#...i kinda wanna fly though. that's the one thing i'm jealous of
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fanvoidkeith · 3 months ago
so i'm trying to actually complete my pokedex in pokemon scarlet, and. um. i have BOTW and TOTK brain (have played both of them for over 100 hours each- actually nearing 250 for TOTK), so i thought there was like. a 100+ stakes to pull out of the ground to get the 4 local legendaries, similarly the shrines. but no. there is actually only 32 total, with 8 per legendary. i forgot which game i was playing, which is actually the game meant for children to be able to play
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semperamans · 8 months ago
clo i need to know your thoughts on cal, johnny and benny all falling for the same, sweet local girl! <3 love ya xoxo
suse how could you do this to me :( currently trying not to scream cry and throw up in the coffee shop :( this somehow turned into jealous!danny? dunno how! kinda long, so ya gotta read more xo
benny says your name like it's this sacred thing and danny knows he's in for a treat. the sun grows weary as she dips beneath the tree line, but danny is unyielding; bony forearms braced on the tops of his thighs, microphone edging just a bit closer to his pondering interviewee. benny blows a stream of smoke from the corner of his mouth, watching as it mingles with the cotton candy clouds and it's hard, danny thinks, to be around benny because everything he does is so damn picturesque. he's filled more than three rolls of film with just benny and yeah, he's gotta be mindful because film isn't cheap and he's broke but there's something about the way benny looks; leather cut laying just so over his shirtless form, white levis baggy from age, speckled with either dirt or blood, he doesn't know, and he's just so cool that it's impossible to resist. danny snaps a quick picture, scolds himself as the ticker tells him he's got four shots left, then turns his chin to watch as benny plucks the near-extinguished cigarette from between his teeth, flicking it into the grass. "what'dya wanna know about her?" "well," danny shifts in the creaky lawnchair, "y'know, i've talked to the guys and they, uh, they say she's the best thing that's happened to the club. girls are sayin' it too, n'not just cus she made you nasty bastards start washing your hands." benny is chuckling, pillowy lips damp from the swipe of his tongue. "so what is it about her?" danny asks then waits and waits and waits as benny sits, per usual, in silence. and, okay, maybe this isn't going as well as danny hoped and now he's scrambling, throwing haphazard sentences around his brain, but then benny is speaking and holy shit he's speaking. danny has never heard him say more than fifteen words but now he's a leaky faucet "she's good - everythin' about her - doesn't have a mean bone in her body, y'know? gave all've us a chance, gave me a chance." benny shakes his head as though he still can't believe it then stops, turning his head at the faint sound of the screendoor closing and there you are in a pair of cutoff overalls, hair pulled back with a crocheted bandana and danny can see it, the whole angelic thing. you pay neither of them any mind, tending instead to the flowers 'round the porch. your little yellow watering can is cute and danny can see the fondness constricting the base of benny's throat. "think m'biased." benny says, turning back to face danny. "but 've said it once and i'll say it till they throw me in the ground: she's heaven sent. an' i hope imma good enough man to see her again when i get where i'm goin'." danny leaves with a rekindled belief in love and hopes that maybe one day he’ll be lucky enough to be loved the way benny is.
it's been three weeks since benny's interview and danny can't help but notice things. he carries this leather notebook around - jotting down names and places and tape numbers - but the page he keeps coming back to is one he scribbled across a few days ago. the thing about benny's girl is that she isn't just benny's girl. he's circled it three times for good measure because benny's girl doesn't just belong to benny - sure, maybe in the ways it matters - but every single soul adores her; lights up when she walks in and it sure is a sight to see fifty or so bikers grinning and stumbling over their own feet for this girl who looks like she couldn't harm a fuckin' fly. if she had a male equivalent danny reckons it would be cal. cal with a personality as warm as fire, who talks to everyone, and cracks jokes, and is unabashedly himself. but cal has a temper and it shows during a run to akron. danny is interviewing zipco when he hears the commotion then suddenly everyone is stampeding toward two swinging figures and he knows this is where he steps back. it's a full-on brawl now and zipco sure as shit wasn't going to stay and yap while there was chaos amuck, so danny plops down, lights a cigarette and waits. "s'guy called her a bitch," cal says and danny almost jumps out of his fuckin' skin. where did the sun go? he scrambles to a sitting position, wiping drool from the corner of his mouth and smacking the record button on his cassette recorder. "what?" "some fuckin' prick called her a bitch." cal's got a handful of ice cubes pressed to his busted jaw and because the man knows no personal space a bloody mix has dripped onto danny's pant leg. "her?" danny's not following but the beat up boy tips his head and danny should've known. it's you. of course it's you. "not gonna let nobody talk to her like that. i don't take too kindly for no one talkin' ill to a lady, but 'specially her. s'the most fucked up shit you can do." that's when danny realizes that cal has it too. it's the same look benny had when you came out of the house - that dumb, lovesick gaze - but cal's is laced with longing and danny actually feels bad for him. "she sure is something." he says, testing the waters. he's out of cigarettes so his nimble fingers pluck a handful of grass from beside his boot. "sure is." cal takes a seat, reaching behind danny to grab the jug of strong-smelling alcohol. "never met anyone like 'er. been everywhere; hell to fuckin' Houston, never met a girl like her before." he takes a deep swig, grimaces, then swallows. "benny sure is lucky, ain't he?" danny says, peering under his lashes at the golden-haired boy and he laughs. "we're all lucky. she's the sweetest of the sunflowers, man. she's like the fuckin' sun. least she is to me - to us." poor bastard, danny thinks. poor infatuated bastard.
"where ya gonna be sittin', baby?" "with johnny." "good girl, c'mere gimmie a kiss." danny's at the bar nursing a beer and a hangover and probably a concussion and you know what? this kinda talk doesn't phase him anymore. he's used to it by now; sure he doesn't know the rules, but it's none of his business anyway and in his four months with the club he's learned, above all else, that bikers are fuckin' weird. still danny finds you, watches as benny grabs your chin bringing you up up up onto your tiptoes before planting delicate kisses onto your giggling mouth. "you go see 'em." it's a whisper and danny's not trying to eavesdrop but he finds himself leaning closer. "looks like he needs some cheerin' up." and maybe danny is still invested because he turns, following you as you float over to johnny's table where he's hunched over an intimidating stack of papers. you say something, but your sweet voice is too quiet over the racket and danny cares so he stands, goes over to the pinball machine, but doesn't turn it on. "hi, pretty." johnny reaches over, takes your hand, tugs you closer and you giggle, bracing your hands on his broad shoulders and this is different. none of the other guys put their hands on you - just benny, just benny because he's yours and you're his but johnny does it so naturally danny knows he's done it before. "what's goin' on, old man?" your voice drips nothing but affection and johnny smiles around his cigarette and launches into club dues and the upcoming springfield run and the dwindling bail fund and danny starts losing interest; his feet are going numb and there's only so much longer he can stand there pretending to fucking play pinball before someone catches on but then you're on johnny's lap and yeah this never happens. danny has seen benny beat the dog shit out of a guy for even suggesting that you sit next to him but now here you are, balanced on one of johnny's broad thighs, spinning his wedding band around and around his finger and benny sees, fucking smiles at the sight, and drops his head, lining up his next shot at the pool table. danny realizes you're talking and running your hand up and down johnny's arm as you validate his feelings and strategize fundraising plans and promise to bake some of your infamous strawberry shortcake bites. johnny's promised hand lays so delicately upon your cheek danny thinks he may kiss you but thank fuck he doesn't because danny'd surely blow his cover and a load in his pants because, okay, yeah, he gets it. knows now why everyone loves you, has started to catch feelings of his own but he's not johnny or benny and he'll never be able to touch you the way he wants so he guesses he'll join the ranks with cal as just another distant admirer. just another love struck bastard.
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year ago
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[ credits of the Neteyam pic go to cinetrix ]
Champagne Problems
Part 7
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!human!reader
CW: loads of angst, sexual tension, reader apologizes to Neteyam, fluff, Neteyam yearning for reader, physical contact between Neteyam and reader, some humor in Kiri's and Neteyam's interactions, Neteyam and reader miss each other, wounded Neteyam, reader's strong romantic feelings towards Neteyam, jealous reader, Neteyam talks to reader about the na'vi spirituality, reader is slowly starting to trust Neteyam, TRIGGER WARNING for mentions of a deceased family member and reader's feelings about their absence in her life, Neteyam comforting reader. Tell me if there's more, pls.
Again writing in the am... That's one of the only periods of the day I actually have some peace and quiet, so… 🤷🏻‍♀️ what can I say? Your girl does what she can. lol hope y'all enjoy this. Comments would be very appreciated 🤍 ps: there's just so much angst in this damn fanfic that I can never write it without getting emotionally destroyed 🥲 send help
Slightly proofread. There might be some mistakes along the way. I can't do more than that now bc it's past 5 am, I still didn't get any sleep and I'm dying 💀💩 love y'all ❤ bye I'm gonna try to sleep now
Part 6: I tried to hide but I still believe
So many questions but I don't ask why
Maybe someday but not tonight
Hush hush, now
Don't you ever say a word of what you ever thought you heard
Don't you ever tell a soul but you know
I tried to hide but I still believe that we were always meant to be
And I can never let you go
Hush Hush (Avril Lavigne)
You weren't quite sure what to do now. Your heart was pounding as nervousness covered you and there was an ache, a burn inside your chest.
You decided to close your eyes again and pretend to be asleep. You didn't know if Neteyam had noticed you there or not but you were praying he hadn't.
"Brother? Why are you back early?" Kiri questioned as she held a wooden green bead between her index finger and her thumb. All Kiri could think about was "Oh, Great Mother, this is gonna get really awkward really soon."
"Hi to you too!" Neteyam joked and Kiri rolled her eyes at him "I got bitten by an animal. No big deal, though." He tried to calm his sister down when he noticed the concern in her features "But as it was in my arm, I couldn't really go hunting with my friends for at least two days because it's swollen, so… I'm back early. There's no fun in being there for longer if I can't join the hunting competitions with the boys." Neteyam laughed it off but the bite was still hurting in a pungent way that bothered him a lot.
Kiri laughed "Yeah, I see. And I bet grandma was healing you with those herbs that make the wounds burn even more that you hate so much and you couldn't wait to get on your Ikran and fly back here, right?"
Neteyam frowned but he was chuckling too.
"Yeah, you got me." He scratched his head. It was a habit of his. "By the way, can you help me out with the bite, sister?" He asked
Kiri sighed in disappointment "Why didn't you send for Ronal? I'm kinda busy here." She signaled with her head towards her hands that were holding her necklace
"I don't wanna disturb her sleep. She might try to drown me." Both siblings started to laugh "Plus, you're a great healer." Neteyam defended himself and stroked his younger sister's ego
Kiri let out a grunt.
"Ok, then. Sit down and I'll help you."
"Thanks, teylu." He teased
Calling each other "teylu" was Neteyam's and Kiri's favorite way to insult one another. You know, it's a sibling's thing.
"You're the teylu here!" Kiri snapped back but in a playful way "Bothering me in the middle of the eclipse… did you know I have guests? Be quiet, they're asleep." Kiri said in a hushed, low tone as she gathered the medicinal plants she kept in her marui and the water she needed to mush together to make a healing substance and apply on Neteyam's wound
"Who are you talking about?" He chuckled "Is Tsireya and some other friend of yours spending the night here?"
As soon as Neteyam heard your name come out of Kiri's lips, his mouth got dry and he felt his heart skip a beat. Neteyam gritted his teeth, his jaw tensing up. He couldn't believe you were there. He couldn't believe he was gonna see your face again. Neteyam had started to wonder if maybe you had found a way to not come back to his tribe because of your job ever again after your team started to show up there without you multiple times. He didn't know if he should be sad or happy that you were there in his sister's home. To tell the truth, there was a mix of both emotions moving in an agonizing little dance inside his chest. He missed you like crazy and he had been dying to see you again but he knew that as soon as he looked at you again and saw your small frame and smelled your unique scent, he would find it utterly hard to resist taking you in his arms and kissing you. Yes, Neteyam was still hurting a whole lot and he was still a bit angry at you, but, Eywa… he felt like a piece of him was missing ever since you left. The yearning to feel you against his body again was bigger than the wound in his ego. So, Neteyam had to make a big effort to keep himself together and not run to the tiny but hugely beautiful girl he now recognized as being you, sleeping in one of the mats on the floor of his sister's marui. 
Neteyam had no idea you were actually awake and listening to the conversation he had been having for some minutes now with Kiri.
Kiri had now taken care of Neteyam's wound. It was on his biceps.
"Damn, it must have hurt a lot… Poor him…" You thought.
You breathed in deeply and breathed out, trying to gather courage to do the next thing. You got up from your mat, your legs carefully avoiding Adeline and Kate, as their bodies were lying right next to where you were lying before. 
You walked towards where Neteyam and Kiri were. She was finishing putting away the healing materials in a straw basket while squatting. 
"Hi." You sheepishly greeted Neteyam "Can I talk to you for a sec?"
His feline yellow eyes lingered on you for a second, like he was trying to find a way to respond, but it was difficult to do so.
"Sure." It was all he could say
Kiri gazed rapidly at the both of you "I'm gonna give you guys some privacy." She could feel what you guys were gonna talk about. 
All of you were keeping your voices down so your conversation wouldn't wake the girls up.
Kiri quickly got out of her marui, leaving you and Neteyam "alone" (Technically, Kate and Adeline were there too, even if they were asleep, nothing could guarantee that they wouldn't wake up).
You sat down next to him on the floor, feeling awkward and guilty.
"I'm sorry I was rude to you that morning after the party. I didn't mean to be. I didn't mean to… I don't know, to be so blunt, to be so… cruel when turning you down. I really am sorry. I understand if you're mad at me. I deserve it." 
"I wasn't mad, I was… hurt." Neteyam admitted 
"You were a little mad." You insist with an awkward smile
"Yeah, my pride was hurt. As I said, at the end of the day, it wasn't anger, it was pain." There really was pain in his face, even now
Damn, now you felt even worse…
"But we can just forget about it. It's in the past now. I accept your apology." Neteyam smiled to hide the part of him that was still screaming at him to ask you once again to be his mate. Maybe this time you'd say "yes"... Damn, who was he kidding? He knew it was just stupid wishful thinking.
"Thanks for being so nice to me even after I was such a jerk to you… You didn't have to forgive me, you know." You gave him a sad smile
"Of course I have to. You deserve it. You deserve so much more." He smiled back, sheepishly 
You sighed internally. Why did he have to always be so nice? That only made your heart hurt more and more for rejecting him that morning after the beach party. But it was for the best. It's better if you and Neteyam share nothing but a friendship. You would never wish to taint him with all the turmoil of negative emotions and traumas you carry around wherever you go.
"So… Can we… be friends?" You asked, fearing the answer that was coming
"Of course, tawtute." Neteyam confirmed as he smiled kindly at you "I'd love to have you as my friend."
A few seconds of some awkward silence later, you tried breaking the ice.
"So… I saw you talking to Munì. How's she doing?" The words left your lips before you realized it, leaving a sour taste in your mouth.
Way to go, (y/n)! Worst possible way ever to break the ice!
Neteyam's hairless eyebrows frowned. 
"I don't know. I haven't talked to her since that morning."
"Really?" There was way more anger slipping out of you than you had anticipated. "I saw the way you two were smiling at each other. You really did not talk to her after that morning?" Why were you questioning him like that? Jesus…
God, you didn't even have the right to be angry! Neteyam wasn't your boyfriend or anything like that. But still, jealousy was eating your insides.
Neteyam laughed at the question, realizing you seemed jealous and bitter about it. But it seemed too good to be true. Did he really still have a chance to win your heart? Eywa knows he would never give up on trying to get you if he knew he had even the slightest of chances with you.
"Tawtute, I was just talking to her. You have to stop assuming things about people!" He smiled at you showing no teeth while shaking his head from side to side, showing you how silly your bad habit was "Actually, I was trying to be nice to her to not break her heart too much because yes, she was flirting with me but I wasn't interested."
You felt blood run to your cheeks.
"But you guys seemed so happy…"
"I was just being nice to her." Neteyam reinforced "I promise. Do you trust me?" He asked gently 
Unfortunately, the first instinct that came to your head was "Don't believe him. He's lying to you. You saw what you saw." but this time you were able to actually think a little more, be a little more rational and wonder "What did I actually see? Neteyam was really just talking to Munì. I didn't see him touching her or kissing her or anything. OK, she was smiling and clearly flirting with him, but that doesn't matter. Just because she was trying to charm him, it doesn't mean he was being charmed by her. All I saw was him treating her nicely and smiling at her and Neteyam is usually nice to everyone. He's right… I should trust more freely."
You looked at Neteyam and breathed deep.
"I do." You gave him a coy smile and he smiled back, this time revealing his big sharp fangs to you as his lips parted.
Damn, why was he so freaking hot? Ugh!
After some time spent talking to each other, Neteyam took something out of a small dark brown pouch bag.
"I made this for Tuk" Neteyam said, holding an oblong piece of wood with an image of a Viperwolf (or a Nantang, in na'vi) carved in it. "She loves Nantangs."
"It's beautiful. You're talented." You smiled at him
"Thanks." Neteyam smiled back, his golden eyes squinting slightly at you 
The gift Neteyam had made for Tuk reminded you of the gifts you and Tracy would give each other. You used to make colorful bead bracelets and give them to her. She would get so happy and smile widely at you. Your heart would feel warm. After she grew up a bit and wasn't a small toddler anymore, she started to make you some and give them to you too. It became a sisterly tradition for the both of you.
God, how you missed her… Your chest started to hurt and a lump was now in your throat, making it harder to breathe.
Neteyam noticed.
"Are you OK?" He asked, concern all over his beautiful features 
You started telling Neteyam how your little sister had died in the car accident. You finally let your defenses down to the point that now you felt comfortable to tell him not just that but also how you felt agonizingly alone and lost after her passing, as you both had a strong, pure bond. Tracy used to be your best friend.
"I loved being her big sister, giving her advice and taking care of her. I miss all the nights we would stay up eating candy and watching stupid teenage movies because she loved them so much." You reminisced through tears
Neteyam related deeply to you, on how it felt good to be the older sibling. All he could do was thank Eywa that he still had all his siblings alive, safe and sound. Thinking about losing little Tuk, Lo'ak or Kiri like you lost Tracy made his chest hurt profusely. He could only imagine your pain. He knew he could never actually know how much it must have broken you in pieces to see your little sister for the last time, paler, no longer breathing, but he felt so, so much empathy towards you.
All Neteyam wanted to do was hold you tight and make all your pain go away. He knew he couldn't get rid of all your sorrows but he would surely make his biggest effort to fight away all the demons he would be able to. 
"Eywa, (y/n)... I'm so, so sorry about that. I can only imagine how much you must miss her. I know I would if I lost any of my siblings…" Just the thought of that made his chest hurt a little bit "You know, my people have a saying about death: All energy is only borrowed, and one day you have to give it back. I don't know if it gives you any comfort but I think it's a good way to view the passing. It's not the end. Your sister's body helped plants grow on the ground she was buried in, did you know that? A part of her still lives inside the leaves or the flowers or the grass there. I'm assuming Earth's ground works like Pandora's ground does." He chuckled slightly, trying not to seem disrespectful 
"Neteyam, that's actually… really comforting. And beautiful. Thank you so much." You smiled at him and felt an urge to touch his hand to show him your gratitude but you thought it was better not to do it.
Eventually you fell asleep, back against the marui's wall. Neteyam carried you to your mat in his arms, carefully, just so he wouldn't wake you up, even though you seemed to be in deep sleep. He softly laid you down on your mat and felt the urge to kiss you goodnight but he knew he couldn't. And it broke his heart not to do it because he loved you with all his body and soul.
Neteyam quickly left Kiri's marui and headed to his family's home, trying hard to forget your beautiful sleeping face all the way until he got there, trying hard to forget your unique and addictive scent, the way your lips felt just like the inside of a rose when you both had kissed, the way it felt to mate with you and feel your soft human skin against his… It didn't matter how much he tried, he would never be able to forget you. Your name was tattooed on his heart.
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jeonstudios · 8 months ago
꒰ hey, lo-ve .ᐟ.ᐟ ꒱ ꪆ
it's honestly upsetting to learn that tumblr ate up that anon-text i had submitted, outpouring my thoughts on eoalh. i'm gonna try writing some of it again ( it's been a month, and i cannot remember most of what i wrote ), but here goes nothing.
my journey with eoalh began back in 2022. i believe the story was still updating then(?) sorry for my lack of memories, haha. that being said— i kept screenshots of my favorite excerpts. even used the "you are my birdie" x "you are like a tiny little bird baby that fell out of the nest that i found and now i have to take care of" analogies with my crush/long time close(?) friend back then ( i'm over him 98% ) anyway, he is kinda like eoalh!jk. so loved that his ego outcompetes his brain sometimes that he feels unloved instead, despite all the attention swarming around him.
another point among many that touched me would be
oc talking about kindness. her idea of it reflects william blake's concept of "higher innocence", which i am very much a proponent of, by the way. true, it can drain you often if you foget how to show yourself equal kindness too, and our oc really struggled with that aspect, right? i'm glad. really glad you showcased it beautifully. a lot of her resonated with me. especially, her college days and how she, without a resistance, would take rejection and never try to blame it on others. i think i've outgrown that a bit, or significantly. i try to look at a situation the most neutral way i can, learn where i need improvements, and just do my best to move on. but the whole "none of it is your fault. yeah, i understand. it's alright, you don't have to worry about me. really." reassurances were so me. is still me.
then there was oc's need to shower people with kindness and love bcos she didn't wanna die with regrets. that's always been me. i would even narrate to people my stream of consciousness bcos "WHAT IF I DIE AND I NEVER GET TO TELL YOU HOW AND IN WHAT WAYS DID THIS MISCELLANEOUS THOUGHT OCCURED TO MY PUNY LITTLE BRAIN??"
so that was 2022, right? fast forward a few months »»
i had completely forgotten about the story's name. LOL 🤸🏻‍♀️ i remember i found you through @ggukkiereads recommendations. somebody had asked about the story back then— that's how i discovered you in 2022. but that same year, i had to sit for major exams. it made things hard to keep up with socials. lost the list, the ask & the story. imagine my agony? lol. all i had were screenshots of certain scenes ( without the account name visible, bruh ). @ggukkiereads went into hiatus, too. my search didn't end though. however, my agony hadn't either.
that's until 2024 𖦹 ・͛♡̷̷̷・͛
EL DORADO. ahoy, i 'ave found it and ye! prolly searched some bs like "bet!au jk tumblr" etc. didn't seem to work before tho. yeah, until that fateful 2024 evening. oh, agony! ( bugs bunny undertone ) it was from the same recs account. haha. i swear i had previously searched through every one of her lists! but oh, boy. speak of god's timing.
anyway, had the best time reading the story thoroughly. read fics from your recs account, too. imy favorite was a hogwarts!au where jk is in the quidditch team. huehue. read dc, bt and basically every one of your fics. but eoalh is eoalh, right? i'm so full of love for them, and so full of brainrots. when you mentioned the babybirthing drabble would have near d-word scenes? oh my, i thought that was tasty. bcos i do wanna see the fear in his eyes and heart when he sees her almost slip through his grasps. bahaha, as if all the angsts weren't enough. STILL !! it's fun to witness a man be loser and grovel and cry. i trust them tho. however, what's a little angsty brainrot? they are forever birdies. they will grow and fly together. almost close to the sun, but never too close like icarus, again. i believe in them. yeah.
but only bc i'm feeling vixeny— what's jealous eoalh!jk like? after marriage? NO, NAMJOON AND HER PET DOG WASN'T ENOUGH! I AM EAGER TO KNOW WHAT NEEDY EOALH!JK IS UP TO!
