#...guess i'm just enjoying the fallenhalo for now...
purrpickle · 2 years
Alternate 2x07:
Gasping around the blood welling up through her throat, hot and sticky and thick along her tongue, Ava fought not to grasp her hands around the sword jutting through her back and chest. She tried to draw in breath, eyes wide and fixed on Lilith approaching her. "Lilith... Please."
"No," Lilith demanded, shaking her head, "No more talk. Come with me. Adriel will give you the freedom you've been seeking. You can finally be yourself without fear of consequence!"
Putting out her hand as if expecting Ava to take it, Lilith continued, "Join me. Join me and Adriel and he will let you keep the halo by his side."
Still trying to breathe through the blood pooling into her mouth, Ava stared up at Lilith.
Lilith, who was covered in scales and had somehow been gifted wings. Lilith, who stared so darkly at her that Ava swore the stars she was seeing in her eyes wasn't just the sword piercing up through her diaphragm.
Lilith... Who Ava hoped she could still reach.
Her mind raced, trying to focus even as she coughed up another mouthful of blood. Though she could already hear Beatrice's remonsterations about how foolish she was being, how she was rushing into something without full thought because they had had a plan, dammit, and she should just grab up the morningstar so close to her fingertips below her and phase back so she could get back to Jillian's and start all over again, Ava, choking around another gush of blood as the rigid sword proved an obstacle to the halo's healing power, slowly reached out, trembling fingers bobbing in the air between her and Lilith.
"Okay..." she spat out her mouthful of blood, "Get me off this motherfucker, and I'll go with you."
Taking a moment, her dark eyes searing into hers, Lilith wrapped her fingers around her offered hand and pulled, Ava groaning deeply as the sword squelched out through her chest and back. "Glad you saw the light, Ava," Lilith smiled triumphantly, easily catching her as she stumbled at the loss of the unyielding object holding her up; a second later, Lilith's fingernails, almost taunting, bit into Ava's hip and side as her strong arms wrapped around her.
Trying to breathe normally as she registered the scorching, weightless feeling of Lilith transporting her away, Ava kept her eyes open as long as she could before the swirling fire surging in Lilith's wake overwhelmed the halo's efforts to keep her awake and healing. Gasping into Lilith's neck with a muttered, "Fuck me...", her body slackened in Lilith's grasp, and she was out.
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