two of us.”
“It is. I love it,” Ike says. He looks contented, but his eyes drift to his shoes. “It’s just that, when you said we were going to the beach, I thought you meant the side with the boardwalk.”
“Oh. Right.” You forgot. Ike usually wears boots with a high heel. Stilettos and sand are sworn enemies.
“Um, don’t worry! I’ll figure something out.”
“But how? You’ll sink.”
“Yeah… You have a point, I guess.” He sours. “My feet kind of hurt from all the walking, too.”
“They do?”
“It’s fine. I’ll manage.”
“But I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“It’s not the first time, and definitely won’t be the last. I’m used to it. It’s not that bad after so long, but still, the sand is going to be a problem – aah!”
Ike’s thought gets cut off as you squat, swing your arm under his legs, and gather him all up in a bundle. In his surprise, he grabbed the first thing his hands landed on – your shoulder – and your hands support him as you hold him gingerly.
He sputters, so small in your arms. “R-Reader! What are you – did you seriously just –“
“You said it yourself, the sand’s a problem, right?”
You readjust. Ike clings to your neck as he bounces once in your grasp, and shoves his head along your shoulder and out of sight. “How can you even carry me?”
You step forward to where the beach starts with a playful grin. “I’m much stronger than I look.”
Your shoes meet the doughy sand at a lower level than the grass. A short breath frosts down the scruff of your neck while you jump down and Ike buries himself closer to you. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see his ears glow red between the gold earrings.
“Look at me, princess?”
Ike shoots up at the pet name, and sure enough, the rest of his face glows in the same blush all the way down to his neck. He doesn’t even want to fight how that name runs straight through his veins and into his heart. He’s too set in your arms to resist.
He melts like a sigh as you hold him higher. Ike tastes like ocean against your lips.
The sticky, salty air glues his mouth to yours for a blink longer than intended. “Let me treat you like royalty,” you murmur.
Ike nods, transfixed.
For Ike, you are eternal. Your face is every reflection off the bubbling sea and every sparkle shed by the sun. To be held like this is enough. The kiss is enough. You are enough. The minutes pass but the world is stuck in a selfish pause, and he replays all your love on loop.
For you, he is loyal and love, and you know he is too precious to last another moment like this. The second goes by. You let it go.
So you hoot and holler, the quiet broken, and he squeaks in response as you run along the shore. “Incoming, please make way for Your Royal Highness, the lovely Princess Ike!”
Your princess cracks into songbird chirps and a red-faced smile. “What are you doing, there’s no one around!”
“Sorry, can’t hear you, too busy spreading the good word of my beloved princess.” You stop to stare at the ocean. The seafoam rises and falls flat against itself, and rustles out the music of the waves as the whitewater dies out on the wet sand. “YO, OCEAN, YOU’RE NOTHING COMPARED TO MY IKEY!”
You spin around, and his earrings swing with the motion. Ike squeals. The sea breeze picks up a spray of water that flicks against your faces, but his laughter is high-pitched and uncontrollable, and persists even when the saltwater gets in his mouth.
Bubbly like the ocean backdrop, but he’s far more breathtaking than the beach could ever be. Especially at this angle, where his eyes can barely stay open because he’s smiling so wide, and the tousled ends of his hair matches the bottle-blue waves behind him, and he is so close that his giggles breathe life back at you. Your hands are flush along his back where they belong. The sandy grasp treasures the tide.
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jaehunnyy · 2 years
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I know I love you
Genre: friends-to-lovers!au, fake-dating!au, angsty but with a happy ending, fluff (in the end)
Word count: 1k
Pairing: fake-boyfriend!Beomgyu x fem!reader
Requested by: anon (song: 0X1=LOVESONG - TXT)
Warnings: one kiss, usage of pet names (angel), a bit of a messed up situation, mentions of clubbing, mentions of Beomgyu being drunk (though he is sober enough), possible grammar mistakes
A/N: nonnie, im sorry it took so long to write this, but i am happy i got to finish it now. i changed the meaning of the lyrics a bit and i used them in different situations, so I hope you don't mind that too much. thank you! ✨️
__________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
The flashing lights and the loud music defining the club Beomgyu was in were nothing new for the boy. The reason why he kept ending there? Very familiar as well. He often wondered what made him accept fake dating you, because instead of becoming closer, he felt like you were distancing more with every passing day. And still, it was his mistake, because he accepted the deal when you offered to help him with making the girl he loved jealous—not realising that you were supposed to make yourself jealous in this case. And once again, the memories have started to kick in.
