#... now i'm just sad cuz i remembered that chances are i'll never get enough flow balls to get the good shop games
okay but there’s something weird to me,,, so barelys (early/late inputs) end perfect campaigns, aside from for a handful of games in ds (shoot-’em-up, frog hop and lockstep; i should note that despite this, they don’t count as hits in a regular gameplay, i.e. you could get a technical perfect in lockstep but still get a just ok), and those are the only exceptions,,, supposedly.
there’s actually another exception (maybe a couple but i just know one) that i’ve never seen anyone bring up: built to scale (fever).
so in built to scale, a barely presents itself as the rod bouncing at an angle with,,, i believe a doink but i don’t remember for sure, but it bounces to the next,,, thing fine. this doesn’t end a perfect campaign (at least in fever, not sure in megamix). as long as the rod gets bounced, the perfect campaign keeps going.
maybe people don’t bring it up because built to scale’s already so easy (i will admit it’s easy but it’s still pretty fun imo), but i’ve seen literally no one mention it and that’s really weird to me.
how do i know this, you may ask? i got several (i believe) barelys when i perfected built to scale and built to scale 2. granted, i might just be wrong and those just count as early/late aces/perfects/hits/whatever you call them, but i believe they’re barelys, yet a perfect campaign doesn’t end with one (as i said, in fever; in megamix i don’t have built to scale because it’s like eight flow balls? screwbot factory is cheaper than built to scale, where were their priorities??).
so yeah just something interesting i think people should mention; i’d include footage but idk if there’s any since i’m pretty sure the main perfect video for built to scale just has aces and i’ve already perfected built to scale + don’t want to install a rom of fever just in order to showcase this,,, i’m not even on the computer where i could-
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