ultralowoxygen · 2 years
Kodak Portra 400 by Xenograft
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radioradio · 18 days
How I do what I do
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The Nikon D600 DSLR and family. From left, SB-900 flash, 28-70mm f/2.8D, 28mm f/2.8D, 50mm f/1.8D, 105mm f/2.8D macro, and 80-200mm f/2.8D. Thanks to KEH for not destroying my wallet as I acquire gear.
Boop to @sirfrogsworth, and hope this finds you feeling better.
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babiskavvadias · 16 days
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Analog reading on the Areopagus Hill
Athens, September 2024 Nikon F100, Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D & Praktica MTL 5B, Helios 44m-4 58mm f/2, Ferrania P30 80 ISO
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deadaudioformat · 6 months
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Happy Fursuit Friday y’all! Introduced late 1988, the Nikon F4 (and F4S as pictured) hit the market. This was Nikon’s first auto focusing SLR and was a major success for the company being produced until 1997. One stand out feature is the introduction of matrix metering as well as the ability to mount and use almost all F mount lenses from 1959 to the modern day!
Shot with a Nikon D3 w/ the Nikon Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8D lens
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firesidetextiles · 2 years
Hi, I just saw your wooden planchette purse (super cute!) and I was curious how you take your photos? Getting that smooth all white background and lighting and stuff
Hello! Thank you!!
Apologies for this being so long. I can def chat about photography. Let me know if I can answer any other questions or go into even more detail!
For the most part I take photos on a white background in two ways. The planchette purse ones were taken on a MyStudio background which is a white plastic corner thing that looks like this:
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I got it on Amazon years ago after Skullery (ParliamentRook here on Tumblr) talked about using one. (the price has gone up there so maybe check other stores if interested)
However! I also just use large pieces of Bristol board paper, either flat on a table or with it taped or weighed down into a similar curved backdrop (running along a wall for the back and across a table on the bottom). Here's a pic of it flat:
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And here's what that shot looks like on my phone:
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Here's a picture of it kind of curved against the cat's bed instead of a wall:
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Here's the final edited shot from my camera.
(I know these two samples don't show very much white background like the purse photos do, but I can't find too many photos that show the full setup as is, zoomed out. I've use the paper trick for a lot of my photos though, especially the embroidery hoop art pieces. You can use multiple pieces of large paper for large photo subjects by either erasing or editing out where one edge of the paper overlaps another.)
The big trick is to use natural - but diffused - light as much as possible! To the direct left of these photos is a huge living room window (the first sample photo is taken where the lamp is in the second). The folded white Bristol on the right side in both shots bounces the light from the window back across the photo subject.
As far as diffused light, it'll kind of depend on your region/location and windows. Bright but overcast/cloudy is best because the light is being softened through the clouds. Timing during different parts of the day/seasons can help too, like morning over midday. Sunny direct light can blow out details and cause sharp shadows. I'm personally having a difficult time getting good natural lighting for photography now in my current living situation because the light here is always so bright. The pictures of the purse and the sample pics above were all taken in Washington state. It was easier to get shots in winter/spring instead of summer. I feel like I developed a good photo style while living there and I can't quite capture light and color that way anymore unfortunately.
I'd recommend checking out all your windows and the way the light shifts throughout the day. At a friend's house, taking them right outside her garage door was the best and at previous place I lived it was out on the front patio.
This is one of my recent photo experiments using light indoors (there's a second bulb above just out of frame):
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There's also ways to make simple lightboxes like this one (and this video gives a good visual for the curved paper backdrop I tried to describe):
As far as stats for other info, the camera I shoot with - besides my phone - is an old Nikon D50 with a 50mm f/1.8D fixed lens originally for shooting concert photography. My only other lens is broken, but the f/1.8 makes it great for low light as needed. (Lowering the f-stop also gives you that depth of field blur.) A tripod can be super helpful, especially if it's low light and you need to lower the shutter speed and use a timer. I shoot all my camera photos in RAW instead of JPG because it gives you way more options for photo editing before any adjustments in Photoshop. On my phone I use Afterlight for photo editing.
If you read this entire thing, thank you for sticking it out! And again, if anyone has any questions or if I can take sample pics or anything, feel free to drop me an Ask. <3
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setsuntamew · 2 years
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portrait of the death of childhood memories
@dragonofeternal 🖤
Lakeforest Mall | Gaithersburg, MD Nikon D3000 | 50mm f/1.8D
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sonicgabe · 2 years
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Atlanta Film Co.‘s Euphoric 100 is a cinematic color reversal film and it is beautiful.
Shot with my Nikon N8008S and Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D.
Developed and scanned by Darkslide Film Lab.
(The focus on the third pic is a little soft. I accidentally flipped the focus mode to “continuous” and it was looking for something to track. 🤷‍♂️ Guess I’ll have to load another roll of Euphoric and go take the picture again to get it right.)
