#- my profile that's not the vibe I want to put out
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rasmodius-nuisance · 1 day ago
I think this might be a good starting point for my new blog, I have a draft with my main farmer's actual profile, but this will be really helpful for me too! <3 I'll start this post by showing you how she looked 2 irl days ago, I've finally been able to get the blue bow since so that's a bonus! (I'll try to get a screenshot of that as well!) I wanted to dye her skirt to match the overall part of the shirt, but I think it ended up leaning more towards a greyish blue if something. (I'll show what it would look irl as a funfact, since I found a pic on pinterest that looked pretty similar!) I also got the longer skirt recently but I must say I like the short one better. My game is currently on fall (almost winter) so I decided to keep the long one on for now. Btw, I've realised the eyes look blue as well, they're supposed to be grey... Is this a sign that I'm going blind? lol Btw my current icon is supposed to be her too!
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With that out of the way, let's begin! (Beware, long post ahead!)
(Little note, when I say "lore-wise" I mean my own lore, it doesn't necessarily have to be accurate to the canon in-game lore!)
Since I wanted for my main farmer to be based on me, I decided to name her Luna. "Luna" means "moon", it's like my signature thing. I love everything universe/galaxy/moon/stars related. On the other side, it sounds like a witchy name so I felt it would fit too. (I hate my irl name so that one wasn't an option.)
Spring 18
Keeping in mind that she's supposed to look like me, and giving you the earlier pic as an example, let's say she's pale and short, with grey eyes and short curly hair that she dyes black (and pressumably straightens just by brushing it), with a round face that a certain guy likes to compare with the full moon (lore-wise, lmao)
I'd say the witch hat, *insert the IF I HAD ONE meme*, but since I haven't gotten that one yet, I'm not sure. Let's say the blue bow for now!
It's supposed to be a mix between blue, dark, cold and earthy tones with witchy and cottagecore vibes, somehow? I wouldn't know how to put it into words tbh
I'm not sure yet, I'll think about it!
I'll say a lot of rock and similar (but not the hardcore one), pop and maybe a little bit of kpop. Once again, based on me lol, although my irl playlist does have a lot of kpop.
Drawing, reading, writing, gaming, listening to music, things you can pretty much do on your own. Oh, and bothering the Wizard >:3
I'd say laying on the bed while petting her (ghost) cat, thinking back to the social interactions she might have gone through that day, feeling anxious or embarrassed for most of them or shy if they involve a certain guy... But her cat won't hesitate to make her calm down, to feel at peace, trying to protect her from the bad thoughts.
I'm not good at cooking (I don't know how to do anything at all, sad lmao) so she isn't either. I haven't gotten that far on the cooking part of the game though, I do know I've already unlocked a lot of recipes but I've barely checked them, oops. I'd say cookies or pancakes!
Rainy! You don't have to water the crops nor the pet's bowl and if you struggle like me when it comes to remember about doing so, it's really helpful. However, just like I do irl, I HATE the thunders and lightnings.
Dance of the Moonlight Jellies and Spirit's Eve
I think it's foraging. I feel like that's the easier one out of them all.
An artist or a writer
That's a hard one because I'd always say "at home" but since the in-game home doesn't look good yet I wouldn't know. Let's say the Wizard's tower or Marnie's ranch
Farm Life:
Chaos. Chaos everywhere. I'm about to finish year 2 but it still looks pretty basic. I recently tried to get rid of all the wood and rocks laying on the ground, as well as a lot of trees so it's not good yet. Going back to her aesthetic, I guess I'll try to follow the dark cottagecore witch theme.
The grey and white cat, his name is Yuki (as in "winter") and lore-wise he's supposed to be grandpa's wild late cat (he didn't really own him), poor boy passed away a little bit after grandpa did, waiting for him to come back since he didn't really know he couldn't, still waiting to this day... But he's gotten really attached to Luna, feeling a stronger connection with her than the one he felt with grandpa.
Once again, Yuki. I don't even want to get any more pets for her, he's really special to me. However, I'd love to get a black cat since those are my favorite type, but I'd still have to think about how that could fit lore-wise.
If by cabin we mean the extra houses, yes but no. One of them is currently my storage room, really basic. I think the other one still has the starting decor. I struggle with getting money lol. (I hate that you can't pick up the presents though)
Not sure!
...I haven't gotten to grow any of those yet :'D
I can't tell if I've already gotten any of these besides the first two, but I'll say the ornamental fan, dried starfish, elvish jewelry and strange doll.
Midnight carp and ghostfish
 I've recently gotten new swords, I can't remember which one I'm currently using though
 Let's beging with the ones I ABSOLUTELY HATE so far, the stupid serpents are number 1, they were the reason I "died" most of the times on the Skull Cavern. The other one so far would be the slimes. As for the one I like... I'll say mummies because they seem to drop a lot of cool stuff AND CLOTH! And aesthetic/lore wise so far, I'll say ghosts :D
If that means they won't be aggressive nor attack anyone anymore (including animals) I think she would. I'd say bats, skeletons, ghosts and those shadow guys.
Relationships Platonic and Romantic:
Ignoring that certain guy, sweet Evelyn (I love her, I see her as both mine and Luna's pixel grandma, I guess she just reminds me of my irl one somehow), Krobus lore-wise but he's still scared of me in-game, the Wizard (but he still hates me, although that's kinda canon lore-wise too lmao) and maybe Linus, I don't usually interact with him that much but I love him, his lore-wise story gets somehow deeper so that adds to my love for him.
Maybe Maru, Harvey, Jas and Marnie? Abigail's hearts are pretty high too but there's a reason behind that (she's Luna's ex), although they aren't as close as they used to be anymore. I'm still trying to level up everyone's but specially those I like the most, bad thing is I'm usually doing my own thing so I forget about that.
Alex for the win. He recently told me something about how you need to tan on the beach, otherwise I'll end up looking like milk (I'M ALREADY PALE AS FUCK WITH A SUN ALLERGY AND SENSITIVE SKIN ALEX), to follow up by saying how much he'd like to see me on a swimsuit. He didn't even know my name earlier today. I LOVE to check the trash cans while he's around <3 Besides him, I'll say Clint and Lewis. I almost died yesterday because of the underwear monster btw
Well, well, well (I say while looking at that well I made Robin build for me on my first days just to use it twice since)... I fell in love with Abigail a few years ago while watching a gameplay of Stardew Valley (for the first time) from an art youtuber I love. You could say it was love at first sight. I used to love her, I loved looking at fanart of her too. But Tumblr made me fall in love with Shane. I'll mention (but not tag) the main reason I fell for him, being this artist who happens to love both him and making comics about him and her farmer. I haven't been able to stop the obsession for him ever since *sigh* Tumblr and Pinterest are dangerous places, kids
For Abigail, she's a lot of things I like. From witchy stuff, to gothic, to hair-dye, videogames, amethysts, SHE OWNS A GUINEA PIG, she's weird like me (I love women too lmao)... For Shane, I wouldn't know. It's a mix of things I've gotten to love about him from each piece of fanart I've seen for the most part. As a fun fact, going back to that gameplay I was talking about, the youtuber hated him because he was really mean to her so I still hated him too even when I first started to play the game, like 2 years ago. However, I feel like I/Luna was attracted to her on a more aesthetic/superficial level but I think it's different with Shane. (ignoring the fact that all of them are pixels) I genuinely care about him, I want him to get healthy, to feel and get better (for him to begin with, for Marnie and specially Jas as well), to learn that even if he thinks no one does, there's people who deeply love and care about him, that he deserves happiness too. That he- *sigh* Okay, I'll stop now, this is getting too long of a reply.
Not yet!
Not yet!
For the Player:
I think this is a really common one among Stardew Valley fans, but Sandy. Just look at her. I get why Emily loves her.
I don't know tbh, I'd have to look it up or something, but I must say I actually get sad whenever the music stops playing on its own :(
Hmm... There are probably a few, but there's one I recently got while playing today. I'm not sure if this one is only on the spanish version or not but Vincent told me that I'm not as boring as other adults (although I totally am, but still) :'3 Oh! The one you get from Evelyn and George on the jellyfish event too! I recently saw a fanart on pinterest that almost made me tear up.
Spoilers! Emily's dressing-up thingie (I honestly thought punk Shane was just a random thing/meme though! omg!!). Shane's 2, first-7 and 8 heart event maybe. There are more but I have memory issues so I'd have to look it up as well.
Shane's 6 heart event for the win. His 4 heart event too. Emily's 6 heart event so far as well, don't ask me on that one though :) There might be more, but once again, I'm bad at remembering stuff :'D
Krobus plushie! I'd say the junimos too but I think that's actually a thing. Maybe a WIzard's journal too? Like, both a empty notebook type with his aesthetic and something like either the Gravity Falls or Star vs The Forces of Evil one (there's apparently another one with spells too just like in the show though??), talking about his wizard life, the magical languages he's learn (with its actual alphabet for you to have fun with it just like in the Geronimo Stilton fantasy kingdom series!, monsters, etc.
I think that's it?? I didn't expect to write THAT much to be fair so I apologize for it. It was really fun to come up with each reply though, thank you so much to @missrandomdreamer for making this little Stardew Valley quiz, I hope this was what you expected when you made it, some of my replies aren't that good so I apologize again.
I hope this helps a little to get to know both me and my main farmer, I'm not very active since I have a lot of blogs to manage (which actually overwhelms me and makes me go on hiatus most of the time, among other reasons tbh) but I hope I can find my little place on this amazing Tumblr Stardew Valley community at some point! I plan on writting too, both little fanfics and also about Luna's story, since that was supposed to be my strong point when I first started to be active on Tumblr. I also love to read those as well so I'd like to thank all of you who create. Fanfics, fanarts, moodboards... I appreciate sooo much your little magic here, you're doing an amazing job, keep it up! <3
Stardew Valley Farmer Asks
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This might have been done before, but I kind of wanted to do my own spin on it! Anyone can do it but it’s just a fun Stardew Valley Farmer Asks and or Q&A list. I want to talk about my farmer and I want to hear other people talk about their farmers and experiences in the game! <3
What’s your farmer’s name and what is the origin of the name?
What is your farmer’s birthday?
What do they look like?
What is their signature accessory?
What is their aesthetic?
If they had a theme song what would it be?
On music, what does their playlist look like?
What are some of their hobbies not including farming?
Similar to the previous question: what does your farmer do after a long day of work? How do they relax?
Do they have a favorite food recipe? What are their favorite foods?
Favorite type of weather?
Do they have a favorite season?
What is their favorite holiday?
 What is their specialty? (angling, foraging, combat etc.)
If they weren’t a farmer, what would they be?
What is their favorite place to be in Stardew Valley?
Farm Life:
What type of farm do they have?
What was their chosen animal (cat or dog) and what is the pet’s name?
Is there an animal that your farmer has a strong attachment to? Could be all, could be the fish in their chosen pond or aquarium any little animal. :3
Do you like to decorate your cabin? If so, what does your cabin look like?
What is their favorite crop?
What is their favorite fruit tree?
What is their favorite artifact/stone or other dug up item?
Do they have a favorite fish? Either for looks, food,  for their pond or aquarium?
 What is their weapon of choice when they have to go battle in the mines?
 What is their favorite enemy in the mines ? What is the one they hate the most?
If it was possible to tame one of the monsters in the mines would your farmer do it? And if so what would be the monster they would tame? 
Relationships Platonic and Romantic:
Whose your farmer’s best friends?
Who in the Valley is more acquainted with your farmer? Not a super close friend or an enemy but are just kind of like: someone they say hi to but don’t get super close to?
Is there someone your farmer has absolute beef with? Someone they honestly can’t stand and would probably get in a  fight with?
Who did your farmer romance? Or did they not romance anyone?
What made your farmer fall in love with said character that they romanced? Could  be in the canon game story or in your own story you write with your farmer. 
If they did marry a bachelor or bachelorette  or got Krobus as a roommate: what does a day in their life look like with them?
Did your farmer have children or adopt any? Tell us about them.
For the Player:
 Is there someone as the player that you wish was romanceable? If so, who and why?
What is your favorite song(s) in the Stardew Valley Soundtrack?
What is your favorite dialogue in Stardew Valley? 
Favorite moments in Stardew Valley?
Least Favorite moments in Stardew Valley?
What would be your dream official merch of Stardew Valley? Like what would you like to see more of or what is something you wish they made into official merch from the game? Could be a character or anything :3
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hexusproductions · 2 months ago
Next year I want to watch some different movies, bc a lot of the ones I've tried this year I've ended up not liking, and it's made my letterboxd look absolutely miserable
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exhaustedwerewolf · 1 year ago
hr guy was screaming crying throwing up when I told him I wouldn’t be at the evening part of the xmas social because the date changed and I have a life outside of work and now he sends round the details for the unavoidable lunch part and despite me giving him my dietary requirements well in advance on his request there is simply nothing I can eat. like even ditching the vegetarianism I am allergic to everything on this menu.
#wwolf.txt#also like man I don’t drink and I hate people and I have a fatigue disorder. spending a Tuesday night watching my horrifically drunk#colleagues scream-singing to bandoke makes me want to die and that’s only barely hyperbole.#like. this guy really grinds my gears because he’s so AGGRESSIVELY nice it circles right back around into being super counterproductive and#irritating.#like when I started I saw pronouns were optional on our HR profiles- so I didn’t include mine because I didn’t know if other people would#and I didn’t want to put myself at work by being the only one to do it. I didn’t know the vibe. DAY ONE he’s like ‘it’s optional but 🔫 PUT#IN YOUR PRONOUNS WE ARE TRANS INCLUSIVE 🔫’ like you actually have a trans employee and you are speaking to him and you are also directly#stressing him out by doing this :)#and then recently he was coming to my office and was like ‘let me bring you something!’ and I’m sitting here like. one I am uncomfy with you#spending money on me and two. I have Severe allergic reactions and I don’t know or trust you. and three I brought lunch today because I’m#broke. so I’m really fine. and me being like ‘thank you for the offer but I’m okay!’ just led to back and forth and back and forth and#‘[insert coworker name here] never refuses my offers’ like…#ugh. he just drives me up to wall.#oh and don’t call him HR because Humans aren’t a ‘resource’ he’s in ‘people’#🙄🙄🙄
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jamminvroomvroom · 16 days ago
let’s go ride.
LN x fem!reader
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in which lando keeps getting frustrated and you wanna know why…
hiiiiii here u go! belated love day fic from me to you 💝 love u all, tysm for the love on my last few fics, i’ve had a lot going on lately so i’ve not had very much time to write but when the inspo hits….. shoutout to miss mcrae for dropping lando-coded bangers bc i literally cannot resist. might make a part 2 of all the times they get freaky in a car lmao, lemme know if you want that! likes, comments and reblogs are sooooo appreciated so lemme know what u think xoxox
proofed by my own personal goat @lavenderlando 💖
songs to set the vibes: sports car by tate mcrae, bad guy by billie eilish
warnings: 18+!! minors begone! smut, language, fluff, bit of angst bc lando’s in a mood, friends to lovers, p in v, porn without plot but there is a little bit of plot, bitchy lando
4.2k words
you sit in silence, opening spotify and preparing to fiddle with the bluetooth as he slips into the drivers seat beside you. the car door slams shut and he huffs, jawline taut with annoyance. the hood of his car is surrounded, a million and one cameras pointed at you both as he tries to relax into his chair. the engine roars to life and you side eye him.
“when are you gonna learn, hm?” you try and sound playful, teasing, but it comes out laced with a twang of scolding. lando tenses up even further, turning to glare at you.
“god forbid i go outside.” he snaps.
“give over.” you roll your eyes. “poor me, i’m famous! lando, you can’t get angry when you park in the most high profile spot on the fucking planet and your fans want to worship you.”
“you don’t know what you’re talking about.” he sighs, white knuckles wrapping tighter around the steering wheel.
“don’t i? this has been happening a lot lately.” your voice softens, ever so slightly. “every time i’m seen with you, you lash out.”
“because i don’t want people harassing you, looking at you like some fucking commodity.” lando snarls, steely eyes locked on the supposed car enthusiasts that are slowly backing away from his parking space.
“lando, we’re friends. this has always been a thing. why is it bothering you so much now?”
you wonder if it bothers him for the same reason it bothers you.
he shuts his eyes, collecting himself for a moment. he puts the car in drive and smoothly pulls out of the space, ignores your question. you scowl at him, at this sudden childishness that has overtaken his easygoing manner in the last few months.
“fine. whatever.” you mutter, slumping defeatedly into your seat. you give up on playing music, leaving him to bask in the silence, something he loathed.
lando had switched from his usual self to this stony, irate version of him that you rarely had the displeasure of seeing, from the second you walked out of the restaurant where you’d had lunch. he was reluctant to pose for photos and sign hats, something he usually revelled in, grateful that people even wanted to see him. the swathes of fans that had gathered had irked him for once, but what really boiled his blood was the photographers that seemed to find him no matter where he chose to spend him time. so much for monaco’s privacy laws.
it wasn’t like he cared about himself, either. it was you. the way they leered, leaned close to you while he was distracted with pens being shoved in his face. it was the way their eyes dipped low, whether you were in a tank top or a baggy hoodie. it was the way they spread the false, painful narrative all over the internet that you and lando were together, which drove hoards of losers into your comment section and your DMs just to call you names.
you were not together. as much as it pained him, you were just friends.
he couldn’t exactly explain his overprotectiveness to you without getting himself into a big, tangled mess. you, being the resilient, cool as a cucumber stoic that you were didn’t care what fourteen year olds on the internet thought about you. you weren’t about to let faceless, jobless trolls ruin the friendship that you’d nurtured for years, through ups and downs, thick and thin, race wins and huge losses. but lando, god, it killed him, tore him up inside every time someone so much as looked at you wrong.
