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Love and Zombies (pt.2)
─────── · · A Smosh FanFic
Pairing: Spencer "Brody" Agnew x gn!Reader
─ · · SUMMARY: Your's and Spencers journey continues, what new characters will you meet, what secrets will be uncovered, and in the end, was it all just an act? Or was something really there?
─ · · TAGS: gender-neutral pronouns, enemies to lovers, protectiveness, jealousy, angst, tension, fluff, light swearing, mutual pining, confessions, friends to lovers, cheesy, social media au (near the end).
─ · · A/N: Happy Thanksgiving Long Weekend to all my fellow Canadians out there!! Please stay safe and have a relaxing time 🫶 (y/c/n) = your characters name.
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Rushing towards the kitchen you waved hello to Ian and Anthony quickly before standing in line for a cup of coffee, staring at your phone as you checked your messages a tap on your shoulder had you looking up to see Spencer, with multiple coffee's in hand.
"Pour Moi?" you joked in a poor French accent, raising a brow. "Qui, c'est pour toi," Spencer replied in equally broken French, handing you the coffee before moving to an open table with your stocked plates. "How are you finding things in front of camera?" Spencer asked after swallowing down a bite as you held up your hand to swallow and replied, "Its... different." Struggling to find the right expression.
"Like I mean, it's fun but i'm nervous people won't like me in the video whenever this'll come out. My character kinda is... well a bit naïve in some ways and what if they-"
Spencer reached over the table, grabbing your hand as your sentence gradually slowed to a halt. "I think people are going to love your character and not to brag or anything but our dynamic? perfect concept and execution and something they have not really seen a lot of before. And hell, if they hate it then they hate it but you are having fun right?"
"Yes, a load of fun actually," you smile, nodding your head along to his words, your heart having yet to slow as he gives your hand once last squeeze, "good, that's all that matters," before letting go.
─────── · ·
Back in front of the cameras and bright lights, you turned surprised to see Shayne sitting back across from you as you took to your seats. "And here I was thinking you were dead as dust?" you commented with a sarcastic tone, squinting your eyes as you examined Shaynes outfit yet finding no clues.
"Save it for when the cameras start rolling, I have something good planned," he replies before going to find Courtney so that the shoot can start. "Cast to positions," Alex calls from behind a monitor, observing the various camera angels for any faults before counting you all in for an introduction that Spencer takes.
"Hello and welcome back to Smosh Dread or Smosh Verses Zombies, I don't know what title we are calling this just yet. And here I am joined by both some familiar faces..." his arm drapes across the back of your chair with a smug expression and you can't help but stare at the reflection in his glasses and the freckles underneath his eye- "and a new one as well it seems..."
"Whassap???" Shayne strains his voice, it cracking yet sounding like he is higher than any plane in the sky. "My names Ronnie and I-ah, I don't actually remember why the fuck i'm here but this is chill, i guess-"
"We almost got mauled by zombies and took you off the side of the street just in time and all you have to say about this all is that its chill?" Courtney asks, tone raising to an accusatory one as she places her hands on her hips, eyebrows furrowed. "Uhhh, well... yeahhh, I guess?"
"You guess?"
"Yeah... I gue-"
"Alrightly!" you clap your hands bringing everyones eyes to you, "I say we keep heading towards the bay, thats were they are housing the cure and everyone else thats safe... right?" You look into everyones eyes at the table before holding Spencer- Brody's gaze.
"Sounds right to me babe, now lets get our asses back into the truck and make a move," Spencer rallies, sending you a wink that has your cheeks warming, your hands rushing to cover them in time as his hand falls to your shoulder, rubbing small circles of encouragement for you to show your face once again. "Wait... what direction are we heading in again, babe?"
And all romance was lost once more, shooting your head up to glare at your... boyfriend? Are we canonically dating now, or? You shake your head to get rid of the thoughts, already forgetting the context of the situation you are in as Brody groans beside you. "I'm just double checking, sheesh. No need to get all moody on me-"
"You like me when I'm moody, it's why we got together in the first place," you retort with a bite, you both seemingly have forgotten the other two players and Dungeon Master at the table as they all look back and fourth between one another, allowing the scene to play out in front of them live. "You're right," Brody said back, tone noticeably a lot softer and so was your gaze.
"This is like the first time you have agreed with me openly!" you announce, eyes pressing into a toothy grin watching his eyes roll and cheeks paint themselves pink as well. What I wouldn't give to kiss you on the cheek right now, is all you can think to yourself, mindlessly nodding along to what George Primavera, the Dungeon Master had been saying as you sneak looks at Spencer- Brody.
And seemingly knowing what you were thinking in that exact moment, your eyes meet before Spencers are dropping to your lips with a shake of his head that has you pinching yourself.
─────── · ·
The game continues and so does your's and Spencers small touches that have you questioning when the acting stopped, or at least on your behalf as you allow your cheeks to consistently warm and your head to drop to his shoulder as you observed Courtney pull a brick from the tower. Your hand gripping his fore arm anxiously, his fingertips from his other hand grazing the back of your hand gently.
There is no way he is this good, right? You question to yourself, breath hitching as Spencers hand moves to interlace with your own as the tower shakes you press something up into the sleeve of Brody's shirt. "Please, be careful!" you call out, eyes blinking rapidly as you will yourself to tears.
"Zombies are banging on the door, if you do not successfully pull in the next 10 seconds Savanah, I will be counting it as an automatic loss," George announces and you choke back a sob. "Savanah, please, I believe in you!"
"Shut up babe, let her focus. She dosen't need to hear you yelling her name but you can scream-" you place your hand overtop of Brodys mouth with a glare before he kisses the inside of your hand that has you shaking the "germs" away with mock disgust.
Once Savanah had successfully pulled to all of the tables cheers you turned to Spencer as Savanah and Ronnie held their own conversation, you both trying to find the next best past forwards as the roads were completely ruined up ahead.
"I thought you were not into all the physical lovey-dovey stuff, Brody?" you teased, interlacing your fingers will fighting off a school-girl like giggle that had your company gagging obnoxiously from across the table as you both moved to flip them the bird.
"Eh, erm-" Brody struggled for words, starting to pull away from your touch, starting to feel small before you yanked him closer than before, your noses brushing up against one another. Spencers mouth proceeds to open and close like a fish out of water as you cup his cheek, enjoying the corse texture of his stubble against your palm.
"I-uh, only like it with you I guess, and only you..." Brody mumbles the end of his sentence, seemingly unsure of himself as he does his best to look anywhere but your eyes, catching your lips consistently.
"Sorry, I didn't manage that last part, what did you say about me in particular?" you push that bit forward, loving the way his glasses start to tip forwards, the perfect blend of hazel, green, and blue mixing into your own.
"Can we drop this, please?" Brody asks, feeling himself begin to sweat more as he forces his eyes closed, feeling the stares from everyone in the room including your own. "Okay," you add sweetly and in an understanding tone, dropping the questioning and his face before taking back to the game.
"I've got it!" Savanah then quickly details the rest of plan and to the Dungeon Masters approval, you all are making your way to the docks.
─────── · ·
Once arriving at the docks a small boat rocks back and fourth, unsteady in the rigid waters as rain splatters against your cheeks, the slight acidity of the water burning your skin as you press the neckline of your jacket closer to your face. Spencer moves his baseball cap to your head as you smile in thanks before taking his hand and guiding yourself onto the abandoned boat.
"We sure this won't sink?" you question, knees suddenly feeling weak as Brody fixes his hair out of his face and the boat starts to rock more violently against the dock, water splashing up and inside.
"That's why we have you going on first-"
"Oh wow, thanks honey, really feeling the love right now," you say back, not bothering to tone down your irritation as Brody steps in sitting across from you and by one of the paddles, Samantha beside him taking the other and Ronnie joining you by your side.
"Look, she's-a-holdin'" Ronnie comments, tipping up a fictional drink to Spencer before calling out random commands. "Mush, mush, brush, brush, uh? push push- wait not. ROW motherfuckers ROW!" Ronnie begins to stand with newfound enthusiasm before you are reaching over the table and pressing his shoulders down and back into his seat.
─────── · ·
A few life or death experiences later as Brody solved them all with you a step protectively behind him and the new shotgun he discovered. The pursuit to the base was easier as ever... a bit too easy as you typed in the code you found within Benardos pockets and viola!
The doors steamed and hissed opened before slamming with a heavy roar behind your small group. The lights then appeared on with every step you took, the past off just a second later. There was a faint humming that you couldn't pin point as the seemingly endless hallway of grey concrete walls, floors, and ceilings made the perception of time nearly impossible if it not for Ronnie complaining about having the munchies every five minutes.
"I think this is where we need..." your sentence came to falling halt. The boulder of momentum you all had been forcing up this stories hill now coming crashing down and chasing back after you. Its engagement only in a moments matter of time and it was ever approach as a figure emerged from the dark expanse of the room, a singular toarch they carried a glock in the other as the metal came in between your eyes. The features of this person coming into light and... your stomache dropped, you heard the safety of someones gun flick off and the sound of a pin could drop in that moment.
"You're dead, was all you could formulate to say..." an overwhelming feeling of nauseau tore its way through your system with vengence. "Then I wouldn't be here right? Just like you wouldn't be, is that not right? As you can see I am perfectly alive, child of mine. Now what friends have you brought to me today-"
"No." you put down your foot even when still at the barrels end, the smirk they sent, pushing your forehead to have you staggering back and into the awaiting arms of Brody behind you before being pulled back by the lapels of your jacket with great force. "No?" they mock.
"No?" they say as a state rather than a question. "No?" they chuckle to your horror. And "No." you confirm.
"You do know regardless if they make it out of here or not, they all will hate you in some degree by the end of this, child. They do not understand the cure that is us as you are undeserving of anyones love but my own-"
"You disgust me, father/mother," you bite back, hands shaking as a thousand memories come back to you being strapped to various informal medical technologies. Your skin bruised by the needles of a thousand experiments, some faulting to the plague you all knew todays as the zombies and yet you managed to healthy take the dose, take in the ability to evolve.
