#...same thing with trans women* and everybody who falls outside or in-between...
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I am just curious why you put an asterisk after trans men? I have never seen anyone do that before. I did try using Google and it gave me many different reasons so I was wondering what yours is? I apologize if I did not say this well, English is not my first language.
Thank you!
I have answered this before, but it all comes down to brevity. It is the acknowledgment that not only trans men will have related to that post. It just signals that if that post applies to you, you are included.
I prefer, generally, to put it after the gender simply because the trans umbrella is generally understood, so it seems superfluous (to me) to re-clarify that transness is a broad category.
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healthcaretips · 4 years
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Tips for Healthy Living
To most people means both physical and mental health are in balance or functioning well together in a person. In many instances, physical and mental health are closely linked, so that a change (good or bad) in one directly affects the other. Consequently, some of the tips will include suggestions for emotional and mental "healthy living."
Quit Smoking
A date too far off in the future will give you a chance to procrastinate and postpone, while a date too soon may not allow you to make a plan for medications or support systems.
Notice when and why you smoke. Try to find the things in your daily life that you often do while smoking (such as drinking your morning cup of coffee or driving a car).
Change your smoking routines: Keep your cigarettes in a different place. Smoke with your other hand. Don't do anything else when you are smoking. Think about how you feel when you smoke.
Healthy eating (diet and nutrition)
All humans have to eat food for growth and maintenance of a healthy body, but we humans have different nutrition requirements as infants, children (kids), teenagers, young adults, adults, and seniors. For example, infants may require feeding every 4 hours until they gradually age and begin to take in more solid foods. Eventually they develop into the more normal pattern of eating three times per day as young kids. However, as most parents know, kids, teenagers, and young adults often snack between meals. Snacking is often not limited to these age groups because adults and seniors often do the same.
Eat three healthy meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner); it is important to remember that dinner does not have to be the largest meal.
The bulk of food consumption should consist of healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products.
Incorporate lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts (with emphasis on beans and nuts) into a healthy diet.
Choose foods that are low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars; look at the labels because the first listed items on the labels comprise the highest concentrations of ingredients.
Control portion sizes; eat the smallest portion that can satisfy hunger and then stop eating.
In moderation and should consist of items like fruit, whole grains, or nuts to satisfy hunger and not cause excessive weight gain.
Avoid sodas and sugar-enhanced drinks because of the excessive calories in the sodas and sugar drinks; diet drinks may not be a good choice as they make some people hungrier and increase food consumption.
Avoid eating a large meal before sleeping to decrease gastroesophageal reflux and weight gain.
If a person is angry or depressed, eating will not solve these situations and may make the underlying problems worse.
Avoid rewarding children with sugary snacks; such a pattern may become a lifelong habit for people.
Avoid heavy meals in the summer months, especially during hot days.
A vegetarian lifestyle has been promoted for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss; vegetarians should check with their physicians to be sure they are getting enough vitamins, minerals, and iron in their diet.
The most harmful bacteria and other pathogens; if you choose to eat uncooked foods like fruits or vegetables, they should be thoroughly washed with running treated (safe to drink) tap water right before eating.
Avoid eating raw or under cooked meats of any type.
Tips for special situations:
Try to keep the daily blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible.
People with unusual work schedules (night shifts, college students, military) should try to adhere to a breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine with minimal snacking.
People who prepare food should avoid using grease or frying foods in grease.
People trying to lose weight (body fat) should avoid all fatty and sugary foods and eat mainly vegetables, fruits, and nuts and markedly reduce his/her intake of meat and dairy products.
Seek medical advice early if you cannot control your weight, food intake, or if you have diabetes and cannot control your blood glucose levels.
Physical activity and exercise
Physical activity and exercise is a major contributor to a healthy lifestyle; people are made to use their bodies, and disuse leads to unhealthy living. Unhealthy living may manifest itself in obesity, weakness, lack of endurance, and overall poor health that may foster disease development.
Regular exercise can prevent and reverse age-related decreases in muscle mass and strength, improve balance, flexibility, and endurance, and decrease the risk of falls in the elderly.
Regular exercise can help prevent coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Regular, weight-bearing exercise can also help prevent osteoporosis by building bone strength.