꒷ random gibberish incoming ꒷
dare i say, bts wasn't even my main fandom growing up? i mean i was never a hard stan of any group except [redacted], but kpop back then didn't need that. it was peaceful with fun interactive moments between every other group & reactions to performances. i kept up with bts since their debut, quite casually. the entirety of 3rd gen kpop is home to me in that regard.
BUT! BEHOLD! it's authors like you who made my attachment to them better. so, thanks for writing, yeah? know the power your pen/keyboard wields. i love how you aren't afraid to write about insecurities and vulnerabilities, in general. one might argue saying, "oh, it's easy to be behind a screen and type." maybe, but repeated exploration isn't ( respectfully and admirably said )
it means the author is trying to speak to the audience by baring themselves/their characters, sharing their views on topics whether personal/impersonal. it's not an arbitrary or whimsical piece of work. it's beautifully thought out and constructed.
you are really amazing, lo-ve. hope you keep growing, learning, and expanding your horizon. all the best wishes for you, sweets. also, a gentle reminder : you are much more than an author to me. kudos to your human.
yeah, tumblr suck sometimes! i've made it a habit to screenshot the ask before i send any just in case 😩 i'm glad you like eoalh and feel like you can relate to it! i do tend to write about things (and people) that i find comforting at the moment and as for eoalh!reader, i wanted her to be "weak" in a way i'm scared to be, and show that she'll be loved in the right way regardless. ♥️
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empressofthesunwriter · 10 months ago
Yin and Yang: Book 1.10
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Balance is a key aspect in the world, so why shouldn’t the Avatar have an opposite?
In a world where Raava and Vaatu merge with humans, the Avatar and the Daimon try to keep the peace between the four nations.
Aang and Hua are the current incarnations, but wake up 100 years in the future.
How will these two learn all four elements in one year and defeat the Fire Lord?
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Who is Veda? You can read the story, and you will know if you want to see her look at my Deviantart Account. ^^
Book 1.10: Jet and Veda
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 
Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 
Only the Avatar and Daimon, masters of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. 
A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar and Daimon, an airbender named Aang and an earthbender named Hua. 
And although his airbending and her earthbending skills are great they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to save anyone. 
But I believe Aang and Hua can save the world.
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After a nice breakfast, it was time for team Avatar-Daimon to hit the road again.
Only someone was missing…
“Where's Momo?”, asked Aang his friends, hoping they had seen where the lemur had flown off.
It was like he heard them since Momo’s screeches echoed through the forest.
“Jaiyi, girl, find Momo!”, command Hua her ninetails.
Not wasting time Jaiyi did as she was told, finding Momo's smell and leading the humans.
They found the poor lemur and two hog monkeys in cage traps hanging by rope on tree limbs.
Aang uses his airbending to fly to the top of the tree, jumping from trunk to trunk to get higher. He finds the traps' mechanisms, undoes them, and carefully lowers Momo to the ground where Hua, Katara and Sokka are waiting. They open the trap together and the lemur runs out with one of the lychee nuts in his mouth. 
The watertribe siblings and the Daimon look on as Momo gets on his hind legs and eats it as though nothing has happened. 
Jaiyi sist down beside him and licks his head, which makes Momo purr.
Sokka grunts in frustration and facepalms. 
When Aang lands, he looks up to see the other two animals seemingly crying out to him for help.
So he jumps up to them, but Sokka say how this will take forever and just uses his boomerang to cut the hog monkey free.
While the free animals run off into the forest, Team Avatar-Daimon study the trap together.
“These are Fire Nation traps.”, concludes Sokka. “You can tell from the metalwork. We'd better pack up camp and get moving.”
They return to their camp. Gathering their things they begin to pack them onto Appa's saddle.
Suddenly Sokka proclaims: “Uh-uh! No flying this time.”
The others are confused.
“What? Why wouldn't we fly?”, wonders Aang.
“Think about it: Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa, he's just too noticeable.”
“What? Appa's not too noticeable!”, comes Katara to the bison defense.
“He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! It's kinda hard to miss him!”
Appa seems offended, which makes Aang coo at him how Sokka was just jealous he doesn’t have an arrow.
“Well, then we can all ride on Jaiyi. Four humans and our supplies are nothing for her.”, offers Hua, as her Kyuubi yips in agreement.
But Sokka shakes his head.
“No, same problem with Appa. When Jaiyi is in her big form you can’t miss her, when she is little you could confuse her for a normal fox cub…I mean till you see the tails.”
This makes everyone deadpan at Sokka. He really doesn’t want to make their journey comfortable for them.
“I know you all wanna fly or ride, but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk.”, explains Sokka.
“Instincts?”, mumbles Hua confused, while Katara leans forward to her brother: “Who made you the boss?”
“I'm not the boss, I'm the leader.”
“Since when and where was I when this was decided?”, questions Hua, getting more confused by the second.
What’s up with Sokka all of a sudden?
“I agree with Hua, you're the leader? But your voice still cracks!”, sass Katara her brother.
“I'm the oldest, and I'm a warrior!”, retorts Sokka. “So I'm the leader!”
“If anyone's are our leaders, it's Aang and Hua. I mean, he is the Avatar and she is the Daimon.”
“Are you kidding? He's just a goofy kid! And she is just a little girl.”
“I’m not that little!”, mumbles Hua angrily, while Aang proves Sokka's point hanging upside-down from Appa's right horn with feet sticking out in the air and agreeing.
“Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader?”, ponders Katara. “I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl.”
This makes Hua snort, which in turn makes Sokka blush embarrassed.
Great, even the youngest laughs at him!
“I've kissed a girl, you just haven't met her.”, defends the water tribe boy his manly honour.
“Who? Gran-Gran? I've met Gran-Gran.”, roasts his sister further.
Now Hua has picked up Jaiyi and hides her laughing face in the pelt of her ninetails.
She can’t!
Katara was just too good at dishing out!
Angry Sokka throws his arms into the air. Katara's sass and Hua's laughter go on his nerves and hurt his manly ego.
“No! Besides Gran-Gran. Look, my instincts tell me we have a better chance of slipping through on foot, and a leader has to trust his instincts.”
“Okay, we'll try it your way, oh wise leader.”, says Katara sarcastically.
“Oh guide us, wise leader.”, can’t Hua help herself to add.
The girls laugh together, as Sokka sends them an offended look.
Why were girls such smart-asses?
Now Aang steps over, wearing a backpack. Momo is sitting on the top.
Always the optimist he says that walking might be fun.
Words he would soon regret.
“Walking stinks!”, decides the Avatar. “How do people go anywhere without a flying bison or a kyuubi?”
“Well I don't know, Aang.”, answer him Katara “Why don't you ask Sokka's instincts? They seem to know everything.”
“Yes, our wise leader will lead us to the holy land of the Nothern Water Tribe on foot.”, adds Hua cheeky.
Jaiyi, who walks beside her, laughs her fox laugh.
“Ha ha, very funny, guys.”, deadpans Sokka.
Ungrateful brats! He was just looking out for them and this was the thanks?!
“I'm tired of carrying this pack.”, complains the Avatar.
“You know who you should ask to carry it for a while?”, begins Katara.
“Oh, oh, let me guess!”, calls Hua, raising her hand like in school. “Sokka’s instincts?”
“Right on, Hua!”
“That's a great idea.”, agrees Aang. “Hey, Sokka's instincts, would you mind–”
Annoyed Sokka calls out: “Okay, okay, I get it! Look, guys, I'm tired too. But the important thing is that we're safe from the Fire ... Nation.”
He trails off because they stepped right into a big camp of Fire Nations Soldiers.
“Sokka, your instincts, suck!”, hisses Hua.
The oldest tells them all to run, but a Fire Nation soldier blocks them off by setting the bushes behind them on fire.
The four go into battle positions.
Seems like the only way to get out of this mess was by fighting.
“If you let us pass, we promise not to hurt you.”, tells Sokka the soldiers with fake bravado.
His sister asked what he was doing and admitted he was just bluffing. 
A Firebender with an eyepatch laughs at them.
“You, promise not to hurt us?”
A whooshing sound was heard and the soldier was knocked out by an unseen tranquillizer dart on his back.
“Nice work, Sokka!”, praises Aang. “How'd you do that?”
“Uh, instinct?”
That’s when Katara draws their attention to a nearby tree. On it, a young man tosses his blowpipe and unsheathes two hook swords. He jumps and takes down two soldiers on landing. He runs forward and takes down two more using his hook swords.
“Down you go.”
Katara looks amazed, Hua admiring, Aang shocked, and Sokka confused.
Another soldier charges at Jet, but he is defeated. Then a soldier points out how more people are in the tree, but it’s too late.
A young boy lands on top of the soldier and turns his helmet around to blind him, before riding him around while laughing. Another boy launches arrows at the soldiers while more boys and girls come out of the trees. 
Hua, Aang and Katara aid them in fighting the soldiers with their primary bendings. 
Sokka holds up his boomerang and yells as one approaches him, but stops when the young man with the hook swords takes him down first.
The watertribe boy bemoans that he was his, but the young man just says he has to be faster next time.
Sokka looks dismayed and a huge boy falls out of the trees and easily takes down two soldiers as the hook sword boy skilfully takes down one more, causing this soldier's spear to hit another soldier, who was going to battle Sokka, in the head, making that soldier also fall down.
Again no points for Sokka.
Currently, Hua was launching rocks at two soldiers, as she felt that someone was approaching.
Another Soldier!
Before she can react, a pretty girl, not older than herself, attacks the soldier with her whip. She bonds him in it and throws him against a tree, knocking him out cold.
The Daimon's mouth claps open and a hot blush forms on her cheeks.
This was one of the hottest things she had ever seen!
She feels all tingly inside, it only gets worse as the pretty girls walk over to her.
“Hi.”, the pretty girl greets. She has beautiful grey eyes, and mid-length black hair and wears a green kimono-styled top with bandages, brown pants and black boots. 
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“Hello.”, croaks Hua nervous out.
“Your earthbending is amazing.”, praises her pretty girl. “I’m Veda and who are you cutie?”
Being called cutie by this beautiful Veda makes Hua's brain short-circuit.
The last time she felt this way was 100 years ago when she had a crush on her neighbor Ai. The one who had also stolen her first kiss.
So she does something, which will make her wish to die on the spot.
Babbling nonsense.
“Me, me, Hua, I mean-I’m Hua. Hua, like, like flower. Only flower, just flower not any specific kind of flower, I don’t know why my parents didn’t specify. Sakura or Sayuri would have been nice, they are specify flowers. You know? Sakura is cherry blossom and Sayuri Lily. But, but, I think you know that…”
Amused Veda wipes away some ash from her cheek and Hua swerves she will melt.
“You are a cutie pie, Hua. Don’t be nervous, I don’t bite…unless you want me to.”
Then Veda winks.
And Hua makes a sound like a dying whale.
Oh Spirits, kill her now!
“Veda, are you done flirting?”, calls over the hook sword boy, who was standing beside an equally besotted Katara. 
“Sure, Jet.”, calls Veda back, but stays beside Hua, winking at her again.
The now-known Jet shakes bemused his head and then starts to introduce himself and his friends: “My name is Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters. Sneers, Longshot, Smellerbee, Veda, The Duke, and Pipsqueak.”
The Daimon has trouble following along with how Aang tells Pipsqueak how his name is funny, only to be revealed that the biggest boy was named so and not the little one. It seems like Aang will get hit, but Pipssqueak laughs and pats him friendly on the back though the hit is hard enough to knock Aang flat on the ground. 
The Duke stops laughing and looks down at Aang sprawled on the ground before his feet, face flat in the dirt, though when Aang raises his head and continues laughing, so does The Duke.
The Freedom Fighters ransack the camp, while Sokka looks on a little uncomfortable.
Katara thanks Jet for his help and Hua and Veda are talking with each other.
Well, Veda talks and Hua babbles nonsense, however, the other girl doesn’t seem to mind.
Aang watches how both his female friends seem cosy with their new friends and…well…he feels strangely strange.
Does it make sense?
Seeing Katara with Jet was not making him feel funny, but Hua and Veda made his stomach twist.
He didn’t get it.
What was up with him?
Why was there a voice in his head, who practically growled mine, stay away.
Aang doesn’t have this kind of feeling for Hua, they were friends, also he liked Katara.
But this strange voice in him or let’s say a thousand voices in him hissed and snarled.
My Yang!
Stay away from them!
To think he shakes fast his head. This was all so confusing.
Were these voices of his past lives, where he and Hua were couples?
It made the most sense.
Nonetheless, he never reacted like that…
Maybe because someone was showing interest in Hua and he saw it?
And his past lives didn’t like that?
Well, he would ignore it!
He liked Katara, he knew she was his forever girl, and his past lives should get used to the Daimon having another partner.
That’s when Aang hears how The Duke tells Jet how they will bring the things from the ransacked camp to their hide-out.
So his little episode was forgotten as he asked excitedly if they had a hideout.
Jet offers them to show it and both Katara and Hua yell how they want to see it.
So they follow the Freedom Fighter for a while through the forest, till they stop.
“We're here.”, proclaims Jet.
Confused Sokka says that nothing is there, so Jet gives him a rope and the watertribe boy pulled up into the branches.
Jet offers one to Aang, but he uses his airbending to climb the tree.
“Now you Hua.”, calls her Jet.
A bit nervous the Daimon steps forward, as she feels a hand on her shoulder.
“The first time can be a bit wild, want to travel with me?”, she asked with a pretty smile.
Not trusting her voice, Hua nods.
So Veda wraps an arm around her hips, while Hua wraps her arms around the other girl's shoulder, as the Freedom Fighter girl grips the rope.
They get pulled up and all seems to go in slow motion.
Romantic light shines down on them, making Veda look like a goddess, which turns Hua into a pepperoni.
When she feels Veda's hand and where she is holding on, Hua swerves it burning her.
She never wants to let go of the other girl.
Sadly they land on a wooden platform.
For a second Hua admired the awesome hideout of the Freedom Fighter, which was a couple of treehouses, connected with zip lines as Veda whispered in her air: “Hey, you wanna ditch the other till dinner? I want to show you my favourite place.”
Butterflies are in Hua's stomach and she nods in agreement.
Giving her a pretty smile Veda takes her hand, Hua may or not may make again a dying whale sound, and leads her to her favourite place.
On the way there they talk.
Veda tells her how she came to the Freedom Fighter. She and Jet were neighbour, as one day the Fire Nation burned down the village, killing their parents. She would be dead too, if Jet hadn’t saved her that night.
He was eight and she was six.
“I’m so sorry, Veda.”, tells her Hua, squeezing her hand. “I wish I could do more to help you with your pain.”
“It’s okay Hua. Even if I miss my family I have a new family in Jet and the Freedom Fighter. Jet is like my big brother, I would do anything for him.”
Suddenly Hua Daimon-Radar goes off. How Veda said she would do anything for Jet…it has a dark note in it.
Hua can’t think anymore as Veda leads her to a platform, from where you can see all the forest.
“It’s so beautiful!”, shouts Hua.
“I love it here.”, confesses Veda, sitting down. “You can see anything from her and when the stars are out it's quite romantic.”
This makes Hua blush again, as she sits down beside Veda. The other girl grips her hand caressing it.
“It’s even better when you share it with someone.”, whispered the Freedom Fighter in her ear, making Hua shiver.
Then she feels a little kiss on her cheek.
Surprised she gasp and looks with wide eyes at Veda.
The other girl has a cheeky smile, which makes Hua's stomach do somersaults.
“I know we just met, but you are so sweet Hua, I could eat you up.”
“Then do it.”, whispers Hua back, she feels the attraction too and wants to bathe in it.
With another grin, Veda kisses her on the mouth.
And for a long time, both girls don’t say anything, getting lost in each other.
It’s now dinner time in the Freedom Fighter hide-out. 
Hua sits beside Veda and Katara as she enjoys her meal with her friends, new friends and…girlfriend?
She and Veda didn’t really specify what they were after their romantic escape, they just enjoyed each other.
Maybe they didn’t need a label.
Just being together was nice.
For however long it may be.
Jet stands on the table raising his glass and starts his speech: “Today, we struck another blow against the Fire Nation swine.”
Everyone cheers. 
Katara, Hua and Aang smile while Sokka cops an attitude and a scowling face.
“I got a special joy from the look on one soldier's face when The Duke dropped down on his helmet and rode him like a wild hog monkey.”
The Duke, without his helmet, climbs up the table. He marches on the table with his arms in the air.
“Now, the Fire Nation thinks they don't have to worry about a couple of kids hiding in the trees. Maybe they're right.”
A very loud and long boo is heard all around. 
“Or maybe ... they're dead wrong.”
Loud and long cheering happens.
“Hey, Jet, nice speech.”, praise Katara with twinkling eyes.
“Thanks.”, says Jet as he sits down beside her. “By the way, I was really impressed with you, Hua and Aang. That was some great bending I saw out there today.”
“Well, they are great. He's the Avatar and she’s the Daimon. I could use some more training.”, admins Katara blushing.
“Avatar, Daimon huh? Very nice.”
“Thanks, Jet.”, chorus Aang and Hua together.
“So I might know a way that you, Hua and Aang can help in our struggle.”
That’s when Sokka states: “Unfortunately, we have to leave tonight.”
Both Katara and Hua looked devastated, they didn’t want to leave Jet and Veda already and Aang pounts, he liked it here!
Fortunately for them, Jet has a mission for Sokka, which makes him curious.
They will stay another day.
Puh, thank the spirits.
After dinner and dishes were finished, Veda showed the girls of Team Avatar-Daimon where they could get cleaned up.
With a blown kiss to Hua the Freedom Fighter girl left them.
Like a besotted fool, Hua waved at her till she was away.
“Ah is someone in love?”, cooed Katara at her best friend, as she started to undress.
Hua follows her and blushes to her breast.
“Not love, but hard crushing. I love girls who can kick my ass.”, she confesses. “Also what is with you and Jet?”
With a washcloth, Katara starts to clean herself and starts blushing too.
“I like him, alright, but we only talked. That hickey on your breast tells me another story.”, says Katara with a grin.
Shocked Hua looked down and there it was.
A hickey.
Okay, she and Veda got a bit wild.
“We may have gotten carried away.”, she admins to her best friend and starts to clean herself too.
This makes Katara frown a bit.
“Hua, please don’t take this bad, but aren’t you both only twelve? I don’t think you should be doing that already.”
It takes the Daimon a second before she understands what Katara is implying. She turns crimson red.
“No, no, Katara, we didn’t do anything like that, we are just a bit handsy, Nothing more.”
“Oh.”, makes Katara the sound long and then grins cheeky. “So like did you touch her breasts or something?!”
For that Hua throws a towel at her face.
“None of your business.”
“So you did cup a feel!”
“I never knew you could be this pervy!”
“I’m not pervy, just couriers and worried for my best friend.”
Together the girls laugh and change the subject.
After they were done washing, it was time for bed.
The next day Katara and Hua made presents for their crushes, while they waited for them to return with Sokka from their mission.
Katara made Jet a hat and Hua made for Veda a necklace.
Aang was somewhere goofing off with The Duke if they understood correctly.
They hear how Aang talks to Sokka and little explosion.
Ah, so they probably returned.
The girls walk up to Sokka and Aang.
“Hey, Sokka.”, greets Katara. “Are Jet and Veda back?”
Her brother was sitting with his back to the trunk and staring at the ground, glaring.
Whatever happened now?
“Yeah, they’re back. But we're leaving.”, decides Sokka.
“What?”, shouts Aang disappointed.
The girls are right with him.
“But I made him this hat.”, whines Katara.
Hua whines too: “I made Veda this necklace.”
“Your boyfriend Jet and your girlfriend Veda are thugs.”, makes Sokka clear.
Of course, Katara and Hua are shocked and won’t believe it.
Sokka insists that the Freedom Fighters are messed up, while Aang takes partei for them and says to Sokka they just have a different kind of life.
“They beat and robbed a harmless old man!”, shouts Sokka angrily.
Why won’t they understand?
Stupid Jet and stupid Veda with their stupid charming personalities.
Katara and Hua felt for it, hook, line and sinker!
His sister crosses her arms and demands that they talk with Jet and Veda about it, she wants to hear their side of the story.
Meanwhile, Hua’s bad feelings about Veda from yesterday's return.
Could she really misunderstand Veda's true self?
Her Daimon-Radar had tried to warn her…but she couldn’t believe how the girl who was so sweet to her, had such a side on her.
Her stomach in a twist she followed the other to Jet cabin.
To their luck, Veda was there too.
Both seemed to talk in secret.
This didn’t help the doubt which was forming in Hua.
Not wasting time Katara asked them about the mission they had with Sokka and what happened. Did they really beat up and robbed an old man?
“Sokka, you told them what happened, but you didn't mention that the guy was Fire Nation?”, asked Jet back.
Veda stood beside him, emotionless, even as Hua tried to look into her grey eyes.
It was like the other girl closed her off.
The Daimon didn’t like it.
“No, he conveniently left that part out.”, huffed Katara at her brother.
He groaned. “Fine! But even if he was Fire Nation, he was a harmless civilian!”
“He was an assassin, Sokka.”, corrected him Jet.
The leader of the Freedom Fighter pulls out a knife and thrusts it into a nearby stump. It is a sinister-looking curved blade. There are four spikes evenly spaced along the grip, with enough space for fingers to go between them. There is a ring on the butt of the knife.
“See? There's a compartment for poison in the knife.”
He pulls on the ring and removes a small glass tube filled with red liquid.