The idea that got forced down not spewing up new red hot tears from the corners of your eyes. "And you are to disgust them, do you know, companions of my child that your friend... or I see lover that they are exhibit A, the core and centre to all this destruction? And isn't it glorious, through a singular serum- nobody shall every become someone like us if we do not choose to, impenetrable to any human disease, sickness, or... death. The world shall rot at our feet so that we can rebuild it a better new!"
You refuse to look back on what you assume to be eyes of disgust landing on you as you fall to your knees, sobbing at your parents feet. The gun stays at your head, caressing the hair from out of your face as you wince at the cold metal greeting your features. BANG BANG
The bullets echo across the man-made landscape and disappear. You hear a groan and a stumble before metal is pressed to your forehead again, "nice try, but you seemed to have already forgotten my speech and have so rudely interrupted. You see, to end this all, YES! the cruelest trick of them all, you must kill us both at the same time. How joyous is that! And now you all must decide, its either you take us both, or I take all of you... its up to you~" your parent cackles as Brody grunts out in displeasure, barrels ready to shoot once more at your parental figure before Savanah is pulling him back once more.
"there has to be another way-" Savanah begins to ramble and rattle off an endless stream of ideas that are met with no answers or explanations.
"there is no other way..." you announce, eyes still kept to your ground yet head tilting to your left side praying they catch on. "do it, please," you ask, watching as your parent grins with glee. "yes, do it!" they copy your tone with an additional theatrical performance. Brody contemplates, eyes taking in to observe your form for what could be the last time... but after all this time you both have spent together through countless arguments, play fights and near kisses. He knew they could not have all been for nothing...
serum... if only we decide... evolve... zombies... dread... and with a sharp intake of breath BANG BANG, it echos in a silent scream.
─────── · ·
And that scream follows you as you awaken, not a singular syllable falling from your lips before arms are being wrapped around your frame and that familiar scent of aftershave, cigerettes, and motor oil have your eyes welling up with tears of relief.
"I knew you would catch on," you manage to croak out as Spencer had yet to speak, he just holds you tightly, shaking slightly ebfore whispering in your ear, "never to that again, that was so not cool, babe." Right before Savanah and Ronnie both burst into the room. "Science fucking Rules!" Ronnie cheers as you all burst out in laughter. Savanah still looks around confused, "so like... what actually happened? I still don't get the whole picture of how we all are like alive?"
"Well, if that serum can prevent you from somehow dying... why couldn't it also bring you back to life?" Brody explains as if it were the sky being blue as you shake your head. "Well I actually pressed the serum into his sleeve before we all entered the truck again, I was planning on telling him and asking him to be my... boyfriend before all of literal hell broke lose," you end your sentence with a laugh leading into a cough as Spencer reaches down below the table, pressing a water bottle into your face as you offer him a smile in thanks.
You all sit there in the silence and protection of the bunker. Allowing yourselves to relax for the first time in what felt like forever go by. "So how're we going to solve this Zombie issue?" Savanah perks up once more to everyones shrugs.
"Well, that was the last of the serum I know of... how does space sound?" you ask in a half joking half not tone as Spencer pulls you that bit closer, his eyes holding a lightness to them you had never seen before George was outroing and the moment was broken.
"Thank you all for joining us on this epically wild adventure, and I hope you all will join us again from when Smosh Dread returns- this time to outer space! Like, Subscribe, Share this Video with your Friends and remember friends... to drink water!"
"And thats a wrap!" Alex yelled out from behind camera as everyone clapped and cheered. You shook hands with George and sent smiles to your fellow cast mates Shayne and Courtney before your gaze casted down realizing that Spencer had already left.
─────── · ·
When finally out of costumer, make-up, and packing up the last things at your desk for the day, you were startled to find Spencer still in the office. You both seemingly the last to leave. "Hey, do you have a moment?" Spencer asks you, waving you down as you pick up your pace and meet him by the door. "What's up?"
"I really meant that you were a good actor by the way..."
"I stopped acting a long time ago, actually," you reply, shuffling your feet and Spencer drags a hand through his hair, an awkward tension only growing as the seconds tick by into minutes and you both start speaking at once.
"You go first," Spencer says, taking a half step closer to you as you lean your face in intently, as if to tell a secret. "I really like you, Spencer more so than Brody, more so than anyone I've known."
"I like you too, more than any character you could play, more than... yeah" Spencer agrees with wide eyes, seemingly as in disbelief of this moment as you were taking your face into his hands as you wrap your arms over his shoulders, checking if one another were tangible. And with one last look, your lips fell to one another in a delicate dance, your breath hitching as your gripped the fabric of his hoodie, sighing into his moan before backing away and gasping for air.
"See you tomorrow?" you say yet it rather comes out like a question. "Would you... want to come over to my place?"
"Yes, actually."
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🔔 Smosh Games just posted! watch now?
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The End Is Near | Smosh vs. Zombies Finale
Smosh Games ✓ [Subscribed] 👍 50k | 👎 7.77M subscribers 1M views 2 months ago click to read more
username01 anyone else swear that (name) and Spencer were going to kiss at the end? They must be some hella good actors for all that chemistry to be faked...
username77 So excited for the new Aliens series, I am going to not be okay when that finally comes out!
username80 Mom, look! (name) and Spencer are my new OTP! (or well, Brody and (y/c/n), I guess too.
username45 wheres the compilations when you need them?! 😭 I NEED THE EDITS PEOPLE 😭
username23 🎶 "And I think to myself..." 🎶 how have they hid (name) and Spencer from us this LONG. I NEED THEM AS FULL TIME CAST STAT
↳ username41 making the petition now, please sign the link! ↳ username11 sir, yes, sir! 🫡
username81 Shaynes new character had me wheezing uncontrollably, I needed my inhaler after this one /positive 😂
username07 Not jealous and Protective Spencer getting me all worked up at a Wendys 🥰
↳ username09 that is straight WILD.
username00 The soundtrack, the effects, the editing. 10/10 production from the Smosh team/crew. Need more long form content and series like this on the channel. We beg! 🙏
username23 (name) and Spencer sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G
username50 Savanah is just an underrated character imo.
username10 (name) in TNTL and Bepordy now... please? 🥹
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─ · · A/N: thank you all for the support once again, all these comments make me so giddy! 🥰
─ · · SPENCER AGNEW TAGLIST: @lisiliely @missflufffanfics @little-stitious-studios @thejourneyneverendsx @sibsteria @lizzylynch1
#smosh#smosh games#smosh fanfic#smosh fanfiction#spencer agnew#spencer x reader#spencer agnew x reader#spencer agnew fanfic#spencer agnew fanfiction#spencer agnew imagine#fanfic#fanfiction#simp-ly#simp-ly-writes#smosh x reader#au#mutual pining#friends to lovers#angst#fluff#fluff and angst#x reader#enemies to lovers#protective#jealousy#confessions#asks#ask#social media au#youtube au
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thank you for tagging me @ivymarquis ! i debated between this, the regency fic (fleshed out), or one of the other Price fics i'm working on (home from college for the summer and seducing hot older neighbour Price whomst you had a crush on since sixteen (aka daddy issues, the playbook), DomPrice, etc), but i think the Soap fic will probably be finished before all of those. so, here is the baby trap piece with Soap.
nothing smutty but this def captures their odd, imbalanced dynamic perfectly, i think:
“And you have no cellphone? No satellite phone?”
“Ye can check it—” he makes a flippant motion toward the glove box in front of you. “Deader than ever.”
You hesitate only briefly. Long enough to level him with a searching look that yields no results (every expression hidden behind a thick, unruly forest of overgrown hair jutting out to his Adam's apple) before you reach for the compartment, gingerly pulling it open, and—
Sometimes, things get overlooked by their surroundings. Swallowed in the vacuum. Blending seamlessly into the muddle, the commotion. Or hidden. Can you spot the mountain lion in this tumble of rock and bush?
This isn't like that.
It sits on top of a manila folder. Sleek black and cold silver. You're not terribly well-versed in guns—the extent of your knowledge stemming mostly from formulaic crime shows aired late at night; CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds—but you recognise this one instantly. Some sort of handgun. Police issued, you think. It's bigger than you'd expected. Looks heavier, too.
Your heart stutters. The air galloping out of your lungs in a stammering rush.
He makes a noise, soft and nonchalant, as if keeping handguns in the glove box of his old, burnt umbre truck is perfectly normal.
“Fer protection,” he mumbles. You catch the jerk of his chin in your periphery. “Forgot I had it in here. Been usin’ the rifle for huntin’ mostly. Or the shotgun.”
Three guns. You swallow. “Why—” your voice comes out in a brittle whisper. You clear your throat. Pretend it helps, that you don't feel as vulnerable as you sound right now. “Why, um, why do you need three?”
“Not fae around ‘ere, are ye?” He echoes your words from earlier with a wry twist of his mouth, eyes slanting in the sunlight. “Tha’,” he takes his hand off your thigh to jab his finger at the handgun. “Is fer wolverines.” His index finger falls, his thumb juts out. He jerks it over his shoulder. “Tha’ is fer huntin’. The shotgun back home is fer bears.”
You try to move out of the way when his hand falls back to your thigh, but the pain radiating up your leg immobilizes you. There's not much you can do in this situation but endure.
Military. Wounded in action. Three guns. Touchy.
You're not sure what to think. It would be easier if you couldn't.
“What do you hunt?” You ask instead, glancing out the window to the barren landscape rolling out around you. There doesn't seem to be much in the jagged hills, towering mountains.
“Gettin’ hungry? Donnae worry, doe. Go’ tha’ pesky hare I was tryin’ tae shoot on the ledge fer dinner tonight.”
It's not much of a comfort. The idea of being injured—by accident, he claims—to such an extent over a rabbit makes you feel a little sick.
“That's it?”