“you really don’t get it.” he says, hushed, like he’s telling a secret. you turn to look at him, tearing your eyes away from the glistening view of the marina.
“lando, tell me then. make it make sense because i’ve never seen you behave like this. they love you! least you can do is lose the attitude over some harmless pictures.”
“jesus christ, it’s not the fans! it’s not the ‘harmless pictures’! it’s these fucking creeps that follow us around just to make some money off of my own personal hell. you really don’t get it, because if you did, you’d know that it breaks my fucking heart to see the way people talk about you online, just for being seen with me. it’s my fault that you get harassed, that paps are basically stalking you now.”
he signs of his rant with a sharp inhale, one that seems to suck all of the life out of the car. you melt.
“but lando, it doesn’t bother me. i just wanna be here with you, i don’t care about the rest of it.” you coo softly, reaching over the centre console to grip his forearm.
“and i want you here. i want you with me every fucking second of the day, but i can’t cope. can’t help thinking that one day it’ll all just be too much and you’ll leave me.” he whispers.
“never. never ever ever.” you promise. your belly swirls with emotions, tickled from the inside out by butterflies that threaten to swarm.
lando breathes shakily, warmed through by the hand that rests on his arm as he manoeuvres through the twisty lanes. as he hits traffic and slows, he clocks another photographer looming on the pavement, lens aimed at his windshield. already too annoyed, he aggressively smacks his sun visor down, leaning over the console to reach yours too, pulling it down. he prays it’s enough.
“you need to relax, lan. i’m fine, we’re fine. i promise.” you reassure, but he’s breathing heavily now. “you don’t worry this much when it’s max.” you trail off.
he doesn’t know what comes over him. he spins the car into a sharp u-turn, positively speeding back in the direction you’d just come from. any mention of you and him as a ‘we’ makes him crazy, makes him utterly lose his mind, but something about your sweet, earnest voice bringing him back to reality has left him completely shaken. the sun is setting now, most people clearing out of the underground car park he pulls into to head back to their homes. he has other intentions. you don’t say another word until he pulls into a space at the back of the lot, tucked neatly into a corner.
“what are we doing?”
“need a minute.” lando rasps, forehead resting on his steering wheel, the matte leather pushing his sharp curls back. you trail your eyes over him, the way his chest rises and falls under the sweatshirt he’s wearing, the way his thick fingers curl as his grip continues to tighten.
“i’m jealous. and i’m selfish. and i’m a complete fucking idiot.” lando says, steadily, like he’s reading the news.
“you’re… you’re jealous? of what?” you’re like a deer in headlights.
“of any other person that gets to lay their fucking eyes on you.”
“what are you saying?” you whisper. the air in the car goes still, frozen. you can’t breathe.
“i’m saying… that you’re mine. and i should have made that a known fact a long time ago.” ever so slowly he looks up at you, and you gasp at the intensity of his stare. he’s gazing at you with complete conviction in his eyes, a whole lot of vulnerability mixed in with the sincerity of his words. “i don’t want anyone else anywhere near you. lose my fucking mind watching the way they look at you.”
“lando…” you trail off, eyes as wide as saucers. is he really saying what you think he’s saying?
“i know this is terrible of me, to do this now, here - to do this at all, to be honest. i know that i have no right to stake some kind of claim on you, and i know that you probably don’t feel the same, but god, i just needed you to know. if you want me to shut the fuck up or leave you alone forever then i totally get it but-“
“oh my god, are you stupid?” you shake your head, still stuck in your state of disbelief, but you muster the coherency to grip the collar of his crewneck, tug him close.
your lips meet hastily, urgently, and every ounce to tension seems to seep out of the car. he moans at the very sensation of you against him, breath caught in his throat when you lace your finger through his hair like you want to mould your faces together, never stop. his brain finally catches up, awestruck as he is, and you trade passion and saliva, bumping noses as you clash chaotically.
“i think we’re both stupid.” he mumbles into your lips. you shut him up with another kiss, fiery and needy, and his hands begin to wander. he smoothes over the back of your jumper until he finds your waist, awkward in the limited space of the front of the car, and skims his hands up until he’s made his way beneath the material and he’s gripping your bare skin.
“too forward of me to ask you to get in the back?” lando pants with a cheeky smile.
“you literally just marked your territory on me, and nearly bit a photographer. i think we’re past ‘forward’.” you deadpan.
“then get in the fucking back.” he grins, devilish and commanding. you do as you’re told, wriggling between the leather until you’re propped up against the backseat. lando follows, sitting beside you, tugs you into his lap like you’re weightless.
you can feel him beneath you, hard and wanting, and you mewl, keen into him. your breaths mingle in the nonexistent space, lips brushing gently.
“this okay?” lando’s lips ghost over yours and you lean forward, just enough to reach him. he pulls back, eyes hooded, teasing, and tuts. “use your words.”
“who knew you were such a bossy boots.” you smirk. “more than okay.”
his eyes glaze over once he has your permission, and he kisses you like you’re the last supply of oxygen on earth. he licks into your mouth, wet and desperate and you whimper as he grazes over the crease of your thigh, toying with the hem of your skirt where it’s ridden up.
“can feel you.” lando groans, pulling away to look between your bodies. “so warm for me, you like seeing me all riled up?”
you nod coyly, lip caught between your teeth, and you swear you see his eyelashes flutter.
“what did i say about words?” lando composes himself enough to tease. you roll your eyes, but you can’t ignore the way heat rolls through your body.
“like when you get all bitchy.” you reply, rolling your hips once.
“mhm. always been so easy to toy with.” you whisper, leaning in to nose along the thickness of his neck. you drag your tongue up the vein there, feeling it pulse under your tongue. he smells like his cologne, so him, and it makes you even hotter.
“oh, so you’ve been playing with me?” he chokes out, eyes rolling back in his head at the marks you’re leaving.
“maybe a little.” you hum.
“you liked watching me get angry? pretending to be all sweet and clueless?” lando whispers, the words hanging heavy in the space between you. all you can manage in response is a mischievous smile that twists his tummy.
your hands trail under his sweatshirt, skating over the muscled ripples of his belly, ever so slightly dipping into the band of his sweats. his head lulls back, blindly holding you close while you worship him. he lets you, lets himself have this moment, thinking for so long that it would never come.
“waited so long,” your lips brush over the shell of his ear, tongue grazing the lobe. he descends into a mess of shivers. “needed you to break first. i knew you would.” you croon.
“you’ve been loving this, haven’t you?” lando starts, low and calculating. “bet you’ve been getting off on dressing like a whore for the cameras, watching me suffer.” he pieces together. your resolve cracks. “bad girl.”
the sense of control you’d briefly maintained shatters, a hand around your neck forcing you away from him, preventing your sweet torture. his fingers flex, just above your collarbone, and you swallow at the smirk that seems to engulf his entire face. he looks animalistic, crazed with a feral adoration that leaves you certain that you’re dripping all over his lap.
“i think you’ve had your fun, baby, it’s my turn.”
you whine when he drags you across his lap, back and forth until you’re squirming. his hips rut up into yours, fuelling your desire for every single inch of him.
“please, lando.” you breathe, reaching out to lace your fingers into the curls at the nape of his neck.
“let me look at you.” he demands, shutting down your intentions for more. “i’ve waited long enough for this, don’t you think?”
“so have i.” you beg him with your eyes, but give in to him nonetheless. you’re staining his lap, grey sweats darkening as your wetness pools there and he can’t help but buck up into your warmth.
“wanna play with you, baby, see how you like it.” he taunts, bringing two fingers between your legs.
he brushes his knuckles over the obvious damp patch at the crotch of your panties, lip caught between his teeth at what he finds. your soaked through, and he pinches your bundle of nerves just to watch you thrash in his grip.
“i hate you right now.” you spit through gritted teeth, but your hips can’t help but chase his hand.
“doesn’t feel like it.” he kisses you quick, loving the way you lean in for more, but he relaxes against the seat and dips slowly beneath your underwear. “fuck.”
he doesn’t have to work too hard to spread your wetness around, you’re already lathered in it, but he continues to tease, fingers gliding over your clit and through your folds.
“please.” you beg, leaning back to give him as much access as possible.
“what do you want, baby? tell me.” he urges, drawing circles on the swollen bundle of nerves.
“your fingers.”
“you have them.” he barks out a condescending laugh, applying more pressure just to prove his point.
“need them inside of me.” you pant, eyes squeezing shut at his sadistic game between your thighs.
“that’s my girl.” he praises, and you curse, clamping down around him before he even gets the first knuckle inside of you.
“how are you doing this to me?” you think aloud, tears in your waterline already. it all feels far too good for a first time.
“because i know you better than you think i do.” he coos.
lando pulls you flush against him, grinding his fingers deep so that they curl deliciously against your sweet spot. his palm bumps your clit with every twist of digits and he nips over your collarbone. his tongue laves over your skin, tasting the perspiration that gathers as the car steams up around you. you’re suddenly hyper aware of your surroundings, huddled together in the back of his urus in a dimly lit car park. thank god you’d lost the photographers.
“can’t believe we’re doing this.” you gasp, feeling your tummy tighten at the thrill of it all, of feeling your best friend work to please you.
“i knew it would happen. knew that someday i’d get to see you like this, all for me.”
“all for you.” you repeat, drunk on him as you rode his fingers. “feels so good.”
“want you to come for me like this.” lando orders, replacing the heel of his hand with his thumb against your clit. his ministrations are more controlled like this, precise, and you throw your head back in pleasure. his teeth sink in to the base of your neck, sucking softly over the bruising skin, lapping at the mark to soothe it.
“i’m so close, lan.”* you choke, riding his fingers as you near your release.
“c’mon baby, make a mess for me.” he urges, eyes locked intensely on yours. you’re enticed by the sea green storm that swirls in his irises, shrinking as his pupils blow with lust. you can’t help it, can’t delay the inevitable, and you thrash in his arms, wildly bucking your hips against his as you fall apart.
you gush all over his lap, further ruining his sweatpants but he doesn’t bat an eyelid, working you through your orgasm until you’re spent. he’s transfixed by the way your thighs glisten, by the way your release seeps through the material covering his crotch and it makes him throb.
“that’s it baby.” he murmurs, voice low and smooth. you pant, collapsing forwards onto him.
“thank you.” you whisper into his neck, and he laughs softly.
“don’t thank me, silly girl.” he coos into your ear. you pull back just enough to kiss him, taking it slow, giving you a moment to come down from your devastatingly intense high. you’re exhausted, eyes fluttering shut from the exertion, and he tucks sweaty strands of your hair behind your ears. his fingers graze your warmed cheeks, noses bumping and you take him in, carefully studying the lines of his face, the sharp slope of his nose, the flutter of his eyelashes against those ridiculously high cheekbones.
“you’re so pretty.” your voice floats over him like a delicate caress, makes him shiver. he grins at you, enamoured.
“didn’t think our first time would be in the back of my car but i don’t think i can’t wait to get you home.”
“you’ve thought about this?” you ask, bashful. he gazes up at you sheepishly.
“every night before bed.” he jokes, and you shift your hips.
you’re overstimulated, but it does the trick, the playful haze shattering, replaced by thick, charged tension.
“you gonna make that fantasy a reality?”
“yeah. yeah, i am.” he mumbles.
his hands skim your waist, pushing your jumper up as he goes higher and higher, until it’s off, chucked into the footwell. you tear at his sweatshirt until it joins your discarded clothing and explore the bronzed planes of his chest, extra sun-kissed by the trip you’d taken to dubai just a few weeks before. if only you’d known then…
“hurry.” you plead, and he scoffs, adjusting you on his lap just enough to free himself from his sweatpants and boxers, and you gawk down at what’s revealed to you.
it’s big, thick, and you sigh in relief that he’d so thoroughly stretched you out, got you nice and slick for him already.
“gonna take it all for me?” lando taunts, catching your hanging jaw between two firm fingers, forcing you to look at him.
“gonna try.” you reason, breathing shakily as you rise up on your knees. you feel the head of his cock prodding your clit, the sodden tip running along your folds until it catches on your entrance. you both hiss as the contact, his hands steadying your hips.
“you can do it, baby.” lando promises, helps you begin your descent.
“oh my god.” you gasp, sinking down slowly. “dunno if i can take it, lan, you’re so- so…” you trail off, head thrown back far enough that you miss the way he’s smirking up at you.
“c’mon baby, being such a good girl for me, i know you can take it. just a little more.” he goads, pressing each button of your apparent praise kink, and you whine, soft moans tumbling from your lips. a sense of determination becomes you, and you’re aching to take him all the way.
you cry out his name when you’re pressed flush against him, and he soothes circles into your hips, holding you close against his chest. one hand smoothes through your hair, the lace of your bra scratching against his chest as you breathe rapidly.
“well done, baby, knew you could do it.” lando praises, trailing kisses over your face. you quiver in his hold, hips wiggling ever so slightly, and he takes that as a sign. “want me to do the work, hmm? make you feel so good?”
you nod lazily, looking up at him from where your face is smushed against his shoulder, and he lets you break his rule of “words”, softened by how beautiful you look, vulnerable in his strong arms. he starts to move, fucking up into you slowly, feeling you out. you can feel him twitch inside of you, his breath catching in his throat at the feeling of you, tight and warm, enveloped all around him. you roll your hips languidly, meeting his thrusts and you both moan out as the explosion of sensations unfolds between you.
“harder, lando. can take it.” you mumble, glazed over doe eyes looking into his. he tenses up, shaken to the very core by the emotional tether between you, feeling the way it grows even stronger. the one woman he’d wanted since he’d laid eyes on you, the one women he never thought he could have; his heart pounds violently in his chest.
he readjusts your hips, pushing you back so that you’re upright once more, eyes raking hungrily over your flushed body. your skirt is bunched around your waist, panties tugged to the side, cups of your bra barely covering anything anymore. he tweaks a nipple through the lace, paws at your tits until you’re fluttering around him. the cups of your bra are tugged down, resting below your breasts and he swallows hard.
“fuck me, you’re so beautiful.” lando rasps, leaning you back further to perfect the angle.
once he’s satisfied, he bounces you against him, meeting your hips with harsh thrusts, his pace unrelenting. he can see the way you pool around his base, dampening the thatching of hair that decorates his pelvic bone. you seem to chase the friction there, rutting your clit against him. sweet puffs of breath fill his ears, melodic combined with a symphony of your needy whines, continuously intensifying as he fucks you deeper and deeper.
“it’s so good.” you slur, mouth hanging open, totally unhinged from the raw pleasure that he courses through your veins.
“you’re doing so good for me, baby.” he wants to say more, but then he sees it, the way your lower belly seems to protrude with every roll of his hips. “oh, fuck.” he cries out.
“do you see that, baby? see how deep i am?” lando growls, voice rippling through your connected bodies. you glance down, and the first tears start to fall.
“oh my god.” you repeat, nothing else to say, totally braindead at the sight. your cheeks are wet with tear tracks, utterly overwhelmed by the way he’s taking you, so blissful that it hurts.
“you crying for me, baby? do i feel that good?” lando mocks, reinvigorated by the way your tears gather at your collarbone. his hand swipes messily against your throat, swiping them away, but you catch his hand, keeping it there. your eyes lock as your hand squeezes around his, a silent plea. he rocks up into you even harder, hand clamping around you neck slowly, leaving your breathless, liquid heat shooting down your spine. you can’t stop it from hitting you like a ton of bricks, can’t hold back, not when he’s making it hurt so fucking good.
“lando, i can’t- i’m gonna- fuck.” you bellow, falling to pieces around him. he keeps you propped up through your orgasm, plowing into your limp body until you’re so tight around him that he quite literally can’t keep going. he shudders, repeating your name like a godforsaken prayer as his abs flex beneath your shaky hands. you feel him filling you up, shots of warmth painting your insides.
lando lets you collapse into his arms, holding you tight as you both tremble in the silence of the car. condensation rolls down the windows, giving away your frenzied desires. if anyone caught sight of his car, it wouldn’t be hard to do the math.
“gonna let me take you home so we can do that again?” lando laughs, breathing you in. he can feel the way your chest rumbles softly in response, hears your angelic, raspy laugh.
“gimme a sec, don’t think i can move ever again.” you groan, sighing into his chest.
you stay there for a while, basking in it, coming down. he traces shapes into the bare skin of your back; you absentmindedly trace a heart into the window fog.
when you finally manage to redress, it’s dark outside, bright lights casting patterns into the calm midnight of the marina. he holds your hand as he drives up into the heights of monaco, and you stare at the way yours fits so perfectly with his, just like how your head tucked so perfectly into the crook of his neck. you smile out the window and lando smiles at you.
by the time bedtime rolls around, you’re both well and truly exhausted. when you try and wriggle out of his grip, ready to retreat back to the guest room like a wounded animal, lando pouts - pouts! - and holds you even tighter.