“He was sent to eliminate me. You helped save my life, Sokka.”
Relieved Katara says she knows there was an explanation, but Sokka insists that he didn’t see a knife.
Jet rebukes that the man hid it and Katara agrees.
The watertribe boy makes clear how he was sure there was no knife and they would go now!
Dramatically he leaves Jet cabin.
“Tell me you guys aren't leaving yet.”, turns Jet to the remaining three. “I really need your help.”
Aang asks what they can do.
Jet explains how the Fire Nation plans to burn down the whole forest and them with it, however, if the three use their waterbending to fill the reservoir they could put the fire out.
“Please, you would do us a great favour.”, begs them Veda and bows.
Still, she won’t look at Hua.
She doesn’t like it.
“We will talk with Sokka and then tell you what we decide.”, the Daimon tells Jet and Veda.
She takes Katara and Aang by the hands and walks with them to their cabin.
Sokka was already packing their things.
“We can't leave now with the Fire Nation about to burn down a forest!”, was the first thing Katara said to her brother.
“I'm sorry, Katara. Jet's very smooth and his lackey like Veda do anything for him, we can't trust them.”, answered Sokka calmly.
“You know what I think? You're jealous that he's a better warrior and a better leader!”, accuses him Katara.
“Katara, I'm not jealous of Jet. It's just that my instinct–”
“Well, my instincts tell me we need to stay here a little longer and help Jet. Come on, Aang and Hua.”
The Avatar say sorry and leaves with Katara.
Hua stays a moment longer, unsure and then tells Sokka: “Find evidence.”
Surprised Sokka looks up.
“I don’t want to believe that Veda is so heartless, but my instincts, my Daimon ones are haywire, but without proof, it’s only a feeling. So look for one. I hope you are wrong though, I really like Veda.”
With that, she follows after Katara and Aang.
The next day Jet leads the three benders to the damn upriver along its west bank. Geysires are everywhere.
“Jet, I'm sorry about how Sokka's been acting.”, apologies Katara.
“No worries, he already apologized.”, says Jet.
This shocks the other three and they look at each other.
“Yeah, I was surprised too.”, admins the Freedom Fighter. “I got the sense that maybe you talked to him or something.”
“Yeah, I did.”, confirms the watertribe girl.
“I guess something you said got through to him. Anyhow, he went out on a scouting mission with Pipsqueak, Veda and Smellerbee.”
“I'm glad he cooled off. He's so stubborn sometimes.”
Meanwhile, Hua can’t help but bite her lips nervous. Her Daimon-Radar was going crazy, something was wrong, but she couldn’t pinpoint what.
Also, she said to Sokka he should look for proof, maybe he found nothing and that’s why he said sorry.
Or…she doesn’t want to think about the other possibility.
They are now walking in the gully, beside the 'river'. Aang pauses after noticing something strange and is launched into the air by a blast from the geyser he is standing on.
“All right, we're here. Underground water's trying to escape through these vents. I need you guys to help it along.”, explains Jet.
Unsure Katara tells him she never benden water she can’t see and doesn’t know if she can do it. 
However Jet was right behind her putting his hands on her shoulder and encouraging her.
A bit sad he was left out Aang asks what about him.
“I know the Avatar can do this, just like the Daimon.”
Jet sends Hua a smile and she has trouble copying him.
Her brain tells her to listen to her instincts, but her heart wants to believe that Jet and mostly of course Veda are good people.
With a heavy heart, she joins Aang and Katara at one of many Geysir in the gully. While Jet looks on, they bend the water up. After a few minutes, a stream of water emerges from the hole. They pull it to their height and send it toward the river where it continues to flow like a waterfall. The water quickly joins the river.
Jet congratulated them on a job well done and informed them with another few more Geysir the reservoir would be full.
Excited Aang points at the next Geysier.
The benders walk up to it, as Jet tells them he has some business to attend to and will see them later.
Katara says they would join in at the reservoir, but Jet says it’s better to meet up in the hide-out.
So he leaves them at their bending.
Since they are three waterbenders they finish pretty soon.
“I bet that's enough, and I'm not just saying that to be lazy.”, states Aang, as the three look at all the streaming water fountains.
“Let's catch up with Jet at the reservoir.”, announced Katara.
“Didn’t he say we should meet at the hide-out?”, points Hua out.
“Well, we finished early. I'm sure he'll be happy to see us.”
Well, nothing to say against it.
So they make their way over.
They reach the edge of the cliff. 
At the base of the dam, they see, four of Jet's people unloading barrels from the wagon and arranging them.
“What are they doing?”, wonders Katara.
Surprised Aang notes that these are the blasting jelly barrels the Freedom Fighter got from the Fire Nation.
Before Katara can say anything Hua lets out such a dirty curse, that both she and Aang gasp surprised.
They didn’t know Hua could curse like that.
“They gonna blow up the dam!”, screams Hua, tears springing into her eyes. “Oh, why didn’t I listen to my Daimon Instincts? I felt the darkness in both Jet and Veda, I’m the worst Daimon ever!”
“No, Jet wouldn’t do it, calm down Hua.”, said Katara, wrapping an arm around the distressed girl.
“He would and he is! Katara stop lying to yourself.”
“I've gotta stop him.”, tells them Aang.
The Avatar opens his glider but before he can reach the edge, Jet crosses his path from behind and snatches the glider. Aang is left wobbling precariously on the edge and uses airbending to get himself back on stable footing.
“Yes, I would.”, confessed Jet the true.
Now Hua has to hold Katara by her shoulders.
“Jet, why?”
“Katara, you would too if you just stopped to think. Think about what the Fire Nation did to your mother. We can't let them do that to anyone else ever again.”
“This isn't the answer!”
“I want you to understand me, Katara. I thought your brother would understand, but–”
“Where's Sokka?”
Tears fall from her eyes, as Jet reaches out and touches her face.
She lowers her head, and with an angry shout, sends Jet flying with the water from her waterskin. She draws it back into the skin when she's done.
Faster then he can react, Jet gets enclosed into a coffin of stone plates, only his face free.
Hua looks at him in anger, her eyes switch from her natural green to her bright orange ones in Daimon State.
“You disgust me!”, she shouts with a thousand voices. “You and Veda are terrible people who act like heroes! You would-be murderers!”
A birdcall is heard. 
Katara and Aang are startled, Hua gets out of Daimon State and looks to the valley beyond where it's coming from. 
Jet gives an answering birdcall.
“What are you doing?”, demands Katara to know.
“You're too late.”, the leader of the Freedom Fighter simply states.
Horrified Katara and Hua shout No.
The centre of the dam explodes in a cloud of smoke and fire. 
Katara, Hua and Aang watch a massive wall of water go to the town the water rushes through the open gate, as a cresting wave dwarfs it. The wall and gate are swallowed as the wave strikes the town.
“All those people …”, cries Katara and turns full hatred towards Jet. “Jet, you monster!”
“This was a victory, Katara. Remember that. The Fire Nation is gone and this valley will be safe.”
“It will be safe, without you.”, they hear suddenly Sokka's voice.
He appears on Appa, with Jaiyi and Momo on the saddle.
His sister and friends are so glad to see him.
Sokka explains how he managed to warn the village in time, so no one died.
Of course, Jet was angry.
This was his chance to ride and free the valley from the Fire Nation and Sokka thwarted him.
Hua shakes her head in disgust at Jet's madness and earthbends herself on Appa's saddle. Jaiyi jumps in her arms, licking her cheeks. She hugs her ninetails tight.
“Who would be free?”, asked Sokka rhetoric “Everyone would be dead.”
“You traitor!”
“No, Jet. You became the traitor when you stopped protecting innocent people.”
Jet begs Katara to help him, but she just says goodbye to him.
Hua earthbends her best friend into the saddle and Jaiyi gives now Katara licks.
Both girls smile at the ninetails in thanks.
With a Yip-Yip from Sokka, Appa flies away from Jet.
They are soaring through the sky for a while till Aang says to Sokka: “We hoped you were going to the dam. How come you went to the town instead?”
“Let me guess, your instincts told you.”, speculated Katara.
“Hey, sometimes they're right.”, says Sokka with a shoulder shrug.
“Mmh, you do know we are flying in the wrong direction?”, asks Hua with a little smile.
“And sometimes they're wrong.”, admits Sokka and stears them back on the right course.
Late at night while anyone was sleeping Hua looked at the moon and cried silent tears.
She didn’t see Veda, so she couldn’t tell her how disgusted and disappointed she was in her.
Veda seemed so good, so perfect…in the future Hua decided to listen to her instincts more.
For Sokka, it worked as it showed.
That’s when she hears how someone stands up and walks over to her.
Without a word a warm hand grips her and she squeezes back.
The black-haired girl lays her head on Katara's shoulder and the older girl her over the younger.
The two don’t need words to understand each other.
They have both crushed on people who in the end were terrible.
In the future, they will be more careful with their hearts.
But for now, they were happy they had each other.
And this was enough.
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hypegirl1 · 1 year ago
Are you satisfied?
AN:SORRY FOR NOT POSTING ANYTHING LMAO 🤺School has me bussy lately,so here´s one of my drafts Summary:After having an argument with Violetta about her destroying your clothes,you get called to go to Centopia to find one of the missing pieces of the Tromptus,but you're not in the mood at all Warnings:Language Word count:461 Genre:Angst,fluff
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"I just want to leave this place and never come back!"
As you entered your room,you slammed the door,you didn't cared if someone heard that or saw you,you were very mad. Violetta sneaked into your room and destroyed most of your clothing,they were all filled with holes and stains that wouldn't go away,this was too much already...
"I just wish I could stay in Centopia forever...what the fuck is wrong with Violetta?!ugh,I hate her!"
As you threw some pillows,you layed on your bed,just when you realized that your bracelet was shining,you had to go to Centopia
"I´m not in the mood to search some piece of metal...I know I said I wanted to stay in Centopia forever but...ugh,whatever"
You pulled out your book,a little mirror,figured out today´s password and teleported to Centopia.
When you arrived,you tried to fly to not fall on the ground,however,it was very windy today and you ended up falling on the ground.
"Come on,I just mastered yesterday the art of not falling!"
You got up and looked around,at the distance Yuko and Mo where arriving
"Y/N!It´s so nice to always see you"
"Yeah yeah,I´m also happy to see you guys,what do we have to do today to find the piece of the tromptus?"
Your friends were surprised,they never saw you like this,was it actually you the one speaking?
"What?Wasn't I clear enough? What do we have to do today to find that damn piece?"
"Y/N,calm down,what's up with you today?"
"I'm very calm Yuko,I just want to find that damn piece!"
"No,Y/N,what's wrong?We're your friends,you can tell us anything"
"Well then tell me what we have to do today!"
"Alright enough! Y/N you're not acting like yourself today,why are you mad at us?we did nothing! you didn't even said hi properly! you're in a rush for some reason,what's wrong?!"
"Alright Yuko stop! You wanna know?Some girl in my class broke in my dorm and destroyed my clothes! happy now? ugh!"
You just walked away and sat next to a lake,followed by Mo and Yuko
"That's horrible,why would someone do that to you?"
"I don't know,she just doesn't like me...I never did nothing to her"
"She's just jealous of you,that's probably it"
"Thanks Mo,but I don't think so,sorry for acting like this in front of you guys,it's not your fault though...it's just that,I'm mad at what that girl did to me,and I couldn't control it,sorry..."
"It's alright,but next time,talk it with us,instead of getting mad at us"
"I'll do it,thanks guys"
"It's nothing,but now that we've fixed things,let's go get that little piece,should we?"
"Yeah,let's go!"
You all got up and happily started flying around,now that things were fixed,you felt kinda better,that didn't fixes the problem,but helped you forget about it for some time,and that's what matters.
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12.12.23 Tuesday
1 am
Still,have windblow... Yeah! I feel fat and ugly and I need to diet but I'm so stressed-out everyday... Thinking of money and job...
1:13 am
I feel self-pity... I still have windblow... I'm not happy... I lost my life for 16 years... I'm not happy being flatten this way... I'm not happy... Windblow is somehow unfair... I'm not happy...
I feel self-pity... It is totally unfair in my part,this kind of situation....I have the job then I'm thinking of money... I have the job, I'm happy coz I will survive even a lil and will have my own progress... I need to grow and I need to grow... I needed money for my expenses and John. I wanna buy Starbucks and gain some new friends, someday planning to see sand-dunes and see my rock and some plastics rocks and pebbles... I have windblow,fucking tired of being nothing. What do they want? Waiting for my wrinkling face and sagging skin???
For devil's sake, I wanna have progress... Be fair... Meet souls and have some scenarios in life...
I like Borgy and it is frustration... But I need to keep on movin' in spite of the frustration. The chance in life or this windblow they didn't give me the chance to fly,even a lil...
I'm glad, I will have my niche in "conduent" in a lil while... But I feel so, so fat and ugly and nothing!!
♡♡ He= She or She=He ♡♡
1:36 am
I'm still on floor man! You didn't lift me even a lil... Don't blame me or don't even say that it is my fault! You are still on the good chair and I'm just always on the floor for 16 years.
I didn't creep coz you didn't make a move....Was it my fault???
1:54 am
I feel hurt and bitter... I feel bitter!
Got some lines and I have no bigger step...
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10:02 am
Meralco disconnection again, Uncle DD got the receipt yesterday...
Hey! Not all call center are poor but we are one of the poorish kinds just for clarification... I really wanna get a leader position in call center, in time, not right away...
But again, I can't shoulder coz I'm not yet a regular employee and as an educated or a family with maturity and awareness, they need to let the individual stand first as in wait for your child to be stable-enough to help on bills...
Again, not all center people are poor,some are on their Benzie's or sports car that they just wanted that job... But there are poorish people like me but I'm always telling my stories that I was spoiled and I used to have yaya and I was able to have things before but these days we are really tight and having financial tight budgeting.
The employee ( evangelista ) which I kinda feel jealous, I begged please not to cut the meralco coz of nana and me of course... Coz it happened twice that the meralco cut our electric but we were already paid!
Thanks for not cutting right away the electric today for Ryujie Evangelista.
Everytime I'm in call center this happens,I'm just giving a correction not because you are on call center meaning you are poor but again I'm one of the poorish kinds these days,which I'm not really happy...
Again, there are people who are on their Benzie's or Sports Car or Luxury Car who works in call center coz after college they just went there and they enjoyed, they just enjoyed and master the art of speaking and some stay that way and some went up to become a leader and some again just happy doing the job coz probably for some it is their first job though driving Benzie's.
10:35 am
What am I pointing out here? The last time this Uncle Jun was pressuring me to share on bills expenses that I had my own personal loan on other people ( even on Doctor Ibias' Drug store, I still have credit ),to the point that I got sick, partly it is stressed-out ( coz of job ) coz of Uncle Jun was nagging at me coz his belief is for poorish mentality. Uncle Jun told me to share and the salary is not yet that big and I'm not yet a regular employee... I'm saving for my travel as well in ilocos, I need to book a car and a room, one of these days... I love the sand-dunes!
But my contract now that I got from "Conduent" is only for 5 months and no assurance of regularization...
11:14 am
I wanna cry on these rings that I got from people... Coz of the cryptic and I just accidentally got this cross from the past years on the floor of the jeepney... On the step-on stair of jeepney and I just felt that it was a symbol of something and I'm still carrying this cross until now that I'm commuting... It is somehow sentimental, whoever was the actual owner of this cross...
Plus, I have so many safety pins that I have pink, red and white...
I don't wanna cry but I'm carrying it whenever I'm commuting far... It is my pain and my love and my happiness and my protection...
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There were days from the past years,months and days that I felt that I'm gonna die but hope not coz I actually never had have a start and we didn't meet and hoping to meet YOU... Though, I feel that we are always on the different side of the world which makes me cry whenever you pop-up in my mind...
3:13 pm
Done, watching "Ikaw at Ako at ang Ending" ( You and Me and the Ending )....
It is a funny tagalog movie, hmm.... A bit of "Bonnie and Clyde" ... But I'm into "William and Kate or Harry and Meghan" ;)
5:56 pm
I still have windblow... I feel bitterish,thinking of money....
It is so weird that nobody can assist me in my family? They just repeated me in a wrong way... I'm thinking of my budget on 18th coz I need to report on my job... I'm self-pitying.
I'm really stressed-out and I feel the worry, thinking of money...
6:11 pm
Uncle Jun brought us ( me and nana ) a coffee milk tea or coffee shake??? Whatever!!! He told me it was just a treat by his chairman Mr Nonoy...
It is yummy! I will not eat dinner anymore but hard-boiled egg coz I'm on a diet angels...
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8:26 pm
This is somehow alarming... Yeah! Before doing my laundry grrr.... I'm on shorts and wearing my stockings coz of my 2 dogs here, just being prepared for their sweetish scratch act on me... Well, anyways, this is alarming and I'm not pointing out anything or pin-pointing anything coz mature people are mature,meaning there are things that you can describe indirectly, case by case... But there are some cases or people who deserve "My Slap"!
This is somehow alarming, if you angels try to search everything about this particular issue... It went to "Law and Crime"of Philadelphia... Their issue was, what was the possible motive of killing his mother, I think one of the lawyers said it is either the son wanted an access on something or it is about an issue on something.
Me? My original upbringing was very educated, calm and be a true friend! In fairness, my adoptive mother or Aunt who raised me here didn't open my eyes to immaturity or be a mean person to anyone in particular but she taught me how to have a " heart to heart talk", I remember it...
Yeah! If Borgy chose my Mitch,I just want it to do in-front of me....But again! The choosing part, I can't really understand...
You wanna move on and you think I can... My past was past and it is somehow becoming weird... But the cryptic is the most weirdest thing you can experience...
Who is creepin'???
10:38 pm
Did you remember??? ( inalala mo ba? )
Do you remember??? ( naalala mo ba? )
Whew!!! HAVING YOU NEAR ME??? We were supposed to be together....I cut my hair for so many times from that within 16 years that I had have the windblow... I said can you meet me?
10:49 pm
I said can you meet me? It is important... Perhaps, you didn't take it seriously.... I said can we meet up???
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0 notes
recreationalfanfics · 2 years ago
Loki w a Krul Tepes! Reader
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She could literally step on me and I'd say thank you-
- While you might not have been a God, you were still a powerful ally to have in the battle against humanity and by that, you were going to protect humanity...After all, you and your people needed the livestock
- This is not the first time he's met you and he's very much convinced that you two are soulmates. Even though it's quite obvious that he kinda annoys you. He reminds you of a certain white-haired progenitor sometimes
- Although you wouldn't deny that when he isn't trying to disrupt your work, you've found his company enjoyable and entertaining in the past and he helped take your mind off of your duties when they felt too stressful.
- Ah, but then Ragnarok showed up and while you detested humanity and their cruelty towards you, you still sadly relied on them to survive so now you stand against the Gods and fight for humanity.
- "You know, you don't HAVE to rely on humanity, you can just drink my blood~" Loki purred, once more trying to convince you to change sides. You rolled your eyes and smiled, "You seem to be forgetting about the REST of my people who need humans to drink from."
- "Think of it as a plus! You wouldn't have to be so stressed and you'll have more time to focus on me!"
- You just walk away while trying to hide your amused chuckle from the God of Mischief.
- PLEASE, HE ABSOLUTELY LOVES TO MESS WITH ARUKANU. He'll steal your little bat creature and either threaten it playfully like how he does with Odin's birds to get your attention or he'll just be all: "If you wanna give it back, you'll have to give me a kiss~"
- Then the next thing he knows, he's on his knees and you're standing behind him, his head turned back and his violent eyes looking up into yours as your sharp nails threateningly yet gently dig them into his throat, warning him that you could rip his head off in a second.
- It's so exciting~
- NO BUT HE DOES GET JEALOUS OF THE MORTALS YOU DRINK FROM. They have the audacity to complain or look fearful and ungrateful (you don't even kill them or take too much from them) when Loki gets shivers at the very thought of you sinking your fangs into his neck.
- UGH, HE LOVES SEEING YOUR FIGHT. The God you go up against was doomed from the start, he knew that from the get go. Especially when they started to mock you and say things like: "Go back underground, little Queen. Just because you're stronger than humans doesn't mean you compare to us GODS!" and it made Loki laugh.
- "What's so amusing, Loki?"
- "Oh, nothing, Lord Zeus.~ Just the fact that I sadly think us Gods are gonna take another loss." He answers, not seemingly to upset at the idea as he watches the irrated look on your face from the words of the arrogant god.
- He also gets a thrill from how sneaky you are♡ No one else truly knows what you're thinking, not even Loki himself, and the fact you were willing to betray and turn on anyone made him absolutely certain you two were meant to be.
- When you actually decide to get into a relationship, no one knows if its because one of you are manipulating the other or if it's genuine love.
- Also, you're the only person he genuinely respects, yes he will tease you but if he's causing a fuss and you tell him to stop, he'll smile and immediately fly over to follow you like the lovesick puppy he is.
- And it is genuine love, just a twisted version of it.
- He is aware of your weakness to the sun without your UV band, so let's say that a God wants to get even with you and tries to rip it off, Loki will literally grab their hand and smile at them but there is only rage in his eyes as he's all: "I wouldn't do that if I were you~"
- People don't think you guys care about each other but if your UV band somehow broke, Loki using his cape to shield you and you're surprised but you thank him. AND THEN HE WRAPS HIS ARM AROUND YOU TO HOLD YOU CLOSE AND IF YOU TRY TO PUSH YOURSELF OFF OF HIM, HE'S ALL: "ah, ah! I'm just making sure my vampire queen is safe♡ I would hate to see you burn up." and you give up and let him use this as an excuse to cuddle you.
- And if a human talks badly about Loki, you just smile at them menacingly before being all: "Hmm, he may be a bit childish but watch the way you talk about him. He is still my lover after all."
- NAH BC AS MUCH AS HE WANTS YOU TO BITE HIM, HE WILL BITE YOU TOO. Like, just love bites that take you off gaurd and he chuckles as his teeth gently sink into your neck but then you sigh and pat his head.
- He's such a needy lover but you suppose that's what makes him endearing.
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mistaeq · 5 years ago
Multiple Character Work: an s/o Pulling them into Dancing
TW // none
This was a request by @memory-mortis , I wish I still could answer to it directly but Tumblr is a dick. Enjoy the answer hun, hope you like it! <3
Kujo Jotaro, Higashikata Josuke, Narancia Ghirga, Leone Abbacchio with an s/o who pulls them into dancing, fem!s/o
You felt incredibly good. The music was something you had needed for so much time, considering all the bad events that had happened lately. You kinda knew that all the eyes were on you, there was who was smiling, who was following the rythm of the music. And then there was your boyfriend.