“I can make a mean steak outta anythin’. Stews fer tougher meat. Fish, too—whitefish, arctic grayling, and lake trout. Learned how tae make a nasty fishfry from the locals in Nahanni Butte. Bannock, too. Got berries ‘round ma cabin. Caribou, Moose. Taste better in tacos or burgers. Mountain goat, Dall’s sheep. Been eatin’ better ‘ere than ah did at home.”
“And you're—just allowed to hunt them?” The website advised of a permit through some special outfit needed to hunt when you requested your pass into the park. Said that only aboriginals were allowed to do so. “You're not—”
“Aye,” he cuts you off with a small nod. “No huntin’ in the park. But. We're not in the park anymore.”
“Where are we?” You ask again, firmer this time.
“I told ye. Nearly home.”
“And where is home?”
The way he sucks his teeth makes you recoil slightly. Wet. Irritated. As if he's tired of this conversation already.
You don't let his flat tone deter you. “Are we—are we still in the Northwest Territories?”
It's not an answer. It doesn't reassure you in the slightest.
You open your mouth to say so, words curling on your tongue when he jerks his chin toward the handgun, brow furrowed.
“Thought ye wanted tae check on the satellite phone.”
His tone is severe. A growl curdling the ends, pitching it down, down. Displeasure, irritation, blooms in the gnarled petals of witch hazel when he narrows them into slits.
#baby trap anthology#soap x reader: baby trap#wips#wip wednesday#my love for nwt and national parks is almost smothering#but i still managed to throw so many inaccuracies in this fic lmao#and the idea of an auntie and uncle teaching Soap how to fry fish and make bannock had me in absolute stitches lmao
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idk if I should make this au a series but here you go <3 (au explanation in the tags bc I don't want to spoil)
mouse-verse IMPASSIVITY is at an all time high. Prowl struggles to ignore the nudge against his ribs. A locked jaw, optics for slits are the best he's got under pressure. Even, better — bared dentas to deter trouble.
But there's something about Bumblebee — that punk is trying his patience, unfazed by the enforcer's abrasive demeanor. He's pushing it. Pushing it hard. Without even a glance, he's sure as Primus's aft a chesire grin is leeching from that face.
"And, what's the status?" His audials picked up on Optimus's voice, a blur of red and blue not too far in the laboratory from where he stood. Prowl straightens. Ah, professional. Be professional. He can't be seen behaving inappropriately.
Then, he hears your voice and loosens visibly.
"Neutral, sir. For now, at least. It'll come round eventually. But I'll try to stabilize it."
Prowl shifts, almost imperceptibly, on his pedes. The scout is now focused on a bubbling flask. A digit out, prodding the capped casing. Phosphorus, Prowl recognizes. Vanilla crystals blossomed at the bottom and explosively so. But he bites back a chastise — if the yellow bug is broken out of his curious stance, Prowl might not be able to grasp this chance to, well, have a look.
So, he tilts his helm and lets his optics skim, much the same as he does when he's scheming — a search for your figure amidst all the beams and laboratory apparatus of the room is discreet.
It was organized, clean. You fixed your workspace often. Adored organizing your paperwork in neat little bundles. He discerned some stacks under your desk with those pastel straps you always hoard from the nearest stationary shops.
That is the decorum, the attitude of a proper soldier. It is what he'd like to see in everyone's workstation. Clean and logically organized.
Once his optics caught your eyes, he swivels away. His doorwings piked up, much to his chagrin. A side periphery of a smile curling your mouth didn't help the flare of warmth prickling the back of his neck , running all the way up to his forehead. His frown becomes all the more apparent.
And, of course bumblebee notices.
"Can it." He grits out before he could say anything else.
Bumblebee just shrugs but the slag-eating grin is still there. "Didn't say I warned ya, buddy."
"Don't call me buddy." He says coldly. " I am not your buddy. I am your commanding officer and you will refer to me properly as such."
"Eugh, leave it for Ironhide to decide. I'm not here on a debate for ranks."He elbows his rib plates with a wag of his brows. "What I'm here for, though...." He trails off, and shimmies a crab dance to block his view.
Prowl grimaces and retaliates by looking above the horns of his head. "Enough. You're making a fool out of yourself." He bares out.
"Oooh. Someone's quite the looker, huh."
"And, you're about to gain a look of a lifetime, through physical means."
"Prowl suggested I seek your advice."
Both bots stiffen at the sound of pedes approaching. The Prime has his servos folded behind his back, hunching, and tilting his helm so he could regard your face. You trotted beside him, a hand shoved into the pocket of your labcoat and the other swiveling a pen.
"Oh, did he?" You stop before the enforcer.
The fat of your cheeks pulled into a smile.
"I did." Prowl clips. "You specialise in force fields — an expertise greatly suitable for that area of predicament."
Bumblebee adds "A great suitor for the other— hrrk!"
Prowl shoves an elbow against his ribs. The yellow bugs keels over, wheezing. Optimus raises an eyebrow. What he thinks of it is left unsaid as he turns to you.
"This won't be too demanding of me?"
"No, not at all." You wave placatingly. "I'm busy but this isn't' something of a problem I can't handle. I'll have the blueprints by dawn."
The Prime pats your shoulder, optics gentle as he heads for the sliding doors. "Have a good evening, mouse."
"You too, sir."
"And, you t—"
Prowl shoves the yellow bug outside, locking the laboratory pad with a few quick punch of his digits for good measure. When he's sure the two silhouettes are gone, he vents through clenched teeth and tries to conceal his irritation. Though, proven futile with how his doorwings twitch.
He's had enough, for today.
"Bothersome?" You mused.
"A work in paradise."
He swivels around and despite the smooth mask he's locked in, almost jumps at your close proximity.You're standing there, chin tilted up — he's already faltering, surprise shown through a quick flick of his doorwings.
"And, you say I'm not so discreet." You make a show of teetering on your toes.
He rolls his optics but complies nonetheless, lowering his helm but not his shoulders. He won't make it easy. No, not too low or you'll get a pass — he wants you to beg for it.
"Terrible." He chuffs. "Of all the soldiers I've assessed, you mouse, are the worst at discretion. Impulsivity seems to be a close friend, for you."
"But what does that make you, then?" Your lips, soft and pliable, are inches away from his chin.
He resist lowering his helm any further. But much to his dismay, Prowl slants his helm, counteracting his locked coding of not caving in.
"Reckless." He breathes out. "Worse than when Smokescreen toddled away with illicit high-grade."
A loose giggle bubbles from your lips, a sweet sound he shamelessly saved in his processors. Though, iritation paints his features when he recognizes the signs. You're deliberately stalling. Deliberately ignoring his advances. He bares his teeth, exasperated at the fact he has to spell it out.
"Kiss me."
"Oh?" You tilt away, a coy playful grin. "Why would I do that, officer when discretion is at play here?"
"Because we're behind closed doors. Because if you dont, you're disobeying a direct command from your superior. And because —" Agitation pulls at his face and digits pinched your chin, pulling you close."— i've missed you."
It's not often he's affectionate. You're always the one pulling the trigger first — but when he does it, you find it oddly endearing of how desperately he wants it.
"Kiss me." He says again.
And, that was enough for you to close the distance. Hands on his shoulder plates as you lean up to catch his lips. Instantly, he melts into your touch, servos gripping your waist.
#secretly married idiots but eveyone doesnt know and just thinks thwyre pining for each other#and every argument is everyone thinking theyre having an enemies to lovers kind of shtick but theyre actually already married#arguing about domestic shit#transformers#maccadam#transformers x reader#transformers idw#prowl x reader#idw prowl#prowl keeping it secret bc he knows everyone will go WHY HIM when its out#prowl#prowl idw#prowl transformers
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God, it's been so long since I've not only drawn Sonic, but been on friggin' tumblr.
Anyway, I'm Xeno, a transmasc artist, role-player and occasionally a fanfic writer. I was obsessed with Sonic when I was a little kid, played the first 3 games and read the archie comic, plus watched the old 90's cartoons. However, I eventually fell off because I couldn't afford the newer system and games at the time. They also stopped selling the comics at my local wal-mart then, and ... well the show stopped airing.
I recently watched all 3 films, still need to finish Knuckles, but man. I didn't expect to dive back into my old obsession this year, friggin' loved Sonic 3 though.... and now I'm in Sonadow hell. I'm also currently playing through Sonic x Shadow Generations to get a taste on what I've missed out on! I might check out Prime if I have the time for it, but I dunno.
Anyway, I needed an outlet for my shit, so here we are!
For the sake of my own sanity and because it fits my vibe in ships a little more, I'll be keeping my work to film verse most of the time. (That and I just love alot of things about the film's universe anyway.) However, I will post other sonic 'verses' be it games or more on occasion, but like I said, I'm sticking to films or... maybe whatever AUs sprout from my brain. While I can draw them in their original styles, I did develop something of my own, which sprouted from an experimental thought of what movie Sonic might look like if he were older... so yeah. lol;;; I hope that doesn't turn people off too much.
You may see me occasionally post crossover art involving another fandom ship too due to rp shenanigans with a friend...(bcuz I think it'd be neat if they met...). Don't expect that to consume much of my gallery though (unless its in high demand anyway). Anyway, hope you all enjoy my work! Rules
Be respectful, don't start drama. Especially ship wars. I fucking hate those because there's more important matters at stake in the real world that I'd rather be dealing with than fighting over a bunch of pixels.
Anti-LGBT+ rhetoric and sexist/racist shits not tolerated here.
This is a fun zone for myself to aid me in these trying times. I need this right now while my country is going to hell. However, this is also very therapeutic for me for personal reasons that I won't say too much on other then: I relate to Shadow on a deep and personal level that...I didn't think I would...
Not to get too political, but if you voted for Dump/Muskrat or hold terf or christo-fascist beliefs, don't fucking talk to me. We will not get along, for sure. And I don't want any of that shit near me (I already deal with it irl with my family...no thank you.)
Ah I should've added this but forgot to! So, I'm actually a fan of horror or mature themes, so I may dabble in that from time to time (especially when it comes to my writing). If you're not a fan of that sort of thing, my tag for it is ;spookyfun or ;TooDarkDon'tLook. Otherwise, might be best not to follow.
