#.which is the vibe i get from MODERN day libertarians
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for the r&j discourse... actually the main topic was about chatgpt is currently available in my country and someone made a post to discuss whether ai would rule the world (and concluded its not gonna be that dramatic like people imagine after he teaching chatgpt chess and asking it questions about moral dilemma). the most possible scenario is that ai will be people's mental counselor (or even the one can give advice on/effect our life choices, our morality), and specifically it will replace book/film reviewers cause chatgpt is excellent at these. and that said person made a joke about if those reviewers dont want to be replaced, they should write something that ai would 'despise' writing about; and then he gave an screenshot that he sent chatgpt a message like:
so i was just being nosy or whatever about that line "Shakespeare wrote r&j just to criticize love because he thought it's stupid" and thought i could ask you (admittedly i have never read r&j even it got stranlated into my mother tongue 'cause i think it wouldn't be the same when i can read it in its language and still need some motivation for shakespere's works is ...hard lol)
in the discourse, he even noted that current world with ai will be likelier a dystopia in 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley than the one in '1984' by 'George Owell' (which i must also admit i don't have a clue, but asking you once again to give thoughts lol)
it was so random and a lot, i know, and you always have been so kind and generous, no need to burdern yourself with this, just delete this without any qualms if this is too much
thank you ^^
interesting..... i was not expecting this to be the direction that query went in lol.
i find the whole chatgpt/ai = future moral arbiter argument so odd. it's an appeal to objective morality that i don't understand bc i don't believe that exists. humans shape morals and humans make ai. like at the end of the day when we see 'ai generated art' it's art ripped from art real people made, and likewise whatever output we get from an ai stems from some person somewhere. it ultimately is just borrowing the voice of real people and their real opinions.
shakespeare is absolutely hard because the english is old and full of references that even the english no longer understand without guidance! i think if you're interested in romeo + juliet you should absolutely watch the 1996 movie, because it's really beautifully true to the feel and emotion of the play while translating it into a modern setting which makes the text a lot more easily understood. and it's sick. mercutio is so cool. the visuals are outstanding.
i don't know that i can give a good verdict on 1984 vs brave new world as our likely future. my thoughts on those 2 books in particular were like... i remember brave new world gave me the vibe that huxley had a lot of weird sexual hangups, and like a lot of his type of author he had 50/50 valid criticisms of liberal/libertarian capitalism and moral panic over irrelevant issues. 1984 on the other hand is a very particular/time-specific critique and a lot grimmer, and as such easier to read because it's less believable a permanent future.
anw in terms of 'accuracy', a lot of elements from those books exist in our current society, but that's because most dystopia is based on the horrors of present day rather than any genius visions of the future. i will squarely admit i don't enjoy the genre, maybe because i don't like to induce existential anxiety in myself when i read or maybe because i prefer my fictitious social critiques to be less... idk, exaggerated. i feel the same way abt candide.
also your message is very kind to me anon, no need to be so hard on yourself either! i'm always happy to weigh in on random subjects of interest.
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this is gonna be a highly unpopular opinion- and while I do welcome someone who has a differing opinion to educate and explain to me how I'm incorrect because of facts I may not know, in a calm, civil, and rational manner that doesn't carry vibes of "you're a stupid asshole and should die, go fuck yourself you dumb idiot racist xenophobic evil nazi apologist r*tard f*g bitch" as some who have Opinions™ on this subject may feel is, you know, something to do in a social interaction with another human- I'm just not gonna interact with people who get on my ass for being "mean". if I come to find that I am factually incorrect on the subject in some way, and owe people an apology, then one will be delivered. I'll even write it out in a letter and send it to your PO box with a neat little pink ribbon tied around it. I'm not kidding. I will literally write a [short] letter to every single person who asks for one and has a PO box (please don't anon me about how I'm being a classist for insisting on a PO box to prevent my own doxxing because yikes, or for being an ableist because I won't type out a Braille letter for any blind person my text post offended by reading, or any such ridiculousness) because of the feelings that I will have hurt through my own hypothetical ignorant arrogance, if I am presented with hard evidence that I'm wrong. however, if you're a fascist or a bootlicker or a dumbass republican or a troll, you will say hello to the wonderful modern magic of backtracing an IP address through the tumblr source code. be an intelligent and mature adult or fuck off.
ok, so now without further ado, enter the controversy:
contrary to popular belief the president is not the king of america and blaming every single thing (ie drone strikes) on the president just further adds to that misconception, and it hugely defers responsibility off of those who are actually responsible for making decisions. the president's only one person with a specific set of duties, responsibilities, and abilities as a government official. as we can clearly see from our current administration, having a bumbling idiot as a president has not stopped any of the alphabet agencies, the military, the economy, international trade and diplomatic ties, or the workings and machinations of the "illuminati" or whatever the secret organization of billionaires pulling the strings choose to call themselves. presidential cabinet just hands the president documents to sign, and he (because we've all seen that there's no way in hell our shithole of a society will ever let us have a female president, let alone someone who doesn't ascribe to the gender binary because like could you fucking imagine the shitstorm of cis tears and babyrage the GOP would go batshit over, let alone the general public of religious zealots content with their colonialist brainwashing) signs them and trusts that all the cogs will continue to spin as he juggles a whole bunch of work work work designed from the ground up by the system to distract him from knowing every single thing that the government does, that leaves barely enough time to get out of the office and play golf every once in a while (or every day, in our tangerine menace's case).