May it be because he was tired, may it be because he was too focused on your moves. But he wasn't absolutely dancing. It was funny to finally dance after all that time. But after you had fell in love with him, you felt like dancing with him could have been even better.
If you could only convince him...
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You approached him, with a sly smile on your face. Jotaro willingly ignored you. You were in the middle of the desert and had found a working radio which was playing good music? It all looked too weird, to him. An enemy stand user who was try to make them let their guard down? It was night, and the six of you were getting ready to sleep, after a long day. But the music was inside of you, right now.
You started dancing around, jumping around Joseph and Polnareff, who were laughing, twirling all around Kakyoin while Avdol was clapping his hands. They also looked incredibly pleased, thanks to the music. But Jotaro, your boyfriend, was a mixture between kind and shocked. He was so stressed, poor boy, and you could tell by how he was staring at the radio.
"A... A radio enemy stand which makes people go crazy..." he was mumbling, while you were getting closer to him, wanting to take his hands in yours and pulling you into dancing with you. As soon as you were close enough to be in his range of action, he suddenly summoned Star Platinum, scaring you to death. You fell on the soft desert sand, looking at him in shock.
"J-Jotaro...?" he just stood there, angrily staring at you.
"Y/n. Are you being possessed by this enemy stand?" Star Platinum was just right in front of you, as you shook your head and swallowed. The crusaders were as shocked as you were. Jotaro was too stressed. After all, his mother's life was in danger and all he could think about was defeating Dio. After he understood what was going on, his stand disappeared, and he hid his face under his black hat. "Nevermind. Sorry."
You stood up, getting closer to him again. This time, instead of grabbing his hands, you took off his hat, putting it on your own head. It was too big for you, it fell on your eyes. You smiled to him.
"It's okay, JoJo. You can never know where an enemy might be. You've been careful, and that's always good." you wrapped your arms around his torso. "I just really, really wanna dance with the boy I love." The ordinary Jotaro would have never done it, but this Jotaro, so nervous, maybe needed it.
You took him by the hand, and pulled him away from his thoughts, gently moving his arms on the rythm of the music. His hands moved directly on your waist, and you smiled. This caused a bunch of whispered comments from the others.
"Oh my god."
"Ooh la la."
Jotaro killed Joseph and Jean Pierre with his gaze, but then went back at watching you. He held you closer, and you swore you saw a smile on him.
"Didn't know you were this good at dancing." You commented, caressing his neck.
"This is not... good." Jotaro snorted. "It's just dancing, y/n."
"Mind letting me decide whether this is good or not, Kujo?" at this answer of yours, he answered with a smirk. You broke the perfect dancing pose, to hug him tight and stand on tiptoe, leaving a quick peck on his lips.
"Thank you for dancing with me, JoJo."
"How cute, a kiss~" Joseph teased his grandson.
"Oh, l'amour." Jotaro killed his grandpa and his french friend, afterwards.
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The slight pain of an elbow on his arm and the sound of a raspy voice woke him up from his daydreaming. He'd never tried to go in a dance club. It was quite a mess.
"Oi Josuke." the boy huffed. "Your girlfriend over there is staring at you. She's totally hot, you should go, she looks like she wants to dance, huh Josuke?" you were, in fact, dancing around, kinda staring at him. But he was there with his best friend. You would have annoyed him, maybe?
"Okuyasu, are you hungry?" Josuke asked, staring at you from afar but talking to his bestie.
"Yes, like a lot."
"Fantastic." Josuke smirked. "I am not. How about you go eating something? Mh?" his best friend's eyes widened.
"Oooh... I understand, Josuke." unbelievable. "Have fun Josuke, okay Josuke? Bye J o s u k e e e ...."
As soon as he left, you kinda decided it was your time to shine. And he was slightly smiling, too.
"JoJo!" You approached your boyfriend wiggling your hips around - more or less like the iconic Suzi Q approaching Joseph -, and then rested your hands on his chest, right on the heart shaped unbuttoned part of his uniform. "What are you doing here all alone?"
"Ah..." Josuke tried to play the victim, to make you baby him. "My best friend said he had better things to do and left me alone..."
"Yeah, right..." you teased him and gently kissed him, ignoring the voices of jealous girls behind you who would have wanted to be you. "You don't like it here?"
"I've never been in a dance club... 's pretty chaotic."
"Yes, but the good thing is you can be yourself without getting judged. Just dance, Josuke." you grabbed the hands he was resting on your back, and brought them to your hips.
As soon as you pulled Josuke with you, not in the middle of the crowd - you still wanted your intimacy with him -, but not too far, you felt someone pushing you, making you stumble on Josuke's feet. Luckily, he caught you just in time not to make you fall. You decided not to turn around. You just smiled, pissed off.
"Who pushed me, Josuke?" the boy watched. He saw a girl, he didn't know her, though.
"Someone jealous, I think." he just answered, giggling and holding you tighter while moving with you on the music.
Nobody in the dance club saw it coming, but Josuke knew pretty well what you were doing, seeing your stand pop up behind you and punching that girl. He laughed, and that made you the happiest. "Maybe we should look surprised?" he suggested. You shook your head.
"Nah, nevermind..." your hands moved to his shoulders, and you kissed him again, while you were dancing.
The only ones to dance, to be honest. Everyone was being shocked about the girl who had been punched by your stand - nobody could see it -, and everyone's eyes were on the couple who was ignoring her. You two. Josuke blushed a little, but he had to admit that night with you in the dance club was priceless.
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You were shocked. Bucciarati had asked to put such a cute music at Libeccio's purposely for the gang to relax a bit. Even Abbacchio was quietly humming on the music. But Narancia, a known music lover and great dancer, was just sitting at the table, his fork wandering around his plate, not wanting to eat.
Probably wanting to dance, but holding back. Why was he holding back? Even you, his girlfriend, were dancing, and he was just there, almost sad looking. From afar, you gestured him into joining you, but he just tried to avoid your gaze.
You then got worried and curious about what was he thinking about, and you reached for him.
"Oi... Nara?" you kneeled down, next to his chair, and kissed him on his cheek. "Won't you join us? Won't you join me?" He looked at you. You could tell he wanted to dance, too.
"Y/n... why do you want me to dance with you?" you got a little taken aback by his question. "I'm still trying to figure out why did you choose me over someone like Bruno or Abbacchio..." your expression softened.
"I chose you over them..." you hugged him to make him stand up from the chair. "...because it's you who I like, Narancia. Very easy. And I'd rather dance once with you than a million times with them. Understood?" you kissed his forehead, cheeks and nose. He smiled shyly.
"Are you sure we can dance together, then?" Narancia asked. You noticed how Bucciarati was actually listening to your conversation. He was thinking about how to thank you later for making Narancia happy and confident about himself again.
"It's you the real dance machine, come dance wi-" you saw Aerosmith flying over your head, and as you noticed it, Narancia had already disappeared.
You turned around and saw him dancing like he had wanted to do that for hours, Aerosmith flying all around him happily, hitting the rythm of the music with its user. You immediately joined him, but you were more focused on looking at how happy he was. Narancia was your ray of sunshine, you couldn't hold back from hugging him while he was dancing, so he could lead you and do the same dance steps with you.
As you two danced together, your two stands could be seen having fun together on the rythm. Bucciarati was laughing, Giorno was happily smiling, Fugo and Abbacchio humming the music along with the radio. Mista tried to stand up to join you and Narancia, but Abbacchio grabbed his blue turtleneck, pulling him back on his chair.
You couldn't understand if it was because he didn't want another idiot to dance or if he actually wanted you and Narancia to enjoy your moment together. Trish was sitting on the table, yelling for a good cause.
"Won't we get to see a kiss between you two?"
Narancia had never felt comfortable in kissing on your lips in front of the gang, but he was so excited thanks to the music, that he just got closer to you, pressing his lips on yours. You felt your cheeks go on fire, but you were happy that Narancia was happy, too.
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Narancia and Mista were dancing, their music so loud everyone even outside could hear it, you dancing along with them. Too many times you pretended to stumble on your boyfriend's foot, slouched on the couch, with his eyes closed and his headphones on, just to get his attention. But he just ignored you.
You grew tired of waiting for Abbacchio to care about you stumbling on his foot, and just did what you knew he hated. You didn't actually do nothing weird, just sat next to him, without him noticing. The two boys who were dancing immediately understood what you wanted to do.
"Oh, Mista, try to put your hands around my waist, so we can dance better." Mista and Narancia were quietly giggling.
"Mmmm." was the only sound Abbacchio produced, angrily opening an eye, just to see you were sitting next to him, luckily without Mista's hands around you. You laughed.
"Hi, love."
"Mmm." you got closer and took off his headphones, since you were the only one who could do this without risking an immediate death. He opened both his eyes, and looked at you. Then he managed to put together two words. "What is it, amore?"
You stood up and grabbed his hands, pulling it to make him stand up. He's heavy, and won't stand up.
"Please?" you puppy eyed him, shaking his hands a little. You understood you had to use your trump card. "I would be so happy if you danced with me... Leone." he just couldn't say no, when you called him with his first name.
He huffed, standing up and blushing.
"I'm... fine with it, but... please, change the song... I like something more classical."
"Mh..." you hummed. "We getting romantic?" you just succeeded in making Abbacchio blush even more. You should thank God that you're yourself, or Leone would have scolded you several times for exposing him like this.
"Kinda." he said, as Narancia changed his music to something slower. Abbacchio posed to start dancing, and you looked at him, confused. He smirked. "You want to dance with me and don't know how to dance what I like?" Leone giggled. "This means I'll have to teach you." He put a hand on your waist, and moved a hand of yours on his shoulder.
"Try to stay closer to me... our chests have to be close, our heads don't." he said, as he guided you in your dance steps, under the amused eyes of Narancia and Mista.
"What do you mean our heads don't... what are we, Transformers?" Abbacchio snorted, smirking a little. Okay, that had been so sudden and funny, not even him could hold back a laugh.
He suddenly pulled you up and kissed you, leaving the two boys that were watching you in a complete state of shock. You caressed his cheek, and smiled in his sweet kiss. "I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure this wasn't implied in the dance step..." you whispered, smirking.
Abbacchio bit his lower lip, and smirked back. "Are you sure about this? Looks like our dancing was pretty... impressive." he gestured towards Narancia and Mista's shocked faces.
"I wouldn't mind dancing another time, would you, Leone?"
"No, I wouldn't surely mind."
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karasunology · 5 years ago
✎ . . . could i request from the prompt list no. 8 ("why are you so jealous?) with bokuto. where bokuto (your best friend for years now) is bothered by you showing interest in akaashi (you like akaashi basically).
❝ ― submitted by @momoinot <33 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ akaashi keiji & bokuto koutaro <3
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting.
[ ♡ ] THIS WAS A LONG ONE, wrote this a few days ago so i think it's time for it to shine as a little 500 followers special, thank you all once again for all the congratulations !! <33
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➜ you first met bokuto under the gym lights; it was when he was about to practice his spikes for a bit more but the boys' gym was closed earlier than he expected, so he decided to use the other gym where the girls' gym resided ─ finding himself staring at you trying to get the ball up with your fingers
➜ accidentally setting the ball with a slippy swerve, it's direction did a 180° as it heads to a different direction where you were supposed to send to, his direction actually.
➜ quick to noticed the ball coming to him, he received it with ease as he sends it back to you, expecting you to stop it with your hands, but instead you continued to pass the ball back to him.
“ isn't it too late for you to still be at school? ” he questioned, as he received the ball, sending it your way as you did the same.
“ well look who's talking, ” you playfully scoffed, your eyes never leaving the ball.
“ you're right, i'm bokuto by the way! future ace of fukurodani. ” you rose an eyebrow at him, amused by his honestly. wasn't fukurodani a powerhouse? you wondered.
“ really? good for you i guess, i haven't even though of a high school yet. ” you continued to pass it to him, but you decided to test his speed as you directed it to a different direction from where he was.
“ y/n, by the way. ” you spoke once again when he sucessfully received it but with the side of his head, laughing while you tried to get it up back for him.
“ huh, maybe you should join me in fukurodani! they also have a volleyball club for girls too. ” he grinned, as he managed to send the ball flying off a different direction with his unexpected spike, with you failing to get it up ─ falling down to the ground while scratching your knee simultaneously.
“ hey, hey, he ─ aGH are YOU ALRIGHT ??” he interrupted himself as he saw the small wound in your knee.
➜ he was shockingly fast to understand the situation, running out the gym doors, leaving you to wonder where tf this boy went.
➜ but your question was soon answered when a sweaty bokuto came back with an emergency kit for injuries.
➜ kneeling down to your level, he examined the wound as he first disinfected it.
“ i'm so sorry, i never meant to make you fall and scrape your knee. ” he profously apologized as he didn't realized how kinda rough he was with disinfecting your wound, bringing him back to reality when you hissed in pain.
➜ your weird tight-knit friendship started off with that, and before you even knew it you guys were inseperable, with you also coming along with him to fukurodani.
➜ he was a good best friend, would always but if not, every other day, have lunch with you. visits your house every week, with both your parents already adoring him their heart was filled to the brim with their love for him. always somehow, and surprisingly good at advices and would always help you out with personal problems.
➜ though he had other best friends, you were the only female best friend he has, sometimes rubbing the people the wrong way as most initially got the impression of you guys being a thing.
➜ if i said that you didn't develope a small crush on him before, i would have been lying.
➜ it first appeared in your first year of high school, with your hormones rising ─ you dismissed it as a small crush, thinking that it was the hormones acting up because he was your only close guy best friend.
➜ and just like you expected, it went away after a few months and by second year you decided to start dating and seeing other people ─ sadly making you drift away a bit from bokuto as both of you were busy with other things.
➜ but what you didn't expect was to have it reappear on your third year of high school, but maybe this time you didn't want it to go away.
➜ the pounding in your heart, it's lovesick rhythm remained echoing through the most unfortunate times where you didn't want them to appear.
➜ like that one time where you were eating lunch with him and akaashi & he just fucking  l i c k s  his lips
➜ um ,, chile😳
➜ speaking of akaashi, you were actually interested in him the first time bokuto has mentioned him, saying how he was a pretty boy and how good he was at remaining calm and collected ─ needless to say, you were quite interested in him.
➜ and you even asked bokuto for his number, unaware of his change in demeanor, flicking his gaze away from yours as he merely just nodded at your request.
➜ but despite how small that reaction was, it impacted his whole behaviour towards you; the way he would always try and leave the both of you together, saying that he forgot his lunch and he wasn't hungry etc. but it just felt forced, forced in a way that while pushing both you and akaashi together ─ it was as if bokuto was pushing away his feelings for you along with it.
➜ you and akaashi went on a small date of sort, suggested by bokuto once again. but after getting to knew each other a bit more, he seemed more like a little brother to you at most.
➜ you guys quit attempting to see each other because it just felt too unnatural for the both of you, but your friendship with him grew. though, it left a different impression on bokuto.
➜ in the middle of whatever was going on with the three of you, you once again drifited away from him. but this time, it was intentional.
➜ akaashi noticed how the both of you would often try and avoid topics about each other ans would now barely be seen with each other; unlike before, when you were always seen together ─ and it felt weird, and once again unnatural. for everyone, and not just for the three of you.
➜ akaashi, being so tired of seeing the both of you being dumb and in despair and actually being practical, he decided to talk to bokuto about it.
➜ and by the time he got bokuto to listen to him, the ace was already a pouty mess knowing fully well that akaashi wasn't lying.
“ okay, okay, fine; i'll go talk to her. ” bokuto grumbled as he finally complied.
“ promise? ” akaashi narrowed his eyes at his captain.
“ prom, ” bokuto replied.
“ prom . . ? ” he jerked his eyebrow up, trying to prepare himself on what bokuto was going to say.
“ half a promise ─ ”
“ ─ bokuto-san. ” the authoritive and premonition in the usual calm setter's voice sent shivers crawl up the third year's spine.
“ alright, ” bokuto's hair deflaited
“ i saw her in the girls' volleyball club gym by the way. ” and before the second year could give his goodluck to him, the captain was already heading to where the other gym was located
➜ it was getting late already, since both teams were practicing later than usual for the upcoming nationals; and bokuto once again saw you under the gym lights.
➜ as he found himself staring at you trying to get the ball up with your fingers as you played alone in the squeaking gym floors.
➜ and just like before, you set a 180° from where it was supposed to go ─ swerving it to his direction as he got it up easily back to you.
➜ expecting you to spike it back at him for avoiding you; you instead sent it back towards him.
➜ a weird sense of deja vu overwhelming him
“ you're still bad at setting i see. ”
“ isn't it too late for you to be here, bokuto? ” you asked, as you received the ball he returned back to you.
“ we're practicing for nationals. ” he answered
“ oh, right. ” the awkward tension settled down between the two of you.
➜ and before you knew it, you set a ball away from where he was located as he chased back the ball before accidentally and unconciously spiking at you which hit you hard.
➜ acting from his instincts, he went to get packed ice from the nurse's office near the gym. before settling down in the ground as he kneeled to your body sitting down on the floor.
“ tell me where does it hurt? ” you pointed at the obvious growing bump in your head.
“ ah, shit ─ i'm so sorry. ” he said as he cooled your bump.
“ for avoiding me or for accidentally hitting me . . ? ” you joked, laughing before wincing at the pain from your head.
➜ bokuto blinked his eyes trying to process what you just said as he once again, turned ito a flustered apologizing mess and awfully guilty.
“ both, ” he squinted his eyes, glaring at the swelling bump in your head.
“ it's just that, you were hanging around akaashi too much and i guess ─ ”
“ ─ excuse me? but you were the one that keeps setting us up and leaving us alone ! ” you nearly shouted at him
“ w ─ well, you did say you were interested in him. ”
➜ BB BOY WAS LIKE : i'm sowrry 🥺👉👈😔
“ why are you so jealous anyway? you're still my best friend and nothing could change that. ” as much as it hurts you.
“ but that's why! i don't wanna remain as just a best friend of yours i ─ ” he stopped himself, “ nevermind, i'm sorry i just ─ god i can't do anything right ─ ”
➜ you've gotten too annoyed with him, and just wanted to shut him tf up because now your thoughts are all jumbled up. but what better way to shut him up other than interrupting him with a kiss??
➜ the kiss was long, burning and too slow ─ conveying the mutual longing of each other through desperate lips, molding together. heated; in terms of pent up feelings and flustrations and getting too caught up for the moment.
➜ it was a breathtaking kiss, one that bokuto didn't wanna pull away from. but despite of his whiney, needy and desperate moans ─ you pulled away, panting.
“ you're . . . ” you started off, seeing how eager he was to go back to the kiss with a pout resting on his lips.
“ annoying. ” you went to get up from the floor, with bokuto standing as well; but your legs were jelly & along with the throbbing pain in the back of your head, made you fall right back into his arms.
“ am i really though? ”
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one-spidey-boii · 5 years ago
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch four
read ch three here
an; i hope everyone out there is staying safe and sound. also, feel free to give feedback! i love to hear from you guys.
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 2.1k+
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edie's pov
"give up now, parker. i can do this all day." i say with a heavy breath as i hold peter in a headlock between my legs. we've been messing around with each other, showing off what we're capable of. somehow that led us to this moment.
he's struggling to break away from my hold. using all his strength to squirm away, he lets out grunts that eventually end with a big sigh as he gives up. only to try all over again a few seconds later.
"god it's like your legs are made of steel, this is inhumane." he puffs out, finally accepting defeat.
"oh. oh! my eyes! what is going on in here?" a voice booms throughout the room.
both our heads snap to the sound at the doorway to see happy standing there with his hands over his eyes. tony's voice can be heard in the hallway.
"what? why are you doing that, happy? oh lord! jesus children, it's only the first day." he shouts as he shields his eyes away from our general direction. i scramble away from peter and we each end up on either side of the blue mat that covers half of the room. both of our faces are flustered and shaded a guilty hue of red even though we weren't doing anything worthy of that feeling.
tony saunters over to a table on the side of the room and motions for us to join him. i hop up off of the ground, brushing myself off and moving my hair out of my face. i take my place next to mr. stark and peter follows in suit on the opposite side of him.
"okay so as you know- peter, take your mask off. what is this a kid's costume party?" tony pokes fun at peter who rushes to take the mask off and holds it down by his side. i can't help but let out a muffled laugh at the embarrassed boy. he meets my eyes with no readable expression, only holding it for a moment before focusing back on mr. stark.
he continues on, "alright. now that that’s handled... let's get some ground rules on the table." he looks at both of us in the eyes before talking again.
"rule number one, you must always be on alert. you'll be the only ones here for the most part, aside from the occasional visits from happy or myself.
number two, one of you must be here at all times. you can take turns going out and helping old ladies cross the street, or whatever it is that you guys do. hey, hey, i'm kidding don't give me that look, peter.
number three, i expect weekly updates from you. edie, you'll probably want to handle that.
and lastly rule number four, i just added this one because i didn't think it would be a problem, but who am i kidding? no hanky panky in my compound. got it?"
i snap out of my focused state at that last part. my mouth bobs open and closed like a fish as i search for something to say. never in a million years would i think about doing things with peter. just the thought of it made me shiver.
"hello? i need an answer." tony says as he looks between the both of us. it's then that i notice peter- again- is flustered beyond belief.
peter's pov
"you got it mr. stark." i blurt out. he gives one last glance between us and nods his head in satisfaction.
"good. i'll see you two crazy kids later." he responds with a wink as he walks backwards towards the door, giving us laser fingers before he turns and is gone from the room. i move my attention to happy who was trailing behind him.
"don't make me come back here more than i have to." he says with a fake smile and wave before disappearing as well.
i turn to the only other person left in the room. the said person who suddenly makes the butterflies in my stomach turn on each other to form an all-out war. the scary part about this feeling is...i have no idea why i feel it. and it's sprung up on me out of nowhere. all i know is that as of late, being around her makes me nervous, and sweaty.