I'm not a fan of callouts, but only support such if the person in question actually did some pretty heinous shit. Otherwise, if its over some stuff that I find pretty petty, I'm not bothering with it. I'm for the freedom of artists and creators to create what they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone. However, on that note, that doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy what everyone creates either. I just support the freedom to create without being harassed about it. As stated above, there are more pressing matters at play right now and fighting over pixels or fanfiction is just really dumb to me in general, when compared to what I'm dealing with irl. Basically: Unless its a true crime, I hate fandom drama. don't bring it to me.
I'll add more here when I think of them, but really, just...don't be a dick or a weird creeper (in the bad way) and we'll be chill, I guarantee it.
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i absolutely ADORE the little universe you've made for the light the dark and the spaces in between and i don't really have any specific requests, all i'm requesting is whatever work in that universe that you've already come up with or if you do get an idea for something for my favourite throuple this is an excuse to post it hihi
Notes: first of all, fav throuple? 🥹 I’m asking for your hand in marriage. Second of all I got an ask about reader being nonbinary in this series but this fic explicitly discusses them being AFAB (but GNC, could be read as trans or not). set in TLTDATSIB verse, ish, the time period is a bit wonky (14thC ish) — consider this an au where reader follows aziraphale to France after their initial meeting, finds Crowley there too and everyone is pointing at each other like that Spider-Man meme going !! Immortal!!!
words: 2k
rating: T (sex references, mild peril)
pairing: crowley x reader x aziraphale
tags: TLTDATSIB, polyamory, Fem/Masc!Crowley, Fem/Masc!Aziraphale, GNC!Reader, historical, jousting
“Are you sure? It’s terribly dangerous.”
“Aziraphale,” you sigh, “I don’t do it because it’s safe.”
“Well why do it at all?” she whines, grabbing onto your hand beseechingly. Crowley looks up from where she’s been admiring her reflection in your armour. You turn to her for support, instead she shrugs.
“I don’t know. For glory? For honour? To prove that I can?”
Aziraphale glares at Crowley to join in but is met with the same reaction. It seems that Crowley is determined to stay neutral in this scenario. How annoying. Just like a demon to find the most awkward solution for both parties.
You tie the linens around your chest a little tighter. Under your full plate it should be difficult to tell the shape of your body but you don’t want to take any chances. Aziraphale pouts and you sigh, turning back to her to take her hand in earnest.
“My darling, I’m not like either of you. When they look at me, they will only ever see one thing. I can’t change my body around and be whoever I want to be. I have to take these measures to be viewed as anything other than what I was when I came squawling from my mother.”
You cup her cheek and she nuzzles into your touch.
“Besides,” you add, wickedly, “am I not good at wielding a lance?”
You grin, thinking back to the three of you laying together last night. Aziraphale harrumphs and Crowley laughs at her.
“They’ll be fine, angel,” she finally pipes up. Aziraphale doesn’t seem certain but finally relents, letting Crowley adjust her surcoat and take her hand.
“Good luck,” Crowley says, but the smile on her face suggests she doesn’t think you’ll need it. You give her a wink.
“With my two ladies cheering from the crowd, how could I lose?”
You give them both a kiss goodbye before Crowley finally wrestles the angel away, likely to get her a drink and a pep-talk before the tourney starts. As they leave, your squire begins to enter, his face turning beet red as Crowley ruffles his hair.
“Hello, Oliver. Make sure our good knight doesn’t fall from his horse, will you?” she says as she goes. Oliver tries to form a sentence, fails, and winces as Crowley sways away.
A tiny slip of a lad, you took on Oliver not only for his immense courage despite his small stature, but because you both shared a secret - one which you uncovered when accidentally walking in on him changing. You’d recognise a bound chest anywhere. You thought no less of him for it, and told him he needed not beg for your silence: you’d keep it gladly.
“Sire, I’m here to help you finish dressing,” he states, when he finally manages to get a handle over his own tongue.
“Well timed, Oliver. Help me with this breastplate.”
He heaves and helps with the leather straps, buckling you in place. You’re swelteringly hot. Ah well, time for that to get even worse when you ride out into the sun. You take a moment to check yourself over, only noticing Oliver’s quietness when he fails to point out one of your pauldrons is loose. You furrow your brow and turn to him.
“What’s on your mind, lad?”
“Might… Might I ask a question, sire?”
“Me saying no has never stopped you before,” you jest, but when you see him scuff his foot against the floor, you drop down to be able to look him in the eye. “What’s the matter, Oliver?”
“Your ladies… you’ll fight for them both, yes? For their honour as one?”
“Yes, I will.” You don’t go into great detail about your relationship but you trust Oliver with the truth. He sees Aziraphale and Crowley clucking around you like hens before a joust all the time anyway, and the boy isn’t a fool. He can do the arithmetic of it.
“And they’re happy with that arrangement?”
You laugh a little, but put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Those two love each other as much as they love me. My life would not be a happy one without them both in it, and they feel the same.”
Sacrilege, but really, little in this room would be considered holy by the church. And besides, you have an angel as one of the willing participants of your relationship. You think it’s probably fine.
Oliver nods. He seems to understand, but still appears like something else is weighing on his mind. You really do smother your smile this time.
“Oliver,” you tell him, gently, “I also think that you might be a bit young for Lady Crowley.”
He blushes.
You can barely see with your helmet on, so you keep it under your arm for the time being. You cut the figure of a man well enough anyway so for the moment there’s no need to worry about your face being on show. In fact, you’ve gained a reputation for being quite handsome.
Handsome but very spoken for. Apparently there was a lady discussing giving you her favour to joust, and Crowley spilt wine all over her skirts. Then again, she did the same when a knight rode up to ask to fight for Aziraphale’s honour, and suddenly found that his helmet crest had inexplicably burst into flames.
Crowley knows how to mark her territory.
You run a hand over your horse’s nose, humming a soothing little note as she nickers and whinnies.
“I know it’s hot, girl. Let’s give them a show and then we’ll both get out of this damned armour.”
You saddle up, letting Oliver pass you your helmet and your shield. You ride as a freelancer so neither of them are burdened with some noble’s crest; instead you ride under your own: a pair of wings, one white, one black. A little nod to the two who matter the most to you.
You ride onto the field as horns herald the start of the joust. You know a few of the knights competing, and are well aware of your first opponent - Kenelm the agile, a man you’ve faced several times over and are at equals wins against. He nods at you from his steed, hailing the crowd as he’s announced. You look across the seating, and see Aziraphale and Crowley in the front row. Where they always are, whenever you compete. With an ineffable inevitability.
“And, riding under his own banner, Sir Kerkylas of Andros!”
Even with her glasses on you know Crowley is rolling her eyes at your chosen pseudonym. You ride up to the pair of them, grinning.
“Be careful,” Aziraphale begs for the umpteenth time. She passes you her favour: a little ring, golden, set with a pair of wings on it.
“I will be,” you say, kissing her hand, then quieter: “You do remember that I can’t die?”
“Yes, but we don’t know if dismembering will do you any good!”
Crowley reaches over to present you her token, a pin embellished with a silver snake. You stow both in your saddlebag.
“I’ll buy you a drink if you take the helmet clean off his head,” she whispers.
“You’re on,” you agree. Crowley reaches out to caress your face, then stops and retreats abruptly.
“Better not lay that on too heavily. I think I might kill your squire.”
A glance over your shoulder reveals that Oliver looks like he might combust. Taking mercy on the poor boy, you nod your goodbyes to the two of them and ride up to greet Kenelm.
“Ken! Didn’t think I’d see you back in the saddle so soon after that humiliating defeat in Dover.”
Kenelm rolls his eyes but holds his tongue.
“Ah, Kerk. Sorry, didn’t see it was you. I was blinded by the pomp of your armour. I forget that you need to compensate for something.”
Ha, if only he knew.
Despite the ribbing the two of you exchange a smile.
“Good luck, Ken. And remember, aim the lance at me. Poor Cynisca was dreadfully irritable after last time, when it seemed you were trying to skewer her flank.”
He grimaces at being reminded of the faux pas before putting his helmet on and readying himself. You trot to your side of the tilt where Oliver is heaving up your lance.
“You’ll win,” he says confidently, “Kenelm always rides worse the earlier it is in the day. If you can get a solid enough hit in, it’s over, one round.”
“I hope that your faith in me isn’t misplaced, Oliver.”
You helmet up, resigning yourself to see what little of the world you can through the frog-lip, and clutch your lance. It’s heavy but you’re used to it by now.
An expectant silence settles over the crowd. Aziraphale buries her face in Crowley’s shoulder.
“Oh, I can’t look–!”
The flag is waved, and you charge.
You reflect on how Crowley never bought you that drink. She insisted that knocking a man clean off his horse didn’t count as taking his helmet off. A technicality, flimsy at best - but Aziraphale was too relieved at your victory to argue either side. You went on to place second at that particular tourney, the fire of it inciting you to ride to victory in your next.
You stopped for a while after that. It was doing Aziraphale in a little, and you loved him too much to keep his nerves that frayed.
But, nowadays, reenactments are becoming somewhat of a fad. Usually you find them a little gauche, and it’s more than a bit uncomfortable to relive some aspects of your past, but you never truly lost your love for jousting. So you allow yourself a little vice in it. Your heart aches whenever you’re reminded of Oliver, but you kept tabs on his family, and his descendants are doing quite well. One of them lives in London and works for a charity helping LGBT youth. It seems fitting.
Plus, Aziraphale is a lot calmer about you jousting this way.
“Are you alright?” you ask the man you just took off his horse. He looks a little winded and gladly takes your help getting up.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Think it’s just my pride that’s bruised. You’re really good at this!”
You beam.
“I’ve had practice.”
You exchange socials so that he can follow up with any questions he might have, then turn to take your horse back to the tent the organisers have set up for you. Aziraphale and Crowley are waiting. Your angel has an ice-cream for you, which he passes over before tucking into his own.