"Hey, Gyu!" you shouted, gently nudging his shoulder: "I heard you're in love, hmmm?"
His eyes widened at your question, and the panic made his vision blurry. There was no way you found out, was it?
"Uhm, well, you see—"
"I can help you with that, Gyu! I know you are way too shy to confess, so I have a plan for that. Let's fake date!"
"I don't want to use you for that… you are much more than a rebound for me, Y/N…"
“I offered to do that, and I will be here for you, always. Let's do that, Gyu. Please, use me like a drug."
Let's fake date. Please, use me like a drug. He would have never imagined that he would be in such a situation, but if he said no, you would keep on asking questions, and he would expose himself; so he chose to say yes.
Already tired of the place he spent his last hour in and the aching memory of his mistake, he took his leather jacket and started walking slowly to your house, because even with his foggy mind, he knew you'd always let him in. You were his fake girlfriend, after all. He also took advantage of the silence on the street, engulfed by the pressure of his thoughts, until he reached your welcoming house. One knock, and you were already in front of him, the same, worried look plastered on your face.
"Did you get drunk again…?" you sighed, before letting him come inside.
"No, 'm not drunk," he said, an innocent smile stretching his lips softly: "just missed you."
You gave him a bitter smile, because in the end, you were not the girl he loved, (or so you thought).
"Is this part of our deal?"
"Missing you? No, Y/N, 'm honest with youuuu!" he laughed, clinging into you like a little kid.
You had enough of this painful pretending.
"Gyu… let's end this."
Was he not sober enough, so that he started to hear things? There's no way you would end things like this, right? Did he do something wrong?
"What? What about the girl I like?"
"You don't need me to pull her, Beomgyu. Once you do, you will be happy, and I will keep on hurting myself. It's over."
He felt the need to laugh, you couldn't be serious. It was toxic, but he was addicted.
"Are you saying that I'm the one hurting you, when you did that to yourself?" he asked, hands shaking in anger. Why did you blame him?
"Yes." you simply stated, arms crossed in front of your chest.
"Then why the fuck did you offer to help me one month ago?"
"Because I love you, Gyu. And I would rather have you as my fake boyfriend than not having you at all, but it has become an all or nothing situation, and I want all of you."
You did all of this—because you loved him too? All this messed up situation, for him to find out that you were crushing on each other?
"Y/N… you were the girl I liked. When you found out that I have a crush, I panicked and… I didn't want to give myself away, so I chose to say yes to your plan, even though it made no sense."
You looked at him with glossy eyes, giving up and squishing him into a big hug. There was no point in fighting more, the situation was already messed up. You were convinced he wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, but you wanted to use this opportunity, just this time.
"Gyu, look at me. If you remember this in the morning, kiss me. If not, let's both forget about this."
Even though he was sober enough to think rationally, he played your game once again.
The next morning came with such small steps, that you felt trapped in a never ending loop. Since you didn't have a lot of space in your one-person apartment, you had no choice but to let Beomgyu sleep next to you, his hands holding you close to him all night. You opened your eyes and saw him already looking at you, lips curling in happiness at the sight of you.
"Morning, Y/N!" he cheerfully said, stroking your back softly.
"Morning, Gyu. How do you feel?"
"Amazing, actually. What about you?"
"I'm… alright…" you whispered, trying to understand why he didn't act sick after his drunk state the other day; though, the boy had something else in mind.
He gently cupped your cheek with his hands, pressing his soft lips on yours. The kiss took you off guard, but you didn't lose any more time and kissed him back, full of feelings and love. You felt him smile, pressing his forehead on yours and looking at you softly.
"Say you love me, Y/N. That's all I want to hear right now. Say you love me till the end of the world."
"I love you, Gyu. I love you, and I'm so happy you remembered."
"I love you too, angel, I always did." he said, then pressed a sweet kiss on your cheek.
In the end, everything turned out to be worth it, as you ended up having your own happy ending story, next to the boy you've adored more than anything.
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risenwrites · 4 months
Me: Wants to write Law x Reader stuff
Also Me: "What if I write Law poorly 😭???"