"i'm gonna go...take a shower," i say pitifully. i internally scold myself for being so weird all of a sudden, but without waiting for an answer i bolt out of the room and make my way to my own space i’ll be staying in this summer. during my escape, i hear the faintest 'bye' coming from edie's direction.
finally in my room, i press the button that releases my suit from my body and shimmy out of it, starting to feel claustrophobic beneath its tight hold. while showering was just the first thing i could think of for an excuse, the idea doesn't sound so bad. i scramble through my suitcase and find all of the things necessary to take a shower. i carry it all to the bathroom and turn on the water.
while waiting for it to warm up, i stare at myself in the mirror. my hair is damp from the sweat that always comes when i wear my mask. i just look rough. my cheeks are red and flustered- an emotion i find myself feeling a lot lately- and the only reason as to why, is the reminiscent feeling of edie's thighs wrapped around my head. a combat move that is a bitch to be stuck in is now sending shivers down my spine in the strangest way. the feeling of her soft, yet durable suit against my cheeks is fresh in my mind. part of me wants to feel her actual skin caressing my face. just the palm of her hand. or maybe even her lips.
the scandalous thought hits me in the face when i remember who it is i'm thinking about. no no no. i'm just a horny boy who is thinking with the wrong part of his body. there is no way i can be thinking these things about edie. not my best friend, that would be so weird.
it's nearing dinner time the next day after mr. stark and happy left to meet up with the others. i've done my best to stay in my room, but the nagging feeling in my stomach craved for any food other than the peanut butter crackers i smuggled in the middle of the night.
with a groan, i peel back my sheets and crawl out of bed. i walk over to my door and pull it open, checking both ways to see if it was clear. i sigh with relief as i see no signs of edie and step out into the hall.
it's not that i don't want to see her, but...i kinda don't want to see her. i took the time to myself to think of my messed up feelings. i haven't always felt this way. edie has always been my best friend, and that's all i saw her as. but when i realized i wouldn't see her for three months, my heart hurt and my stomach twisted. now that it's just the two of us, those feelings are magnified and blaring and overwhelming.
halfway to the kitchen i hear footsteps bounding down the hallway behind me. i whip around just to be tackled to the ground by an alarmingly strong body.
"where ya been, pete? i've tried to get you out of your room all day. by the way, i like the shirtless look." edie pants from above me with a cheeky wink. i feel myself melt at her words. she wanted to see me. who am i kidding? of course she did, i'm the only other one in the compound and she’s probably bored.  i'm dragged out of my thoughts when the rest of her sentence hits me.
looking down i do realize i have no shirt on, only a pair of sweatpants that are now sitting a little too far down on my hips due to the way edie is sitting on me. i scramble out from underneath of her, keeping hold on the band of my pants to ensure no more embarrassment. my movements send her flying on her butt a few feet away.
"oof, okay. my bad." she says awkwardly, but continues, "hey i was thinking of going out tonight? kicking a little ass and whatnot. wanna be my guy in the chair?" she asks from the ground as i stand to fix my pants. i curse my cheeks as i feel them redden.
jumping at an idea, i suggest something else, "actually i-i'll go out. don't worry about me though, i've got karen. wouldn't wanna make her jealous." i say, trying to joke. her face drops slightly before covering it up with her bright smile. i wonder how many times she's done that without me noticing.
"right. spider boy doesn't need little ole me. i'll be here when you get back." she chirps as she hops up from the floor, "at least keep me in mind when you're out there. i'll be right here." she taps her ear and i notice the tiny piece of metal made to fit her ear perfectly. it's her comm that tony gave us to ensure we're always sure of each other's safety. mine is sitting in my room, untouched.
"okay, e. i better get r-ready to go." i stammer out and turn back to my room.
"aren't you gonna eat?" she calls from behind me as i make my retreat.
my mission to get food was unsuccessful.
edie's pov.
i watch peter stumble back down the hall, seemingly eager to be anywhere i'm not. i brush the thought away and cop it up to nerves. we're officially here by ourselves, i'm nervous too.
i turn on my heel and head to the kitchen, where i begin making mac and cheese. it's one of my favorite things to eat, so i double the portions for later. or maybe i'll be generous and share some with peter.
my ear piece makes a short static noise and soon peter's voice is flooding through my head, "i'm heading out now, edie. uh, i guess let me know if there's an emergency or something. but other than that i'll be offline." he says, immediately doing so before i can respond.
i huff and plop myself down on a stool, waiting for my water to boil on the stove. my heart begins to sink. if peter is going to be acting this way the whole time we're here, i don't know if i'm so excited anymore. sure, i know this is a huge responsibility on our shoulders but we can still have fun, right?
"a watched pot never boils." i whisper to myself as i let my head fall into my hands. soon after that i feel my mind start to slip into a calmer state, easing me into a sleepy trance. i try my best to fight the feeling, but as soon as my eyes slide shut, i'm done for.
"edie? e? what's going on over there? there's an alarm going off, edie. edie!"
my head snaps up off of the marble kitchen island as i take in the room around me. the pot of water is definitely boiling now. so much so that the smoke detectors have started going off.
i stand up, still trying to gather myself and run over to the stove.
"pete? gosh, sorry. it's nothing i'm fine, i was just- FUCK. oh ouch ouch ouch." i put my thumb in my mouth and begin to suck on it, apparently i'm not awake enough to realize the pot is hot as hell before i tried to move it from the burner.
"e? are you okay? i'm coming back, hold on." peter says, worry lacing through his words. i hop up and down silently, holding my hand to my chest.
"no, no. i'm okay, just a little accident in the kitchen, i'll live." i reply, doing my best to not worry the boy protecting the city.
"oh my god, you cut off a finger, didn't you? i thought knives were your thing! i'm almost there."
"no! gosh, peter, i'm fine. finish your patrol. i'll see you later." i rush out, now at the sink, running cold water over my burn.
"too late i'm already here." he says. there’s some rustling coming through the comm, and he lets out a faint curse, "the doors aren't opening. what the hell?"
there's a silence.
"mr. stark never logged my finger print." he says, defeated. i can't help but laugh at his misfortune.
"don't worry, peter i'm coming to save you." i say with a coy smile, glad he can't see how much i'm enjoying this moment.
"totally unfair," he mutters, "i was supposed to come save you. but then again, what ever would i do without you, wolfie?"
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @whycantileaveyou @lovewolfspirit
wanna be added to the taglist? comment or send me a message :))
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sylphid187 · 4 years ago
Coming Home, Taking Flight ‐ Chapter 2: Road to Osaka
This Chapter 2 of my fic focusing on Hinata's journey home. A look into Hinata's return to Japan, his interactions with his friends, and how he makes it into the MSBY Black Jackals.
Hinata Shoyou wakes up religiously the next morning. He gets up, goes for a morning jog, gets some yoga in his routine, then makes time for morning meditation. He makes sure to do all this, before heading to the kitchen to make some breakfast for his family. 
He spent most of yesterday and last night catching up with his family and friends, who had to leave late in the night, after they realized that the sun was down and Tsukishima still had to drive Yachi and Yamaguchi home. During dinner, Shouyou had spent blissful time with his family, his mother seemingly very happy about having the returning presence of her eldest, back in their household. He is reminded again how being back in the company of his family in their own home, was so comforting. 
He walks around their kitchen and, as he waits for the rice to finish cooking, he goes into the fridge to find some salmon slices and some tofu. Shouyou smiles and figures that he probably has enough ingredients to make a healthy japanese breakfast with the salmon, and he's sure his mom has enough ingredients to make some miso soup to go with the meal. He smiles as he is reminded of how he fiddled around in hisbshared space with Pedro, and how Shouyou would usually make breakfast for his roommate, before going to wake him so they could enjoy a meal together. 
As much as Shouyou wanted to treat his family to some brazillian recipes he'd learned from Nice, he didn't have enough ingredients for it right now. So he promises himself he'd do that another day. He'd be more than happy to share the other culture that he's grown to love, with the one that he grew up with. 
Later, when Shouyou is just about finished with setting up the table and their morning meal, he hears padded footsteps make their way through their dining area, and is sure that it's Natsu that's making her way to the kitchen. He hears a gasp and looks up to find that he's guessed right, and Natsu is there staring at their table. 
"Wow Nii-chan, this looks great!" she claps her hands together in glee and continues to scan over what Shouyou has made. 
"Thanks Natsu! Hope you like it! I packed one for mom so she can take it with her to work." Shouyou smiled. His mother still worked on the weekends, and she was used to laboring hard as a single mother. She had worked hard her whole life to sustain Shouyou and Natsu. Shouyou hopes that his dreams of going pro wouldn't just be a benefit to him, but would help lighten the load on his family too. 
"It really does look good! I can't wait to dig in!" Natsu clasps her hands together again, before heading to the sink to wash them, and sitting down at her usual spot on the table. 
Shouyou then sits across from her, and they both give thanks before beginning to dig in. Natsu immediately gives out a happy squeal after a few bites, and Shouyou can't help but chuckle at his sister's antics. He's extremely pleased though that she seems to genuinely like his food. "Nii-chan! This is so good! It looked great, but it tastes even better." 
Shouyou grins. "Flattery will get you nowhere Natsu, but thank you. I'm really happy you like it." 
"It's a real shame you won't be staying longer Nii-chan. I wouldn't mind eating more of your cooking. You're leaving this afternoon right?" she asks him with a smile. 
"That's right. I'll leave by noon, sorry I won't be able to spend more time with you and mom. And I just got home too." Shouyou states, a little gloomy at the thought. 
It saddens him a bit that he can't spend more time with his family, just after he's gotten back. But Shouyou cut it really close when he chose to fly back yesterday. He couldn't book earlier flights because he also wanted to maximize spending time with Pedro, Heitor, Nice and Coach. That, and he did promise to wait after Heitor and Nice's wedding.  But, he needed to be home in time to make it to tryouts. Granted, his chosen flight really didn't give him much time for any detours. Tryouts were on Monday, and today was Saturday. The plan was to head out Saturday afternoon to Osaka via train. 
The train ride from Miyagi to Higashiosaka in Osaka was about nine hours. He had planned to leave around noon to get to Osaka by 10pm. He still had to find a place to stay, but he figured he would work it out when he got there. He could, of course, leave on a Sunday. But Shouyou wanted to have enough time to familiarize himself with the area before tryouts, and have at least a little bit of time to get in shape while waiting for the day to arrive. He didn't want to show up to Osaka not knowing where he was headed and end up missing tryouts because he got lost. With this, he'd at least have a full day to go around the area. 
"Don't apologize to us for following your dreams, Shouyou." The two look to the sound of the voice, to find their mother there with a smile on her face. "We support you, always remember that. And whenever you're having a hard day and need to come home, we'll be here to welcome you back." 
"Mama..." Shouyou smiles. He really was very lucky, and he will never tell himself otherwise. 
"That's right Nii-chan! And I can't wait to tell my friends and teammates all about you when you make the team!" Natsu says as she shoves another piece of fish in her mouth. 
"Natsu! I told you I have to make the team first. There's definitely tons of competition for a spot on the team." He contemplates on this. He's both nervous and excited for tryouts, but he will definitely be doing his best, no matter who his competition is. 
Their mother goes to the countertop and picks up the lunch Shouyou made and smiles at her son. "Oh believe me, you'll make it." 
"Mama! Not you too! I don't wanna be overconfident about it." 
"Shouyou, I'm not saying it because of any other reason, but because I truly believe that you'll make it." She goes over to him and pats his head. "It doesn't matter to me how old you and Natsu ever grow up to be. I will always be your number one fan. And you always remember one thing, I am so very proud of you." 
" Thank you." Shouyou feels like crying, but he stops himself and opts for a wide smile instead. "I'll definitely ace tryouts, you'll see. I'll make sure they notice me."
"Yes you will!" Natsu chimes in. 
"I know you will." She thanks him for the meal he's made for her before kissing both kids on the cheek and making her way to the door. "By the way Shouyou, are your things packed for later?" 
"Yep! I made sure I had everything before going to sleep last night." He says with a proud smile. "I might end up leaving a little earlier though. I want to make sure I catch the train on time." 
This makes their mother stop in her tracks, and Natsu snicker. "Shouyou, did you think you were taking the train?" 
Shouyou is confused. "Yes? I mean, how else am I supposed to get to Osaka?" he asks as he tilts his head to the side. 
Natsu grins "Don't worry about it mama. Nii-chan will find out later anyway. So everyone agreed to keep quiet about it." 
"Keep quiet about what?" Shouyou asks again as he looks between them both. "Am I missing something?"
"It's a surprise." And what a surprise it was. 
Shouyou was just grabbing his things and about to head out the door, Natsu following behind him. "Nii-chan I really think you should wait a bit." 
"Sorry Natsu, if I wait any longer I might miss my train!" He ruffled her hair affectionately and continued "Take good care of mama while I'm away, okay?" 
"Nii-chan wait!" Natsu tries to grab Shouyou as he opens the door, but misses. He slides their door open and comes face to face with none other than Kozume Kenma and Kuroo Tetsurou. 
Shouyou blinks. And then again. And again. "Kenma-nii! Kuroo-nii! You made it just in time." he hears Natsu speak from behind him. 
"Yo, chibi-chan! What's up?" Kuroo's personality hasn't changed at least, Shouyou thinks. 
"Wha...what are you guys doing here?!" Shouyou gasps, as he looks over at the newcomers. 
"Shouyou." He looks over to Kenma who is smiling at him. "I'd like to think you owe me a better greeting than that." 
"Yeah, that's kinda hurtful chibi-chan. After we came all the way here to take you to Osaka." Kuroo says with a grin as he slings his arm around Kenma's shoulder. 
" You're taking me to Osaka?!" Shouyou exclaims again in shock. 
Kenma sighs, a small smile still on his face. He dislodges himself from Kuro’s hold and goes to envelope Shouyou in a hug. It takes a moment, but Shouyou relaxes and immediately hugs back. "Welcome home Shouyou." 
Shouyou feels someone ruffling his hair and he opens his eyes to see Kuroo there with a smile. "Glad to have you back Chibi-chan" 
He feels Kenma let go, and the gamer finally stands back to take a good look at Shouyou after all this time. "You look good." 
"Thanks Kenma! You too!" He grins. 
"Should I be jealous?" Kuroo asks with a smirk as he watches them, but one look from Kenma shuts him up as he raises his hand in resignation. He chuckles and shakes his head, allowing the two to continue talking.  
"You've changed too." Kenma continues as he grins. "I can't wait to see what else you're gonna do Shouyou." 
"If you get boring, I'll drop you."  
Shouyou ends up giving out a nervous laugh as he remembers Kenma's words from back then, just when Kenma offered to become his sponsor. But deep down, he knows that Kenma has only ever done everything he could to help Shouyou, and that was said in jest...probably. The former Nekoma setter was just really fascinated with him, for some reason. 
"As much as I love the touching reunion, we have to move folks. It's a 10 hour drive to Osaka!" Kuro exclaims as he pats their backs. 
Kuro and Kenma both begin to help Shouyou and Natsu bring the former's things to the car. While they're loading up, Shouyou continues to say thanks to his friends for taking the time to bring him to  their destination. "I really appreciate it you guys, thank you. I was fine with taking the train though!" 
Kenma scrunches his face in disapproval and replies "There's no way we'd let you take the train, not when we had the time to pick you up ourselves." 
"I hope you guys didn't put off anything important." he tells them. He knows how busy Kenma has been, as he's regularly kept in touch in Brazil. 
"I can manage Shouyou, don't worry too much about it." Kenma says with a wave of his hand. 
"What Kenma means to say, is that if he had it his way, he would have been the one to pick you up from the airport too. Unfortunately, he lost at a game of rock-paper-scissors to Tsukki and had to give the airport pickup to them. And he also wants you to know that he finished all his workload early to make sure we were free when you got here. So don't you worry about it." Kuroo says as he shuts the trunk and dusts his hands. He looks over at the two with a large grin before he feels someone lightly punch his side. 
Kenma gives Kuroo a glare and then another playful shove. "Just get in the car before I decide to leave you here Kuro." 
"Awww you'd never do that kitten." Kenma stares at Kuro with a piercing gaze, and Shouyou thinks if looks could kill, that was it. "Annndd I'll be quiet now. Come on chibi-chan! let's get you to Osaka!" 
Natsu waves at them animatedly as they all get in the car. She lets out a loud "Keep safe!" as they drive away from the Hinata household and begin their 10 hour car ride. 
The ride begins similarly to that of yesterday, filled with catching up and updates on how everyone else has been doing. Shouyou has had little contact with the former Nekoma team, with the exception of Kenma and Kuroo. This wasn't for the lack of trying either, but he’s only ever occasionally spoken to Inouka and Lev, and that's during one or two video calls during a day off. It isn't a surprise to him that team Nekoma have all worked their way up the ladder as they grew up, and even through their success, continued to stay connected within their own circle. Kenma and Kuroo themselves regularly spoke to all their former teammates and told Shouyou much of how they were all doing. 
"Waaah! I've heard from Lev about his modeling career! I didn't know he'd become such a big name in Russia." he exclaims excitedly. 
"Lev is still Lev. He might look pristine and proper in the photos, but he's just as loud as ever." Kenma says with a sigh, as if just talking about Lev was tiring him out. 
Kuroo guffaws. "At least he's mellowed down some because of Yaku." 
Shouyou tits his head "Are they?" 
Kuroo looks at him from the rearview mirror and smiles. "We can neither confirm nor deny, I'm afraid. Neither of them have said anything, but Yaku's sent us photos of them together. It's pretty common at this point, ever since Yakkun's been playing for the Russian V-League." 
"We hear he plans to come back though. There's some talk that they've begun to scout for players fit for the Japanese volleyball olympic team, and Yaku wants to be here and play for Japan." Kenma states, as he begins to fiddle with what seems like a new game console. 
"Ah yeah! Bokuto's been excited about that too. But he wants the Jackals to win this season first and finally kill the Alder's winning streak." Kuro tells them with a smirk. "And you know, they might actually be able to if you make it on the team chibi-chan." 
"Ahaha...well I'll definitely make sure to make an impression during tryouts." Shouyou says. "I can't wait to see Bokuto-san on Monday! I wonder if he'll be watching tryouts?" 
"From what Bo tells me, Coach Foster is requiring them to watch this year. He wants the whole team's opinion on getting a new player." Kuro replies. 
"Shouyou, what do you mean by seeing Bokuto on Monday?" Kenma immediately asks, putting his game down and turns to look at Shouyou. 
"Eh? I mean, I won't be seeing him till tryouts." Shouyou reiterates with a tilt of his head, when else would he find the time to see Bokuto-san? 
"Wait chibi-chan, aren't you going to..." Kuro doesn't get to finish. 
"Shouyou, where in Osaka are you staying? Sorry, we forgot to ask earlier." Kenma asks him. 
"Oh! Sorry, my bad. I was wondering if you guys knew of any affordable budget hotels that you can drop me off in that's near the tryouts gym?" Shouyou asks with a smile. He sees Kenma freeze and Kuroo's eyebrows shoot up. 
"..." Kenma stays silent for a little too long, and Shouyou wonders if he's said something he shouldn't have. 
"I can look one up though! So you guys can drop me off somewhere in the area and I should be able to find one that'll let me stay two nights!" 
"Kuro." That's all he hears Kenma say, before the rooster haired man is nodding and passing his phone to Kenma. 
"Got it. Just send the text out and let them know it's you. Shouldn't be a problem." Kuroo replies. Shouyou doesn't understand what's happening.
Kuroo looks over at him again. "Don't worry about it chibi-chan, we know exactly where to take you." 
"Really? Where?" He asks, confused. 
"You'll see." 
He can see Kenma vigorously typing a message using Kuroo's phone, and once he's done, looks over to Shouyou again with a smile. "You're not sleeping in a random hotel, Shouyou. I'm not letting you." 
"Don't worry though, we've already found a solution." Kenma continues with a smile. 
"Better to just go with it, there's no stopping Kenma when he's like this." Kuroo grins again. 
"But..." Shouyou begins to protest. He really hopes his friends aren't spending money on him. "K-Kenma..." 
"But you know," Kenma stares at him then, with catlike eyes that seem to be boring into his soul. "If you ever do something like this again and not let me know, I'll be really upset Shouyou." 
"Eeehhhh?" Shouyou binks. He looks between the two and can't help his confusion from growing. 
What in the world is Kenma talking about? And where in the world were they taking him?! 
