#... also that second tag was a lie i'm a bit of a hater just in general
letsplayballet · 1 year
more p4g thoughts while i try to convince myself that afternoon nap is the mind killer (don't worry about the person trapped in the tv rn, they're fine, everything's fine)
not to start at the end, but:
man i thought the game was really pushing for you to be dating yukiko but wooooooooo boy did they ramp it up for rise
i hope over the course of her social link we get to see more of her aside from the weird hero worship crush she gets on just the main character even tho a whole group of ppl go in to save her... anyway..........
i hadn't met kanji fully last time so i want to be absolutely clear here: he's perfect and i love him
like i've liked chie, but kanji has just grabbed me, he's the world's most perfect boy and i want only good things for him always
he rides a bike! he makes elaborate handmade toys! he threatens people who have known him his whole life with redecorating! flawless, no notes
good things for kanji does mean kicking yosuke into the river, but that's fine, i'm fine with that
i know he's a huge fandom favorite (and also lual likes him, sorry i'm gonna dunk on your boy) but i'm just. waiting for when yosuke is anything? anything at all?
all he does is antagonize chie and/or kanji, complain about work, and ask mc about porn and sex. i've heard his rank 7 is "great" but his rank 5 was Terrible and his rank 6 was nothing! he doesn't deserve a "great" rank 7 there's nothing there to build from!!!!! why
also, i'm kind of upset that there's so little to yukiko? she's probably the only teammate that i like better in the group, bc then she gets a personality (even if it's mostly just being clueless and having a kind of strange sense of humor, it's something and it's fun)
still fucking FURIOUS that her social link ends with her wanting to stay in inaba and run the inn after all, bc i really don't think it's true. she's felt guilty the whole link about leaving, and she gets mad when the producer mocks her and her mother, and it feels like they're trying to conflate that with her actually wanting it when she's expressed multiple times that she doesn't!! that's what her whole fucking shadow was about!!!!!!!!!
............... anyway
side characters! aside from kanji, i prefer a lot of the side characters to my teammates, which makes me feel like i'm doing the persona wrong frankly
yumi is Wonderful (the guide i'm following for 100% has not had me spending time with her lately and i Miss her) and nanako is a perfect angel
i'm also really liking naoki! kinda wish he was on our team instead of yosuke, saki's death meant more to him and everyone in town are huge assholes to him bc of it, he deserves friends and the ability to kick ass
Ai is also really interesting! i don't know her all that well yet but i'm looking forward to learning more
hmm what else..........
rise's dungeon had fucking Fantastic music
(don't ask my opinions about the rest of the music in the game)
alright i've put off playing long enough, let's go maybe rescue Creepy Kid Who Hit On Yukiko Once (if he has a name i refuse to learn it, he makes me Uncomfortable)
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not-goldy · 11 months
Sometimes I wish Jimin stop being so secretive on cam and basically a wallflower. I wish he speaks up more and calls out BS immediately, especially during lives like JK/Tae or Joon does or is it because he doesn't get much wierd comments 🤔. Also stop being so fucking humble.. like sir you are a history maker, everything you release are organic hits, have a huge fanbase, your bdays are celebrated as Christmas day, why tf would you think you don't even deserve a music show win ?????? Own your success and skills please 🤧
And I also wish JK stop being so impulsive, saying and doing absolute dumbest things 🤧 sometimes he sounds like those cocky boys who will say they'll make you come thrice in a row and will climax within 2 seconds lol. He's so cocky; knows he's hot and his impact but at the same time he still don't know what he really needs. So I wish he becomes more mature and get his shit together asap
Maybe if they use share these qualities a bit with each other it will be fine lol. JK sharing some of his cockiness with Jimin so he can go 'yeah that me, Park Jimin' bitches 💅' and Jimin sharing some of his level headness with JK, so he can think before doing and saying some things 🥲
Idk how they are even navigating through their relationship when both are on opposite ends of attitude and lifestyles, like is that even possible ? Won't both parties get sick of each other soon? ... or maybe like you said JK is the freedom Jimin is craving for and Jimin is the leash JK very much needed 🤷‍♀️
Set me free was liberating for me and I think Jungkook too cos he stamped his approval on it like you could tell Jimin frustrates him sometimes with the kill them with kindness vibes he has going on.
And I know Jimin is not a push over too cos there's some really hard core ghettoness buried deep inside his slytherine heart- he is the master of self control cos I'll be getting canceled every second if I were him🥲🥲🥲
I'll be dropping mid night rants talking bout yall could never be me😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hash tag jealous
Hash tag up in your man's arms 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And he lowkey be shading too but we don't talk about that🥲
He's constantly trolling haters posting Jungkook shirtless, leaning on him kissing up on him daring yall to come for Kook if he's your mans💔💔💔💔
This literally him on these streets he eats and wink
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Shade is cool Jimin but throw the damn tree too🤣
They are both fascinating.