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nebbyy · 5 months
Omg guys thank you so much for your support, we're already at 110 followers🥹🥹🥹
I promise that the next king Baldwin's fic is almost finished, I'll try to post it by the end of the day but I can't make promises..
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tildeathiwillwrite · 5 months
Writing Requests Are Now Open! (100-Follower Special)
Hello there! As it says on the title, I am as of right now taking writing requests! 82.7% of voters said yes on my poll, so here we are!
What I Will Write:
most whump tropes
one-shots (fandom or original)
oc requests
pretty much anything not listed on the Will Not Write list
What I Will Not Write:
nsfw (the closest I will get is noncon nonsexual touching)
My Favorite Things to Write:
used as bait
magic whump
captivity whump
ptsd whump
immortal whump
realism in whump
anything with my ocs
My WIP masterposts are linked in my intro if you want to find ocs for me to torture and/or examples of the listed tropes and my writing style.
I reserve the right to change the above lists at any time. If your request falls under the Will Not Write List it will be deleted. If I'm not in a fandom for a requested ficlet I will let you know (but I'm in a lot of fandoms, so pretty unlikely. But if so, recs are 100% welcome). Finally, there is no guarantee as to when I will get to your request.
Thank you for helping me celebrate this milestone!
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ginsakatoki · 2 years
Hii! Congrats on increasing followers 💖💖 may I please ask 8C with Gintoki? 😬
[Rules] [Masterlist]
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It was a calm winter evening, snow was slowly falling in Edo and everyone was trying to go home to get under a cozy blanket, or was already. You and Gintoki were at home alone, cuddling on the sofa as Kagura and Shinpachi had decided to spend some time at Otae’s.
Your relationship had always been weird: Gintoki wasn’t exactly a responsible person, yet he acted like a father figure to the two teenagers that lived with him, and you had a soothing energy that calmed them all down when they were stressed, almost like a mother figure. However, no one really took you two seriously. You were the loudest, most known couple in all Edo (possibly in the whole universe, most Amanto had heard of you two one way or another) because despite your caring natures you seemed to wreak havoc all around you, following the most honorable morals, but delivering them in the worst way possible. Like that one time a client asked you both to persuade her beloved not to leave Earth for work and you two decided that, obviously, the best way to do that would be to destroy the O-Edo Central Terminal, where all spaceships arrive and depart. If anyone had to describe your way of doing things, it would probably be “mission failed successfully”.
The two of you respected each other more than anyone else, and craved alone time more than anything, so you decided to sit on the sofa, watch some TV and have a lazy date. You couldn’t think of anything that could make that moment better, until Gintoki came up with a proposal.
“Say, do you want some hot chocolate?”
Whether you like hot chocolate or not, you agreed. Not really because you wanted the drink, but more because you knew he did so, why not? You expected him to ask you to get up and make it, but he got up instead and disappeared into the kitchen before you could protest. It was unusual of him to cook (or try to) and for obvious reasons, you couldn’t really shake off the eerie feeling that something wouldn’t exactly go as planned. As suspected, you were right. A few moments later the smell of burnt chocolate filled the house, but it was weird, it didn’t even smell like normal chocolate and, as you walked into the kitchen, you asked yourself how he could even mess up a two ingredients recipe. As soon as you saw him, you couldn’t help but giggle a little: he was frantically waving a cloth on the stoves trying to put out the fire, spitting out loud every single curse that came to his mind. He didn’t seem to understand why the flames kept coming up and expanding even though he kept putting them out, and that’s when you noticed the gas was still on. Carefully, but nonchalantly, you turned it off and stared at your boyfriend with an emotionless expression that caused an awkward but rather comedic silence. You let out a deep breathe a few seconds later and the smell of burnt chocolate (if that’s still what it could be called) filled your nostrils so intensely that you had to resist the urge to gag.
“Gin… what did you do?”
He looked around somewhat ashamed and proud at the same time.
“I know you are lactose intolerant so I wanted to make you hot chocolate with water”.
As soon as you heard that you started laughing uncontrollably and, even though the thought was cute, you couldn’t understand how he even thought about that.
“I love you, I really do, but you’re so stupid sometimes”.
That said you both started cleaning up and you explained him that a little milk wouldn’t kill you at all and that, just to be safe, you’d be the one to make hot chocolate from that day onward.