and besides. the whole "Obama did drone strikes" just invites "so he's no different from the right" which leads to "just vote apolitical or libertarian or green or some other third party and throw your vote away and contribute to the fascist takeover" which leads to concentration camps, brown babies ripped from their families, cultural genocide, spikes in hate crimes against minorities, literal nazis feeling brave enough to walk the streets behind three walls of swatpigs in riot gear, etc.
so shut the fuck up about drone strikes.
even if the president did directly authorize or, hell, pressed the big red button to launch the uav, whether he wanted to or not, whether he agreed to or not, because that's the job, then it's going to happen regardless if we don't just have civil war 2, get a bunch of guns, storm the government buildings, and have ourselves a coup, killing all dissenters and people who'd have supported the original regime. if we don't do all that then there's literally no point at all in even bringing it up, and the best case scenario is to just put the left back in control and try to repair all the damage being done on our own soil before we can even HOPE to try to stop the drone strikes drone strikes drone strikes shut the fuck up about the god. damn. drone strikes.
yes it's sad yes it's tragic yes it's evil yes the american government are evil imperialists yes this is a hell world but there's not a goddamn thing we can do about that but look out for our own. you're not jesus. you can't save everyone. the only thing that we are capable of doing is to mitigate the suffering as much as possible. you think if I was kara danvers or tony stark or idk fucking robocop that I wouldn't just fly by and tear off the arms n legs of every last murderous corrupt evil asshole contributing to human suffering in the world? well guess what. super hero stories are FANTASY. they're as bound to happen as star wars or lord of the rings or terry pratchett's discworld. pay attention to the real world that's horrible and think realistically. the big picture. there's 8 billion people in the world now and human nature being what it is more than half of those people are gonna be taken advantage of in one way or another. maybe even killed. the innocent, pregnant women, children, babies, brown, queer, jewish. okay? humans are evil murdering bastards.
and I'm not gonna just stand idly by as we idly blabber on about the ~drone strikes~ and just let the bullshit clog our common sense filters and lead to ANOTHER FOUR YEARS OF THE MOTHER FUCKING TRUMP DUMPSTER AND HALF-PENCE, BECAUSE YALL WONT
besides, if we're run by liberals and take all the damm refugees we create with those drone strikes, that's slightly better than bombing them, imprisoning them, and letting them die starving, cold, naked, standing in their own diarrhea and vomit and tears, afraid, and alone. like we're doing right now under the GOP's iron fist elephant blanket covering a swastika.
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re: your posts from last night. we've known each other for years but i feel like i don't know who you are anymore or why you changed or even if you wanted to change or someone pressured you to "grow up," whatever that's supposed to mean. i just know you seem sadder and less excited about what you're doing now. like, you had such a fire in you when you talked history and econ and now it seems like you're an emotionless shell going through the motions because stem careers make more money.
i’m glad that you still keep up with me! changing and growing is part of the human experience and there’s nothing we can do about it; “to resist change is a kind of death”. we may not like who we or others become but hopefully growing and seeing other people grow gives you a greater appreciation for each other, and allows you to explore more things than you otherwise would have if you’d stayed circumscribed to what you used to define yourself as.
it’s hard to ever ‘know’ anyone, especially when you only see the side of them that they portray on the internet. I know I talk a lot about my life on here, but there’s an equal amount, if not more, that I don’t put out on the internet, both for privacy reasons and because I don’t need everyone in the world to know about some features of my mental and emotional economy. and I am a 3-dimensional person with interests and ambitions beyond LotR au antebellum history, interests and ambitions that I didn’t feel the need or obligation to share on social media. this next step that i’m taking is part of living those less-acknowledged ambitions out and I’m if not excited than I’m at least content with what I’m doing, and I’m going to be proud of it once I’m done. I’m going to do well by doing good, and i’m going to figure things out on the way there.
I wish that I had control over my interests, anon. but I don’t. I would love to write the first modern book on nicholas biddle’s discretionary policy and the use of credit in early america. but if my unconscious brain decides that it likes working out and writing thinkpieces on transformers instead of hemming (hah! i never liked hemming to begin with) and arguing with libertarians about paper money (which i will still be doing), then there’s nothing I can do about it, and I’m not going to force myself into holding on to a ghost, hoping that one day i’ll learn to love it again. that’s what i’ve been doing in every other aspect of my life. For whatever reason I’ve been cut loose for now, and i’m going to take the opportunity and run as fast and far as I can with it. And as sad as I am for losing who I was, it feels right for me right now, I think I’m ready to explore more things now that I’m not so committed to an unchanging identity.
there isn’t ‘medicine’ fauve and ‘history ho’ fauve. we’re the same person. it is possible.
I also…. well, this really wasn’t a message that I needed tonight, anon. I know you mean well, I’ve thought the same thing about people I’ve followed so I understand the sentiment, and I know I don’t post most of the darker things I’m dealing with on here because I don’t feel the need to, but…. damn, I haven’t been in a very good place for the past month or so. this absolutely wasn’t necessary, and it really isn’t coming off as particularly kind, either. if you were concerned about me, a message sending love and good vibes would have been so much more useful and come off as less judgmental and cruel. anyways, I know that’s not what you intended, but remember that there are real live people running these accounts. I owe this site nothing in terms of information regarding my life choices, plans and mental state, and any impressions I give online are going to be strongly influenced by the fact that this blog is maybe 10% of my total mental economy at any one point in time. It’s easy to get the wrong impression of where I am in life.
the whole “you used to be..like.....cool’ vibe? really ain’t cool. people grow and change. accept and embrace it or die mad about it.
anyways, I have things to do tonight. but if you’re worried about me, I’m ok. everything’s gonna happen the way it happens. hard determinism, babes.
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