Regular fitness can help chronic arthritis sufferers improve their capacity to perform daily activities such as driving, climbing stairs, and opening jars.
Regular exercise can help increase self-esteem and self-confidence, decrease stress and anxiety, enhance mood, and improve general mental health.
Regular exercise can help control body weight and in some people cause loss of fat.
Thirty minutes of modest exercise (walking is OK) at least 3 to 5 days a week is recommended, but the greatest health benefits come from exercising most days of the week.
Exercise can be broken up into smaller 10-minute sessions.
Start slowly and progress gradually to avoid injury or excessive soreness or fatigue. Over time, build up to 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise every day.
Start exercising. Even frail, elderly individuals (70-90 years of age) can improve their strength and balance with exercise.
Almost any type of exercise (resistance, water aerobics, walking, swimming, weights, yoga, and many others) is helpful for everybody.
Children need exercise; play outside of the home is a good beginning.
Sports for children may provide excellent opportunities for exercise, but care must be taken not to overdo certain exercises (for example, throwing too many pitches in baseball may harm a joint like the elbow or shoulder).
Exertion during strenuous exercise may make a person tired and sore, but if pain occurs, stop the exercise until the pain source is discovered; the person may need to seek medical help and advice about continuation of such exercise.
Most individuals can begin moderate exercise, such as walking, without a medical examination. The following people, however, should consult a doctor before beginning more vigorous exercise:
Men over age 40 or women over age 50
Individuals with heart or lung disease, asthma, arthritis, or osteoporosis
Individuals who experience chest pressure or pain with exertion, or who develop fatigue or shortness of breath easily
Individuals with conditions that increase their risks of developing coronary heart disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cigarette smoking, high blood cholesterol, or having family members who had early onset heart attacks and coronary heart disease
Individuals who are morbidly obese
Consequences of physical inactivity and lack of exercise:
Physical inactivity and lack of exercise are associated with heart disease and some cancers.
Physical inactivity and lack of exercise are associated with type II diabetes mellifluous (also known as maturity or adult-onset, non-insulin-dependent diabetes).
Physical inactivity and lack of exercise contribute to weight gain.
Mental health
Healthy living involves more than physical health, it also includes emotional or mental health. The following are some ways people can support their mental health and well-being.
he CDC recommends the following by age group (naps inclusive) 12-18 hours from birth to 2 months.
14-15 hours from 3-11 months of age, 12-18 hours for 1-3 years of age, 11-13 hours for 3-5 years of age, 10-11 hours for 5-10 years of age, 8.5-9.5 hours for 10-17 years of age and those 18 and above need 7-9 hours of sleep. Elderly people need about 7-9 hours but do not sleep as deeply and may awaken at night or wake early, so naps (like kids need) allow them to accumulate the total of 7-9 hours of sleep.
Take a walk and reflect on what you see and hear at least several times per week.
Try something new and often (eat a new food, try a different route to work, go to a new museum display).
Do some mind exercises (read, do a puzzle occasionally during the week).
Try to focus on a process intensely and complete a segment of it over 1 to several hours, then take a break and do something relaxing (walk, exercise, short nap).
Plan to spend some time talking with other people about different subjects.
Try to make some leisure time to do some things that interest you every week (hobby, sport).
Learn ways to say "no" when something occurs that you do not want to do or be involved with.
Have fun (go on a trip with someone you love, go shopping, go fishing; do not let vacation time slip away).
Let yourself be pleased with your achievements, both big and small (develop contentment).
Have a network of friends; those with strong social support systems lead healthier lives.
Seek help and advice early if you feel depressed, have suicidal thoughts, or consider harming yourself or others.
People taking medicine for mental health problems should not stop taking these medications, no matter how "well" they feel, until they have discussed their situation with their prescribing doctor(s).
Avoidance behavior is another key to wellness. Below are described some of the major items to avoid if a person is seeking a healthy lifestyle.
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trancowboy · 8 years
Hi Charlie, I'm making a thing and I was wondering if you could help me by shraing your view about steve rogers and bucky barnes, as individual characters as well as your view of their relationship together, headcanons and such, is totally okay if you can't, but if you do I'd be eternally grateful! Thanks anyway
Pal, you basically just invited me to write a whole entire essay about these two assholes, so… I’m sorry? This is gonna get long and most likely sad.
