Ez most biztosan Coelho-szerű bölcselkedésnek fog tűnni, de betegnek lenni jó. Minél többet veszítesz, annál könnyebb leszel. Nem, nem csak a súlyra gondolok (eszembe jut a most 87 éves apám, aki annyira vékony és madárszerű lett, hogy magam sem lepődnék meg, ha azt látnám, hogy hirtelen ötlettől vezérelve felemelkedne, és repülne pár kört a város fölött), hanem arra, hogy minden veszteség egyben áldás is. Amikor otthagytuk Magyarországot, sokmindenről lemomondtunk. Szétosztottuk vagy ötezer könyvünket a barátok, kollégák között, és ugyanezt tettem a vagy harminc éven át gyűjtött csetreszeimmel (kerámiák, régi lámpák, másnak talán teljesen értéktelennek tűnő tárgyak garmadája). Meglepően könnyű volt lemondani azokról a dolgokról, amiket olyan nagy szenvedéllyel és szeretettel gyűjtöttem annyi évtizeden át. Úgy is el lehet veszíteni (elengedni) dolgokat, hogy nem a keserűség növekszik benned, hanem a felszabadultság érzése. Két bőrönddel költöztünk ki Portugáliába (no meg két macskával és egy kutyával). A legszükségesebb ruhákon kívül csak pár verseskötetet hoztunk ki. "Meghalni – elszunnyadni – semmi több" - írja Shakespeare tanár úr. Igaza van. Mindent el kell engedni. Legfőképp a büszkeséget. Mégis: mire lennél büszke? Arra, hogy szerinted jó tanár voltál? Ki emlékszik már arra? Tedd a szívedre a kezed, és vallj színt! Hát nem a rák a legjobb tanár? Ha nem lenne, szart se tudnál az életről. Eddig csak a ködben hajóztál, most majd végre láthatod a túlsó partot, ha van. "Mert hogy mi álmok jőnek a halálban, Ha majd leráztuk mind e földi bajt, Ez visszadöbbent." Hagyd hát ezt az egész szarságot, és figyeld a macskákat. Nem csak az eleganciájuk elképesztő, de az is, hogy állítólag 9 életük van. Jó, te soha nem leszel olyan szerethető, mint egy macska, de legalább van esélyed. Higgy a lét elviselhető könnyűségében.
"Indulj dalom, bátor dalom, sápadva nézze röptöd, aki nyomodba köpköd: a fájdalom.  
Az életen, a szinten, a fénybe kell kerengni, légy mint a minden, te semmi.  
Ne mondd te ezt se, azt se, hamist se és igazt se, ne mondd, mi fáj tenéked, ne kérj vigaszt se. Légy mint a fű-fa, élő, csoda és megcsodáló, titkát ki-nem-beszélő, röpülő, meg-nem-álló.  
Légy az, ami a bölcs kéj fölhámja, a gyümölcshéj remek ruhája, zöld szín fán, tengeren a fölszín: mélységek látszata.
Hát légy üres te s könnyű, könnyű, örökre-játszó, látó, de messze-látszó, tarkán lobogva száz szó selymével, mint a zászló, vagy szappanbuborék fenn, szelek között, az égben s élj addig, míg a lélek, szépség, vagy a szeszélyek, mert - isten engem - én is, én is csak addig élek.  
Menj mély fölé derengni, burkolva, játszi szinben, légy mint a semmi, te minden."
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gender-mailman · 2 years
user shall do so in your stead :) . do you have any pets or would you like any ?
