#... well until zdarsky decided to call them best friends that's literally the only time i can recall when it's been platonic
noys-boise · 1 year
people who think Howard and Beverly dating is disgusting is like. yeah whatever you're wrong but i understand why you think that. but there are people who believe Howard and Beverly are just platonic good friends and i seriously wonder what reality those people are living in
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Spider-Man: Life Story #4 Thoughts Part 3: Pathetic Parker
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Aaaaaaand finally....let us discuss you know Peter Parker.
Or the stand in for him in this mess of a mini-series.
Positives should be gotten out of the way first. I like the new Spider-Suit’s look. I’ve liked all the suits’ looks so far.
Okay cool we’re done now with positives.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo...Peter is dating Jessica Drew huh.
Hahahahahahaha....fuck off.
Jessica Drew technically speaking existed in the 1960s but only because Bendis picked a random girl from a Ditko issue and decided he would make her his new original character (who was a rewritten Jessica Drew stand in...) Jessica Jones...which happened in the 2000s.
Remember how I said the Stark thing was remixing stuff from the 2000s and how this probably references the Ultimate Clone Saga?
Well between that stuff, the inclusion of Parker Industries, a obvious reference to Slott’s ‘No One Dies’ buzz word, and now Jessica Jones Zdarsky has entirely collapsed the ONE consistent thing about his writing in this series.
You can read my past posts on this series for more detail, but in a nutshell, this series is utterly convoluted in it’s premise and confused in what it wants to be.
However the ONE utterly consistent thing about it was the fact that it remixes elements from Spidey stories that happened in the decade each issue was covering.
Until now.
Now in fairness Parker Industries was a 2010s thing that debuted in the 1980s. I let that one slide a bit because I guess the idea was if Peter age 30 had money and time he could have a company by age 37 which would be in the 80s. Okay I guess.
But with all that other stuff...this issue isn’t remixing 90s stuff it’s remixing 90s and post-90s stuff so what the fuck is the conceit of the story again?
It’s anything Zdarsky wants whilst mostly remixing stuff from every decade per issue oh and Spider-Man ages in real time I guess and mentions various wars.
I (and others) have talked about how this series is fanficion. A time honoured tradition of fanfiction is the wacky indulgent ships that occur.
In professional works though these are best avoided, see MockingSpider.
That’s what Jessica Jones and Spider-Man being a couple is. Yeah she had a crush on him in high school.
Now tell me anything else that’d serve as a basis for their relationship instead of her being with Luke?
How the fuck did this even happen? At least with Peter and MJ you have canon as a roadmap. In this series...nothing. Peter and Jessica just hooked up somehow in the last 11 years!
What’s so insultingly asinine about this ship is that it emphasis another person who is conspicuous via her absence.
So...where the fuck is Felicia!
I know that the important life events of Spider-Man can be debated up to a point.
That point doesn’t cover though whether Black Cat is relevant of a mention or not across his ‘life story’.
No shit of course she is!
But she wasn’t mentioned in the 1970s when she debuted. She wasn’t mentioned in the 1980s when she became a regular. She wasn’t mentioned in the 1990s.
Surely in a world where Spider-Man’s marriage to MJ falls apart and he’s dating a private eye that should be fucking Black Cat not a character who wasn’t even invented until 10 years later! I mean c’mon Black Cat BECAME a private eye in the 1990s!
And wouldn’t that have been way more dramatic too?
In the 1980s instead of Peter being allegedly addicted to a costume or neglecting his family to clean up radiation or asking his wife to kill him if he turned into a brain munching alien the root of their break up involved his affection for Felicia?
I mean c’mon the symbiote was framed as a response to a mid-life crisis, a sexy platinum blonde who actually wants to hook up with Spidey not Peter isn’t prime real estate for a story about a superhero’s mid life crisis? Even the Incredibles did that!
And wouldn’t that have been more worthy of drama in this issue than literally 2 panels of Jessica Jones establishing they’re shagging but also he’s neglectful and she dumped him. I mean at that point you might as well have just had her be a private eye he hired and dropped the romance completely it served no purpose at all.
One aspect of the story that I will praise Zdarsky for even if I think he got it right by accident is that without his family Peter couldn’t keep on going as Spider-Man.
MJ, May, etc, they keep him together, he needs people, he’d fall apart without them.
Running out of gas as he did in this story could be seen as a reflection of that depending on future issues. Or it could just be he’s old and tired and don’t you know all superheroes would feel that way at age 48.
Too bad that seems rather at odds with issue #3 where he was a neglectful jerk.
Another problem inherited from issue #3 was the issue of Peter’s diminished prowess in his old age.
Remember how he wanted the symbiote to stay ‘relevant’ because he was slowing down.
Okay so it’s been 11 years later, he’s held onto Parker Industries and...he’s just accepted he’s gotten slower and weaker.
Remember how issue #3 implied he had a nano-weld suit.
Okay so he’s had 11 years to improve on that tech and...he hasn’t.
In fact his current outfit looks less high tech even.
Now brace yourselves because I’m about to do something nuts and call upon Dan Slott continuity as reference material.
In Slott’s run Peter with HORIZON labs and Parker Industries tech was able to whip up a variety of costumes for himself. These included nanotech.
In fact his MAIN suit in ASM volume 4 was nanotech armour that came complete with all sorts of gadgets.
Are you telling me that a Peter Parker with even greater years of scientific knowledge and experience, with even more time and resources, across 11+ years NEVER made technology like that?
He NEVER invented tech that could offset his diminished powers?
IRON MAN had strength enhancing armour in the 1960s and that technology got illegally distributed to countless people, hence we got Armor Wars. Even that aside there is countless inferior technology that could increase strength, speed, agility, etc, let alone protect from knock out gas.