Oh lord not 2 seconds 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
You is going to hell for that😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Not gonna lie, I do enjoy his chaotic character most times. I'm big on diversity. If everyone acted the same way they'd be boring as hell plus I like my BTS a tad crackheads🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
JUNGKOOK'S a vibe. Not many idols like him. He be be tanking on the idol part sometimes- I don't think he even sees or thinks of himself as an idol😭😭🤣🤣
An idol is a whole personna carefully curated to appeal to an audience- when I tell you Jungkook ain't curating shit for no one and to please no one😭😭😭😭😭
Tell him to do aigoo I dare ya🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭
Sometimes I just play his memes and sleep. It's the new Netflix and chill for me.
Doesn't take himself too too serious, easy going non judgemental, quirky😭😭😭
And he is very relatable. We all don't say the right things all the time, or do the right things and overthink everything.
Some people don't find that attractive in Idols but I like it. That that I like that
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Im a bit of a crack head myself so.... anywho
For an idol, yea perhaps he could be a bit more controlled and polished but not too much cos then he'd lose relatability and seem outta touch.
Frankly I think they are both perfect as they are💀
I wouldn't change much but you are right they both could influence eachother a bit and they do TRUST. 💜
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be-side-my-self · 2 years
Geez, just bc someone doesn't share the same view as you on a character dynamic, doesn't mean they're automatically a bad person. What the hell does "I hope you'll understand emotions one day" even has to do with that person not being a fan of your favourite ship? That was so uncalled for. Way to make people hate your ship even more.
Very well...
First of all "someone" and I came to an understanding. We talked about it and everything is fine. I am thankful for her reaching out to me! And I'm sorry that her posting will be used as an example. But this is not about her which is why I'll use they/them to talk about this random "hater" I'll use in this post as well as a general "you" for them.
Let's get started.
So, should I have reacted to the post at all? Maybe not (but something positive came out of it so I'm even a bit glad). Did I let my emotions show? Of course (I was in a very bad mood that does not excuse it though). Could I have said all I wanted to say better? Oh certainly.
Because now I have to explain what I meant.
But first let‘s pull out the complete quote instead of just what you decided to focus on, anon.
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Hate is a strong word for a fictional ship… I hope you’ll understand emotions one day and then understand the different nuisance that can be read between Travis and Laura beside them being enemies or maybe partner in crime.
"I hope you’ll understand emotions one day" has nothing to do with a person not being a fan of "my ship". But it has all to do with the fact that they mentioned to hate one of "my ships" but then in the comments when people agree with them suddenly turns around and try to soften the blow. Which is understandable!
But that is what happened on that post. And it's okay to not like a ship. I agree with that. I have ships that I dispise. I steer away from them because there is no sense in attacking them. I would especially not compare them to "my ship" and tag it with the tag that is only for the enemy ship so the fans will see "the hate". Even if I didn't mean it. Even if it was just a joke. Humor is different for everyone as is taste. But not everyone is aware of that, not everyone understands how tumblr and fandom work so maybe pointing it out is a way to learn?
But certainly in a calmer way than I chose.
Now the reason why I said HATE is a strong word is very simple. I used to use it a lot, feel it a lot until I read Maskerade by Terry Pratchett and did some more growing up.
“But that was just it - hate was exactly the right word. Hate is a force of attraction. Hate is just love with its back turned.”
If you really hate something you'll return to it and you'll obsess about it. You'll go through everything about it just to make fun of it. It's also part jealousy and it will certainly burn up your energy and time. Let me quote Bender.
"Bender knows love, and love doesn't share itself with the world. Love is suspicious, love is needy, love is fearful, love is greedy."
I don't think that this quote is true for love. And the first part is not true for hate either because hate does share itself with the world. But the second sentence? That is hate. Suspicious, needy, fearful, greedy.
Anyway, all I know is my life got better after I started to understand this pattern. I tried to stop myself from hating. I still indulge in things I dislike but more out of curiosity and because I want to understand. Also I'm only human (and I guess a masochist). Emotions are a part of me and spite belongs there.
What is even worse about hating is that, you'll invite other people to hate along your side even if that is not your intention.
Because that too happened on the post.
You say you hate something and people will flock to it and agree with you in your hate. It happened on the post too.
"I love Ship A/B but I hate Ship C/D"
All comments and reactions (mine included) were about the hate of ship C/D.
And that is fucking scary! But as you make your bed, you must lie on it.
Wouldn't it be so much better if people joined together in their love for ship A/B?
And this is what I meant! You have to understand emotions, your own and those of others, to become a better person! To enjoy your fandom!
And that is not only true for fandom! It is true for every aspects of life!
Leave out the hate!
And this is not some new wave bullshit or some neurotypical love-life-laugh philosophy. This is a pattern you can see again and again and it will always be true.
I won't say no matter how *positive uwu* you are you won't not have to fight battles! But you can avoid them if you don't focus on stuff you hate! If you don't focus on stuff that makes you suffer!
Avoid! Block! Ignore! Not always your battle!
I know it's fucking hard to change your ways! But so worth it!
Like this fucking comment? What does it give you, anon?
While you, anon, was annoyed about me being annoyed about the post the whole thing already was solved in the background.
All you, anon, get now is a philosophical rant about focusing your energy on things you love and that trying not to hate on things is more healthy for your mind, dear anon.
