#- lets dance to joy division and celebrate the irony everything is going wrong but we're so happy
deeisace · 1 year
all tasks complete! *video game achievement noise*
i feel like i should do An Art of some form or another but tbh i’d rather have a nap
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firstelevens · 2 years
🎵 + Shawn Spencer
I have truly never thought about pairing Shawn Spencer with a song until this moment, but if I have to pick, I think it's "Let's Dance to Joy Division" by The Wombats.
Let's dance to Joy Division and celebrate the irony Everything is going wrong, but we're so happy
It just feels like a solid combination of Shawn's choice to face genuinely harrowing things with humor (Psych is a murder-comedy show! And that shouldn't work! But it does!) and the sort of defiantly-celebratory vibe just feels like it suits him.
(Also, I just really love this song, and I love Shawn Spencer, so.)
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smithbrick · 1 year
Something bad is 'bout to happen to me I don't know it, but I feel it coming
Dark Red by Steve Lacy
It's my mind that's wrong And I just let bad thoughts Linger for far too long
Brain Stew by Green Day
As time ticks by, still I try No rest for crosstops in my mind On my own, here we go
This House is a Circus by Arctic Monkeys
The more you open your mouth, the more you're forcing performance And all the attention is leading me to feel important (Completely obnoxious, completely obnoxious now) Now that we're here, we may as well go too far
Let's Dance to Joy Division by The Wombats
Let's dance to Joy Division And celebrate the irony Everything is going wrong But we're so happy
Growing Sideways by Noah Kahan
But I ignore things and I move sideways 'Til I forget what I felt in the first place At the end of the day, I know there are worse ways to stay alive 'Cause everyone's growing and everyone's healthy I'm terrified that I might never have met me Oh, if my engine works perfect on empty I guess I'll drive
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elizzatron · 2 years
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"… Let's dance to Joy Division And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong But we're so happy" -the wombats
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vicevirtue · 6 years
there should be a song called “lets dance to ‘lets dance to joy division’” bc that song is such a BOP
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I've had a couple people ask me what my handle is about. So here it is for you.
Ian Curtis was the lead singer and guitarist for Joy Division, arguably the band that founded the post punk and experimental indie music genres. His music was bold, strange, ethereal, dark. Filled with imagery of desolation, emptiness, and alienation. It was groundbreaking for music at the time.
Ian struggled with epilepsy and depression and, tragically, committed suicide shortly after he started making it big. The light and stimulation from a world stage was too much for his epileptic episodes and he broke mentally. His story is like that of so many other brilliant poets and musicians. Scott Hutchinson(m), Kurt Colbain(m), Sylvia Plath(p), Anne Sexton(p), Chris Cornell(m), Chester Bennington(m) to name a few. Suicide was nearly my story.
Joy Division has greatly influenced my knowledge and freedom in music and poetry. The Wombats have a song that has always meant a lot to me for these reasons. I see it as a tribute to Ian, to every starving artist on the brink of self destruction, and to all the ones that did implode.
Please remember friends, there is always someone to listen and there is always another way, even in your pain.
I am not alone. You are not alone.
Let's Dance to Joy Division
Song by The Wombats
I'm back in Liverpool
And everything seems the same
But I worked something out last night
That changed this little boy's brain
A small piece of advice
That took twenty-two years in the making
And I will break it for you now
Please learn from my mistakes
Please learn from my mistakes
Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
Let's dance to Joy Division
And raise our glass to the ceiling
'Cause this could all go so wrong
But we're so happy
Yeah, we're so happy
So, if you're ever feeling down
Grab your purse and take a taxi
To the darkest side of town
That's where we'll be
And we will wait for you
And lead you through the dance floor
Up to the DJ booth
You know what to ask for
You know what to ask for
Go ask for Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
Let's dance to Joy Division
And raise our glass to the ceiling
'Cause this could all go so wrong
But we're so happy
Yeah, we're so happy
Let the love tear us apart
I found the cure for a broken heart
Let it tear us apart
Let the love tear us apart
I found the cure for a broken heart
Let it tear us apart (let it tear us apart)
So, let the love tear us apart
I found the cure for a broken heart
Let it tear us apart (let it tear us apart)
So, let the love tear us apart
I found the cure for a broken heart
Let it tear us apart, let it tear us apart, let it tear us apart
Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
Let's dance to Joy Division
And raise our glass to the ceiling
'Cause this could all go so wrong
But we're so happy
Yeah, we're so happy
So happy
Yeah, we're so happy
So happy
Yeah, we're so happy
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enbysiriusblack · 3 years
omg can u pls write some jegulily
Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
Sirius had finally put on the joy division vinyl, after constant persuasion from Lily. She grinned as she heard the opening of 'Disorder' play.
Lily turned to Regulus sitting next to her, reading an article from the paper about the war and growing rates of death.
"Come dance with me", she said, trying to distract him and herself from thinking about the war.
Soon, James came over and started dancing with them. They laughed as they spun around in each other's arms.
Let's dance to Joy Division
And raise our glass to the ceiling
'Cause this could all go so wrong
But we're so happy
They danced and danced, opened a bottle of champagne and then danced some more.
They forgot about all their problems, about the war, Regulus' parents, the Order, that they had to keep their relationship a secret.
Life was shit. But they were happy together, dancing to Joy division.
Thing's were going to go wrong for all of them, but they were happy and in love. So they enjoyed the moment, dancing with each other.
They let themselves forget the world for a minute, and let themselves be happy instead.