“silly girl.” he kisses the words into your hairline, and drifts off to sleep.
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httpsserene · 7 months ago
Jealous sex with Charles 🤩
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐜𝐥. 𝟏𝟔
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summary: there’s no reason for charles to be jealous of men who are stupid enough to think they have a chance with you. content warning: 18+ only. mdni. explicit sexual content. jealous sex. tennis. monte carlo masters winner stefanos tsitsipas used as a plot device. porn with a side of plot. mildly possesive!charles leclerc. jealousy. reader’s kindness is misunderstood for flirting. no infidelity. vaginal sex. unprotected sex(don’t do that!). fingering. missionary & cowgirl. rough(ish?) sex. the clothes stay on. uhm, reader gets railed stupid, lowkey. cumplay (i’m so sorry). pairing: charles leclerc x fem!bpoc!reader word count: 2.8k words.
from serene: surprised i finished this when i said i would. to make a long story short, i’m breaking up with my boyfriend 🤪✌🏽ANYWAYS, i listened to the beauty behind the madness and my dear melancholy albums by the weekend to lock in the smexxy vibes. idk if it worked, it took me two days to write less than 3k words 🙂 y’all lmk if you think the wait was worth it, and enjoy reading lovelies x
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The car ride home was quiet. You figured it was post-tennis exhaustion keeping your boyfriend quiet; the entire match was viewed with the Monte Carlo sun radiating down on the stands. Secondarily, the silence could’ve been induced by a little social exhaustion even though Charles thrives in crowds—the two of you spent a couple of hours before the match chatting to anyone who approached him, which felt like every person at the event had to have his attention for a brief moment. Then after the match, the two of you spent another hour speaking with the Master’s Winner, Stefanos, and the Prince, before you were able to take your exit.
So, you attributed his low energy to being sun-tired and talked-out. In retrospect, you should’ve known that it was more than fatigue from how Charles failed to put his hand on your thigh as he drove, and how he sat through slow-crawling traffic without ever moving to turn on music or talk. Your weariness prevented you from prodding further when the Monegasque responded with a nearly inaudible hum when asked if he was tired—the lack of presence in his answer felt like confirmation.
Yet, you realize it wasn’t an answer at all when you entered your home.
Your comments and questions about the match and dinner plans were met with one-word answers and off-timed hums of indifference in response. It’s not until the two of you are in your bedroom getting unready that Charles speaks more than a single word.
“Stefanos was nice, wasn’t he?” 
You pause in your action of taking off an earring, a puzzled tilt to your brow at the odd tone his words took, eyes examining him in the reflection of your vanity’s mirror. He stares down at his forearm as he unclasps his watch, his expression unreadable from his side profile. 
“Yes…he was,” you answer slowly, your confusion growing as you see Charles’ jaw clench, “I didn’t imagine him to be so, normal, I guess? After winning the Monte Carlo Masters, of all things. And, he’s done it three times! I mean, that’s incredible, no? For him to be so friendly and relaxed after was nice, I think.”
You rambled endlessly, the feeling that you’ve talked yourself into a corner flaring at the base of your skull. Charles turned to face you fully, shrugging his suit jacket off and calmly placing it on top of the dresser, rolling up the sleeves of his white dress shirt before he leaned to rest against the furniture as well.
“Ah,” the hair on the nape of your neck rises at the sound, you continue to remove your necklaces with hesitant fingers, “Did he charm you into being your favorite tennis player today, mon amour?”
A humorous scoff escapes your lips, “You know I’m not a fan of tennis. But, if there happens to be a match playing within my view, and he’s playing, I suppose I would want him to win. I wouldn’t say I was ‘charmed,’ I just think he’s a nice man.”
“I think you were too nice to him.”
You slowly place your diamond-studded, golden tennis chain away before your eyes flicker back to meet Charles’ in the reflection of the mirror. You raise a brow, unsure how to respond to his statement. Intelligently, you’ve deduced that he’s jealous, which is odd—considering he’s Charles Leclerc, the prettiest, sweetest, and kindest man on the face of the Earth, in your humble opinion. Stefanos doesn’t hold a candle compared to your boyfriend. Your fingers struggle to undo the clasp of your final necklace; the gold, diamond-paved, Cartier necklace with Charles’ name carved on the back—it was expensive enough that he refused to tell you the price when he gifted it, only saying that “the cost was nothing compared to the love he has for you,” the smooth-talker.
“Arrête,” he speaks firmly, pushing off the dresser and making his way towards you, his dress shoes clicking on the floor sending your heartbeat racing. He stops mere centimeters behind you, the heat of his body radiating against your back.
“Leave it on,” he murmurs, darkened eyes running over your form in the mirror indulgently. 
You do as he says, arms shakily lowering to rest at your sides, fingers tugging at the hem of your sundress as your heart skips and body flushes with heat. The Monegasque reaches around you to center the necklace on your clavicle, the sensation of his fingertips barely ghosting across your brown skin has your mouth parting with an inaudible gasp.
“If only he knew that you wear my name locked around your neck,” the brunette pondered aloud, “Maybe then he would remember that your pretty eyes, sweet giggles, and flirty words are for me—since you seemed to forget.”
“I was not f-flirting with him!” You stutter over the word as if it were an insult.
“You were not,” Charles sounds like he agrees, “But, you know very well that people mistake your kindness as more than that. It’s happened before, no?”
It has happened before. More than you can count. The number of men who mistake politeness and your overall niceness for interest is frightening; you don’t want anybody but Charles.
“What was I supposed to say to Stefanos? Nothing? Should I have just ignored him? And stood at your side quietly like I was just there for decoration?” Your tone peaks with annoyance, heated at the idea of being reduced to an accessory.
“No,” his voice cuts through your train of thought, “You should’ve agreed with me when I mentioned we needed to leave after he said ‘the only thing he’s missing to celebrate is a beautiful woman’ as he stared directly at you—instead of forcing me to stay for another twenty minutes to talk.”
Your mouth drops open disbelievingly, a scoff following a few moments later when you slowly realize that Stefanos wasn’t interested in being set up with one of your friends as he asked. You should’ve known when he asked if you had a twin sister he could meet.
“Okay, in hindsight, I can see that he was flirting,” you clarify, “But, I definitely was not. You know in that entire conversation, I was just being polite—and I made you stay for longer because the Prince wanted to talk to you. Not because I was entertaining a man who doesn’t respect my relationship with you!”
“You were being polite when he kissed your hand?”
“Yes! I thought that was just him laying it on thick?”
“He’s not royalty,” Charles snorts, “The only person allowed to put their lips on you is me.”
“You keep talking about who’s ‘allowed’ to do anything to me and you’ll very quickly find out that I’m ‘allowed’ to reconsider this relationship if you continue speaking about me as if you own me.”
“I don’t own you,” Charles pauses, and a smile spreads across his lips, dimples deepening in his cheeks, nearly forcing you to forget your previous statement as you admire them in the vanity mirror, “But—you own me.”
You turn around quickly at the words, breath stuttering at the lack of space between you two. Tilting your head upwards, you examine your boyfriend’s face with narrowed eyes and cheeks burning so hot the red flush is apparent. His smile has softened to a smirk, his eyebrows laced with a smug undertone, his pupils blown wide enough for you to have to focus to see the green ring around them. You languidly raise a hand to trace a finger across the edge of his jawline, then cupping your hand along the side of his face, gently resting your thumb in the indent of his dimple. Your chest tightens when Charles leans into your palm, slowly shifting to press a kiss on your wrist before nudging you back to holding his face.
Sighing gently, you shake your head, “What do you want from me?”
“Je veux que tu me laisses baiser ma jalousie sur toi, s'il te plaît.”
“S-say it slower please,” you request meekly, “I think I heard you wrong.”
“I want you to let me fuck my jealousy out,” Charles emphasizes each word slowly, his tone becoming teasing as he sees you fluster with each added syllable, “Ple–”
Your lips meet his desperately, your other hand flying upwards to grasp at his shoulder when you feel his laughter through the kiss. You’re sure his amusement is multiplied as you try to dominate the kiss, even as you rise on the tips of your toes and arch your body towards his. Needily, you whine into his mouth as he refuses to meet your rushed rhythm, digging your nails into the meat of his broad shoulders to convey your urgency.
The Monegasques’ hold on your waist turns rough and you pull backward with a gasp when he pinches the skin of your arm. You glower at him in displeasure but it’s quick to fade as he guides you back to his lips with a heavy hand on the nape of your neck. His thumb and pointer finger are weighted from their position at the base of your skull, directing the tilt and movement of your head as he licks into your mouth and bruises your swollen lips further with pressure and stings of teeth.
He walks himself backward, one hand firm on your hip to guide you with him, the other rucking up the skirt of your sundress and sliding underneath to tug your panties down your legs with ease. You kick the fabric off your ankles distractedly, falling to straddle Charles’ lap as soon as he sits on the edge of the bed. His hand slips between the cradle of your thighs, cupping along your warmth and toying within your folds.
“Wet for me already,” he discovers delightedly, breaking the kiss to suck a mark into the sensitive skin behind your left ear and peppering more nips and teases of teeth down the stretch of your neck. Hisses of pleasure slip from your parted lips and you slant your hips forward to guide Charles’ fingers inside. You exhale breathily at the slide of a single finger in your cunt, rolling down onto his hand when you deem his pace too slow.
“Another, please,” you beg, moaning throatily when your boyfriend fulfills your plea without hesitation.
Two fingers turn into three, and three fingers turn into Charles flipping you over and pushing you into the bed so he can hover over you. With rushed hands, you both shove the zipper of his slacks and the hem of his briefs low for him to slip his cock out and press into you. The brunette shudders as he sinks within your depths, falling to his elbows, your moans and gasps of breath spilling into the same pocket of air when his hips rest against the back of your thighs. 
“M-move, please, Cha,” you cry, knees pressing into his sides and body rolling upwards to get a glimpse of friction during his stillness.
Charles drops his head to quiet you with a chaste kiss before matching the rhythm of your rocking hips, his rumbling groans quieted by your lips. He holds himself steady on one arm while he uses the other to reach above your head and drag a pillow downwards, tapping your ass briefly to wordlessly command you into rising upwards as he slips the cushion underneath you. As soon as the pillow is properly positioned, Charles’ slow grinds are exchanged for slamming thrusts, sharp flares of pain-dipped pleasure shooting up your spine and tightening the knot in your navel. Your breath is lost quickly and you struggle to recover, eyes screwing shut and exhales of expletives and whimpers of encouragement are all you can offer.
The Monegasque roughly slides his hand down your leg and grasps you by the ankle digging into the small of his back to keep him close, moving it to rest over his shoulder, and letting his hand fall to squeeze at your thigh for purchase as the change of position tightens the fluttering channel of your cunt around him. This angle feels like he’s digging deeper inside you; one of your hands scrambling to drag your nails down his toned back while the other fists in his hair as you shriek high-pitched into the heated air between your bodies.
“All mine,” you can feel the possessive lilt to his tone rumble through the thin skin of your throat as he sucks along the rapid beat of your pulse. Your nails decorate his back with red scores and it has Charles biting out sharp putain’s and rabbiting his cock into you forcefully, yet remaining conscious enough to realign his thrusts as he bullies his way inside of you to pound against your g-spot. His leaned forward position stretches the limits of your comfortable flexibility, but it allows his pelvis to barely scrape against your clit, sending a wave of overstimulating pleasure to your brain, your eyes rolling as the sensation knocks any form of rational thought from your brain.
He pauses to tug the front of your dress down, the hem tucked under the spill of your breasts. His fingers flick teasingly over a pebbled nipple while he folds himself lower to drag his tongue against the other and nip small marks around your areola. You fight against the assault on your chest; arching your back towards and away from him—chasing and running away from the pleasure simultaneously, yet you continue to grind onto his cock.
“Charles, f-fuck, lemme–uhuh—lemme ride ‘ou,” you whine out incoherently, pushing at his shoulder with a closed fist, hoping he’ll understand your slurred words as your tongue begins to feel heavy.
Your boyfriend pulls away from your breasts in question, panting roughly as he stares up at you to see a pure look of want in your dampened eyes,  lashes clumped together and brown skin flushing deeper when the eye contact is held unendingly. You know that Charles debated denying your request, or at least thought about making you beg for it, but he decides to kneel and drag you upwards into his lap without a fight. He allows you a brief respite to adjust your legs and anchor your arms over his shoulders, then tightens the hold of his hands on your waist, fingertips sure to leave indents as he assists your first upward motion, before solidly dragging you back down. 
The strength you regained in your legs from the short break disappears, knees weakening and body slumping into Charles’ chest, your head drooping to rest in the crook of his neck. 
Charles steadies your head and tilts you back gently, checking in, “Is this too much, mon amour? We can stop.”
“No,” you murmur, “You fucked the feeling out of my legs, Cha.”
He laughs warmly, situating his hands on your ass to direct your motions, the tone of his voice light as he coos, “‘s okay, mon coeur—I’ll do all the work.”
You brush your nose along his, moaning softly at the sweetened drag of his cock. Charles chases your bitten lips, groaning lowly as he deepens his thrusts, fingers dipping to circle your clit—always ensuring your release is prioritized. Your thighs begin to shake and his thrusts skip beats as he begins to near the precipice as well. Shuddering, you gasp into his mouth, attempting to alert him to your nearing orgasm but you’re unable to speak the words.
“It’s okay, mon amour,” your boyfriend soothes, “Cum for me—I’ve got you.”
“yesyesyes,” you babble mindlessly, Charles continuing to pound into you, not slowing the search for his release now that you’re orgasm is imminent. A few well-angled jabs of your g-spot and you’re gone; release frying your nerve endings and vision blurring as your boyfriend continues to ride your high to its very end. 
The Monegasque pulls out the moment your hips fight his hold, dropping his hand drenched with your pleasure from your clit to grab his cock, and with one stroke, he spills. Charles paints your navel and inner thighs white with whimpering moans, and lilted French. He milks himself into over-sensitivity, only stopping when the orgasmic relief shifts into pain. He kisses you on the cheek as he drags a finger through his cum pooled between your thighs. His hand rises to your mouth and he hums approvingly as your lips part and suckle his spend clean off.  
“Hm,” Charles sounds, staring down at the claim he’s spilled, his free hand rubbing his cum along your navel, “All mine.”
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© httpsserene2024
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nigtmarcz · 13 days ago
⎯⎯ bf!hamzah headcanons
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— whenever hamzah plays a game with voice chat, he’ll make you wear his headset and talk into the mic as if you’re playing, just to troll the randoms (and also to show off how good he is at the game)
— if hamzah was streaming on twitch, he'd try to pull you into the frame to show you off, even if you didn’t want to show your face right after waking up
— if hamzah’s tired from editing videos, he’ll beg you to finish it for him. you always say no, so he ends up doing it himself anyway, muttering, "just say you hate me…"
— he’d always refer to you as "mom" or "mama" whenever talking to red and blue
— would send you instagram reels, and you’d hear him laughing from the other room.
"you know you can just show me in person, right?"
— before hamzah would put on his glasses, he’d always make you wear them first and admire how cute you looked in them, even though you had perfect eyesight
— every month, you two would create a new Spotify collab playlist and try to make them have a similar vibe
"okay, why did it transition from bladee to lily chou-chou?"
— you two would definitely have matching discord profile pictures, but not the typical anime couple ones—more like sonic the hedgehog and mario kissing
— he’s not really into pda, but if you were hanging out with friends and everyone stepped out of the room, he’d start hugging you, clinging onto you, and kissing your face everywhere. but if someone walked in, he’d quickly pull away acting all suspicious and shy
— before going to bed, he’d purposely pull all the blankets away and hog them for himself, leading to you two playfully fighting in bed
— his tiktok drafts are filled with you two doing couple trends or dances. you’d usually film them after getting high, then spend hours re-watching them and laughing your ass off
— if he was busy for the day, he'd text you every time he was doing something
"filming right now!"
"gonna get some food you want anything babe?"
"taking a massive shit rn.."
— you trained him to be the perfect photographer for you. even though him recording himself is his job, this man still has no clue how to take pictures for anyone else
— when you guys go shopping, hamzah actually pays attention and helps you pick things out
"do you think this top is cute babe?"
"ehh.. i like this one better."
— he’d always put you onto new music and give you the artist's backstory, sharing all the little details about them
— if either blue or red was laying on your lap, hamzah would playfully snatch them away from you
"don't touch my kid"
"you mean OUR kid??"
— he would always mention you during the podcast but in the most out of pocket way.
"yeah y/n loves to smell my farts. that's what i think true love is."
"dude? what are you saying?"
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sheeple · 1 month ago
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Okay so is this kinda inspired by my own wishfull thinking? Yes absolutely. Do I give a damn? Absolutely not. Warnings? Age gap (reader 23/John 35) / Reader lives at home / kinda rushed because I want it out of my system :)
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Ever since covid you and your friend had a Tinder Night every two weeks, to help you with your never-ending singleness. And when she moved across the country to move in with her boyfriend, the Tinder Nights got digital. And by now you've also broadened your horizon to Hinge.
But one evening bored out of your mind by the selection of boys, your friend — plus her boyfriend who tries not to be invested but is failing very badly — and you decide to up the age to 30 to 40, for shits and gigs of course.
