#-like no he doesn't he just cares about you both that he looks after you both and you take advantage of that
viharbinger · 21 hours
If you haven’t done it yet
Would it be a problem if you wrote Kenji sato dating headcanons?
Thank you in advance <3
Ken Sato Dating Headcannons
pairings: Kenji Sato x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of marriage
a/n: Ty for requesting this I luv doing hcs
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Bike Dates
— Oh yes. He's going to take you out on romantic dates on his bike. He'd get you a helmet to your own liking as well, with all that money he has lying around
Of course if you don't like riding bikes, you can always ride with him on his 20 other different expensive sport cars.
But with the bike, he'd make sure you don't feel uncomfortable and if he feels you slipping your hands away from his waist, he'd pull it back up at a red traffic light. "Keep that on me, ya?" His voice was muffled over his helmet and the humming of the bike, yet it was so attractive, your cheeks were flushed.
First Aid
Of course..... Being the significant other of Tokyo's Ultraman and a famous baseball player means you've got your work cut out for you. It isn't uncommon for him to come home looking like a beat up puppy.
"I think you should stop acting like a big jerk to the Tigers." You grimaced looking at his black eye, before cleaning the other injury on his cheek. "Oh yeah? You should see the other guys- Oww....." He winced when you dabbed his cheek gently with a wet rag to prepare a clean base to put a bandaid on.
After getting patched up by his sweetheart, the only thing that concerns him right now is to get a good night's sleep. With you, of course. He can't get enough of your body warmth, especially during the winter. Some nights after he's had a bad day, he would often sleep on your lap or his head on your chest in a fetal position.
But most nights, it would be you laying your head on his chest, arms wrapped around his waist and engulfing in his scent. He loves your cuddles so much, he starts owning a bolster for whenever you're not home to replace the missing feeling of your body.
Baseball and Fame
VIP tickets to every game he's in. He wants you to watch him really good, he's got a special fan to impress alright? He'd shoot a wink your way, making other fans think it was for them, making you stifle a giggle.
He would teach you the basics of baseball so you know what exactly he's doing, and if he were to ever go away on a big trip for baseball you'd make him tell you all about his games you never got to see. And luckily, because he taught you the basics, it doesn't sound like a big blur to you!
Ken would also talk about you a lot during press interviews. He doesn't care about being a hot single baseball player, he wants the whole world to know that you're his one and only, and he's definitely gonna put a ring on it someday.
He always gives you short kisses before he leaves for work like modelling for a canned drink brand, Ultraman or said press interviews. He never leaves home without a kiss! Don't expect him to walk out that door without any type of kiss from you.
If you're angry and decided not to give him a kiss, he'll get grouchy and pouty. If it's gone long enough, he'll start begging and start kissing up your hands looking up at you with needy eyes. You can't leave that poor man without a kiss!
In the morning when you've both just woken up, he likes a long sweet kiss from you before he gets up to shower. He'll cup your cheek to pull you in, never caring for the fact that both of you had morning breath. He loves your kisses and he won't live without it, point blank.
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jeonginsleftcheek · 2 days
In the bus with bf!Skz
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pairing: ot8 x gn!reader
description: how the members act while traveling with their s/o by bus. who are you gonna sit next to?
genre: fluff
a/n: i know this is specific lol but i had to travel sick(🫠) & i slept in the bus & this is what i thought of, reblog if you liked it🫶🏻 (also these pics of minho aaaa)
~check out my: Masterlist
The type of person to point everything out excitedly.
"Look, y/n! Look! Cows!"- your boyfriend exclaims.
"Where, where?"- you look up from texting your friend.
"There, on that hill! They look so tiny from here."- he smiles.
"They do."- you chuckle.
"Hi cows!"- he waves at them before you pass them by.
Whenever he sees something interesting he points it out to you. Somehow doesn't get sleepy at all (he's too excited, bless his heart) but you do.
And you fall asleep on his shoulder. He doesn't even notice at first because he's talking about something you just drove by, but when he does he smiles fondly at you and stops talking. He leans his head on yours and continues looking through the window, a smile on his face the whole time.
Lee Know:
I feel like he gets restless at first. Talks about random things, drops random facts on you and sings under his breath because there are people around you.
You talk to him for some time, before he leans back and just looks out the window. You pull out your phone to play a game and Minho is interested once again.
"What are you playing?"- he leans in.
"Just candy crush, nothing exciting."
"Can I watch?"- he asks.
"Knock yourself out."- you chuckle.
And he does - falls asleep 2 minutes into watching you matching candies and sleeps until you arrive.
Talks the whole bus ride. Like about anything that comes to his mind. Really talks your ear off and you find it funny.
Will suggest a stupid little game like 20 questions or two truths, one lie. You're having fun, not caring that some people are turning around and looking at the both of you making a ruckus in the back (yes, you're one of those people).
It's just that you tend to forget the world around you whenever you share laughs with Binnie.
When you exhaust all the silly questions you can, you lean on his arm and listen to him talk until you drift off to sleep.
He plays with your hand, burying his face in your hair. He thinks you're adorable when you sleep on him like that.
He might fall asleep too but only for a short while, waking up before you arrive and also making sure you're awake and hydrated before you leave the bus.
Another one who points at stuff excitedly.
"That cloud looks like a cat!"- your boyfriend says.
"Really? It looks like a toaster to me."- you look through the window.
"What? Where did you get that?"- he laughs. "It's literally a- oh wait, now it does look like a toaster!"- he exclaims, as the bus moved forward, making all the clouds become different shapes than they were before.
"The sunset is so beautiful. I wanna paint it."- Hyunjin holds your hand (probably the whole ride).
Sneaks in quiet kisses the whole time.
You lean your head on his shoulder and he's so comfy so you fall asleep.
Hyunjin caresses your head while you're sleeping, leaving little kisses in your hair.
Sharing headphones. For about the first 20 minutes into the drive and then you're both out cold. Y'all better have those neck pillow things or your necks will hurt when you arrive at your destination. Both of you sleep through the whole ride, heads thrown back, mouth open, even snoring a little.
You probably wake up first, before you're about to arrive and you're confused and thirsty. After drinking some water and coming to your senses, you check on your boyfriend and he's still sound asleep. You gently shake him to wake him up and he whines, "five more minutes!".
"We're almost there, bub."- you say.
"Oh."- Jisung frowns, sitting up and you chuckle at his cute face. His hair is messy, one eye is still closed, and he looks at you like you've woken him up from the best sleep he ever had (you didn't).
You can't help giving him a few smooches while he's still trying to remember his existence.
Decides that he definitely wont fall asleep this time. You're sharing headphones too, listening to music and talking occasionally.
And then Felix falls asleep ofcourse, and you can see that he looks uncomfortable so you lean his head on your shoulder. He finds your hand and holds it while he sleeps.
Ends up nuzzling into you more and more as the ride goes on, effectively cuddling you like a koala while you're chilling and listening to music.
You giggle quietly and hold your sweet boyfriend while he sleeps.
"I didn't sleep that long, right?"- he asks hopefully when you arrive.
"Oh no, not at all. Only almost the whole ride."- you chuckle at his pouty face.
Such a chill ride with Seungmin. He's probably listening to music and looking out the window, you have your legs on his thighs, your head on his shoulder and you're reading a book.
It's like you're enjoying a quiet moment with your lover, both of you unaware of other people in the bus. He looks down at your book after some time and starts quietly reading with you.
You look up at him after some time, so he turns off his music and asks you about the characters in your book.
You talk quietly, playing with his hands as you look out the window and he listens to you carefully, enjoying the sound of your voice.
Excited. So excited. He can't wait to get to the destination. Plans everything you'll do when you get there and then goes over the plan twenty more times.
Does not let you have a moment of peace. You wanna listen to music or sleep? Say goodbye to that, you have to go over the list of things your darling boyfriend wants to see.
He actually looks up the history of some buildings and sculptures and starts talking about them.
"Okay, tour guide, save some for when we actually get there."- you chuckle and he pouts.
"I'll have you know, I'm full of fun trivia."- he smirks and you laugh, smacking his arm.
"I'm sure you are."
✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg @velvetmoonlght
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salsakiyoomi · 1 day
Hmm, how would drummer Sukuna react to finding out reader had sex with someone else?
a/n : this idea has been nagging me for a while and this is my excuse to write it now
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sukuna's heart almost stops.
it almost stops as he watches you walk out one of the most famous fuckboy's dorm, in your clothes yes, but looking disheveled, with hair that's definitely been tugged on and hickeys covering your neck, and a manly cologne that was most definitely neither his or yours. 
what was the meaning of this? why did he have to be here at this exact moment to see you like that?
your eyes catch his and you're wondering whether you should talk to him or not.
probably not.
so you clear your throat and you turn the other way, as if he wasn't standing right in front of you.
he’s shocked, because how could you?
“y/n.” he calls out, his voice stern but you don't acknowledge him, he doesn't know what's up with you this time, whether you're mad at him or the other dude has gotten to you.
all he knows is that he doesn't like you ignoring him and he's not sure why.
he shouldn’t care.
sukuna trudge over to you, grabbing your arm and forcing you to look at him, “i called for you.” he tells you, a scowl on his face — why were you avoiding him like that? he hasn't fucked up that bad yet — i mean, sure, the both of you haven't been hanging out much and it was a month since you last had sex but still.
“what do you want?” you ask, you still won't meet his eyes, avoiding them like they're the plague — but most of all, you seem nonchalant, too nonchalant.
“what's the meaning of this?” he asks and he can't tear away his eyes from the hickeys adorning your neck and probably other places as well — only he can leave those marks on you, nobody else.
it doesn't sit well with him that somebody else, especially a fucking fuckboy who practically lives in the frat house, having his hands all over you in that way, his lips on yours, on your skin, his body against your and —
sukuna doesn't want to think about it.
you scoff, rolling your eyes, and you tear your arm away from his grip, crossing your arms, “the meaning of what, ryomen?”
“the meaning of this.” he almost seethes, gesturing to the marks on you, “what's this about?” 
“what, like you care?” you say, and this time, you meet his gaze, and he’s not sure if he likes the defiant look in your eyes.
does he care? of course he does. otherwise he wouldn't have been fucking you for this long.
“of course i do.” he huffs, but it comes out quiet and almost meek.
of course he cares about you — he doesn't like you sleeping around with other people, you were supposed to be his.
