#....actually I'd really like to see redemption magolor in that boss mode
tumblunni · 7 years
I really like Kirby as a character but I Really Dislike Platformers, so I’ve never actually played a single Kirby game. I think he’s just a very good character for people like me, lol! he’s so super simple and his games have such a sparse plot with most of the appeal simply being Look At These Heartwarming Things. (With occasional Look At This One Scary Boss Being Stabbed Into Fifty Pieces To Affirm That The Heartwarming Things Are Badass) And like.. a lot of his games are even completely dialogueless aside from a narrator summing up the backstory at the beginning. Lol, most of the villains seem so evil and otherworldly just because ‘holy shit did that guy just say three whole sentences’ XD So yeah, I feel like its easy for me to be a casual distant observer fan compared to other games.
SO ANYWAY WHERE WAS I My point is that today I was doing the ‘ol super late lurker fan stuff for another Kirby game I never played when it first came out. And like... I SUDDENLY LOVE MAGOLOR??? Dude I only just met three seconds ago: you are instantly the most interesting villain in the Kirby universe Like seriously, he’s like.. what...aaa?? When has there ever else been a villain that actually got a redemption arc??
In retrospect Kirby is kinda extremely pessimistic about its villains. They’re almost always Absolute Evil, unless theyre actually a good guy being mind controlled by an Absolute Evil. And they always turn into absolute nightmare monsters and get very definitively killed after their boss fight. There’s a reason they’re always seen as memorably dark!
Tho still I do feel a bit sad that no-one’s been QUITE as dark as that one called Zero, i think? the one where its a giant eyeball with an eyeball and then the second eyeball pops out and attacks you when its killed, and there’s a lot of like... ‘is that actual blood or just some red energy beam?’ Cos seriously man seriously that was messed up. I LOVED IT Oh and the other memorably Real Good one was Marx, I still fuckin love how that was the only time these plots got deep enough to have an Actual Plot Twist, and it was surprisingly REALLY FUCKIN GOOD! YOU BETRAYED ME. you took advantage of my kirby goodness. seriously, I dunno if I’m just dumb and everyone else figured it out but HOO BOY I felt them real betrayals when the ‘cute helper creature’ turned into a fucking somehow more nightmare than bleeding eyeball man boss. Seriously??? why is Marx Soul more scary to me. Its like the uncanny valley principle but without any humans involved. Unkirby valley. Even regular marx was always a bit creepy cos of that, its kind of a subtle way to hint at the ultimate reveal lol! it was just oddly weird to see a creature that looks like kirby drawn in a more detailed art style. His face is just... what. Why the big ol eyes. This is not how kirby do. Why are you wearing one of his powerup costumes recoloured. Why is nobody aknowledging the weird resembelance. Why are you suddenly having complete facial melting horror and growing arms where there were no arms and somehow using them as wings and WAIT WHY DIDNT YOU HAVE ARMS IN THE FIRST PLACE also WHAT THE FUCK WAS UP WITH THOSE OFFMODEL KIRBY ENEMIES IN DREAMLAND 3! i think that was the one?? i only knew they existed cos of a random screenshot! apparantly they’re kinda uncommon to find or something, or maybe i just wasnt paying attention when i watched that lets play. But seriously theyre just kirby with his face drawn wrong OH GOD AND REMEMBER WHEN WADDLE DEE WAS JUST A GIANT EYE REMEMBER WHEN HIS FACE MELTED REMEMBER THAT CUTSCENE FUK U KIRBY 64 Kiddie bunni absolutely shit their pants in a mcdonalds and never played a kirby game ever again do u guys remember when mcdonalds used to have promotional nintendo 64s also those printer stations specifically for pokemon snap, those were THE SHIT i wonder why they never did that with any other console ever?
okay, sorry, sorry, back on topic...
anyway I am HEARTWARMED to know that at least one of the Huge Nightmare Death Bosses actually didnt get blasted into oblivion, and got to come back in later games as an ally character trying to make up for his misdeeds by running lil shops and stuff and the best part is that he’s THAT THING I ALWAYS WANT FROM REDEEMED VILLAINS!! the thing where they don’t lose their personality flaws and stuff just cos they’re good now he’s still egotistical and sassy and greedy even while being a good ‘Its sunday, or as I like to call it, Magolor Day...’ ‘be grateful for my magnanimous help! truly I am a beacon of heroism!’ ‘hahahaha, now youve collected all the platinum medals I can take over the world again! -wait.. kirby, wait, I’m sorry it was just a joke, stop crying...’ I’M LOVE HIM u keep doing u, magolor also your new good guy costume is really cute, that is a quality lil green hat PLEASE REMAIN GOOD FOREVER
ok now im gonna go track down his debut game and watch a lets play of dat villainy srsly thank u random wikipedia article on a 3dsware app game cameo HE COMES BACK IN!! A FREEWARE GAME!! AS A GOOD SHOPKEEP!! im so proud of him man i kinda wanna play that now... i mean, apparantly its like a lower difficulty more gaming-on-the-go thing, might be good for someone who cant platform to save their life *shrug* ANYWAY SATURDAY IS ALSO MAGOLOR DAY NOW
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