“Who was he?” Crowley sniffs, peering over your shoulder. You roll your eyes.
“Just some kid interested in the sport. Stop being jealous.”
“I’m not jealous,” he says, jealously.
“You did marvellously, my love,” Aziraphale interjects. You smile at him.
“Thank you, darling. I can be a fiend with a lance when I want to be. Even if I am a little out of practice.”
“Hmm, not out of practice as of last night,” Crowley says and Aziraphale chokes on his soft-serve. It’s good to know that even after seven hundred years, your sense of humour hasn’t changed a jot.
“Oh, and,” you say, reaching into your bag, “your favours. Returned to you after they brought me luck.”
Aziraphale slips his ring back on, Crowley affixes the pin to his jacket. Your hands linger on each other’s, as they usually do.
“Let’s go get a drink.”
“You didn’t remove his helmet, so I’m not buying.”
“Oh, you utter bastard.”
taglist: @angiestopit@dazed-soul@smile-eywa@staygoldsquatchling02@underratedboogeyman@specter-soltare@candlewitch-cryptic@cool-ontherun-world@emilynissangtr@willbedecided@cool-iguana@bdffkierenwalker @ilyatan @civil-groupie@foolishprincipalitee
#This is the self indulgent fic lol#it’s me I’m the target audience it’s me#Fic: the light the dark and the spaces inbetween#crowley x reader x aziraphale#good omens x reader#ineffable husbands x reader#Request
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Fic Masterpost
I figured it's about time I did this. I mean they're all on AO3, but I figured having a Tumblr masterpost might put things in perspective as regards how much I've actually written lmao. Here we go.
Disclaimer: I mean, my writing is pretty mediocre, but I honestly find that the fandom space had to be filled out somewhat, so I started writing fic.
This is the pairing I've begun writing fic for again, so I have the most fics for EM.
Now unlocked. I don't think Joong is looking around for fic anymore, and certainly not on Tumblr. There are tons of unlocked fic in the tag, too, so there 'ya go!
The Stars, Our Witness 'Verse
The universe that started it all, partly as a way to archive EM activity before I became a fan, and partly as a way to stave off my delulu.
The Stars, Our Witness
Rating: E/NC17 Chapters: 16 (finished) Summary: They’re scared to cross boundaries. What happens when the lines blur? Tags: slow burn, friends to lovers, FWB, "canon rewrite" (in the sense of IRL being "canon" Warnings: divorce era. 'Nuff said.
2. supernova
Rating: E/NC17 Chapters: One-shot Summary: the same versions of 🌏 and 🪐 as in TSOW, but basically D/s pwp. Tags: pre-negotiated D/s; still a whole lot of longing.
3. of longing and loudness
Rating: E/NC17 Chapters: One-shot Summary: Oneshot set in the The Stars, Our Witness (TSOW) 'verse, and a reactionary fic post-LOL 2024. Tags: engaged!EarthMix
4. Beneath the Sunrise (in progress)
Rating: M (for now, but knowing me, this might go up) Chapters: 2 (so far, out of a slated 10) Summary: EarthMix get outed. They deal with the consequences. Tags: married!EarthMix, social media elements, bullying
General EarthMix fic
Mostly one-shots written as a reaction to a post, among other things.
Rating: M Chapters: one-shot Summary: featuring Earth's obsession with mix's grey sofa Tags: engaged!EarthMix; domesticity
long distance
Rating: E/NC17 Chapters: one-shot Summary: of short reunions and busy schedules (lol honestly this has zero plot. I just missed them when they were in Japan for Happy Weekend, so I wrote a fic) Tags: PWP, quickie.
so here's the situation
Rating: E/NC17 Chapters: one-shot Summary: ~situationship~EarthMix (written after the Vivi interview had been released, and after they went on a museum simulation Van Gogh date literally the day after) Tags: situationship; we're dating but aren't together
Rating: G Chapters: one-shot Summary: Dreame gets EarthMix as endorsers for their vacuum. Why are they everyone's Favorite Married(TM) Couple? Tags: domesticity Note: This was written on my Notes app in like, 10 minutes, so the link is to my Twitter post to that fic.
in pari delicto (in progress; converting to prose)
OK so let me just write an author's note here. This is an unfinished Twitter social media AU because I would be writing about a topic I knew very, very well: law school. Now, I'm inclined to transform the fic to prose and transfer it to AO3 because I have no patience for the whole edit-edit concepts of socmed AUs and I honestly respect anyone who's done it. That said, I will likely continue this once I finish Beneath the Sunrise, or simultaneously as I write it.
Ah, ATOTS. Why do I love you so? Of course I'd write ATOTS fic.
Rating: E/NC17 Chapters: one-shot Summary: In which Tian celebrates his fifth year with his new heart in the best way. Tags: tian's birthday as an excuse to write smut, sloppy blowjobs, insecurity issues
old wives and the tales they tell
Rating: E/NC17 Chapters: one-shot Summary: Mayhaps Phupha has a kink. He refuses to validate the good Doctor Nam's speculation. Tags: domesticity kink, villager!tian, headcanon epilogue to ATOTS Note: Written in response to @earthmixsclowderofcats's Thai BL Kink Meme! Please show it some love and answer the prompts too please PLEASE!!
bad behavior
Rating: E/NC17 Chapters: one-shot Summary: Tian watches as Phupha grabs something from the nightstand – a pen? – and uncaps it. He holds Tian’s chin with one hand, and Tian feels the wet drag of the pen against his cheeks. “Chief, what are you—” “There,” Phupha says, “Whiskers.”
betwixt bewitched entanglements (in progress. might possibly discontinue.)
Rating: E/NC17 Chapters: 19 (out of a planned 15 lmao, I swear this was supposed to end earlier. Summary: Magic meets royalty meets a society walled off from the rest of the world. Tags: Royalty AU, Magic AU, political intrigue, slow burn Notes: Look. I got carried away writing this, and to be honest, the concept's flown so far away from me and the worldbuilding had been so solid in my head and I even know how this fic will end, but honestly? It's not getting engagement. That's not the sole reason for writing fic - of course not - but I'm not quite sure if it's worth my time and effort writing this out.
10/31: So I just wrote this today woohoo!
the ebb and the flow
Rating: E Chapters: one-shot Summary: The first time after their last time. (Wen learns how to swim. Jim learns how to trust. A one-shot on the wandering thoughts of Wen and Jim as they navigate being in a relationship: the fear of stagnation, for Wen; and the fear of betrayal, for Jim.) Tags: introspective; plotless; PWP; alternate ending
The first half of 23.5 excited me so elfin much that I'd write little tiny Ongsa character-explorations in between episodes. Here are the two I'd actually published.
Rating: G Chapters: one-shot Summary: Ongsa muses on the meadows of her mind. Tags: anxious!Ongsa
Rating: G Chapters: one-shot Summary: Ongsa is no stranger to the dark—that is, until she gives in to the light. Tags: depressed!Ongsa TW: "dark" as a metaphor for depression
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love me some christian!hvitserk i guess🧍🏼(also this is probably my outing as a christian lol?)
this is heavily influenced by ‘modern christianity’ since i myself am a mennonite and know almost nothing about catholicism🧍🏼so, this is no accurate representation of christianity during the 9th/10th century (also, i wrestled with the king james bible for this😭)
(masterlist overview | vikings masterlist | join my tag list!)
hvitserk stares at the little piece of paper in his hand. alfred gave it to him. a bible verse translated into english. hvitserk’s reading wasn’t the best but he could understand the verse. alfred said it was from psalms 121.
I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
he toys with the paper, the thin material already ripping from his fumbling. the christian god was so…weird. why would someone worship a weak god? a god that died, nailed to a cross? hvitserk didn’t understand.
ivar always called him ‘the bread god’ because christians ate their god after each mass. again, it didn’t make sense. not in the slightest. which god would allow his people to eat him? that was a sign of weakness!
but while hvitserk couldn’t quite wrap his mind around the christian god and who he was, he found that he found a certain comfort in the bible verse alfred gave him. he couldn’t explain it. but the thought that there was someone watching over him, thinking of him and keeping him safe, without him having to sacrifice an animal stirred something deep within him.
lately hvitserk found himself thinking about the christian god more often than he might like. he attended his lessons—like alfred had instructed—and most of the time he didn’t pay attention. why should he? officially he might be a christian but deep down he hadn’t accepted their god. but one thing the priest said was stuck in his head:
“god does not want anything from you but your heart.”
at first hvitserk thought he was supposed to literally give his heart but the priest soon told hvitserk what it really meant:
“giving god your heart means that you accept the beautiful gift he gave us. his son. that’s all you need to do. everything else will follow.”
that left hvitserk thinking. with his gods there were no do’s and don’t’s. he could do anything he wanted. with christianity it was different. there were so many rules and so many things you needed to keep in mind. it was exhausting…
give god his heart. it sounded so easy yet so hard. and the fact that he couldn't read their sacred text made it even harder. all hvitserk had were the things the priest told him and the bible verse alfred gave him. maybe he should ask the young king for more verses?
and as if you speak of the devil the heavy door to hvitserk's room opens. he turns around and sees alfred looking at him. "hello hvitserk," he smiles, walking further into the room and closing the door. "how are you?"
hvitserk starts to move to properly greet alfred but the saxon waves him off. so, hvitserk falls back into the chair. "i'm okay," he says. "thinking."
alfred nods. "ah. might i ask about what?"
"your god."
alfred chuckles. "do you want to share those thoughts with me? or shall i call for a priest?" the look in his eyes is genuine; like everything he's done for hvitserk so far.
the man in question shakes his head. "no need to call the priest. i want to talk to you." he looks at alfred, a tiny voice in the back of his head telling him that it was a terrible idea. but the request already rolled past his lips.
alfred's eyes light up and he sits down on hvitserk's bed. "of course. what is it you want to talk about?"
hvitserk takes a deep breath and adjusts on the chair. "your god, the priest said i just need to give him my heart," he starts. "what does that mean? he told me something but i don't quite understand it." confusion is evident in hvitserk eyes and alfred nods in a understanding manner.