“well, you shouldn't,” you tell him, the frown on your face prominent, “we're not exclusive after all, are we?”
he knew that that would come back to bite him in the ass, and now was the time.
it's true, in the past year the two of you have been sleeping around, sukuna has made it painfully clear that this was nothing more than just sex and having fun for the sake of it — you've nagged him about it more than once, you didn't like him sleeping with other girls either but it's not like he ever stopped.
sukuna didn't do love, never has, and never will.
but now, your words really hurt him.
at his stretched silence you sigh, turning away from him, “later, ryomen.” you call out as you walk away from him.
and he's left all alone in the hallway with a heavy heart.
jealousy wasn't a thing he's ever felt before, and it didn't sit well with sukuna.
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1864reruns · 1 day
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ౨ৎ zoro, sanji, ace, law & "casual" relationships
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2024 ©1864RERUNS
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includingㅤ━ㅤroronoa zoro, sanji vinsmoke, portgas d. ace, trafalgar d. law
tag(s)&warning(s). drabbles, gn! reader, sfw, slightly suggestive, we all yearners here, nothing new, little bit of angst, fwb's and/or lack of labels
from vyon. my intention was to have reader upset on the dynamics of their relationship but i can't see any of the op boys/men loving casually (apart from a couple sluts... shanks.. jokes :p), their love runs so deep, it governs their every move soooo :3 sorry if that was what you were expecting, but i was also expecting that until i started writin for zo and the rest jus followed; i wanted to add lufs, but i feel like if he loved you, he'd make it known and apparent, he leaves no room to doubt when he loves
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zoro, unsurprisingly, doesn't indulge in casual relationships. nothing in his life has ever been casual for him, not his swords, not his captain, not his crew, and it certainly won't be you that he'll ever feel casual about. it starts small, it starts stupid, it's a stroke of impulsivity and that's his downfall. the swordsman dwells on the immediate here and now often. though of course, zoro has long–term plans with his life, but a lot of the details between his current now and the promised future are blurred, unclear— which allows him enough space and flexibility to adapt to any new situations that he's thrown into. he's diligent and stubborn, but smart enough to know that it's necessary not to be so rigid and headstrong.
when you become casual, it's like something in him has been satisfied, a ruining ache that'd had settled below the scars he'd first received from mihawk stops hurting. your hands smoothed over his skin, your large smile thrown over your shoulder with the sun melting over your features, your warmth so sticky and humid when you sneak into his hanmock— he warns you that he's sweaty from training but it doesn't deter you, telling him that you're also sweating from running around with your captain all day. you'll both just have to take a shower later, you tell him and zoro naturally imagines himself trailing after you into the bathroom with no incentive. it all becomes so natural that luffy, nami, chopper, everyone begins looking for you when it's zoro they want. admittedly, there's still a dull sting where the ache used to lay sometimes. when your head nods down, your body stretched out on top of his, and you press your lips so slow, so sweet against his own that he thinks the next words to leave your lips when you pull away will be a confession. a declaration that might make his own promise to become the best swordsman pale in comparison. but old wounds scar, and those scars hurt when you press down on them because they're so deep.
that's why zoro still feels the ache sometimes when your entire weight presses him down, rendering him immobile— him, a swordsman, immobile. he's allowed your marks onto his back, there's so much softness in how he touches you and yet. there's still nothing tangible.
sanji wouldn't settle for a casual relationship unless it's the only thing he could get and unfortunately, it's the only thing he thinks he'd be capable of having with you. no matter how tall, how gentlemanly, how sweet, generous, attractive sanji was, there's something inherent in him that makes the thought of having you promised to his heart incomprehensible. without that tangible promise, there's nothing there for him to inevitably destory; no heart of yours left in the care of a vinsmoke and he believes it to be for the best.
despite how his heart lurches whenever you sneak up on him in the kitchen, despite your footsteps already so familiar to his heart that it immediately accompanies the dull beating that sounds in his ribs as you draw yourself closer and closer, wrapping your arms around him and leaning yourself onto him. despite how it's like you trust him as your weight falls onto him, despite how you relax as his arm reaches back awkwardly just to accommodate you, laying on your waist. despite the domesticity you offered as a lingering kiss on his cheek and ask him what he's making. despite it all.
he knows he wants something more— robin learns he wants something more when she becomes a witness to the decision to allow his fist to fall on the face of creep that had followed you all the way back to the sunny, but it's knowledge that'll always be foreign to you. it's haunting still, as you hold his hands in yours and dab a cotton soaked in antiseptics on his knuckles. his fingers tighten around yours when you finish, drawing away to put the first aid kit back and he pulls you back. just for a moment, whilst the skin of his hands are raw and bloody and weak enough not to hurt your heart if you ever decided to hand it over.
ace thinks himself capable of keeping things casual, foolish really when he pauses long enough to remember that his entire being was moulded from love. though it helps that he's such a notorious pirate, from such a notorious crew; it helps him pack up with excuses of having things he needed to do, people he needed to see, and people to avoid. he doesn’t stick around one place for too long, an enigmatic and mysterious enough man to make a decent night to tell friends about. he's content with that, whitebeard either doesn't know or doesn’t care, and his crew can't complain since he doesn't ever bring them on board. (though marco sometimes makes him go through very specific check ups that he gets teased for. even then, the trail of hearts he leaves behind is fairly scarce despite how his crew paints him out to be.)
that's why it's surprising for his crew to see him come back to the docked moby dick on an island under whitebeard's protection with someone trailing behind him. some of them hang from the guard rails, watching with interest as he spreads his arms towards his father's ship with a proud smile that only grows to look like it's tearing through his skin as your eyes widen in amazement. he hangs around the dock with you for a while longer, talking your ear off it seems as his fellow pirates swap places watching their commander. when the sun begins setting, ace is waving goodbye to you with a smile that's promising his return and immediately gets teased when he shoots himself up in a pillar of fire to get onto the ship. (the pirates ignore the way he looks over his shoulder to see if you've seen it.)
though surprising, they think they've seen the last of the unlucky soul ace has bought close to the moby dick until they're two days worth of sailing away from that island and he's scrunching his nose up at a sheet of paper, humming and making loud, annoying noises until someone else cuts in and asks what he's reading. a letter, he states. who's sending his ass letters? they wonder. the letters persist. a few months later, they're rounding back to that island because there'd been trouble there. whitebeard thinks it's lucky that ace was off on his own business when he'd gotten the news but when he makes it to the island, there are flickers of flames so vibrant and tamed that could only belong to his son. it takes a while for things to calm down, but ace is holding someone close to his chest as he pushes through the rooms of the moby dick, shouting for marco.
whilst marco is watching over you, whitebeard has to order ace away from your side to talk to him. it's customary for whitebeard pirates to introduce their lovers to their father, he tells ace. ace's face scrunches up, a flicker of regret. it's nothing like that.
law is a realist, a man of science, only convinced by facts and straightforward reasoning. love has neither facts nor straightforward reasoning; it's not something he can study to understand better, he has nothing to cut open, to observe in different conditions under a microscope. the body's desires, on the other hand, is easily explained by science. even then, law isn't one really to have desires often. they're unlikely and rare, but they happen sometimes and he rations that it's simple biology to wake up with his pants uncomfortably tight.
knowing you well enough, law's no stranger to the fact that you're not someone that can be easily swayed enough to the delusions of love after a few nights together— you're smart. though the first time is a simple accident. days, weeks, months of being stuck in the polar tang around his crew with no space or privacy to take care of himself, it only takes a couple lingering touches and a misguided conversation for law to reach out. after, you both come to an agreement that'll simply help you both let off some steam. it's easy, it's simple, until it isn't and law finds out that he was a stranger to himself and he finds that he is someone that is easily swayed by delusion. he rationalises it as a physical attraction.
then, you are separated. he misses his crew of course, and when the thought hones in, detailing out the features of you that he'd missed, he rationalises and he rationalises. luckily, with the arrival of the strawhats and their reckless captain, law has barely any time alone with any thoughts that aren't doubts about teaming up with them and more and more plans to counteract the ones that had been messed up. somehow, magically, luckily, it all works out. for the first time in a while, his mind is quiet. he doesn’t think of you or the strawhats. his mind strays further back to a certain love that'd left him starved, crawling in the shadow of the words that'd been governing him for a long time.
and of course, because nothing in his life ever goes his way, he's shook awake, forced to face his raw and unadulterated feelings with no way to rationalise. don't try to find a reason for someone's love, whilst poetic and helpful in another context, law finds many reasons why he loves you and none of them belong to the categories: fact or straightforward reasoning. he dreads returning to you and having to force his love back under those two genres.
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st-danger · 14 hours
I have a request: a hookup that keeps getting interrupted. They're trying to fuck and someone interrupts with urgent business and damnit, it'll have to wait. A quick handjob before mass but ahh fuck they're supposed to do something for Papa and it'll have to wait. Until they finally get a minute alone and just end up grinding against each other for a second before one of them comes in their pants. Nice and quick and unexpected. And then the other get pressed against the wall and a hand on his dick through his pants until he's coming too. Pairing of your choice but you know what I like better than anyone xx
The first time they're interrupted four hours earlier, it's by an exceptionally flustered Nihil who, apparently, spends more time in the library than either of them thought, it was funny even through the mild frustration. A bit disappointing, of course, but they both have to agree that the look on his face was undoubtedly worth it. Nihil, or rather his ghost, calls after them, whining about wanting to watch. That part isn't as funny and Dew miming retching over the thought? Aether would agree.
"He's dead," Dew mutters as they stride out of the library with haste. "How the fuck is he horny."
"Not to worry. I'm sure you'll be a pervert when you're dead, too."
"That's actually really nice," Dew says. "Knowing you believe in me." Aether places a small kiss to the top of his hair and sighs heavily.
"C'mon," he says. "Make it up to you later."
Later, as established, is four hours later, having blown through the list of daily tasks as fast as inhumanely possible. A quick nod from Aether is all it takes, and while they don't exactly run (a purposeful speedwalk, he'd say), they still manage to almost knock over a Sibling going round a corner. Aether apologizes, Dew does not.
He has him against the door the moment it's shut, shoving him into it, Dew's back hitting the wood with a thud. Hands much more careful that they were a brief moment ago come up to hold Dew's face, cradle it and hold it still so he can duck his head and lick into his mouth. Dew has fistfuls of his shirt, pulling him in close. Preventing him from leaving.
"Can I have your mouth?" Aether breathes against his neck, peppering it with sucking kisses, a line that begins underneath his jaw and ends under his ear so he can scrape his teeth against the lobe. "Been thinking about it. Would you? Please?"