And after an evening of swiping and giggling about the creepy dudes who put their minimum age to at least 23, you kinda forget to put the age back to your five-year rule. Until you get a notification of Hinge a couple of nights later.
John has liked your photo! Match to continue the conversation.
You hesitate at first. From the small picture, the notif gives you you can see that the guy isn't 25 of something. Opening the app, you scroll through his profile.
He's... handsome. You're not going to deny that with short brown hair and a pretty mighty moustache and beard, he kinda gives you puppy vibes as his eyes radiate kindness.
His profile says he's 35 and in the army. Pretty tall too. And his prompts are pretty hilarious too. At least... you think so.
You send a screenshot to your friend of his answer to:
I'm totally obsessed with: Sleeping in a freshly washed bed.
You: Oh he's... like ADULT adult Your friend: That answer comes across as if he is going to give you tips about the airfryer
And against your better judgement... you match with him.
The conversation is awkward at first (from your side at least) but slowly and surely you start to warm up. His jokes are horrible and dad-jokey but make you smile anytime he sends them. He's the first person you text and the last one from whom you check if you have a message before going to sleep.
After a week he asks you out to dinner. He wants to meet you and see if you match each other in real life. And you agree.
So that Friday, after work, you get all dolled up and you ask your mother to drop you off so you can drink a cocktail or two and don't have to worry about driving.
When you walk into the restaurant your breath hitches. There he is, waiting patiently for you. He's wearing a simple white button-up with the sleeves rolled up his arms and dark slacks. Effortlessly handsome.
John rises from his seat when you approach and hugs you, a wide smile on his face. He pulls the chair out for you, like the gentleman he is, and asks about your day.
To your surprise, this is the first date you truly enjoy. John is attentive and seems to really pay attention to you and what you say. He asks about you, your job, and your life. Of course, you do the same. he's a very interesting man and his job is just amazing. He explains he's a captain in the British Army but that he's on desk duty until his injury from his last deployment has healed. He can't say a lot about his job as a Captain, but what he tells you sounds all so brave.
Without even realising hours have passed and the restaurant staff is not so subtly urging you to pay and go home. You want to grab your purse to split the bill. But John gives you a stern look and pays instead.
"You really didn't need to do that", you say as he drives you home, feeling kinda guilty that he paid the bill.
John gives you the same look as before. "Darling, my mother raised me right. And she would give me a stern talking to if she knew I would let a lady pay on the first date."
"Fine", you huff, "but next time I pay!"
"Next time huh?" He gives you a cheeky smile.
You feel your face heat up and choose to say nothing, opting to look out of the window.
John stops in front of your house and gets out to open the car door for you. He walks you to the front door and you hesitate for a moment with the key in your hand.
"I would love to invite you in for tea but..."
He nods understanding. "But you have roommates that are probably asleep by now. I get it."
Pursing your lips, you embarrassingly scratch the back of your neck. "No... I still live with my parents."
John's eyes widen with shock for a second before he masks it. "Ah. I see."
This is it, you think, I've blown it.
"It's a bit too early to meet the parents, isn't it?", he jokes and you let out a sigh of relief. You nod in agreement, a smile forming on your face.
Standing up on your tippy toes, you press a kiss against John's cheek. His beard prickles your lips but you don't mind it.
"Thanks for tonight. And thanks you for driving me home", you smile softly. "Text me when you get home safely?"
John nods and you wait before entering your home until John's driven away. Once inside you sigh deeply.
How are you going to explain to your parents that you're dating a guy who's seriously twelve years older than you?!
second part
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captain-huggy-bear · 2 months ago
Practically Ancient
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Pairing: Quinn Hughes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Insecurities, comparison
Summary: You end up down a rabbit hole of instagram comments and profiles and can't help but compare yourself to all the women who would gladly date your boyfriend. You can't help but wonder why he's even with you.
Notes: Reader is described as not having a flat stomach and being a little older than Quinn, this is quite self-indulgent so sorry if you can't relate :/
Song that totally fits this vibe by the way - Burden by Citizen Soldier
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It starts as almost all insecurities do with a instagram post and a series of comments. You really shouldn't look up anything to do with Quinn or the Canucks, you know this. But, the curiosity every now and again wins out, today being a key example.
The Canucks page posted a still from a recent post-game interview with Quinn, the one where he looks ruggedly dishevelled, hair strands falling across his face. To make it worse he actually has a little smirky smile on his face, the rarest kind for those not close to him to see. You love it, of course you do, he's so handsome and he's yours, you save the picture to your phone immediately...but the comments reiterate your own thoughts.
It shouldn't be a problem all these random fans commenting on how handsome he is, that he's a total smash not a pass. It's not like he's dating them or that he even cares about some random women on the internet but...you can't help but look at some of their profiles, can't help but compare yourself. They're all younger than you, all taller or slimmer or with clearer skin. Some of them are models, some of them are athletes in their own right and it makes you feel inadequate, not good enough. While the majority of comments are just about Quinn or saying how lucky you are, nice enough comments, it doesn't help that interspersed is the odd comment about how he could do better than you, his current girlfriend, or that you were really punching above your weight to have bagged him.
You sigh heavily as you force yourself to stop reading comments, throwing your phone to the other end of the sofa where it'll surely get lost in the pillows. Your eyes flick to Quinn who's emptying the dishwasher, plates clattering as they slide against each other. He looks cozy, handsome in that effortless way he does with his big hoodie swallowing him. Normally it would make you smile, today it just makes you frown.
"I don't get it..." You call out. Quinn immediately turns all his attention to you, putting down the spatula he'd been about to put away. Feet padding nearer as he stands over the back of the sofa, hand reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"What, baby?"
"I'm practically a cougar, i'm ancient, one foot in the grave..." He frowns down at you, confused by the topic of conversation and by your instance that you're ancient when you're not even 27 yet.
"You're a year older than me." His fingers drift from behind your ear, trailing a gentle caress over your jaw as his eyes flitter over your features. Taking in the frown, the sad downturn of your mouth. He's not sure what's brought it on, but he knows he hates it.
"A year and 10 months, that's almost 2 years." When you turn 27, he'll be 25 still...weren't girls usually the younger of the pair? Usually the guy was older? Was it weird that you were dating him?
"My point stands. What's the problem?"
"Well, you could...you could have any woman you wanted, some young model who doesn't have grey hairs already coming in and and doesn't think that a good night out is a book and a blanket." You avoid his eyes, looking at a particularly dusty corner of the ceiling.
"Baby..." He pulls aways, only to come around the side of the sofa, to sit next to you so close your legs are pressed together, his hand reaching out to rest on your thigh, rubbing soothing circles.
"And, I'm not leggy, my stomach isn't flat, I don't have perfect skin and I snort when I laugh too hard...I just...I don't get it."
God, it breaks his heart. The doubt he can see in you, the way your leg is bouncing anxiously under his hand, the bite you're taking out of your bottom lip. It happens sometimes. He knows it does, you've always had the odd bout of insecurity and he counts himself lucky that you always talk it out with him, but he hates it. In Quinn's mind you have nothing to be insecure about.
"I love you." He says it like it's the simplest thing in the world. 'I love you', that's why, that should be enough. But, there's something in your brain right in that moment that can't comprehend it. You understand why you love him, but why would he love you?
"Do you...do you seriously not see why I love you?" He looks horrified, like you've just told him his childhood dog had died or that he's not being signed to the Canucks next year. You shake your head, tears starting to well a little in your eyes, "Oh, baby...guess, I haven't been doing my boyfriend duties well enough, huh? C'mere." Quinn pulls you into his lap, practically folds you into him, arms tight around your hips and back, fingers toying with the ends of your hair as you press your cheek into his shoulder.
There's a rocking to the hold as he talks, a soothing sort of motion side to side as his voice warms you and puts to bed any doubts you might have. As he starts to list everything he loves about you, as if once he's started he simply can't stop.
"I love how kind you are, that you'll stop to help anyone who needs it or let someone out in traffic even if it makes you late." His fingers brush the back of your neck, soothing circles that loosen some of the tightness you're holding there. "I love that we can sit in silence with our books and our blankets and that you don't want to go partying all the time and that you get that I just want quiet too..."
How many times has he come home from a game or had a rest day where he just wants quiet, where he wants the calm? How many times have you effortlessly provided that? How many people would? He knew most girlfriends probably would have dragged him out of the apartment, demanded he do something more with them on his only day free. Not you, you just wanted to be around him, didn't matter if you were going out for dinner or sitting in front of the television or just curling up in bed.
"I love how your nose scrunches when you're confused by something, especially when it's directed at the refs" He can list 101 times that a bad call has been made in one of his games where you've made that face, like they're idiots for calling a penalty. It was especially obvious that time Boeser got called for tripping, the memory makes him smile, "and I love your grey hairs because it makes me think about how one day we're both going to be old, grey, but happy and together..." His fingers twist thorough your hair, the few tiny strands of silver shining in the light. They're barely there, barely obvious, but they remind him that you're growing together.
"I love your face, it's the one I look for in the crowds during warm ups and I love that you struggle to reach things in stores because it gives me a way to be helpful."
"Quinn..." Your eyes are tearing up for a different reason entirely now, pulling back to look at him as he smiles at you, hands cupping your cheeks and thumbs brushing against the softness of them.
"I'm not done, baby... I love that you steal any jersey I come home with and I love that your stomach isn't flat, that you feel like a fucking cloud to cuddle." He wipes away a rogue tear that escapes, tracing a track down your cheek as your heart fills with love for him, for this man who never lets you suffer alone or second guess yourself.
"I love that you're close with my family, that you have your own group chat with Jack and Luke, even if it means you make fun of me together." He huffs out a laugh, the amount of times you've planned a prank or some sort joke on him with his brothers... "I love that you think to leave the rink before me and get something for us for dinner and I love that you know how to make me feel better when i've had a shit game. But most of all? I love loving you, I love being able to be your person and seeing the most amazing person I know smile because I did something."
In Quinn's mind he has two purposes in life; Hockey and you, providing you with anything and everything you could ever need. The idea that he'd failed to meet your need for reassurance, that you'd doubted his love for you stung, felt like a loss, a failure.
"You're making me cry...Quinn..." God, you love him, the way he holds you tighter, the way he wants to meet your every need and want, the care he takes to validate your feelings and his desire to fix any problem.
There's a comfortable silence in which you press kisses to his shoulder, breathing in his cologne, as he continues to rock you gently from side to side, lips pressing into the crown of your head.
Your tears aren't sad now, they're the sort of tears that come from an aching love for someone, a depth of emotion you'd never felt until Quinn. You know he's it for you. You know in that moment that he's ruined you for any man who comes after and you hope you never have to experience life without him.
"You should know every single day that I love you and why I love you...and if you don't i'm not working hard enough, baby...I'd do anything for you."
"Anything, i'd even give up hockey." He means it to. If you asked him to retired tomorrow, he'd do it if it made you happy, it scares him a little...that someone who used to be a stranger means that much to him.
"No..." The idea that he'd give up the one thing he's loved his entire life for you...it strikes you then, that he means it. He loves you just as much as you love him and maybe he has options but you're the option he's picking, wholeheartedly and without reservation.
"Yeah, but I know you'd never ask me to and I love that about you too, sweetheart."
There's another short silence, this one heavier as he considers how to word his next question.
"...Did...did I do something to make you doubt how much I love you? You can tell me if I did." There's a reticence there, almost a fear that he's the cause and it hurts to see that your own insecurities have made him doubt himself at all.
You sigh heavily, pressing a kiss to his cheek that lingers a moment before admitting the reality of the situation, "It's not you, I just...I got in my head a little...you know I always see those instagram posts and comments about how handsome you are and how...how you have always these options and I..." Quinn presses his forehead to yours, noses brushing as he catches your eye and holds it, face serious, eyes unblinking as if that would make you truly understand what he's about to say.
"You are my only option. You. You now, you tomorrow, more you, you when your hair is a mess, you when you're sick and gross...you when you're actually ancient..." You lightly slap his shoulder, even as the two of you laugh in each other's personal space, Quinn purposefully rubbing the tip of his nose against yours, "I don't want anyone else, I don't even notice other people anymore. The guys' point out a girl and I just think how she's not you."
"I love you, Quinn...I love so much."
"I know" You hit him again as he pulls back to laugh loudly before pulling you close again. "I love you too. Always."
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cxrrodedcoffin · 8 months ago
Rock Me - Spencer Reid
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Likes are always appreciated but reblogs and feedback keep artists going!
Summary: Spencer decides to surprise Rockstar!Reader on the road after one of her tour stops, so they fuck each other’s brains out.
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: I made my first custom fic header! I really wanted to capture the vibe I was picturing for this so I hope y’all like it! Decided to combine my love of music with my love for Spencer Reid, I was def picturing the vibes of The Pretty Reckless and In This Moment for the kind of band reader is the frontwoman of, reader plays the bass guitar because I always wanted to play bass when I was younger lol. Very short outro cuz I felt like it was getting a little too long lol, p.s. yes the title is a one direction song, fight me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TW: sub!spencer, mommy kink, established relationship, lots of teasing, playfully mean dom!reader, degradation, pet names, unprotected sex, penetration, afab + fem reader, slight alcohol mention, cum eating, oral sex (reader receiving), handjob, typical criminal minds level violence at the beginning.
Rating: R, 18+
You were a force of nature. Spencer knew that from the moment the team walked into that concert venue in search of a serial killer targeting high profile rock musicians. Your voice captivated him, strong melodies reverberating inside his mind, snaking around his every thought, he was hypnotized like a sailor drawn to your siren song.
When the unsub ran on stage and held a knife to your throat, Spencer’s heart stopped, until you used the headstock of your bass to uppercut the criminal, forcing him to drop the knife and stumble back into your bandmate’s drum set. You weren’t going to wait for someone to rescue you no matter what you were ordered to do, your fate was in no one’s hands but your own.
That was the moment Spencer knew he had to have you, and he’d do whatever it took to see you as often as possible. He spent the next six months bouncing back and forth across the country, from whatever state the latest case was in to wherever your next tour stop was. He couldn’t get enough of you.
Now, as he waited anxiously on your tour bus with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in hand ready to surprise you, he found his mind wandering back to every dirty encounter the two of you had leading up to this. He catered to your every whim, falling to his knees to eat you out whenever you asked, in your dressing room before a show, in the bathroom on the moving tour bus, even side stage right after you’d just finished performing, smelling like smoke and sweat, ripping your fishnets so he could devour your cunt on top of an amp.
What the two of you had was utterly filthy, and he loved every second of it. You hadn’t given him the pleasure of properly fucking you yet, but that’s not to say you disregarded his pleasure all together, far from it. You loved to let him put on a show for you, sitting on the bench across from him on the bus as you watched his brow furrow, his large hand fisting his cock impossibly slowly as you talked him through masturbation, reveling in the way he whimpered when you finally gave him permission to cum, shooting a massive load all over his lightly toned stomach.
He felt free with you, like he could lull the constant noise in his head for a short while and just be whatever you wanted in the moment, whether that be a loving boyfriend who’d hold you and let you bitch to your heart's content about your in-ears malfunctioning during the show, or a mere tool for your pleasure, he was content.
But right now, he was really, really hoping you’d use him like your own personal sex toy.
You raised your bass in the air, screaming an enthusiastic ‘goodnight!’ into your mic before running off stage, desperate to rip your clothes off and cool down after sweating your ass off under the stage lights for the last hour and a half.
You handed off your gear to the sound techs before saying congratulatory goodbyes to your band mates, making as close to an irish exit as you could, shaking off any fleeting guilt you had about it knowing you’d do the whole thing over again together in a couple days when you arrived in the next city.
You grabbed your bag from your dressing room, taking a couple snacks for the road from the basket the venue provided in accordance with your rider before heading out to the bus, ready to take a cold shower as soon as possible. You yanked open the bus door handle, climbing the short steps into the central seating area, nearly dropping your bag when you finally saw him.
“Spence!” You cheered, a little too giddy to see your boy wonder. You quickly tossed your bag aside and straddled his lap, taking his face in your hands and crashing your lips to his in an open-mouthed kiss. Your tongue danced with his, desperate to taste him after two weeks of no physical content. Spencer had sent you as many tribute videos as you’d asked for while you were apart, but it just wasn’t the same as getting to feel him.
When you pulled away, the deep red of your lipstick was smeared across his plush lips, and you would’ve giggled if the sight hadn’t turned you on so much. He really was so pretty, you absolutely understood why his teammates nicknamed him pretty boy. You kissed him one more time on the cheek, placing a perfect kiss print on his soft skin before reaching for the flowers he’d brought you. You took in the fresh floral scent, admiring the flora for a moment before thanking him and getting up to put the stems in the neck of an empty liquor bottle in lieu of a vase.
“I’ve missed you.” He sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist as he watched your handiwork over your shoulder.
“Not more than I missed you.” You challenged, setting the makeshift floral arrangement on the small countertop. You turned to face him, your platform boots putting you right at his eyeline. He may have been taller than you but that didn’t stop the hold you had over him.
“It doesn’t have to be a competition.” He laughed, pulling you closer.
“But it does Spence, do you know how many times I got off stage and wished you were there to see the killer show we put on?” You were earnest, something only he seemed to be able to pull out of your usually headstrong facade.