"well, from the very beginning god wanted to have a relationship with us. he made us, he is our father, but when adam and eve ate the fruit that got destroyed–"
"but why?" hvitserk sounds frustrated.
alfred nods again, a faint smile on his lips. "because he is perfect, holy, clean. and we are not. my eating the fruit adam and eve disobeyed god." his voice was calm and soft as he tried to explain the fall from grace. "someone had to pay for adam's and eve's sin. that's why for thousands of years the israelites sacrificed animals. but from the very beginning god told adam and eve that he will send someone to pay the price for their sin."
a deep frown was visible on hvitserk's face. dept? death? what? maybe he should've listened during his lessons with the priest...
"in genesis two, verse 14 and 15 it says:
"And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
that was the first time jesus christ was promised to us. now, when god send jesus thousands of years later, he died on the cross for our sins. hence the cross in our churches." alfred takes a deep breath and studies hvitserk's face. the northman still looked so confused.
hvitserk opens his mouth and closes it again. he thinks for another second before he finally talks. "but why do i have to give my heart to him?"
alfred hums, "well, the price for our sin is paid. all you need to do now is accept it. i trust the priest told you that already?"
"he did," hvitserk nods. "he did tell me that."
there's silence for a few moments before alfred talks again. "but there is something bothering you, is it not?"
again hvitserk nods. "there is." he thinks what to say for a seconds. "there are all those rules and...and i don't understand them. why do you need to follow them?" a defeated sigh leaves his lips and he starts fiddling with the piece of paper again.
"they're not rules, i would say," alfred says, a certain determination in his voice. "when god created the world he established a certain standard. and we're supposed to live by this standard." he folds his hands in his lap. "but we can't."
the frown on hvitserk's face deepens. what does that mean?
"the human itself is not able to keep god's standards. they are holy and we–by birth–are not. that is why god offers us his help. he wants to shape us into a human after his image, because that is how we were made. we were made in his image."
when hvitserk doesn't say anything alfred faintly chuckles. "this is messing with your head, is it not?" hvitserk nods and bites the inside of his cheek. "well, i think this is enough for today. we can continue our talk on another day if you would like. but right now i believe it is time for supper." alfred stands up, looking at hvitserk. "would you like to join me?"
"of course," hvitserk mumbles as he stands up. this was all so confusing and overwhelming. he would need to think about this further the next days. maybe then he could continue his conversation with alfred...
#writing#ao3#fanfiction#archive of our own#story writing#hvitserk#hvitserk lothbrok#hvitserk ragnarsson#hvitserk lothbrok x reader#hvitserk x reader#vikings#history vikings#alfred#king alfred
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Hello! I'm new to the BL 'verse, and was wondering what you'd recommend to a newbie to watch? I got here because another site showed me a few clips of Love In The Air, so I binged the entire series (I have since come to recognize a lot of people don't like it, but I enjoyed it just fine, the silly moments were nice and the love scenes were done very well I think?). Anyways, I was hoping you might be able to give a recommendation? I love fantasy stuff or light(er) hearted things!
Sure thing. LITA was your entry? Wooza.
Okay well here's my primers:
Since you came in via the Thai BL stuff here's:
If you like Thai stuff you might also try Taiwan:
And then if you're looking to try other styles and such here's:
And, finally if you wanna go on a journey:
Ah right! Here are my personal favorite BLs of all time (but my taste may not be the same of yours)
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I love love love LOOVVEE Oscar and apples married at 18 love story. 🥺
They’re so adorable and her protectiveness and concerns for Oscar. The confusion with the rest of the guys, them coming to a realization that they might not actually be paying attention to him when he talks.
Logan practically being big brother/bodyguard for the both of them.
Uuughh I love them and wanna squish their cheeks!!
Will this be a series like Daniel and Sweets?
Ah thank you!
The dynamic for Apples and Oscar is so precious to me. Because she is fairly reserved around people she doesn't know, but she is also very protective.
All of the drivers minus like three-five have one braincell that they as collective share and half the time don't use.
Logan unexpectedly became my favorite part of the fic. They are barely younger than him (Oscar just a few months and Apples maybe a year) but you'd think he's older by about five years, he's unabashedly protective for reasons.
It's kind of a series! I don't consider listen, please (Daniel and Sweets) a series, but rather a verse, which is what I consider lover as well. I have a tag for lover with another fic that takes place in that universe and some asks as well.
Explore the lover verse here
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @toastytoaster22 (finally getting to this I started this and then life happened haha)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
8 (i just got back into writing in July 2023!)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 66,608 (it will probably double as I am deep into a long fic right now)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to write Puzzleshipping YGO but I’m all in on Mob psycho 100 now.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Just Breathe
Black Sweatshirt (yeaaaaah rising!)
Emotional explosion (surprised this one I thought got the least amount of reads this was my very first mp100 fic)
Float (I love how much this resonated with people)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! It’s something I take very seriously. No judgement if someone doesn’t respond to my comment on fics! But for me it’s important to respond.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ah. Hm. Blackhole I guess? The ending isn’t angst though it’s just a more intense fic.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think Float is very happy. It makes me smile every time I read it. Also the ending of Cobalt makes me so good. I want to rewrite Cobalt though its missing something. I posted it too soon.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Back in my YGO days I got some but I just ignored it. Usually they were just about me not finishing a fic so….yeah I get it heh
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. I’m an adult. I can write and enjoy smut.
But in all seriousness I do and I encourage anyone who is hesitant to write about sex, to just do it for yourself if you ever want to. You never have to post it, you can just write what you want and delete it, or keep it for yourself. Or never write about sex at all. I'll just say, getting back into this part of myself after not writing it for years has been so beneficial for my mental health. It helps me process and work through things. And writing gives me the opportunity to do that.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Well not right now, but I do know a lot about a certain mp100xOPM AU by @sodasexual and may or may not write something in that verse one day. Already drawing fanart for it so.... fanfics are likely gonna happen one day!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Uhhhh not that I….know of? (gosh I hope none have...)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sorta co-wrote something recently that was just for fun. Also @emeraldoodles and I def co-wrote a dragonshipping fic I think when we were in high school? Dunno if I ever posted it tho I can't remember
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Hm. Puzzleshipping is my origin story. But something about Terumob really hits me in a place that I can’t describe. I just adore them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hmmm I have a couple one-shots I wanna write and I may not write them all.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I love writing POV descriptions of emotions. And I like to hope I’m good at it. Blackhole is this. It’s a mess of words and descriptions that I can just chew on and I love writing it. I think my recent Terumob oneshots kinda get into that space too. I like to hope that is a strength. But yeah it seems to resonate with people so I think it’s a strength?
I also think dialogue has always come easy to me. I feel like it’s the easiest thing for me to write and I hope it is realistic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah.... I am terrible with consistency. I forget things and sometimes run off down paths. I also repeat myself a lot and like to describe every movement a character makes which can bog down scenes.
I have so written myself into a corner and had to weasel my way out of it hahaha This is why I am trying to talk about my stories more to friends so I DON'T do that again.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I did this a bit but I don’t anymore. It’s just too much mental work for me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I think Black Sweatshirt, my current ageswap fic, will be my fav. It’s the most expansive writing I have done probably ever in my life. There are multiple plot lines, scenes that have already made me cry, and an ending that I just cannot wait to share with the world. I hope others enjoy it as much as I do, and I can deliver on this story.
The other one is a series called Safe Space which is a series of one-off stories touching on different emotions Shigeo has to process post-canon. Exploring the gray areas of forgiveness, confessions, grudges, anger, and love. I think I will be writing that on the side as I do other things but I love it to pieces. It means a lot to me and i hope to one day share it.
I'm always nervous to tag others so if you see this, feel free to do it!!
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OK apparently i was tagged in a very cool game (thank u @danchou-danchou !) wherein i choose my top 5 favorites among the stories i had published so far
set in modern era wherein reader (aka you) has constant nightmares of the canon AOT verse. you thought it was none but very disturbing reccurent dreams until you came across erwin smith, the new professor and the only face you could recognize in that world. since his appearance, the nightmates had worsened! i was so enthralled with the concept of multiverse and thought that if that's the case, then might as well use it to give erwin the comfort & ending he deserves! in this fanfic, the source of all living matter (aka tree) had another power in store aside from the titan.
ah, the character study fic. you see,

hngngng. yes. YES. YESSSSSS. i love me an insane antihero. PLEASE. i want to publish the next chapters so BAD.
don't you think literature, or any fictional world for that matter, is none but another real world that exists alongside our universe? books and TV & comic series could be windows that show glimpses of the universes around us :'D in this fic, you get stucked in sum world, erwin interrogated you about your circumstance, and as if it couldn't get worse, you eventually find a satirical comic series about your life 🤪
oh god, i love my characters consciously hating me to death for all the shit i've put them through. lmao.
the generic plot of forbidden love trope where characters r bothered to love each other bc of their age. this one's a bit too realistic, tho 😔 AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THIS GOOFY AHH CRUSH I HAD WITH THE MOST CHARISMATIC PROFESSOR I'VE EVER MET IN MY LIFE
booksmart erwin x lovely reader who loves hearing him out & letting him cook!! i've written this for @frenchdyer, a lovely being i can relate to A LOT. that's why it goes with my top favorites, too :)
making this is so much fun, so i think i want to revise the game a lil bit and hear about: @rinamars top 5 favorite plots she came up with (because you have 2 published fics so far, please tell me about the WIPs/silly lil stories inside your head >___<) ANDDDD @frenchdyer top 5 favorite artworks they had made so far!!
to anyone reading this, i want to hear your top 5, too, so i'm automatically tagging you 😝 mention me in your posts :D
#erwin smith x reader#rie writes#aot fanfiction#aot x reader#erwin x reader#asks ✧₊⁺#erwin smith fanfiction#aot fanfic#aot x you#aot x y/n#erwin smith x you#erwin smith x y/n#erwin x you#erwin x y/n#erwin smith imagine#erwin smith fanfic
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Obligatory Intro Post
Hello! This is @spiltsoup's silly little sideblog for Ally McBeal and the actresses on that show. I am very gay for both their characters and them as well so while the main focus of this blog is Ally, you WILL see other fandom stuff that people like Calista Flockhart, Jane Krakowski, etc. have appeared in.
tagging -I’ve started tagging all the actors along with their characters! Sometimes I also add more specific tags (90s shows, memes, etc.) so my posts can get seen a bit better. #amcb actors are posts about the actors. #the verse is for any other media they actors have shown up in, usually for gifs and clips. more to be added
Save my playlist pls I’m very proud of it
Lore under the cut!
