#-likes what you're doing to the point they can recognize your artstyle
mellosdrawings 7 days
Which numbers have you done for the fandom/fic ask? If you haven't done 24 can you?
Thank you for asking o/ So far I've answered to 3, 5, 6, 14, 21 and 22.
24. Funniest fandom related story
Ok, dunno if it's that funny but storytime, guys.
When I was a young teen, I had a Skyblog (the frenchies should know what I'm talking about). That was my very first social media, I used to post One Piece fanarts and fanfics, I would read a whole lot of fanfics and original fictions, I got three or four online friends I would talk with (one of them turned out to genuinely despise me and wouldn't say it to my face but that's another story). Long story short, I was kind of a popular blog? Like, it worked well.
So anyway, I ended up closing it coz I grew up and got in highschool and didn't have as much time and just generally didn't care all that much anymore (plus Skyrock ended up dying so no blogs anymore).
In highschool, my class and a few others went to Paris to visit museums and all, and we went there by train. I got bored so I started drawing, and the girl next to me started watching. And watching. And watching.
And suddenly she says "Wait, you're [old handle]?"
The cold dread and cringe I felt. Someone I now knew was familiar with all the shitpost I made when I was 12.
Those ridiculous feelings aside, we had a fun time in that train. We talked about One Piece and I told her what the end of the fanfic I wrote and discontinued was and she was genuinely the sweetest girl ever. I ended up giving her the drawing I was making.
We never really talked after that, but that's definitely the day I realized all those numbers on my screen were actual, real people. That was a shock for my 16 years old self.
The other fun fandom story I have is the one time I've spammed comments so much on all the Twst related fanfic of one author, and did like two fanarts for them, that I ended up making a friend.
Basically I became friends with someone because I was unhinged about their work lol. Tested and approved method 馃憣
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automaticdata 23 days
HGCZ live reactiony stuff pt 1
I have never done a live reaction thing before so I am probably going to do this very wrong, but here goes nothing.
This post covers the first two stories in the zine, will react to more later. <3
Even before I get to the actual content, omg that warnings page. It is a thing of beauty. Trigger warnings for a lot of things people don't often warn for, with a link to see which stories contain what, and graphics and explanations of each one. 10/10 would be warned again.
The nitpicky part of me went "that's not how mutations work" for the intro to Hermitopia, and was quickly silenced by the part that was going "ooooh but it's cool sounding so who cares." It means we get a world that's in upheaval from these changes instead of one that's adapted to them already, and storylines where people used to be "normal" and changed into something cooler different.
"TCG" as Threat Control Group, lol.
"The First Battle The Most Epic and Heartwrenching and Harrowing Battle of the Turn of the Century": immediately Joel and Lizzie have an awesome dynamic. I haven't read a lot of stories with them, but this Joel as the guy who's kind of being pulled along for the ride while Lizzie is super into the whole hero/villain/story thing is pretty cool.
"Give me all your catsh" I love how HotGuy is like. Reworking the story, and how Lizzie is here for it. Also Lizzie wanting all the cats >>>>> Lizzie wanting all the cash.
HotGuy and Lizzie Gal treating the whole thing like a D&D encounter, love it.
"I can also talk to cats!" (Joel holding up a sign that says "The cats don't talk back") This humor is amazing I love it.
Lizzie scrawling "You're no fun at all" after HotGuy zips her lips. XD
J: "Silencing women? That's kind of problematic of you, Average Guy --" HG: "YOU KNOW WHAT JOEL ISN'T HERE ACTUALLY IT'S JUST LIZZE" lol.
(Gah the nook app displays the pages wonderfully when it decides to load them without a huge freaking pause wtf are you doing I have this downloaded there should not be lag)
... I have a feeling that Lizzie Will Remember That.
Scar getting completely sidetracked because he needs a good catchphrase lol.
The stat thing is so cute. "Spice tolerance: 0. Love of Jellie: off the chart."
Meet Cute:
oh hey I recognize this artstyle XD
Okay so I haven't actually ever given a reaction to DDVAU so a lot of the reactions I'm having to the art here apply to both this story and DDVAU but it still works okay D= Anyway - I love the art style, it is my jam. I especially love the design of Cute Guy's face, and I'm glad they kept that from DDVAU and carried it over here. The shadows from the wings/magic/whatever it is creating a mask-like thing around the eyes is a really cool effect. Also amused that HotGuy's boob window has stayed. It's just so him. XD
HotGuy I know those wings and uh yeah pretty sure not a villain (though Cut Guy could definitely pull off being one). Of course Scar HotGuy shoots first and asks questions later, lol.
Cute Guy being 110% done is <3
That shot of Cute Guy pointing the arrow at him is like. Very close to the pose I drew once for Grian taunting/flirting with Scar, and even though I know Cute Guy doesn't intend it I'm just. I can unsee it as flirting.
Cute Guy wearing pink converse sneakers is something I did not know I needed in my life. XD
"What just happened?" Scar HotGuy, if I know anything about HotGuy & Cute Guy AUs, you just fell in love at first sight. XD (Don't actually know if that's the case but lol I'm going with it)
Pausing for now, will read/react to more later.
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blueskittlesart 2 years
Hey, I've quickly become a bit obsessed with your sword of fate au, and I had like a couple questions about what it would actually be like as a game. First off, open world or linear style quest like the old games? Also, what style would you want art-wise? Botw, or more cartoony, or something else? And is zelda a princess, and you go to the castle, or not? Just curious, thanks!!
yeahhh ok so i think it would be linear quest style, more similar to like wind waker almost where the world is TECHNICALLY open but certain things have to be done in a specific order to progress the story. i've got it set up like the older zelda titles with 3 dungeons/inciting incident/6 dungeons/final boss fight.
artstyle wise.. i mean i would like it to be as similar to the style i draw in as possible tbh since i just cant picture the characters any other way. idk how well my style would translate to like. 3d models tho. in terms of like environment artstyle i think i'd like to find a happy medium between skyward sword and botw, with the brighter colors and more cartoony solid shapes of skswkind of merged with the realism botw has, if that makes sense? i think most zelda games really benefit from bright colors and stylized art so i'd definitely want some of that vibe in sof.
zelda is a princess!! sof takes place fairly close to the beginning of hyrule's existence (around 200-300 years after sksw i think) so this zelda is actually the first reincarnation in the line after sksw zelda. She is a princess in title, but since hyrule is still a really young nation at this point the royal family's authority isn't super absolute and hyrule is really just kinda a scattering of human settlements that like. technically recognize the royal family's authority, but there's not a ton of governing power.
you do spend some time in the castle, but the castle isn't the final battle's loaction--that's the temple of time, where the secondary antagonist brings zelda and the 6 sages in order to revive demise. the game would actually start in the castle, with link as a stablehand and zelda as his bestie. you learn why link's there--he's trying to get information on his missing (kidnapped) sister--and that he's been there for a few months with no luck, and our inciting incident happens; another kidnapping. there are a lot of kidnappings in this story because, as i mentioned, it's structured like older zelda games and those games fucking loved kidnapping women. i can go into more detail about the actual story of the game if you're interested but it's basically standard zelda structure lol. the beauty of this franchise is that a lot of the story is written for you via the nature of the lore
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