I had many pets before! Fishes, hamisters but very diferent was that i had 2 bunnies once, one big other smol, we had to give them back tho cause our house was too hot for them to stay :(
But a animal i wish i had is cats! :3!! I just wished i had one so bad!! But i live in a building and my dad has some kind of bias toards cats so maybe ill never have one :(
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raiosrabiscados · 4 months
As ilusões das sensações e sentimentos. Hoje, meu coração se despedaça por sempre querer o inalcançável e o impossível. A desafiante? Não. Ousadia? Também não. Acredito ser um misto de azar e continuantes e persistentes ciclos retrógrados e infinitos. Me perco e nunca me encontro, me acho. Um hamister na rodinha sem fim que corre sem parar em busca do nada. Um vazio, uma persistência falsa. Tudo tão embolado e confuso ao mesmo tempo. Um completo absurdo
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necromantesstuff · 6 months
nossa tem uma baranga aqui q so reclama vou nem citar o nome se nao vai parecer q to invocando um demonio, enfim se enxxxergaar garota se manca vai cuidar da sua vida e se nao gostar compra um hamister obs/ so nao coloca no sol querida beijos
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fouldchildtiger · 7 months
Mialatt az igazság előszobázik   2007-03-18 19:12:53, vasárnap     március. 18. " Mialatt az igazság előszobázik, tíz hazugság jut szóhoz !" Móra Ferenc. "A Nemzeti Múzeum - akkor... Kis képzeletbeli tudósítás, amelyet egy kereskedelmi tv adott adott volna 1848. március 15-én. Jó estét, kedves nézőink! Bárdos Péter vagyok, Önök a Tilos TV rendkívüli híradását látják a mai zavargásokról. Azonnal kapcsoljuk helyszíni tudósítónkat, Sváby Gézát, aki kinn van a helyszínen. Szia Géza! Mi történik most az utcán? - Szia Péter, köszöntöm a kedves nézőket! Áll a bál az utcán, a rend fenntartó erők egyenlőre tanácstalanok. Korábban egy Petőfi Sándor nevű hírhedt szélső jobboldali vándorszínész elszavalta saját versét a Nemzeti Múzeum lépcsőjén, amely alkotmány jogászok szerint kimeríti a közrend és a nyugalom elleni szervezkedés hatályát, és akár életfogytiglani börtön is járhat érte. Pontosan mi hangzott el? - A felheccelt tömeg folyamatosan antiszemita jelszavakat skandált, valamint a rasszista Kossuthot és a szélsőséges Táncsicsot éltette. A belügyi szervek információi szerint közintézmények elfoglalására készülnek. Hányan lehetnek az erőszakos tüntetők? - Becsléseim szerint kb. 20-30-an alkothatják a kemény magot, akik eltakarják arcukat. Véleményem szerint a lóversenyekről jól ismert huligánok lehetnek. Számuk egyébként egyre csökken. - És még egy érdekesség. A járókelők és külföldi turisták szerint az Árpád-sávos zászlókat lobogtató csőcselék több kirakatot betört, hintókat gyújtott fel és gyermekeket ijesztgetett. Egyelőre ennyi. Önök Sváby Géza riportját látták a budapesti zavargásokról" " Arra kérlek benneteket, hogy alávalót és durvát, igaztalant és hamist, személyesen bántót és tisztességben sértőt sem szóban ,sem írásban, sem újságban, sem könyvben ne kövessetek el" Gyurcsány http://duft.extra.hu/?cat=1
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strangesillygirl · 9 months
︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶ ୨♡୧ ︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶
ー ✮ : 私の愛 🦴 ︴丂ㄖ卩卄丨卂 🫀
𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐞🌙 ? . . [ infp ,, ] ⊹ ࣪ 🚬
𝅭ㅤ𝅭ㅤ⸺ㅤ onlɥ ɥ𝗈𝗎 ♡ ୭
✩ @gublergram !! 💤
🎠̸̤ㅤ ᛬ ɥ𝗈𝗎, ɥ𝗈𝗎, ɥ𝗈𝗎 ( _ _ # )
︵︵︵ ⊹ ︵︵︵ ୨♡୧ ︵︵︵ ⊹ ︵︵︵
Garota brasileira, esquisita, idiota, nerd, anti social Esposa do Matthew Gray Gubler 😘
Gosto de: gatos, livros, minha casa, hamister, chuva, flores, panquecas, dormir, Tinker Bell, Good Omens, Criminal Minds, Undertale, Hilda, Omori, Trolls, tmnt e outros fandons
Não gosto de: tomates, festas, barulhos altos, praias, calor, pessoas preconceituosas, pessoas rudes, americano fudido que acha que o mundo gira em torno dos Estados Unidos
Brazilian girl, weird, idiot, nerdy, anti-social Matthew Gray Gubler's wife 😘
Likes: cats, books, my house, hamister, rain, flowers, pancakes, sleeping, Tinker Bell, Good Omens, Criminal Minds, Undertale, Hilda, Omori, Trolls, tmnt and other fandoms
I don't like: tomatoes, parties, loud noises, beaches, heat, prejudiced people, rude people, Idiot Americans who think the world revolves around from USA
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444names · 2 years
the wikipedia article on the list of german expressions in english BUT excluding "c"
Abingumbe Aderlay Aderner Aeope Aftelorts Alkobel Alkomment Aloginz Alqual Althaung Ander Appal Aqual Arboe Arizere Armit Artiongs Arzity Asilow Aspolzer Astlem Atievies Ativart Aufnal Bagen Balle Bannove Batika Batung Bauptiond Baurre Bavald Bavieg Beathe Beferrank Beistern Belled Berfaist Berumb Bitall Bited Biumbrep Blannory Blati Blemmau Blingeht Blitik Blitty Bljawore Boodef Boung Bramoke Bratund Braus Braysit Brens Budial Budif Builon Buiver Buntany Dagnoused Danzesal Dasiverk Dateakt Daumes Dayped Deber Degre Delitly Dellugg Deltes Denfeist Derands Derang Deres Dersater Dersiand Dessam Dialsows Difead Dines Distly Distry Ditims Dokely Doldrites Doung Dransile Drere Dualatty Duatik Dunbe Dureurry Earplopon Eisiets Eithord Ellappen Enive Enseef Enstit Equark Equed Etalsd Eupweal Exauft Exier Exims Exivir Expes Explzene Fallgant Fastliver Figen Fixaumb Fletheits Fluseiß Flushard Folen Foomin Fordeart Foreittep Foriberb Formang Forte Forthes Forting Forts Forver Fosted Franuless Freiss Fuely Fulturn Fußbakin Fühlavat Ganter Gehal Geolight Geone Gerbein Gerer Gesur Godess Golly Gorousip Grated Grodiel Grong Gungraft Hable Hadjes Haess Hafts Haftwored Hamin Hamist Hamponat Handenno Hantlog Harimillt Harolool Harome Hautivies Heakel Hefehrest Henlarl Higes Hiseno Hoffe Holow Homeigtho Honeenden Hooral Hoplin Hoution Humought Härter Iddesist Imist Inalsd Iness Inher Ittegink Itzteept Jesug Jäges Kaire Kamise Kappe Katildle Kiate Kiness Kinfed Knishms Knoriate Kommated Kommklard Kranglov Krauts Krian Kritogy Krity Krours Kräts Kuherive Larts Lavie Leity Lethre Letions Lieldaum Ligellede Lized Loarts Lobtlys Loofeard Lornia Loslass Luesated Lugasto Lännore Magateism Mainneth Manahms Manalik Mandespel Maniher Manolager Manorgeng Mardius Maysing Meihin Memilding Menmeme Miber Mileon Militz Milspar Minerive Minuatz Mistan Mitext Mittes Mittles Modle Moltz Mouthef Nalial Nalphy Naste Neitat Nenslon Nianner Nobeie Nuntern Obagne Okter Onalky Onothon Orbitleel