#-pretend to join him so I can have a 0.1% better chance of saving stan.'
godsfavoritescientist · 6 months
portalswap au how would the immediate aftermath play out... one idea I have is that Ford writes another 2-page-spread wildly-scribbled "my muse was a monster"-esque thing in j3 about Stan that's like "NO!!! STANLEY YOU FOOL!!!!! Why did I ever think asking my stupid brother for help was a good idea?! We very nearly ended the world! He is gone forever! What have I done?!" Ford tries to convince himself that he's mad at Stan for "fucking things up irreparably" but he can't make himself believe it. By the end of the night he is being eaten alive by guilt. He writes in his journal "yeah he was probably a conman and a criminal but how does that compare to getting one's own brother involved in such dangerous matters as I myself am ensnared in? I all but sentenced him to death, and for what? one last chance to see my brother before I either die or drag this world into an apocalypse? He was right to try to burn my journals. There is nothing worth remembering of my legacy. I've never been anything more than quicksand to the people around me, dragging them down into fates worse than death. Bill only accelerated the monstrous path I was always destined to walk" etc, just the most miserable horrified self loathing rant you've ever read in your life
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