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forthetwins · 3 months
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100 Follower Celebration Guidelines
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When did this happen?! I'm so shocked and awed! I'm absolutely blown away! Every time I write and post something on here I'm constantly tickled by the number of people who interact and seem to genuinely enjoy my work.
Alright. Alright. I'm getting off of my soapbox. To celebrate, I'm going to open my asks. I'll be writing the first 100 asks (or however many I get) in my inbox from 4/21/2023 to 05/05/2023!
Requests for my 100 Follower Celebration are CLOSED!
So this is how it's going to work.
Reader-Insert/OC Requests
Step 1: Pick a Person
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Robert 'Bob' Floyd
Javy 'Coyote' Machado
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Reuben 'Payback' Fitch
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
Step 2: Pick a Prompt
“I hope that in every life, you are there with me.”
“You’re beautiful, you know that right?”
Person A going all out for person B’s birthday.
“What are you doing up?” “My personal heater went away.” 
Person A kissing person B in the rain.
Person A buying person B their favorite snack just because they saw it while shopping.
Person A stealing person B’s sweater/clothes.
Having a tender moment in the early morning.
“I love you doesn’t begin to express what I feel for you.”
Person A helping person B patch up their favorite shirt/sweater/jacket.
“You can take it.”
“Open your mouth for me.”
“You take me so well.”
“Louder. Let them hear you.”
“Do you want my fingers?”
“Show me how much you need me.”
“Say my name.”
“Does that feel good?”
“You want me to ruin you, don’t you?”
“I’ll never be good enough, will I?”
“We were never meant to be.”
“Stop saying you’re sorry when you don’t mean it.”
“Why did I have to fall in love with you?”
“I’m so stupid to have believed we had something.”
“You never even cared about me.”
“Us? There was never an ‘us’.”
“Talk to me, please.”
“How dare you?”
“The ghost of you lingers around me everywhere—every second of the day. I just want it to stop. Please.”
Step 3: Do you have any context you want me to add?
Step 4: Send it to me in an ask! (Please note that I pretty much only write female readers. I can't do the male perspective very well and I'm working on it!)
I'm so thankful to you all! I love my mutuals and followers in the TG:M fandom so much. This fandom is what makes writing and creating for it fun. Please keep reading, please keep commenting, and please keep re-blogging.
- XOXO Star
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mingwrites · 5 months
alrighty then im off to bed ^^ i have 1 more request that i'll work on tomorrow , so please send me more!!! im happy to write just about anything! thanks lovies and have a good night/morning/whichever time it is!
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rierice8 · 1 year
♡ Tea and coffee with your sweetheart ♡
Sfw and nsfw event
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——☆——✧——⋆ ✰ ⋆——✧——☆——
Thanks so much for 100 followers, my loves! I love knowing that my writings are liked and well received, especially by you all!
In thanks to this milestone, my first hundred I’m holding a special request event from july 9th (today) until july 23rd (two weeks from now)
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What is ‘tea and coffee’?
Tea and coffee is a small request event where you send me a request to my ask box with the hashtag:
#tea and coffee event ☕️
Over the next two weeks to be entered into a draw. For the 3 requests that will be randomly selected by the end of the two week period, each would receive will receive:
- a full 1000+ word fanfiction of the scenario they specified
- a corresponding piece of fan art drawn by me, sent straight to your dms
- featured in a special shout out art that will be posted after also drawn lovingly by me
- lastly, just a simple follow back :))
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How to enter the tea and coffee draw?
There are only three simple steps!! I encourage anyone who sees this to please participate! If you win the prizes are pretty cool and if you don’t well theres nothing to loose.
1. Pick your sweetheart (your favourite character or the character you simp for most, something like that) your sweetheart must be on the list of characters
2. Pick the scenario you want your character and yourself, the reader, to be found in (both sfw and nsfw are available)
3. Send me a request using #tea and coffee event ☕️ and wait until the two weeks are up to see if you won!!
The winners of the draw will be announced the day after the draw closes and from there me and elliap_art will start working on the prizes!!
I cant wait to see some requests!! And make sure anon is off for this event, thank you for joining!!
I bid you all good luck, and let the tea and coffee event begin!
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anamelessfool · 1 year
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I am very close to 100 Followers. Thank you everyone.