Steve Rogers:
Steve is an asshole, through and through. He’s got a heart of gold and being a good person is in his nature, but my god is he an asshole.
He will fight anyone who does him or anyone he cares about wrong. He won’t hesitate to pick a fight and he would much rather throw some punches than have a verbal conversation/discussion.
Steve Rogers talks with his fists. He’ll fight until he physically can’t stand anymore and even then he will stand up and push himself just that last little bit.
(”I could do this all day.” Steve, my angry baby, have a seat and take a nap.)
Steve is the bisexual we deserve. I think he’s always been aware that he’s attracted to both men and women, but he never told anyone about it back in the day. He didn’t need people to have another reason to beat him up, so he kept it quiet.
(And if he paid a little more attention to certain drawings of a certain boy, then that was his business.)
I don’t think he knew there was a name for what he feels until he woke up in the future. But once he found out and learned more about it, I like to think he’d be a Proud Bi and just tell everyone he comes across because it’s okay now and he can do it.
Sure, it gets a little tiring when he answers his phone with, “Steve Rogers, proud bisexual. Hello,” but his friends get used to it and strangers get past the confusion quickly.
Steve swears. A lot. Like a whole fucking lot. I actively ignore the whole “Language” line (unless it was a joke that Steve only told because he’s tired of the ~grandpa~ jokes, which, ok, I can get behind that) because Steve Rogers has the mouth of a fucking sailor.
Steve can swear up a storm but compliment him or flirt with him or be extra nice or anything and he’ll blush like a tomato and become so awkward he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
Even after all these years, Steve still feels a bit awkward in this new body of his. He doesn’t miss being skinny and sickly and tiny and on the brink of death all the time, but sometimes he doesn’t like being big and muscle-y either. Sometimes he doesn’t like how he can’t make himself invisible as easily as he used to.
Sometimes he just wants to curl up under the covers of his bed and hide from the outside world that has painted him as a person he’s not; a world that sees him as a soldier and Captain America™ rather than a human being.
He lives in a world he doesn’t recognize where everyone he ever knew and cared about are either dead or only remembers him half the time. This deleted scene from The Avengers shows just how detached to the world he feels and honestly, I have way too many feelings about that three minute video.
Steve throws himself into danger (jumping on a grenade without thought, crashing the Valkyrie, jumping out of a plane without a parachute, etc) because he doesn’t really care whether he lives or dies. He never feared death because death has loomed over him like a shadow since he was a child.
And maybe he wants death to take him sometimes. He definitely wanted to when he crashed the Valkyrie. He could have fought more, could have figured out a way to save the world and still survive, but he was tired and he just wanted it to end, so he stopped fighting.
And then he woke up 70 years later to more fighting and he just never slowed down or took a break, because if he did, he’d have to deal with how he was feeling and he couldn’t handle that. He didn’t want to deal with it because it was too painful.
While extremely heavy on the angst, Einherjar by thecommodore_squid perfectly portrays Steve’s depression. Steve in that fic is pretty much exactly how I see him.
Steve is a Disney nerd. He probably didn’t get to catch up on all the new Disney movies between TFA and CW, but between giving up the shield and becoming Nomad (@ marvel let me have bearded!nomad!steve pls and thanks) he probably took a breather for the first time in years and started on the list.
(Does he sit with a laptop by Bucky’s cryo freezer and watches them with him??? haha shoot me)
Steve will fight for what he believes in, no matter what. He proved that in CW when he gave up everything for Bucky without thinking twice.
And then, of course, there’s my headcanon that Steve is trans but if I dive into that, this thing is gonna end up 100k on Steve alone.
Bucky Barnes:
Bucky cares so much. He’s the guy who stood by this skinny, little punk’s side when no one else did. He’s the guy who probably worked his ass off for hours and hours just to get enough money so Steve could get healthy (or healthier) again.
He’s the guy who went through torture and trauma and had the opportunity to get an honorable discharge after what he went through, but he didn’t. Instead he followed his best friend back into war and it cost him his life and freedom and self.