Your battlecry ask has been uncalled for, anon!
As for people hating even more on "MY SHIP" because of this comment that I made on a post with a total of 44 notes, not one coming from my blog... I don't think that my reaction will add to the antis miserable hate any more.
They made up their mind. The two characters of "my ship" hate(1) each other and that is the only correct way to see it and everyone who sees it different is a sick fuck who deserves to fucking die or get jailed away for their thought crimes of shipping two adult fictive people.
I still hope for them that they manage to leave the hate behind themselves and learn an important aspect that now comes as another lesson.
Any interaction between two characters (or real people) can be seen as either romantic or platonic (or anything in between) depending on the own preference.
And that is even more true with games where you can make a decision as the player!
It's like with ink pictures. Everyone might see something different depending on your experiences, emotional state and hopes for the future.
I hope you have a great day, anon and that you learned something.
(1) which is one of the reasons why the fuck. Because hate has a very special pull close to love as established before.
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nancylou444 · 3 years
hi nancy!! it's this anon again; nancylou444 (.) tumblr (.) com/post/648381068911755264 / and i'm here to vent again, i guess. I hope you don’t mind me getting a little personal here lol... i think about you a lot, that’s why i’m here again. when you replied to those asks i sent the other day it was such a nice feeling, like maybe i am not bad like them. maybe i’m doing my stuff the good way. and yeah, like you mentioned, you don’t have me blocked nor have ever blocked me- (1/6)
(2/6) -so i guess that’s something? :) i feel like lately i’ve been giving up a little and have been a little more rude, said stuff i shouldn’t have said. fandom related and all, i mean. and i feel sad for it, because i don’t wanna get to the point of actually harassing people online or idk bad stuff hellers do, that’s why i came here. to clean my mind a little bit ig. you’re nice, i wouldn’t miss an opportunity to come into your ask box <3
(3/6) im not gonna lie, im no minor but i’m barely an adult, and it’s been kind of hard to develop my opinions on some things online, because i haven’t gotten to experience much from them. I used to think, specially when it came to spn which i always knew was a very divided fandom, that for example if you were on the destiel part of it you had to agree with everything they said, or if you joined the wincest part you also had to agree with it ALL. which of course i later figured out was bullshit.
(4/6) now i know that there’s a lot of things in both sides, and even in other sides like the sastiel or the megstiel, to agree or not agree with. hell there are PLENTY of things you have said i don’t agree with, but the right thing will never be going ‘stfu w*ncestie’ or something lol. maybe when i stop being a chicken and dm you instead of writing essays in anon asks we can debate about them…? would you be down for that? i would love to, you’re really cool and you could finally get to-
(5/6) -debate with someone who will not underestimate you for your ship, or everything that usually happens when you talk to hellers skdjfskk. the good thing here is that i know you’ll respect my opinions as long as i respect yours and so it goes. like i said, there’s a lot to agree and disagree with everywhere you look. we’re decent people, and i really feel like a nice person when i come into your blog !! i love deancas with my life and i don’t like wincest a bit, but you do-
(6/6) -and that’s what matters. gosh i can’t believe i’m on six asks now IM SO SORRY i got really excited about talking to you again. to conclude, life’s been busy. my blog’s been growing a lot (hit 1k!) and tbh i feel nice being nice. it’s good to spread the love. i love my part of the fandom a LOT, it’s been home, i just wish they would notice that. see you around, some day. you’re great, i'll come around. have an amazing night, keep on slaying 'em
First, as you can see, I've given you a tag of your own. Hope you like it. 💖💖
Second, I got a bit distracted by other things today, but I did promise that I would answer this, so I wanted to get to it before I forgot again.
LMAO, that is what my haters don't understand, how you present yourself is how I respond. I can talk about ANYTHING but don't treat me like garbage and expect me to respect you. Nope, not going to happen.
You would be amazed to know that my followers and I do not agree on everything. But we are adults, we tag accordingly and we blacklist accordingly. We agree to disagree on some topics as long as we have enough stuff to fangirl (or boy) over.
Oh yes, with the destiehellers, you are either with them or against them. We, wincest/bibros, don't have that absolute vision of the show. There are certain things I have issue with and I'm sure there are some posts of mine, that make my followers roll their eyes. But like I said, we agree on the big picture, the little details aren't important.
LMAO, I do come across as a bit aggressive, my darling, so no great rush to unveil yourself. In fact, over the years I've had a few anons that eventually got up the nerve to reveal themselves and we are now mutuals.
Not going to lie, I won't follow a destiel blog, but I might check in every now and then. I do have a destiel blog that has been gathering dust over the years. It has cute destiel fanart. Nothing graphic but cute fluffy stuff. My main issue with the ship ISN'T the ship, but certain crazed shippers.
So of course you can dm me and we can chat about stuff. ����💖
Nothing to apologize for, my darling. You feel safe in my askbox, and that's fine with me.
Is that 1k posts or followers? Either way, congrats.
Yes the fandom would be a lot happier place, if there was more love and less delusion.
Take care of yourself, my darling.
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