"'course," Dew nods, hands flying to the snap on Aether's trousers, unbuttoning and shoving the zipper down before wriggling out of his grasp enough to drop to his knees and violently tug both the waistband of the jeans and underwear down to pool at Aether's feet. He's not even hard yet. Plump, sure, but like this, Dew can take the entirety of him into his mouth. He does so now, no preamble, no looking him in the face while he slaps the head against his tongue. Sucks him all in at once and swirls his tongue, massaging as he feels Aether start to fill out for real, and when he's hard enough Dew can't keep his nose pressed into the nest of soft curls at the base, he pulls off with a pop, jerks him so he can tilt his head and kiss on his balls. Aether pets his hair, head back, enjoying.
"Don't think you're gonna finish in my mouth," Dew warns. "Inside or not at all." He still sucks until the meat of his thighs are trembling, until he has to pull his own cock out because it's too uncomfortable to keep it straining against his pants.
When Aether finally gets him on his hands and knees, slides a lube drenched finger inside him in one slick glide, the only sound Dew can give is one of relief, a pleased exhalation into blankets. In, out. Petting. Searching. Curling until he earns a low grown.
"That it?" he asks. Like he doesn't know. Normally Dew would have a snippy remark towards a question like that, but it's a sign of just how much he wants more that he says nothing save for another moan and a nod of his head.
"Hurry," Dew urges, "and I'll let you put a plug in after."
Aether isn't weak, per se, but the idea that he has any control left after being told Dew is wanting and willing to keep his cum inside after is a joke. One, two, and then three drilling in and out while the heavy strokes against a special spot force Dew's cock to drool out pre onto the bed sheets. He's just slicking himself up when a cruel thing happens.
The second interruption is so far from funny.
Someone knocks on the door like they're trying to break it down, and they both startle, Aether jumping more than Dew only because he's sitting up and not face down ass up, presenting his hole to be used thoroughly and well.
"What?" Aether growls, rubbing the wet head of his cock against Dew's rim.
"Imperator wanted me to come find you," comes Rain's muffled voice, urgent and uncomfortable as he'd clearly been the target of her ire. "Mass started fifteen minutes ago and Copia-"
"Fuck," Dew mutters, shoving himself away with great difficulty. "This was- fuck, he's making an announcement, we were told-"
"Not to miss," Aether says, his excitement deflating and quickly being replaced with a mild panic.
"Yeah, the thing she told us not to miss." Dew grabs one of Aether's used shirts from the floor and starts cleaning himself up before he can protest the abuse of clothing.
"Hurry up," Rain urges. "She's not happy."
"Neither am I," Aether says, and chokes on his tongue when he sees Dew snatch the plug from the bedside table and pushes it inside himself.
They both have to tuck their cocks under the waistband of their pants in a pathetic attempt to be inconspicuous, both hoping that if they rush to the chapel, enough blood will divert by the time they sneak in, carefully avoiding Imperator's judgemental gaze. Dew squirms and Aether can't think about the reason for why that is too much or he'll not be able to stand and leave when all is said and done without embarrassing himself.
It's an easy choice to skip dinner. They'll sneak into the kitchens later to forage for something, pilfer whatever they find if a Sibling isn't around to provide them with something. Aether can live with a rumbling stomach; he cannot, however, live with aching for Dew like this. They don't even make it back to their common room. Dew decides a dusty old room is good enough. The filing cabinets and boxes of papers don't deserve to witness what they're both desperate to make happen, but as they aren't animate, they aren't about to complain.
Still, they really don't deserve it.
It's dark. No windows, no lightswitch that they have the patience or piece of mind to search for, and Dew stumbles over a pile of ill-placed black instrument cables, falls forward and hisses in pain when his knees cushion the fall.
'"Fuckin- what the hell," he bites out, turning over to rub his kneecaps. "Who left that there?" Aether says nothing and decides it's easier to simply join him on the floor. "Not how I planned to bruise my knees, so you know," Dew continues. If there was enough light, Aether would be able to take in the scowl in glorious technicolour. For right now though, he uses his imagination. Certainly he's seen it enough in the past to recall an accurate depiction. Their noses bump together in the dark finding each other's lips, and Dew shoves his hand against Aether's crotch immediately, groping. More of a demand; nobody is as skilled as Dew at making Aether feel like he has and is owed free reign over his body. He's more than okay with that. It has never stopped being a thrill.
"Get it hard," Aether breathes between lewd strokes of Dew's tongue against his own. "Squeeze it."
Dew can be an awfully good listener when the situation requires it. He gropes and fondles and rubs in the neediest way, groaning when Aether sneaks a hand up Dew's shirt to tweak sensitive nipples. It comes as no surprise that Aether fattens up quickly, Dew stroking up and down the length where it's pressed against the material. The harder and faster clever fingers toy with rings, the more insistent the groping becomes, Aether's hips hitching forward into it. He knows his face and neck must be flushed. He feels overwarm, but abandoning pleasuring Dew's chest to peel off his shirt feels unfair. He aches, throbbing under a palm so warm he can feel it through his pants. Dew is just so insistent, so-
"Slow down," Aether whispers between kisses.
"No," Dew responds, gripping harder, stroking him without a care to his protest.
It feels good. Almost unfortunately, too good. Aether is keenly aware of the fact Dew still has a plug in his ass, and that the way he squirms is to allow for more stimulation. He makes devastating sounds with every tweak on his nipples, and he knows just how to fondle his thick cock to make him insane. He's increasingly aware of the way he's tingling, the way his balls feel so full as his sack gets tight.
"Dew, seriously," he says, much more urgently as the realization of how close he is so fast smacks him in the face. Dew's only response is to kiss him deeper and Aether begins to tremble, desperate for breaths in between sloppy kisses. "One second, love, please-"
Dew focuses on the head, squeezing and stroking and that's- that's a terrible thing. What happens next is worse:
"Get inside me and you can watch it drip out later," Dew breathes.
"Oh, no, Dew, oh no, oh-"
His eyes roll and his hips twitch as the comment proves to be too much after the misery of the day. There's a quick moment where his stomach twists, a small speck of suspension, and then he throbs hard and-
Aether whimpers pathetically as his cock flexes in Dew's hand and spits out everything he has to give in his pants.
"Fuck," Dew panics, but to his credit gropes him through it. "No, fuck, you weren't- unholy shit, why-"
Aether shudders, and is acutely aware of the wet spot soaking in and spreading, face burning with the embarrassment and each wave of pleasure, twitching under Dew's fingers.
"I'll make it up to you," he grits out, and Dew's breathing, harsh to his ears, intensifies when he gets his faculties back and presses Dew back onto the dusty floor and fights the urge to unglamour enough to draw sharp claws over the jeans to tear them off.
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brotherwtf · 21 hours
what nicknames do you think they both have each for each other specifically? and like in what ‘unconventional’ ways do they show each other they love the other (in a sense of it makes no sense whatsoever to anyone but the both of them, essentially just clegan coded love languages)?
oooo interesting anon!
I think Bucky really really likes calling Gale pet names (like darling, sweetheart, baby) because it causes the sweetest flush to color Gale's cheeks whenever he does
Gale doesn't call Bucky pet names as much, usually will just call him Bucky or John, but he does start to latch onto 'dear' whenever they start living together
Bucky obviously calls Gale 'Buck', but I think post-war starts calling him 'Gale' more, especially after that one scene where he's in the tower after Gale's supply drop ("You heard me the first goddamn time, Gale")
For clegan love languages, I think the verbal one that confuses others is "Don't count on it", idk I just feel like there's so much hidden love stuffed into those words, a small confession every time they say it. It just feels like they're hiding so much emotion behind the front of being nonchalant; much like "What took you so long?", bro you know you're absolutely fucking elated to see Bucky you don't have to hide behind casual words
I think they've gotten so used to having to hide their emotions that it carries over post war, they keep saying those things casually like they haven't confessed their love for each other multiple times, but the other still knows the secret meaning even after all of these years
I think one of Bucky's love languages is including Gale in everything he does, even when Gale doesn't drink or dance or sing; he's always with Bucky when he goes out bcs Bucky just wants Gale around at all times
Both of their love languages are quality time, Gale could spend hours just sitting with John on the couch and be perfectly content with the time they spend together; Bucky will bring Gale into town and just walk around with him, not even feeling the need to talk bcs he's just so happy that Buck is by his side
Gale loves quietly, but still loves Bucky just as much (if not more at times) as Bucky loves him back. Buck will reach out to John at home, bringing him into an embrace and just holding him there for hours. He'll cook and clean when John does errands, he'll do anything to see a smile dash across John's face because it makes Gale equally as happy
Bucky, of course, loves loudly and wants to scream it from the rooftops. Maybe in a modern au, he just goes around holding Gale's hand or has an arm around his shoulder that claims Gale as his. He'll tell everyone about his husband, about what he likes, what he's reading, if he gets to talk about Gale John is a happy man
If it wasn't modern, I think John would still show his affection in public, just a little more demure. He'll still wrap an arm around Gale's shoulder, but under the guise of being friends. He'll still talk about Gale to anyone who'll listen, but puts up a front that it's his "wife" he's talking about. No one (thankfully) bats an eye when they see Gale and John walking into town together and walking back to the same house, even though John claims he has a wife
I think if it was a modern au again Bucky would send Gale pictures of things or trinkets that he thinks Gale would like or that remind him of Gale, and Gale would always respond with a text saying like "oh yeah that sunflower does look a little bit like me" (it doesn't, but Gale doesn't have the heart to tell John to stop doing this)
They would take each other to the others interests (Gale would take John to a baseball game, John would take Gale to a museum) just to show that they care about the other and their interests, it makes them beam seeing the other person so happy
thanks for the ask! this was so cute I love clegan and their silly ways of saying they love each other
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teojira · 2 days
Ooooh just finished reading your koba drabble and its soooo good??? I would love to hear your thoughts how the other apes, Rocket, Maurice, Ceaser, and Blue eyes, think about Kobas' new human shadow... or the way they squabble 👀 I imagine its a mixed bag XD. Amazing writing as always ❤️
[How the rest of the colony apes react to you and Koba's 'friendship']
Summary: The other apes worry about your sanity.
Warnings: Platonic relationship with Koba (based off of my previous Koba request!)
A/N: First time writing for Maurice, Rocket and Blue eyes!!! I was so excited to see them included here 😭 I hope you enjoy anon!
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He's already warned Koba multiple times to not take things too far, that just because you've decided that you want to follow him around, doesn't mean he can mistreat you.
Keeps a close eye on y'all when in vicinity, but he knows Koba better than others do.
Koba can claim he hates you as much as he does, but he hasn't done anything to truly drive you away, he could hurt you, bite into you with his canines and do damage but at most, he growls and tries to swat you away like a fly.