But Peter in LF is such a jackass he...never employed this. He never considered this. He just let himself grow weaker and more vulnerable?
Either he’s stupid or he’s a sellout on Ben and May’s morals of responsibility because he had a death wish hence he never upgraded.
I mean Jesus Christ the Hobgoblin found a way to make the Goblin serum SAFE. Peter couldn’t investigate that avenue as a way to spike his power levels? Friggin Norman Osborn was in his 40s when he got the formula and it made him almost on par with Spider-Man.
It gets even stupider when you consider Peter hands over his mantle to Ben Reilly.
Ben is physically the same goddam age as Peter. In fact considering he clearly doesn’t crime fight as much as Peter does or else ‘Red Mask’ would be more famous, Peter if anything would be in better shape. So Peter is giving the mantle of Spidey to a less experienced, weaker 48 year old man who’s ALSO got diminished strength and speed.
But it gets worse.
He doesn’t just hand the mantle of Spidey to Ben. He hands Parker Industries over to him. You’d think this is a case of him passing it on to his relative Ben Reilly right?
He wants Ben to...literally become him.
Peter wants Ben to literally pose as him forevermore and run his company.
This is the most gamebreakingly stupid thing in the entire issue.
Ben having Peter’s notes doesn’t mean he’ll be able to pose as Peter.
He doesn’t know the in jokes Peter has with people. He has 0 experience of running a big company.
He has less scientific knowledge and experience.
He will be way worse in business negotiations because he hasn’t got the measure of people.
And he’ll be seriously stressed out because unlike Peter who just knows this stuff Ben will have to study for a lifelong performance as Peter Parker every moment of every day.
Not to mention is no one going to notice the sudden disappearance of Ben Reilly?
Didn’t he have friends or colleagues of his own like Lori from the start of the issue?
Peter starts the comic determined to not allow Parker Industries to fall into the hands of the war profiteer Tony Stark but by unloading his entire company onto Ben Reilly he’s placed it in a hugely vulnerable position that makes it MORE likely that it will be absorbed into Stark International.
Oh and of course there the teeny tiny problem of PETER AND BEN NOT LOOKING ALIKE!
Now realistically Peter and Ben Reilly, having lived such different lives, would look similar yet different, like identical twins. Identical twins might look the same at age 1 but they really wouldn’t at age 30 if one of them was a desk jockey and the other was a soldier.
But you know artistic licence and suspension of disbelief can bypass that.
What cannot be bypassed is when Mark Bagley is drawing both characters on the same page in the same panel and you can tell that they clearly look different to one another. Their faces, hair colour and hair styles are not the same.
Did Peter’s notes include the correct shade to dye his hair too?
But the biggest aspect of this which is betrayal pornoigraphy for Peter’s character is between handing over the reigns of Spidey and P.I. to Ben...how...the...Hell...is...that...at.all...responsible?
He claims that he can’t give up his responsibility but he can ‘shift it to where it matters’.
What a crock of shit. That’s some lame ass lawyer talk for giving up and letting someone else do your job for you.
In the 90s Clone Saga Peter’s retirement was justified. He had impending parenthood as a responsibility and he and his wife had nearly broken in recent months. In Spider-Girl he got his leg blown off and had a 2 year old child to care for.
In this? His ex-wife and children are doing just fine without him as far as we know but the city still needs Spidey and P.I. still needs Peter Parker.
So no, retirement under these circumstances is irresponsible and utterly unjustified.
Not to mention wouldn’t BOTH Peter and Ben being heroes be more responsible? Or at least have Ben take over hero work and Peter runs P.I., possibly training Ben up.
There is also this bullshit that because Peter is so loud and public Ben could never live up to his potential.
I’m sorry but what is it with the Spider-Man fandom’s obsession with the idea that success = owning your own business.
As if that is the one and only way Peter or Ben could fulfil their scientific potential. Why not work for Reed?
Why not work with a Think Tank?
Why not start up a company in a different country and establish that Ben is indeed Peter’s relative. He already had his last name in issue #2!
Hell the argument that if they both started up companies and 2 Spider Heroes showed up it’d raise questions doesn’t consider the ideas that:
a)      Ben could WORK for Parker Industries, thereby allowing Peter to be in the lab as he wants or Ben handle the lab work
b)      They could SHARE the Spider-Man identity, which if anything would help maintain their secrecy
 Finally this issue (and the last one) on the recap page and at the end of the story pushes some toxic, dated, bullshit narratives regarding MJ:
a)      That it was grief alone that hooked up Peter and MJ
b)      MJ is Peter’s Plan B
c)       Peter cannot be married/have kids and be Spidey
d)      MJ wouldn’t stay with him if he’s Spider-Man, hence he only regains his family by retiring from Spidey
 I’ve seen an assessment of this story that argues that issue #3 as the halfway point was the low point from which the character will gradually fight back.
In a sense issue #4 goes along with this idea. Peter is at his lowest in issue #3 and his happier by the end of issue #4.
But the narrative structure of this series, wherein each issue is a snap shot of his life in each decade leads me to think that we’re unlikely to have 2 more issues of ending on gradually happier and happier notes.
Rather I think this issue is giving a pretence of happiness before it comes crashing down next issue and then in issue #6 we will get our happy ending or a bittersweet exit.
Regardless writing these long ass posts has actually soured me even more on the issue.
It’s another shit show I’m afraid.
P.S. The solicit read:
“THE REAL-TIME LIFE STORY OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man’s life enters the 1990s! The COLD WAR is no longer cold as PETER PARKER returns to a world gone MAD! But will he let that madness infect HIM and his family?”
Where the fuck was any of that in this story?
Peter didn’t have a family, Peter didn’t return from anything, and the only madness to be found was in Ben and Otto.
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