#.I'm going to personally show up to your bunker and write an angry letter
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SPN 13 X 18 Review
I meant to do this last night but I was too tired to tbh.
I actually really enjoyed this episode tbh. BUT it still shows yet again how the writters fucked up certain characters personalities.
(This is also all over the place bc i am doing this from memory of the episode cause I am.not watching it right now)
Lets get started
*takes a deep breath* ...... GGAABBBEEEE!! MY POOR LIL CORGI
Sassy Cas. God I love sassy Cas
Okay but Sam bringing Gabriel his grace on a lil serving tray like it was some sort of entree
Gabbee why don't you want to take your grace?!
Cas and the choo choo train made me die
Tbh I knew that they were gonna see some One they knew bc why else would they focus on that?
Dean: "KETTCCCHHH WHERE ARE YOU" Ketch: "its called stealth!" Dean: *like five minutes later* "KETCH! WHERE ARE YOU?" *gets shot* *again* Ketch: "dumbass"
Honestly I wasnt surprised Dean got shot
The enochian writing all over the wall. I'm like 100% sure it was pretty much just jibberish and random letters
God damn it Gabe. Porn stars? Really?
If Gabe was watching from the side, then he saw Luci's emotional distress and him actually crying a little (technically that started when luci first saw Gabe)
Luci playing solitar
"Strip poker?" I SACRIFICE MYSELF TO PLAY STRIP POKER WILL LUCI AND I'LL WHOOP HIS ASS AT IT (and I will send pictures of the results 😉)
Why do people keep telling Lucifer to act like God if he's gonna rule heaven? God wasn't even ruling heaven. So Like....you want Lucifer to just abandon you when he gets bored of you to go run off writing books? God was a dick too....
Dean and ketch bonding moments.
I feel like they are trying to get us to like ketch so it hurts when he dies
Ketch treating Dean's injuries. That I didn't exactly expect
Was showing Charlie's death really necessary?
Okay but...... Luci in sunglasses and a suit. Like hot damn. That was such a fucking beautiful thing
Luci trying to answer god's prayers. There was a reason Chuck never answered any prayers, hun
An exorcism? Really? I thought it was like, a movie set cause it looked like the exorcist....or what ever that movie was
Anthony! (Who ever that is)
The interaction between Lucifer and the demon was priceless
But not as priceless as the faces of the two priests watching it happen XD
Holy water? Really? Did you really think that would work
Oh hun. *pats Luci's head* you tried
Please strip off that tie again. Just a little slower.....and take off everything else with it
Sam's speech made me cry
"I need you" Sam getting straight to the point instead of Dean's classic "we need you"
That speech gave me sabriel feels ugh
He SpOkE!
Nobody should be surprised that Gabriel's first word was "pornstars" literally nobody. This is Gabriel we are talking about
Again with the death flash backs!
But at least they saved Charlie
Jo is dragging luci's ass. And she isnt wrong.
Lucifer seemed angry but he was listening. It didn't snap until Jo said he should be back in the cage
The cage? Really Jo? *holds Luci close and pets his hair* he's still sensitive about that *probably got exploded for doing that but idc*
And now Lucifer lost Jo
But he Actually seems to be thinking about what she said. Its clear on his face
I'm also really glad that she brought up the fact that Lucifer is scared of meeting Jack. He's scared of looking in the son he never mets eyes and seeing the same hatred and fear that everyone else has
If Lucifer didnt really love and care about Jack, then why would he be so scared about what his son thinks about him?
Also Lucifer saying that he wants to give up the god thing and devote himself to being a dad *pats Luci's head* That's a step in the right direction
People are asking how Asmodeus could get into the bunker, but remember Crowley was able to come and go, Asmodeus is a lot more powerful (ramiel could walk right through demon traps like they were nothing), and Asmodeus is hopped up on archangel grace. If the warding was strong enough for lower level demons, he probably broke it so they could enter
Also the fact that Asmodeus kept cas' phone
Gabe getting his powers back to save Sam and Cas
I always thought his irises would glow gold tho? (Like just luci's irises glow. So i figured with the other archangels it would be the same but in different colours)
Gabriel Kentucky deep fried Asmodeus! Yassss! My baby! Good job!
I was still really hoping luci would rip into him for hurting Gabe tho
God damn it Gabriel
At least they didn't change his character like they did Lucifer
Like they changed Lucifer's character so drastically from season 5. At least in 11 he was helpful and 12 he was a villain but now he's comic relief
Which bothers me a lot
But I also think its funny cause Mark is an amazing actor and it's amusing seeing Lucifer stuck in all sorts of situations
Like he gets himself into shit and then attempts to get out of said shit
Gabriel commeeee baaaccckkkk! Your brother needs you! The world needs you! Your boyfriend needs you!!
Ketch staying behind didnt really surprise me
He better find Jack and Mary tho
Angry Dean is both hot and scary
Why the hell is Dean now specifically choosing to go after Gabriel for his grace? Leave Gabriel alone
Sam and cas calming Dean down
You'll get it one day, Dean. I promise
I really need a Gabriel/Lucifer team up against Michael. Cause their combined strength might be enough.
We've already had a Lucifer/cas team up
Now I need Gabe/Luci. I wanna see how they interact as brothers seeing how they were supposed to be super close before and lucifer mentioned that he taught Gabriel all his tricks (clearly Gabriel learned more since then though) (either that or it was just bad writing cause they wouldn't find another explanation for how Gabriel came back)
Mark said that someone would come along who would change his heart. I thought it was gonna be Jack (worked a little. He is now a concerned parent), i thought it would be Jo (she gave him a reality bitch slap), but maybe it's Gabriel? Cause Lucifer was in real emotional distress after he thought he killed Gabriel. Its possible that, though he buries it, he feels deeply guilty for Gabriel's death (season 5 Lucifer sure as hell would have been. But given how they write him now, i very much doubt it) maybe having his baby bro back is just what he needs to start fixing his life
I mean hey if you wanna be happy you gotta work for it
So someone brought up how Gabriel's grace charged like...super fast. But we don't know how much Grace Gabriel had left in him before sam gaving him the vial. Its also possible that Lucifer had lost a lot more grace (at one time) then Gabriel did. And going through the portal could have weakened him further. The grace that sam gave Gabriel could have also just been a lot more Grace than Lucifer had had left. And we dont really know if Gabriel is at full power or not. It's quiet possible that he is still weak.
Over all, I did enjoy the episode. I just wish they would give back the emotional depth of some characters and stop bringing back fan favorites to hide bad writing and then not giving those characters any sort of arch other than a hello
Anyway. That's it for my review on 13 X 18. Check back later to make sure I am still alive, Daddy's got some work to do
#spn 13x18#supernatural#spn spoilers#lucifer#dean winchester#castiel#gabriel supernatural#mark pellegrino#misha collins#sam winchester#jensen ackles#jared padalecki#richard speight jr
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