“Ah, every show you put on is extraordinary, watching you is transcendent, you’re otherworldly up there, even on what you consider your bad days.” He praised, showering you with his famously flowery language. You felt a special appreciation for it, because despite the messy rocker chick stereotype, you held a life-long love of literature close to your heart.
“God, you are so whipped!” You teased, lightly pushing at his chest. Despite your deflection, the blush creeping across your cheeks showed him just how much his words meant to you.
“Maybe, but I know you love it.” He called your bluff and the back and forth was starting to stir something in you that needed attention, now.
“You know what I missed the most?” You asked, unable to keep your eyes off of his mouth.
“What?” He knew where you were going with this but needed to hear the words from your perfect lips.
“Seeing you cum all over your stomach live and in person.” Your sultry tone sent blood rushing straight to his cock, eidetic memory pulling clips of your mutual masturbation to the front of his mind.
“W-what if I came somewhere else tonight?” He stumbled over his words, having a hard time maintaining eye contact as he asked the awkwardly worded question.
“Like where?” You played dumb, exaggeratingly tilting your head and twirling your hair around your finger.
“Inside you.” He whispered, gaze locked on the wall behind you.
“Hmm I didn’t quite hear that, can you repeat it for me?”
“Inside you, I want to fuck you.” He blurted out, lipstick-stained cheeks burning bright red in embarrassment. You took his chin between your fingers, forcing him to look at you as you pondered your next move.
“I have a mountain of fan mail full of guys begging for the opportunity to fuck me, what makes you think you deserve it more than any of them?” You prompted, watching the way his features contorted in reaction to your somewhat harsh question.
“You’re being mean.” Tears started to well up in his eyes, brown irises glazing over as a lump formed in his throat. Despite how sad the thought made him, it also had his bulge straining even harder against his pants than it already had been.
“I know baby, but you’ve gotta prove how badly you want this, I’m not just going to give you the privilege without earning it.”
You could see the wheels turning in his head, no doubt debating what he could do to demonstrate his worth to you. His demeanor started to shift, holding eye contact as his shoulders straightened, practically puffing out his chest.
“I think I’ve already proven myself to you, given that you’ve cum on my tongue more times than you could count.” This sudden surge of confidence from Spencer was unexpected, but something about it had you hungrier for him than ever.
“Fair, although I do think that eidetic memory of yours gives you an unjust advantage.” You teased, a small smirk forming at the corner of his mouth. You took a step forward, closing what small gap was left between the two of you before bringing your hand to graze over his bulge. He let out a breathy whimper, pupils dilating as you applied slight pressure to his almost painfully hard member.
“I’ll do whatever you want, I just need you to touch me.” He breathed, bucking into your hand. You began to undo his belt, pushing him back until he fell back onto the leather bench. You loomed over him, low cut top giving him a face full of cleavage as you worked to slide his pants down just enough to free his aching cock. You moved to straddle his lap, sitting back on his thighs to leave ample space to toy with his member.
“Can you be a good boy for me?” You purred, starting to pump your spit-covered hand up and down his shaft.
“God yes.”
“Yes, what?” You stared him down, watching his lips part with a gentle moan.
“Yes Mommy.” The groan ripped from his throat, prominent veins framing his adam's apple.
“That’s right baby, let mommy take care of you.” You kissed his cheekbone, then his jawline, admiring the way your crimson lipstick contrasted against his pale complexion as you worked your hand over his cock, feeling every curve and contour of his thick veins against your palm.
“Take off your shirt.” You ordered, your free hand skirting under his layered vest and button-up to feel his abdominal muscles flex with every shallow breath he took. He did his best to quickly undress, lifting the vest over his head before shaky hands began unbuttoning each adornment, finally shaking off the garment and exposing his bare chest.
You trailed your kisses down his neck, peppering lip prints across his chest, stopping periodically to suck and nip until dark red and purple bruises bloomed over his skin. You could tell he was holding back, front teeth biting into his bottom lip to stifle his sighs.
“Spencer, I need to hear you.” You bring your hand to a stop, waiting for him to release his lip from the bite before starting up your movements again. You brought your other hand down to cup his balls, gently massaging them as you increased your speed, rotating your wrist to maximize the stimulation against his increasingly sensitive shaft.
The moans and whimpers falling from his lips grew louder, his mind abandoning all inhibitions as his approaching orgasm clouded his judgment.
“You’re so loud, the rest of the band is in the bus right next to ours, do you want them to hear how big of a whore you’re being right now?” You teased, snapping him out of his love-drunk stupor.
“I-I thought you wanted me to-“ He stuttered out, brows furrowed in confusion.
“You’re right sweet boy, I want them to hear exactly how good I make you feel.” You cut him off, a wicked grin spread across your face as you focused your movements on the tip of his cock, your thumb smearing the pre-cum dripping from his slit all over the swollen head. His moan caught in his throat, breathing becoming increasingly labored until one final twist of your hand had him falling over the edge.
“Mommy!” He cried out, his thighs flexing as thick ropes of cum painted his stomach. You slowed your movements just slightly, milking him for all he has. You took your free hand and picked up some of his spend on your fingers before bringing them to his parted lips, prompting him to suck them clean. He does as he’s told, utterly shameless about everything he does for you.
“You’re such an obedient slut Spencer, I love it.” You praised, pulling him into another heated kiss. You pulled away, watching him catch his breath and look at you like you hung the stars in the night sky.
“I think you’re ready for me, if you’re up for it.” His eyes went wide at your proposal, his heart feeling as though it could beat right out of his chest.
“Yes, yes, I just need a minute.” He panted, his cock already semi-hard again.
“Take your time sugar, I’m gonna take a quick shower.” You patted his cheek before rising off of his lap and walking to the small bus bathroom, stripping out of your black latex mini dress and shredded fishnets to wash off the sweat and body shimmer from your time on stage tonight. You didn’t bother removing your makeup, too excited to finally have Spencer’s perfect cock inside of you to waste any time.
He didn’t need to know how badly you wanted him, the cat and mouse game the two of you played was unlike anything you’d ever had before and it beyond satisfied you to know how much power you willingly held over him, and how much pleasure you mutually received from it.
When you finished scrubbing down you made your way to your small bedroom at the back of the bus, finding Spencer ready and waiting for you on your bed. He was laying nude on top of the comforter, messy strands of hair resting against his forehead, pillow sitting in his lap as he propped himself up on his elbows to watch for you.
“You’re so beautiful.” He greeted you, watching as you rubbed body lotion over your skin. When you reached your chest, you spent a little extra time kneading the lotion into your breasts, putting on a bit of a show for him. He loved all of you, that much you were sure of, but he always had a special appreciation for your breasts.
He’d find any opportunity to lay his head on your chest while you laid in bed together on your off days, watching Doctor Who and nerding out over through lines and plot holes alike. It was days like those that had you really falling for him, your souls finding ways to both mesh with and contradict each other in a perfect harmony.
“You’re too sweet to me.” You smiled at him, rubbing the last bit of lotion into your skin before walking to the end of the bed. You reached forward, observing as his eyes went straight to your chest when you bent over to pull the pillow away from his lap. His cock stood straight up, bobbing slightly. A deep blush creeped over his cheeks, his shyness endearing, especially given that you had just had your hand wrapped around him twenty minutes ago.
“Do you want to be on top, sweetheart?” The thought hadn’t even crossed his mind, he just figured you’d be the one in control of the whole thing, but the thought of hovering over you, getting to have a perfect view of your hair all splayed out over the pillows, your face contorted in pleasure, had goosebumps rising over his skin.
“If that’s what you want.” He surrendered, always looking to please you. You nodded, climbing onto the bed to lay down, waiting for him to reposition himself between your legs. He knelt there, reaching to grab the pillow from the end of the bed, bringing it behind your thighs. You understood what he was silently requesting, lifting your hips to allow him to slide the pillow underneath.
“Where’d you learn that, wonder boy?” You giggled, propping yourself up by your elbows to watch him.
“I read that it can ease the tension on the lower back created by repeated movement during intercourse, I want you to be comfortable.” He explained, bleeding heart showing once again. You nodded, smiling at him. His fingers slid up your thigh, pausing at the apex before dipping into your folds, his digits welcomed by your warm arousal.
“Y-you’re so wet already.” The look of amazement on his face amused you, as if he was somehow completely unaware that you were, in fact, truly attracted to him.
“Spencer, believe it or not, I actually do enjoy our time together.” You teased, raising your knees to your chest to give him a better view of your cunt. His features softened, your joking easing his nerves as he prepared himself for what he was about to do.
“Can I start?” He asked, positioning his hips just above yours.
“Yes baby, go slow.” You locked eyes with him, pushing a strand of hair away from his face. He brought his cock to your cunt, rubbing the head through your folds before tapping it against your clit a few times, making absolutely positive that you were relaxed enough. He positioned his head at your entrance, slowly pushing forward until his head popped into your welcoming hole.
“Stop.” You commanded, voice firm. His eyes widened in panic, freezing his movements.
“W-what’s wrong? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” He rambled, fear in his tone.
“I’m okay Spencer, I just want you to stay like that until I say otherwise.” He could hear the amusement in your tone and although he was no longer concerned, confusion quickly replaced it.
“Why?” He questioned, apprehensively obeying your request.
“I’m just doing whatever I want, just like you asked me to. I want to see if you can resist your urges.” He was almost annoyed, knowing that this was another one of your power plays, but the shiver that ran up his spine told you he was enjoying this just as much as you were.
So he stayed there, wincing every time you clenched your pelvic muscles around his tip, trying to break him. You knew it wouldn’t work, he was the definition of obedient, but it was oh so fun to watch him squirm in anticipation. After a good five minutes you decided you’d had enough, ready to let him fill you.
“You are so deliciously pathetic.” You laughed lightly, pulling him down into a kiss. You felt him smile against your lips, his hand snaking up your stomach to grope your breast. Your nipple hardened against his palm, drawing a low moan from your throat.
“Move, Spencer.” You finally gave him permission, your hand tangling in his messy locks. He pushed further into you, his thick girth stretching your walls in a way that had you begging for more.
“So tight.” He moaned, pausing to just feel the way your pussy hugged him before pulling out and thrusting quickly back into you, his eyes shut tight in concentration.
“Look at me.” You moaned, needing to see the pleasure in his beautiful eyes. His eyelids fluttered open, catching your gaze as he found a steady rhythm inside of you. Each thrust of his hips made the filthiest sound, wet slapping skin mixing with both of your moans, his whines and whimpering music to your ears.
The pillow beneath you made for the perfect angle, allowing the veins on this cock to rub deliciously against your sweet spot. He grabbed the side of your face, his mouth practically devouring you as he swallowed your moans. When we pulled away, a string of spit connecting your lips fell to your chest, and without hesitation he dipped his head down to lick it up, repeating your earlier actions as me marked your chest, working his way to your breasts.
He increased his speed, pumping in and out of you at an animalistic pace, his mouth finding your nipple and sucking hungrily. You threw your head back into the pillows, your hands finding his back and your acrylics digging into his delicate skin. You scratched up his back, surely drawing blood and for a split second you worried you’d taken it too far, until he moaned loudly against your chest.
“I’m gonna cum.” He panted, shifting so his face was above yours again. He looked to you for permission, but you weren’t going to let him off that easily.
“No, not until you beg for it.” You told him, digging your nails into his back again. He slowed his pace just slightly, his free hand finding your clit and rubbing quickly over it, hoping it would soften your conviction just a little.
“Please let me cum, I need it.” He weakly pleaded, his actions growing increasingly desperate.
“Come on baby, I know you can do better than that.” You encouraged him, rocking your hips to meet his thrusts. He whimpered, hanging his head for a moment to center himself.
“Please Mommy!” He groaned, watching your tits bounce with every thrust.
“Do it, fill up Mommy’s cunt Spencer.” You finally allowed him to let go, getting in a few more hard thrusts before his hips stuttered, his cock twitching and coating your walls with his warm cum. The feeling of his warmth deep inside coupled with his hand on your clit sent you over the edge, every nerve in your body on fire as the tension in your core dispersed through your body, the pleasure washing over you in waves.
When you both came down from your highs, Spencer collapsed face down on the bed next to you, his head turned to face you.
“I love you.” He whispered, half hoping he’d said it low enough that you hadn’t heard.
“I love you too, Spence.” You returned the favor, any fear he had immediately dissipating with the mutual confession.
Tag List: @pleasantwitchgarden @lover-of-books-and-tea
DM me or send me an ask if you’d like to be added to my general or spencer reid taglist :)
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dreamlikevening · 2 months ago
Pick A Fragrance ୨୧₊˚ʚ ;
messages from your higher self <3
you can pick based on appearance of the perfume bottle, or the notes which i will put below ♡ these fragrances are all by Le Monde Gourmand
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pile 1 ~ thé matcha (notes: fig, cedar, matcha tea, bitter orange, vetiver)
pile 2 ~ chai épicé (notes: violet, fig, musk, lily of the valley, blonde woods)
pile 3 ~ fraise fouettée (notes: strawberry, banana, california orange, butter, heliotrope, coconut water, sugar, vanilla)
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pile 1 - thé matcha
hello hello hellooooo. i got a feeling from your higher self that you're a bouncy person. i heard "free-looking" but also free-feeling. carefree kind of person. i'm getting taurus & sagittarius energy (could be significant placements or the house that they fall under in your astrology chart is calling your attention right now! for example, if you're a taurus rising, your higher self would be calling attention to your first house of identity, appearance, self-expression & such). if this resonates, it's extra confirmation that this is for you. i will also pull some paper slips with keywords for extra extra info <3
keywords: searcher & finder (got the message that you're a searcher/you spend lots of time searching but in a fulfilling sense), weekend, sequence, between the lines, triangle symbol (fire, so i'm getting you have a prominent fire placement), missing puzzle piece, "follow ♥︎", illusion, "full?", in the zone
cards: 7 of swords, 2 of swords, the world, page of cups
something your higher self is drawing your attention to is being more strategic when it comes to attaining something. to be more straightforward and honest with yourself. let's say you've been feeling lazy about getting a job but when you see, then fully accept that you have a Need to fulfill, you start to plan out how to attain that goal. you start with your resume, you pretty and polish it up, you create a profile, you start looking for jobs you'd be willing to work at. that's just an example of course, but something about getting real with yourself and getting organized as a result. your higher self is encouraging you very much and also protecting the situation for you. i definitely think they're being loud and clear about it, so if you've been seeing a lot of sings or been called to many readings recently, or been thinking heavily about a change you can make, that's them reaching out! "devote and dedicate yourself to what's important to you". you could be passionate about many things and have many goals but there's something here about re-prioritizing and organizing yourself so you don't overwhelm yourself with goals. take it step by step, one day at a time. just organize your thoughts, take the time to get to the root of your current needs. your higher self is highly recommending you to be decisive right now. and it'll be easier to make decisions once you organize yourself.
the way your higher self is seeing you right now is with pride. you are already so accomplished and maybe don't fully realize Just How Accomplished you are. not to the extent. so they want you to give yourself credit. compare your current self to a past version of yourself that wasn't as wise and didn't have as many tools, and you'll start to recognize just how many things you have done. you've overcome so much and your higher self is like "that's my girl" kind of vibe. you don't have to be a girl of course but it's that kind of feeling of a parent watching a child grow and gently guiding them towards success but really that child is doing so well on their own. but you can rely on them fully (your higher self). they want you to know they're always there for you and that you're so strong! also if you're into travel, they want you to know that you'll be able to do so much of it in your life, and that they'll protect you. "the biggest blessing you're receiving is that you're gonna start to get your shit together and take over the world" lol.
with lots of love, what they're working on and "crafting" up for you right now is: a new learning venture, a new passion/interest/love, an opportunity. take all of those as they resonate.
channeled songs: whenever, wherever by shakira, illusion by aespa, drip by izna, illusion by ateez, bus by travis
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pile 2 - chai épicé
omg HIIII i got a burst of energy for this pile omg. i couldn't even spell LOL. okay. getting a cozy energy from this group like you could be a lover of comfort and all things mellow and relaxing. don't think you enjoy heavy and unpleasant media, which is some interesting wording so maybe you have a nice and adequate vocabulary or you're the kind of person that remains graceful in hard situations even if you're feeling quite intensely about something. i'm getting peaceful, pacifist, but strong vibes from you. your higher self really praises this because i think you've gone through quite an array of difficult experiences but you remain charming, kind, and loving. i just heard "i shed a tear", like i'm picturing your higher self and i think another guide of yours? perhaps an angel, or a "motherly" kind of spirit. definitely a feminine spirit. if saints resonate with you, i do feel that as well. you're definitely being commended for the person that you are. these are all intuitively channeled so far.