Ah, Ally McBeal. The infamous "single female lawyer" show that annoyed a lot of people in the 90s, and allegedly killed feminism because the main character was too much of a Girl Failure.
Okay, obviously there are other layers to this show. It was one of the first drama-comedy shows, spawned one of the first memes from one of its CGI imagination segments, and it somehow (in my humble opinion) manages to be one of the best written AND poorly written TV shows of all time!
This show is such a fascinating specimen to me. Like a case study in psychology class. It's progressive, but it's sexist. It's queer-coded and it's homophobic. It's main character, Ally, was marketed as a lovable, quirky klutz who believed in true love, but in the show she's actually pretty hedonistic and selfish most of the time.
And I'm head over heels for her.
I also think a lot of people misunderstand her character, but more on that later...
Basically this entire blog is Ally McBeal
I got into this show 27 years too late and I missed the mini-tumblr revival period that this show got from Calista Flockhart being in Supergirl, but I'm here now dammit! I don't expect a lot of people to follow this blog or like/rb my stuff but, hell, I'm doing this for ME!!! Will add more to this post as soon as I figure stuff out....
#ally mcbeal#calista flockhart#fandom blog#side blog#90s shows#pinned post#pinned intro#amcb actors#the verse#I am absolutely starved for content for this show so I am taking matters into my own hands
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Fill out the questions about your muse, repost, tag as many people as you want.
Tagged by @jocundcompany! Pls steal & tag me if you want
What does your muse smell like? Ah my weakness questions 😔 I don't know. I think he smells like whatever ambient smells of the place he's been hanging out, and then kinda sweaty if he's been running around a lot haha.
How often does your muse bathe/shower? When he feels dirty he'll take a shower. I don't think he likes baths as much as showers. He's the kind of person who'll stand for 20 years under the running water just because it feels good. Probably has the heat up too high as well.
At least once or twice a week I guess... depends what he's up to...
Does your muse have any tattoos or piercings? No tattoos - Svern has no particular interest in them, and would rather avoid them for the possibility of being used as an identifying mark. I've toyed with the idea of him having his ears pierced, though! He likes to play around with accessories and stuff. He should be allowed to wear cute earrings.
Any body movement quirks (EX: tapping heel, shaking knee)? Svern mimics some fidgety behaviours, like bouncing on his toes, bouncing leg when sitting down, etc. Most of these are not natural though and are part of his conveying his false energy and enthusiasm.
What do they sleep in? Whatever he's currently wearing, more often than not. Alternatively, PJs top and bottom. Also he used to like to bury himself totally under the blanket/duvet as a kid. He still does, he just doesn't actually do it very often anymore due to reasons.
What’s their favorite piece of clothing? In his main and fandomless verse (although I often fail to include it in drawings) he wears a plain black choker with a piece of dark stone/erebosite featured on it. This is special because of the stone. Next, if they count as clothing, there's his familiar mop of auburn hair (of course actually a wig), and his amber contacts. He's partial to these and they've given him his main design/recognisable look.
When it comes to other more general items of clothing, I don't currently have any favourite pieces for him. He might have some (very possible actually), I just haven't chosen/designed them yet.
What do they do when they wake up? Opens his eyes. Gets up/out of his sleeping position. Goes about his business, whatever that may be. If he was sleeping somewhere especially comfortable, he might linger a bit, but he doesn't like staying stagnant with his thoughts too much, and his brain never really stops working as long as he's awake. (That's a big reason why he sleeps sporadically in the first place.)
How do they sleep? Position? Oh, Svern sleeping habits, they're a mess. He will sleep anywhere where he can fit his body. He'll sleep in almost any position, too. Here's a couple of posts about it: (1) (2)
He alternates between being a fairly light sleeper and being out of it when he's been awake for a long time. In most verses he has some hidden friend watching his back who can either wake him up or retaliate to any threats, so he's fairly relaxed about it.
Now, he doesn't do this unless he's either in a completely private location or somewhere he feels very comfortable, but his natural sleeping position is on his side and partly curled up. Often in that position he hides his face with his arm or by turning it to face downwards too.
What do their hands feel like? This question is like the smell one... they feel neither soft nor excessively rough. He uses them when climbing around all over the place, but he does avoid getting them unnecessarily torn up and doesn't do much other hard work with them.
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For muns with multiple muses, past and present, on any blog. Fill out the form according to which muse suits each title best. (The same muse can have multiple titles.) Repost and tag. Feel free to add more!
ft: muses from this blog

Favorite Muse: I don't even know anymore. I love both Spike and Niah. I can't just pick one.
Most Character Development: I have to go with Spike. Spike in verse two is all about his development as a character while he progresses forward with his life.
Trash Muse: Obviously Spike.
The Meme-Lord: Niah cause once she's comfortable with you, she just uses memes and pictures to describe how she's feeling on a comical level.
Most Likely to Start a War: Spike with his nun chucks and guns and rage so yeah.
Worst Personality: Well, I wouldn't say Spike has a 'bad' personality, but he got issues.
Best Singer: Niah 100%. She sings to herself a lot and when home alone. Sometimes throughout the week, she'll have music playing on the radio, phone, or from her record player, so there's much time she'd given to improve her vocal capabilities.
Most Attractive Muse: THEY BOTH ARE ? ( I love you Spike but it's Niah)
Biggest Heart: Niah got it. Too bad she'll let someone in and just get hurt, but somehow, she still manages get back on her feet after a while.
Falls in Love Quickest: This is difficult. They both have the potential to fall in love quickly, yet they developed the habit of suppressing their feelings for a good while before they eventually start to crumble under the pressure. But in this case, I'd give it to Niah because she feels a lot of emotion for certain things and people she cares about, so she may be the quickest to fall for someone than Spike.
Most Likely to Drop Their Phone in the Toilet: Spike. . .
Ice Ruler: I guess Spike. . .
The Edgelord: Spike acting stoic and apathetic ( in reality his emotions get to him easily for things that actually matter to him)
Most Tragic Backstory: Spike hands down, although we barely have an actual glimpse into his actual childhood. But what we do know from his red dragon association is how he fell for this girl and tried to run away with her but she didn't arrive and then cue: the real folk blues. . .
Best Case of Puberty: We don't see Spike's childhood to know, but I'mma go with him anyway for now.
Most Awkward: Ah man, Niah had it a bit rough when she was younger, and even now it kinda surfaces depending on her circumstances. But it doesn't help that she suffers from anxiety as well.
Busy Bee: Honestly, they both are, just busy tending to different things. Although, I'd have to say Niah is busier than Spike is since she's usually busy with either her hobbies or work.
Most Clueless: Niah can be. . .
Most Likely to Forget Their Wallet at Home: Spike lol
Best Dressed: Both ( it's Niah. She got a bigger wardrobe and different styles).
Biggest Flirt: Spike is smooth in the flirtation department.
Most Dramatic: Spike. He can be a real complainer and exaggerate things out of proportion.
Least Likely to Show Up Late: Niah tries to be punctual while Spike is moreso lax.
One with Weirdest Habit: Probably Spike. I can't think of anything at the top of my head, but we all know it's Spike.
Most Likely to Be Caught at the Gym: Niah has an exercise routine she endeavors to commit to about 3-4 days in a week. Usually she workout at home, but she also will join a gym membership if one suits her interest enough.
tagged by: @gumpistol
tagging: @perceptualephemera @junksatellites @straye @alaikhadal @erthlyheavn @xissp and fellow people with multiple active muses
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Insatiable desires
Gojo x F!reader x Toji ft. Nanami
art credit: @sk_jkg7 (twitter)

warnings/tags- gangbang, degredation, spanking, spit play, cum play, oral (m.receiving), manhandling, choking, creampie, fingering, gagging, mentions of bondage
A/N: this is just porn without plot, don’t even try to figure out what timeline it falls into, just assume it’s written in the veeishornyfordilfs-verse😩
You don't exactly remember how you ended up here-
splayed across the lap of the world’s most powerful sorcerer, ass up and panties pushed to the side while one of the most elite fighters of the zenin clan sits across from you, hand lazily palming the massive bulge in his pants.
“Told you she’s an obedient little thing-” Gojo’s bragging is cut off as a loud moan escapes you.
“Sure she is.” Toji says in mockery, a dry laugh escaping his throat.
“What’s the point of having her tight cunt gush around you if she isn’t making any of those sweet sounds?” Gojo counters, his hand harshly coming down against your throbbing clit making you choke on another moan around the blindfold stuffing your mouth.
Gojo’s fingers continue to explore your folds, moving every now and then to spread the wetness across your bruised ass which had been subjected to repeated spanks from both the men just moments ago. You arch your back more as his fingers come right onto your clit, face contorting in pleasure as he starts rubbing circles onto your sensitive bud.
A loud groan pulls you out of your bubble of ecstacy.
“Put her on the bed already, she’s dripping enough to fit 3 cocks inside her slutty little hole by now.”
You tilt your head to find Toji’s piercing gaze fixed onto where Gojo’s fingers meet your juices, his hand pulling his cock free from the elastic of his boxers. You whine needily at the sight of it, making the tip of his cock twitch as a bead of precum dribbles down the side. A sharp slap comes down onto your ass making you wince from pain, tears welling up in your eyes from being teased for too long,
“Better have the same reaction for my cock too sweetheart.” Gojo sings out, voice laced with a hint of jealousy.