Should I do a mini fic request contest? (It can be as stupid as you want but SFW fic pls)
pic related
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cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
100 Followers! Let’s gooooooo!!!!
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I don’t really know what to say or do. Like. Yall really like my writing? Y? Lmao. I’m glad my chaotic ass has brought yall so much joy! Like I said, requests are open! Same for com’s if you want something more personal and private. Ask away! Don’t be shy! Thank yall so much again! Really making this disabled girls life a little sunnier!
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jaehunnyy · 2 years
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R u mine?
Genre: best-friends-to-lovers, angsty but with a happy ending, comfort-ish, fluff
Word count: 0.7k
Pairing: college-best-friend!Mark x reader
Warnings: Mark is hurt in the beginning, him and reader have a bit of an argument, mentions of an unwanted relationship, one kith scene and a peck, Mark calls reader "love" once, reader calls him "Cloudy", possible grammar mistakes :|
Requested by: @sungbeam (song: Sports - Beach Bunny)
A/N: Happiest birthday, my love! I hope you will enjoy the little piece that I wrote for you, even though it can’t express how thankful I am for having you in my life. Sorry for the tiny bit of angst :> 🥰
__________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
The pure, little droplets of rain knocked at your window, matching the way your thoughts were knocking at the back of your head. You were admiring your best friend’s sleepy face, while your fingers found their way in his soft, black hair strands. You were already used to the way he would argue with his lover and come to you for comfort, but you couldn’t get used to seeing him unhappy and hurt. Mark was always the type of guy to make everyone around him happy, but that implied ignoring his own feelings. So when his parents asked him to date their friend's daughter, he didn't think twice and accepted it for the sake of the friendship between them. God, he didn't even think it would be so hard for him. He didn't want to lie, but he couldn't tell the truth either; so he decided that hiding his feelings would be the best.
On the other side, you didn’t know when you started to crush on your best friend. Everything he did made you love him a bit more, and even though you knew it was wrong, could you say no to your heart? You tried to remind yourself that, for God's sake, he was taken, but faith had other plans. Mark was like a sunny day, and his smile could bring more light than the sun itself; but he would also have days in which he would carry a little rainy cloud above his head, and that's when you decided to call him Cloudy. Mark could be everything, and you would still love him the same—even though "love" seemed to be the hardest word to process right then.
You were interrupted from your thoughts when you felt his head move in your lap, and that's when you looked at him, just to find his pretty, doe eyes already absorbing your features.
"Mark? You're staring."
"Me? Not staring, I was just looking," he tried to defend himself, but the pinkish powder on his cheeks said otherwise. Cute, you thought.
You held his hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
"Did you break up with her?"
He looked the other way, humming softly.
"Do you want to talk about it? I know you weren't happy with her, Mark."
"How would you know that? Can you read minds?"
"No, but I can definitely assume when something is wrong with you."
"Then maybe you should stop assuming and get a lover, so you can see that I was happy." he spat the words, only to realize that he got mad at the person who didn't deserve a bit of it; you were always there for him, and there was no point in lying to you anyway. But he wouldn't have guessed your next words.
"It's okay, Mark. Love’s a word I've always hated anyway, so I should keep the distance."
For a few seconds, there was silence. He felt trapped inside the feeling of guilt, so he was the one to break the ice.
"I know I never talked about my feelings, so you might not talk about yours either. But I wanna know. Why do you hate love? Love is… magic."
Love is magic indeed, you thought—but you didn't find your lucky fairy yet.
"I've been hurt before," you smiled bitterly, just to see the curious look in his eyes, and the way his lips curled to form another question:
"But… someone special could fix those broken pieces. Why do you hate love, Y/N?"
At this point, you had nothing to lose anyway. So you just let the words resonate through the room, without thinking twice.
"Because you are my love, Mark Lee. I hate it because of you."
His eyes widened, the blush on his cheeks intensified, and you swore he'd never looked any more precious than that. But when his lips stretched into a soft smile, you knew that maybe you made the right choice.
"Then I am the one who can change that." he got closer to you, cupping your cheek and pressing his tender lips on yours. His lips were like two rose petals blooming on a spring day, perfectly made for yours.
"Wow, Cloudy. I thought you were a shy person?" you threw him a cheeky smile, wrapping your hands around his neck.
"Shut up, love."
You chuckled softly, pecking his lips one more time. Mark could really be everything, and you would still love him the same.
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