keywords: cheer up! signs, bad (i thought of bad, bad, bad by LANY), tell me, journey, set me free, zone, beauty, butterfly
cards: ace of pentacles, 6 of swords, king of cups, 4 of wands
first of all, your higher self is once again commending you for being the way you are. you are very balanced and well-rounded, seeing as we got an earth card, an air card, a water card, and a fire card. you have all the elements within you! and truthfully, we all do, but there's a tendency to lean into some elements more than others. you have the balance. you seem to really alchemize in your life and take in things that are important and necessary to you, leave out the rest, and create beauty. you spread it. i was also hearing that you're the kind of person that people talk about to their friends like. you make good impressions on others quite often. and you are respected. right now, your higher self is calling your attention to keeping your eyes peeled for some sort of promotion/upgrade. if you've been working on a project, they really want you to put it out there and do it your own way. there's a prosperous result on the horizon for you. so pay attention to any creative ideas, inspiration, and epiphanies that come your way! document them! clouds and hanging flowers could be positive signs that an idea of yours will come into bloom or have a very wonderful outcome <3 if you're interested in chakra work, i would suggest doing crown chakra activities/exercises during this time (feel free to look some up!) but yes, your higher self is saying to definitely move towards any creative endeavors right now. there are soooo many possibilities. a book that has really TRULY been super insightful to me as a writer and creative is "the creative act: a way of being" by rick rubin. if you're called to that, please please look into it! ♡
some blessings that your higher self is working on for you at this time are: a good support system, connection, compassion, important (& beautiful) gatherings, wish fulfillment (significant steps that you're taking in the 3D and 5D towards dreams of yours are shaping up into the physical and getting closer to you), celebrations (i also heard congratulations) 🎊🎂
i'm super duper excited for u and i think you're doing wonderfully. if you believe in fairytale endings, i do think that kind of energy is absolutely meant for you. things are happening pile 2!!!! keep movin' <3
channeled songs: bad, bad, bad by lany, any songs that have the keywords i mentioned at the beginning of your reading, such as "butterfly", congratulations by day6.
thank u for being here 🎀
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pile 3 - fraise fouettée
welcome in, welcome in ♡ getting such a sweet vibe from this pile. magical. pink. if this isn't how you see yourself, maybe your higher self embodies that kind of pink, light, fluffy energy. i'm getting you could be really into pinterest, collaging, scrapbooking, ribbons, cake, dainty clothing, white clothing, be into fashion. getting a bit of jennifer aniston kind of energy.. your aura is definitely giving PINK. i also feel like you could smell very good (this is interesting bc the other two piles did not mention anything about the person smelling good despite this being a "pick a fragrance" lol) so i think you're very put together physically, and care a lot about how you present yourself. i think you take other people's feelings into consideration. you have a gentle leader kind of archetype. take that however it resonates. those were the intuitive messages i got, now for keywords!
keywords: bunny, wonder girls, "say ahh", like (with a heart on the i <3), black hair, hundreds, unlock, party, charm, cake, girl's generation (make u feel the heat), sensibility
cards: the fool, the star, 5 of swords, justice
let's get started! i'm getting that you're a smooth talker. you love talking or your passion has something to do with using your voice and really getting a point across to people. and i think you're naturally gifted at that whether you sense it or not. your higher self is reassuring you about this right now, and also bringing your attention to situations where you have to either be upfront with people, explain something to them (maybe some of you are tutors or teachers of some sort), or present ideas to people. so if things like that come up, it was divinely guided for sure. you are meant to really take in this situation and learn from it. i think a lot of doors are opening up for you at the moment, perhaps you're in a "blank canvas" part of your life right now. so many things you could do, so many ways you can go. and it's all up to you. i'm hearing "design your own life". if you're skilled in the arts, you are also skilled in manifestation. that was specifically for you. your higher self is really recognizing your potential right now, if in the past you had a hard time listening to your intuition, they're thanking you now for having faith. "it's not easy, but it's so beautiful and true to you and your journey". for some reason marie antoinette just popped into my mind. you could really influence people because of your natural abilities. and i do think you have lots of potential to gain a lot of recognition for them. big scale. the house that scorpio falls under in your astrology chart could be significant right now, so if you're curious, look into it! at first i was getting such a pretty vibe from this group, and you still are, but as i got more into it, I felt a very sharp and direct feeling from you. you could surprise a lot of people with your thoughts, way of commanding a room, and overall your approach to communication and life. very cool person if i do say so myself.
blessings that your higher-self is sending your way are coming out in quite a straightforward manner: karmic justice. people getting what they deserve. the truth being revealed. unveiling.
i think that your higher self has watched over every single situation where you've been treated unfairly by others. it's funny to them, because they know exactly why those people were acting that way, and they're just happy you won't end up that way. they want you to rest assured, you have nothing to worry about. you can leave all of that in the past, and know that they, and the rest of your guides are all here for you. standing next to you. protecting you. and giving you the wisdom to see through those kinds of situations. you become smarter and much more compassionate each step of the way. your higher self is really working on giving you a more gentle time of your life, full of light, forgiveness, and innocence. beautiful and positive relationships and experiences are coming your way.
channeled songs: smooth operator by sade, pity party by melanie martinez, tell me by wonder girls, dying by echobelly, closer to fine by indigo girls, see you by depeche mode
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i got the idea for a "pick a fragrance" out of the blue but i have watched a video by Kino Tarot on youtube where she did this so inspiration was derived from her :D
thank you for being here ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. 🌷
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satorusugurugurl · 8 months ago
The Headboard
Summary: when you find yourself in a compromising position, you’re lucky that you’re a hot neighbor who just so happens to be a firefighter, is just next door.
Pairing: firefighter!Toji Fushigurux AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 2,935
Warning: Language, smut, p-in-v, mentions of sex toys, degradation, name calling, unprotected smut.
A/N: A genuine fear I had often thought about when people tell me this is what they do. Plus, the DILF vibes were strong today.
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Fushiguro Toji had no complaints about having you as a neighbor. You’re kind and quiet; you even watched Megumi for him if he needed a sitter. You would invite him and his son to your apartment for dinner, or he would do the same for you. The whole of being neighbors became friendship, and friendship turned into longing. Toji hated it when you would bring home someone who wasn’t good enough for you. He would spoil you rotten but didn’t want to ruin your friendship.
Nothing would be worse than an interaction after an awkward one-night stand that ended with you both not talking to each other because he would be the first to admit that he liked having you over for dinner. He enjoyed it when you came over with cookies or watched a movie with him and his son. If things were to become awkward or standoffish with you, that might be one of the worst things to happen to them in a very long time.
So, he would wait a bit to see how things would progress with you. Maybe once the lingering glances and the accidental brushes of your hands would turn into a little bit more. Perhaps once he better understood you and how you might feel, consider telling you he wanted to be more than friends.
Those thoughts ran through his mind as he sprawled out on his couch, not paying any attention to the movie on the television. Megumi was at a sleepover with his best friend Yuuji. He was all alone, not being stuck at the firehouse on call, filling his quiet evening with boredom.
Maybe he should call and ask if you want to come over; you could both watch a movie to make the most of a boring night. Just as he reached for his phone to call you, your name and profile picture popped up on his phone. Toji answered the phone with a slight grin, holding it against his ear.
“Hey, I was just about to call you. Do you wanna come—”
“Toji, you’re a firefighter, right?”
Your voice sounded breathless, almost with a hint of timidness. “Yeah, you know that. Why did you start a grease fire next door? Do not try to put it out with water; smother it with some flour.” You laughed only to be cut off with a whine.
“Uhm, uh—no, not that.” you sighed, “Y-you've seen some weird stuff, right? Like helped people?”
“Yeah, despite the title firefighter, I’m also medically trained and have helped many people in different scenarios. Why, what happened?”
The silence for a long moment told you to think that maybe, just maybe, the line disconnected before he heard him wince. “I-I need your help. But you have to promise you’ll never tell a soul about this.” A mixture of different emotions currently course through every nerve of his body. He’s concerned that you’re hurt, and his interest is peaked as to what you got yourself into this time.
“Of course, you have my word. I promise I won't say anything.”
“Good,” cloth rustles in the background, “you can come over right now. You still have my spare key. You still have my spare key.”
“Yeah, you gave it to me to water your plants that always die.”
“I don't have a green thumb sue me! Now please grab your medical bag and get your ass over here!”
The tone of your voice had him getting off the couch in a snap.” Alright, be there in a sec.” without you even having to ask, Toji grabbed his medical bag and your spare key.
You're nowhere to be found when he steps inside your apartment. “Hey?” He calls out, smirking slightly. “Fire department.” A squeak resonates from the bedroom.
“In here!” you call out, voice shaky, “b-but before you come in, I will emphasize that if you tell anyone! And I mean anyone about this, I will rip your balls off and shove them down your throat!”
Toji almost tells you not to threaten him with a good time, but he knows you from the whine that leaves the room. You were obviously in pain, and we’re taking this very seriously. Instead of making lighthearted jokes and conversation to push your buttons, he put on the best professional face before entering your room. The second he looks at your bed, his jaw drops to the floor in shock.
You’re naked from the waist down, your body bent forward, your ass pressed against the headboard. Your knee must’ve gotten stuck between the headboard and your mattress from how you're bent. Making it impossible for you to move in the predicament you found yourself in. Your cheeks are flushed as you averted your gaze, not daring to look at him. Toji was a smart guy; he was able to put two and two together.
Someone was having some alone time, and things had taken a terrible turn.
“What happened?” Toji clears his throat as he trots forward, opens his medical bag, and slips on some black latex-free gloves.
You want to crawl under your bed and cry out in embarrassment. How could you have put yourself in such an embarrassing situation? It was bad enough that you had gotten yourself stuck, and it was ten times worse now that the man you’ve had a crush on since you moved into the building was here helping you! But you would rather him find out what a size queen you were than call the fire department.
“I uhm, the uh—” you motion back to your headboard where your thrusting toy was stuck to your headboard. “It hit—my cervix hard, and I jumped, and my knee slipped between my mattress and my headboard.”
“Huh—okay, just try to relax a bit. I will look into getting that knee out first.” He gets on the bed behind you before gently grabbing your knee. As he does, the movement causes you to slide further down the toy, causing it to hit your cervix for a second time. The sharp, pleasurable pain can be felt from the tips of your toes to your head as you let out a pained moan. “Sorry.” Toji’s voice sounds more profound and more fierce. That you had never heard before; it was a voice that made every nerve in your body slowly awaken with lust.
“I-It’s okay—”
He gently moves your leg again, freeing it slightly. “So,” he goes with the questions when you were sure he was going to ask, “your boyfriend busy or something?” His question held no humor to it; instead, it was pure curiosity, and his voice made the nerves that reignited tingle with anticipation.
“What boyfriend? Who said I had a boyfriend?”
Toji glances at the curve of your ass, admiring the arch of your back, before he goes back to gently moving your leg. “Oh, I just assumed a pretty thing like you had one.” His hand gently grumps your ass as he maneuvers your leg a little bit more to the left, freeing it another inch.
“Do you honestly think if I had a boyfriend, I would’ve stuck a dildo to my headboard?”
“Hey, to each their own. So, no boyfriend?”
“Yep, single and ready to mingle. I let my friend convince me to try this position. She said it would liven up my solo sessions.” For as long as you can remember, the only way you masturbated was on your back. When you had mentioned this to your friends, they had been mortified, telling you there was more than one way to get yourself off. You so stupidly let them talk you into buying this stupid, expensive dildo and decided to give it a shot. That shot ended up with your knee stuck between your mattress and the wall and having to rely on your neighbor to help you.
“Hm,” Toji gave your ass a firm squeeze before gently pushing you forward off the toy a couple of inches, drawing out the sweetest sounds from your throat. “Would now be an inappropriate time to ask you out?”
A choked sound of shock cut off the moan that had begun to rise in your throat. There was no way he had just asked you out on a date—your hot neighbor. The sexy firefighter next door asked you on a date. Was this a prank? Oh god, why did he have to ask you out now, of all times? Despite the searing embarrassment, you can’t help but giggle, turning to look back at the massive man.
“Yeah, I think you’re hot and good with my kid; plus, I can make you feel so much better than this stupid toy.”
Heat began to pool in your abdomen as you continued to watch him carefully. “Oh, is that so?” he pulls his hand away from the fat of your ass, only to bring it back down, slapping it, making you help in pleasure and surprise.
“It's a fucking promise.” The tip of his pink tongue runs over the scar on his lip. “So, dinner?”
You laugh breathlessly, throwing your head back as he massages the sting out of your ass. “Would you be opposed to me counteroffering that?” Toji hand on your leg gently moves another inch, freeing you from the abyss you had been stuck in.
“Well, that depends on what your counteroffer is?”
The muscles in your leg burn with relief as you stretch it out, getting the blood flowing to it. Toji watches with dark eyes as you slowly in yourself off of the 9-inch toy that’s coated in your slick arousal. The sight of the coral-colored silicone covered in your wetness has his throat so dry it hurts.
“My counteroffer is that we skip the first date, and you help me with my current problem. You are a firefighter. It’s your job to help people.”
“Oooh, are you asking me to fuck you right now?”
“Maybe~ if I were to ask you to do just that, what would you say?” When you turn your head to look at him, your face is quickly snatched in his hands. His hand grips your chin tightly towards his mouth.
“I would say it’s about fucking time.”
His lips slam against yours in a symphony of desperation and need. He quickly shifts behind you, pushing you towards the center of the bed and away from the cavern you had found yourself trapped in moments before. The entire time he moves you, his lips never leave yours. It’s a messy open-mouth kiss, with tongue and groping hands as he releases his grip on your face, panting heavily as a string of saliva connects your lips.
“Do you know how hard it’s been trying to control myself? I try so hard to be a good, friendly neighbor. One that doesn’t come off as a creep.” he positions himself behind you down his gray sweatpants, spraying his thick fat cock. “Let me tell you, it’s been fucking hard; you are so goddamn fucking beautiful. Smart, funny, a great cook.”
You grip the sheets underneath you as he continues his confession. He told you how much he admired your strength and beauty. The pure admiration and raw need that’s in his voice makes your pussy clench, your arousal seeping out of your twitching hole. God, you knew you liked him, but knowing he was so damn bad for you, made you want him even more.
“I need you to fuck me.” There’s no doubt in your words that's precisely what you wanted. The word ‘want’ isn’t even included in your sentence! You didn't like this, and you needed it on a physical level.
“Yeah~? Need me to fuck that tight slutty hole?” His hands connect with your ass again, so smacking it hard, leaving a faint hand print in its wake. “Is that what you need, baby~?”
“Yes!” you shake your ass in front of him, dropping down low, revealing your wet hole to him as if trying to convince him to hurry the fuck up.
“Mhmm, that's a good little slut; tell me exactly what she wants; no, wait, I’m sorry, what she needs.” he grabs his thick cock in one hand. Toji held his cock, smacking it over your pussy. “And she claims that she needs my cock.”
You rock your hips back, fingers digging into the sheets as your chest heaves in anticipation of being filled to the brim by human flesh and not cold silicon. “Yes, please.” Toji tsks behind you giving your pussy, another sharp slap with his cock, the tip snagging at your entrance before he rubs it over your clit.
“Nah, I think you could do better than that. Try again to tell me what it is that you want.”
“I need you!” you cry out loud this time, shutting your eyes and anticipation of him thrusting inside of you, just feeling the head of his cock snag over your clit for the second time. “Please, Toji! Please, please, please.”
Grabbing the base of his thick, heavy cock, he gently presses it over your entrance over your slick hole. “Please, what baby girl~? Use your words, big like pretty little slut you are.” this was an absolute tort. Having your kit in your pussy, teased with nothing but finger-like touches, have you jerking and writhing against the bed.
“Please fuck me, Toji!” you screamed, not having to worry about your next-door neighbor complaining about the noise.
“That's a good girl.” Toji slapped your ass with a snarl, gripping the skin and spreading your cheeks. “I always knew you were a good girl. Always so sweet and friendly, the perfect innocent neighbor next door. but who would’ve thought that you would be fucking a toy against your headboard.” He spits his words before suddenly burying his cock fully into you.
You screamed out loud as his cocked stretched you like you'd never been stretched red d before, sending your eyes rolling back. "Nnngh~! Mmph~ Toji!"
“Fuck-Ngh.” Toji moaned, feeling your walls convulse around him. "You feel so good, baby. Fuck—baby, baby! Shit—being inside of you was so worth the wait!”
“Oooh fuck~!” Toji’s hands press into the middle of your back, pushing your shoulders down further into the mattress, allowing your back to be pushed down, beautifully showing the curves of your body for him. “Just like that, Toji, fuck, don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
“Oh, I’m not stopping until you’re crying. Your in need a good dicking down since you weren’t able to finish, I’m assuming.”
“Y-Yes!” You cry out, gripping the sheets tighter as you rock your hips back into his. “Yes, I want to cum so bad~!”
“Oh, I know you do, baby,” Toji smirked as he pushed you by your shoulders down into the bed, thrusting deep and hard.
His cock continues to hit your g-spot and your cervix, but his warm hot tip is nothing compared to the silicone. You had been using it earlier. So your eyes roll back. "Oh fuck! ~!" At this rate, you weren't going to last very long.
“Hoooly fuck.” Toji moaned, feeling your walls flutter around him as your legs started to tremble. "Fuck-Ngh. You’re about to cum. Fuck—baby, baby! Shit--I’m going to fucking fill you up. Is that okay?” he didn’t give you much time to answer as he angled his hips, thrusting precisely against that sponge spot inside of you. The one that had you seeing stars as your orgasm hit you like a freight train.
You whimpered loudly, turning to desperately kiss Toji as you squirted all over cock. "Ah~! Nnngh!!" your eyes rolled back as your body convulsed with the waves of your orgasm.
"Fuck! Fuckfuck—M’ cumming, I—Ahhh ahah—nngh!" Toji doubled over, his forehead pressing into your back as he kept cumming, releasing the months of pent-up desire into you.