Toji looks amused as he gets up, not even acknowledging Gojo as he pulls up your body from across his lap, easily tossing you onto the bed like a ragdoll. You look up at him with pleading eyes as he comes to stand at the edge of the bed, his huge member right in front of your face. Even Gojo’s remarks of annoyance are silenced as he grips your jaw, slapping your cheek with his enlarged cock,
“Do you deserve it?” His voice is deep and commanding as he pulls up your face so that you’re staring right into his eyes. You nod your head rapidly, mouth still gagged.
Toji bites his lip as he apprehends your tear filled eyes and your drooling mouth. You cough a little when he suddenly pulls out the fabric in your mouth, throwing it to the side, you barely even have the time to take a breath before the tip of his cock is rubbing against your lips, urging you to take him in,
“Let’s see what kind of sweet sounds she makes when my cum is oozing out this dirty mouth.”
That’s all the warning you get before his cock is making its way past your lips and hitting the back of your throat. The spit that had built up in your mouth now leaking out the sides and falling onto your tits. It’s filthy and lewd as he grips onto your hair to tilt your head upwards, smearing the mixture of substances drooling out the side of your mouth across your cheek, laughing as tears fall from your eyes. You can feel him getting close, loud moans rumbling from his chest as he fucks your mouth even deeper than before. Your vision is blurry from the tears, no coherent thought in mind except for the feral need of having Toji’s cum down your throat when suddenly, you’re harshly pulled back, a sob escaping you from both shock and desperation as the back of your head hits Gojo’s chest.
Everything happens in a flash. You barely register the growl that leaves Toji’s throat over the sound of Gojo snickering, and before your know it, the dark haired man is striding towards you, a look in his eyes that makes you want to beg for your life, but he doesn’t even look at you as your body slumps to the mattress. You snap your head behind to see Gojo pinned against the headboard, smirking at the large hand wrapped around his throat.
Your eyes widen in surprise and heat crawls up your face as he crashes his lips onto Toji’s. Toji’s eyes hold the same expression as you for a second before a loud groan leaves his throat, hand moving up to grip Gojo’s jaw as he pulls away. The arousal that pools in your core as you watch the thick splatter of Toji’s saliva hit the side of Gojo’s lips is almost embarrassing. Gojo looks amused and it seems like they’ve almost forgotten you until he raises his hand, two fingers gesturing you to come closer, which seems to snap Toji’s attention back to you too. You crawl over to them, Gojo’s lips immediately melding with yours, the mix of both their spit coating your tongue.
“Fuck this- I wanna be inside her.”
You’re being pulled away once again, only this time, angled in a way where you're on your fours, ass towards Toji, nose pressed onto Gojo’s muscular thigh, his cock standing tall against his stomach as he runs his fingers through your hair. You lick a stripe up from the base of his shaft to the tip of his cock, moaning as you feel your folds being spread apart, the tip of Toji’s cock lining up with your slit as he kneads the flesh of your ass. You feel Gojo’s hand pushing your head forward, urging you and you oblige. You struggle to take him in your already fucked out throat, barely halfway through when you feel the burn of a cock stretching your walls. You moan around the cock in your mouth as Toji fully sheaths himself inside of you, the vibrations making Gojo bucks his hips up into your mouth.
The vulgar sounds of Toji’s balls slapping against your ass as he starts thrusting into your gushing cunt fills the room, overpowering the grunts and groans of the blue-eyed man stuffing your mouth with his dick. Gojo brings his hand forward to fondle your breasts, fingers pulling and pinching your hardened nipples which makes your cunt clench. Toji groans at the movement, strokes getting sloppier as he feels his climax nearing. Both men are bucking into you, using your body to their own pleasure as you lose your balance and fall forwards, mouth still bobbing against Gojo’s cock because of the push of Toji going in and out of your leaking pussy.
Gojo is the first to climax, holding your head down, nose pressed up against his happy trail as he cums deep down your throat. The peak of your own arousal washes over you as Toji’s fingers move across your abdomen to find your clit, hastily rubbing circles onto it as his cock brushes one particular sensitive spot against your walls. You’re moaning around Gojo’s softening dick as the first wave of an orgasm hits you, tears escaping your eyes from the edging as the coil in your stomach snaps. Toji follows soon after, pumping your cunt full of his seed as he fucks you through both of your orgasms.
Your body collapses onto the bed as both men pull themselves out, Gojo lazily reaching over the nightstand to throw over his phone to Toji who proceeds to take pictures of your fucked out oozing cunt. You’re panting from the exhaustion as strong arms wrap around you and pull you up to a warm chest,
“You don’t think you’re done without me having filled you up, do you?”
His hot breath next to ear makes shivers run down your spine as you shake your head, still too tired to respond as another hand kneads the flesh of your inner thigh, the bed dipping as Toji comes to sit across from you.
“What the fuck Satoru?”
Your eyes immediately snap open at the foreign voice, both Gojo and Toji’s attention being diverted to the doorway, towards the man in the suit, tie loosened around his throat and an extremely annoyed look on his face. Arguably, it was Gojo’s fault for pulling you into a random room after he had seen you pressed against the wall in some corner, Toji’s lips latched onto the tit he had pulled out of your dress.
“Ah- I didn’t think the room was occupied.” Gojo says nonchalantly, the side of his lip twitching upwards.
You knew the ever-observant man would never make such a mistake, making you wonder what he was up to. The vexed look on the man’s face who stared at you from across the room would have made you want to shrink into yourself even if you were fully clothed.
“But you have been stressed these days, haven't you Nanami? Maybe you deserve a little reward.”
You yelped as you felt hands spreading apart your thighs, glancing over at Toji to see what he thought of the situation, but his own eyes mirrored the look of the man exposing you to the blonde at the door.
“I’ll fucking kill you if you ever wreck my room again.”
There was anger in Nanami’s words, he was stressed and tired from having to work overtime on today’s mission and to come home to such a mess was the last thing he expected. Still, he found his cock twitching against the restraint of his pants as he looked at your bare pussy, your eyes holding a look so innocent as if you weren’t just getting fucked by two men. Maybe he did deserve a reward after all, he found himself thinking as he strode towards the bed, pulling his tie loose.
You couldn’t deny that the man was attractive, his aura both dangerously calming and commanding as he apprehended you carefully, his hunger-filled eyes raking over your figure with a look that said he was going to devour you whole. He didn’t put away his tie, instead tying it up into a makeshift knot and you felt yourself getting wet once again as you realised what he was planning.
Well, you were always curious about wanting to get tied up and fucked anyways.
#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen tw#gojo x reader#toji x reader#nanami x reader#gojo smut#toji smut#nanami smut#gojo satoru#toji fushiguro tw#nanami kento#jjk smut#jjk x reader#gojo x toji x reader#gojo headcanons
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Mutual Incorrect Quotes
(writing this for the seventh time since Tumblr keeps deleting it-- I hate you Tumblr for deleting the original)
@mysticmeena: The government wants to know what kind of weapons we keep in our house and I'm letting them know that it's private information.
@fuoon: This literally just says 'fuck around and find out'.
@elychee: I lost Sidra.
@loekas: How did you lose Sidra?!
@elychee: To be fair, Sidra is very small.
@d10nsaint: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?
@roseadleyn: Does anyone in this godforsaken house think before they speak?
@elychee: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.
@sidra-29: Throw rocks at he.
@cerisearan: Kill him.
@mysticmeena: Hot Dogs.
@elychee: ...Thanks guys.
@that-one-pretty-bitch: He died of natural causes.
@writerinthedeepwoods: Jacqueline, you pushed him off a building.
@that-one-pretty-bitch: Gravity is natural.
@loekas: I just had a long talk with Solei and Brooke about hitting each other and now they're yelling 'It's my turn to perpetuate the cycle of violence!' before hitting each other.
@mysticmeena: I just want to live through one week without Brooke reciting a new verse of 'I Didn't Start The Fire'.
@giyuus0nlywife: Brooke's in the kitchen.
@d10nsaint, reading the recipe: 'Beat three eggs', in what, hand to hand combat?
@roseadleyn: GET HER OUT.
@giyuus0nlywife: The ocean is a soup.
@dxmoness: ...Do elaborate.
@giyuus0nlywife: What things are needed in a soup?
@dxmoness: Erm, water, salt, some form of vegetation, and personally I prefer meat in mine.
@giyuus0nlywife: The ocean is a soup.
@dxmoness: The ocean is a soup.
@elychee: Ah, I feel refreshed! Did you guys sleep well?
@rouecentric: Well, my eyes closed for a little bit yesterday.
@cerisearan: I drink to forget but I always remember.
@dion-s-lawyer: Mhm.. you're drinking orange juice.
@d10nsaint: We have a problem.
@dion-s-lawyer: No, you have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.
@rouecentric: Why don't humans have a specific sound that means 'there are bees here, let's leave immediately.' Why are elephants more advanced than us.
@loekas: We do have a specific sound for it. It sounds like this:
@loekas: 'There are bees here, let's leave immediately.'
@dxmoness: Hey, can you recommend me a book that can make me cry?
@izumi-astra-123: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition.
(no offense to @elychee and everyone else who likes / enjoys math <3)
@writerinthedeepwoods: I wish I was a dinosaur.
@izumi-astra-123: Why, because they're big and scary?
@writerinthedeepwoods, deadpan: Because they're dead.
@iwanttosleepforever1: I am going to need you to swear-
@that-one-pretty-bitch: Fuck.
@iwanttosleepforever1: ...swear as in promise.
@fuoon: Do you even know what an amulet is?
@iwanttosleepforever1: Of course I do! I even eat amulets sometimes. I like the ones with cheese and onions.
@fuoon: Those are omelettes.
@iwanttosleepforever1: Oh. Then I've got nothing.
I'll make a part two since the tag limit for this post has been reached! I'm so so sorry if I forgot anyone, I tried to include everyone I could remember, please remind me if I forgot!
oh yes, this is one of two gifts for new year :)
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