But I’d bet my left foot that he’d do it all again, because he’s Bucky and Bucky cares so goddamn much about everyone but himself.
Bucky is gay. Yes, he was with women back in the day and yes, he kissed them and fooled around with them and probably got off a little, but I think he did it just because it was expected of him.
If it wasn’t because it would be suspicious to everyone else, he would probably just stay home with Steve and pine every single day.
Bucky is such a giant fucking nerd. He finds science and technology incredibly exciting. I mean, he did spend his last night before going off to war dragging Steve to the Stark Expo (and their dates but eh).
Imagine his reaction to all the science stuff he missed while being used by Hydra? He’s gonna light up like a child on Christmas. God, I love my nerd son so much.
Bucky is smart as hell and no one can convince me otherwise. I mean, ��[…] having been an excellent athlete who also excelled in the classroom” is proof enough.
Bucky has been through hell and back several times. He’s been wiped of his memories and himself until he was a blank slate for Hydra to do whatever they wanted to with, and it’s happened probably more times than he’s been able to keep track of. And every time he started regaining just a little bit of himself or just one little memory, the torture would start all over again.
He’s been through hell, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that he suffers from a severe case of PTSD.
Bucky Barnes is a man who cares and protects and when he’s made into a weapon who kills and murders and destroys – when he himself becomes the danger, he locks himself away because he thinks that’s the best thing for everybody.
Steve + Bucky:
There’s no Steve without Bucky, and there’s no Bucky without Steve. Steve and Bucky have always been SteveandBucky, and one without the other means they’re never really whole.
They’re their own person, sure, but they’re better together. They make each other better. Bucky makes sure Steve doesn’t kill himself with his stupidity and recklessness, and Steve makes sure Bucky gets protected and cared for too.
Steve will give up everything for Bucky, no hesitation and no questions asked, and Bucky will do whatever it takes to protect Steve, even if that means hurting him in the process (ie going into cryo).
Bucky is Steve’s dark side and Steve will do anything for him.
I have mixed thoughts on who fell in love with who first. My first instinct is to say Bucky fell in love with Steve first because of all the obvious pining in TFA, but then I think about little Steve Rogers who everyone beat up and disregarded and didn’t care about getting saved by this wonderful boy who doesn’t look down on him and treats him like an equal and I think it was easy for Steve to fall in love with Bucky, so I’m just¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
It doesn’t really matter who fell in love with who first though, does it? What mattes is that they love each other unconditionally and ‘til the end of the line (and beyond cause c’mon. That kinda love is never gonna die).
To end on a lighter note, I’m gonna give you some fluffy headcanons cause I have A Lot.
Steve is the big spoon. He always has been. Bucky loved when there was a skinny octopus clinging to him and barely being able to cover him and he loves it when he’s surrounded by pillowy muscles and warmth.
Bucky was Steve’s favorite subject to draw. And even after everything, even when he hadn’t seen him for years and thought he was dead, Steve still drew him because he never wanted to forget the face of the man he loves.
Whenever Bucky talks about science stuff, he gets all excited and extra cute, and Steve always falls in love with him a little bit more.
Same for when Steve talks about art or literally anything he’s passionate about. Steve could talk about poop and piss for an hour, and Bucky would be making heart-eyes at him the whole time.
Steve used to wear Bucky’s shirts all the time. His excuse used to be that he was too lazy to do laundry, but really, he just liked wearing Bucky’s clothes. (Bucky never minded.)
Clothes sharing is a Thing with these two. It’s a Thing that happens a lot and no one can convince me otherwise.
Bucky loves having his hair played with and Steve loves to play with Bucky’s hair.
Bucky has always loved dancing. That doesn’t change over the years, and he will make Steve dance with him again. (”I don’t care that the serum didn’t fix your two left feet, Stevie, dance with me.”)
When they finally do get together (whether that was before the war or after TWS doesn’t matter) Steve never wastes an opportunity to tell Bucky he loves him, and Steve takes every chance he can to kiss him because now he can.
Steve was probably the one who made the first move.