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punkscowardschampions · 5 years ago
Ali & Carly
Ali: How do you like your  🥚🍳 in the morning? Carly: no 🐣 Carly: ha Ali: 🐔 didn't show up in your roost later, did he? Carly: he must be scared of you Carly: 🔮 Ali: or my 🐺 Carly: maybe Ali: eggs aside, how you feeling, chick? Carly: 😷🤒🤕🤢🤮 Ali: 👎👎👎👎👎 Ali: unacceptable! Ali: what do you need, kill or cure? Carly: cure forever Carly: im too young to die Ali: I'll swing by with my witches brew Ali: actually doesn't taste like ☠ either Ali: pure 😇 Carly: aw Carly: really? Ali: 'course, not gonna half-arse the job Ali: and it makes a full pot, no sense in not sharing the 💚 Carly: 💙 Carly: wat does it taste like? Ali: like Christmas 🎄🎅🤶🎁❄️🌨️☃️✨🌟 Carly: 😋😊🥰 Ali: it's got ginger and peppermint in Ali: the only other person hanging out their arse is my brother and he would rather die 'cos he's grumpy 👴 man energy so Carly: no 🦃 tho yea?! ha Carly: oh no he sounds like my da Carly: which cute bro is it? Ali: definitely not 😂 Ali: some greens but not sprouts Ali: the freckly one Carly: did u heal my heart to 💔😢? Carly: course itd be the most beautiful one Ali: oh no, you're delirious Ali: I'll come quick 😜 Carly: dont b jealous 👼 hes only the most beautiful boy Ali: 😏 My ma'll be gutted Carly: do u have a tea for that? Ali: 🍋 'cos she's so bitter? Ali: I'll see if she goes for it Carly: noooo 🍯 so she wont be Ali: you're too sweet yourself, Walsh Carly: aw Carly: but ur the 1 who saved me Carly: ur the sweetest Ali: anyone would Carly: nah ur the 1st Carly: not just saying it to u get ur fairy wings Ali: had to fly away from that particular 🐔 plenty myself Ali: harmless and flightless though he is, most the time Carly: yea Carly: he talks about u wen hes been on it Carly: the 1 that flew away Ali: uh oh Ali: can't let a boy ✂ your wings Ali: ever Ali: ever Ali: 👼🏽 🐔 🐧 🐦 🐤 🐣 🐥 🦆 🦢 🦅 🦉 🦚 🦜 🦇 🐝 🦋 🐞 🦗 🦟 🐓 🦃 🕊 Carly: im 😕💫🙃 but idk if those were the guests i danced with Carly: did get a cute lil 🎶🎤 to fall asleep to tho 💙🕊 Carly: 🌚🌝🌛🌜🌞 Ali: very 👸 of you though Ali: I can 👀 it Carly: my ma is trying to make me clean Carly: 🐇🐁🐀🐿🦔🐾 pls Ali: also unacceptable Ali: not 'til you're better Ali: use my wings to fly through and 🤞 he don't get the wrong idea about who I'm there to see Carly: [sends her a pic of whatever caravan mess she caused last night that her mum is raging about] Carly: so u can play a game of spot whats got her 😠 Carly: cuz idk Ali: Fun 🧐🤔🤨 Ali: angry mothers are my forte Ali: [does the circling the hazzards moment on the pic] Carly: making her angry is mine but nah to knowing y ever ever Carly: k ur cute & smart Carly: 🌟 Ali: it's rarely logical, but 🤫 on that or it's hulk levels in 0-60 Ali: how are you this nice when you're 😷🤒🤕🤢🤮 Ali: that's a skill, rare one at that 💎✨ Carly: my da is looking green must of had his own 🎶🍻💃 ha Carly: idk i can b nicer? but k now i know ronan aint been talking bout me when hes 🍺 or 💊 Ali: can be a tea party for three Ali: have to bring his own 🎩 though Ali: not to me anyway Ali: but as you can tell Ali: 🐺 keeps all the 🐓🐓🐓 away Carly: 🐇🐇🐇♠️♣️♥️♦️🐇🐇🐇 Carly: she is fierce Ali: she likes to think so Ali: 🐶 really Carly: course ur not scared of her silly Carly: u love her Carly: im a 🐈 person ha Ali: [sends her a load of pictures of Bluebeard she didn't ask for rather than being like do I love her hmm] Carly: AW!!!! Carly: 🥰🤗 Ali: he's captain ☠🏴 but there's always room aboard Carly: thats the best offer ive had from a gentleman ever ever ever Carly: whats his name? Ali: Bluebeard Ali: and he is MOSTLY a gentleman if you can handle some toe nibbling Carly: 😍😍😍😍 Carly: into it Carly: ive done more for lads i just met who aint as beautiful so Ali: 😂 I feel that Ali: honestly, it's quite comforting, when he doesn't sneak attack you with it Carly: [sends her a selfie that shouldn't be as adorable as it is] Carly: now u can introduce us Carly: 👋 baby blue Ali: the 😍😍😍😍 are mutual Ali: I can tell Carly: yay Carly: 🧡 Ali: is there anything else you need/we want for the tea party? Ali: en-route at last Carly: ur really coming? Ali: yeah, sorry I was ages, it's a whole process brewing it Ali: also a dead giveaway you're 😷🤒🤕🤢🤮 which obvs my ma takes as her cue to be all Spanish inquisition about it Ali: 📚 of my mostly-fictional-but-which-are-and-which-aren't-mother exploits later Carly: sorry iou so much magic Ali: nah, don't worry about it 👸 Ali: who doesn't love a little scandal with their morning brew? she deffo does Carly: its too late im looking for 🍀 Carly: among the 🌼🌼🌼 Ali: awh Ali: I'm never turning down extra luck Ali: we can make daisy-chains Carly: its the dresscode Carly: soz da Ali: does he have a 🧔? Ali: that's a #look Carly: not rn Carly: my ma wasnt on @ me only to clean up Carly: he had his turn Ali: damn it Ali: maybe a nice belt Ali: I'll be 🤔 Carly: dont b 💔😢 he has bushy eyebrows Ali: same Ali: he's earnt his invite back Ali: your ma gonna have to chill though Ali: and it ain't that kinda tea 💔 Carly: you wont b able to tell if shes angry or surprised Ali: 😚 ⬅ I know the vibe Ali: you do you babe Carly: she used to let me sort em out but there was an accident Carly: which im sworn to secrecy about Ali: I'm so good with secrets 🙏🙏🙏 Carly: k Carly: my head zoned out but my hands kept going like Ali: you were meditating you can't help having  🌌🧠 Ali: I'll 🤭 now and never tell, don't worry Mrs W Carly: @ school yea im meditating on your q sir relax Carly: ha love that Ali: they just ask questions to answer it themselves, what is the point Carly: u coming for my ma again? Ali: 🤫 bad first impression, that Carly: shes heard it from ronan too sorry Carly: lad has loose lips Ali: honestly Ali: 🙄 can't keep up with my bad reputation Carly: ud think hed be better at kissing Carly: its talk talk talk Carly: more good things about u than ive made it seem like tho Ali: he was a big talker Ali: probably 'cos he ain't allowed with the lads Carly: if he talked about what a 👼 u are & how 💔😢 he is theyd uninvite him from the bonfire Carly: its sweet really how hung up hes got Ali: he only thinks I'm an 👼 'cos he took my virginity probs Ali: that's more suitable 🔥side chat Carly: he goes on about that alot but I thought he was lying Carly: oh no that sounds bad Carly: not calling u a slag ur obvs not its y he likes u more Ali: 😂 I'm fine with slag Ali: all definition dependent anyway Carly: yea same Carly: can be hot if ur in the mood Ali: right, and if I'm a slag 'cos I didn't marry him then I'll take it Carly: & hes not allowed to marry gorgers theyd wanna throw him in the 🔥 Ali: exactly Ali: we can't both be 💔😢 forever can we boy Carly: just me @ the party til u came to my rescue Ali: 🥺 Ali: What was he even on about then, like? Ali: dickhead Carly: idk i zone out wen he shouts @ me too Ali: I can always poison a cup and send it his way Ali: just say the word Carly: hes not that bad Ali: okay okay, just some laxatives Ali: 'cos he's a bit 💩 Carly: ha Ali: no 🌼🌼🌼 unless he says soz then Carly: but his beautiful curls 🥺 Ali: hmm, a good point Ali: be strong, baby Carly: ill throw one @ him & run away Carly: back to u Ali: you're so adorable Carly: says u Carly: 👼👸🏼 Ali: 💚 we're gonna have an adventure when the tea hits okay Ali: I've decided Carly: k thats the kinda 🎄🎅🤶🎁 it is Carly: i do want the energy of a kid on xmas morning Ali: that's the best Ali: how I'm tryna be every day Carly: 💫⭐️🌟✨⚡️☄️ 🚀🛸 Ali: if only 🚀 Ali: this bike can only go as fast as my lil legs can carry, like Carly: aw baby Carly: i shouldve asked u where u live before this 2nd rescue was launched Carly: im sorry Ali: No distance is too far for a fair maiden Carly: ill have to see what other 🔮 i can find before u get here Carly: dont love ious Ali: there's no ious Carly: [sending her loads of pics of her with or just pics of the cat lady's cats that she's rounding up for this tea party and they're adorable] Ali: 😍💞😻 Ali: okay, non-debt fully paid though Carly: [just rambling about the names she's given each cat cos her and cat lady don't know each other properly til Ali comes along and like facts about each cat/her fave things cos she's a big nerd] Ali: I love them Ali: I'm gonna get them some 🐟🐟🐟 when I get tea party tings Ali: some cream, awh, okay, this is happening Carly: im picking enough 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 for everyone Ali: should've put Bluebs in my basket Ali: next time Carly: aw Carly: Humbug might try & fight him Carly: youd b there to protect him tho Ali: I can ref Ali: my little brother is always trying to play-fight everyone so I'm well-versed Carly: is he ticklish? that works for me Carly: broken up lots of fights Ali: big time Ali: his kryptonite Ali: reckon it's against the rules in professional fights but preparing him for anything like any good big sister Carly: ha Carly: aw i bet ur an amazing sister Carly: if i had 1 maybe id wanna be on site sometimes Carly: my ma's eyebrows r hardly a call to home Ali: he might disagree but he's 5 so what does he know 😉 Ali: feel that though Ali: home is just a base, whole 🌍 out there Carly: wen ur 5 you argue to argue Carly: yea if u dont use ur wings theyll think u dont want em 💔😢 Ali: flying is like riding a 🚲 though Carly: r we goin on a 🚲 adventure? Ali: definitely Ali: ugh, need one of those wagons for the 😻😻😻s Carly: ☺️its gonna b so fun! Carly: we might meet more 🐈🐈🐈🐈 Ali: way better than 🐔 Carly: ha Carly: do u have 🔮 left to help me find shoes? Ali: have you checked the fridge? Carly: [a pause while she do] Carly: theyre not there 😕🧐 Ali: damn, that'd be the last place I'd look though Ali: were they in the mess your Ma was sounding off about fr Carly: o mayb Carly: if i was wearing any when you dropped me off Ali: 🤔 I don't know if I recall any glass slippers Ali: I'll ask Lene hold up Carly: 👸 energy Carly: but idk if i wanna scary 🐺 at my door Ali: turns out she's actually your 👵 Carly: ha my grandma is 💍 to god Carly: its not close to the energy shes putting out Ali: she'd probably tell your actual that God is a gay girl Ali: nah she's well 😇 around fam, just hide behind your Ma and me, baby, you'll be fine Carly: ha that wasn't in any of the kids bible stories she sent me every 🎄🎅🤶🎁 Carly: her god is 😠 than Humbug Carly: he likes to shout so i gotta zone out Carly: aw that's sweet ur ma loves her too? Ali: Hooray for Catholicism, yeah? 😏 Ali: she loves my Ma, more like Carly: we spend our sundays on our knees nana but its 🚽🤮 or u kno a bigger sin Carly: u do look like her i remember Ali: that's not QUITE 🚽🤮 levels but close 😂 Carly: nah its nice u have the same 👀💙✨ Carly: idk who i look like Carly: postman maybe Ali: now I don't know whether to 😳 or be 🤨 you like my Ma too Ali: you look like you and that's Ali: 💛 😍 😘 🥰 😚 👸 👼🏽 🐰 🌼 🌻 🌞 🍓 🍑 🍨 🍰 🍭 🍬 🎆 💜 Carly: yea 🤞🙏🌠 the postman isnt my da cuz hes a ride Carly: aw now youve got me 😳 Ali: rude, my postman is not Carly: 🚫💌 then baby Carly: ill text u instead Ali: so grumpy, don't stick your hand right into our house if you don't wanna get bitten, sir Ali: not by me, whatever Ronan has said Ali: though I'm well flattered I'm getting a text back Carly: ha its k its not that u use too much teeth Carly: & course ur my hero Carly: tho 🤞🙏🌠 wont b an sos every time Ali: good, can't have him putting you off with blatant lies Ali: it won't be if I do a better job at the heroics and get there before any bad shit can happen Carly: its k i like it Carly: helps me remember what i did Carly: 💔😢 no lads r spelling their names out in bruises for the who Carly: 🐇🐾🐇🐾🐇 Carly: nooo theres no better u could do Carly: ur flying to me faster than anyone has ever ever Ali: amateurs, like Ali: so rude, ain't they heard you're 👸 Ali: I'm basically there now, prepare for the best tea party you've ever been to Carly: aint wat theyve heard but idc Carly: yay 💙 i havent had 1 since me & my 🧸🧸🧸 Ali: I'll be 🎶🔊 it so get in the know lads Ali: awh, can I meet them too? Carly: not too 🔊 or ur gf will bite me which could b fun but im not trying to do u like 💔😢 Carly: some r shyer than others but if u work ur 🔮 how u did for me ull make friends Ali: fill your boots, babe, I don't reckon she's your type, like Ali: I'll be on my best behaviour 🤞 Ali: the loveliest guest you've ever had 🤞🤞 Carly: be fun though Carly: not boring Ali: 😲😲 Ali: Is that the impression I give off? Ali: or another Ronan tale, either way Ali: gonna have to prove otherwise now in the most extra ways imaginable Carly: nahhh Carly: he don't lie to me its his 1 saving grace Carly: its just like a pls Carly: to u & the universe Ali: I won't be boring Ali: trust me Carly: k Carly: i do ur a lifesaver Ali: nah Ali: just happy to help Carly: im happy we r mates Ali: me too Ali: idk why we weren't before, like Ali: too many people at school Carly: & i dont go much ha Ali: this is true Ali: lesser spotted walsh 🐦 Carly: oooh wat colours am i Ali: 💗💜💛🧡💗 Carly: cute Ali: very Carly: wats ur fave colour? Ali: It's a harder question than people reckon, that Ali: like, there's so many beautiful things of every colour Ali: if I can decide for the day, I feel like I'm doing a disservice to all the others Carly: sorry Carly: i havent decided on mine either Carly: when i was a lil kid it was 💛 for the 🌞 then wen i started goin out it was silver for wat i thought the 🌚 looked like Carly: but ive seen so many new colours since Ali: kids always know Ali: they're much smarter than adults about everything Carly: i bet ur lil bro is the smartest Carly: like u Ali: he likes red for 🚨❌🛑⛔️🚫💯‼️🥊🥤 Ali: and I see the appeal Carly: does he like 🍎? i kno somewhere that sells the reddest shiniest 1s Carly: or we cud just throw 🍅s Ali: he's at the anti-fruit stage Ali: but I reckon he could be convinced if we let him smother 'em in caramel and sprinkles Carly: its a date Ali: Me first
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bizarrewritings-blog · 7 years ago
Stone Cold - S.S.
Sebastian Stan x Reader
My first request!
Anon: "Hi! :') I loved "friend don't treat me like you do" so much and was wondering if I can request an angsty fic based on the song stone cold by demi lovato, but with maybe a happy ending? Thank you so much!!"
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word count: 3,482
Warnings: -
A/N: You didn't explicitly said who you want it with, but I assumed Sebastian. Hope you like it! xx
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Your Friendship with Sebastian has been the best thing that happened to you. You got to know each other through your job since you were one of the people responsible for the props in some movies, Marvel ones as well. The both of you instantly had a connection, and you knew you weren't the only one who felt it when Sebastian visited you to talk to you during filming breaks, as you normally sat alone in one of corner of the set, just like he did that day.
"If Anthony makes me laugh one more time, I swear I'll punch him. He's responsible for me looking unprofessional." He chuckled, sipping on his coffee. You nodded, smiling. You've caught Anthony making faces at Sebastian a couple times already. "But you gotta admit, you did the same to him." - "Sure but that's different." - "How is it different?" - "Because it's him then!"
You rolled your eyes and grinned at his childish behavior. "I want to see one day on set where you don't try to manipulate each other." He just shook his head no at your remark. "Can't do. He started it." You laughed at that. Now he really sounded like a straight up child. "By the way, do you wanna go somewhere to eat this evening?" You looked at him, a little startled. He never invited you to go out before, and your friendship had been going on for about 4 month already. "Uhm, I guess." You answered, not 100% sure about his intentions. "As friends or are you asking me out?" He chuckled at your question, finishing his coffee. "As friends, obviously." You nodded. Of course. "So you in?" He asked again, his hopeful gaze lingering on your face. "Yeah." A smile crept it's way onto his way as he nodded. "Is 8 okay?" You nodded, just before a crew guy came around. "Stan, we need you on Set." Sebastian nodded, smiling at you before leaving. You watched as he made his way to his position.
You hated to admit it, but you were developing just the tiniest crush on the romanian actor. Since the first day you've met he has always been a gentleman towards you. He was the only one on set who actually wanted to spend time with you. Of course you had a couple of other friends along your co workers, but when they talked you often felt left out. It wasn't like that with Sebastian. He was sweet, always asking how you're holding up and trying to light up your mood when you felt down. Since you both stayed in the same hotel, you met there a couple times as well to hang out at the hotel bar with the other workers. You cared about each other, and the way he showed that to you had you wrapped around his finger. And you mentally cursed yourself for it. He was a well payed, famous actor while you were some backround person who carries fake weapons around the set. He wouldn't be interested in you. And he just confirmed that.
As the evening arrived you stood infront of your bed in your underwear, different pieces of clothing scattered over the sheets. You had no idea where Sebastian wanted to go since he didn't spend his last break with you (which was fine, he obviously had other friends on set who wanted to talk to him). So you didn't know how to dress. You didn't want to look too fancy nor too casual. You decided on a lacy tank top with a black skirt with some matchig black heels and a jeans jacket. You put on some basic make up and took in your appearance, satisfied with how you looked.
The knock on your door came just in time. You grabbed your back and opened it to find Sebastian smiling down at you. He was wearing a white shirt under a leather jacket and some black jeans. 'Casual.' You thought to yourself. "Hello there." He smiled, pulling you in for a hug. "You look great." He added, his eyes shamelessly flying over your figure, making you blush. "Thanks! You don't look too bad yourself." You chuckled, making him grin.
You two left the hotel to get into a cab outside. Sebastian told the driver the address and he started driving. "Wanna tell me where you're taking me?" You asked, turning to Sebastian. "It's a small Diner Chris and I found the other day." He answered, smiling. You soon arrived at your destination and you followed him into a small booth in a corner. He had good taste, you thought. The diner was nice indeed, it had a nice atmosphere, the soft background music calming you. You ordered food and drinks and started chatting, telling each other about stuff you didn't know yet.
"There's actually a reason I brought you here today." Sebastian suddenly said, making your heart stop for a second. "And what would that be?" You asked as you put another fry in your mouth. He took a breath. "So, you're a woman." You raised your eyebrows at his comment, making him chuckle. "You have amazing observation skills." You joked, smiling as he laughed. "I know, I know. I just...I need your advice." Your brows furrowed in confusion. "Advice with what?" - "There's this girl, she's one of the make up artists and I really don't know how to approach her." You pressed your lips in a tight line as your throat went dry. You took a sip of your Milkshake, trying to calm your nerves. You had no right to be jealous, you were friends, he said it himself.
"Don't tell me you've never approached a woman before." You joked, hiding how uncomfortable you were with the whole situation. He rolled your eyes at your remark, smiling. "Of course not. But I don't know, it's something about her that makes me all nervous, it's weird." He admitted, hitting your arm playfully as you shot him an amused look. "And how am I supposed to help?" - "Tell me how you'd like a guy to ask you out." You turned your gaze away from him, pretending to think. "He should be a real gentleman, show me that he's interested in me rather than saying it. After a while I'd just want him to ask me on a date. That's it." You hated how it sounded almost like your friendship with Seb. Apart from the him liking you part. Sebastian nodded at your description. "It's kinda basic, isn't it?" He asked, making you narrow your eyes. "Oh, you think I'm basic?" - "No not you, but your expectations for men." He grinned. You just shrugged. "No high hopes means less possible disappointment."
The rest of the evening went well. Sebastian seemed to accept your advice since he didn't pick up the topic again. You secretly thanked him for that. About two hours later you decided to leave. You payed and made your way back to hotel, hugging Sebastian goodbye as you arrived at your floor. You didn't know it yet, but working eith him would become a lot harder than it was.
It already started the next day. You haven't seen Sebastian at all, even though he had two breaks already. You tried to tell yourself that it wasn't important, that he probably spend his breaks with his co-workers. But when he finally came to you, a bright smile on his face, you couldn't help but feel your heart flutter. "Y/N, I have great news!" Oh no. "I did it! I talked to Amanda!" So that's her name. "She's really nice, i spend my breaks with her and we're really getting along." Your jaw clenched on it's own accord. The last time you've seen him this happy was when you suprised him with donuts. You forced a smile. "That's great news! I'm happy for you." He grinned, thanking you. He opened his mouth again to continue speaking as his phone vibrated. He took it out, smiling as his screen lit up. "That's her, I gotta go. But still thanks for your help!" He smiled at you before leaving, giving you no time to answer. You sighed, turning back to your coffee. So this was how it'll be.
The next days Sebastian never joined you during his breaks. You got a quick hug when you briefly met each other, and a smile here and there when you brought a prop on set. You forced yourself to hang out with your co-workers to not sit alone during breaks. But you regretted that decision as the topic changed to what's going on between Sebastian and the Make up lady. You rolled your eyes as you tried to keep your full attention to your phone in your hands. God you hated this. You really missed Sebastian.
When work day was over and you made your way off set, you heard someone calling your name. You stopped and turned around, nearly tumbling over as someone basically ran into you to hug you. "Y/N she said yes!" Sebastian almost screamed in your ear before pulling away, a bright smile on his face. "I asked her out and she said yes!" You could practically feel your heart breaking at his words, but smiled anyway. "That's great!" He nodded excitedly. "Thank you, really. Without you I probably wouldn't have spoken to her." You mentally slapped yourself. "No problem, bud." You smiled, padding his shoulder. "Good luck with her!" He thanked you once more before leaving. You let out a deep sigh, turning around to catch a cab to go to your hotel.
You spend the rest of your day in your hotel bed, watching TV with some chinese take-out. Suddenly your phone vibrated, Sebastian name appearing on it. You furrowed your brows, he barely texted you. You picked up your phone to read his message.
'Just wanted to inform you that the date was great! She's so sweet and even has good taste in food!'
You let the phone fell back on the bed as you stared at the ceiling. You hated to admit it but god did you want to be that girl. But it was his choice. And his choice was her.
You tried to avoid Sebastian the following days. You didn't want to hear about him and Amanda, so it was actually a good thing that he didn't visit you during his breaks anymore.
"Hey Y/N, you coming to that party everyone got invited to this Friday?" One of your co-workers, Marc, asked. You shrugged. "Maybe, i don't know. I'm not really a party person." - "Oh come on, you have to come." Jessica pouted. From all your co-workers, you were closest with her. You sighed, you could never turn her down. So you agreed, causing her to smile. You turned your attention back to your phone, checking your mails. A new email made yur jaw slack a little, an offering to work at another movie. You let your gaze drift across the set, debating whether to accept it or not. It would help to get away from Sebastian, and the payment would be better. You sighed, locking your phone again.
As Friday arrived, you forced yourself into a simple, but fancy black dress and some heels. You still haven't accepted the offer from the other movie, but the thought of it still lingered in your mind. Sebastian texted you yesterday that he and Amanda officially started dating, and you felt numb ever since. You've definitely fallen for him, and you hated to see him with someone who wasn't you. So accepting the job wouldn't be so bad.
You walked out of the hotel, taking a cab to the restaurant the managers booked for the whole crew. You sat at the table with some of the prop people, your eyes immediately scanning the room for Sebastian. You spotted him on the dance floor, Amanda in his arms as they talked to each other while swaying to the soft music. You frowned at the scene, taking your phone out. You opened the email about the job offering, taking a breath before typing an answer, accepting it.
As the evening went on, you tried to concentrate on the conversation between the people around you. When you got hungry you slowly made your way to the buffet, grabbing a plate to get yourself some shrimp. "There she is." An all to familiar voice suddenly called, making you jump in suprise. "God Sebastian, warn a girl." You mumbled, putting shrimps onto your plate. "I haven't seen you in a long time, how have you been?" He smiled, a little confused why you didn't react as happy as you normally would. You took a breath, turning to him. "I've been great, you?" - "Amazing! Amanda is a pure angel, I'm so glad to be with her." His eyes shined in pure Happiness and you had a hard time not getting lost in them. "Sounds nice, I'm happy for you." 'Happy to see you so cheerful, not that she's the reason' you mentally corrected yourself. Then you remembered your new job.