Koba also in the same vein will follow you around when you're off doing your own thing, especially if you decide to leave the colony on your own.
He's not slick, telling Caesar that he's off to rest.
Caesar literally sees Koba climbing trees to trail you. It's amusing just how much the bonobo is denial that he cares for you.
It's obvious to Caesar that a part of Koba enjoys the attention, and enjoys your company despite everything, so he doesn't interfere.
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Actively tells you to leave Koba alone, he's genuinely not about the whole idea of you and Koba being together.
It gives him anxiety, he's not your father, he's not your family but he's concerned.
He'll talk to Caesar about it, trying to get him to put a stop to it but alas, Caesar says you're both adults, he can't control who you spend time with.
He agrees of course, and while yes Koba does show some semblance of...care for you, it doesn't change his mind.
Please you're stressing him out, give him a break and eat dinner with him and the children instead.
Koba is threatening to bite your fingers off for touching his berries and Maurice genuinely cannot tell if it's a valid threat or not.
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Rocket doesn't include himself into the situation, but is another worrier deep down, he's a father, he can't help it.
I see him as the laid back chill uncle who's like 'Hey, do what you want to do but be careful.'
He'd had to step in a couple of times when he thinks Koba is genuinely out to harm you, hooting and calling for Caesar. This ends in him and Koba squaring off against one another and you frantically telling Rocket that you're fine.
By now he doesn't interfere, but he does keep an eye out, always fighting the urge to grab you and take you away from Koba.
Tries to offer you to spend more time with his previous wives, Ash or himself.
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Blue eyes:
Blue eyes and you are kinda in the same boat, despite Koba's faults, Blue eyes does look up to his father's close friend.
Koba would never hurt Blue eyes, not without great repercussions, but he could hurt you, the tiny human that has no defensive measures against a huge bonobo, so forgive Blue if he's a little nervous at you pestering Koba.
The young chimp makes sure to check in with you after your random little fights with Koba, it doesn't matter how many times you tell him it's all in good fun, he will make sure you're okay.
He's worried, okay, he gets it from his father, Caesar has told him just how fragile humans are, how their feelings are easily hurt, it makes him treat you damn near like glass.
Side eyes you everytime you go to Koba's nest to mess with him.
Ash will try and make bets with how long it'll be til Koba tries and kills you as a joke, only for Blue eyes to choke on his spit and tell him off, baring his teeth and jostling his friend around.
"Do not make fun!" The young chimp signs frantically.
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koolades-world · 3 days
hello sorry if your requests are closed pls feel free to ignore this if they are :(
i just got this nice idea and wanted to share it and maybe you could do hc idkkkk anywayy !!
so imagine a mc but they're a poc (black, asian, whatever) and they always felt kinda like an outcast in the human world bc they lived in a white neighbourhood and now they're in the devildom and... wow Mammon, Simeon, Mephisto ?! (and maybe Dia and Raphael too cuz they can be mixed or something)
Like I am japanese and I live in europe and in my whole life I've interacted with like 3 or so poc ?? That's sooo little! I would be overjoyed to meet people (demons) that aint white- there is some common experience shared with all poc and i just need that 'bound' with someone lool
Anyway sorry this kinda sounded like a rant by the end but yea! even if you don't do it its ok! Have a nice day and ily !/p ♡
hello!! of course :)
i only moved once when i was younger but both neighborhoods were predominantly white, and i don’t think I’ve ever had a close poc friend that wasn’t an online friend. in middle and elementary i was one of like three or four pocs. high school was better but since I was a magnet kid, i always saw the same people and they were majority white. I’m almost certain I was the only mixed one in that program
bottom line, i can relate haha
enjoy <3
Poc Mc and the poc boys
poc solidarity!
of course the first demon you see is Diavolo, and while you don’t trust him right off the bat because you’ve just been basically abducted for this program, it’s nice to see a poc in charge
since mammon is assigned your caretaker, of course you’re quick to form a friendship
when he learns about your childhood since that comes up at some point, he goes oddly silent and listens carefully when you tell your stories
eventually he himself opens up a little about what it was like in heaven and his experience
gonna break format for a minute, simeon and I would be such good friends, besties even. a writer, very kind, a great baker and cook, a great fashion sense, and he looks like me? omg sign me up we’re twins. there is such a thing as two pretty best friends lol
simeon is so naturally effortless but sweet, so it wasn't hard to become his friend
he's more than happy to help you where ever needed
after you get over the whole kidnapping thing, you become fast friends with dia because he's just so wonderful to be around
and he's more than happy to be your friend because the poor guy doesn't have enough. he'll take you to do all sorts of fun stuff and even if your pictures together end up everywhere online, he doesn't care
you also are a little reluctant to warm up to mephisto because of what lucifer had said about him, but diavolo spoke highly of him, so you spent a couple afternoons with him
and you found yourself very interested in him and the rad newspaper, left wondering why lucifer hated him so much
if you want, you're more than welcome to help out and of course receive credit where credit is due
it was also kind of intimidating to get close to raphael too since he seemed so tough and unapproachable, but he was actually great to have a late night talk with and helped you out with any kind of fashion dilemma
maybe the devildom isn't so bad after all...
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lady-boketto · 1 day
König x Reader x Horangi (Poly!Call of Duty Headcanons)
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(A/n: I was thinking about making headcanons for the two of them separately but then I had a big brain idea and decided, 'why not both?' so here we are! I also wanted to make it so that it felt like the three of you were in a relationship and not just the two of them fighting for your affections, which I think can be a great idea on it's own but not what I wanted for this fic, anyway enjoy!)
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(Them crushing on you)
He likes to admire his crush from a distance and since he would be too nervous to interact with them, unless they would be the one to come up to him first to start a conversation
When you do go up to him to start a conversation he seems a little hesitant to properly answer your questions but the more time you spend with him, the more he gets more comfortable with you to ask more questions and even share his own interests if you are patient enough with him
Konig's crush on you gets so bad for him that his whole mood depends on how much you interacted with him that day (he gets really sad when he doesn't see you at all that day but on days when you do get to interact with him, he feels so giddy that it leaves a shiver that flows through out his fingers when he remembers how you smiled at him or how bright your eyes looked when you were talking about your favorite show or current obsession)
He is a little ashamed to admit but he jumps at the chance to help you with anything you need (whether you need something heavy lifted or moved/ if you needed someone to listen to you rant about your problems, he's there to listen without judgement and even offering his shoulder to cry on, he may not be good at words but he will hold you as long as you need him to)
Konig gets very nervous about saying something wrong to you or that he won't have anything interesting enough to say but appreciates it when you let him take his time to form what he wants to say next or that you enjoy his presence as much as he does yours
He is so excited about his new crush and how he managed to not makes a fool of himself and enjoyed his conversation with them so much that he couldn't help but tell his comrade and close friend, Horangi
He noticed you when you started talking to Konig and didn't expect to be so enchanted by how lively you seemed to be when you were talking to his friend
Once he realizes his feeling towards you, he is kind of in denial because he feels like he would hurt his closest friends' feelings and that he would only put you more in danger if he was involved
Over more time, Horangi would be more accepting of his feelings towards you and would start to show through his actions that he cares about your well being
When he is more accepting of his feeling towards you, Horangi would be more inclined to flirt with you every now and then (it's nothing too vulgar, it's more of complimenting the small things he notices about you, he likes to see you smile)
Horangi does feel guilty when he notices that his friend has taken such a liking to you (he couldn't blame his friend after all, there was so much to like about you, from the way you cheer the both of them up with a joke or even when you say a simple 'hello' or good morning to them when passing by in the hallway around base, 'what's not to like about them' he thinks)
He may not be good with it come to bets but that doesn't stop him from taking a gamble when he notices that you have a fondness for the both of them
(Being in a relationship with them)
Konig likes hugging you and Horangi from behind (it’s not in a suggestive way, he just really likes holding you both close since it calms his anxiety) it’s honestly so heartwarming since he completely squishes his whole face against your neck and if you really listen while he’s holding you, you can hear him softly humming softly (while he’s hugging Horangi in his strong arms, Horangi always breaks into a fit a soft giggles since his neck is ticklish)
When it comes to sleeping arrangements there's a couple of rules that are made in order to make everyone as comfortable as possible, one of them is pretty obvious since there is three of you now so all of you decide to get a bed to accommodate enough space for all three of you (you guys have a very large bedroom lol)
Although sleeping positions change when it's time for bed Konig usually sleeps on the left side of the bed while Horangi likes to sleep in the middle of the bed which leaves you with the right side of the bed but it's near the wall (Konig sometimes has trouble sleeping so he often gets up during the night to try and tire himself out so he can finally fall asleep while Horangi has a tendency to fall asleep quickly and he will sleep throughout the night without waking up, he won't wake up if you crawl over him if you have to get up during the night)
Horangi likes to plan out the dates you guys go on and is the one to be the most likely to drag you or Konig out of the house to run errands with him. He loves to go out and do the grocery shopping for the household but Horangi often forgets to bring reusable bags with him, so it's usually Konig that reminds him to bring some or he puts the bags in the vehicle himself when he has time to.
Horangi will also invite you and Konig to join him every time he goes out but he will be okay if you both decide to stay home. When he does get back home, Horangi expects someone else to put them away, which Konig doesn't mind doing so, since he will be in the kitchen right away to make a snack because he gets hungry often, (or if you like to put the groceries away yourself, both Konig and Horangi like to stay out of your way but that's if you like to keep things organized in the pantry, if not they will help you put things away)
König's love languages are physical touch and acts of service. He likes to be comforted by hugs when he is sad and also likes it when he gets to hold your hand or Horangi's hand (He gets really flustered when he gets to hold both of your hands at the same time)
Horangi's love languages are words of affirmation and gift giving. He never fails to let you know how much you mean to him and how happy you both make him, Horangi is a bit of a romantic and likes to bring both you and Konig each your favorite flowers when he can (It melts his heart to see both flowers beautifully arranged together in the same vase because it reminds him of his love for the two of you)
During the the warmer months when there are usually small fairs with games to play and prizes to win, both Konig and Horangi like to drag you to attend with them. Horangi likes to try and win prizes for you and Konig but he unfortunately does not have a lot of success at winning most of the games he plays (he does have a lot of fun playing them, even more so when you and Konig join him but he regrets it when he realizes the two of you team up against him. When he loses he gets very pouty until you gift him the prize then his mood does a complete shift in to a more happy one but not that he was that upset in the first place, he actually really enjoyed seeing you and Konig laugh and giggle mischievously together.)