Steve is a little shit and Bucky loves him even when he’s being Extra and Dramatic and even when Bucky’s exasperated with him. Steve can be as much of an asshole as he wants to, because Bucky will always love him.
Bucky loves flirting with Steve just to see Steve blush bright red. (Sometimes Bucky will just casually put his hand on Steve’s butt or boob and Steve will become Captain Tomato.)
Steve will fucking fight anyone who says anything bad about Bucky.
Conclusion: Give these boys some hugs and a happy ending, please and thank you.
Anyway, I’ve got a ton more Thoughts but this is already so stupidly long, so I’m gonna stop there. Hope this was helpful (was it??? idk) and thank you for letting me ramble on about these two fuckers.
PS, tell me more about your thing or link me, maybe, if you wanna 👀
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: The Woman Behind Critique My Dick Pic Sizes Up Art Photos of Male Nudes
Anonymous, “First time” (2017) (image courtesy Critique My Dick Pic)
The unsolicited penis photo is a much-maligned feature of modern dating, but Critique My Dick Pic isn’t about shaming the men who send them. The tagline of this Tumblr, running since 2013, is “critiquing your dick pics with love.” The aim is to offer witty reviews of the composition of these photos, from the lighting to the angle, from the colors to the use of props. Each critique ends with a letter grade.
The photo above is a recent example of an A grade.
The review ran:
this is a subtle dick pic — or, rather, dick print — with a strong impact, sender.
you’ve completely flipped the usual angle and pose – a log, basically – and the over-the-shoulder, full body shot is refreshing and effective. the inclusion of the lower portion of your face adds humanity and intrigue to your picture, and the lighting, framing and drape of the covers are all well-considered.
overall, it’s a very good shot, sender.
thank you for submitting to critique my dick pic. your dick pic gets an A.
The one-woman band behind the site is Madeleine Holden, a New Zealand lawyer and journalist now living in Berlin. Every day, Holden receives at least 30 dick pics from around the world and evaluates them with her careful eye.
To change things up, I sent her a batch of artists’ photographs of male nudes, ranging from the late 19th century to today, and asked her if she could assign them a Critique My Dick Pic-style review and grade. Her answers provide a tongue-in-cheek look at what has (and hasn’t changed) over the decades in the way that nude male bodies have been photographed. Here are the takeaways from our conversation:
1. Dick pics are a broader category than popularly imagined. According to Holden, they don’t have to be straight, zoomed-in shots of penises, taken selfie-style. In fact, the only rules of a dick pic, in our critic’s mind, are that they’re “penis-oriented” and taken of a single individual. This means that a dick pic (or a classic male nude) doesn’t even have to be erotic in intent. It can be reflective, as in Thomas Eakins’s 1885 portrait of a man (popularly believed to be Walt Whitman).
Thomas Eakins, “Portrait of an old man in the nude” (ca. 1885) (image via Wikimedia Commons)
Although I normally prefer a single shot, sender, you’ve created an interesting portrait with a contemplative tone. The shots are a little on the blurry side and the poses feel somewhat staged, but, nevertheless, it engages the eye. Your dick pic gets a B.
Dick pics can also be political. Consider Dash Snow’s 2007 image, “Untitled (Saddam dick).” This is a good representation of Snow’s defiantly un-pretty, deliberately unpolished style. A seemingly random collection of objects, including a picture of Saddam Hussein, sits next to a harshly lit set of genitals. The photograph almost dares its viewers to excavate a meaning out of this assemblage.
This is essentially a log with a few additional flourishes, sender. The human skull and photograph of Saddam Hussein are intriguing, but ultimately your dick pic falls flat due to the lackluster angle and framing. Your dick pic gets a C-.
2. Subtlety and context matter. Holden tells me that, broadly speaking, “women are looking for more subtlety than men think we are. Zoom out a little bit and show some of the rest of your body. We’re not interested in logs and extreme close-ups of just your genitals. We tend to prefer a bit of the rest of you in the shot for context and some narrative and some indication that you’re actually thinking of us, you’re not just bragging about your size.”
In keeping with such advice, Eadweard Muybridge‘s famous photographic experiments of the 1870s and 1880s, which captured different states of movement, create a kind of conversation between the viewer and subject. Each photo captures a fleeting anatomical moment before the body changes shape, making us wonder what preceded and what will follow each image.
