#.゚☆。'` | MAIN. 🍬 Canon BNHA.
irewiind · 5 years
@icypyre​ replied to your post:      ‘  What’s Santa?  Why does it break into our...
Now he teaches her a very important lesson on reality. “Eri, if anyone tries to enter into your home, immediately call the police.”
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      ‘  Anyone...?  Okay!  ‘  With the smallest run to the little phone  -  Eri takes a hold of it  ,  he’s also in her home - so this must mean that too!  ‘  110!  ‘  She mimicked  ,  beginning to press the numbers.
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irewiind · 5 years
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@nejiree-chan​ said: ' eri - neechan ! did you want me to braid your hair for you ? '
     Within her midst of attempts to wear Mirios’ School Blazer  ,  Eri paused to take a look over her shoulder.  Crimsons bore into the other  -  adjusting to the colors from the sunlight behind.  ‘  Nee-chan...?  ‘  Eri spoke  ,  slowly adjusting the already too long sleeves.  Determined to infiltrate UA as a secret student  ,  perhaps changing the style of her hair would help.  
Taking a comical nod  ( a habit mimicked from Mirio himself )  Eri quickly moved to the other  ,  holding up a crudely drawn ID card.  ‘  I want to be a studen too!  A super-secret student!  Can you help me?  We can be secret students together!  Pretty please!  ‘  Now raising her hand higher  ,  to allow the sleeve to drop to her elbow so that her hand revealed itself  ,  Eri held out two hairbands  ,  both having the simplest of bells attached to each one.
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     ‘  I want to see everyone, but they can’t recognize me!  It’s a secret!  ‘  For such a child  ,  this was a game  -  perhaps a game nobody would know she’s playing until hinted  ,  but a game that has her quite excited.  Although her goal was to simply surprise Mirio in her deeds of bravery.  Perhaps he’d enjoy the caramel apples too.
‘  And  -  And we have to hold hands because it’s important!  We can go get icecream after, right?  Please!  ‘
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irewiind · 5 years
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@eighthilles​ said: " Eri-chan !! What would you like for Christmas ?? "
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     For Christmas?  Ah  ,  it slowly caught to her mind he must have meant the holiday that Eri was required to celebrate - take part in  ,  now that she was free from her ‘ nightmares. ‘  -  Her eyes gazed away from the paper she’d been drawing over  ,  whether it was paper or homework from a certain blonde she’d taken to  ,  none would tell with the mass of color given from crayons.
If remembered  ,  Aizawa had taught her that Christmas was a time that people come together and gifted one another if they pleased.  That meant all the little gifts and treasures she’d compiled for those around her would need to be wrapped up.  Always to think  ,  she could ask Toshinori to help since he was already there.  But he’d asked her the most important question on his mind it seemed  ,  as abrupt  &&  loud as it came.  ‘  Mister Bunny...  ‘  Eri wasn’t used to recieving items unless it was in advancery to keep her quiet or to simply praise her on tests that she’d successfully co-operated with.
Despite it  ,  the thought of those who’d saved her  &&  those who were friends with said people brought her a smile ever so slight to her lips.  ‘  For Christmas, I want everyone to be happy...  ‘  Smiling much warmer at the elder  ,  Eri meant her wish in genuine heart.  ‘  Because that’s the greatest gift of all, isn’t it, Mister Bunny!  ‘
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irewiind · 5 years
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     The small found a nice comfy spot on the floor to nap..  It may be within the middle of the school halls, but there, she will place her pillow, there she may lay, her blanket tugged over her so cozily.  There she will nap.
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irewiind · 5 years
@surprisetrash​ replied to your post: “I am not babie!!  You’re babie!”
“You’re a sweet little kid who deserves to have aaaaall of the apples you want!!”
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“All the appies?!  Will you eat them with me?  Pretty please!  Pretty, pretty please!”
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irewiind · 5 years
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Sure it was late, with everything quiet  &&  still within the dormitories.  She came glad that her movement had found the practice in being quiet, in wake of not trying to wake any others up.  Her short cut of sleep that people had left her to do lasted only more than an hour or two till her body and mind soon became aware she was alone  &&  much less within the dark.  Her little toy torch only brightened a short pathed way memorized from the times she’d been to Mirios own room plenty.