"Oh, by the way, I have some news." You added, a forced smile on your face. "I've got a job at a different movie. Their payment is better than here. So, I won't be on set anymore." His face fell at your words. "You're leaving?" You bit your lip nervously, nodding. He just sighed. "So this is goodbye i guess?" You nodded again, showing a sad smile as he hugged you once more. He wished you luck before going back to his girlfriend. You watched as he left, waiting for your eyes to get teary but there was nothing. You body felt numb, your heart stone cold. You took a breath before turning back to your shrimps, secretly wishing this evening would end soon.
When it did finally end you informed everyone that you were leaving and officially quitting your job. You packed your things and left the hotel the same night, taking a cab to the subway to your new job.
*About 2 month later*
The new job was great. The people around you were nice, you never had to spend a break alone. But everything couldn't keep Sebastian off your mind. You did miss him. You barely spoke to each other, a text here and there but nothing more. You wanted to talk to him so badly, but you assumed he was busy with Amanda. When the set of the movie you currently helped on was close to where Sebastian was currently, you actually considered to visit him, but your doubts made that impossible.
It was a late Saturday evening when he texted you again. You were in your current hotel room, watching some lame drama on TV.
Sebastian: 'Where are you right now?'
You got confused by this. He'd never asked that before.
You: 'In a hotel. Why?'
Sebastian: 'Can I come?'
You swore your heartbeat stopped for a second. Why did he want to visit you?
You: 'Of course, is there a specific reason?'
Sebastian: 'We'll talk then, just tell me'
He sounded kind of harsh, which left you even more suspicious. You told him where you were, which he didn't reply to. You turned the TV off, your fingers drumming nervously against the leather couch as you waited for him to arrive, your mind flooding with questions.
A knock at your door forced you out of trance. You walked up to it, noticing how your hands were shaking slightly as you unlocked it before opening it. You were met with a tired looking Sebastian, his hair a mess and beard full grown. Before you could say anything his arms where around you, pulling you into a tight hug. You were startled for a second before you hugged him back, taking in the scent of his cologne. Yes, you really had missed him. "Hi." He finally murmured, pulling back slowly. "Hey." You replied, stepping aside to let him enter your hotel room. He sat down at the couch, you joining him after closing the door.
You sat there in silence for a couple moments, waiting for him to start as he was the one who wanted to come. "I have news." He suddenly said, making you turn your gaze to him while he kept his on his hands. "Amanda and I broke up." Your face fell at his statement while your heart jumped a little. It hasn't gotten over the crush you had on him, even after month of not seeing him. "Sorry to hear that." You said sincere and he nodded. "What happened, if I may ask?" He took a deep breath before answering. "It was a mutual break up, so everythings fine. We kind of rushed into the relationship, it was a bad idea since both of us wanted someone else but kind of settled for each other. It was a dumb, I know that now." You bit your lip nervously as his words hit you. He wanted someone else.
"Weird situation." You remarked. "Who would that someone else be?" Sebastian chuckled lightly at that, making you smile. God you had missed him so much. "Well, in her case it was a camera guy. I've never talked to him so I don't know about him." You nodded, waiting for him to continue. "In my case...she's a close friend of mine. We talked a lot in the past but she never dropped any clues that she felt just as I did, so I looked for other possibilities and found Amanda." You felt your heart racing at his words, his eyes finally meeting yours. He couldn't be talking about you, could he? "But all the time i've spend with Amanda, I couldn't stop thinking of her. And Amanda couldn't stop thinking about that other guy, so both of us forced the other one to confess." He took another deep breath, his gaze still boring into yours. "That's why I'm here." You stopped breathing for a second. No way.
"You want me to help you again cause you don't know how to tell her?" You asked, half joking half serious. He chuckled at that, shaking his head. "No, that's not the reason." He got serious again, taking your hand in his. "I hope I'm not going to regret this, but I like you. You're amazing and beautiful and you understand me more than anyone ever could. And I'm so sorry that we didn't have much contact the last months, I really tried to forget you and be happy with Amanda but I couldn't. You're stuck in my head and it seems like there's no way to get you out." You couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief.
"You like me?" Sebastian furrowed his brows, but smiled. "That's all you heard?" - "God no, no i just-I didn't expect you to like me." His face suddenly fell at your words. "Does that mean you don't feel the same?" He asked carefully. Your eyes widened. "God, no, i mean, yes, I-ugh." You took a breath, slightly amused by Sebastian confused face. "I like you too. Always have." He let out a relieved sigh at that, smiling widely. "Thank god. I was actually scared I was gonna regret coming here." You chuckled before mirroring his smile. You watched as he slowly scooted closer, bringing the hand that wasn't still intertwined with yours to your face, setting it on your cheek. "I've been dreaming to do this." He smiled before he carefully covered your lips with his. The kiss started slow as you got addicted to his taste, a mixture of mint and just him. Your heart nearly busted out your chest, your mind going dizzy at the feeling of his lips against yours. The kiss got more passionate pretty quick as his hand moved to the back of neck while you ran yours through his short strands.
A couple minutes went by before Sebastian pulled away, panting lightly with the bright smile back on his lips. "Definitely should have done that earlier." He noted, making you grin. "Definitely." Your eyes find his as you just smile at each other, happy to finally be together. "I'm really sorry I didn't tell you earlier." He suddenly said, smiling sadly. You just shook your head. "No, don't worry. I could've said something myself, instead i left the job at Marvel to avoid you and Amanda." - "You left because of that?" he asked, amused by your confession. "Were you jealous?" - "Of course I was. I wanted to be in her spot." You pouted, making him chuckle. "Don't worry, you are now." He pecked your lips, making you giggle. "I'm gladly accepting." You captured his mouth into another kiss, feeling him smile against your lips. You were finally in your happy place, with the person you loved the most.
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ragnvdnir · 3 years ago
Ok i'm back to reply to your messages 😍
miss kamisato girly better come home but if she aint doing that you who who will : kazuha 😏 ay*to might just sign up in a business marriage to continue the bloodline 😌
Yes i hope i lose my 50/50 to that certain sweetie pie 2 😍 i've only won it one time with albedo and lost every other 50/50s with no diluc 😔 and c2 qiqi and keqing :') i have like cons for each standard 5* and i am still dilucless 😭
bc i was just in a village doing alright then i became your royal advisor over night and now im crazy like you 🧐 if i did get a hime cut irl we would be twinning 🤩 the queen and her royal adviser twinning in hairstyles (real!) Yes you're def dragging me to som crazy things 😭
This "betrayal" to are talking about means that i'd kick asses for you but i'd kick your ass too if i have to do it 😋😎
Yes i can see through your brain 😌 it's giving so much wide ass open minded vibes 💪 no but 😭 you're really successfully making everything sound funny or a joke everytime 😩
True abt vyn 🙄 man is allegedly aspiring to be an attention wh*re??? 🤨 Asking is easy but he wants to manipulate you instead 👮 yeah he may not physically be strong but he'd fit in a role to be proclaimed "dead" and the actual killer in the movie 😰
Today's generation must be smarter bc look at them not making the sweetie pie the standard 🤬 (this is a joke we def respect your ideal types ✌️😭) yall wilding when you can just settle for a simple but also luxurious life with Diluc Ragnvindr 😤💕
"maam this is mcdonalds" do you think you can stop me?? u lowly peasant of a cashier 🤨😎 can i just please order an extra large fries and a spaghetti with coke drink maam 😌 marius teases MC but he knows when 2 stop too when u literally cant take it 👍 cant let you die bc of him 💪 have fun having the stages of grief again 👍 she got engaged by default so that we would not try to endorse her to mhy as a potential lover character 🤬 they know they makin their side characters especially the women look good bc we cant date them 🙄
Also to the ppl cancelling Ein over using emojis: 🤺🤺🤺 dont you dare slander her humor 🤬🤬🤬 ur just jealous she's funnier than yall 🙄😤 (this is a joke again i dont do fights with ppl so pls ignore me 😎 i literally have no time to fight in nonsensical arguments) just keep using the emojis 😍😍😍 bc who are you to bow down to them 😋
No but about the ableist thing 😰 i kinda am frightened to whatever stuff that id do or say would come out of me bc i was ignorant of stuff
— 🍰.
i hope so too, i like ayaka's playstyle so she better accept my proposal🙄 kazuha will surely go home if she didn't bc after all im guaranteed😏😏 and whos this ay*to trying to set an arrange marriage🤨🤨 tell him to do it or hes a scaredy cat🤷🤷
mr. diluc is playing hard to get, just be patient bc thats what i did even though i have to suffer months before i got him😗😗
oh wait you're from a village before becoming royal advisor??😲😲 why is this kinda familiar 🤔🤔
i was a girl in the village doing alright then i became a princess royal advisor overnight. now i gotta figure out how to do it right, so much to learn and see~
u should get hime cut🤨 we're best buddies so we have to show ppl we're true and legit💆💆 kicking asses for me? yes. kicking my ass? no🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ i would run away if i have too my dear royal advisor ⁉️
sometimes i just wanna shut my mouth bc weird and corny jokes naturally comes out and i have to curl into a ball and cry on how cringy it is😔💔
ugh me and vyn being an attention seeker🤝 🤝🤝 we definitely deserve each other but my man vyn richter, manipulation is a no no or you will see a flying slippers and appliances coming your way🙆🙆🙆
agree, diluc set the bar too high to reach. diluc would do anything for you (yes we respect your opinions dont mind us! after all *glances at thoma* there's a certain malewife i would need in my life hehe)
me? a lowly peasant? i see🤔🤔 ill be looking for a new royal advisor. just ask my butler for your last pay check
i still refuse to believe that celestine is engaged 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
naurr bc i started overusing emojis with my irl friends as a joke. apparently, i never got away from it👀 i think emojis is a part of my life now😔💔
same same anon😭 i now have to prevent myself from doing things bc i wont know that i did something horrible until someone points it out or mentions them. im just glad that this is not twitter bc i will really get cancelled even tho i did that unknowingly😟😟 twitter is a scary place to be in and not to mention the toxic side of genshin fandom existing there😗😗
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Buster & Rio
Buster: Remember how I reckoned my parents were so checked out Buster: Well they quizzing me now Rio: 😬 So sneaky! Rio: Waiting to see if you were flying solo like Nance too, like Buster: Right? Who knew they had it in them Buster: I told them I met a girl there but my mum clearly ain't buying it Buster: Me and her are having a 🙄 competition basically Rio: Well, at least you can both enjoy that? Rio: Ahh, not good Rio: I'm having my own fun being uncharacteristically vague Rio: Lucky for me only Gracie is so interested to get 👀 suspicious and I can buy her off, like Buster: I'm over it Buster: Literally 18 now sorry fam Buster: Not like I married this mystery girl, like Buster: Just a holiday fling as far as they know Rio: Cold way to break it to me but okay 😜 Rio: Don't think that's the best way to show how mature you are, hittin' em with a YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO but Buster: Very subtle way for you to drop a hint that you're in it for that 💍 babe Buster: That's 'cause I ain't got nothing to prove Buster: They're just showing up since the world knows they let me and Nance go off and do whatever we want Rio: Shup, can rinse you well before that 😉 Rio: No amateur Rio: True facts Rio: Where was the Colin, lads? Tut tut Buster: 💔 When you end up with a girl who's exactly like your ma Buster: How many times are YOU gonna make me ask then? Buster: Rude Buster: 🏆 parents of the year Rio: I mean, definitely a joke to be made about looking outside the fam there Rio: Fool 😂 Rio: Awkward when they reckon they know what a messy year it's been and they only know the half of it Rio: IOU for your sis taking the heat big time Buster: Who you fooling, Cavante, keeping your eyes on that prize 💎 Buster: Yeah Buster: Be interesting to see if she gets the same third degree about how she spent her hol Buster: It's harder to dig when all you've got to go from is aesthetically pleasing scenery, yeah? Unlucky mum Rio: 🙄 You know, you're far more annoying when you ain't somewhere hot and stunning, like Rio: Think on, boy 😏 Buster: Shut up Buster: You know I am hot and stunning Buster: Think on how much you miss me already Rio: Sure she's up for the challenge, whether Nancy is up for the jail time is another question entirely Rio: Hmm Buster: 😂 Rio: Though that would soften the blow of our escapades so like Rio: spill that tea, gurl Buster: I hope for her sake its not a top family holiday destination Rio: Omg Rio: Stop Buster: Make me Buster: I'm so bored Rio: Init Rio: Real life's shit Buster: I refuse to call this real when you ain't with me Rio: Babe Rio: I do miss you Rio: spoilt in all the ways Buster: I miss you too Buster: How are we topping that for your birthday then, what's the plan, like? Rio: Damn, the real question Rio: I've got no clue Rio: use this slow shift as an excuse to be looking Buster: I've gotta take you somewhere hotter and more stunning, obviously Buster: Make myself scarce so you get your turn to brag Rio: 'Course Rio: though Indie will be devvo I'm keeping you off the 'gram Buster: Standard Buster: I'll manage a post or two somehow though Rio: Don't let a win get you cocky Rio: even though we totally got away with it Buster: 'Course Buster: We're that good babe Buster: I never doubted it Rio: Obviously Rio: Lucky it's me who's doing it fam Rio: I'd defs know 👀 Buster: You could've done us all a favor and foreseen what was happening with Nance though Buster: Like if you're gonna be such a know-it-all Rio: 😑 Rio: She's very secretive! Buster: Calm down Buster: I'm only playing Rio: Well I feel bad Rio: I should've noticed Buster: Come on Buster: How could you? You ain't at school with her any more Rio: But I was when all this started Buster: Yeah, but like you said, she's been keeping this secret for a long time Buster: We both know if you wanna you'll find a way Rio: Yeah Rio: Guess so Rio: I don't like it Rio: Gonna have to go full mum mode and start reading diaries around here Buster: Well she's one off your list to worry about Buster: It's unlikely she'll pull anything else like this again Buster: Lesson learned Rio: What a way to learn it though Rio: Oh God Buster: I didn't reckon anyone dreading school more than me but she's got me beat for sure Buster: I'm surprised she didn't just hide out on holiday forever like Rio: Seriously Rio: Guess no one is Chloe levels of bad Rio: face it now and it'll be nothing more than a passing joke to everyone else Buster: Exactly Buster: At least when we were away the worst Chlo and that lot could do was like my pics Buster: No point trying to hit me up when I'm that far even if you are really horny Rio: 'Less you're me and bitch keep trying, like Buster: Though I wouldn't put it past her to fly out Buster: I did for you Rio: Yeah, but I'm special 😉 Buster: She's deluded enough to think I am Rio: Shut up you are Buster: She don't know me like you do Buster: Or at all, honestly Rio: She wishes Rio: Psycho, honestly Rio: and I don't just throw the phrase around lightly, like Buster: Unfortunately they ain't limited to your exes or even the 24 Rio: You kidding? Rio: You know how many you're gonna meet in your chosen profession? Rio: Hopefully they won't try and fuck you, like Buster: Unless it's some hot widow who wants me to defend her for offing her husband, like Rio: You fancy being her next victim, alright Rio: more fool you, babe Buster: She could be innocent Buster: Don't be so cynical or jealous, babe Rio: Yeah, save it for the judge Buster: 😏 Rio: 😒 Buster: 😂 Buster: You're funny Rio: Hilarious 🖕 Buster: Yeah Buster: When can I see you again? Rio: About that Buster: What? Rio: They're getting a bit shirty at work with all the time I've been taking off Rio: so I said I'd work every day basically until xmas, busy time and all that Buster: I'll come to you then Buster: Hang out and be distracting Rio: Yeah? Buster: 'Course Buster: I'm not gonna just not see until Christmas that's ages away Rio: Good Rio: 'cos it is Rio: may as well rinse this festive period for what it's worth though Buster: If I do my homework in the corner don't take the piss though Rio: 🤞 Rio: You gotta Buster: Likewise don't be too 😍 either Buster: I know I'm sexy as but Buster: I'll have to concentrate Rio: Do my best Rio: sexy 🤓 daddy come thru Rio: 😂 Buster: You literally just promised not to take the piss Buster: 😒 Rio: Aww baby Rio: Not, honest Buster: Say that you promise then Rio: 'Course I promise Rio: Easy Rio: You're always hot to me Rio: Nothing you could do, but that ain't a challenge Buster: Good Buster: I'll resist your non-challenge since you're behaving for once Rio: 😇 Rio: Got to set an example for you Buster: But that's easy too yeah? Rio: Naturally Rio: Can't you attest to the fact I'm a good girl yet? Buster: You have your moments Buster: Any chance of you using your influence on my sister if I'm gonna be in Dublin annoying you both until Christmas Rio: I can try Rio: It's hard fighting your corner without saying things I probably shouldn't know though Buster: Oh Buster: Shit I never thought of that Rio: Yeah Rio: if I can get her to talk to you though, then you can say what I know Rio: so, I'll see, sure I can manage that at least Buster: Forget it Rio: I obviously won't Rio: busybody for life Rio: it won't seem strange, she knows it about me too, like Buster: But still Rio: I won't if you seriously don't want Buster: I don't know Rio: You don't need to rush it but like Rio: don't let it fester, won't make it any easier Buster: The longer this goes on the more unnecessarily dramatic it seems Buster: But I don't know what to do if she won't hear me out Buster: And not enough ways to properly say sorry either, like Rio: Yeah Rio: I know it feels counter-intuitive but sometimes you have to talk when the other person reckons they don't wanna hear it Rio: you can't both be stubborn on this one, and you're the one that needs her to break so you gotta go first Buster: Yeah Buster: Okay Buster: I'll chat to her at the weekend when I come see you Rio: Proud of you Buster: Shut up Rio: 😏 Rio: Try not to get too angry Rio: she's fuming enough, like Buster: Cheers for that, babe Buster: Would've never have guessed, like Rio: I'm just saying Rio: it ain't gonna work if you can't be the bigger person for a hot sec Buster: I love you Rio: I love you too Buster: Rio Rio: Buster? Buster: Thanks Buster: Seriously Rio: Don't mention it Buster: I have to Buster: Nobody else is gonna Rio: On your behalf? Rio: Shouldn't think so, know you ain't got a secretary yet Buster: Is that you volunteering your services, babe? Rio: Ha Rio: fun as that'd be, you'd never get anything done and my shorthand probably ain't all that, like Buster: What's your typing speed? Rio: You're interviewing me now? Buster: Why not Rio: Okay Rio: Think how fast that reply was is enough of an indication of my typing speed and eagerness Buster: You're hired Rio: That was easy Rio: I would've done anything to get this job, like Buster: 😂 Buster: Still plenty of potential promotions to negotiate, babe Buster: I just know how badly you want this job Rio: Good to know Rio: All about that upward mobility Rio: What's your boss like? Buster: I'm my own boss Rio: 🤤 Rio: Okay can't pretend Rio: that was hot Buster: You're hot Buster: I'm so glad I don't have to pretend about that any more Buster: To you at least Rio: Please don't Rio: Take my pay in compliments Buster: Gonna have to give you a pay rise straight away then Rio: So cute Buster: I just miss you Buster: I can't help it Rio: I miss you too Rio: Did you have a good birthday then? Buster: You know I did Rio: Good Rio: 'cos I did Rio: a lot Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: I kinda love you Buster: You really love me Buster: You can say it Rio: Okay Rio: I love you a lot Buster: Good Buster: And I had a really great birthday with you Rio: Get used to it Rio: Can't jet-set at Christmas sadly but still find a way to treat you Buster: Do you reckon we can for your birthday though? Buster: I don't want you to lose your job but I don't wanna not take you away Rio: I can't literally work all the time now 'til then Rio: fuck that Rio: if they're gonna be that arsey I'll just quit Rio: don't want me showing up to work with my 18s on when i've been working there over a year do you Buster: You'll easily be able to get a better job when you actually are 18 though Buster: So yeah fuck them Rio: God I hope so Rio: such an old man pub Rio: not a mood Buster: You will babe Buster: You're the only decent thing about that place Buster: Besides, if it comes down to it, you'll always be my secretary so 😏 Rio: Yeah, that's keeping the lights on 😉 Rio: I can't wait now Rio: Maybe I can convince Indie to move somewhere more decent with me Buster: Bribe her with a dog Buster: That should work Rio: A trail of dog treats out of the 24 Rio: Aww Buster: I feel like she'll never leave it'll be like when you move house but your cat don't Buster: Just keeps coming back, like Rio: As much as the mangy feline comparison gotta sting Rio: I feel it Rio: Bless her Buster: Just move in here Buster: Every problem solved Buster: As long as you go back to feed Indie Rio: When you're probably pissing off to America in a year? Rio: I don't wanna be stuck in that postcode on my own thanks Buster: Come to American then Buster: They're only slightly more annoying Rio: Yeah right Buster: I promise you Yanks ain't that bad Rio: You're funny Buster: Yeah but I also ain't lying Rio: Got that on good faith have you? Buster: 'Course Buster: Posh cunts are posh cunts wherever you go Rio: Wanna talk no class though Chlo Rio: they don't even understand th concept Buster: I wonder what uni she'll end up at Buster: I can't really quiz her for where to cross off my list Rio: Surely she ain't smart enough for wherever you go Rio: no matter who she knows Buster: I can't say I've ever peered at her papers when they've handed the grades back Buster: But you're probably right Rio: Maybe I'm just being a bitch and want her to be thick Rio: she doesn't come across smart if she is Buster: 😂 Rio: So jealous, yeah? Rio: Tragic Buster: You aren't really though, yeah? Buster: For any of it, I mean, not just me Buster: She's not that rich or posh either, honestly Rio: Nah, I mean Rio: I dunno Rio: not like I'm poor or actual scum Rio: just reckon it'd be nice to be like her and so oblivious Rio: Too much shit in this family to not have a care in the world, even if the money's good, yeah Buster: Yeah Buster: And like I've said before, I like how you are Rio: That's alright then 😏 Buster: She only thinks we look good together on paper 'cause I'm a cunt on paper Buster: Forget her Rio: Yeah Rio: 'Course Rio: she can like your shit all