Konig is the one to win the most games and prizes out of the three of you, but he likes going on the rollercoasters when he is allowed to go on them, due to his larger frame it gets uncomfortable for him to go on some rides but he gets really excited when there is one he can go on one with you or Horangi. Konig likes the fair since he enjoys the thrill of it and he finds it adorable when you or Horangi cling onto him when you're scared or surprised when going on the rides with him (He blushes and smiles to himself under his hood when there are rides that all three of you can go on and he has the both of you to cling to him)
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anavilante · 2 days
Age difference modern AU
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20 year old student John and 30 year old professor Gale (top John, bottom Gale, no vers)
Gale is a tired, homely college professor who was hired by Curt's parents as a physics tutor. Gale is kind of an ugly duckling, he dresses poorly, doesn't take much care of himself, he's introverted and gets anxious easily if something goes wrong.
Curt needs help with his studies because he got into a big fight and spent a lot of time in the hospital, and there are subjects that he was initially bad at, and after missing a lot of the material he no longer understands anything.
John is Curt's tall, big, self-confident, cheerful and arrogant best friend, with an overdose of testosterone, who loves sex, alcohol, gambling, fighting and reckless acts and non-committal relationships, who studies at another college. He comes to Curt, where he notices a reserved but attractive tutor. John begins to hit on him instantly, which amuses Curt incredibly, because he thinks that John is just making fun of the quiet, modest Gale, because he has never seen John interested in guys before. (John is like "Hey, this tutor Gale is very attractive, can't you see? Large eyes, puffy lips, soft facial features, a refined figure. You just need to take a closer look, he's cute.")
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Gale sternly informs the merrymakers that he is not interested because he has been married to his childhood friend Marge for many years. This is not entirely true.
When Gale was a student, he had several attempts to start relationships with guys, but they all ended in disaster, Gale realized that guys really want to fuck, but other than that they don’t want anything else. Not wanting to endure the attacks of homophobes and still be unhappy in his personal life, he decided that it would be safer to have a quiet family life with Marge.
Marge heard that Gale was sleeping with guys, but Gale assured her that it was all lies of slanderers and she gladly believed it, because she needed a soothing lie more than the unpleasant truth.
Despite the refusal of the married professor, John is very persistent. He meets Gale at every opportunity at Curt's house or at college and the problem is that Gale likes this big dark-haired guy with the devilish sparkle in his shameless eyes, he awakens desires in his body that he has not thought about for many years. And due to long-term abstinence, now these desires are 100 times stronger and simply drive him crazy.
Therefore, Gale decides that if this guy really wants to sleep with him, then ok, so be it, it will only be once, and there are no problems with it, because John is an adult and he is not his student, he doesn’t even go to college, where Gale works.
And they have sex. And even if they are both completely clumsy (John due to wild zeal and lack of experience in sex with guys, and Gale due to loss of skills after a long break) this is the craziest and most beautiful thing that they have tried with another human being. The first time they come several times before they even get to the actual penetration, they are all wet, covered in sweat, saliva, precum and sperm and Gale thinks it must all be dirty and nasty, but he doesn't care, sexually charged John gets aroused over and over again like a damn teenager and Gale’s body incredibly immediately responds to his arousal with its own, and in the third round they managed to do what it all started for. And it seems to Gale that if he were to die right now, with John’s tongue in his mouth and John’s hips pressed between his sweat-soaked thighs, he would die a completely happy man with no regrets.
Of course, all these promises about one time sex go to hell. Gale continues to meet with John and he is not sure who is looking for these meetings more, he is of course sure that it is the hormonally charged John and it is not Gale at all, who refuses the part-time job offered to him in order to ride, moaning like a shameless whore on John's dick. This is not Gale, who forgets about Marge’s errands to take her car to the auto repair shop for servicing, because John came to Gale’s work after classes ended and fucked him with his back pressed against the wall of the utility room among brooms and buckets, and Gale covered his own mouth with his hands and wet cheeks with tears from closed eyes due to an overabundance of sensations and the inability to throw out some of them with moans and screams. This is not Gale, who found out that he and John have the same 1.5 hours of free time and rushes across town to John's house to suck his dick, drooling down his chin, and then sit on his face so that John eats his ass out thoroughly and finally Gale being fucked from behind, with John's huge hands wrapping around his narrow waist and impaling him on his dick absolutely as he pleases.
Gale has to admit that sex with John is like nothing he's ever had before, when he was 10 years younger. All his partners thought more about their own pleasure and Gale was left with only small crumbs from their sexual feast. John is fascinated by Gale and his body, he adores every inch of him, the devilish fire in his eyes when he fucks Gale with his fingers and watches him moan and squirming on top of them, squeezing his thighs together in embarrassment, no different from the lustful fire as he pushes the full length of his cock in and watches Gale's eyes roll back into his head with the proper pleasure of being filled with his thickness.
This, and John's absolute lack of shame in sex, does incredible things to the reserved Gale and inspires unprecedented courage in exploring what he likes in sex and what his partner likes, because he's initial selfish desire to get more pleasure for himself, Gale's attention moves into the "how to give John maximum pleasure and drive him completely crazy in bed" and when he succeeds he feels incredibly smug.
End of part 1
PS This story was born from listening to the song
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very-straight-blog · 2 days
I hated the way Otto treated Aegon this episode. His son just died and there he is telling Aegon how incompetent and stupid he is and how his father never wanted him on the throne and that they are usurping it (a throne he didn't want but they make him took anyways and now his son is dead because of it). His great-grandson just died and he is bitching about some ratchatchers. I know Aegon acted impulsively but he is completely alone in his grief. That scene in the council room made me so sad, he was about to have a panic attack when Otto suggested using the funeral as propaganda. He said no and even Helaena said no and although they are King and Queen they words didn't matter. Can someone hug Aegon and tell him they are sorry?? The smallfolk cared more about Jaehaerys death than his own family. I can't believe they made me dislike Otto.
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Seriously, yes! In general, Aegon's plot in this episode completely ruined me. Yes, he's experiencing the loss of his son all alone, despite the fact that he's surrounded by his relatives. Alicent and Otto act like they don't care. He could find solace with Helaena, but he doesn't have enough emotional intelligence and strength at the moment to be the one who comforts, and that's exactly what Helaena (and both of them) need, so he just awkwardly avoids her. Plus, in a patriarchal society, he, as a man, doesn't even have the right to openly grieve - he must remain strong and cold-blooded and he repeats several times that he's afraid to seem weak, so he can only show his real emotions alone with himself when no one sees him - and then he sobs. No one asks him if he's okay, no one comforts him, not even Alicent, who saw him right at that moment - she just leaves. It's all breaking my heart, I just want to hug him. Even after his son's death, he talks about him in the present tense and refuses the idea of a public funeral until the last, it feels like only he and Helaena care, really.
As for Otto, I didn't understand at all what the screenwriters wanted to do. Make the greens look like monsters again? Thank you. Because in a situation where a person from Rhaenyra's side cut off Jaehaerys's head, there's no need for some evil plan to make her look bad. We really shouldn't have listened to Otto and the others repeat a bunch of times that they want to use boy's funeral for propaganda. And then? They also show Otto as stupid, because if you see that all the ratcatchers have been hanged, that's it, you've already screwed up in controlling the king. Maybe - just maybe - if you want to keep the remnants of influence, don't yell at him and call him an idiot. I'm just saying. But yes, Otto, Alicent and Criston are making me more and more disgusted.
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silly-little-soul · 13 hours
Shane accepting himself as a dad
A/N – “Little” thought dump I wrote at the hairdresser today, I'll probably continue it when I find the time
I haven't played sdv in forever cause I can't find the charger of my switch I miss it
Fandom: Stardew Valley (Shane x gn!Reader/Farmer)
Summary: Thoughts on the lead-up to Shane and Jas moving in with you
Tags: established relationship, tbh reader appears like thrice maybe, some fluff, some angst, some reverse comfort, no beta we die like my activity
Warnings: Some talks about alcoholism and mental illness cause it's Shane, a shit lot of miscommunication, brief talk of Shane and Farmer having own kids, death mention
Note: It got too long so I didn't get to the part where reader/farmer would've been more prominent so this is very focused on the dynamic between Shane, Jas and Marnie
Thinking about how in the game when you marry Shane he doesn't take Jas with him
I wish she could live on the farm with you, but let’s actually look at that scenario and Marnie's place in it
Shane is Jas’ official caretaker, but with how his mental health and alcohol consume used to be he definitely wasn’t able to fully take care of her, I’m guessing Marnie did most of that. Like Shane DOES really care for her and did what he could, it just wasn’t enough when he got worse. Simultaneously he saw Marnie care for her the way he wished he could've and it just seemed so effortless (it wasn’t, she was just grieving differently). It made him feel like he could retreat from his parental role, have Marnie take it and stop himself from pulling Jas down with him, he didn’t want to be selfish and put her well-being at risk just to be the one playing parent.
Honestly, he was probably right in that decision, he couldn’t have fully cared for a child.
But it’s different now, he’s better now, he’s ready.
He starts spending more time with her again, no longer feeling like he’s a risk to her, no longer being so ashamed. He takes on tasks like making lunch and bringing her to bed more often.
He doesn’t even notice it until Jas, Marnie or you point it out, might write a scenario for that at some point but let’s move on for now
Anyway, he realizes he’s taken the role of a parent for her. And then you give him the mermaid pendant, and he’s so happy that everything is slowly working out.
When he comes home and tells Marnie she is quick to pull him into a tight hug, she’s so happy he’s managing to really turn his life around.
Jas is so so excited, asking when they'll move to the farm
Shane wants to have her come right with him, he's talked to you about it and you were quick to tell him you'd be happy to have her, but he realizes he should really talk to Marnie about that first.
So they kinda just redirect her question.
Later though they sit together and talk about the upcoming change of Shane's living situation.
At Shane’s declaration of wanting to take Jas right with him, Marnie is hesitant and gently suggests that might not be the best idea.
Shane believes it’s because Jas has become a daughter to her, something he actively pushed to happen by making her take all responsibility for the little girl (and for him too, actually), and he figures he doesn’t really have the right to take Jas from her after she has been the one taking care of her for so long.
Except that isn’t the reason at all. Marnie has never seen herself as Jas’ mom. She loves Jas a lot of course and she’ll surely miss her a lot once she moves, but she has never not seen Shane as the one to be Jas’ new parent.
She wants this for both Shane and Jas, but she’s just so worried. She’s seen Shane at his worst and all that has lead up to it, seen him almost get better but then fail again more often than she’d like to have.