Osenter Ostank Otting Overiang Panissent Pareilse Parins Parly Paroody Pearde Peolfort Peramet Perflut Persewine Pfolosel Pfrawfund Pfsven Phong Phouge Pieboat Pille Pinia Posbalt Posined Postorigy Praboty Prandw Preated Preep Pries Promate Promewel Pround Puddel Pultioned Pusentge Quarying Quisprol Raktine Raper Ratemp Rautreogy Reasso Reholost Reimenst Reoging Reudent Rewine Rhohinge Riegel Rignototh Rinessed Rionotal Rogymold Rours Rownets Rughology Rüber Samption Sanse Satehire Satoy Sausenter Sauss Seins Setzed Shaubmat Shilerbes Siand Siles Snereede Sodested Sonalught Sopilay Soprip Sought Soughte Soungist Soupin Souron Souse Spesing Spielly Sponess Sporeans Sposiped Spridern Sprier Sprined Stall Stemizeit Sters Stersen Stive Stobler Stort Stritz Strons Stroun Strub Strun Sturs Sulte Tatoy Terieger Terwar Thaut Thion Thoffeugh Tildiern Tioneing Tordess Torel Traltley Tramen Treate Treatted Triel Trund Träumway Turre Twohin Tworkäser Ukunk Umerkug Undopy Ungentent Upforres Upied Vatow Veraft Vergrätte Vialke Viened Viers Vittive Volign Volme Vulatorer Vullen Vultpot Wades Wagerm Walds Warish Wayeapum Weamer Weaviern Wegegly Weider Weihin Weille Welat Wener Whinzen Wient Wifixes Wiled Willy Wilver Wisking Wohns Woled Woreper Wornen Writzed Wunder Wurnit Wuroung Yeakto Yeraustod Ziging Ziphe Zukum Zukunde Zunds Zungly Zusiddled Étarteld Übearms Übeed Übeis Überme
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marianaangelii · 2 years
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Com muita alegria, hoje posso dizer um Sejam bem vindos, aqui você vai encontrar muitas informações uteis para aplicar no seu dia a dia, e assim tornar a vida do seu pet ainda melhor! 🐶🐱
Eu sou a Dra. Mariana Angeli, estou atuando como medica veterinaria a 3 anos , mas deixa-me contar um pouco sobre o que aconteceu para que eu pudesse chegar até aqui.
Como muitas pessoas me apaixonei pelos animais ainda na infancia, e na epoca de escola os professores me ensinavam sobre eles, e cada vez ia gostando mais, já sabia o nome de muitos, embora ainda acreditasse que eles falassem 😅
Durante a infancia e adolecencia tive muitos cachorros onde a maioria eram adotados da rua, também criei hamisters e até uma maritaca, que tinha um nome um tanto quanto engraçado: Maria Taca.
Conforme os anos foram passando e as etapas da escola foram terminando, as pessoas me perguntavam se eu já havia escolhido a minha profissão, e eu respondia todas as vezes, sem hesitar nem por um segundo: “Eu serei médica veterinária”
Hoje como medica veterinaria posso dizer que entendo perfeitamente o pensamento de Confúcio "Escolha um trabalho que você ame e não terá que trabalhar um único dia em sua vida."
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marketeriadigital · 2 years
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rainbow0202 · 7 months
english activity- Pedro, Sofia, Gabriela e julia Castagna
BOLT- is a dog that participate in a TV show with his owner Penny in wich he has super powers and the two fight crime. One day he ends uo separating from his owner and goes on a journey with his two New friends, a cat and a hamister, to find his owner who he belives is in danger. And he really thinks he has super powers to save her.