she wants, I was there Buster: She wants to know who you are so badly Buster: That's why she's hovering around my posts Rio: Can't act like I ain't been there Rio: nosy bitches unite but fuck off Buster: You're nothing like her though Buster: Thank Christ Rio: Don't think I could pull it off 😂 Buster: She can't either but it ain't stopping her Buster: Works on the lads well enough Rio: That ain't hard, trust me Buster: Clearly Buster: I'm trying not to think about how many lads you and her have in common at this point Rio: Won't hit her up to compare notes then Buster: You're safe I don't think you're on her radar even if you did Rio: Should I be offended Buster: Relieved is how I'd take it Buster: But take it however you like Rio: Will do Buster: Don't be mad though Rio: I ain't mad Rio: Why are we talking about her anyway Buster: That sounds like you're raging about it Rio: Just 'cos I don't wanna talk about Little Miss Chloe? Buster: Well, yeah Rio: If you've got more to say about her Rio: feel free Buster: Don't be like that Rio: I dunno what you want me to say Rio: talk about her or don't, i'm really fine Buster: Whatever Buster: Forget it and forget her Rio: Done Buster: Are you working tonight? Rio: Yeah Rio: back to reality with a dull thump Buster: Agreed Buster: I've got an essay to write so I'm gonna need as much distraction as you Rio: Won't get it from me Rio: 😇 Good girl, remember? Buster: Come on Buster: What happened to our swapped roles? Rio: Gonna have to do a lot more to convince me to distract you from your studies Rio: Shouldn't be promising all those frat boys and rich professors, like Rio: How else am I getting there, babe? Buster: Get a plane ticket and you're there, babe Buster: One look at you and they'd be convinced Rio: Yeah but you make the whole thing a bit more legitimate Buster: What you mean is, it's no fun for you teasing them if it also doesn't get to me, yeah? Rio: You reckon this is all about you? Buster: I know it is Rio: Cocky dickhead Buster: Maybe Buster: But it's still true Rio: Well Rio: What're you going to do about it Buster: Obviously you need reminding that it is all about me Buster: 'Cause you're mine Buster: And I'm keeping you Buster: But I've got an idea Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: I bought you something when I went shopping the other day, I reckon you can have it now it's no longer my birthday, like Rio: What Buster: No spoilers, wait until it gets to you Rio: Is it a birthday present do I have to wait that long? Buster: 'Course not Buster: I'm no amateur, babe Rio: You can't just buy me things for no reason Rio: and without warning Buster: Don't you want it? Buster: You'll like it, I promise Rio: I mean Rio: Of course I do but Rio: I've not got you anything Buster: That's not why I did it so it doesn't matter Rio: Okay Rio: no spoilers and all but can I have a clue Buster was timed out 20 hours ago Buster joined the chat 20 hours ago Buster: Your clue will be to check the post tomorrow, like Buster: I know you don't like waiting so Rio: Babe Buster: What, you think I'm gonna give you time to talk me out of it? Nah Rio: You're bad Rio: Honestly Buster: You love it Rio: You're an idiot Rio: You really miss me that much already? Buster: 'Course Buster: I miss you more the more time I get to spend with you Buster: Is that not how it's meant to work Rio: It's encouraging Rio: and a decent review so Rio: cheers Buster: You're welcome Rio: [Present arrives] Rio: I can't believe you sent that in the post Rio: to the 24, of all places Buster: What can I say? Where's the fun in not taking risks Rio: It's so Rio: perfect Rio: how'd you know? Buster: Easy Buster: I know what you like Rio: Yeah Buster: Besides, if you didn't i'd just send it to my other girlfriend, obviously Rio: Piss off Rio: Good luck getting it back, I'd sell it Buster: 😂 Buster: 'Course you would Buster: Can't take the 24 from the girl, yeah? Rio: Just saving you from bad 🍀 Rio: you can't regift Buster: Cheers for that, babe Buster: You're the best Rio: Shut up Rio: thanks Buster: 🤐 Buster: Like I said the other day, you're welcome Rio: I miss you Rio: I'm wearing it now Buster: I miss you too Buster: Yeah? How does it look? Rio: [Sends pics] Buster: I already knew what the answer would be, but I'm not sorry Rio: It's alright, I don't mind that you've got ulterior motives Buster: Good 'cause I'm not saying you have to thank me with actions as well as words but if you wanna, I'm not gonna say no Rio: Definitely keep you in mind, babe Rio: not hurt your #ranking like Buster: I'll keep you in mind too Buster: Constantly Rio joined the chat 18 hours ago Rio: I wish you were here Rio: or I was there Rio: whatever Rio: I want you Buster: Me too Buster: So tempted to skip school but shhh Rio: Shh indeed Rio: Best behaviour or your 'rents might go the whole 9 yards and ground you Buster: The only way I'm gonna agree to not being able to leave my room is if I sneak you in first Rio: You don't get to negotiate baby 😂 Buster: Please, they'd love that Rio: Probably Rio: Bunch of weirdos, swear down Buster: When I graduate from Havard or whatever they can take their share of the credit Rio: Of course Rio: I'll keep it hush about our study seshs Rio: don't worry Buster: Nah, you've gotta take your dues too Rio: Probably won't interrupt their speech with it Rio: way to break news though Buster: You not gonna make your own? Buster: Just gonna say everything you've gotta say in private instead, yeah? Rio: Obviously Rio: You'll be glad of it, trust Buster: How glad? Rio: Get you saying your hallelujahs despite your feelings on the big man Buster: Get me writing my vows Buster: I know your game, babe Rio: 😒 Rio: You dumb Buster: You love me Buster: Always have, always will Rio: Umm don't be trying to write mine for me Rio: cheek Buster: Don't be acting like that ain't what you're gonna say Buster: Just make the kiss sound like better than it was, yeah? Rio: Ha, get dragged at your own wedding, ouch Rio: You might reckon I'm predictable but I'm not that much of a bitch Buster: I could call you a lot of shit, but predictable, nah Buster: not you baby Rio: Yeah yeah Rio: being sweet now 😏 Buster: Hold up, I'll send you another gift Rio: Will snitch on you Rio: get your cards revoked for your own good 😂 Buster: No you wouldn't Rio: It does go against everything I usually stand for Rio: but I'll make an exception for you Buster: Awh babe you're gonna break all your rules for me Buster: So cute Rio: 😣 Rio: Imma break your face in a minute Buster: Are you standing on a chair right now? Buster: Be careful Rio: 😡 Rio: GRR Buster: 😂 Buster: I love you Rio: I love you too Rio: even if you are rude Buster: It ain't my fault you're small Rio: You make it sound like I've got something wrong with me! Buster: Shut up Buster: You're perfect and you know it Buster: But I'm not gonna pick you up so you can smack me Rio: Well if you're nice I have a better idea Buster: 😇 Rio: Only look like one, boy Buster: Don't lie Buster: You know how nice I can be Rio: True Rio: got the reminder now Buster: You're gonna wear it, right? Buster: Not just for me Rio: Of course Rio: It's beautiful Buster: Yeah but is everyone else gonna notice that too? Rio: You mean am I gonna get mugged? Rio: It isn't that ghetto here forreal Buster: Don't be an idiot Buster: I mean, are your fam gonna be asking endless questions how they do Rio: Might be asking why I'm dropping so much 💲💲💲 on myself but not really their business Rio: We're good Rio: Not an 💍 is it Buster: Alright Buster: Don't want you reckoning I gave it to you to give you another reason why we've gotta tell 'em Rio: Nah, I didn't think that Rio: although it is rude I've gotta take your recognition on it but Buster: Keep praying for that ring, babe Rio: Sure thing 😏 Rio: Could be playing a dangerous game giving me ideas, boy Buster: Is that supposed to worry me? Buster: I love a dangerous game Rio: Don't I know it Rio: Game on 👊 Buster: I wish we could Buster: It's so shit without you here Rio: I know Rio: Life and soul Rio: Looks like there's nothing to do but your essay 🤷 Buster: I've finished that Buster: Waiting on my reward here Rio: Aside from your A? 🤓 Buster: Obviously Rio: Lucky for you I finished your reward too Rio: Great minds, babe Rio: [Video] Buster: Fuck Buster: Well, okay then Rio: Grade me then Buster: Definitely an A for effort Rio: Yeah? Well, how can I improve the execution Rio: use your words, baby Buster: I can't Buster: Jesus Christ Rio: Works for me Rio: You're welcome 😋 Buster: How are you so hot? Rio: You must inspire it in me Buster: I'm actually speechless Buster: I want you so bad Rio: I know Rio: tell me how you want me Buster: I'd tell you to put this desk to better use but I need you so much I think we'd break it Rio: Guess you're going to have to pick me up like you wanna and slam me against the wall instead Buster: I can make that work Rio: You better Rio: I need to cum Buster: You're gonna cum for me baby Rio: I will if you keep talking Buster: [Sends own vid] Buster: Actions speak louder Rio: Fuck Rio: Yeah they do Rio: You know what it does to me when you make those noises Buster: Call me Buster: You can have them all Rio: [A phonecall later] Rio: You're the best Buster: That's my line Rio: Stop being so fucking good and you can have it back Buster: I don't want it that bad Buster: Just you Rio: I know Rio: I'm already so desperate for you so imagine how needy I'm gonna be by the weekend Buster: I know Buster: I feel it too Rio: Well, maybe I won't be such a moody cow at work now at least Rio: owed so many rounds when you're back in town, like Buster: In both senses of the word Buster: Drinks laid on the bar and you bent over it Rio: BUSTER 😲 Buster: Gotta give you some incentive to stay at work until closing time Rio: Jesus Rio: Now I'm turned on again Buster: I'd say sorry but 1. I ain't and 2. that's easy to fix Rio: I know you ain't but I've gotta get ready so Rio: maybe by the time I'm done you will be Rio: sorry you ain't here, like Buster: You reckon? Rio: You don't? Rio: Challenge accepted Buster: You're going to work not the club, yeah? Rio: How dare you doubt me Rio: Offended Buster: Calm down Buster: If you've got nothing to prove then you don't need to worry, do you? Rio: But clearly I do, babe Buster: You don't Buster: I'm just mad you're leaving Rio: I know, stupid real life getting in the way of all the great sex we wanna have Rio: not like I'll be totally unreachable Buster: But you're basically untouchable Buster: I never thought I'd be so buzzing for Christmas Hols. Not that a fortnight will be enough, like Rio: 😔 Rio: Oh Rio: I just had a good idea though Rio: to make you wait until my bday or nah Buster: Depends how good of an idea it is Buster: And how patient you can be about it Rio: It's a great idea Rio: idk why I only just thought of it Rio: fuck it, we're patient enough about everything else Rio: download this app Buster: Alright Buster: No arguments from me Rio: So, basically, you can control it from where you are Rio: almost like touching, right? Buster: Is this why you believe in God? Buster: 'Cause like not saying I'm coming around to the idea but Rio: Pretty high on my list, though best I keep that to myself on Sundays no matter how #blessed I feel Rio: ain't the spirit inside me, like Buster: 😂 Rio: I can wear them to work if you promise to be sensible Buster: I promise to treat you right, babe Rio: Not the same thing but 🤤 Buster: I'm never calling you an idiot again Buster: There's a promise for you Rio: Damn Rio: All the wins for me Buster: I love you Buster: So fucking much Rio: I love you more Buster: Is that a challenge? Rio: I mean Rio: if it motivates you, babe Buster: It'll motivate me to make the most of this app Rio: Then it definitely is Rio: yep 😏 Buster: If you think you're desperate now, you'll need a new word soon Rio: I'll do my best to think on it whilst you're fucking my brains out Buster: If you can think of anything but me I'm not going hard enough Rio: Well you're in control, daddy Rio: you know what to do Buster: Yeah I do Buster: You're gonna get fucked so good, baby Rio: Please Buster: Say it for me again Rio: Maybe I should save my begging for when I really need it Buster: 😏 full of good ideas today, like Rio: Can't even joke today Rio: you know it baby Buster: Always known it Rio: I'm gonna need that one in writing Buster: It's right there Rio: You been playing but that's the legal and binding document I'm really about Buster: I'm so proud Rio: 😊 Buster: Let's see this mindblowing work outfit then Rio: 🙄 I really need to work on expectation management Buster: No you don't Rio: [Snap] Buster: You're not wearing that Rio: I am though? Buster: Behave Buster: Trying to make me miss you before you've even gone Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: That's the whole point Rio: Silly Buster: Yeah but my point is how turned on I am whilst trying to be so 😇 Rio: Don't be good Rio: The more turned on you are the harder you'll fuck me Buster: How 😈 do you want me to be? Rio: Well Rio: I want you to cum Rio: whatever that takes Buster: If you keep talking like that it won't take much Rio: Better 😶 'til you got me closer then Rio: it's best when we do it together Buster: Yeah that's how I want it Rio: I wish you could cum inside me Buster: Me too Buster: Soon though Rio: I'm already thinking about it though Rio: amongst all the other things we're gonna do Buster: I never stop thinking about it Buster: I can't Buster: Good thing I'm smart or that essay would've been illegible Rio: 😂 accidentally outs us to your teach Rio: I know the feeling though, babe Buster: How the fuck did my sister actually get decent grades Buster: I'm impressed Buster: Don't tell her like but Rio: Yeah, I don't think that's how you wanna start the 'let's be friends' convo Rio: so I'll keep it to myself 😂 Buster: Appreciate it Rio: I still don't see it Rio: very much not the point but Buster: What? Rio: The teacher Rio: she ain't even cute Buster: What does she look like? Rio: Oh, hold up Rio: [pics from facebook] Buster: Are you joking right now or is that really her? Rio: Obviously it is Rio: If I was joking I'd pick someone ridiculously unfanciable Rio: she's just like Rio: a normal woman? Buster: What the fuck Buster: Too late for me to have a word with Nance but like Rio: Right? Rio: It makes it worse Rio: at least if everyone else thought she was fuckable Nance would get an easier time of it but nah Buster: At least if she was fuckable it'd be worth losing your mind over her Buster: Christ Buster: Her girlfriend was alright though, like I wouldn't but Rio: We'd know, babe Rio: Idk if she even liked her now or what Rio: what a mess Buster: I don't know what I pictured this teacher looking like but that wasn't it Buster: Clearly I know my sister even less than I reckoned Buster: Fucking hell Rio: You really thought she'd be hot? 😂 Rio: Boy Buster: Hotter than that Buster: I'm not saying she had to be ruin your life hot but like this crush was years long, yeah? Rio: It was obviously about what was inside, like Rio: looking back she spent more time in her classroom than necessary, just thought she wanted somewhere to hide, like Buster: I'm not having that Buster: If you wanna get inside someone then it's about the outside too Buster: I'm not fucking anyone 'cause they have a decent personality Rio: Well nah, that ain't your type is it Buster: Whose type is it? Like I bet even when her husband first hit that she was younger and hotter Rio joined the chat 5 hours ago Rio: Her husband ain't anything special either Rio: he's a teacher too, you know Buster: What? Buster: At your school? Rio: Yeah Rio: he teaches Irish Buster: Shit Rio: I know Rio: and their son is in our year, that's why everyone's losing their shit Buster: And nobody was gonna tell me none of this ever Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Obviously Nance ain't in the mood but yeah Rio: reckoned your 'rents would've Buster: Obviously not Buster: No wonder she fucking hates me if she blames me for starting this shit storm Rio: It's fucked Rio: she knows that's a flimsy excuse but yeah Buster: Is it though? If she's gone years without putting any moves on she could've gone one more easy Buster: Until I fucked her head up Rio: You hardly made her Buster: Well I didn't stop her Rio: If she had her mind set on it you couldn't Buster: Yeah I could Rio: Well regardless Rio: happened now Buster: I can't believe my fucking parents Buster: If we weren't fucking I wouldn't be in the loop about anything Rio: They probably reckoned they were saving her further embarrassment Rio: but you're welcome for the unexpected perk? Buster: What do they think I'm gonna do? Buster: Nice to know they reckon I'm that much of a cunt Rio: Come on Rio: The jokes come easy, you wouldn't be the first or only Buster: She's my fucking sister Rio: I know Buster: Some shit's off limits Buster: They're as bad as Chlo is Buster: I'm not gonna laugh it up, like Rio: That might not be why they haven't said Rio: You know what they're like, could have easily just not occurred to them Buster: Yeah, well fuck them Rio: Bit strong Buster: How are you on their side? Rio: I'm not Rio: Just don't get mad at them based off conjuncture Buster: Act like it then Rio: Don't shoot the messenger Buster: I ain't Buster: I'm asking you to back me instead of them Buster: what the fuck Rio: I do Buster: Don't defend their bullshit then Rio: Don't have a go at me Rio: I'm just looking at all sides of it Buster: Like their side matters Buster: You're on mine Rio: Exactly Rio: so I don't want you running your mouth if you don't need to Rio: just trying to save you from more aggro Buster: Fuck off Buster: I have self control Rio: Use it then Buster: You're as bad as them Buster: What do you think I'm gonna do? Buster: I'm not about to go find them to shout the odds Rio: Alright then Rio: I'm not doing this rn Buster: What does that mean? Rio: That I'm too busy to go 'round the houses on this one with you Buster: Fuck you then Buster: If you don't wanna talk to me, don't Rio: This ain't talking Buster: Typing. Whatever Rio: That ain't what I mean Rio: You're just shouting at me, you can blow off steam on your own Buster: Bullshit Buster: I'm not mad at you Rio: Nah? Buster: Come on Buster: You're the only one on my side Buster: I'm not that much of an idiot Rio: They ain't against you Buster: Maybe not but they ain't exactly for me either Rio: Maybe not Rio: not their style Buster: I'm sorry, yeah? Rio: It's alright Buster: It's not Buster: I'm not trying to take shit out of you Rio: Shit happens Rio: I know you're stressed Buster: And you're the only thing that doesn't stress me Buster: You know that, don't you? Rio: Duh Rio: I'm a delight Buster: Actually though Buster: I wish you were here right now Rio: I know Rio: Me too Rio: You're alright, yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: I just miss you Buster: Standard Buster: It's so easy to forget everything else when I've got you with me Rio: I feel it Rio: but fuck forgetting yeah? we're gonna start sorting shit Rio: grown up style Buster: Full of so many good ideas, Cavante Rio: Just gotta listen, babe Buster: I am, I promise Rio: I love you Buster: I love you Buster: Don't forget it, okay Rio: I ain't gonna Rio: don't worry Buster: Good Rio: Ugh guess who's here Buster: Tell me Rio: Ryan Rio: really starting to think he'd got a life Buster: He better behave himself Rio: Yeah, he's with other people so Rio: still, plenty of pubs lads but whatever Buster: Do what you've gotta do, babe Buster: I'm here Rio: I'm an expert at ignoring him by this point Buster: 'Course Buster: All that matters is that he returns the favor, like Rio: I swear he was cuter when I went out with him Rio: not cute enough to warrant this but like ick Buster: He really wasn't Rio: Well clearly his personality was fire Buster: Again I'm gonna go out on a limb and disagree Rio: 😂 why are you trying drive me to drink here Buster: 'Cause I can't drive you to distraction if he's there Buster: Cunt would think you were hot for him still Rio: Obviously Rio: girls love dedication Buster: Is that what he calls it? Rio: Best if I don't question it Buster: I still reckon its best if I knock him out Rio: Looks like someone beat you to it Rio: his face is fucked Buster: I'd ask how you know it ain't me but Buster: If I started I'm not stopping there Rio: Yeah come on babe, no quitter Buster: You've got jokes but I ain't making one Buster: Maybe it was your new bestie Rio: Who? Buster: Drew Buster: Could be an early birthday gift Rio: Oh lol Rio: Maybe Rio: drug debt Buster: Yeah exactly Buster: At least you look good Rio: How's that a good thing? Buster: It's never not when you see your ex Rio: Sudden expert 😏 Rio: so cute Buster: Shut up Buster: I've got plenty of girls I'd rather not see again Buster: More than you've got official exes Rio: You reckon Buster: You don't? Rio: I dunno Rio: do we really wanna compare numbers Buster: I'll tell you if you wanna know Buster: But it doesn't really matter Rio: Nah Rio: know you'll just get jealous Buster: You know you'll get jealous you mean Rio: I said what I said boy Buster: And you meant what you meant Buster: Which is what I said Rio: Shut up Buster: Make me, babe Rio: No, you'd enjoy it far too much Buster: You say that like it's bad thing Buster: You know you'd get yours Rio: and they say romance is dead 😜 Buster: Says you wearing a bracelet just 'cause Rio: 😏 Shh Buster: Shh me Buster: I've got a lot to say Rio: Go on then Rio: Enlighten me babe Buster: For starters, you've got me feeling like I have to prove what a romantic I am Buster: So it's about time that I mastered this app Buster: Until you feel the love Rio: Baby Rio: I was just playing Buster: If you wanna play, we'll play babe Rio: 😻 Buster: 😏 Rio: You just wanna hear me beg Buster: Yeah Rio: Fair Rio: I've just gotta keep the whole bar from hearing, like Buster: Tell yourself it's only for me Buster: I know you can do it Rio: 😊 Rio: so supportive Buster: It's just a shame I'm not there to actually hold you up Buster: I reckon you're gonna need it Buster: Hang onto the bar, baby Rio: Oh God Buster: He's not taking the credit for this Buster: It's all me Rio: Yeah it's all yours baby Buster: Good 'cause I want it Rio: I want you so bad right now Buster: I know Buster: But you can cum for me as many times as you need Rio: I got your permission? Buster: As long as you're quiet Rio: Fuck Rio: Buster, I can't Buster: Yes you can, baby Rio: I need you to tell me to Buster: Well, I need you to cum for me now Rio: Jesus Rio: Please keep doing whatever it is you're doing Buster: If you say please like you mean it Rio: Please baby Rio: fuck me harder i wanna cum for you right here Buster: Like that? Or like this? Rio: Shit Rio: 2nd one definitely 2nd one Buster: Good to know Rio: Please 😩 Rio: You're teasing me so much Buster: Is that better? Rio: I'm so close Buster: Let's go harder then Rio: I should definitely go somewhere private but also don't trust myself to walk away from this bar Buster: Stay right there, babe Rio: Okay, only because doing what you say makes me every tighter Buster: I know Buster: You love doing what you're told Rio: Only when it's you doing the telling though Buster: I'm the only one who can make you feel this good that's why Rio: It's true Buster: I love you Rio: I can't believe that just made me cum Rio: 😳 Buster: I can Buster: It's a good app babe, well done Rio: You have no idea Rio: Regulars asking if I'm alright like not just babe Buster: 😂 Buster: You've got so many more hours to survive too Buster: Good luck babe Buster: I'm only just getting started with this Rio: Please Rio: Be serious Buster: I'm so serious Rio: Babe Buster: Yeah? Rio: I love you Buster: I miss you Rio: I miss you more Buster: You'll be too tired to miss me when this shift is over Rio: Awh is that your plan? Rio: So chivalrous Buster: 'Course Rio: Will you go to sleep with me when I'm done Buster: Yeah Buster: You know that's the only way I wanna sleep if you can't be here Rio: Good Buster: How long have you actually got left? Rio: You sleepy babe? Buster: Hilarious Buster: I'm just thinking about how much I'll be able to tire you out Rio: You've got about 3 hours total left Rio: Use 'em wisely Buster: Plenty of time
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