She’s honestly more worried about Shane than Jas. What if Shane takes on too much responsibility at once? His new role as a husband, the changes that come with living on the farm, and then he'll also be fully responsible for Jas? She's worried he'll end up feeling overwhelmed and get worse again. And then if Jas sees it this time, oh gosh... (Okay, maybe it is about Jas)
Now bear with me it's about to get a little confusing
Shane doesn't know that's the reason, Marnie doesn't tell him outright to not upset him.
So when she brings up the hint of “are you sure? She can stay here some longer too” he thinks it's because of her relationship with Jas and he's just like “yeah y'know maybe that works” because he doesn't want to take Jas from her after making Marnie take care of her so long, however she thinks it's because he really does think it'd be too much at once.
So they're like “okay good talk” and go their ways and while Marnie is like “okay cool I'll help some more till he feels able to care for her fully” Shane is knocking on your door having half a breakdown like “I fucked up I'll never get to take on the role of her father”
On a side note, he went to the farm and not the saloon, and both of you have a brief moment of gratitude for the fact so let's take a second to appreciate him for that too
Alright, he has been appreciated
But yeah, I kinda hc their communication isn't great in general. It's not for lack of trying (not anymore, it used to be a factor when Shane wasn't doing well) or something causing arguments, it's more so a thing where the two talk and then think everything is fine when they in reality have talked past each other so hard.
It's usually silly, small stuff like chores or something and resolved with a quick clarification and doesn't cause issues – except this time it did.
Anyway, he's at your doorstep, kinda having a breakdown.
You let him in of course, get him some water, gently tell him to calm down and tell you what happened.
His explanation is not very coherent, consisting mainly of him repeating how he fucked up, it might very well spiral into a full on panic attack.
Shane's not usually someone to panic but this is about Jas, who is the most important thing in the world to him, not to forget the only way he knew how to cope is kind of gone.
After a while he manages to explain what's going on more clearly, how he so badly wants to care for Jas the way he should have from the start, but he can't because he made mistakes he can't fix, how Marnie has taken that role and is entirely reasonable in wanting to keep it.
Then he breaks down again.
You don't really know what to do, he's in a terrible state, and what can you say? If the situation was truly how Shane presented it (which you assumed of course) there wouldn't really be much you could do to help.
You end up calling his therapist, he's against the idea at first but caves at your pleading look.
He's put you in situations in which you had to try help him with no idea how to before, hell he's made you fear for his life with this kind of bullshit before! He doesn't want you to go through that again.
In the beginning you sit with him, help explain to his therapist what happened, let Shane lay his head on your chest while talking to her.
When after a while he is much calmer you go make his favorite dinner, waiting for him to finish the phone call.
They make an appointment for Saturday and Shane hangs up, wordlessly coming over to you and letting himself fall into your arms. You have dinner and go to bed, deciding it's better for him to stay with you tonight, and maybe also the next few day. You'll figure out how to go on about this on Saturday.
Meanwhile Marnie has no idea about all of this and tells Jas about the decision (she thinks) they made, how Shane will move to the farm but needs some time to “settle in” as she calls it, and then Jas can move there too later on.
She's bummed about not getting to come along right away but is generally okay with the idea, not much bothered.
This whole misunderstanding is only really revealed when Jas and Shane cross parts the next time. This could be several days later, or the next one which I'm gonna go with.
Unfortunately for Shane, Jas was already planned to come to the farm that day to “help” (aka pet your animals) so she shows up there in the morning and it's. A bit awkward. Not that she'd notice, though.
Inevitably the topic of Shane moving to the farm comes up. It's in bypassing, it doesn't really matter how, but it causes even more chaos.
She says something about how she'll miss him when he moves to the farm, which feels like a punch in the gut to him, cause he doesn't even know she just means in the short while till he gets her over there too.
He tries not to let it show in front of her, it's not her fault, so he tries to play over his reaction by saying something along the lines of “I'll miss you too, but you and Marnie can come visit. If the farmer and me start a family you can come over and-”
And like damn. Not the best thing he could've said in that situation.
Cause up until just know she thought she was coming after him like a month or something later!
Jas' eyes fill with tears and she has such a look of betrayal on her face Shane doesn't even finish his sentence.
“You don't want me here?”
And he's just like fuck lol
In retrospect he doesn't actually know what Marnie told Jas and how she explained the decision to her. Thinking about it she probably didn't exactly go “Hey actually Shane used to be a good for nothing alcoholic so I decided I'm your mom”
But wait, does Jas want to stay with him on the farm?
Because yeah wait!! He did not consider that and how she feels about this.
Meanwhile Jas is now also a victim of the miscommunication between Marnie and Shane (aren't we all?)
Before Shane can think of something to say she's bolting, running back home.
You - who watched the interaction happen - and Shane go after her, coming to the ranch to find Jas crying in her bed with Marnie sitting next to her and trying to coax her into explaining what happened. When she sees you she moves away from her, figuring you two must have a better idea of what's going on.
Shane takes Marnie's place and asks Jas why she's crying.
She looks up at him with a heartbreaking expression and says “You said you'll start a family, but what about me?” (not rlly like that but I suck at dialogue)
And Shane is like “Marnie is your family”
I love him but.... shut up, Shane!!
That blow was so hard both you and Marnie could feel it!
In his defense, he realizes that was dumb as fuck like immediately after.
“I mean... fuck, she's been a mom for you so long, way more than I ever was, I can't just take you away now”
And Marnie stiffens cause like that's the moment it starts dawning on her something didn't go quite right in their earlier communication. And then you notice her reaction and it starts dawning on you as well and you kinda just look at each other like “oh shit”.
Which Shane and Jas are completely unaware of.
“She's not my mom! I don't want her to by my mom”
And Jas is honestly really irritated by Shane's interpretation of their family dynamic because yeah Marnie has taken care of her a long time and she's really close to her of course but she still never saw her as something other than her aunt, just like Marnie always considered Jas her niece.
“Why don't you want to be my dad?”
It's sort of a breaking point for all four of you.
For Shane it feels like in a matter of seconds he's reliving every moment since the day Jas' parents died. They chose him as the one who'd take in Jas if something happened to them. They could've decided on Marnie, but they didn't. In that moment he realizes that maybe his fear of this parental role he really did want to take not being rightfully his was never about Marnie to begin with.
At the same time, Marnie and you decide to finally intervene. She gently pulls him towards the door, telling him they have to talk, meanwhile you sit with Jas to comfort her.
You let her climb into your lap and hug her, just holding her and waiting for Marnie and Shane to finish talking, until she speaks up again quietly
“Do you not want me on the farm?”
And you're of course immediately telling her you do!! You want her there, you consider her family and she goes “I think Shane doesn't” and like no he does!! He's just stupid!
Except you don't say that to her of course cause don't say that to her.
Meanwhile Marnie is torn between hugging Shane because man he's apparently spent years thinking he has no place as her parent and scolding him cause how the fuck did he spend years thinking he has no place as her parent.
It ends up being the scolding (gently though, she does get where he was coming from).
She explains everything to him, from exactly how she feels about Jas to what she meant when she suggested to have Jas stay with her.
“You're her father now. Her parents chose for you to be and she did too. You're her dad, and nothing you or I do can change that”
And it's wild because he realizes he has always refused those titles. He always talked about his parental role or his role as a father, yeah, but he's never dared call himself her dad. But he is, isn't he?
They have a long talk and Shane learns his place in the family was never a question, while Marnie has her anxiety over Shane taking on too much at once calmed.
They settle on Jas staying at the ranch on weekdays and the farm on weekends for the first month, so he can settle and you can get used to having a child around all the time. After that she'll move to the farm entirely, with the promise to have her stay at Marnie's a bit if Shane ever feels like it's too much for him.
He goes back to Jas' room to explain everything to her and tell her she'll of course come along to his new life.
And when he opens then door he sees you sit with Jas – with his daughter - in your arms, petting her hair comfortingly and he's like yeah.
That's his family.
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neoballsucker · 3 days
The boy is mine
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Summary : your mom was a hopless romantic until she found the perfect man for her , little did she know he was the complete opposite
Pair : kun × fem!bodied reader
Waring : smut , smei stepcest (he's the mom's boyfriend) , cheating , daddy kink
W.c : 2.7k (I love my man)
A/n : in honour of red haired kun
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Your mom always hooking up and dating new men every once in a while wasn't something new to you , she was always looking after handsome men , and rich ones as well , she did this since your dad died , you were used to your mom coming home with men at night and having sex with them drunk or high, so you accepted your faith and lived your life , even though your mom seemed to hook up a lot , she always made sure to take care of you, your health and education, so it doesn't really matter to you what she does, but since your rooms’ walls are kinda attached you could always hear her or the new man she’s with moaning, whining or crying, it always reminded you how miserable she is , One day she comes home really happy from one of the clubs. You were confused, cause she usually comes home wasted and really drunk cause her boyfriend dumps her.
“Someone looks happy today?” You say teasingly and smile
Your mom shrugs and chuckles “well today I met that man” she smiles softly
“Oh and what's so special about him that made you smile ear to ear?” you ask teasingly
“Oh he's so sweet , you should meet him , he's not like these other guys I've dated , he's so special” she sighs and smiles.
“Oh and what's his name?” You ask curiously.
“Well his name is kun” she says, you nod and smile .
“Well I hope that one lasts” you roll your eyes and go to my room.
your mom goes to few other dates with that man kun always very happy , you were glad your mom found the man that made her feel happy and fulfilled after your dad's death , but you were always curious who's that man that could possibly date a woman at her 40s right now , since all men prefer younger women that are still living their youth, you assumed it was a man that was in his early 50s. Your 18th birthday was coming on the way. And you and your mom were planning on the decorations, the cake and the people you'll invite.
“So you'll invite your friends , some of your friends' parents, is that right?” your mom asks looking at the list you gave her
“Yeah that's right , feel free to invite someone as well!!” You offer her , busy decorating the room
“Oh , can I invite Kun over?” She asks excitedly.
“Oh of course you can mom.” I chuckle hearing her tone.
Few days skip and it's finally your birthday. People come over , music takes over, all your friends come over and their parents, some people that you don't know or are not familiar with also come , you assume that was your mom's friends, you also see some of your family members. People are congratulating you , and wishing you a happy birthday and giving you presents. Your mom approaches you and pulls you to a quiet place suddenly.
“Gosh mom you scared me” you chuckle softly. You hear your mom chuckle.
“I want you to meet kun!!” She smiles excitedly.
“Oh and where is the lucky man?” I chuckle softly. She walked away for a few moments and pulled a young looking man that looked really attractive if you're being honest, he had red hair, his smile was charming and his eyes were shining.
