#... I do also think itd be really funny to add in some system where if you're playing Barbarian the soundtrack gets replaced by like
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the-punforgiven · 10 months ago
Thinking about the concept of making a fantasy game but making the Barbarian almost like, a joke class
Like, this guy runs headlong screaming into a dungeon wearing nothing but a fuzzy loincloth and two leather straps, packing turbo gym bro muscles so shrink-wrapped he looks like he's never had a full glass of water in his life and lives on a diet of nothing but raw protein powder eaten straight from the bucket, dude runs in howling like a wild beast into the dungeon with no supplies, no rations, no water, not even a backpack literally just One Single Iron Axe and just... goes in?
You gotta admit like, on some level that is a little silly, right?
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iheartsurveys · 8 years ago
01. What is a book that you really want to read? I just bought a book about the history of isis sooo that. Everyone I say that too I feel like I need to tag on that I was/am a crim major very into homeland security 02. What brand was the last lotion that you used? Bath & body 03. What color is your underwear? Gray and mint 04. What was the last type of cookie that you ate? Oatmeal choc chip 05. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? A beach. Or Italy, always Italy 06. What genre was the last song you listened to? Probably alternative 08. What sort of surveys catch your interest and which ones bore you? I like random ones that ask different questions. I hate ones that always ask the same stuff and like about relationships obviously because I'm single. Or when it's just a yes or no answer like some of those are fine but if the whole survey is like that it's boring 09. What books do you usually enjoy reading and which do you not enjoy? Honestly I'll really read anything. I love a good fantasy or a biography or something non fiction that's interesting. A lil action. Mild romance. The usual. I don't read straight up romance books like the ones the sell in cvs with half naked people on the cover. Not for me 10. What is something that you really want to try, whether it’s a hobby, food, etc? I'm trying to learn a new language on Rosetta Stone 11. What websites do you frequent most often? Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube mainly. And my school email. 12. What was the last thing you looked up online? I googled Daniel handler, lemony snickets real name, to see what he looks like/stuff about him 13. The last person you found attractive — what did they look like? Some dude on flea market flip lolll just your average white guy with brown hair he had a nice smile idk 14. If you could go back in time, would you prefer to go forward or backward? Well "going back in time" is backward...... But I'd prefer to go forward I think 15. Post a link to the last video you watched online. Nahhh that's too much work 16. Is there anything bothering you at the moment? I'm a little cold 17. What color was the last shirt you wore? Black blue and red. And I guess some yellow 18. What sort of things do you like to post or look at on Tumblr? Surveys obvvvvv. My old tumblr was random though I posted things I like like clothes or people or interior decor or landscapes or random shit 19. What scent was the last candle you burned? Mango dragonfruit, it's a bath & body candle 20. What was the last new thing that interested you? Why? A series of unfortunate events on Netflix. Because I loved the movie and the books back in the day and I love NPH and its just done really well, I'm obsessed 21. What type of people are you usually attracted to? I don't really have a set type, they're all a little different. Funny, smart, slightly douchey lol at least that's what my track record has been 22. Do you collect anything? If so, what? I have all the state quarters in a book, it was a lil thing my grandpa and I used to do. 23. When you look to your left, what is the first thing you see? What about the right? Tv to the left, tapestry to the right 24. What room are you currently in? My room 25. What color is the last blanket you used? Cream 26. If humans were able to colonize on another planet in the future, would you want to go? They're trying to do that on Mars, hellll no I would not 27. What color do you think looks best on you? Black 28. What do you smell like right now? Nothing really 29. If it was possible to celebrate a holiday everyday, which would you choose? Christmas would be fun but also itd get old 30. If you could compare yourself to a celebrity or character, who would it be? I'm so robin scherbatsky 31. Which male celebrities do you find attractive? Well we all know about 1d and I said recently Matthew gray gubler. Add Ryan Reynolds and gosling and Jake gyllenhaal and there's probably more but idk omg wait also Paul Rudd I love Paul Rudd okay that's all for now 32. Which female celebrities do you find attractive? Blake lively, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma stone, Margot Robbie, Lana Del Rey, etc 33. If you could marry one of your favorite celebrities and have a happy relationship until the end of your days, who would it be? Oh man. Honestly probably Harry styles. Maybe Matthew gray gubler if he was younger or I was a lil older 34. What song are you listening to at the moment? Nothing 35. What is currently on your desk? We have a desk in the office, my moms laptop and some papers and a lamp and the printer and desk organizer are on it 36. What brand is your computer? Dell 37. What are the last things you ate and drank? Ate an oatmeal choc chip cookie w milk. But I had water separately 38. Do you play video games at all? What systems do you own? I have a Wii but I don't play often really 39. What is the last video game you played? We played Wii sports on New Year's Eve 40. How often do you take naps and how long do they usually last? Idk, I usually nap on the weekends for sure and sometimes during the week. I usually nap for like an hour and a half. Or sometimes I won't set an alarm and I can sleep for 45 mins or 2 hours 42. Which season do you wish lasted all year? I do love spring but I think I'll say fall because it's so pretty and not humid 43. What is the last part of your body that itched? My leg 44. What are you getting/what do you want to get a degree in? Bs in crim 45. Is there anything that you should be doing right now? I told myself I was going to just watch Netflix but I decided to do one of these first 46. Is there anything you’re craving right now? Not really 47. Do you prefer regular or flavored coffee? What about regular or flavored creamer? I like flavored coffee. Or regular coffee with flavored creamer 48. How do you take your tea? I don't 49. Put your music player on shuffle and list the first five songs that pop up. Ride - Lana Del Rey Drunk in Love - Beyoncé Year 3000 - Jonas brothers Eventually - Tame Impala What the Water Gave Me - Florence + the Machine 50. Where were you born? NY
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