Let the love tear us apart
I found the cure for a broken heart
Let it tear us apart
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remuslupininskirts · 3 years
Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
- let’s dance to joy division
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mafaldaknows · 3 years
Add this to your Charmie playlist:
I'm back in Liverpool
And everything seems the same
But I worked something out last night
That changed this little boy's brain
A small piece of advice
That took twenty-two years in the making
And I will break it for you now
Please learn from my mistakes
Please learn from my mistakes
Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
Let's dance to Joy Division
And raise our glass to the ceiling
'Cause this could all go so wrong
But we're so happy
Yeah, we're so happy
So, if you're ever feeling down
Grab your purse and take a taxi
To the darkest side of town
That's where we'll be
And we will wait for you
And lead you through the dance floor
Up to the DJ booth
You know what to ask for
You know what to ask for
Go ask for Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
Let's dance to Joy Division
And raise our glass to the ceiling
'Cause this could all go so wrong
But we're so happy
Yeah, we're so happy
Let the love tear us apart
I found the cure for a broken heart
Let it tear us apart
Let the love tear us apart
I found the cure for a broken heart
Let it tear us apart (let it tear us apart)
So, let the love tear us apart
I found the cure for a broken heart
Let it tear us apart (let it tear us apart)
So, let the love tear us apart
I found the cure for a broken heart
Let it tear us apart, let it tear us apart, let it tear us apart
Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
Let's dance to Joy Division
And raise our glass to the ceiling
'Cause this could all go so wrong
But we're so happy
Yeah, we're so happy
So happy
Yeah, we're so happy
So happy
Yeah, we're so happy
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Daniel Joseph Haggis / Matthew Edward Murphy / Tord Oeverland Knudsen
Let's Dance to Joy Division lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.
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atsumusc0ck · 4 years
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song by The Wombats
Semi x Reader
Content: alcohol, unrequited love?, cheating (not by Semi)
Happy Birthday Semi!
I'm back in Liverpool
And everything seems the same
But I worked something out last night
That changed this little boy's brain
It had been two whole years since you last saw Semi. Since you both downed Mickey’s and LTD on your shitty couch you found on the side of the road. Falling into each other in fits of laughter. Semi was the type of friend you could see yourself loving more than the usual platonic relationship. But you knew never to take it further. When he was last here in Liverpool with you you knew this most. His gorgeous girlfriend, bassist for a great band. It’s hard to compete when the most you can do is be a roadie. Always feeling second rate to her. Of course, when they finally broke it off you thought you had a chance. You figured support him as a friend til his heart heals and then when the moment is right tell him. But the moment never came when Semi decided to mend his broken heart he had to go back to Japan. 
A small piece of advice
That took twenty-two years in the making
And I will break it for you now
Please learn from my mistakes
Please learn from my mistakes
But now, after all this time he was back. He looked the same and acted the same. Your old Semi was back, no more broken heart. The same couldn’t be said for you. Trying to move on from the unrequited love for your best friend you had found someone else. A shame he was a sleazebag who cheated. You supposed settling could only get you so far. When Semi returned and heard all this news of everything that happened, you learned Semi wasn’t the same Semi as before. 
“Let’s go out” he was so eager
How many years of comfort from ice cream and pajamas had you spent together after every heartbreak for him to suggest such bullshit. What? Go out and sleep with a stranger to rebound? That wasn’t your m.o. 
“Trust me it won’t be like that”
And so the weekend came, and here you are dressed up to go to a club that honestly was inches away from being a dive bar. 
Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
But Eita knew you better than anyone else. So you left your hesitation and hermiting desires at the door and piled into a cab with him and friends to the Rat Trap. Drinks and laughs were shared. As the night grew your friends had peeled off to go home or to other weekend events. But Semi and You stayed right there. The two of you could be happy anywhere. 
Let's dance to Joy Division
And raise our glass to the ceiling
'Cause this could all go so wrong
But we're so happy
Yeah, we're so happy
Something about the low budget colored lights made Semi look so perfect. The buzz of cheap off-brand fireball filling your body as the two of you danced. There’s something about being so happy and close that always makes your heart race. Makes you want to risk everything just for him to be yours. Even if it could go totally wrong. Inhibitions out the door, unsure if you were drunker off whiskey or him. 
Go ask for Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
“Hey Semi?” “Yes, Darling?” His little pet names lighting the fire in you. “Fuck it.” You state staring into his eyes. “Fuck it?” He inquires. “Fuck it!”
Let's dance to Joy Division
And raise our glass to the ceiling
'Cause this could all go so wrong
But we're so happy
Yeah, we're so happy
And after many years of pining, you finally do it. You lean in and kiss Eitai. The kiss you have always wanted to give him. No expectations of anything in return, but to your delight he kisses back. His lips warm with whiskey biting through. Sliding his tongue in all you can do it melt into him, the light taste of tobacco still lingering in his mouth. 
Let the love tear us apart
I found the cure for a broken heart
Let it tear us apart
Pulling away for air after what felt like an eternity sucking face you look into his eyes. Kissing is kissing when drunk but how he actually feels begins to be the question racing in your mind. Before you can overthink further he’s leading you to the exit and hailing a taxi.
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115camilicious · 2 years
"Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But, we're so happy"
#Music #TheWombats
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deeisace · 1 year
Also also I have "let's dance to joy Division" in my head but idk all the words by heart so I'll have to wait to listen to the wombats once I'm home
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beautsentences · 3 years
"So, let the love tear us apart
I found the cure for a broken heart
Let it tear us apart, let it tear us apart, let it tear us apart
Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy!"
- The Wombats
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Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
(So let the love tear us apart,
I found the cure for a broken heart)
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remuslupininskirts · 3 years
Let's dance to Joy Division / And celebrate the irony / Everything is going wrong / But we're so happy
- let’s dance to joy division by the wombats
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