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Another hand, gently brushed against the wall, crimsons warily watching whatever surroundings she was capable of seeing till suddenly a quiet voice broke the eerie silence.  A small, frightened jolt left her suddenly frozen from able movement, scared that her nightly wanders would gratify her in punishment.  Perhaps if she slowly turns about to see the bluer form standing calmly holding a phone to her hand had been another person other than Nejire, Eri might have cried for her safety.
Slowly she turned to properly lookup to Nejire, her voice quiet instill a concern for others slumber.  “I had a nightmare and my room is dark  &&  scary...”  Admittedly, nightmares came quite often for Eri even more so after her rescue.  “I’m sorry...I wanted to hide in LeMillions room quietly because it’s safe...”  Assumed her walking around hadn’t been so quietly judged, Eri now gazed to the ground in guilt.  “I’m scared...”
@sherose | Sentence Starters / Nejire.
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irewiind · 5 years
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“Hawwo-ween...”  The concept of Halloween so far was supposed to be a terrifying scene.  It was hard to grasp amongst the silly traditions people held amongst themselves, exclusively the ones that only happened once a year, such as Christmas  &&  Easter.  Tearing her attention away from the plushies she’d sat at the small table,  ( having the fairest tea party. )  Eri look towards him with a rather puzzled look.
It would be terrifying to be outside with those dressed in scary costumes, but Mirio  &&  Izuku themselves said they’d protect her, right?  Despite it, the costume she had in mind was rather cliché and not as scary as everyone else had attempted to be.  “May I dress up like LeMillion for Halloween, Tama-nii...?  I know they said I have to be a scary thing, but, I don’t want to be scary...”
At least the idea of dressing up was still in the air, whether it’d be of a certain someone or not.
@sun-eatr | Halloween Costumes.
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irewiind · 5 years
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“Are bunnies softer than kitties?”
@inkedwell | SC.
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irewiind · 5 years
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“Nee-chan, how many star twinkies are there in the sky?”
@sherose | SC. / Nejire.
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irewiind · 5 years
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“Appa Banana, can I please wear your color face thingies for a little bit, please?”
@todayradio | SC.
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irewiind · 5 years
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“It’s broken and I don’t know how to fix it...I’m sorry...”
@diistortia | SC.
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irewiind · 5 years
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“And then, I got stuck in the neck noodle!!  Like I’m stuck now! hehe!”
@historias-multorum​ | SC.
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irewiind · 5 years
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“And you can have the star stickers because you’re a star too!”
@oneshockyboi | SC.
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irewiind · 5 years
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This is her friend now.  “Long kitty!  Long kitty hehe,”  Yes.  Is she copying the Ferrets wriggles and rolls?  Indeed.
@aemulo | you’re not getting the ferret back.
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irewiind · 5 years
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Light giggles and bubbly laughs when he’d said those words.  Her previous ones were in a joking manner - had they been playing silly with one another, Eri hid behind one of the chairs within the students' lobby room, peering out with another laugh leave her lips.  It seemed quite fun to poke silly names at the students, especially when they played along to her newly found games.
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“I said, you stinky!”  Again, she babbled out, hiding completely behind the chair once more; containing the need to burst in giggles over such a simple meaningless word. 
@adhesive-king | random memes. not accepting.
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irewiind · 5 years
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She’d been up the nights before with incapabilities to find slumber a proper fit for her schedule.  It hadn’t affected her up until these last few hours of their day when her actions became much more clumsier and sluggish - attention often drifting away, zoning out, excessive yawning.  It all came to her sitting patiently while she’d color in the drawings she’d made for those around her; today was an Izuku portrait day.  Lots of green was put into her little masterpiece.
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Not having known for the blonde that had been watching her silently, possibly for most of the day since she’d been put responsible for with some of the students as Aizawa wouldn’t be able to make a proper appearance due to work.  So, when he decided to speak up to her - it made her jolt, more in surprise than fear.  Her little head slowly craned to his position, droopy crimsons staring at him.  Was it truly her bedtime?  No rejection made, yet a clumsy minute or two to stand up  &&  make way to his seat.
That, where she would climb into his lap, not a noise made from her when her hands locked into his shirt, softly grasping it.  It appeared she was going to sleep there, in his lap, without any sign of movement after she’d become comfortable.  Asleep?  Possibly, hard to tell with how quiet she had already been before.
@explcsvon​ | Exhaustion meme. not accepting.
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