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kaelula-sungwis · 1 year
Suraya by Rey mangouta Via Flickr: I recently went to the coast, away from the fast paced city life... My friend Suraya and her family invited me to join them for their trip to a place called Ballito which is around Durban, in South Africa... We spent 12 days right by the ocean, every morning was a blessing as we had amazing sunrises...this trip taught me something really important about photography and life in general, we really need to travel more not just so we can be inspired but also simply because it gives us a different "look" to our images... and as for life we learn more about the world and we get to make new friends and discover new cultures :) My FAcebook | My 500px | My twitter | My Website | My Instagram Gear Used: Nikon D700 Nikon 85mm 1.8D B+W 0.3 + 0.6 ND filters Menik SQ 500 (studio light + battery pack) Strobist info: Menik SQ500 + 120cm wide Octabox camera left
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atomsphotography · 2 years
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Veronika Chikalova I was born and raised in Belarus, but I am still in search of my place in this world, and therefore I periodically move from city to city, from country to country… It seems to me that I haven't really started photography yet. I have always admired people who realized very early what they wanted to do, and, despite any life circumstances, worked systematically and purposefully on what was really important to them. I don’t manage it that way yet… There was some kind of continuous confusion and chaos in my first half of life when I was doing a little bit of everything and tasting so many different things searching of myself, of my own way. I have been shooting consciously for about two years, but I am moving quite slowly and unhurriedly along this path because I still can't dedicate enough time to photography. I had already tried to photograph several times before, but after shooting just a couple of films, I put all this away for 2,5, or even 7 years… For myself, my work is a focus on the naturalness in its maximum, on feelings, emotions and human states. It is also about the search for inner silence, balance and awareness through photography, the desire to discover and transmit more subtle harmony of lines, shapes, colors and compositions. I would call my photo as a meditation. At least that's the exact kind of photo I'm aiming for… Life in all its all possible manifestation! And also watching the creative activities of other people. Absolutely in any scopes of activity - painting, design, haute cuisine, etc. The very fact that there are so many different worlds that exist on our planet in parallel through the individual vision of each individual creator admires and inspires me a lot. There was a time when I was shooting only nature. I liked to look for something strange, mysterious and abstract in it, or to show the perfection of forms. Now I am very interested in a person. But there is a vague feeling that in addition laconic, realistic portraits, I will try to shoot something more artistic, staged and thought out to the smallest details. I shoot both on film and on digital camera and I really like both. Since I don’t have yet the financial opportunity to buy all the equipment that I would like to have, I work with what is available. They are old Canon 600D+50 mm f 1.8 digital camera, a Nikon F 80s+20 mm f 2.8, 50mm f 1.8d film camera, as well as a medium-format Kiev 60+ MC Vega-28B 2.8/ 120 and VOLNA 3 2.8/80"
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ultralowoxygen · 11 months
Paris; June 2023
Paris; June 2023 by Xenograft Via Flickr: Nikon N80 Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D lens Fuji Superia Premium 400
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radioradio · 3 months
A bit of flash testing
Thanks to the KEH sale and a guest needing a ride to the airport, I was able to get an SB-900 flash for my camera setup. It's a BIG sucker.
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I've been able to take but a few test photos, with Popura graciously modeling for me.
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This is straight on, no angling in any direction or any accessories.
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Now I've angled the flash towards the ceiling. I should've taken notes, because I don't remember how much it's angled here.
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A day or so later, and I've broken out the diffuser to take a couple of shots before work. This one is straight on again.
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And this last one is with the diffuser, and rotated 180 degrees.
All were taken with a Nikon D600, 50mm f/1.8D lens at f/1.8, 1/60 sec, Auto ISO.
Tagging @thefrogman in hopes the cute cancels out the creep.
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babiskavvadias · 15 days
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Analog Athens, September 2024 Nikon F100, Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D & Praktica MTL 5B, Helios 44m-4 58mm f/2, Ferrania P30 80 ISO
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cendrineartist · 1 day
From the archives: B&W 211-215
From the archives: B&W 211-215 https://creativeramblings.com/my-photography/archives-103/
Sharing my favorite images from my archives. Photo credit: Cendrine Marrouat Photo credit: Cendrine Marrouat Photo credit: Cendrine Marrouat Photo credit: Cendrine Marrouat Photo credit: Cendrine Marrouat Photos taken in 2020 with the Nikon FM2 – Lens: Nikon 50mm f/1.8D
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simonh · 9 months
Welland Steam Fayre
Welland Steam Fayre by Hamish_Gill Via Flickr: Nikon F100, 85mm 1.8d and XP2
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lilyinblinkenlights · 10 months
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robed in their stoles of snow
stockholm, sweden / march 2023
nikon f90x - nikkor af-d 50mm f/1.8d - ilford xp2 super 400
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sonicgabe · 2 years
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Some recent-ish film shots.
1) Euphoric 100 from Atlanta Film Co. with my Nikon N8008S and Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D. This film is amazing. Go buy some. You’ll thank me.
2) KikiPan320 from Camera Film Photo with my Minolta XG-M and Rokkor 58mm f/1.4. I really like this film. It’s gritty and beautiful.
3) Acros II by Fuji Film with the same Nikon set up as above. You can’t really go wrong with this film.
More from these rolls soon. All developed and scanned by Darkslide Film Lab, who do outstanding work.
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