Eadweard Muybridge, “Animal locomotion: an electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal movements” (1872-1885) (image courtesy USC Digital Library)
Your dick pic contains movement and narrative, sender, which is a plus; and your pose is active and engaging. It’s a grainy, low-res shot, but the framing, angle and lighting have been well considered. Your dick pic gets a B+.
Holden also approves of the narrative effect created by Robert Mapplethorpe’s “Dennis Speight” (1983). This is a spare, black-and-white photo of a young, muscular man gripping a set of branches. The penis is less confrontational than it is in other Mapplethorpe photos. Here, both literally and figuratively, it isn’t the center of the image.
This is a simple and effective dick pic, sender. The lighting is expertly considered and the prop is an interesting narrative feature. The tone is stark and subdued, and while it’s not an overtly sexual shot, it is striking. Your dick pic gets an A.
3. It’s hard to get away from the male gaze, even with photos of naked men. So many of the well-recognized photographers of male nudes are men — often men attracted to other men. Just one of these is fitness photographer Bob Mizer, whose 1972 work “Rick Gordon, rooftop studio, Los Angeles” is artfully puzzling. (Much of the gay photography after World War II developed through fitness magazines because the homoerotic content could be somewhat disguised.) It centers on a slight, young man who appears to be on a “great outdoors” movie set: leaves, grass, and boulders abound, all of them clearly fake. The subject is touching a dog and pointing to something outside the scope of the photo. It takes the eye a while to decipher all of these details.
This is a bold and impactful dick pic, sender, containing a lovely burst of color and plenty of movement. It’s a busy image, but every component has been carefully considered, from the pose and setting through to the lighting and tone. There’s very little I would change. Your dick pic gets an A+.
The creation of Critique My Dick Pic was partly a reaction to the male gaze and how it still dominates the way we look at bodies. Holden explains, “Whether it’s heterosexual or bi or queer men, it’s still a male gaze, by and large. And … since the site launched, I’ve been trying to encourage a female gaze. The site is inclusive. It’s for everybody. It’s for every type of body, in terms of who can submit.” Submitters include plenty of women and trans folks.
4. Most of the dick pics circulating online — whether contemporary selfies or decades-old art photographs — aren’t terribly diverse. With Critique My Dick Pic, Holden realized early on that she was awash in submissions from straight, white, cis men in their 20s, and she needed to call specifically for a broader set of photos.
In noticing this homogeneity, Holden assumed the dick pic takers were self-selecting. But the history of male nude photography in the West has generally involved photographers (typically male, white, and bisexual or gay) selectively photographing certain kinds of bodies (generally young, well-proportioned, and black or white).
One example of a white photographer who often photographed black men is Carl Van Vechten, who was an active photographer in the Harlem Renaissance. His “Male nude” shows a variety of fabric patterns, both worn by the subject and in the photographic backdrop. The abundant shadows leave the penis, like much of the image, a bit mysterious.
Carl Vechten, “Male nude” (TK) (image via Wikimedia Commons)
This is a luxurious dick pic, sender, featuring decadent costuming and props. It’s visually very busy, but the pose is commanding and the shot expertly staged. Well done! Your dick pic gets an A-.
Vechten’s work may have been considered to have shown a racially diverse outlook for the period, but today, people of color have a bit more leeway to take the representation of their bodies into their own hands. While Holden’s project shows that racial anxieties and tropes continue to show up in dick pics, over the years, for instance, she’s received her fair share of submissions from Asian men who tell her that they want to dispel the stereotype that Asian men have small penises.
5. The line between art photography and dick pic may not be that thick. Although, Holden acknowledges, “It feels almost a little bit obnoxious to critique legitimate works of art in the vein of my Tumblr, but I think that’s kind of the joke.”
At the same time, dick pic takers would benefit from treating their photos with a bit more gravitas. Holden muses, “If you think ‘I’m actually trying to create art here,’ as absurd as that might sound in the context of dick pics, you’re probably going to make a much better picture.”
The post The Woman Behind Critique My Dick Pic Sizes Up Art Photos of Male Nudes appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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