“Kun c'mon, this is my daughter y/n” she smiles at kun.
“Oh hey there y/n , happy birthday!!” Kun smiles.
“Oh thank you kun” you smile shyly before he hands you a small box.
“Ah, thank you , you didn't have to.” you smile softly, taking the box.
“This is nothing, it's just a small gift” he smiles again, it makes you melt, you both hold eye contact for a bit , noticing how young he looks.
“Uh sorry to ask but how old are you?” You ask curiously
“Oh I'm 28” he answers, you looked surprised a little
“Oh wow you're pretty young…for my mom” he chuckles as you say that.
“Everyone says that but your mom is just really sweet” you two smile at each other until your friend called you
“ahh you're here” she pulled you with her as you waved to kun.
“Who's that cute dude?” she asks and bites her lower lips.
“Don't get too excited he's my mom's boyfriend” I roll my eyes
“They'll break up after a while like she usually do”
“I don't think so, she seems so happy with him” you sigh
“Whatever birthday queen let's go enjoy this shit , you became an adult” you smile slightly and nod , heading back to enjoy the loud music and your friends, one of your friends suggests you a glass of alcohol , you would be lying if you said it was your first time trying it , you sometimes tasted the alcohol your mom left on the table while cleaning up after her , sometimes weed , cigarettes, you had some experience with these things, you take the glass of alcohol from your friend and drink the whole glass , after a while you head to kun since you couldn't find your mom
“Yo kun um do you know where did mom go?” you ask taking in every detail of his face, he had a glass of alcohol in his hand
“Oh she said she'll go stay at a friend's house since she didn't like the noise here , I'll stay here with you if you want”
“Ah no it's okay” you say heading back to your friends. You went to enjoy the rest of the night eventually getting drunk, and since you just started actually drinking just now you collapsed, after feeling dizzy from all the alcohol. You woke up the next day , but you felt someone next to you , you felt too sick to even turn and see who was it. Finally turning around seeing kun, you knew it was wrong but it felt nice next to him ,how his hair is messy and it's covering most of his face , you wanted to lean in more into his touch , kiss him, feel him. He was just looking at you and smiled softly.
“Good morning sleepy head” he says a d chuckles.
“Oh good morning…what happened yesterday?” You asked and took a deep breath
“Well you just got too drunk and collapsed, I didn't wanna leave you cause your mom isn't home, yet” you nod listening to him.
“Anyways do you want breakfast?” He asks.
“Oh I can do it myself” you smile and get off the bed before he pulls you back right next to him , there was almost no distance between your faces , you felt his warm breath against your face
“Don't move, I'll cook for you , you're still tired” he says , his voice was lower than before, you couldn't help it but get closer to him and kiss his lips, he surprisingly kisses you back closing your eyes feeling your lips against his, he wraps his arms around your waist as you cup his cheeks between your hands , after a while you pull away and take a deep breath ready to get scolded by him, but you heard a Chuckle coming from him , you open your eyes and look at him raising an eyebrow.
“You're much better than your mom could every be” he whisper as he nibbles your neck gently.
“r-really?” You ask, trying to hold in a moan , your voice kinda shaky.
“Oh definitely yeah” he chuckles
“I'll go make you some breakfast now” he stands up and gets out of the room.
It felt wrong, it felt wrong enjoying that kiss , it felt wrong liking how his lips felt , all of it was wrong. You felt so guilty…but it felt so wrong. You take a deep breath before getting off the bed. Going to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. You then go to the kitchen seeing that kun is still cooking.
“You really didn't have to cook anything I always go the cafe near by” you say standing next to him.
“You don't have to waste money on food that won't make you full for even three hours” he chuckles softly.
“I just know mom chose the right man , he'll definitely make her full” I chuckle as he rolls his eyes.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” He asks curiously.
“Oh I don't, just focusing on getting to college now you know” I roll my eyes as you hear the door opening
“Oh what is that sweet smell?” Your mom says as she enters the house
“Oh it's some breakfast, want some babe?” Kun says with a smile.
“Oh I'd love to” she chuckles , kun also chuckles and get the food ready , you all eat together , talking about the party and how it went. Your mom decides to go sleep since she couldn't sleep at her friend's place.
You and kun are at the living room , each of you scrolling through their phone boredly.
“So have you ever thought of having a boyfriend before?” Kun breaks the silence between you two.
“I mean of course I did but you know I'll be too stressed in the next years and it will be hard for me to keep up with my studies and boyfriend at the same time.” You say looking at him boredly
“When will college start?” He asks
“In about a month?” You say as he nods.
Time passes it's time for college, kun drives you there as you discover he works in the same college you're in , you liked it cause it might get you more grades since you know one of the teachers personally.
After the day was done he takes you with him.
“So how was college today?” He smiles and looks at you
“It was nice , I got to know some people out there”
“You never told me you work there before?” You say as he chuckles.
“I mean you never asked” you chuckle as you hear his words
“I mean fair enough”
“How about we go eat outside today?”
“And what about mom?”
“She's going out with her friends, typical, she never spends time with us” he rolls his eyes
“I love her though” he chuckles, you felt happy that your mom that loves her truly…but you felt jealous at the same time, what if you were the one that met him first?
You'd have been in love, going out on dates but it was too late they're getting married in two weeks. He takes you to the restaurant, you two eat together and get kinda drunk , he holds your hand and takes you to the car which was parked in a dark alley as he helps you sit in the backseat , he sits next to you and brushes his fingers against your thighs.
“Are you okay?” He asks
“Mhm , yes I am” you lean in on his chest, burying your face against his chest , he chuckles and nod.
“You don't look like it though “ he says teasingly.
You look up and kiss his lips softly,he chuckles against your lips and kisses you back , running his hands through your hair, you moan slightly against his lips, as his fingers touches your inner thighs, he pushes you flatly on the seat and gets lower , raising your skirt a little , seeing your red panties and chuckles , he pulls them down and leans in , feeling his warm breath against your pussy you whine slightly. He leans in more and presses his tongue against your pud, you arch your back slightly and whine. You remembered your mom and immediately felt bad but it was too late…too late to stop him it already felt good , his tongue pressed against your pussy , the car is filled with stem , you body feeling hot , your hair sticking to your sweaty forehead. He raises his head and leans in to pull your lips in a sloppy kiss sneaking his tongue inside your mouth, it was a guilty pleasure, it was the nicest kiss ever.
“You taste nicer than your mom, she's old anyways don't you think?” He chuckles and kisses your neck gently.
“I- kun I don't think we should”
“Shhh , it's okay princess, it's only this time , okay? Just for me , just for daddy okay?” He asks and kisses your lips.
“O-okay daddy?” It was a new nickname for you to call him. He smiles as you call him that.
“It sounds so sweet coming out of your mouth” he smiles and kisses your lips. He helps you get dressed and fixes himself and you and drives back him , and he sees your mom there.
“You guys finally came, kun should cook for us” your mom says with a smile
“Oh me and y/n ate outside, I thought you were going to eat with your friends?” He says curiously.
“Oh , yeah we ate together but it wasn't a big meal , what a shame” she sighs. You felt at that moment really bad for doing that with the man she loves , but it kept going on , whenever your mom wasn't around , you'd just walk and sit with him and talk a bit before you find him on top of you fucking you as you plead him to fuck you harder.
One day , you went to a party and came back late at midnight. You saw a figure standing in the kitchen..it was kun , what is he doing at this hour? He usually sleeps early? Was the first thing you thought of.
“Why are you late?” He asked in a slightly sleepy tone. Hearing his voice sends shivers through your spine.
“Well , I was gonna come early but my friends begged me to stay” you smile awkwardly
“Sure” he looks at you , he looks tired…very tired.
“Why are you awake now anyways?” You ask worried
“Well your mom was worried , cause you're so I had to calm her , she just went to bed..” he says angrily.
“Oh..I'm sorry” you whisper as you hear him sigh. He suddenly pulls you against the kitchen counter.
“You think sorry will do anything?” He asks angrily, trapping you between his body and the counter , you shake your head in guilt. He grips on your chin tightly making you look at him in the eyes and attacks your lips , you were shocked but you returned the kiss. He kept kissing you for what felt like forever as you pulled away to take your breath as he pulled you to your room.
“Get naked” he commands as you nod and strip out of your clothes and get on the bed , he gets on top of you and kisses your lips again before taking off his pants , he brings the lube and puts a generous amount on his cock before he starts getting inside you. And you moan at the sensation of his cock in your tight pussy.
“Do fucking tight” he chuckles and thrust inside you.
“Please daddy…be gentle” you plead but he ignores your pleas.
“Why would I be gentle when you're acting like a whore coming late at night in that dress that makes you look like a slut?” he says.
“I'm sorry , I won't do that again I swear”
“Keep talking like that and I won't let you even cum” he says strictly, you shut your mouth as he continues thrusting inside you , hitting all the right spots..he knows you…more than he should.
“Oh you're much better than that old hag in the other room” he whispers , his red hair sticking to his forehead due to the sweat on it, he pulls your lips in a sloppy kiss as you moan against his lips as you felt like you're at the edge.
“Please daddy…I'm gonna cum” you beg
“Not now” he says as he thrusts more inside you , your eyes roll back trying to hold back your orgasm. He thrusts faster inside you for a few times before he releases his seeds inside you , he slows down before speaking up.
“You can cum now” as you heard these words you immediately release your orgasm, he pulls out of you , as you calm down from your high taking a deep breath.
“You okay now?” He whispers as he lays next to you kissing your lips. You nod , as he smiles and stands up and helps you get up and you two shower together and change your bed sheet and he sneaks back to your mom's room after leaving a peck on his lips
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torchflies · 11 hours
Hi TG Fandom!
It’s me again! 
So, we all know Rooster had his little meltdown and said his whole schtick: “No wife. No kids. No one to mourn you when you burn in.” to Maverick like a spoiled little brat while having none of those things. And okay, he was mad, sure, but he hit below the belt — anyway, hang on…
Imagine this instead:
A nineteen-year-old Rooster going to college classes at a university that isn't the Academy (after blowing up at the only family he has left), who falls for a Bio Major that offered him a free bulb when his tail-light blinker went out. 
I need you to imagine that he really loves this girl — the full Carl and Ellie from Up — he loves her more than anything. Of course, they have no money and they live off ramen noodles in a shitty studio apartment. But he starts a life with this girl, proposes to her with his Mom’s ring, and all he wants to do is call Mav and Ice, to call the Flyboys, to say look at her, isn't she perfect?
