#...also...why/how did Ruby's adoptive mum apparently recognise the sutekh cloud as 'the beast'?
littlehollyleaf · 3 months
OK I have questions...
1. It used to be canon that not all Gallifrians regenerate. Only those who graduated from the Academy were granted the ability and they limited it to 12 because of Reasons. That was A Thing, right? I'm not making that up? So I always assumed Susan didn't have the ability... are we just retconing that whole canon now? Did the Timeless Child plot change it? Or is the Doctor just assuming Susan specifically will have inherited his Timeless Child endless regenerating ability?
2. Sutekh was not an Actual God in Classic Who. I just rewatched Pyramids of Mars and everything - there's all that talk about the alien race of Osirans, who were powerful yes and had strong psychic ability, but they were ultimately 'just' aliens. Like... they weren't Toymaker and/or Guardian level beings I thought. They couldn't reshape reality. But... has Sutekh BECOME supernatural now, due to whatever the casting salt nonsense was? Is that the implication? Or are they still just super psychic and have been manipulating people/events that way?
3. Sutekh gives a whole crazy List of All The Gods. This is what the Doctor casually referred to as the Pantheon a few eps back I assume. But, again, this was never A Thing before, right? The beings referenced, or the ones known in DW mythology, were entirely UNCONNECTED aliens/entities up until now, right? Just wanting to check there's not canon (or EU canon?) I'm missing here... because if there are existing stories out there combining Sutekh, the Toymaker and THE MARA, then frankly I.Want.Them. So spill for me fandom if I'm missing out pls!
(4. I'm fucking lazy - who has a full written list of this Pantheon pls? How many more of the names have been tracked back to Classic villains already? Can one of them be Ragnarok? (is that why Fifteen name checked them specifically in The Giggle?!) Fenric? The Daemons? The Time Monster? I mean... if the Mara is in there, there's scope for just slapping ANY Classic monster that is vaguely religious/mythological/philosophical/godlike under this umbrella surely? What about Omega even? WERE ANY OF THEM APPLICABLE TO THE BLACK AND WHITE GUARDIANS PLSPLSPLS I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE TOYMAKER KILLED THEM RTD I REFUSE!)
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