He collapsed on top of you quickly, putting his arms out on either side of your smaller frame, bracing his weight upon them in an attempt not to crush you. You painted happily, grinning as you turned your head to stare up at the flushed, sweat-coated man who had fucked you thoroughly. He smirked, his scar stretching as his lips curled up.
His smirk, however, is short-lived as you push back against him, causing him to slip out of you as his back lands against your mattress. As he blankly waters, it allows you to straddle his hips, dribble, drop combined cum, and rub all over his dick as you so lewdly rub your pussy up and down on him. “I hope you have more where that came from because I’m far from being done with you, sir.”
“Hey,” he smirked, putting both his hands behind his head as he watched your position, his cock at your entrance. “Im a firefighter have pretty good fucking stamina. Let’s see what you got.” Little did he know you were a fire that could not so easily be put out. Not that he was complaining.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3
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kyuuppi · 2 years ago
Genshin men Instagram HCs
Ft. Xiao; Scaramouche; Zhongli; Childe; Alhaitham; Kaveh; Tighnari
(gender neutral reader but wears a dress in Scara & Zhongli's parts)
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Xiao // @ a1atus
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Very rarely posts
Never pictures of himself, you’ll only see his face in tagged photos
If he does post, it’s probably a new album cover of a band he likes, a particularly good plate of almond tofu from his favorite café, or—if he’s in a particularly good mood—a cute stray cat that befriended him on the street
Never edits anything but still takes pretty decent photos because he understands basic composition rules
Never tags anything but will sometimes write simple captions like “new guitar”
His pfp has not changed since he made his account and its literally just the blandest selfie you’ve ever seen—but he’s effortlessly photogenic so even when he’s just staring at the camera with a blank expression he looks hot
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
Xiao will unintentionally do his loyal boyfriend duties and like all of your posts but he never actually leaves a comment unless you specifically ask him to but you have to tell him what to say or else you’ll just get something like “your hair is nice” LOL
Maybe makes one post related to you but it doesn’t have your face—just picture of your hands holding each other or a photo he secretly took of you from behind as you admire some paintings from when he took you on an art gallery date
Still doesn’t write much in captions but if the post includes you, he always adds a little black heart emoji 🖤
Scaramouche // @ balladeer
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Vehemently claims he’s not chronically online but he definitely is
Def has a dark / emo aesthetic profile and puts more effort into it than he’d ever admit
Uses stories pretty frequently
Usually to show off his game stats and victories or to vent about some annoying inconvenience that's just happened to him 
balladeer Jfc the train is late again I may as well just walk home everyday ffs
All his late night gaming photos are so highly saturated in his pitch black bedroom, the only source of light being his screen on max brightness and his violet RGB keyboard. If you raise the screen brightness on your phone you might be able to make out some empty Monster cans and ramen cups on his desk—he absolutely gives Discord / Reddit mod vibes 🤢
Definitely has a story archive just for Valorant 🤮
I wanna fuck him so bad it makes me look stupid—
Posts a few selfies to show a new piercing or the very rare occasion where he’s feeling really confident in his looks
unintentionally thirst traps the emo boy lovers; yes, I am talking about you and I—
Lightly edits photos or uses filters to make them look good but nothing extreme or super aesthetic, mostly just for decent contrast
Usually the first one to see any of his friends posts but never ‘likes’ them
Will leave snarky or sarcastic comments when the mood strikes tho
His pfp is a candid picture someone else took that he thinks he looks decent in—sticking his tongue out and giving double middle fingers to the camera
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
Makes a post or story for every date you guys have, even if it’s just a vague picture of your shoes together
He likes to show off that he has such an attractive s/o but also lowkey just wants to have a memory to look back on for the nights he feels lonely
Doesn’t post just you though, he’s always in frame holding you or touching you in some way—he feels the need to put some sort of claim cause he thinks people are gonna shoot their shot with you—he’s kinda paranoid and insecure, pls have patience w him
Likes and comments on all of your posts. Sometimes it's a snarky quip like if you post about you and your friends doing something funny he might comment “lmao ur so dumb” but if its a selfie or something you’re proud of, he leaves a little compliment and heart emoji.
YN0103 [bedroom mirror selfie of you shyly posing in a dress]
YN0103  Bought a new dress today…it’s not my usual style but I rlly like it 🥺
balladeer cute 💜
If anyone ever confronts him in person about his nice comments on your posts tho he’ll get flustered and claim his account was temporarily hacked LOL
His heart def flutters when you post a picture of him on your own account
He kinda can’t believe you’re proud enough of him to publicly post about him
Changes his pfp to the two of you together and, if you zoom in and squint, you can tell he’s kind of smiling <3
Zhongli // @ rex_lapis
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
I’m sorry but I have to do it…
He has Facebook grandpa vibes
Like he has no idea how to use half of the features; stories are an absolute mystery to him. What is a reel?
But he tries to be supportive of his friends and will leave way-too eloquent comments with a Wikipedia levels of supplemental information
a1atus [ photo of a shiny Fender acoustic guitar laying on what seems to be a bed]
a1atus new guitar
rex_lapis Lovely new instrument, Xiao. You seem to have quite good tastes – that particular model is popular among many professional musicians. It is well renowned for its clear sound and beautiful mahogany exterior. If you wouldn’t mind, I would love to hear you play it someday over tea.
a1atus @ rex_lapis thanks
the way I cackled writing that exchange ygweyufgwyu Xiaos just like ‘thanks for commenting dad’
His pfp is not him—it’s probably a famous painting he likes or a beautiful white flower from a garden he visited
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
If you want him to improve his Insta game, you’re going to have to teach him, I’m sorry
On the up side, Zhongli is a great student and is eager to learn anything you teach him
Will try to post pretty regularly; usually somewhat mediocre photos of beautiful scenery like sunsets and flowers
Like Scaramouche, he enjoys the idea of documentary your time together so he posts something at the end of each of your dates
Your heart lowkey melts when Zhongli, very earnestly, asks after dinner if you’ll allow him to take a selfie with you to post on his Instagram
Regularly asks for feedback on his posts to ensure he’s properly taking your advice and improving :,)
He even starts organizing and naming story archives on his profile—simple titles like “tea,” “nature,” “friends,” and “my dearest”
Likes and comments on every single one of your posts and replies to all of your stories, even if he was there with you
Usually just lathers you in compliments on your beauty or tastes but they’re so thoughtfully written that it’s obvious he’s not “just saying it” and genuinely believes all the kind things about you he writes
YN1231 [photo of you twirling in a summer dress amidst a colorful of bed of flowers in a botanical garden, take by your friend]
YN1231 It’s finally starting to feel like spring! 🌸🌼🌺
rex_lapis While the camelias are lovely, they pale in comparison to your radiance. Your yellow sundress is also quite lovely and compliments your complexion in the morning sunlight. Truly a divine sight. 
balladeer @ YN1231 @ rex_lapis ugh can you guys keep it in the DMs
- Changes his pfp to a selfie of himself smiling after you told him he should. The angle is a little odd but he’s so naturally attractive that he still manages to look good. 
Ajax // @ tartaglia_on_top 
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Doesn’t post too often but when he does, it kinda gives stereotypical frat boy
Like, lots of parties and shirtless beach photos with his friends
The surprise is the occasional posts of his little siblings and kids he volunteers with in between
He sometimes posts championship and practice photos from his martial arts competitions with captions thanking his team and mentors
Is pretty popular—has a few thousand followers, many are people he met just once or twice at parties or genuine friends and classmates, but the vast majority are online fans who just follow cause he’s hot LOL
Is the type of person you followed once after meeting a long time ago and never talk to again but you can’t bring yourself to unfollow cause he’s nice and his updates are kinda interesting and he’s hot
Isn’t online that much so he doesn’t like/comment on his friends’ every post but usually tries to leave congratulatory messages when someone accomplishes something or graduates
His pfp is a closeup of himself with a boyish grin he cropped from a group photo
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
It is super obvious when you guys start dating cause almost every post from that point is about you in some way LOL
tartaglia_on_top [photo of Ajax, sweaty and exhausted but clearly excited as he holds a trophy in one hand with the other wrapped around your waist while he presses a kiss to your cheek]
tartaglia_on_top Officially a 3 year championship winner! Thanks to my biggest supporter @ YN0720 😘
He’s not even consciously trying to post you all the time, it just happens because you are either always together or any memorable moment he thinks are worth an Insta post involve you in some way
You’re the only person, aside from his family - that he actually likes/comments on all posts for
Is the type of boyfriend to leave those super dramatic, embarrassing comments on your selfies like “DAAAMN BABE 🥵 finna make me act UP” and, in one particularly shameless case, “god youre so hot pls step on me queen 😍” 
Please block him
He shamelessly liked all your past posts from before you too met as well—you were kinda mortified to wake up one morning to a notification that just said “what a lil cutie ❤️” on a post of yourself from seventh grade. 
Changes his pfp to a couple selfie he took of the two of you kissing on a winter vacation in the mountains
Kaveh // @ kaveh.designs
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Obsessed with having an aesthetic profile
Like, the color palette of the background and clothing in his pfp selfie are carefully matched with the cover of each of his story archives, down to the hex code
He carefully edits every post and uses filters to make them all fit with his theme no matter how inaccurate to real life they may become
“Huh…I thought your bedroom wall was a bit more orange than this…” 
“Oh, that’s cause I use 30% Juno in all my bedroom photos for a warmer finish.”
Despite his aesthetic profile, he doesn’t come off as particularly vain or narcissistic—only posts selfies when he’s has a particularly good hair day or changed his accessories
Most of his posts are of places he travels to (museums and big cities with interesting architecture) or his own sketches and rendered design projects
Online pretty frequently, always checks insta when he wakes up, before bed, and during lunch breaks
His stories are often project updates, interesting things he encounters throughout the day, or food photos
Only likes posts he actually likes and sometimes comments with photography critiques
tighnar1 [photo of a cluster of three bright blue mushrooms clustered against vibrant green grass and patches of dark, wet soil]
tighnar1 Proof the forest is an amazing place: found this beautiful little cluster of juvenile Rakkhashava mushrooms on my hike today. Great spotting by @ colleeei. Check my story for some cool mushroom facts. 🍄
kaveh.designs great photo composition, Tigh, perfect golden ratio on the caps.
tighnar1 @ kaveh.designs Thanks I guess…
Has a decent number of followers, many of whom are also artists familiar with Kaveh’s reputation from the Kshahrewar. Others just like his OOTD stories and charming smile
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
Kaveh revamps his entire profile once you two become official
His pfp becomes a candid taken by a stranger of the two of you together at an aquarium, holding hands as you point something out to him through the glass
It was taken by a photographer working at the aquarium as part of a promotion—the photographer showed you two the photo and asked for permission to post it on their official website and Kaveh was absolutely obsessed with the photo—it’s still one of his favorite and it doesn’t even show your faces
He still matches his archived story covers to his new pfp but his actual feed had become a lot more relaxed and natural now
He still slightly edits photos so they look as good as possible, but he doesn’t like using filters on photos of you or the two of you together because he thinks it would be a disservice to your natural beauty
Like Ajax, his posts and stories naturally become mostly about you whether scenes from your dates—candid photos he takes of you where he insists you look like art even though you’re just in pajamas with an unmade face—or even photos of things he sees throughout the day that remind him of you
Sometimes he posts stories of funny reels or art pieces he knows you’d like and tags you in them with messages like “@YN0709 omg remember when we were talking abt this?” and “me & @ YN0709💕”
Similar to Childe, leaves the most downbad, dramatic comments on your posts
YN0709 [swimsuit selfie]
YN0709 happy summer! ☀️🌊
kaveh.designs Oh my god my heart– 💘 I cannot believe I get to come home to this every night 👅💦
YN0709 @ kaveh.designs omg kaveh pls 💀
al_haitham @ kaveh.designs Every time I see one of your comments I regret ever learning how to read.
Alhaitham // @ al_haitham  
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Only made an account so his friends would stop bothering him about not keeping up with things tbh
Checks his feed a few times a day but skips through stories if they’re too long/too many
Absolutely hates concert stories the most cause they’d loud, long, and filled with off-key drunken singing
Never likes or comments on anything unless it’s really interesting to him
Occasionally shares reels in his story that are like interesting history facts or official Akademiya announcements
Has a few posts (and only cause Kaveh would not shut up about it) but they’re mostly just pictures of book covers he’d just finished reading with a detailed review or literary analysis as the caption—but he’s mindful of avoiding spoilers for those who haven’t read it
However, he does have one post that stands out quite a bit
He posted an unintentional gym third trap because he just happened to be working out, as is routine, and thought it might be nice to share some tips on proper rope pushdown form 
If you’re not a gym babe and don’t know what this is, I beg of you, please look up a gif or video and imagine Alhaitham doing this, shirtless. You’re welcome.
It has become his most popular post by far
His pfp is probably taken straight from his faculty ID card: plain background, bright lighting, neutral facial expression
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
After you two have become official and are pretty comfortably established in your relationship, he’ll post a photo of the two of you—probably one you took - with a simple caption like “Late night at Puspa Café with my favorite person 💚”
Everyone who knows him freaks out in the comments with variations of “omg hathie got an s/o???” and “wow he finally posted a normal pic of himself, y/n is a good influence” but he doesn’t reply to any of them lmao
If you use Instagram a lot, he’ll naturally become more active too because he enjoys learning more about what you like through your posts and stories
He likes all of your posts but never comments—if one of your posts interests him, he’d prefer to wait until he sees you later to ask you about it in person 
He just wants an excuse to talk to you more
As he becomes more active, little bits and pieces of your relationship naturally infiltrate his feed
His latest book review post has your favorite mug in the background because the two of you had breakfast together
His informational story post of an antique Sumerian emerald he found at a street vendor is being modeled by your pretty hands because you were with him when he saw it and later given to you after the vendor insisted on Alhaitham gifting it to his “beautiful spouse”
He changes his profile picture to the two of you from one of your many reading dates, comfortably lounging on a loveseat in a quiet corner of the library—and this time, he’s softly smiling
Tighnari // @ t1ghnar1
Surprisingly active on social media
He thinks social media is a great way to share information about the importance of forest conservation and get people to appreciate the beauty of Avidya forest
Makes one post almost every day and multiple stories
Needless to say, 90% of his posts are of plants or small animals he finds on his hikes or while working
His most popular posts are those of cute squirrels and birds that are being nursed back to health after being found wounded—animals just seem to naturally love him so the pictures are usually taken by his coworkers because his arms are full with cuddly animals that refuse to move
The other 10% of his posts are from the occasional hang outs with friends or coworkers after work—snaps of iced fruit teas from Puspa café or colorful clay plates overflowing with Collei’s homemade pita pockets. 
He makes sure to reply to or at least like every comment, particularly those from people asking questions about the plants he posts or how to become a forest ranger. Even simple “wow that's so cool” comments often get at least a “thanks, glad you liked it” from Tighnari
He tends to use some cute forest or food emoji when they fit with his posts. For example, 🍄,🥙,🦊,🐦, etc.
Also tends to use “:)” when replying to his followers because he knows it can be difficult to read tone in text-based communications
Tigh is basically a social media manager at this point oops
Because he is online so much, he naturally keeps up with almost everything his friends post and will like or comment on things he finds interesting
His pfp is a selfie of himself with a small yellow bird perched on his shoulder from one of his patrols
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
All Tighnaris written by me WILL follow the “fennec foxes mate for life” trope regardless of AU, it is an indisputable law of the universe
If you’re in a relationship with Tighnari, you should be prepared for stability and commitment in general
While he doesn’t go out of his way to make an official announcement post or anything like that, you become a regular feature on his page
Will tag you in anything you’re related to, unless you specifically ask him not to
t1ghnar1 [photo of a small, cream-colored fox brushing itself against Tighnari’s leg and looking up at the camera with large eyes]
t1ghnar1 On a walk with @ YN1229 this morning we spotted this cute little kit without her mom. 🦊 While adorable, foxes - even kits - are wild animals and should never be approached unless by professionals. We have informed the local animal control where she will be taken care of until we can locate her family. Photo by @ YN1229
He never outright announces you as his lover but he seems to spend so much time with you and refer to you so casually that his followers who don’t know him just assume you’re his spouse LOL
He doesn’t bother to correct them either :,)
bennie_boy Wow, that mountain is so high up - wasn’t ur spouse scared to go up there?
t1ghnar1 @ bennie_boy Y/n has been on so many trips like this with me that they’re pretty used to it. :)
Likes your posts as he see them on his feed and occasionally leaves a short comment like, “beautiful <3”
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classiccowboy · 15 days ago
instagram j.b.
summary: follow joe and his wife evie as they go through his football career.
series masterlist.
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liked by lahjay10_ and others
evie: you’re all caught up..
view all 728 comments…
user: obsessed with every bit of this
user: it’s time for my annual offseason unfollow..
> evie: see ya in september!
joeyb_9: traveling with you is probably my favorite thing ever
> evie: you hear that @lahjay10_? be jealous.
> lahjay10_: @joeyb_9 we got a long off season coming up, just remember that.
> user: are we getting off season joemarr content???
user: that soup meal looks sooo good
> evie: there are few things jb can cook but a grilled cheese is damn sure one of them. 🤤
user: i can’t believe you were in austin!