I think the film is very good, it's very fun, the design is good. It was a film that was really part of my childhood
The Book of Life is an animated film from Fox Studios produced by Guilherme del Toro, 2014. A free rating film, a romantic comedy for the whole family. The theme of a school class in a museum learning about the lives of three friends. Manolo Joaquim, lived in a small town called San angel, in the interior of Mexico. Since they were children, they had fun together. In the spiritual world, we know chibalba guardian of the world of the forgotten, a cold and sober land, la muerte guardian of the world of the remembered, a festive and colorful place always thanking the living for their memories. Chibalba, tired of his lands, decides to propose a bet involving the three friends, he bet that Joaquim would marry Maria and have the world of the remembered and la muerte bet that Manolo would have Maria's hand and Chibauba would no longer ascend to the world of the living. The story is very engaging and interesting, it brings together a lot of history in Mexico. The film reflects on your true self and facing the barriers of life and death for the one you love. The shapes and colors are mesmerizing, so beautiful and well made. The characters are spherical and well-shaped, the iconic soundtrack is very well done, the lighting is right, the film is clear and extremely colorful and that's it.
The 2017 Oscar-winning film for best animation, Coco released the same year and directed by Adrian Molina. There is free clacification is a fantasy comedy and adventure film for the whole family. The story tells about Miguel, a boy with a hidden dream of being a musician. After a tragedy in the family, art was banned from the family, after being discovered and discovering that his greatest idol Ernesto dela Cruz was part of his family, he borrowed his deceased relative's guitar in a chapel to participate in the city's talent show. . So he ended up in the world of the dead and meets Hector, a poor forgotten person who just wanted to go to the world of the living to celebrate the day of the dead. The two make the agreement, Hector takes the boy to her cross to give him his blessing to return home. And Miguel takes a photo of Hector to be remembered again. The story is passionate, an emotional film with its touches of comedy, the twists and turns are surprising. The film leaves the lesson that a child has a dream, family support is what matters most, without it Miguel would not be able to achieve the most exciting outcome of Disney films. The lively and touching songs have an important meaning for each moment of the story, bringing Latin charm. Impeccable animation, hand movement, world building make watching this film hundreds of times.
Chicken Little- cast: joan (mallard Abby), Amy (Foxy Loxy), Steve Zahn (Raspa do tacho), Mark Walton (Goose Lossey), Dan Molina (Fish out of water), Zach Braff (chiken little),
Review: Young Chicken Litte throus his small town into panic by clouming the sky is falling. Unable to find the "piece" of "sky" that hit him, be earns the town's scan. A year later, outcast little tries to redeem himself by joining the basebol team, helping to win a crucial game. Later that nigth he os hit on the head again and discovers that the "falling sky" is actually from a UFO. Now little must convince the skeptioal town that an alien invasion is about to happen. In my opnion, the movie it's very nostagic, demonstrating how people don't belive in others, even the parents
The Robinsons- cast: Daniel Hansen (lewis), Weslay singerman (Wilbur Robinson), Agela basset ( Mildred), Tom kenny ( Mr. willerstein), Steve Anderson ( Bowler Hatguy), Laurie Matcalf (Lucille), Adam west (Art)
Review: They show to us how we can't never quik, we learn from the mistakes and nothing happens by chance. In my opnion thats a very beultiful and creative movie
operation big hero- The big inflatable robot is always on hand to look after Hiro Hamada. When something devastating strikes the city, the boy prodigy, his friends and the robot form a group of heroes to fight the evil.
An incredible animation, in my opinion one of Disney's best. Something I liked was the balance they had in portraying humor and heroism, of course because it is something with a funny proposal it will have more humor, but when the film gets into a situation of heroism it focuses on that, something that can hold the audience's attention to the maximum at that moment,
Nimona- A knight is accused of a crime he didn't commit, and the only person who can help him prove his innocence is Nimona, a shape-shifting teenager who may also be a monster he has sworn to kill.
In my opnion, I thought it was nice, it could have been a mini-series, but the protagonists really needed more time to develop their potential. Even so, it's entertaining and does a good job of involving the viewer, creating a sense of empathy and affection for their relationship, as well as hoping that they manage to overcome their conflicts and fears, especially Nimona. As for some points such as a homosexual relationship, it doesn't seem that there was any focus on this, it was literally treated as something normal, as if it wasn't taboo in the fictional context of the kingdom, so it seemed just a detail that had practically no presence, with few lines related to this and a kiss from the romantic couple in question who barely interact during the movie, clearly the focus is on the social criticism of the different. Nimonas' feelings and behavior can represent countless people, from neurotypicals to people who simply don't feel comfortable with established standards without being able to question the reasons why everyone needs to conform to them, because they are excluded from the collective if they don't fit in.