He starts to lose that anger, it flows out of him with every hungry night that he gives up his dinner so she can have more, with every paycheck-to-paycheck month and when they both pull all-nighters to make it through.
He slowly realizes how much Mav must have sacrificed when he was small and suddenly, he feels wrong inside. 
He wants to apologize, to go home. 
But he's still young and bitter and he doesn't want them to be right. He doesn't want not-going-to-the-Academy to be a good thing. He wants to be right. 
So he chickens out of it every time he goes for the phone, finding yet another reason to push it off. 
Until there are three positive pregnancy tests on the bathroom sink and he's barely twenty and they get married at the courthouse because they're desperate. 
They graduate at the same time and she's pregnant with triplets. 
He��s floored, because triplets? 
They have nothing, but it’s a beautiful life nevertheless.
They move to Cali and live in his parents’ old house. Bradley joins the Navy and she decides to start teaching. He refuses to ask for help, even when they struggle, even when he knows his family is less than an hour away. He also feels so guilty, because now there are going to be babies and he has a wife and it all seems so small in comparison. He doesn't care about the Academy anymore. All he cares about is her and the babies.
He doesn't know how to do this, how to be a father without the men who showed him what it is to be one.
And he's going to call, he swears he is…
Then his wife starts complaining about a headache that doesn't go away and her ankles are so swollen. 
He rushes her to the ER as fast as he can, but she has a seizure in the car that goes on for forever. She has eclampsia. She won't stop seizing. They have to do an emergency C-section. She's only twenty-three weeks. 
They lose her on the table, Baby A never makes it to the NICU, Baby C is born sleeping — there was something wrong with the placenta — and they ask him if he wants to try and save Baby B. 
Baby B, the smallest of the bunch, who has a severe form of spina bifida, a cleft lip and is barely a pound. 
Bradley says yes and plans for four funerals at the age of twenty-one. 
But Baby B doesn't die, he gets just about every dangerous complication for a twenty-three-weeker in the NICU, but he doesn't die. 
Mitchell Thomas Bradshaw — Mickey — named after the two strongest men that Bradley knows — comes home with him after seven months in the NICU. 
I need a Bradley who intimately understands what he's saying to Maverick, I need a Bradley who has had both of those things — a wife, kids — and lost them too. 
I need a Bradley who has lived a life in the interim and has grown up despite every challenge he faced, whose anger isn't really anger anymore. 
I need a Bradley who tried to call home once, only once, while his baby was dying in the NICU, and was told to stop calling after what he did by one of the Flyboys (probably while Ice was sick). 
I need a Bradley who has a deeper reason to be upset, who is angry at himself as much as he is at Maverick. 
I need a Bradley who has been raising a child for fifteen years on his own — one who gives him just as much back-talk and sass as he once gave Mav — who lost the person he loved most in the world and his children and somehow had to keep going. 
I need a Bradley who has become Maverick. 
That’s how that line makes sense anyway 🤣
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lover-of-mine · 2 days
Lady Whistledown here. I'm laughing that stuck, but I will take it. Literally, no one important just ended up there. The readers' digest version for those who didn't see the original goes like this.
In the beginning, it was all fun, and games and delusions of grandeur were written till E6, really.
That's when the Buck Tommy kind of flat lined, and what was shown was meh. Then they were desperately praying there would be on on screen pledge of commitment to shut us up before the season ended. Never happened. Pretty much all of the speculation came from paying for Lous Cameos. They built stories around them. Heavily used his cameo wearing the medal when he said they were "thriving." We all know they literally had one scene after that. Then Lou had to shut down his account, and now they were in a drought.
So they moved along into speculation territory for weeks until Oliver's live. Before then, we received their ire. We were bullies and harassing Lou ext. In the live, he basically grimaced and ignored the Buck Tommy question and smiled and blushed at Buddie. Have to remember with, in the same time frame, we had Ryan basically say so you know Buck and Eddie during an interview non 911 related, but also the old Lou interview started circulating again. The one where he basically says they called me last minute to kiss one of them and that he was basically called in to work out Bucks kinks as a starter relationship.
Clearly, this caused panic in the BT PR room!!
But it was weird because after Oliver's recent life, that's when they turned on him. Because now they had to confront why he had never posted about Tommy, followed Lou and only posted Eddie. I have seen that happen in other fandoms, but it's usually by main characters. Not a random side character. So my point is if Oliver continues as is, BTS starts popping up no Lou, Ryan, and Oliver promo. They are turning on Oliver if he doesn't promote BT. They already did and that was just the first trial by fire.
Since then, though, like any good conspiracy type behavior, it's like they forgot they were mad and never mentioned Oliver's expressions during it. Or the fact he seems to not care about the pairing.
They are back in delusional land. Some delusions include.... It's good Chris will be gone because it provides space for Buck to detach from Eddie, and we get more Tommy. Tommy will be more main character LI and involved with the team. Huge chance Tommy finally comes clean to Buck he was into Eddie before, and Buck being so loving invites Eddie to join them. Eddie secretly pines for Tommy. Tommy taking over father roles for both Eddie and Buck because clearly they need his help. Also sexual fantasies clearly written by straight people.
But mark my words... If it keeps going with no sign of Lou, Tommy, or Oliver acknowledging BT, it will because of us and Oliver. If that happens, I will, of course, message you.
And if people really want to know I am happy to always report back the gossip...
But if that was long winded as hell and you skipped to the bottom.. Yes, they turned on Oliver (behind closed doors) because his live was the first chance since the cameos to get anything. And he said let them eat cake....
Hello, my love 🩷🩷🩷
Wait wait wait wait you're telling me that after the hospital kiss when there were harassing everyone about how bt is now endgame, they were panicking about the way the relationship was portrayed? And that they realize the relationship was not defined on screen? Are you fucking with me? This is........ Okay, but seriously, do they realize how cameo works or do they think Lou was just saying those things because he felt like it? When you pay for those videos, you send him a message that prompts him. He was saying what they paid him to say. I'm...... I'm glad to know they are also unhappy with the way the relationship has been treated, I feel vindicated.
Also the way they also agree Tommy looked more interested in Eddie and are creating their own delusions on top of Eddie pining for Tommy? I don't even want to think about Tommy being a better parent, that one just makes me want to pick a fight. Interesting to know they are having the three-way fantasies in private while completely turning on Eddie out here.
Honestly, the chaos that will happen once filming starts is not something I'm looking forward to, because there won't be the level of content they want and that will 10000000% make them more feral. Especially considering the way Oliver is on our side, and even with bt on the making the promotion of s7 leaned HEAVILY on Oliver and Ryan together. And it worked. So it will probably happen again. And given how small Tommy's role was in the back half of the season, him not being around all that much is the more plausible scenario. And well, publicly turning on Oliver is not gonna get the reaction they think it will, so that's gonna be interesting for sure.
Please come back any time there's an update you feel is worth sharing, I'm loving having the inside view kapakapalapakpas
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tossawary · 3 days
The AVALANCHE group in "Final Fantasy 7: Remake" keeps cracking me up. They're not wearing any face masks to hide their identities when busting into secure SHINRA facilities full of surveillance cameras??? They don't even change outfits when they're not running missions??? It's killing me.
Assuming that they are not outright killing every SHINRA trooper they encounter (maybe they are, idk), even if they weren't being caught on a bunch of surveillance cameras (the opening mission shows this happening), there's like dozens of people who should be able to give relatively detailed descriptions of them??? (Also, I laugh every time the screen says that Cloud has "defeated" a SHINRA trooper. If he's a super soldier swinging that much sharp metal around at high speeds, he should (realistically) be cutting people in half. It is amusing to me to see the people enemies just fall over and the machine enemies get trashed. I find it very cartoony.)
(I am still failing to properly watch my way through this series during work. I personally don't super love the hyperrealistic dolls design style and I don't think it jives all that well with the incredibly cartoony world building, clumsy "as you know" exposition, and wacky gameplay execution so far. It's just not my thing. Yet I found "Ace Attorney" utterly intolerable to watch but very fun to actually play through the wackiness, so I'll give FF7 the benefit of the doubt there and say, "Sure, I assume this is still really fun to actually play and that the world is immersive enough that way.")
This game is a "AAA" remake of a super popular game in a super popular franchise, but they apparently couldn't be bothered to make secondary "civilian" models for Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge? What is this? A cheaply made cartoon series? These characters are waltzing around the slums in their matching bright red bandanas and Jessie, who is apparently a former performer and therefore especially recognizable, is always wearing her silly tit-sculpted armor. AVALANCHE took a crowded passenger train home from their opening terrorist mission when they should rightfully all smell and look awfully beat-up and suspicious after fleeing a massive reactor explosion???
Like, I don't really care if the characters think they're hacking the camera systems here or if the game wants pretty character faces to be visible at all times. I also don't really care about faithfulness to the original setup. They could yank facemasks down during specific cutscenes? Cloud could lose his facemask at a dramatic moment during a cutscene? And Jessie could exclaim over how cute Cloud is at the end of the mission or whatever; you can frame all of their faces as a rewarding reveal at the end of the opener. I know that character models removing clothing is super hard in 3D animation, especially games, but there are storyboarding and model swap tricks for that. You can fake ripping off a facemask relatively easily.
If the point is for SHINRA to know it's them all along and to set them up to take the fall for something later, then AVALANCHE taking greater precautions and the Turks catching them out anyway could be used to make both AVALANCHE and the Turks look more competent / dangerous. Maybe you could generously interpret SHINRA's apparent failure to catch our protagonists out as the corporation being a bloated wreck of greed and incompetent, overly reliant on their technology and wealth, but that still doesn't really excuse for me making the AVALANCHE characters look this reckless. Jessie later visits her SHINRA employees PARENTS' HOUSE in her TERRORIST UNIFORM??? JESSIE, NO!!! That's so dangerous.
There's so much detail in the backgrounds here already! If it's a matter of resources, surely some random mob NPC models could be cut so that I could see Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge in cute civilian wear outside of their missions! I am already suspending so much disbelief for so much of FF7's wacky worldbuilding, but these little details are what's really tripping me up for some reason, like, come on. SHOW ME that these characters are good at what they do by having them take some basic precautions.
I laughingly shared these thoughts with someone and they said (jokingly critical of the game as well) that Barret probably doesn't bother with secrecy because he's already apparently the only big black guy around and almost certainly the only big black guy with a gun for an arm. Which is a point! But also, BARRET!!! YOU'RE A FATHER!!! SUNGLASSES ARE NOT SUFFICIENT ANONYMITY HERE!!! THINK OF MARLENE, MAN!!!
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