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liked by millyg and others
evie: what the hell? tennis is kind of cool.
view all 583 comments…
user: no one likes you.
> evie: oh?
user: just had to put joe in there
> evie: well yeah duh.
millyg: are you kidding me rn? 😩
> evie: you were invited this time. don’t do that.
joeyb_9: watching it with you is even cooler. 😎
> evie: omg. joe burrow just said i was cool. *screams in fangirl* i love you.
user: always using joe for clout. 🤣
> evie: just say you want my man??
user: i hate when people come at you in the comments, you are literally the best. chin up queen!
> evie: 💗💗
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liked by bengals and others
evie: channeled my inner soccer mom for the #ProBowlGames
view all 200 comments…
user: i’m jealous
joeyb_9: you’d make the hottest soccer mom. 😉
> evie: 😏
> user: don’t tease us like that
> user: a baby burrow would be the cutest
> user: please do not allow this woman to reproduce.
user: spending your spare time at the gucci store? your privilege is showing. spending your husbands money is all you have to offer.
> evie: my friend, i am not a gold digger or a trophy wife, if i spent money in that store it’s because i earned it. however, i didn’t. i was watching my husband play in the pro bowl. (that’s my privilege) 🙂
> user: eat them up ev!
> user: even if you did buy gucci who actually cares??
> lahjay10_: people who ain’t got nothing better to do. yall need to be so for real.
user: i LOVE the hat. definitely giving soccer mom vibes, im here for it.
> evie: i’m kind of here for it too??
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liked by joeyb_9 and others
evie: make the whole place shimmer.. #NFLHonors
view all 820 comments…
user: joe could do way better
> evie: this comment is so weird.
user: this is the only NFL couple I care about. where is joe?
> evie: he’s like busy being cool and hot and shit
joeyb_9: i love you. thanks for being my super hot date. i couldn’t have made it through all this without you.
> evie: i’ll be your super hot date anytime. i’m so proud of you i don’t even have words. you fucking rock jb.
user: i would give my right arm to be married to your husband.
> evie: a small price to pay really..
user: we stan a supportive wife
> evie: 💗💗
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liked by bengals and others
alomen: Honors Society. @joeyb_9 wearing custom @alomen to #NFLHonors.
view all 645 comments…
lahjay10_: My MVP
> user: ja’marr defending his man
user: I am crying
user: a fashion icon
evie: I have absolutely nothing appropriate to say..
evie: my man my man my man
evie: you slayed baby
evie: i should probably cut it out. just wanted to say @joeyb_9 you’re damn hot. that’s all carry on yall.
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liked by evie and others
joeyb_9: Hard work brings cool stuff
view all 1,273 comments…
bengals: Our guy!
user: legendary
user: lombardi next
evie: so true king, you deserved more. but i won’t chat about that. i love you so much joey boy, proud is an understatement.
> joeyb_9: you’re just the coolest most supportive person, my best friend. i’m glad you’re always there.
user: side profile is deadly
user: MVP in my heart
user: POOKIE
> joeyb_9: ev you have created monsters.
> evie: i heart my pookie. 🤣💗
evie’s stories
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198 notes · View notes
ginkgo-phyta · 1 year ago
I'm back again 😅
Hopefully, I'm not the only person with this opinion, but how do you think Spencer would react if his significant other told him that they thought he looked hot with his bulletproof vest on? 👀
omg is this injured spencer request anon?? I NEED TO KNOW im so sorry if it's not tho, whoever you are thank you so much for coming back!! i love you with all my heart you should use a special emoji as like ur own lil signature! :D
okay so i wanted to try blurb(?) format but mmm okay not really cuz just a wall of text was stressing me out but this is def more informal than my other work (look no capital letters!) and because i love you so much i present two scenarios for you :P... i cant fight this feeling anymore guys he rlly is so hot in his vest im becoming my most feral self grrrrr RAH RAH ALRIGHT hope you enjoy, my love!
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OKAY SO SPENCER REACTING TO YOU TELING HIM HE'S HOT IN HIS FBI VEST gn! reader, fluff, second scenario a little steamy in tone but nothing explicit just h*rny vibes, no other warnings
if you weren't a profiler: you'd never thought about it before- spencer in his bulletproof vest. sure, you knew that his job required him to go into sticky situations where the prospect of gunfire was imminent and he would have to wear proper equipment, but you never put two nd two together. you never even thought of a kevlar vest as something that could be hot...until you saw a picture of him wearing it.
"what the hell is that." you blurt out, voice serious with hints of concern.
"huh?" spencer's as clueless as ever, a little worried about your reaction. he was just showing you random photos his team members had taken over the years, all printed out for easy viewing courtesy of the ever-so-accommodating penolope garcia. someone had taken a pic of a beautiful lake where the bau had saved yet another victim, the sun dipping below the horizon line of pine trees, painting the sky purple and pink. "um...the sunset?" spencer was confused, "i guess maybe it was kinda a weird time to take a photo, but no one was hurt and we caught the unsub and the sky really did look-"
you cut off his rambling with a wave of your hand, eyes never leaving the photo in front of you, "no, no...what's that." you point to what you were talking about, a figure standing off to the side.
spencer takes a minute, becoming even more bewildered "...me?" in that moment your world changed.
"oh my god... "you whispered in a daze, firmly pulling the picture out of spencer's fingers and into your own, "what...what are you wearing?"
"honey what's wrong? it's just my bulletproof vest. i know it might look a little funny, but it, y'know, keeps me alive..." he scratches the back of his neck. a couple seconds of silence pass, but to spencer it feels excruciatingly long.
"spencer," you look at up at him deadpan "you look so fucking hot." to say your boyfriend was shocked would be an understatement.
he was absolutely blown away by your response, so much so that the way his face contorted looked borderline disgusted. "wha-what?? huh? what?" he clamored, eyes flitting over your face to find any sign you were joking.
"seriously, baby, you look so good. oh, my God!!" you almost shriek, gripping the picture tighter, the widest, dumbest grin pulling up your cheeks as you giggle like a schoolgirl.
spencer smiles at your reaction, still a little perplexed "you really think so?" the notion begins to sink into his bones, making him giddy.
you very enthusiastically nod your head, "are there any more pictures of you like this?" you rip the rest of the photos out of spencer's hands, scouring through them at light speed. out of nowhere, spencer laughs out loud, his nose scrunching in delight.
"i...don't know what to say. i'm flattered you think that," a wonderful blush shimmers over his cheeks, "but no i don't think there are. sadly." he playfully adds.
you stop all movements, slowly turning towards him, suspiciously calm. "well then," you grab your phone and suddenly stand up "looks like i'll just have to ask penelope for some!"
"wait! wait, no!" spencer calls after you as you start speed-walking away, your shirt barely escaping his fingertips. he yells out your name, his serious tone interrupted by a giggle of his own as he begins chasing you, "get back here!" he knows: garcia can never ever find out about this...
if you were a profiler: you had seen spencer don his FBI branded bulletproof vest hundreds of times over the years. although you had pined over him for years and were now finally in a relationship with him, seeing him like that didn't make you feel any type of way really. sure, you thought he looked strong and handsome, but most of the time you were too caught up in the case or situation at hand to focus on how he looked. until now. something had shifted in him in the last few months, not just with his ever-changing haircut, but within the way he held himself; more confident, more sure of himself, even more cocky, if you will. whatever it was, it drew your eyes to him in his tight little vest like a lightbulb draws in moths- instantly and continuously. it all came to a head when you caught the unsub responsible for drowning and resuscitating his victims until they couldn't be brought back to life. spencer dove into the lake with emily to apprehend the killer while you had helped the kid he had hostage reunite with his mother. you smiled at the scene in front of you, the teenager running into his mother's shaking arms, her holding him close in a tight embrace. another good ending, you thought to yourself before turning back to watch your fellow profilers make the arrest. suddenly, you mouth goes dry. there spencer reid stood; soaking wet, clothes sticking to his skin, chest rising and falling as he panted to catch his breath, his hand pushing his wet hair out of his face. and that stupid, goddamn kevlar vest. oh, fuck. the others walked away from the dock to situate everyone and themselves in respected vehicles that sat back on the road a few hundred feet away from where you currently were. as spencer moved to follow behind emily, hands trying to flick the water off of him, your gaze stopped him in his tracks. he stood there, a bit confused as to why you were walking towards him, seemingly entranced, instead of beelining behind everyone else.
he spoke out your name, but you remained silent, stopping just a couple feet away from him. you took him in one more time: the way his shirt became translucent, granting you with peeks of his skin; his sleeves rolled up, showing off his delicious forearms; the way his soaked pants choked his thick thighs. you became woozy with desire. spencer watched as your eyes dragged over his figure, drinking in every inch of his dripping body. "oh, baby..." you voice drawled out as soon as your gaze landed on his bulletproof vest, "you're absolutely soaking wet." spencer's eyebrows shot up his forehead at the suggestive twinkle in your timbre. you approached him further, chest just inches away from his. if he wasn't so intrigued by your reaction, he would have been a bit more cautious of lingering teammates. your hands came up to ghost over his vest, "did i ever tell you how good i think you look in this?" you looked up at him through your lashes.
spencer chuckled, "in the bulletproof vest?" you nodded in response, but spencer still couldn't really believe it. "uh, no, actually, you haven't." his eyes glinted at the way you bit your lip, his hands moving on their own accord to rest on your hips. you could feel droplets of water seep into the material and lick your skin, but you didn't give a rat's ass.
"well, you do." you whisper, hands wrapping around the back of his neck as you pull yourself up to press a kiss to his lips, "really, really good." your mouth moves enticingly with his.
"oh? is that so?" he whispers against your lips, diving back in, his fingers digging in your hips. he graciously kisses you for a moment before it dawns on him that you're both still at work- in an active crime scene, at that. "mmh, mmh!" he vocalizes between kisses as he tries to move his head back a smidge. his eyes peak open just enough to see if anyone else was around. your lips are addicting, rendering him unable to fully tell you to stop, unable to fully pull away himself. he's relieved when he spots no one. still, he know this is far from appropriate. spencer's hands move up your body to wrap around your wrists behind him, pulling them away from him and the same time he pulled away from you, "okay, okay!" he breathes out with a chuckle, "i believe you now" he tries to catch his bearings, but your pouting face causes him to laugh again
"spencerrrr," you groan at the loss of your beloved's kisses and he turns you around and pushes you towards the spot where the others vanished, walking behind you with his hands on your shoulders, your body held at an arm's distance.
"let's go, angel." his words brought out a hmph! from you. "we can do more of that later at home" he whispers, leaning in ever-so-slightly.
you turn your head back to get a glimpse of him, your eyes and smile equally wide with excitement, "can you bring the vest with you?!"
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A/N: OKAYYYY lemme stop myself before things get filthy LOL do yall know which episode im referring to in the second scenario? that end scene will always get me my eye are GLUED to spencer the entire time GODDAMN. okay anyway i hope you liked this anon!!! pls tell me yalls thoughts <3
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allyallyorange · 1 year ago
Master Post for Ateez Adventure Time AU
Ok let's get into it! I'll be adding to this post whenever I post anything new for the AU! I'm going to try to organize everything so that it's in chronological order of the story! There are a few arcs I've got planned too so I'll try to make everything as clear as possible haha
(also I do my best but sometimes I confuse myself with exact ages of the characters and exactly like. what time of year things would take place, but think of it like any CN show we grew up with - time is seemingly an illusion if I don't think about it too much...)
Also!! Thank you so much to everyone who has said they enjoy my au!! you help me stay motivated! I'm having so much fun drawing this stuff ♡
Lineup for ref:
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Good to know points about the AU:
Universe A = main universe
**this au is inspired by Adventure Time. I'm not using main characters from AT, just using the general vibe of the show and some plot points and character points (ex: Vampires drink the colour red)
Universe Z = no magic universe
Ages at the beginning of the story (approximately):
Seonghwa - 1000 (physically 25)
Hongjoong - 2500 (physically 25)
Yunho - 24
Yeosang - 850/900 (physically 24)
San - a little over 100 (physically 23)
Mingi - a little more than 600 (physically 23)
Wooyoung - 23
Jongho - 22
**characters who are "immortal" age about 1 year over the course of 100 years (SH, HJ, YS). San and Mingi are not immortal but didn't age due to other circumstances (in hell time works differently, and MG was frozen for 600 years)
List of Spotify playlists if you're interested!
Misc doodles dumps that include things from pre/post/main story and idk where to put
Character lineup plus other doodles
Hongjoong and Mingi (they're bros)
Hongjoong doodle
Character lineup for final battle
Pre-Story (Universe A)
Seonghwa Logs
Pieces of the past
The star and his flower
Cuddle for warmth
Slipping through my fingers…
Hongjoong and Seonghwa meet
Big Brother and Little Brother
First Demon Prince Show
Glasses required
Sleepy brothers
Wooyoung summons a friend
Helpful Human
Yunho and San
Sleepy Heroes
No Ice Demons in the Workshop
Seonghwa + Yeosang, Hongjoong + Mingi profiles
Jongho + Yunho, San + Wooyoung profiles
Pre-Story (Universe Z)
Yunho and Mingi (age 13)
2ho and Mingi playing video games
After School
Spider-Man 3
Cold Hands
Walkie Talkies and ice cream
Post Joyride with Jongho and Mingi
Wish You Loved Me
Hyung’s Glasses
Yunho The Human
2ho Universe Z to A
Looking for Yunho
Main Story
Living in the forest
The Same
Jongho and Mingi doodle
Afraid of nothing, Afraid of everything
Yeosang meets team Woosanho
The story of The Beast (as told by Wooyoung)
Hongjoong meets Jongho
Team Hongjoong arguing as always
Almost tolerable
Don't kidnap people unless you're ready for friendship??
First meeting: Fire and Ice
First meeting: Yeo meets team Joong
Strawberry boys
Sharing mom
Grocery Shopping
Cold hugs
San and Mingi hug
Hero boys!
Hongjoong isn't scary. MG and YH becoming friends again?
Ouch! Hot
Wooyoung and San's room
Sleeping on the shed (Hongjoong and Seonghwa)
Seongjoong awkwardness
Yunho's photos
He wants to join...
Vintage shirt
Window visit
The Boy and The Beast
Some words are said
Jongho after the accident
Cool scars (Jongho)
Summer Boys!
Beach episode
Chill day
Big bro Little bro
Hey, Joong!
Post-Story (Yeosang arc)
Dimension hopping with friends (lineup)
Somewhere in another dimension...
Universe V
Evil Yeo doodle
Sorry Princess
Heart to Heart
Out of Time
Post-Story (Mingi arc)
The End of The Beast
After everything
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richarlotte · 7 months ago
The Health Club Aura.
When I was working at my local country club, I had a member tell me that I had a health club aura. She told me that every time she saw me, I always looked refreshed, my hair was always perfect, my makeup stayed on point, my nails were beautiful, and I had an aura of health and wellness around me. I wore entirely white outfits, and she told me that she’d seen me at the end of long shifts, and I always looked like I’d just started. I always smiled, and I was an island of relaxation in an otherwise fast paced club and course.
Hydration, skincare, losing weight, and proper nutrition played the biggest roles in getting this aura. I completely changed my diet and started drinking the cucumber, lemon-lime, and fruit infused water that was available in the club. I lessened the amount of processed food I was eating and started watching what I ate, and I was obviously walking and putting my back into the classes I would take in the health club area of my country club. I started Pilates and Barre and would take 2 classes per day, 5 days per week. Immersing myself in that world, following the lead of my friends, and spending time in that environment really improved me and helped to shape my mind.
As for looks, all of the girls who were working as Bev Cart Girls or Front Desk Girls had a rule. We could wear the colors of the club, lighter colors, or bright white. Because I would rotate between my cart and the front desk, I’d wear white exercise sets. I thought they popped on my skin; I kept my hair long and loose; I wore white tennis shoes and visors; and I always had natural makeup and French tips. I grew up in a high-income neighborhood, and this club was known to tip well, but on my best day on my cart, I made around $2,100 in cash tips. Physical beauty wasn't huge and weight was “negotiable”, but fitting the part and conveying a vibe of relaxed luxury absolutely was.
My personality was absolutely what carried me. I’m definitely extroverted; I love being social with people and getting to know my peers, and I think that having a good personality and being willing to spend time getting to know people absolutely changed things for me. As soon as I started putting an effort into getting to know people, I found that more and more people wanted to get to know me. An integral part of the job was just sitting up front, taking names, checking people in and out, and asking how their day had been before they came to see me. It wasn’t just men; it was women and teenagers too. This job and the social skills I learned from it completely how I view the world now.
The most important thing that the job gave me was the health club aura I had. I learned so much from women who came from high-profile families in my city and worked alongside their daughters; I made some of the best money of my life; and I made connections and met people who elevated me to better jobs, gave me more opportunities, and played their part in my life. It's really just a jokey nickname for the way people view me; I think that it's a play on the fact that my home club had a group of young women who called themselves the Health Club Girls. Life is about putting yourself in proximity to privilege in order to level up with less difficulty, and for me, that meant working somewhere where I could watch and learn.
TL;DR: Sometimes you have to apply to jobs that will give you access to the life you want and use those jobs as stepping stones to a connections and a better life. It’s working smart, not hard.
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