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hamstersplaytop · 4 years
Hamisters PlayTop #hamisters #hamsters #hamster https://www.instagram.com/p/CAANo8pBVee/?igshid=p0ehyfijf3zf
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marcyasil · 5 years
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Eu como muito mamãe 🥰 #Olaf #Amor #Hamister #Bb #AnimalEstimacao #Fofura #Pequenino #CouveFlor https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_pBHoFzeP/?igshid=1ohw4mdpfz0gl
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andergroundz · 2 years
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Wreckingball ( Overwatch ) Esse foi pro @fellypelype13 #overwatch #wreckingball #pixelart #fanart #blizzard #fps #artistsoninstagram #hamister #characterdesign #minimalist #pixelartgame #game #classic #retro #desenhoserabiscos #design #like #nft (em Alvorada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CctN7yxOfkp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hudsonlucas-art · 4 years
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crizztelcb · 3 years
Im just remembered the chibi ml Halloween special were ladybug befriends a rat. Like cmon that was so cute but I never see anybody talk shout it (maybe because not everyone likes the chibi version) so I'm here to tell you, MARINETTE ADOPT A RAT INSTEAD OF A HAMISTER!
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otomelavenderhaze · 3 years
Yes! That's it, you got it right. Do it as you prefer
Sweet. Just to make sure ppl know what we're talking about in this ask: "You're asking me what I think happening during that 4 year time skip between High School and University Life with Kentin's, Lys' and Armin's lifes right?"
Lysander -
Probably the one that had it the hardest with the death of his parents and with choosing what to do with the farm (together with Leith for sure), maybe that's why he decided to hold on to it, it's something that he could control, take care of and see grow with his own effort (so I don't think it was a that bad of choice).
Now I also like to think that isolation and bucolica life inspired him to keep writing poetry and lycris for songs. He probably would try to learn how to play the piano and acoustic guittar, to make his compositions more complete (collabs with Castiel and the Crownstorm for sure happened at that time, when they would sleep over or even work remotely).
Maybe Rosa and Leigh pushed him to try strive for a publication of his poetry too, one thing would let to the other, and in the end he got a deal with a publisher for a poetry book - that pushed him to actually (I guess two years after High School) strive for a major in literature.
Kentin -
After so many fights and disagreements with his father, Kentin decided to move in with one of his uncles on his mother's side. With a more stable father figure, he likely started going to therapy and redirecting his frustrations with hiking with Cookie - then he got into a local hiking group and made some dope friends that also did other sports like surfing and biking.
Then he started to work in a pet shop which makes him realize how much he loves animals and how much way he got with them - which lead him to decide go for a major in veterinary.
Ge got his glasses back, learned how to be more laid back now, he bikes everywhere but want to get a car so he can take Cookie more often to the beach and in his travels. At certain point, he finally got to sit down and have a honest conversation with his father and they both are trying now to have a more close relationship.
Armin -
He resisted going to college at first, but in the end he decided to study programming and take a technical course in technology science on the side - studying is fun when he gets to create and challenge himself.
Didn't give up on his dream of becoming a game developer - but also, he found out how fun is to streaming games on his free time on Twitch (is still somewhat a small creator, but it's from streaming/youtube that he pays his bills with). Have been working for a long time now in his first game with a friend and after 3 years, they got to finally release a demo.
Lives with Alexy after their relationship improved with time, Evan sometimes comes back to crash in and spend some quality time together. Armin also have put together a long furret/hamister tunnel around the place for Rocket activily move around - his most succecful project in years.
Yes, for me they all somewhat got better lives and sort out most of their hardships at that point, they all in college and they're all striving for their best lives.
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